Maysville (2021) Poster


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Beautifully crafted but falls slightly short.
PNWReview12 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Maysville is a beautifully crafted film that is well acted and displayed. The story starts off very engaging right from the beginning and the film holds a surprisingly good pace. The music is also quite nice. Brian Sutherland who plays Buck owns the entirety of this movie and steals every scene he is in.

That said this film operates on the incompetence of many of its characters. I will detail them below. Spoilers ahead.

There is no reason for the Clara the mother to allow her son, Theodore to be kidnapped by Buck. She should have acted immediately by contacting the police. Instead she does this the next day. And that's where the major problem is with this story. The police are inept at their job. The case of a kidnapped child in the hands of a known grieving, alcoholic, violent father is dismissed immediately.

When the sheriff finally does go to the farm of Buck with Clara and the physical signs of abuse are clearly seen the alarming situation is dismissed by the sheriff simply because Theodore, a child, said he doesn't want to return home while clearly being influenced by Buck. Sorry ma'am the 12 year old boy with a bruised eye said he doesn't want to come home.

In the real world Buck would have been arrested then charged in court where a prison sentence would most likely follow. Yet to further the plot here that cannot happen. The police and a loving mother let a drunken violent man take a child away.

How will this end? The calendar flips several pages and changes itself out a few times taking us away from the movie we thought we were getting. Somehow this boy will remain "kidnapped" for 3 years. Remember everyone knows exactly where he is the whole time. Are you following me?

Now we exist in a town where everyone conveniently forgot the horrific tragedy that happened that led to a 12 year old boy being kidnapped. Does Theodore go looking for his mom and sisters? Why yes he does. Does he find his sisters? Of course! Will he talk to them? No. Why not? They tragically watched him get kidnapped. Imagine what that's like for two young girls barely 6 or 7 years of age to witness. Did he find his mother? No because she's dead. Only except she's not. She just lied? Or? Where was she again this whole time? I can't remember. Does it matter? Oh and another thing. A son never forgets the face of his mother.

We're eventually fed a love interest that fuels the story further. Then luckily for a breath of fresh air Brian Sutherland Returns as Buck to remind us who's movie this is. He can of course do all the things that Buck does. Drink alcohol during prohibition, kidnap people, chase them with guns, abuse them. Remember the police here are incapable of doing their job.

This all leads us to the film's final moment that doesn't feel like an explanation let alone a payoff. Chances are you will me entertained by this movie. How much so is up to you! I can certaintly say I was for a good portion.

For what looks to be a first time filmmaker this is a noble attempt and Leslie Goyette should be proud. A good stepping stone to build upon. It is clear the entirety of the crew gave love, care, and time to this film. You could never take that away from this film. I just wish a little more had been given to the script itself. Afterall what's a movie without its story?

My advice. Don't ever call 911 in Maysville or its surrounding environs. The police are no help. But odds are you won't need to because you'll most likely enjoy the film.
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What Indie Films Strive For!
aaroncarlson718 January 2022
Watching Maysville gave me an overwhelming feeling of wonder! How did they make this film the way they did without a massive budget? What a lovely, heartfelt and beautiful story! Kudos to the filmmakers, cast and crew! Setting the bar high for indie films! Well done!
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An enjoyable film that showcases some remarkable talent
lorrisaj13 May 2022
Writer/Director Leslie Goyette has crafted a solid film that captures time and place very, very well, and there is some really good acting in the film to enjoy. I watched with my husband, and we both agreed that there is a LOT of quality in every aspect of the production. Spending time in Maysville is time well spent!
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Boring Hallmark Channel Acting
jameslyftbusiness14 March 2022
Very tough movie to watch. I'm a fan of movies set in the past but this was awful. Acting was very amateurish, hallmark channel level acting & the story was just boring & bad. No one besides the friends & family of the people who worked on it will actually enjoy it.
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Wasted potential
mweaver-1040118 September 2022
The kid's acting is the best part of this movie. It started out good and all of the sudden turned to dialogue that sounded like it was written by a 12 year old. The sets are nice, the kids are good actors...and that's about all I can say about this movie. It could have been good....but it just isn't. I honestly don't even think it's the actors, they had total crap to work with. People are saying it's like a hallmark movie but that's being generous. I'm also shocked that they act like there's no depression during this time where everyone has a job and a car to just tool around. Skip this and spare yourself.
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You Can't Get It Back
bstn10025 July 2022
The time wasted watching this "film" - you can never get it back.

