"Supernatural" Let the Good Times Roll (TV Episode 2018) Poster

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Loved the ep except the fight scene
beccaburke2218 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Felt I was watching supernatural cirque de soleil. The floating in air acrobatics was wayyyy off for the seriousness of the situation. Couldn't help but laugh! But all in all huge fan and can't wait to see next season.
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Loved it, but the plot-hole is huge. The fight was..meh
hoplite-9941521 May 2018
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I didn't watch any trailers, I didn't see what the writers said before the episode. The only thing I did was watching the episode and that was it.

I did not see it coming and I very much was left speechless. Speechless because I was amazed and disappointed in the same time.

Two things I could not not understand:

1) How did Lucifer take Jack's grace with ease? Jack isn't like your normal angel (or archangel for that matter) so he wouldn't be harmed even with the archangel blade. Yet, he was still harmed and lost his grace in like a fraction of a second.

2) How did the fight between Michael and Lucifer not destroy almost everything? Season 5 revolved around the idea that Dean kept refusing Michael because he didn't want half of the planet to burn. Then, here, he was the one to suggest giving in to Michael and the fight was pretty much harmless to everything. If this was the case, then what was the whole fuss in season 5 all about?

Also, the wiring was so obvious it really felt cheap.

Anyway, a possible explanation for the big plot-hole about the harmless fight between Michael and Lucifer would be: well, since Lucifer had way much more power than Michael, then it wouldn't be a real fight and Lucifer would win with ease. Therefore, the fight ended quickly with Michael losing (of course until Sam gave him the blade) which would explain why there wasn't mass destruction. It doesn't explain the no destruction at all, though.

That still isn't a satisfactory explanation, but for those who love this show no matter what, it might do. Still, the way Jack just lost everything, when he's supposed to be indestructible, is just beyond me. I cannot overlook this one. I mean, if it were so easy and all it took was an archangel blade, then the again, what's the whole fuss about?
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Well, that was unexpected...
amy494718 May 2018
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I hated the events that happened in this episode.

That being said, it's one of the best episodes of Supernatural that I've seen to date. Trust me when I say this; I've seen every episode.

Seriously amazing performances by everyone, but the stars of this episode were Alexander Calvert as Jack and Mark Pellegrino as Lucifer. The heartbreak and utter despair exhibited by Jack tore me to shreds, and the pure evil that Lucifer showed made me hate his guts (even though I love Mark Pellegrino's portrayal). I loved the scene where Jack realized who his father really is because it showed him who his actual family was, and it also showed that Lucifer was not in the process of changing his behaviour like we hoped; he was showing his true colours.

For any longtime fans of the show, or those who have seen season 5, you might have found this episode a little bit predictable, but it was interesting/devastating to see the second half of the predictions made 8 years ago finally come true (Dean saying "yes" to being Michael's vessel). I knew in my gut that Michael was not going to let Dean continue to be in control, but seeing Dean's epic angelic entrance got my hopes up a little bit. But then I realized how the episode was actually going to end.

This episode also gave a bittersweet sendoff to Mark Pellegrino. Assuming that Lucifer is truly dead, we probably won't see him on the show anymore, so thank you, Mark! You made such an evil character so much fun to watch.

As for Season 14, I wonder how they're going to control Michael. Does this mean fishing the normal universe Michael out of the cage? Is Dean going to be able to regain control over Michael? I honestly don't know, but you can bet your ass I'm going to stick around to find out in October.
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Still hate Sam's choice?
sloopnp11 January 2019
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Funny how so many people who bashed Sam's decision at the end of the last episode fell for the Devil's mind tricks. This episode did a great job of reminding everyone who Lucifer cares about. HIMSELF. As much as I love Mark Pellegrino as Lucifer, it's time to move on.

