Expedition Happiness (2017) Poster

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Ever dreamt about roadtripping through Alaska? These guys did it for you
iasminamartiniuc30 July 2018
I think these guys did a pretty good job with this movie . It is exactly what it was was set out to be - an invitation to see Canada and Mexico and whatever else in between, through their eyes and to accompany them on their journey . I didn't start watching this movie because I wanted to see a break though in cinema, I did it because I'm stuck in London at the moment and I'm craving for that wonderlust feeling of going and exploring places. That's what the poster sold and I bought it. I think they've accomplished exactly that to make you remember what life can be like on the road, or make you wonder if you've never done it before "could I pull this off? Sure as hell converting that bus looks like hard work.." If you're expecting "Into the wild" -don't! It's something else completely. it's been quite a few weeks since I watched it and I keep thinking back to those amazing shots from Alaska and the beautiful scenery from Canada. For that I will give them a 6. Just because it stuck with me and the soundtrack was good.
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It's OK
desposito-pa7 May 2020
So I agree that these two people did some dumb things and maybe complained too much. They also put their dog through a lot unfortunately. However, it did seem like they cared about the dog and tried to take care of it as best they could under the circumstances but maybe bringing the dog along in the first place was a bad idea. I'm not sure. I do also agree that this isn't really a very meaningful journey. It's just like others have said, a home movie. However, I wasn't bored. It was interesting to see them in different places and see what they experienced. It's fine. It probably could have been a lot better if they had tried to learn something from the whole journey (besides how to kill they dog). A documentary should contain a story and you should be able to take something away from it. Otherwise? Just make a vlog or something.
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Why knock a beautiful adventure?
seabird-0152822 January 2020
I think there are a lot of jealous people who wish they could have done this adventure. Who cares how they paid for the trip? Who cares if they didn't show every last problem they encountered? The filming was beautiful, the intensity of their experience was evident, and the original music incredible. The work they did on the bus was amazing, and I respect the hard choice at the end. Just enjoy the movie for what it is, a beautiful adventure, and quit whining about how you would do it.
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joemakesfilms18 February 2018
This 'movie' made me want to stick pins in my eyes. How can they have gone for so long without even cleaning the god damn camera lens!? Why is this on Netflix? It's a poorly executed vlog at best. No wonder they're travelling alone, they are the most boring, narcissistic people I've ever seen. They shouldn't be allowed to own a dog either.
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Can't believe the venomous hate of so many of these reviews.
todd_brooks29 April 2020
It's not going to win any awards most likely. But Jesus some of you haters need to get some happiness in your life. It's a fun adventure that could certainly use some more explanation along the way. But I'm next to sure they did more living filming this than half of you couch potatoes spewing your hate.
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Why isn't this a Youtube video?
SkidSears4 February 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This movie has been a revelation. Who would have thought that being on holiday and free to do whatever you please is actually more pleasant than working a stressful 9 to 5 job? It only takes our protagonist a few weeks in a Canadian national park to come to this realization which he then proudly presents to his camera while putting his sophisticated selfie-vlog techniques to use. For a second he seems to be wondering why it is that not everyone spends their lives on holiday.

But being on holiday isn't always as easy as it seems. Our traveling couple finds themselves not adhering to US visa regulations which gets them stuck in Vancouver for three whole weeks. This is clearly a stressful time for the two and their dog as they lack the ability to come up with anything to actually do other than walking within a radius of 30 feet around their bus and filming themselves in front of nature. Luckily, they have family fly over the Atlantic ocean to help them keep busy during these tough times. Even though everything works out, this horrible experience is still gnawing at our progatonist and we get to watch him whine about it while driving down the Californian coastline.