I'm in my 50's and I have seen some bad films in my day, but I think this ranks as the WORST. The story line is ridiculous. The screenplay could have been written by a high-school teen. Every corny line and trope is in this film. They drop like dead flies. And talk about slow moving - I actually debated whether I should finish the "film" or go rub ground glass into my eyes. I didn't have any ground glass, so I stuck out the film. Still not sure if that was the smartest choice.

Beyond the disjointed plot elements - there are continuity problems all over the place. Like the fact that this is supposed to take place in Appalachia, but there are no hills or mountains and the local company truck the kid drives around in has Kansas plates.

Seriously, RUN AWAY! RUN!
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Well done indie film, recommended watch.
lbruhnca27 May 2022
With indie films its a gamble because you never know what you're going to get. This film has the elements of a bigger budget drama with an interesting plot and characters and beautiful cinematography. Watch and be pleasantly surprised.
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kevinfelts29 January 2022
I wanted to like this movie. A local paper boasted about it being a film by a fellow Oregonian shot in Oregon. Sadly, I found it impossible. The script, directing, acting, production design, even the audio mix wandered into the realm of amateurish very early in.

We watched it all, constantly looking for something that would redeem it, but to no avail.

Low budget films face many production challenges. Good ones overcome them with a solid script, or deft direction, acting camerawork, or some combination thereof. Unfortunately "Maysville" lacks all these qualities. It was not worth watching.
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A beautifully crafted period piece
adrianjettleon15 May 2022
I have to admit, I'm a sucker for films set in 1920's and 30's USA and Maysville had me at hello. The story was interesting ant had some very interesting and unexpected plot twists. I was NOT expecting the ending. The whole cast was great but, for my money, Cheyenne Barton stole each of her scenes. The locations and settings were perfect and the emotional score was a standout. Overall, I'm amazed to see this level of production in a small indie with no big stars. I'll be watching this one again!!
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So many problems.
Bill-i-am5 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Leslie Goyette, who scripted this abomination, knows absolutely nothing of Appalachia or the 1930s. Aside from the absurd plot problems pointed out by so many other reviewers, the dialogue, dialect and the accents are all ATROCIOUS!

The acting (aside from the inauthentic--let me emphasize--RIDICULOUSLY INAUTHENTIC accents) is actually pretty good. I thought the cinematography and Goyette's directing were impressive for a low-budget film.

The way this movie portrays Appalachian people is offensive and built upon ignorance and stereotypes.

The "story" is an exercise in implausibilities, impossibilities, absurdities and nonsense. It's a dumb Hallmark Channel story set in a place, time, and culture that NEVER existed.

If you yourself are completely ignorant of the culture and time period this script so blithely desecrates, you might like this.
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Beautifully Captured Period Piece
catheraneskillen15 May 2022
Immersed in a sumptuous visual feast of a bygone time gave the film a strong foundation. Kudos to the art director, set designer, locations, wardrobe. Extremely well done and an indie film no less. Shout out to the two leads, Cheyenne Barton and Kevin R James.
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craigahrens4 August 2022
What a terrific indie film! This is a good example why so many people enjoy watching indie films. It had a wonderful story, solid acting and moved along at a good pace. Bravo to all who helped to make this gem of a film! Well done folks! A big thumb's up from me on this one!!
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Enjoyable story with beautiful mise-en-scene
Maysville is a great indie film with magnifiscent performances and wonderful music. A rewarding emotional journey from the beginning to the end. It makes you feel so many deep emotions. Director Goyette takes the story to a very high level in style and vision.
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Nicely shot movie
williamgway5 August 2022
Good movie dealing with loss. It is well written and acted. The plot has some interesting twists. The lead (young) actor does a nice job in an emotional story. This deals with loss and forgiveness and does it well. Worth a watch.
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"Is your world always this sad?"
RBIves-202-72535227 January 2023
Many movies follow a similar structure of a main character leaving a happy, comfortable life behind for suffering and trials in hopes of achieving their goals. But what happens when the life being lived is already the hell most people never have to endure? Marysville front loads its story with heartbreak, I'm talking real, kick in your gut sadness, and begs you to have hope that a cycle of anger, abuse, and hate can be broken in one generation.