I do hope Jack gets his grace back. He's more fun with his powers.
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Best show ever!
jeb-8369918 May 2018
There was just something about this episode that kept me on the edge of my couch! It was suspenseful and yet satisfying! I can't wait for next season! Love this show! I don't think I could ever get tired of watching! Great job guys!
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Absolutely Incredible
Beastlycats10218 May 2018
I've been waiting for this moment since season 5. This episode was mind blowing and a great end to an amazing season. This has been the best season since season 5 and I cannot wait to see what they have in store for season 14.
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Anticipated episode
emmareviews27 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Was it the best season finale? No. That being said, however, I did enjoy the episode and I was very excited to see what was going to happen. I kinda saw it coming that Dean would become possessed by Michael in the end; Jensen Ackles talked about getting to portray another character for the first time, and a lot of people guessed Michael, including myself, since it would make the most sense. Don't get me wrong, I love Dean a whole damn lot, but it is intriguing to watch Ackles taking on another character, something we've never seen before. We've obviously seen him play Demon!Dean, but that was still Dean, just a "darker" version of him. I absolutely loved the ending scene with Michael/Dean as well as the wing scene. The fight scene, though ... it actually made me laugh. It was a bit cringe-worthy, to be frank. I expected more. But, all in all, an entertaining episode. I'm looking forward to season 14 and Ackles' outstanding acting!

I'm not a big fan of rating stuff, but I'm gonna go with a 8+ on this one. I couldn't give it a 9 or 10 because I feel like this episode could've been better with a more "decent" fight scene. It isn't my favourite episode either, but it's not bad. My favourite scenes were definitely the Michael!Dean ones.
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Please keep Mark Pellegrino as Lucifer
AriLoren28 July 2018
There shouldn't be any other Lucifer than Mark Pellegrino. Please always keep him. Perfect acting.
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Strong finish
Kingslaay19 May 2018
Supernatural has ended its 13th season with a punch. Things were taken up a notch with Lucifer and Michael both making it to Earth.

When Lucifer is exposed he shows his true nature and steals Jack's grace which makes him all powerful. The last few scenes are intense and a treat to watch. Lucifer beats up his own son and tells Sam and him to fight for their lives. Did anyone pick on this irony here? Lucifer has spent the whole time in this show and in the actual Bible talking about how his father cast him away and betrayed him. Now he does the same without doubt to his own son, great twist.

When Dean becomes the vessel for Michael as always intended we see a great fight scene. It was short but straight to the point. This is what makes this show's finales so great, intense action with really high stakes that have been built up the whole season. Somehow Lucifer is killed but it's not over as a huge twist happens. Michael has now taken over Dean's vessel and escaped with a new look and agenda, god knows what he'll be up to.

The beauty of this show is its ability to go in so many directions but it has to choose the right direction. This twist is a great change to momentum to the show, what will happen now? A good season finale in what has been a hit and miss season. Fans were divided over what was good and not good. Some things have worked better than others. Can't wait for Season 14.

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Pretty good until the crappy flying
jordanrichter15 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I really enjoyed this episode it was a really good way to end the season. we finally got rid of Lucifer...yeah right, we see a badass Dean/Micheal team up (which we all knew was going to go sideways). it was all going well until Micheal (dean) and Lucifer decided to start flying at each other, they might as well have shown us the ropes holding them up. there is one more thing I am going to pick on, the final scene where Micheal (dean) is walking down the street and it freezes on his face showing his glowing eyes. It should have finished with him walking past the camera. Overall it was a really good episode regardless of its kinks
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He's totally right
Atani3 June 2018
"that damn fool idjit from apprentice is president" and he's beginning the apocalypse!
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Bollywood fight scene
fickifacka8 June 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I thought that this season had a nice plot with jack etc. i actually enjoyed most of the episodes but this ending fight scene literally broke my immersion. The flying scene and the knife throw from sam was absolutely ridicilous. Anyone that has played around with after effects and similar programs could replicate these scenes. The fighting choreography and the directing of the scene was terrible. Huge letdown. And the end when the camera froze on deans face, that reminded me of some 90's comedy show or something.

