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EVERY single human being on the planet should watch this!
28 July 2008
This series of 5 shows was OUTSTANDING! Everyone from a 3rd grader up to an octogenarian will enjoy this and gain new knowledge about the planet on which we reside.

How do waves form? What does the inside of a glacier look like? How did carbon dioxide SAVE our planet? How did the dinosaurs become extinct? Why do the continents shift? Why we are actually living under water (similar to a lobster) and don't even realize it. How did life form? How did our planet form? How did Earth's sister planet Theia create the moon? Why the moon is slowly but surely leaving planet Earth. How Jupiter protects the Earth. Etc, etc, etc.... all of these questions and many, many more are tackled in this program.

The explanation of these events is extremely well presented using actual footage and computer generated images. This is a must see by all.

Happy viewing!
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Jarhead (2005)
Jarhead = "Three Kings" Meets Poor Man's "Full Metal Jacket"
17 November 2005
Warning: Spoilers
We went to see Jarhead with high expectations. After seeing the film, it didn't live up to those expectations.

While it certainly wasn't a "bad" movie, it wasn't a great one either. The movie did have some very funny parts to it and the absurdity of war was certainly shown in the forefront.

However, this was really just a poor attempt to make a great film by taking bits and pieces from other films already made. I mean they even put in actual footage from Apocalypse Now! And the beginning of the movie might just as well have been the Dollar Store's version of Full Metal Jacket with the drill instructor pathetically trying to be R. Lee Ermey. The notion of the absurdity of war was "borrowed" right from Three Kings (but used in a different way). And the list went on and on.

Is the movie worth watching? Yeah, sure... but you might as well wait for it to come out on DVD. However, if you are in the armed forces (thank you for your service to our country), you might want to see it in the theatre as you would probably relate to the movie much better than us civilians.

It did give a different perspective regarding the life of a Marine which was interesting, but all in all it just wasn't anything special. However, I will say that Jamie Foxx did a nice job of acting in the movie.

I'd say go watch this film and then go watch Full Metal Jacket and you'll realize the sheer genius of Stanley Kubrick. People wonder why the box office is losing money... it's because the quality of film making today pales in comparison with many of the greats of the past.

Anyway, this movie gets a 6 out of 10. "Oo-rah."
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Sometimes in April (2005 TV Movie)
28 June 2005
Warning: Spoilers
This is a very solid and emotionally moving film.

If you can handle 4 hours of watching the plight of the Rwandans, then I would highly recommend watching "Sometimes in April" and then following it up with "Hotel Rwanda." (This is of course assuming that you have not seen either film.) The reason why I say that is because of the differences between the two films.

"Sometimes in April" tells the story of one man's family and how they are directly affected by the genocide that is taking place in their country. The main character, Augustin Muganza, is the director's tool for showing the tremendous pain and suffering that went on there. This movie is far more graphic and emotionally disturbing to watch than Hotel Rwanda. At the same time however, it better depicts the "realities" of what life must have been like for Rawandans during that time.

"Hotel Rwanda" on the other hand is more about the story of a hero. The main character, Paul Rusesabagina, is very much like the man from Schindler's List (Oskar Schindler). Paul is a hero in every sense of the word and a character that you will be enamored with. Thus, this movie still tells the story of the genocide, but in a much different point of view and with far less graphic depictions of the atrocities. With that said, if you watch "Sometimes in April" first, you will appreciate Paul's heroics even more so.

Both movies have great acting and are well written. Two different perspectives on one terrible moment in human history. Both are definitely recommended.
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City of God (2002)
Tarantino Lovers...
28 June 2005
I give City of God a brilliant 10 stars.

I rented this DVD solely based on seeing the high score it received here on IMDb. It currently ranks in the Top 20 movies on here of all time and rightfully so.

If you are a fan of Quentin Tarantino, then without question, you definitely need to check this film out. While Quentin did not direct this, the style is very similar to most of his flicks. In fact, "City of God" far surpasses anything done by QT.

This movie has it all... action, suspense, comedy, gangs, mystery, drugs, violence and even a little romance thrown in here and there.

The entire movie is subtitled, but the film is so good that you will be forgetting that the subtitles are there after 5 minutes or so.