Deciding to produce an independent film is a big undertaking in its own right. But deciding to commit to a period piece is really something brave. It's done to great effect here. Somehow the filmmakers have found accurate locations, vehicles, and wardrobe for the time. The cinematography is solid. The score sounds like a full orchestra and it's as sweeping and engaging as any theatrical release.

I have to recommend Maysville. It has great cast, production design, script, and don't forget an inspiring message we could all learn from.
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A small miracle of an indie.
roblivings1 April 2022
Micro-budget period films tend to lack authenticity, but not this one. The cast and crew have pulled off something fantastic here that deserves to be seen. It's a perfect mixture of coming-of-age and period-piece that had me hooked instantly and kept me in its grasp throughout. Put this great little film on your watchlist because you won't be disappointed.
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This is an indie film?
Rp2814 February 2022
This movie has the look of big budget film. It is well acted with strong performances throughout including Buck, young Teddy and Elizabeth among others. I thought the story was well written and felt that there was always something happening on screen. I though the music/score had an epic feel as well. It was heartbreaking and entertaining at the same time. I highly recommend.
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Great indie find!
Tilman-Borck3 August 2022
This is a very original story with impressive acting. I liked the direction that is kind of subtle. Highly recommended!

This is why we need more indie movies!
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Touching film with plot twists will keep you engaged throughout
jimborussell1 April 2022
Great screenplay, acting and music. The character development was solid, and the characters are very relatable. Touching film with plot twists will keep you engaged throughout. Bring the Kleenex you might need it. I recommend.
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So good!
directortim201231 March 2022
A really great film from beginning to end. An emotional journey about overcoming a tragedy, it was a great story with characters you pull for throughout. Well written with a wonderful cast, and just a beautifully rendered period piece. The fact they made it look so good and convincing on an indie budget is rather amazing. A sweet movie that makes you truly feel. I loved it.
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An unsung masterpiece!
Anmer9331 March 2022
It's a crime that this hasn't been reviewed by more people. This is an epic tale of life, loss, sin & redemption, with stunning cinematography and art direction transporting you back in time. The film is equally as heartbreaking as it is heartwarming which is very fine line to balance.
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Very Enjoyable - One of THE best indie films on the streaming platforms!
baccaruda120 December 2021
This is simply a very well-done, heartfelt film. The performances are stellar; and the film was clearly guided by a passionate, dedicated production team. There is a lot of love that makes it onscreen, in well composed shots that exemplify the clear story-telling vision of writer/director Leslie Goyette. I need to mention one performance that stands out, even among multiple great performances, that of young Willie, played by Forrest Campbell. As a lover of independent films, I must say Maysville is a genuine stand-out. Spend a couple of hours in Maysville. You'll be glad you did. On another note, please dismiss as total nonsense the one-star ratings you might see here on IMDb. They are NOT indicative of the high quality of this thoroughly enjoyable film.
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Intense storytelling
d_bitch35 April 2022
A difficult tragic period piece. Great cinematography and nature shots. The set and costume design are also worth noting as well as original writing. Worth the watch.
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Wow! What a gem!
sowden_jd27 September 2022
Wow! It is rare that you come across a period film, on the indie scale, that is SO well done. The acting was absolutely brilliant. I couldn't believe how great the young actors in particular were. But the story is so well done. The drama is there but there is also a great sense of tension throughout. The opening of the film really sets everything in motion nicely (while it is certainly disturbing!) and I thought the follow through was very well done. The cinematography was very well done. I felt the lighting fit the time period and felt very organic. I also thought the sound and music was well done also! Overall this is a very good experience and I would highly recommend. Bravo to the filmmakers!
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Appalachian nightmare with heart
bartlettdirect28 January 2023
A small town miracle from director Leslie Goyette, working with what had to have been a dauntingly low budget in this her first feature film, ambitiously set in 1920's Appalachia. Some will maybe take issue with the film's pacing and length, but I wonder if I'd found myself as emotionally invested with less. In fact, try as I might - I'm a hard nut to crack - I found it impossible to resist the heartfelt performances from its mostly young cast, convincingly embedded in an almost obsessive attention to period detail. The assemblage of vintage vehicles is a sight to behold. But more importantly, as astonishing and at times shocking as the story is, it is all held together with a rare sense of honesty, never loosing sight of its underlying message of love and redemption.
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