7/10 because I love jensen and Jared.
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Most ridiculous fight scene EVER
hendrikdwinger21 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Who ever thought that "Charmed" like fight scene was a worthy death of Lucifer must have been out of their mind. One star for Sam, one for Dean (or in reversed order), but the director of this episode needs to go back being cable boy or something.
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Just Woww..
hardwellgarrix18 May 2018
This Episode Was Truly Unexpected And Finish The Season In Great Shape. This Season Was Awesome And Waiting For Season 14 #SPN
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Good, but that last half...damn!
shcoleman2 June 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I loved this season. Much better than some past seasons where it was monster of the week BS. I loved where they were going with this plot but I thought it was going to turn out different. I thought Dean would become Michael and Sam would become Lucifer and the next season would set up their battle. I'm ok with how it actually turned out but damn...that fight scene was something else; tough to watch without wondering "why"? Whoever thought it would be a good idea to bring in a wire rig without really giving it 100% with some professional fight choreography should be reconsidered as a decision maker. Where'd the budget go? Please don't tell me it went in to renting that rig? But overall, it was a great season and everyone worked really hard. I loved it through and through!
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Goodbye Supernatural
blackmagpie-6236819 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Well this episode definitely signifies the end of my relationship with Supernatural. I loved seasons 1-5 and I loved the mark of cain/Deanmon story, but this show hasn't delivered much else since.

Was this episode that bad then? Well no, not really but one of the things that made this episode watchable was the simple fact that season 13 was so bad it made any finale look good. Overall the episode was OK, it was the first time I could really empathize with Jack-a touching story with his dad. Lucifer the devil who hasn't actually been scary since season 5 came to a fitting fiery end (thank goodness, but they will probably bring him and Gabriel back again next season - these writers simply can't let go of anyone) and of course it was great to see the "archangel Dean"-I like that it was Dean who initially appeared and defeated Lucifer rather than Michael. The archangel fight was a bit of let down, no flames, no buildings flattened, no broken windows, just a rather interesting aerial boxing match. Nothing unexpected or different in this episode, the only surprise was the fact that everything was so predictable; from all the hype from the production team I did expect more and Dean saying yes to Michael wasn't exactly him "stepping up". The usual plot holes and character flaws from the writers (hey guys, please watch the earlier seasons). Not sure where the story will go but we have already had a Winchester possessed by an angel. No more great music, no more Sam and Dean, no more selfless boys saving the average person on the street from monsters or the world from great evil so no more Supernatural for me. And what's with that weird face from castiel at the end? BUT BUT BUT (a bit of a contradiction here) I will come back and watch season 14 not as a SPN fan anymore but just to see Jensen Ackles as Michael-hope he delivers.
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Predicable ending, but I loved it anyway
angelmichael0031 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
First off, to all those that point to the Season 5 premise that the Michael/Lucifer battle would roast half the planet, they missed the biggest premise of that battle, which was Lucifer would raise an army of demons to fight Michael and the angels. But since all the powerful demons are all dead and almost all the angels are as well, as well as wingless, that led to the 1 on 1 battle. But did anyone notice the major screwup that they called a regular angel blade an Archangel blade in season 5? And where did Gabriel and Lucifer BOTH get new Archangel blades at the end of the season, when they only had 1?!? No one noticed that huge plot hole? Otherwise, greatest season ending in the last few.
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Supernatural - Review
y-2667419 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
SPOILER: Great season! Let's if Rowena has Gabriel's nephilim in season 14. The power of dark witch and another archangel. Can't wait to see it!
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sookie021818 May 2018
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Seriously, I haven't finished the whole episode yet. But archangel sword!!! Omg is created for a moment like this!
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Replace Lucifer
lovettstough26 June 2018
If the television show Lucifer doesn't find a new home and get picked up by another network the star of that show who played Lucifer should replace the crappy guy who plays Lucifer on this show. Lucifer on the television show Lucifer & the show itself were and are so much better than this show. The guy who plays Lucifer on the television show would do so much better on this show as Lucifer than the guy who is playing Lucifer on this show now.
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An awesome end to a terrible season!
garabedian12322 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Ok maybe the season was not terrible all the way through...For the episodes that related to the finale, that was about 2 episodes before the finale and the 1st two episodes of the season...DAMN this was a long season with lots and lots of terrible episodes...But the end is decent.. I liked how lucifer stayed true to himself and did not do a character flop. I guess Jack in general was a flp though...nothing really ever happened with him ( that we saw )..and Now his power are gone? maybe?
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Been waiting for it!
nightshiftee22 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The previous episode was okey but nothing special, too predictable.