Finally, the film is completely original and there is nothing out there that closely resembles it. The characters and the acting are superb. These are seriously some of the best characters to ever appear on the Silver Screen. You'll love some of the characters, hate some of the characters, but you will be emotionally involved with all of them due to the superb writing that went into the script. It's a great movie and I highly recommend renting it ASAP.

Happy Viewing!
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Coach Carter (2005)
"Lean on Me" meets "Miracle"
26 June 2005
I give this movie 7 stars.

All in all this is a good movie. As the title suggests, it is basically "Lean on Me" (Morgan Freeman) merged together with "Miracle" (Kurt Russell).

Of course the sport here is basketball instead of ice hockey, but the story is very good.

Jackson's performance was solid as expected and the supporting cast made the story believable. While it certainly was not the best sports movie ever made, it is based on a true story and is worth a rental if you like Samuel Jackson and/or if are into sports movies.

Happy Viewing!
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Indiana Jones/James Bond Wanna-Be Flick
13 June 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I give this movie a 4.5 out of 10.

If you want to watch a good comedy, this is the movie for you. The comedy from this movie stems from the fact that it is so bad, it is actually sort of amusing.

This entire movie is basically a pathetic version of "Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade." The only real difference (besides the poorly written script) is that the treasure hunting takes place in the United States instead of Europe. Notice that the Last Crusade has a rating of above 8 on here and is currently ranked in the Top 150 movies on IMDb of all time, whereas National Treasure has a weak 6.6 rating (at the time of this post). In reality the gap between the quality of these two movies is massive... it's the difference between winning the SuperBowl and your high school league championship.

There are a few funny parts to the movie and overall the acting was above average. However, the mistakes and inaccuracies throughout the movie were laughable at best. Based on the movie, it might be easier to steal the Declaration of Independence than it would be to steal an article of clothing from your local department store. LOL All of the main items in the National Archives can immediately be dropped down into vaults that can withstand a nuclear holocaust, so the lack of security shown in the movie was simply hilarious. Many websites need you to include at least one number in your password for security purposes, but not the National Archives. I used to work at a bank and everything involving the vault involved at least two people for security reasons... but at the National Archives in this movie, Cage can just waltz right in by himself since double authorization apparently doesn't happen in the institution that houses our most precious documents. (roll eyes) Omissions like these occur throughout the movie and make much of it totally implausible.

Anyway, if you really like treasure hunting and can look past the terrible writing along with the wanna-be James Bond/Indiana Jones character, then rent it. But there are many better options out there to watch in my opinion.

Good luck and happy viewing!
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Something the Lord Made (2004 TV Movie)
Amazing Story!!!
12 June 2005
I give this movie 9.5 stars.

We just watched this on DVD tonight and it was OUTSTANDING! Both the acting and the script were superb.

Without giving away any of the movie, my advice is if you like movies that are based on true stories that are heartwarming, educational and motivational, then go out and rent this movie.

Further fascinating info about the main characters can be found by searching online (after you've seen the movie of course) if your curiosity is still aroused. Additionally, listening to the commentary feature during the movie was very interesting as well.

If you or someone close to you has ever had heart surgery, then this is a must see.
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The Final Cut (2004)
Cutting Room Floor...
31 May 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I'm giving this movie a 7.5 out of 10.

While the movie is not the greatest movie ever made, it certainly gets points for being original. The concepts in the movie really make you ponder what your life would be like if everything you've done in your life had been recorded by your own 2 eyes.

Think about it... what have you done in your life that once you are dead, you wouldn't want anyone to ever know about? It is very Orwellian in nature and has you contemplating which side of the fence to be on for much of the movie.

It has a little bit of a sci-fi/futuristic theme to it, but not nearly enough to scare off non-sci-fi fans.

If you want a movie that has an original idea that hasn't been done before with a great actor (Robin Williams) as the lead, then this is a good movie for you to check out. If you don't like movies that pose deep questions for your mind to entertain and if you don't like Robin Williams, then there are other movies that would be better choices for you to watch.
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Are we...
31 May 2005
This movie is currently a 3.5 rating. It's not that bad. Is it a great comedy... No.

It is a family movie that is more for 10 year old kids. It is sort of like a Home Alone movie, except in the car. Thus, it is National Lampoon's Vacation mixed together with Home Alone, but not as funny.