And there's more hardship to come. Because who could have ever expected that the climate gets warmer towards the equator? Long story short, the couple drag their pet dog into a climate in which the breed usually tends to die -- which the dog then promptly starts his best attempt to do. Bringing the dog home and continuing the journey without him would have probably gone over poorly with the reviewers, so our female lead covers the poor thing in ice packs while her boyfriend is driving them through the desert. In Tulum though, the dog decides that he's had enough of their crap. The couple is forced to cut their holiday short, book a flight back home and spend their last couple of days snorkeling, filming themselves running into the ocean and showing off their Spanish skills by calling everything "muy bonito" while their dog is hanging out at the vet's office trying not to make this film flop by actually dying.

The theme of "finding happiness" quickly gets lost because let's be honest, our protagonists can't actually come up with anything meaningful anyway. But we get to watch them enjoy a nice holiday and maybe one day it'll help them become really successful Youtubers.
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Wild Blue Yonder
heartspeakmessagecards9 February 2018
I really liked this documentary .. I agree with many of the comments here ( especially about Rudy the dog ) but I admire Felix and Selima's, optimism and willing to take risks.I can't even imagine doing what they did.,driving from coast to coast in several foreign countries. I also admired their creative vision , dedication and hard work, to transform a school bus into a lovely mobile home, although the bus was way too long for a journey such as theirs , IMHO. I loved the beautiful scenery, and thought their photography skills were extremely good, I actually felt as if I went on the trip with them, however, I also thought that they should have filmed more interaction with the local culture/people. I understand that their intentions were to be spontaneous with little to no planning, and all that's fine, but traveling with a Mountain Bernese Dog ( Rudy) in the desert was very difficult for me to watch as I'm a huge animal lover, and I think they should have planned better, if not for themselves , at least for Rudy. During the desert scenes in Death Valley, I cringed the entire time( concerned for Rudy ). While they were exploring ( what looked like the Valley of Fire ? outside of Vegas? ) I didn't see Rudy with them and wondered the entire time did they leave him locked in the schoolie in the hot Vegas sun. . I actually stopped the video at that point, and fast forward to the end, to see if Rudy made it through.

And like most of all of us know, life happens, sometimes good, sometimes bad. This couple created an experience filled with memories that will last a lifetime, and maybe that's what life's really all about.....
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So bored I came here and read the reviews instead.
iemdeboer6 February 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I got quite excited at the beginning when the couple buys an old schoolbus, thinking "you could make something so cool and cosy out of this". But no, let's make it heavy af AND boring af with all the useless white and storebought crap. First things that came to my mind and stayed there for the entire 40 minutes I forced myself to watch; how much must this have cost and where the heck do they get the money from?! It's like money never plays a role in life, until you have to literally pay for your own mistakes at the border of the USA, then you mope about for three weeks and then some. Because omg life is so hard right now. I got to despise this empty, narcissistic and self entitled homevideo of their failed holiday. There is no insight, story or sense of reality and the filming is monotomous and abismal with dirty lenses throughout. Their ignorance of caring for a dog is infuriating! Why do you not train him to be obedient so he can be off leash and not drag you around? Why do you not know what the procedure is for taking your dog through customs at the border? Why do you not know how to even friggin cool a dog in the first place?! Just patting a wet rag or cool pad on his head like it is a baby, no wonder he almost died. This is inexcusable, the internet is there people and it is free. But these two only seem to use it for their instagram and YouTube vlogs... This "documentary" only made me sad about this generation. Get your head out of your arse and keep your home-moviemaking to yourself.
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Beautiful Travel
zacharyhuselid8 February 2018
I didn't have much expectations for this based on the title. But I love travel, the mountains, and the road and this film really touched me. For amateurs the cinematogra[hy is excpetional and so is the soundtrack. Did I mention I love the mountains?

I don't understand all of the harsh reviews. Clearly they made some mistakes, but they are a friendly and engagining people. Maybe it is just internet hate, maybe I just long for the road. And ok, yes that bus was too damn big! They can't go naywhere in the city, They can't go far on mountain roads. And how they hell were they planning on getting it past the Darian Gap to Colombia???

