Bundy and the Green River Killer (2019) Poster

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How embarrassing!!!
OMG, there are so many anachronisms and incongruities in this movie that it's just IMPOSSIBLE to enjoy! This was made in England, and it seems like no one involved with the movie had ever even been to the USA. Let's break it down...

Incongruities / mistakes: 1. Crime scene tape is not white and blue in the US, it's suppose to be black and yellow. 2. We have door knobs over here, not door handles. 3. Police officials don't hold press conferences sitting down behind a rickety class room table in the US, they have a podium, or will possible hold the press conference outside the police building. 4. We don't have heat radiators in our individual offices. Offices have central heating. 5. The radiators in the detective's home are also distinctly British. 6. Several UK power outlets and light switches are visible thought out the movie. Jesus Christ you guys, how lazy are you?? 7. The police wouldn't arrest a notorious serial killer with just two guys with handguns and no bulletproof vests. 8. Main character's badge looks like something you buy off of eBay for a costume party.

Anachronisms / incorrect time: 1. In there very first scene at the bar there is a text plate stating it's 1978, but there's Electronic Dance Music (EDM) playing in the bar. In 1978?? WTF?? 2. The detective's computer is about almost 10 years to new for the time frame. 3. Police car outside the bar where the cops meet is probably 40(!) years to new! It's a brand new contemporary car, for christ's sake! 4. They didn't have HDTV or 3D motion graphics in news shows in the early 80s. 5. Ted Bundy's hair is all wrong. It looks like a modern haircut, which of course it is. 6. When we jump forward to 1989, the TV cameras are too new. They're just normal contemporary cameras. And again, contemporary cars are seen.

And then we get to the absolutely ridiculous American accents the actors put on. They're NOT EVEN CLOSE to sounding American. They sound like walking cliches of what a European might think an American sounds like, based off of 3 movies. This alone makes impossible for me to judge whether they're just horrible C-grade actors, or if they could possibly act if they got to stick to British English.

But the biggest problem--it's cardinal sin--is that it's just plain BORING!

I'm giving it a 2 since I guess technically it's not the absolute worst movie I've ever seen. But NOT MANY are worse. Stay away!
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So so bad
borgolarici5 October 2021
I quit after like... 15 minute? The acting is that bad and everything else is laughable.
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Best Dad in the Whole World
nogodnomasters9 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The film centers on David Richards (Mark Homer) the feckless investigator of the Green River Killings. He gets help from profiler Detective Tom Johnson (Paris Stangl) who in turn utilizes the insights of Ted Bundy (Richard Mark) who gives them the advice to capture the killer Gary Ridgway (Jared Nelson). Unfortunately, they didn't have the forensics they needed to charge him for another seven years.

For a murder/slasher film it lacked action other than Mark Homer raising a coffee cup to his lips. It was a very boring docudrama with wooden acting.

Guide: No swearing, sex, or nudity.
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An embarrassing mess of a film.
Burnsknight4 June 2019
Terrible acting, awful dialogue, bad casting and historical inaccuracies (techno music in a 70s club??) make this one of the worst films I've seen. One of the few films I didn't watch through to the end. Could not take Bundy seriously because he looked like Sheldon Cooper.
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Pretty bad movie Beware more fake reviews
NotAFakeReviewer1 June 2019
Lots of positive reviews from people who made their accounts recently and reviewed only this one!

It's made in the UK with a British cast. The acting is not great, the treatment of the actual material is good but I recommend you read the book by Bob Keppel (who the main detective is based on)

This is not a good movie.
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My eyes! My ears! My time!
treacydoyle0512 May 2019
Bad acting, bad lines, just bad!!!! Watched all of it, and I will never get this time back. At first I though it's arty and made this way with purpose. And then the realization that it's bad because it's just bad. Lara Goodison(29 years old) plays Detective Richards young daughter. She's nearly 30 in real life!!!!!! We could tell! Worst scene is the not so high speed chase in the forest. Best giggle I've had in ages. Jump ahead in time and finally the killer is caught!! And very strangely nobody has aged at all. What a great story to tell and what a terrible way to tell it! There was not one good part of this movie.
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firballblaze-6968910 May 2019
Great concept. Horrible low budget production with the worse actors on the planet that sound like they're reading straight from cue cards. This reminds me of Gravitas Adventures junk movies that they attempt to make. Do not waste your time.
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The Room II
davepoole-826555 September 2020
Incredible, really funny. The acting is genuinely the worst I've ever seen. I don't smoke weed but I can imagine this would be riot if you watched it a bit stoned. Hilarious
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Don't waste your time.
vmm-4462829 May 2019
The acting is so bad. I watched 15mins but I shouldnt have even wasted that much time. There wasnt one single decent actor!
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davidgholland15 December 2020
Ive genuinely created an account just to leave this review.

It's quite possibly the worst film I've ever watched, terrible acting, horrific accents, no plot.

