A Place to Be (2017) Poster


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You need to see this!
jorgegrandbrio7 May 2018
Was blown away by this movie! I caught it at the San Diego Latino Film Festival with a group of friends who also walked away with such great energy and emotions.

The story hit an emotional nerve for me personally as it deals with a dreamer who wants nothing more then to be loved and to love back. Don't we all? :-(

Putting your political opinions aside this film provides an opportunity to experience raw love between two people who capture love in a bottle.

Do yourself a favor and watch this film and you will not be disappointed.

I loved the acting, and the cinematography was incredible.

I only wish we could have met with the director who was present at the festival but was not able to.

Great film!!!
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A mockery of the real sacrifices of immigrants-SPOILER ALERT
melchoralfredo29 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The trailer and description of this movie would have you believe this is a movie current to times that is going to address real issues. In fact, it is a politically motivated demi piece of propaganda that is neither interesting nor entertaining. One gets the feeling that when this movie was being made no one knew what it was going to be.Was it going to be a critique on the obstacles a gay couple faces? A critique on the US immigration system? A comedy? Drama?

First the good, the film contains some beautiful shots of Pilsen and the Back of the Yards neighborhoods of Chicago. As well as a beautiful undescript town in Mexico. I have tried so hard to find the name of the town but have not been successful. I also applaud the casting of the film because the 2 protagonists aren't traditionally attractive based on Hollywood standards. We clearly see the stretchmarks around Diego's stomach, the hair on his back. We see the less than toned bodies of both protagonists engage in love scenes. This is much more realistic than the chisled, hairless bodies many people still think are requisites to show male homosexuals.

The protagonists also have contrasting personalities. Both are out and not ashamed of their sexual identity but in Diego's words, he is more than who he sleeps with and has varied interests. He is a mechanic, he loves ska, punk, fusion music. Another endearing and well-done scene involves Abel and Diego at a concert. Abel works for a youth gay-rights organization, loves to spend time in Boystown( gay neighborhood) and loves to be part of the "gay community."

This is where the good ends. A deep dark secret is revealed. The woman with whom Diego lives with is not his mom, it is his aunt. This only comes to light when we find out Diego's biological mom is dying in Mexico. To add to the intrigue, Diego is undocumented, having no legal status in the United States. Abel becomes angry almost like Diego just revealed he has 2 kids from 2 previous marriages. In fact Abel becomes annoying because as open as he claims to be, he can't understand why Diego wouldn't have revealed this to him earlier. A huge failure on the part of the writer/director. Also, it is well known that in places like Dallas and Chicago, you can't into bars without a valid US id. While it is selectively enforced, I have gone out with friends who are undocumented and it's a roulette as to where we'll be able to get in even when friends have presented foreign gov't issued ids. One must wonder what it's like when tourists come to visit, but I'm told passports are acceptable. In any case, this becomes a much bigger issue than necessary in the movie.

Abel decides that he is going to help Diego and purchase plane tickets to go visit his dying mother in Mexico even though they haven't spoken in years. With undocumented individuals, the problem isn't leaving, it's that you can't get back. In many ways, this was a missed opportunity. If we want to talk about a broken immigration system, why not talk about the fact that people leave their country to immigrate illegally with the knowledge they may never see their loved ones again and many times lose a mother, father or sibling and can't go to a funeral because they can't come back.

Abel and Diego arrive in Mexico and make it just as Diego's mom has died. They are greeted by Diego's sister( who knew he had one?). It is at this moment, where one of my biggest points of contention come up. Diego,Abel, Diego's sister and his Aunt Lily are played by Latino actors but none of the 4 speak Spanish in a credible way. Aunt Lily sounds like she's lived in South Texas all her life with little exposure to Spanish, Abel sounds like a native English speaker when he speaks Spanish and Diego is hit and miss, if the dialogue is short he can do it fine. Make it a few sentences longer and it goes south. Magically, Diego's sister speaks English flawlessly and we are never clued in to why this is? Of course, you can grow up in the US, be of Spanish speaking immigrants and not know Spanish well but we are all lead to believe the actors are fluent in Spanish. Although this isnt noticeable to non-Spanish speakers, it comes across as inauthentic.

After Diego's mother's death, his sister insists they have a good time. This involves a lot of drinking and eating over several days. Eventually, the question of how is Diego going to get back must be addressed. Abel tells Diego, that he will not leave him and that if Diego has to enter smuggled, he will take that journey with him. Diego protests, insisting the journey is dangerous and uncertain and Abel shows his love conquers all attitude by insisting that he knows (does he really?).

Diego's sister makes arrangements for them to be smuggled across the border. By the way, it's around this time it's implied she is a lesbian. As Abel and Diego talk about the journey and the dangers of it, Abel recalls a saying his grandfather had, "Pendejo el que se muere." In short, you only die if you're a dumb ass to reassure Diego things will be fine. Well, it turns out this was a self-fulfilling prophecy.

