"Euphoria" Pilot (TV Episode 2019) Poster

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Promising start, average YA plot
maxxidmusic9 July 2019
Excited to see where the rest of the series goes - the standout factor here is clearly the cinematography and visuals. The plot follows a generally cliched path in most high school young adult TV shows, but the elevated visuals and (for the most part) tight and dynamic acting prove this episode to be a cut above the rest.

Hoping the plot and characters develop a bit more in later episodes! Currently, the show is succeeding off of "Style over Substance".
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Sht on the script however you like I legitimately understand, but there's no denying how stunning this all looks
matdeman8 February 2021
Great cinematography, absolutely stunning. It has a lot of energy, and the cutaway sequences felt purposeful, and not like Family Guy. The script can use a little more work, but we'll see where it goes.
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Long time coming.
danny-bradshaw20 December 2021
I've heard about Euphoria since it came out and after finishing the show I was currently binging I decided to try this out. Quite a pilot! Good script, fun at places but what a serious subject matter - I was not expecting this. I'm going to continue watching but can't say I'm looking forward to it, hard to watch the violent scenes.
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Euphoria looks promising!
statingfacts18 June 2019
As a teenager who suffers from depression and anxiety this show depicted it amazingly. It's one of the only tv shows I've seen bring it to life realistically. These other reviews are way too harsh.. this pilot was amazing in my eyes. I watched it with my family and we all liked it, it may seem generic or stereotypical but some people life's are really like this! As far as certain characters just seeming like stereotypes - I feel it's obvious they'll gain more depth as the show continues. The first episode mainly introduced Rue's storyline and we'll learn more about other characters as it continues.

This story is story is taken from someone's real teenage experience as a drug addict and made into a creative story for people get a better insight of what it's like for people to suffer from addiction - and it will go into other topics with the other characters. Euphoria is also based on an Israeli show which was raw and honest about the drug use of teenagers.

I've seen other reviewers complain that there's not one character they connected to... and it's only the first episode! I've watched certain shows that took me a few episodes to fully connect and get invested into it.

Anyway, as I begun saying above my family and I loved the episode and are excited for the next one. We laughed and felt sad throughout the episode we really connected with Rue and her struggle of trying to feel safe in her own mind. I've heard that the cast's acting is fantastic throughout the season and especially Zendaya's so I'M super pumped to keep watching!
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tamas_szundi20 June 2019
It was the most interesting and depressing pilot episode i've ever seen.

The characters are amazing and Zendaya gives a dynamic performance. The cinematography was stunning, too, and the twist was insane.
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Important messages all over
all_that_space8 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Well casted and great acting all throughout. A very convincing portrait of someone who is dealing with lots of anxiety, I think anyone who's ever suffered from it will really recognize what Rue is going through. Having no constructive tools for regulating her own emotions, she resorts to the only way she knows how - numbing them out with chemicals. The cost is high.

There are several great scenes where the girls really stand up for themselves, for example the sex scene with Cassie and McKay, where Cassie questions McKay about what the hell he's doing strangling her. They both talk it out and continues having a great time. I think this is something that people really need to see, no matter your gender: it's okay to say no, it's okay to have boundaries, and this is how you respect someone else's boundaries - not by taking it personal, but by apologising and doing better. The more we see this kind of stuff on TV, the more we can learn to do it better ourselves.

It's rough growing up as a woman and it's tough growing up as a teenager, and I think this show captures both these themes extremely well.
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The critique is unfounded
adamzpildal22 September 2021
A lot of the negative reviews on the site critique the series for representing a dishonest and perverted view of teenagers, but as a teenager myself this is frighteningly realistic. This is not a case of a failed attempt to relate to the youth, this accurately captures the culture around sex and drugs in the western world better than most other media i have seen.
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Nice start
funnycommentor28 February 2022
The plot of the the first episode was very interesting. The storyline was well-written. The characters were very interesting and they seem to be developed very well. Rue, she doesn't seem a very likeable character and it's kinda sad that she didn't quit drugs. Jules, she's so beautiful, however she's taking some bad decisions. Nate, he's an asshole, that he doesn't deserve love and happiness. Maddy, she's so annoying and she's such a toxic person. Kat, she's very likeable and she doesn't deserve to be Maddy's friend. Cassie, she's so sweet and none of the boys deserve her! Overall, it was a nice start, it's a promising show!
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matiasbockerman23 July 2019
I have more and less emotional problems and I have doing drugs, Mostly opioids. I have seen how my girlfriend changed; she sell herself for drugs. Believe me I have seen it all. I had good friends who died OD. I have been rehab several times. So this was very realistic, this hit my feelings very hard. Promising start.
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formotog20 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
It was a good start. I like the show's style and characters were generally well introduced. The show is dealing with some dark themes and it definitely doesn't seem to be pulling its punches which is good because themes like these shouldn't be sugar coated. I can imagine this show will get better as it goes. There's a lot of potential for these characters to be really intriguing and the story to be realistic and very well written. If there's one thing about the episode that I thought was a bit strange, it's that why is Chris hanging out with those mugs when he really doesn't seem to be like that at all? Overall though, strong start. Btw the shot where Rue's just done some lines and the corridor starts rotating was brilliant