I would rather have head butted a wall for 2 hours
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BaggyCapPat28 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This was an abomination! A cast with probably the least amount of talent ever in one production. Some of the scenes and characters are cringe worthy and laughable at the same time. I have seen better high school plays. The "chase" through the woods is preposterous. They couldn't even afford "real" guns. When The Green River is apprehended the gun used in the arrest is clearly a toy. Don't bother with the junk!
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Suspenseful thriller
matthew_lillith8 May 2019
Detective David Richards (played by former Eastenders star Mark Homer) leads the hunt for notorious serial killer The Green River Killer. With no leads to go on he agrees to visit Ted Bundy in prison hoping that the unique insights of one serial killer will help him catch another. Bundy and The Green River Killer plays out like a classic TV detective thriller rather than the dime-by-dozen serial killer biopics we've seen in last few years. I really appreciated the tense build up, human drama and gloomy atmosphere. Mark Homer has grown as an actor since we last saw him on the small screen but Jared Nelson steals the show as Gary Ridgway. He's genuinely creepy in every scene and nails Ridgeway's mannerisms. What surprised me the most though is the attention to detail and re-search that went into getting all the facts straight (only names of victims and the detective were changed). The only casting choice I had a problem with was Richard Mark, he does not look like Ted Bundy and is missing Bundy's charm (I also found his british accent very distracting). Overall an excellent and suspenseful thriller from the North Bank Team (Though regular Lee Bane are sadly missing) .This is a big growth and new territory for director Andrew Jones and easily one of his best films to date. I can't wait to see what he will do next.
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Creepy performances
chrisowen-702537 May 2019
The movie plays mostly like an old TV cop show following the main detective and FBI guy as they hunt down the Green River Killer and talk about serial killing. Most of the facts of the real case are followed closely but if you are aware of the true story it makes the film fairly predictable with few surprises. The best part of the movie is the performances by the actors playing Bundy and Ridgway. Both are very creepy and their scenes are by far the best parts of this movie.
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Garbage absolute garbage
peteashsdiddy-5064021 May 2019
Whoever spent a million dollars on this train wreck, can you please send me my $1.85 I wasted at the redbox??
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Stiffs everywhere.
missemmapooley14 June 2019
The corpses in the river were the best actors in this dross, I nodded off in the hope I'd sleep through it. I didn't. I woke only ten minutes later to the grating nasal tone of 'Ted Bundy'. I hope the real-life police officer had a little more charisma than the actor who played him in this film.
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djpeekay2528 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I am British but this annoys me that this a British production which is very careless! If you are making a film about true life American crime, then employ American actors and ensure that the props are American! You can clearly hear British accents, and even the police ribbon is British! How this slapdash production was even released is beyond me!
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Oh deary me.....
david18063 September 2021
So here's a first...I'm going to 'review' a movie that I haven't actually sat through. I simply can't, or won't, to be more precise. The first scene, as already mentioned, is set in 1978 in a nightclub - with banging dance music blaring. That is just really lazy. And it gets worse. Dreadful acting/script, the sets don't even remotely look 70s, I could go on.... and the movies only just started. So, I've stopped watching it but felt like popping this review up here cause.... why not?

I very rarely, if ever, put up reviews this bad, because someone worked hard to get their dream off the ground. But when you make a film and just can't be bothered to get simple things right that would cost nothing, you simply don't deserve to be making movies. Disgraceful really.....

Watch the first few scenes just to see what I mean - it's on UK Netflix....
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Really bad movie
dimitar00930 March 2023
Almost everything about this movie was so bad - the acting, the whole cinematic experience and so on, and so on. A total was of time, it looks like someone made this movie as homework or some kind of student project.

It is so bad to watch that I actually watched it till the end since I was curious it it can get any worse... I can honestly say that this is the worst made movie I have seen in my life - some scenes make absolutely no sense and as for the acting - I bet you can get random people from the street and they would actually do better.

The only somewhat interesting thing is the story...
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Shamefully, blatantly plagiarizes entire scenes and dialog from Red Dragon, Manhunter and Silence Of The Lambs...
mariusar20 June 2020
I support low budget cinema. When undertaken with genuine passion and ingenuity, the results can be superlative. I draw the line however at films like this that blatantly and shamelessly steal entire scenes and virtually all the dialog from far superior, previous films.

Specifically here, entire sequences, dialog and plot setups were lifted directly from Manhunter, Red Dragon and Silence of the Lambs. I can only speculate that Thomas Harris, Michael Mann, Jonathan Demme and Brett Ratner and their respective production companies would simply laugh at the ludicrously amateur ripoff of their work shown in this "film". And in fact, they would all probably agree that to pursue legal action against the group responsible for this travesty would be a complete waste of time as it's clear that this group would have nothing worth suing for.

I can only imagine the cast in this film being ashamed after reading the so-called script. And don't even get me started on the utterly pathetic acting across the board.