It is certainly not your typical Ice Cube movie by any stretch of the imagination.

If you like Cube and want a movie that the whole family can enjoy, then this may be good for you. Otherwise, there are much better comedies to choose from.
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If you liked Harold & Kumar...
31 May 2005
If you liked Harold & Kumar, then you may find this movie funny. However, it is not a movie centered around drugs like the afore-mentioned was. There is a weed scene in Where's the Party, but nothing on the scale of Harold & Kumar.

Basically there are 2 general groups of people that will find this particularly funny: 1) Kal Penn fans.

2) Anyone who finds racial stereotypes funny.

As a whole, this movie had some pretty funny moments in it. However, it big time paled in comparison to Harold & Kumar go to Whitecastle.

If you fall into one of the two categories above, check this movie out. If not, you'll probably want to skip this movie and pick something else instead.
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Best of the Latest Trilogy
21 May 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Wow! Lots of expectations, lots to live up to and nowhere to go but down. However Lucas does a masterful job of putting together his finest work of the new trilogy.

The opening scenes of the movie make you feel like you are on "Star Tours" in Disneyland. The action looks close to 3D and makes you almost feel like you are in the action yourself. This beginning is the best special effects sequence I have ever witnessed on the big screen.

Oh and in case you didn't know, Mr. Lucas plans to re-release all 6 movies (one per year) in the theaters starting in 2007 (the 30th anniversary of Star Wars) all in 3D!!!! Moving right along, this was one of the most bizarre events in movie history. That being that everyone knows about the Star Wars characters and thus, everyone knew what this movie was going to be about years ago. However, knowing what was to come in advance did not spoil anything as Vader's transition to the Dark Side was extremely dark and exceeded expectations. The Emperor cast his shroud of pure evil convincing Anakin to become Darth Vader.

And for all of you that say "what about this little detail and that little detail," I say who cares! That is the genius of Lucas. He doesn't really care about every tiny, minute detail as he knows he can never perfectly match up EVERY single tiny detail between the two trilogies. If you want proof of that, then he never would have added in the scene with the CGI Jabba scene on the New Hope DVD where Harrison Ford calls Jabba "a wonderful human being" (a scene that was never printed on the original release as Ford was talking to a human playing the role of Jabba). Lucas knew that this would be an error, but knew those who were intelligent enough would "get it." However, if you want to talk about great storytelling, go back and watch the original trilogy (IV-VI). You will see that Vader's transformation to the Dark Side by the Emperor was eerily similar to how Vader attempted to turn Luke to the Dark Side in Empire Strikes Back. Furthermore, as just one more example of many, in Empire Strikes Back, Yoda forces Luke into the cavern where he faces what he believes to be Vader. He chops off Vader's head only to reveal Luke's own face in the helmet. This is clearly reflected in the Revenge of the Sith when Anakin is having the nightmares (future revelations) about Padme. Both of these events foretold possible paths down the avenue of the Dark Side for the father and son.

Additionally, we get to see how many of Anakin's comments from Attack of the Clones foreshadowed events in the Revenge of the Sith. Comments about having the power to prevent others from dying, having one person lead the Senate like a dictator, becoming the most powerful Jedi ever, etc, etc, etc. These comments made for a smooth transition between Episodes II and III. Moreover, items such as the triangular shaped Star Destroyers, plans for the original Death Star, Chewbacca, the emergence of the StormTroopers, Yoda's final assignment to Obi-Wan, etc all made outstanding tie-ins between episodes III and IV.

When all is said and done, this entire 6 episode saga is about one thing... the story of a family. In episode I, Anakin leaves his only family (his mother) to join a new family (the Jedi). In episode II, he loses his only real family as his mother dies, only to gain a new member in Padme. In III, Anakin is so scared of losing his only real family, that his fear leads him to the Dark Side as his hatred leads him to kill off his former Jedi family. In episode IV, it is Luke who loses his only family, his Uncle and his Aunt who were like his parents. In V, it is revealed that Vader is Luke's father and in VI, it is the father that saves the son and Luke is reunited with his sister that he did not know that he had. So in the end, it was Anakin who betrayed his surrogate family (the Jedi) while Luke did not betray his surrogate family (Han, Leia, Yoda, Obi-Wan, etc). It was Anakin who did bring balance to the Force by killing the Emperor and saving his blood family. Furthermore, Anakin redeems himself with the Jedi family as evidenced by Yoda, Anakin and Obi-Wan together at the end of Return of the Jedi.