High 7
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Born Into Post-Modernity; Stunning Visuals Illuminate
adam-leemartin21 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This episode is a showcase in stunning visuals. Hence, most of the credit for illuminating and elevating the drab subject matter of the drug-addled, hip-hop-influenced culture and lifestyles of relatively affluent late-teens in the postmodern, post-industrial American suburbs belongs to those behind the camera.

A first episode of any new television series is always difficult. The need to introduce and portray the characters, background and surroundings of the story that you are trying to tell is a difficult ask in such a short amount of time but this framing is successfully and effectively accomplished in such a short amount of time that it ensures that the episode is more significant than most other first episodes of any new series and much more than it has the right to be.

We quickly learn that the lead character was born in the immediate aftermath of 9/11. We see footage of one of the actual planes flying into one of the World Trade Center towers. At first glance, the inclusion of this footage seems gratuitous but it is not.

Firstly, the events of 9/11 have been so thoroughly replayed in the last nineteen years that whatever shock value that might have been associated with the footage once upon a time is truly gone. The numbing effects of overexposure and the passage of time ensure that. Even for those who witnessed the attack take place live on television (as I did), a complete sense of detachment pervades the subject. For many, it is the stuff of history. It is studied for its immediate and lasting impact on the world we live in. The emotive element has almost been completely extinguished. The nineteenth anniversary of 9/11, for many, passed with barely a whimper.

Instead, 9/11 footage is included to set the zeitgeist. It allows for a definitive break between the world that was and the world that is... the one that the characters being depicted were born into. That is the point. They know nothing of the world that existed before... which, for the record, was substantively different than the world that is.

This is a world in which the hope for a better tomorrow appears to be almost entirely extinguished. However naive that feeling might have been (that post-Cold War bump of sustained peace and seemingly endless economic growth), it was very real. Looking back, life then by comparison appears to have been relatively uncomplicated.

NAFTA had yet to take full effect and the embodiment of what it represented had yet to manifest in peoples daily lives. The bubble had yet to burst. Endless war, a consequence of the event (which provided Hawks and war-profiteers with everything their hearts desired), had yet to set in. An apathy that is sometimes associated with the young was not anything like as deeply-entrenched as it is now.

We live in a more honest age but not in an age of more honest people. We simply can see more of what is going on. You can see this in the contrast of the politics (and politicians) of old and it's failure to adapt to modern technology. Before, the people understood that they were highly policed... monitored... controlled. But never so thoroughly have we been monitored and never so explicitly has the fact been thrust into our faces.

The bloom is off the rose and it can be more clearly seen under. Thus, everyone is much more cynical. This cynicism has bred the kind of numbness that we might correctly associated with the hedonistic practices and lifestyles depicted here. This new, post-9/11 age is more vapid, more vacuous; though it needn't be. Drugs are what fill the void. (Insert Marx' opium quote here.)

The misdiagnosing and over prescribing of drugs to the lead character as a child is another apt sign of the (post) modern age. This is the age in which every and all signs of difference in behaviour (even in children... as if we were meant, from the earliest of our days, to sit through hours of monotonous and uninspiring classes without a hint of discomfort or protest) is dealt with via prescription drugs. Any problem adapting to a maladaptive system is a sign of a wiring problem.

We find out that Rue's addiction problems stem from her search for bliss... that carefree feeling and absence of fear that she felt when she experienced the intoxicating feeling of nothingness and tranquility (peace) when she was pumped full of liquid Valium in a hospital bed.

As if to reply to the questions that we expect to arise whenever we see an individual struggling with addiction, Rue assures us that she was not victimized in any way as a child (sexually or otherwise). She even makes it clear that her search for bliss predates the premature death of her father from cancer.