I rarely if ever give lower than a 3 rating for films here on imdb, believing that even in the worst films real people put in some real work.

In this case, this film insulted me so much that it gets a 1.

Congratulations for failing so utterly while stealing from films that are modern classic serial killer/police procedural films.

To the so-called writers and so-called director: give it up and get a real job.
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Too Slow
rajnot12 May 2019
Not even close to TV Movie.. Actors need more attention on script.. and director need to steer well so i goes in right direction.. Back ground music which should have give chills was very bad..
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Worst acting ever!
fa-861-9992739 May 2019
Really b-movie material, really a struggle to get through. Don't bother, watch a good documentary about the case instead.
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Suprisingly accurate
christinesarandon7 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Considering this is another in the endless line of straight to dvd serial killer flicks I expected a gory slasher movie but was surprised to find it stuck to most of the facts of both bundy and the green river killer. most of the dialogue in the prison I recall from bundys interviews on youtube and a lot of the stuff about the detective ive seen in documentaries about green river before. as a true crime fan I liked it but if your not into serial killers you probably find this movie a snoozefest as its mostly about the psycho analysing rather than the killings. although the strangling ridgway does in the woods while his son waits in the car is chilling and apparently really happened. definitely has some horror but is more of a drama than anything else.
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Not a bad effort
jennysummerville9 May 2019
Since the early 2000s there's been a glut of straight-to-video offerings based on real serial killers. I think at this point every infamous American murderer has had their mug slapped on a DVD cover. Bundy especially! Most of the movies play fast and loose with the facts and many end up being pretty sleazy low-budget horror flicks which make you feel like you want to shower after seeing them. This is a very modestly budgeted entry in the serial killer genre but in giving it a chance I found it to be a surprisingly adequate documentary-style drama which tries to stick to the facts about the Green River Killer. One of the drawbacks of that approach is you get a talky film without much action but the horrifying moments which show the evil of the killers are effectively done. The sorority house murder by Bundy is particularly well executed. At times the movie's determination to not be overly sensational makes the tone a bit tepid but I could overlook the duller moments because overall it gives a fairly solid rundown of the facts as well as a realistic depiction of an obsessed cop whose out of his depth dealing with two serial killers. Flawed for sure but not bad at all.
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Not worth your time sadly.
Sleepin_Dragon25 September 2021
Many people will of course be aware of Ted Bundy, and the hideous crimes he committed, so there is a story here....

....sadly the story isn't enough to make this decent or watchable in any possible way, unfortunately it is terrible.

I'm the first to moan on about Americans trying hard to do British accents, the same is also true in reverse, this set of Brits don't do an American accent well at all, it's like an episode of Murder, she wrote, the other way round.

I can see that they've tried to tell the story well, so that gets a star, however it just doesn't work, at every stage it feels amateur and cheap.

Remember The Ted Bundy story is harrowing, gut wrenching, one of the worst series of crimes of all time, this feels like an afternoon tea party.

Shocking sadly, 2/10.
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Save yourself the time and watch Dahmer
veronicavivi-6767320 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
At first I assumed this is the director trying to make the movie feel tense but 10 mins in I realised it was just extremely poorly executed. Whilst exploring the decades of the 70s,80s and 90s there was no real difference in the setting or changes in the characters age. There was no back ground music to reflect on any of the emotions or to add any suspense to the scene and the first soundtrack I heard was at the very end.

Whilst discovering the first victim, the detectives already made a decision and evaluated the body on cause of death from looking at it for 20 seconds, would have been more realistic with making those assumptions after the autopsy.

There was no real emotion in the actors faces or the way they projected themselves. Everything was so robotic and there was no real emotion shown. Usually the audience tend to feel bad or sad watching something like this but the whole time all I could focus on is the poor acting which is a shame because it could have had so much potential.

There was no exploration of killers motives, any of the other killings except the one shown making the audience detached. As a watcher I would love to see this movie redone with in depth detail of each of the killings and focusing more on the killer and his day to day life in between the slayings ( was he an alcoholic? Did he have job? Were the any red flags to indicate this?),the detective side should show more in depth footage and evidence as well as props ( did this cause him issues in his marriage? Did he have trouble sleeping? Was it taking over his mind and making him unstable?)

There was no real police badges or police uniforms in sight or even cars, I want to see the full 15$ million police budget and how much staff they really had to use and recourses.

The scene in the woods chasing the killer was just hilarious it made me laugh, literally running in slow motion after a man who is the killer of many of the women and the biggest case of your career.

The reporter was annoying to look at, every time he asked a question his eyes came bulging out and it was hard to look at.

We skipped forward 7 years and during those 7 years the killers was actively killing which is shame they didn't explore and just skipped past to detective becoming chief police.

The 5 only settings were police station, detective house, killer house, the woods and ted bundys prison, making it very repetitive and not enough.

There's just so much to criticise and hard to put together but honestly save yourself the time and watch Dahmer.
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