In Revenge of the Sith, Lucas masterfully transforms a Darth Vader that was previously thought of as "pure evil" into a figure of tragedy. And not so ironically, it is implied that perhaps if Anakin did not switch to the Dark Side that Padme could have possibly lived (as evidenced by Obi-Wan being in the second dream sequence... if Anakin had not switched over, Obi-Wan and Padme never would have been together in that exact place in that exact situation as they went in search of the new Darth Vader). And had Obi-Wan killed Anakin, who knows if the Emperor ever would have been stopped, as it was Vader who ends the Emperor's reign by killing him in Return of the Jedi. Yoda could not stop the Emperor in Revenge of the Sith and Luke could not defeat him in Return of the Jedi, so it could be assumed that if Anakin were killed, that perhaps no one would have ever defeated the Emperor and returned peace to the galaxy.

As you can see, it all comes together masterfully.

In conclusion, GO SEE THIS ON THE BIG SCREEN!!!! Well done Mr. Lucas!
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Saw (2004)
If you liked The Usual Suspects...
24 April 2005
... then you should watch Saw. While it is completely different from The Usual Suspects, it has the same brilliant theme taking place in the background, of having the viewer never knowing exactly who is behind the scenes pulling the strings.

If you want to watch a movie that is completely original and that will keep you guessing, this is it!!! If you want to watch the same "cookie cutter" movie where you know exactly what the ending will be 15 minutes into the feature, then this is not the movie for you.

Are there some "holes" in the movie that don't add up 100%? Of course there are, but they are extremely minor, especially for a horror movie.

In any event, if you want to watch a great thriller that will stimulate your mind, go and check out Saw!
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Much Better than the 2005 Remake!!!
18 April 2005
Warning: Spoilers
For those of you that have not yet seen either movie, think hard about which one you want to see first. It had been well over 10 years since I had seen the original and I remembered very, very little of it.

Thus, we went to see the 2005 version first. The movie is a great horror flick in the sense that it isn't your typical everyday horror movie. It is the script that makes the movie great. Van Wilder, I mean Ryan Reynolds, was great in the movie and is becoming a blooming actor.

Immediately after watching the new version, we came home and watched the original version on DVD.

This is the biggest difference: The original assumes the viewer is intelligent while the new version needs to go to great lengths to spell everything out for the viewer.

Some examples (warning mini-spoilers involved):

1) The clock: In the original, you see that he keeps waking up at a certain time, while in the new version, they show you the alarm clock stuck at that time from the start.

2) The murders: In the original, you don't actually see the murders in a graphic fashion, while the new one shows everything. Psycho is one of the best thrillers of all time, yet Hitchcock shows no violence... his genius is that he leaves it all up to the viewers' imaginations.

3) The babysitter: In the original, she is a geek with braces complete with matching headgear. In the new version, she is a hooch who wants to hook up with a boy much younger than her. (Though I must admit she was a cool addition.) :) 4) Characters: In the original, there are a bunch of characters that make up the core of the movie. In the new version, the number of important characters are reduced to a minimum. Once again, this is a way to play "down" to the audience as if we can't handle processing a larger number of characters.

5) Supernatural: The original is much more religious in nature. The original is much more like the Exorcist or the Omen. The new version is more focused on the shock value. The new version is more like a Freddie or a Jason movie in that regard when comparing the original and new versions.

And those 5 items listed above are just the tip of the iceberg.

After seeing the new version, we came home and watched the original. The verdict?: NO COMPARISON. While the new version is very good, it pales in comparison to the original. The original just has a much better storyline and will leave you more scared, despite doing so with less on screen violence. The original is more "spooky" while the new version is more "shocking" and far less spooky.

In conclusion, if you saw the new version and liked it, make sure to go and rent the original... you'll be in a for a pleasant surprise! And since the story lines are completely different, it is like watching an entirely different movie.

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Completely Different than the Original... Though the Original was Better!
18 April 2005
Warning: Spoilers
For those of you that have not yet seen either movie, think hard about which one you want to see first. It had been well over 10 years since I had seen the original and I remembered very, very little of it.