This episode however, had some unexpected turns.

As soon as I saw the title picture and Michael came into the bunker I thought the original Michael would somehow come back, but dean taking the alternate Michael was unexpected and I've been waiting for angel dean since season 5!

Really looking forward to the second last season.

The 13th was better than 12th, although I ended up liking them both.

Now with the sinister Michael version in dean there's lot of potential though I was hoping the angels would be a force of good once and for all.

Let's see what happens next... well done anyway.
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Technical issues and clunky writing mar this episode and season
CubsandCulture26 July 2021
I like the core story of this episode a lot. The major plot developments are all believable. Like the writers do what they can to make Dean finally saying yes believable after all these years. Likewise, Jack turning against Lucy and the resolution of the Sophie's choice Lucy puts to Jack/Sam are compelling. But some of the writing-meaning the exact words on the page-is clunky and things feels rushed. Worst of all, the final fight has some really noticeable and sloppy wire-work. The climax comes across as very silly because of this. Finally seeing this big fight was such a key moment in the show's long run and they didn't stick the landing.

Season 13 is in the bottom third of seasons for the entire series given that several plotlines and episodes are mere filler and/or poorly realized. Jack's arch and how the writers got the celestial family bickering greatly help to make season 13 more engaging than the prior season. Several of the monster of the week episodes are of a better quality this season which also helps the show recover from the doldrums of season 12.

And of course "Scoobynatural" is tremendous episode and it does *a lot* to make it worthwhile that Supernatural continued past season 11. "Scoobynatural" has a claim on being the best episode of the series, despite my preference for "Baby" and a few other classics.


Average episode score: 7.6522

Best 3 episodes

1. "Scoobynatural" 2. "Wayward Sisters" 3. "A Most Holy Man"

3 worst episodes:

21."Beat the Devil" 22. "Devil's Bargain" 23. "Advance Thanatology"
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Chandelier-4957923 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Usually i dont write reviews but after watching this steaming pile of crap i just had to. Most of the episode is servicable like the rest of the season. Not great but i ran with it. But the third act of this episode oh wow. What is supposed to be a fight of epic proportion is yet ANOTHER fist fight, but on strings... i thought it looked so bad. Like other reviewers already mentioned not even a single tile got broken while this fight was supposed to destroy the world or at least do heavy damage to it. Iam fed up with EVERY supernatural being just looking like a human and fighting like a human but with fangs or different eyes. i dont expect heavy cgi in this show but for example the final episode they could have gone full out for once. Maybe show lucifer and micheal in their true form fighting instead of their meatsuits slapping each other. Maybe this show should be put to rest of this is the best they can do.
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Michael vs Lucifer
shwetafabm5 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Jack is having issues, Lucifer is himself, Dean says yes to Michael, Lucifer dies, other things happen but whatever. Now the big bad for next season is Dean as Michael... S13 review 6.5/10 I did not like the plot of S12, S13 was an improvement but not by much. The tone was similar but somehow worsened, way way more melodrama, slow paced, no horror, no thrill, it felt very empty. This show has always been funny. S2-6 were filled with multiple comedic gems. But it did not overwhelm the tone of the show, some episodes as standalones had strong comedic tones sure but the overall tone was good. It was still dark and creepy. S12 onwards did pick up the comedy that has been sorely missing in the show but did it in a way that it entered the tone too much. It also doesn't have much crazy going on.