Still, a beautiful journey with some great scenery and music. Enjoy.
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I enjoyed it
jenkfarrell19 January 2021
These folks had a dream and did it. They learned lessons along the way and as much as many of the low ratings call them whiners, those reviews are whiny.

We are planning to retire in a skoolie, and for me at least, I was able to pick up a lot of their mistakes and learn from them with regard to their build.

As for those talking about how they tried to kill their dog, they ended their trip FOR their dog. They never denied their dog treatment. This is a young couple who hasn't had a lot of life experiences. They stopped every time their dog had struggles along the way, they paid for surgery, and emergency services each time their dog got sick. Their dog got giardia, that's a parasite. That's what ended their trip. Maybe try to be less judgmental.
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Millennials Whine Their Way Across A Continent.
nugentch-15 August 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Where to begin. I have traveled my entire life... a lot. I have never met two more unprepared people to make a long trip.

Long story made short. This is about two millennials that apparently are loaded with cash that want to travel into happiness and bliss. Unfortunately that is not how real travel works. They whine about a border crossing into the US taking two hours when they are traveling with a sick dog. This rant evolves into how bad the US is compared with the rest of the world. Apparently the US government was not prepared to shut the border down to accommodate these two poor children. They travel to Death Valley with no air conditioning and are surprised that it is hot there. Their dog (long-haired and bred for the mountains has heat stroke. What a surprise? Once in Mexico they visit a drug cartel boss. But that's cool. Someone who destroys humans' lives is OK because they did get a tour of a pepper factory. Afterwards they feed the dog taco meat and are surprised that he gets sick. I mean really? These two kids are impossible.

They decide to end their trip in Mexico and that is a good thing. They would never have survived Central America. There, a border crossing can take a whole day, even when you aren't importing an animal. They would have spent days whining about it. They wanted to go all the way to Argentina with the bus. How were they expecting to get the bus to South America? There are no roads. They would have had to clean out their trust funds to ship the bus there. Maybe they had the money. Money was never an issue to them for the rest of the trip.

Research is not a strong point for these two. They are surprised by regulations at border crossing. Flying a drone over Niagara Falls is illegal (they did it anyway). Selling a vehicle in Mexico is illegal (they did it anyway).

Best title for this flick: Endless Selfies with Mood Music
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mmgreenberg5 February 2018
The innocence and energy of youth has its cynical equivalent in the reviews here. Asking for existential complexity in a simple road trip that skirts cities and appreciates nature is pretty dumb, in my opinion. Gorgeous music that strips away man-made depression and points to landscapes and vistas is exalting, in my opinion. What happened to us -- that we take pot-shots at these two people who have so much to say in what they do -- is what I want to know.
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A YouTube vlog with high production value.
elliott_nash15 July 2019
I think people expected too much. It's not meant to be groundbreaking but just a a detox from your crime drama.

The two protagonists are likeable and friendly alongside their dog in which they clearly care about.

It's essentially a young nature-loving couple travel across several countries in order find happiness. In order to do so , they stumble upon a variety of lows with challenges their journey.

The soundtrack is rather magical. Complimenting the scene very well.

It does have some odd parts I think the main one is their hypocritical view on nature. Talking about how beautiful it is yet they are travelling on a vehicle that couldn't really be much worse for the environment. It waffs of middle class gap year student travelling but aside from that, it's a nice watch.

It has some beautiful moments , natural views and you feel like you are travelling with them. However, they have some incredibly boring moments and non-meaningful nonsense talk to the camera.

Overall, I did enjoy it. It's not trying to change the will and does need to be taken at face value. 7/10.
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Like a stereotypical hipster - lots of pictures and no soul
stephoch15 May 2017
This was disappointing. Two young people go on a journey and seem to have no trouble financing everything, but coming up with a coherent story line or a feeling for using imagery to create emotions is impossible for them.