Thus, we went to see the 2005 version first. The movie is a great horror flick in the sense that it isn't your typical everyday horror movie. It is the script that makes the movie great. Van Wilder, I mean Ryan Reynolds, was great in the movie and is becoming a blooming actor.

Immediately after watching the new version, we came home and watched the original version on DVD.

This is the biggest difference: The original assumes the viewer is intelligent while the new version needs to go to great lengths to spell everything out for the viewer.

Some examples (warning mini-spoilers involved):

1) The clock: In the original, you see that he keeps waking up at a certain time, while in the new version, they show you the alarm clock stuck at that time from the start.

2) The murders: In the original, you don't actually see the murders in a graphic fashion, while the new one shows everything. Psycho is one of the best thrillers of all time, yet Hitchcock shows no violence... his genius is that he leaves it all up to the viewers' imaginations.

3) The babysitter: In the original, she is a geek with braces complete with matching headgear. In the new version, she is a hooch who wants to hook up with a boy much younger than her. (Though I must admit she was a cool addition.) :) 4) Characters: In the original, there are a bunch of characters that make up the core of the movie. In the new version, the number of important characters are reduced to a minimum. Once again, this is a way to play "down" to the audience as if we can't handle processing a larger number of characters.

5) Supernatural: The original is much more religious in nature. The original is much more like the Exorcist or the Omen. The new version is more focused on the shock value. The new version is more like a Freddie or a Jason movie in that regard when comparing the original and new versions.

And those 5 items listed above are just the tip of the iceberg.

After seeing the new version, we came home and watched the original. The verdict?: NO COMPARISON. While the new version is very good, it pales in comparison to the original. The original just has a much better storyline and will leave you more scared, despite doing so with less on screen violence. The original is more "spooky" while the new version is more "shocking" and far less spooky.

In conclusion, if you saw the new version and liked it, make sure to go and rent the original... you'll be in a for a pleasant surprise! And since the story lines are completely different, it is like watching an entirely different movie.

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Cocoon (1985)
Great Entertaining Film
10 July 2003
I just finished watching this movie again on TV. While many people may view this film and consider it a movie about a bunch of old people and some aliens, that is only part of the story.

This movie is deeper than that with a underlying theme about life and death. Is it better to live a "regular" life on earth or to live forever and forsake your family and loved ones to achieve this immortality? This ideal is exemplified by the character of Bernie (watch and see).

The rest of the movie is full of lighthearted humor and some very moving moments that will bring tears to your eyes.

Outstanding movie with great special effects for its time. 8.5 Stars.
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Novocaine (2001)
Haunting Tale of Drugs, Incest, Murder and Adultery
4 July 2003
I just finished watching this movie for the first time and all I can say is "Wow." This was not the Steve Martin that I am used to. This was darker than the most evil version of "Father of the Bride" that you could possibly imagine. You will never think of the dentist the same after watching this movie.

If the summary line doesn't peak your interest, then this isn't the movie for you. This is NOT a comedy! This is a dark thriller focusing on tale of deception that will leave you on the edge of your seat constantly wondering what is going to happen next.

This is definitely worth watching if you are into this type of movie. 8.5 Stars.
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Great 3rd Movie!!! Go see it!!!
2 July 2003
I just got back from seeing T3 and it was all it was hyped up to be and then some. The action sequences in this movie are outstanding. It is great to see a movie that relies more on stunts (whenever possible) than special effects for a change.

The movie takes place from where the last movie left off and stays in context with the storyline from the previous movies.

T3 also provides more "comic relief" than the previous two. While some of the jokes were very cheesy, they were well placed and provided some humor to the film, similar to something out of the Indiana Jones' series.

The female terminator was a good villain (and hot). The action sequence where Arnold gets ripped through a building on a crane is one of the best "chase" scenes in recent memory. A bit of trivia is that the movie was overbudget and Arnold paid $1.4 million out of his own pocket to have the scene shot.

Finally, the best part of the movie, and the reason why I am giving this movie such a high score, is the ending. The ending is brilliant and I would encourage you to see the movie as quickly as possible before someone ruins the ending for you.