In conclusion, we can determine that (contrary to her "diagnosis") she is neither the victim of a wiring problem she was born with or one that was brought about by trauma. Instead, Rue's addiction is the by-product of her overt embrace of a wiring problem that we more closely associate with human beings in general... She wants to experience the world not as it is (which is much too traumatizing) but as the way it could be.

I could say more but this is only the first episode...

Visuals 10/10 Storytelling 8/10 Acting performances 8/10 Actual story 5/10
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Really depressing and a lot of unnecessary details/lines
Iamthatbitch15 May 2022
I would have given this 2 stars, but I loved the scenes where Nate and Maddy were making each other jealous, and the cinematography in a scene where Rue was on drugs and the party music so I increased it by 3 stars. A lot of the lines were stereotypical of what a teen or someone in gen z would say and cringe and also kind of over the top and inaccurate, which I can kind of confirm because I am a teen. And most of the episode just seemed like it was trying so hard to shock people not only visually but verbally. On top of that of course it was really bleak and made you feel like we live in a dystopian society. It was probably one of the most depressing episodes of Euphoria, and in my eyes it was the worst episode of Euphoria.
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Desperately needs a trigger warning
alisalindley10 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
TW: sexual assault

I was really excited to watch this show, and enjoyed the first part of it, despite it being rather melancholy. I loved the cinematography, and was eager to see how the story and characters developed. But I didn't make it through the first episode because a scene midway through triggered major PTSD.

You see, I know the show deals with difficult subject matter, and I wasn't expecting happy fluff. I love dark shows and movies, and have no trouble watching them. But to spring a scene involving sexual assault on the audience without any warning, especially when it is framed in a way that makes it seem inescapable, is absolutely unacceptable.

The scene depicts sudden violence during initially consensual sex as the narrator comments on how such a thing is to be expected, considering "everyone" watches porn, and how the most popular porn is of women being dominated and abused. It does not shy away from depicting this graphically. For someone who has been recovering from exactly that happening to them, it was all too much, considering there was ZERO warning beforehand. I went back and checked - the only indication of disturbing content is an 18+ TV rating that lists "Violence, Language, Sex, Nudity, Mature Themes." Honestly, I don't think I would have had such a negative reaction if I had known in advance what I was in for, and I find it extremely inconsiderate on the part of the producers not to include at least a heads up for the people whose story they're supposed to be telling.
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rewatching for s2
AgustinCesaratti9 February 2020
I kinda love this show, like no other teenage drama out there, and the performances are so fresh and amazing. The pilot is depressing and interesting and so unique.

and the soundtrack omfg the songs are incredible.
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Great show!
helenatr18 September 2020
This is such a good show I can't say enough nice words for it. Very realistic story, great cast, amazing director, the best soundtrack ever. And I have to say (as a professional makeup artist) the artists did such a great job! Very artistic and refreshing, not like usual makeup we see all the time.
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Worth the hype
mfarin16 October 2019
This is a brilliant and realistic portrayal of modern day high school life. The pilot is what got me hooked. I have never encountered such beautiful cinematography and visuals for a show. The music is incredible and adds so much depth to each scene. Zendaya leads the cast in a haunting performance. This is the first time I've ever seen drug addiction and it's devastating effects captured brutally honest on screen. You get inside Rues head and what it's like to be an addict. You get an inside look at the chaos and destruction and heartbreak at the center of addiction and the lives of those who love an addict.
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carlamifegogose8 September 2020
Probably the best pilot I've ever seen. Wonder what took me so long to see this show... Didn't give it a 10 because I'm afraid that there has to be 'more' like this can't be the peak. But WOW I'm impressed
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A chaotic and confusing start
Henrythefakemoviecritic27 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Euphoria has a very promising start, but I noticed a few mistakes in this first episode. One of the very big problems is that is that it wants to be very mature and inappropriate by adding in an excessive amount of drugs, nudity, and violence. Another thing that I find annoying about this show is that it's almost as if it's confused as what they want they want the audience to feel. For example, in a very disturbing scene, Gia walks into Rues rooms and see's that rue has suffered an overdose. But in a scene later in this episode, Rue daydreams about being in a psychedelic trip with Jules. In this daydream everything is so colorful and beautiful as if the director wants to glorify drugs. Even with its problems, this tv show is incredibly entertaining and absolutely beautiful. I'd recommend it to anyone in their late teens and above that are comfortable with seeing it.
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You will feel mixed emotions with each character!
kelboy1010 April 2024
The writers of Euphoria have done fantastic job of creating the life of a teenager in high school and the style and acting makes every moment seem so authentic. Sam Levinson appears to have a facet of himself in all the characters he writes one way or another in this show. A classic industry saying is write what you know and in doing so, you will have more empathy invested in your characters.