I tried to like this movie, I did so hard. But the scenes were like a random collection of stock footage, lots of somewhat romantic shots of a girl against a landscape, topless guy driving a truck. After I left the cinema I felt completely untouched, bored, almost betrayed. These guys obviously had the funds, the gear, the will to go on such an endeavor, but obviously no idea how good movies are made. Perhaps they are amazing people, but they are certainly not good at creating a movie that will entertain or - God forbid - make an impact on you in any way whatsoever. What a missed opportunity :(
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majasupin7 February 2018
I can not understand why would Netflix buy such a soulless movie that ends up with animal suffering.
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Not nearly as bad as some of the reviews on here...
ecolifechoice11 June 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Good lord I've never seen so many bad reviews for an otherwise, not too bad film.

If you are looking for a free spirited, down to earth film about a young couple traveling across North America with some beautiful scenery and landscapes, along with a nice personally written, folksy soundtrack...you could do much worse than this film. If you are looking for an epic, edge of your seat, spectacularly thrilling box office smash hit of a journey...this is probably not for you. Also, if you are looking for a educational documentary that goes fully in-depth into the history and cultures of the places visited, or how to build your own DIY tinyhouse, then this is probably not for you either.

I don't get all the hatred and anger towards the young couple. Why does it matter how they paid for the trip? If you would have paid attention, you would have realized that she was a decently successful musician named Mogli (who BTW also just completed an extensive tour in Europe in 2017-2018), he had a job back in Germany and had released a previous film which they mentioned, and they sold what appeared to be a very nice place back in Germany that probably funded the trip. And so what if they come from good families and had support from their families? Is that such a terrible thing? Shouldn't we as a society be striving towards that type of life for all future generations? Its like some reviewers think that if this couple didn't come from the streets, eat out of trashcans, collect cans for money to fund the trip, swim across the Atlantic to get to North America, and die three times on the way here, their journey cannot be given any credit. Give me a break! I don't recall them acting rude or overly pompous, or better than thou at all in the film. In fact, they seemed to get along with many different people that they encountered throughout their journey...the older couple in Canada who showed off their ice fishing house, the hiking couple in Alaska, the teenage girls in Mexico who set them up with friends to visit the pepper plant, the Mexican family whom they spent time with that were going to visit them in Europe later on...I mean, it is as though some reviewers watched a totally different film.

Obviously, they made a mistake by traveling with the dog, but it is not as though they were intentionally trying to harm the dog, and you could tell that they sincerely cared for the dog, and when the time came for them to choose the well-being of the dog or to finish the trip, they didn't hesitate in their decision to cut the trip short.