Placing this movie in the action genre, I would have to give it 10 stars since this movie certainly fits in the categorial rating of "excellent." The action is exciting and original, the plot is solid and the ending is outstanding. Alliteration: Another Amazing Arnold Action Adventure.
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Great Suspenseful Thriller
30 June 2003
I just finished watching this movie and really enjoyed it. It is one of those movies where if you walk to the kitchen for two minutes, you probably missed something important. It leaves you on the edge of your seat throughout the course of the movie. The only flaw that I have with the movie is the decision to use special effects in the first few minutes of the movie. These special effects with the car were not very "special" at all. In fact, it was so unrealistic looking that it was borderline pathetic. Fortunately, this only occurred in this one scene. However, the scene with the thermos (as to not give anything away) was excellent and extremely creative. Morgan Freeman did his usual brilliant job of acting. If you like a good suspenseful thriller/mystery, this may be a good choice for you. 8.5 Stars.
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Slow beginning, great ending
29 June 2003
I just finished watching this movie for the first time. Both Halle Berry and Billy Bob Thorton were excellent in this film. While the first half of the movie was just average, the second half really took off. Watch carefully and you will see the dichotomy between Billy's life and Halle's life. On a different note, some of the sex scenes between Billy and Halle are like a mini-porno. You see Halle like you have never seen her before. It makes her scene in Swordfish look like Disneyland. 8.5 Stars.
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Panic Room (2002)
Panic and don't watch!
29 June 2003
This film is average at best. While the concept is at least different from other films, the movie is extremely far fetched. I've seen some horror movies that have a more believable sequence of events. If you love Jodie Foster, then maybe it is worth a rental. I personally prefer Jodie in "Silence of the Lambs" or "Maverick" much better. 4.5 Stars.
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Boo! No Boo's, Only Cheers!!!
29 June 2003
I just finished watching this movie for the first time. I had high expectations since it was coming from Pixar. My expectations were met and exceeded. This movie is e-x-c-e-l-l-e-n-t!!!! If you liked the Toy Story movies, then you will definitely like this one. In fact, you can see Buzz Lightyear and Woody in the film if you look closely. Also, which I find quite hilarious, you can see some forecasting of their next movie, Finding Nemo. The little girl picks up a fish that looks exactly like Nemo. Of all the Pixar movies, I would say that Nemo is the best, but Monsters is not far behind. Both adults and children will love it. John Goodman, Billy Crystal and Steve Buscemi are outstanding. If you have never seen a Pixar film, you are really missing out!!! 10 Stars.
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The Patriot (2000)
Solid Mel Gibson Movie
29 June 2003
If you like Mel Gibson movies and/or are interested in the Revolutionary War, then this is probably a great choice for you. If you stop and think about it, Mel is one of the few actors that almost every movie he is in is a good film. This movie has drama, action and is full of emotion. People that enjoyed "Glory" may also enjoy this. 8.5 Stars.
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Thirteen Days (2000)
Great JFK movie
29 June 2003
While I was not yet born during JFK's days in office, I found this movie extremely interesting and educational. Kevin Costner turns in his usual outstanding performance as the Special Assistant to President Kennedy. Bruce Greenwood is brilliant as JFK as is Robert Culp as RFK. It really made you feel as if you were in the Oval Office during the Cuban Missile Crisis. If you are interested in this period of history or are a Costner fan, then this movie is for you. 9 Stars.
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If you liked the first one, watch this one...
29 June 2003
OK, let's be honest. The first one was a classic. This one is not a classic. It is just like people trying to compare Attack of the Clones to Star Wars A New Hope. Of course the new movie isn't going to be as good as the classic! Duh!

With this in mind, this movie is entertaining. Losing Belushi is obviously huge. While it takes awhile to get used to John Goodman, he does a good job. They basically try to use three new people to take the place of Belushi.

The best part of the movie is the OUTSTANDING music. The cameos are great as expected. If you liked the first movie a lot, then definitely see this one, if only for the music, it will be worth your while. 7.5 Stars.
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Leap of Faith (1992)
Steve Martin as a preacher... need I say more?
29 June 2003
This is actually a movie that makes me laugh every time I see it. While it is not the funniest movie ever made, it is certainly worth watching if you are a Steve Martin fan. The cast is great and the movie is very creative. Not your typical comedy and probably not for everyone, but if you like Steve, it is certainly worth a rental. If you liked the Father of the Bride movies, you would probably enjoy this. 8 Stars.
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