With that said this first episode introduces all the characters with style and draws the audience into a world most older viewers would know little of. It focuses on a group of kids trying to navigate the world today from their perspective. Social media has brought forward this feeling of a narcissistic pursuit, often indulging in oneself more than required. The world is consistently changing and this early episode shows effectively an anxiety within the young created through drugs, sex and social media. The constant need for attention juxtaposed with feelings of emptiness and never being good enough. The whispering walls of lies and deceit. The first episode is undoubtedly a real eye opener of the hurt and cruelty young people suffer in todays times. The most intriguing part of this is the cinematography alongside the acting, due to the interesting close ups adding to the unnerving atmosphere.
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Cyber sex, sex, drugs, addictions
AvionPrince1610 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
So we follow the life of Rue in that world where sex, cyber sex, drugs, parties, addictions are a daily routine for some young people. I really appreciate that the tv show show some crude moments, words, crude visuals. I mean that s what happened in the real world and how the young people are dealing with that. Porn, insult, sex pictures, sex videos. And that was great to see that. We have also different characters that will we follow. A girl who just lose her virginity but the scene really look like a sexual harassment (the boys clearly provoked her to make her first sex experience). And we have the shy girl who dont seem to think about sex but clearly make sex and porn videos are revealed. I enjoyed that kind of crude stuff and that was a real pleasure to see that they wanted to show something pretty real instead of some pleasing stuff. We have also the part of the drugs and addictions with Rue. Rue will meet Jules and they will get together. A pretty nice episode that introduced the world of Euphoria and the characters. I really enjoyed the sound and visuals: we can clearly identify a mood pretty different than other tv show and that was great. Nice first episode. Need to see more and know what will happened to the young people who are starved of sex and drugs. Nice start.
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Degeneracy all around.
TristanSilya3 April 2023
What the hell is going on? The first episode just shows the worst of everything.

Unhinged, no discipline, drugs, lies, cheat, promiscuity, and extreme perversion. It's portrayed like it's normal and expected when life really does not work this way at all.

It gives a false sense of reality and will probably influence young adults in a negative way.

I'll continue to watch to see which direction the show wants to go but right now it's dorectionless. Shows need balance so people don't get stuck in a nihilistic attitude (which is what the show tries very hard to portray).

The show is also very biased and unaware of a few social dynamics but I'll hold out on commenting on that to see if it's deliberate or not.
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Prismark1013 August 2019
Euphoria takes a matter of fact approach to sex and drugs among teenagers. It brazenly sets out to shock its adult audience.

Squarely aimed at a Young Adult crowd it focuses initially on Rue Bennett (Zendaya) whose life got screwed up the moment she was born, a few days after 9/11. Now a 17 year old teenager she is already a drug addict who has previously overdosed.

Out of rehab, she still plans to get high without her watchful mother finding out.

Rue makes friends with Jules (Hunter Schafer) who is new in town and has already had a hook up for a much older man for sex. It looks to be a complicated companionship they are going to have.

Despite the frankness, it is still an America of beautiful but maybe damaged people. Girls send sextexts and post naked pictures online. In fact they easily disrobe to please horny teenage guys.

It looks like a wishlist of a middle aged guy's perverted view of teenagers but Euphoria is adapted from an Israeli series.

Zendaya and Schafer give affecting performances. It did have a bright opening and it maintained my interest in the drug storyline. Teenagers wanting to have sex however, that is old hat, it was nothing new and slowed the pace down of the opening episode.
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A promising start
hunterbradleywoodward30 January 2022
I just started this show after people constantly recommending it to me and it's good. Not great but good. Really great cinematography and direction. The performances are great, Zendaya being the star so far, the music is really grading and hopefully it gets better. It's just the pilot so its just introduction but so far I'm intrigued.
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Who is the target audience ?
freizelbt10 September 2019
This seems to be a poor excuse for middle age men to see teen boobs, i mean all people in this show is a sex addict ? Sex un a pool un public ???? The idea came from a woman, man no woman want to deal with the vídeos all over Internet...
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I don't expect anything from this
Victor_Montero3 August 2020
I finished the episode and all I could say is I wanted to watch Skins or Trainspotting, this is again another generic series where a bunch of "17" teenagers are written by middle aged adults who are trying to hard to understand trendy things.

I couldn't care less about any of the characters of subplots and while cinematography is great it fails at conveying the emotions of what it is trying to tell me and so far what I get from it is a terrible protagonist who glorifies drugs.
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