I have never in my life seen so many perfect people until I read some of these reviews. I apparently have my work cut out for me to reach this elite level of perfection.
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The worst thing out of Germany since World War 2
tomcompaijen28 February 2018
If this movie was scripted and played by actors, it would have been absolutely brilliant. Two priviliged hipsters slowely killing their dog. They're so self centered and spoiled that things normal people would call 'events' they call 'setbacks'. This animal version of Bonnie and Clyde think the whole world spins around them. While German, they talk English during the whole movie because they think their life is so important it's worth sharing with the whole world. Watching if feels like being forced to watch an hour and a half homevideo of your boring friends holiday. There are no storylines, scenes are unrelated to each other. The couple is egocentric, totally not interested in other people or cultures, and painfully stupid and naive. This movie had nothing to do with film making. At random moments they have put on their camera, so while they say they had a great time with people they met, we see no emotional connection at all. This movie made me terminate my Netflix account. I really don't know why I watched it till the end, probably because I like complaining just as much as this couple.
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alex_i-305191 September 2020
I don't agree with the 1 star reviews, however I do agree with peoples points. I gave this film a 6 merely because some of the shots were pretty, and seen as covid has wrecked any chance of travelling this year - maybe that's why I've given it a high score compared to others. I do not know why on earth they brought the dog, and I felt so sorry for it the whole film I was more invested in the dog than anything else by the end of it. Seems kind of a pointless travel film seenas as its less about travel and more about nearly killing a dog and how ill prepared they were.
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How to kill your Bernese Mountain Dog
fhastephen26 February 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is a step-by-step expedition on how to specifically kill a beautiful breed of dog. Take a specific breed, like a BMD, and then travel to extremely temperate areas of the world in the summer with your dog, and explore, all the while leaving your dog inside an RV with no AC. (This movie in a nut-shell), Screw the people who own this dog. You don't deserve to own any dog, let alone the beautiful breed that is a Bernese Mountain Dog. This is coming from an owner of this beautiful breed who lives in a NORTHERN state in the U.S. and still has to be careful running the heat when its below freezing outside. I hated this movie, and the obvious animal cruelty in it.
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Beauty everywhere
julestraylen26 June 2018
Two beautiful young people in their prime, creating memories and being free. I was in awe of the scenery, jealous of the experience and reminisced about my time travelling Australia in a kombi when I was 21. You'll always have this. Congratulations. I loved it.
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Beautiful scenery
jcouk9 July 2020
I loved this journey. Stunning scenery. Following this young couple and their dog on their road trip was so nice and relaxing. The music sound track is beautiful. I enjoyed watching this on a rainy gray day in the uk.
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expedition "how to kill your dog"
itspax11 February 2018
It's a movie about uneducated hipsters who try to kill their poor dog.
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Beautiful Movie
slvaldez11 February 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I think all of the poor reviewers just missed it. Selima and Felix didn't try to glamorize the trip and showed it for its authenticity. If you didn't feel the connection between these two people and their love for their dog then you are just heartless. It was a beautiful movie with a stunning soundtrack and a meditative quality. I find it interesting that everyone who sits on their couch with their boring life is a critic. At least they are living life to the fullest and why do we care how they financed the film they never claimed to be starving artists.
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A challenging emotional and physical journey for the viewer, the couple and their dog.
jessilyrose20 February 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I think the most endearing thing about this documentary is it' s rawness. While others have critiqued the camera work for shakiness, vlog-esque style and dirt specks on the lens, I think this is a relatively minor minor issue. Furthermore, I found the supposedly sub-par footage exquisite. The whole point of this documentary is to pursue happiness, rendering the actual process of filming as secondary thus contributing to the organic-quality that makes the film so appealing.

The beautiful music composed and performed by Selima/Mogli really elevated this documentary for me. Though many of her songs share a similar ethereal acoustics and lush vocals the viewer gets a unique grasps of the changing emotions throughout their adventure. Following this documentary I have continued to listen to her.

I do agree that Felix and Selima were unprepared and naive about many aspects of their journey including the nature of boarder-crossing and the potential health risks to their dog. However, the viewer must consider the couple's cultural context. They are from a predominately landlocked country and the boarder control in Europe is a lot different to that of America. In regards to their dog, you can clearly see how much love they hold for Rudi. Yes, it was unwise of them to bring their dog into the desert or to continue the journey despite Rudi's condition but you must also acknowledge that he may become more distressed or his condition also could've worsened during the roughly 9 hour flight back to Germany. Rudi's battle with illness and arthritis was a very stressful part of the documentary and I must admit that I looked up whether or not he survived the trip while watching it. However, I imagine my stress was incomparable to that of his owners as evident through Selima's distress upon Rudi's treatment at on of the boarders.

Overall, this documentary is quite an interesting exploration of happiness, minimalism and family through they eyes of two disillusioned young adults from Germany against the backdrop of Alaska through to Argentina. Despite the prominence of negative reviews I found this to be a pleasant documentary.
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I have mixed feelings.
fingertwized18 February 2018
After watching this I can't help but wonder if Netflix is desperate for content. But then another part of me is motivated. It is quite possible I can compile all my family videos from our vacations, add some acoustic guitar to the mix, and submit it.
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