They arrive at the border and are put in the back of a cargo truck with others hoping to enter the US. In the back of the truck, a smuggler rides along with them in order to keep watch. One night among loud protests from a female immigrant it is discovered the smuggler is trying to rape her at knife point. One could argue that using rape as a plot-device is lazy or one could take it as the smuggler who is clearly described as a "white-guy" AKA US citizen is one of the rapists Donald Trump says Mexican immigrants are. More on the political undertones later. Abel protests to Diego that they can't allow the rape to happen and both protest verbally. Abel wants to become a hero and tries to lunge at the attacker. The attacker wielding a knife fights Abel off and holds him at knife-point. Around this time, the would-be rapist lets it come out that Diego and Abel are homosexuals. For a few moments after Diego's protests, it appears the would-be rapist is going to let Abel go. Suddenly he decides to stab Abel twice, almost killing him instantly. Another of the immigrants grabs the smuggler by the neck and snaps it, killing the smuggler. It is at this moment one realizes, Abel had no idea how hard the journey would be or that you are at the mercy of the smugglers when you make this journey. His privilege as a person living in the US made him feel he had a right to stand up to the smuggler and come out on top. Another nice thing about the movie is the message that while.the US is far from perfect, there are many things to be grateful for. One could argue this point for hours, I won't get into it. In short, he died because he wasn't aware of his situation and in many ways he was the pendejo (dumb-ass) his grandfather talked about.

The truck makes it to Chicago with 2 cadavers(Abel and the smuggler). Diego is devastated. A few weeks later Diego is given a package left from Abel with a letter that he wrote almost knowing he was going to die. We don't see what else is in the package until the end. Diego is in a vehicle with Abel's roomate and his own friend Braulio (who gived a pretty awful performance as a stereotypical gay "queen." They are at the DMV and it is revealed Abel left Diego all the necessary documents to assume his identity. MORE QUESTIONS, so is Abel reported as disappeared? Just like he vanished or never died. Diego is hesitant because he and Abel were only together for 6 months. He goes through and assumes Abel's identity which will allow him to have a license and many other things he couldn't have before.

The movie is poliically charged, to me it addresses little about the broken immigration system. Yes, Diego is brought here as a child but many of the actions were unnecessary. Abel could have married Diego in Mexico and petitioned for him if push really came to shove as we are led to believe, something that wouldn't have been possible 6-7 years ago. If Abel loved Diego enough to prepare a package for Diego to assume his identity what was really stopping him from marriage. I know it's not that simple but the film tries to be too clever and it isn't successful.

The director clearly doesn't like Pres. Trump or his policies and intersects the movie with clips from a Chicago radio show where the DJs criticize then candidate Trump.

We won't know for years how the President's policies have truly impacted the country so it seems a bit premature to make a film criticizing him as if the topic of the film has to do with a specific policy. How often are films that are made in the moment or shortly after a historical event really reflective of the mood, long-lasting effects or impact.

Could've been good but it wasn't at all.
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Great Movie!!!
blowmelife18 April 2019
I love how real this movie is!!! I wish I knew where in Mexico they filmed! I have to give props to Mr Garcia for the cinematography that was amazing. Everything that he captured was in point and felt I was part of the movie. Hope to see more work of his in the near future.

Now the movie I loved it. Sad but true I have a friend going thru the process legalizing himself and he is currently married with his husband for 5 years and still in the process. It's not a easy and short process plus it is a pricey process. I can't imagine him go thru what's Diego and Abel had to go thru in case of a emergency to Mexico and not legal yet. If I could give it more stars I would.
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Build That Wall !
sugarfreepeppermint10 June 2018
It is hard to imagine that an illegal Mexican immigrant who has been living in the United Sates since he was 6 years old and now is in his mid 30s hasn't managed to get documented via one of the plenty US organisations who dedicate themselves to this. But that little detail of reality wouldn't suit the infantile storyline of this film.

White Americans in this film are portrayed as evil drug addicts, racists, rapists and murderers. Of course we must dispose of the idea that it is in fact that group which has made America the country that has become so desirable for a large demographic of Mexicans to immigrate into.

The tragedy of the film occurrs not because the broken immigration system is not letting people in, but because human smuggling (run by Mexican drug cartels, not by renegade US citizens) is still occurring since the US is not hard enough. If "the wall" is built, hopefully that will come to an end.

The prejudiced anti-white, anti-American propaganda in this film is loathesome. The love story between the two hairy latino bears is the only part that I enjoyed
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pointer16521 November 2018
Warning: Spoilers
My soul was ripped open from this movie ! Starts off as a great Gay love story and then as life intervenes, it does become dark! Still a must watch movie that is contemporary ---

There are no nude scenes so basically ok for older kids

Thanks go out to the writers- producers - actors and this entire team
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A must-see DVD so real and so timely!
tlhansen-6038517 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I recommend this movie! It is awesome!