1. Lucifer - Became a comedy figure. I did like him but they completely removed the threat and fear he brought. I did like his character and actually did feel sorry for him. He was better this season than in S12, had more to do.

2. Rowena- My favorite on the show right now. I liked how complex and fun her character is. She had good character development and liked seeing her express her emotions about Crowley and Lucifer. I also like that she's still pretty psycho.

3. Plot holes Why does Michael not kill them in the end? Why does Dean think the deal will take? What's up with the weird grace mythology? Now it regrows? When will Castiel's because dude has been so bland and uncool, basically could not even hear prayers in S12 by show's logic. Also when he got his grace they showed wings but whatever. Maybe only archangel grace grows then.

4. Asmodeus- Worst main demon the show has had if you don't count the Kelly babysitter one. Give this man a most negligent being on the planet award. Managed to lose 3 angels. So power hungry then where the hell was he these last few years? Not scary at all. I did like his look but demons on the show are as dead as Crowley, not scary, move on.

5. Gabriel So did Chuck lie about Gabriel being dead? Is he that bad of a father? Wow. I mean it gets pretty clear that Gabriel didn't die when Lucifer wasn't killed with the sword but why would not the archangels themselves know about this. So his resurrection isn't entirely awful. I didn't care for serious Gabriel. I didn't care for much. And i loved him, loved the trickster. Nostalgia isn't working on me because i saw him 2 months ago when i started watching the show from the start. His origin story was interesting but not entertaining, really felt like i was watching suicide squad with those suits and carrot eating? Seriously. And the whole speech to Lucifer, i didn't agree with it. He killed them off too, innocent people, the redemption arc was too forced with the look how much Gabriel values humanity now.

6. Sam I like Sam. Sam as a person in the show is a good person, mostly neutral and understanding. But he boring. Unless he's going psycho he a bit boring. And Jared really does psycho well so i miss psycho Sam. Anyway i felt this season with Sam was about his past with Lucifer a lot. He was focused on and his feelings were focused on which is great, the show has a problem with not giving Sam proper attention but seems like since S12 is doing it because the writers are really really into talking and feelings (yawn tho, tone it 5 levels down). His relationship with Jack was nice. He bonds with Rowena over their trauma. I like how he relates to Jack, has been called the anti-christ and is so kind that he cares for the spawn of Satan and is able to separate him from the man who has messed him the most. He also searches for Mary which really is logical because they have to assume he is torturing her or something. And this could also be an effect of purgatory and Dean thing. He is there for Dean. He is just incredible but still a tad boring.

7. Dean The first 5 seasons provided character development for Dean but then the writers decided to throw it all in the trash. The pattern is always the same, he has a major loss and is angry about it or he gets betrayed, cue him being mean and crass and having zero respect for anyone's feelings and opinions. Also add him being a bigot towards monsters or be impulsive with who he thinks the monster is. Also add whining about how hunting life sucks. Then finally something good happens and he's all quirky and cute and loves hunting with his brother and bestie. I get it, it must be very hard on the writers when there is no end in sight, it leads to them being forced to keep the character stagnant. But its never addressed in the show since S10. Sam protests sometimes but his opinion is never valued, it only results into Sam having to soothe Dean. Commits suicid* in front of his brother who also just lost his mom and friend, really? He just did this in the last season, all this does is make me not care for the character. When Sam confronts him about his behavior towards Jack i liked what Dean said but then... It becomes about Jack winning Dean over and Sam when clearly can't ensure Dean being decent towards Jack, doesn't do anything about it. This show has a problem with how much it revolves around Dean and his feelings, its okay to have such a character, the problem is the way it is handled. Dean having such feelings is valid, his behavior is what it is, but there being self awareness and giving Sam the spine he had in S9 would be better. Also i don't believe it is ooc but when such a powerful being exists you would think Dean would not be provoking him.
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