This is such an important movie because it shows us the depth of two gay men, plus their hopes, dreams, and goals. The film revolves around the connection of the two main characters, Abel and Diego, who are surrounded by family, friends, community members, and mentors. There is much more to this film than kissing and sex. As we are reminded in the film, gay men are more than just their sexuality.

This is such a timely movie because it shows us the stress and strain caused by the constant announcements of immigration officials targeting families who are in this country without papers and of border agents hunting undocumented workers in our nation. Diego struggles with this pressure, while Abel is unaware and has his own difficulties facing him.

Despite pressure from the outside world, and some of their own hang-ups and complications, Abel and Diego have a wonderful romance and a very real experience as a couple.

Not to give too much away, but Diego and Abel's morning-after-breakfast-scene-with-mom is so beautiful. It was at this point that I fell in love with the friendship of these three characters!

In addition to Abel, Diego, and his adopted mom, there are many funny, and very supportive, characters in the film. I found the relationship between Diego and his sister to be enthralling. Their love shows through so brightly in the darkness facing the characters. She knows her brother so well and it is as if he has just gone away yesterday and come right back home. She speaks to them only in Spanish, and the viewer wonders if she speaks any English. She looks at them and suddenly says, "So what's the deal with you two?" I love this character!

Both Diego and Abel have "sidekicks-maybe ex-boyfriends/tricks-buddies-clowns" who are both funny as hell. They both obviously love Diego and Abel very much in a way only people who understand their friendships and roles will truly see. I would love to see more of them. I also want to see more of Rita. It was a tease, getting to learn a little bit about her and then moving on... I wanted more of her advice and more of her wisdom.

In terms of scenery, I would have loved to see more panoramas like the beautiful old churchyard and hill. Awesome photography of steeples and of the setting, indeed.

In terms of realism, the struggles are great and believable in the film. From accounts I have heard, what happens in the truck seems to be very common in the crossings people have told me about. Unfortunately.

This is a great film! It reminds us of the power of the human spirit to endure!
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Great cast and great story with an IMPORTANT MESSAGE
lovemovieschicago6 May 2018
So I was aiming to watch another flick at my AMC movie theater in Chicago when I came across a poster just outside the ticket booth area. It immediately caught my eye. It was a man looking right at me, but you can only see half his face. I then looked at the title, "En Algun Lugar" and I was like, "what the heck does that mean?" Underneath it says "Love knows no borders." Huh?????

There was a large crowd forming outside the booth area and they were standing around a blue sign that read, "Chicago Latino Film Festival." A rep walked up to me and asked me if I had any questions. I pointed at the En Algun Lugar poster and she said, yep, that's one of our films. We only have a limited amount of tickets left for the evening's show.

Okay, I get it, you're trying to sell me tickets, whatever. I said thanks but no thanks.

So I proceed to buy a ticket to another movie when guess what happens? Yep, my movie is sold out. Really? Ugh! So, I turned around and there across from me is the man who is on the poster. It's the actor!!! He and a group of folks head up to the theaters and I quickly follow, but now I need a ticket. Luckily I got one of the last tickets (that rep wasn't lying after all).

So I take my seat and the theater is packed! Remember, i know nothing about this movie except for the fact they cast an extremely attractive man and he's in the theater with me. (YAY!!!)

The lights dim to black and...

... well, I am happy to say after nearly two hours you quickly realize there was a specific response the filmmakers were trying to achieve from its audience. It caught me off guard because at first, I was worried when the characters seemed glossed over with the typical cliche techniques often found in romantic dramas, but then it is completely removed when a hyper-realistic quality takes over the film. It was truly welcomed as it gave the film and its audience a sense of energy often found in action films or suspense thrillers (this is not a bad thing, just a bad example on my part, but when you see the film you'll get what I'm saying, AND YOU'LL AGREE with me).

I think the filmmakers chose to do this to offer a specific narrative often experienced by the men and women who grew up in the United States without legal immigration status. Yep, that's what I believe the tagline "Love Knows No Borders" was pertaining to on its poster, and man did they nail it!

On a side note, I will say this, this film does not shy away from the tragic situations many living in the shadows have to endure, but they do provide some tongue and cheek comedy relief from one character named Brolio played by Jessie Perez. Just when things get desperate or low in energy Brolio pops up and brings us some welcomed energy to a desperate situation. Some may welcome this, while others may see this as a cop-out to a realistic situation going on in our country today. I'd agree with said cop out feelings, but again there is a specific response they want the audience to experience so they need to show the humor and glossiness; my opinion.

To that end, that attractive actor's name, the one on the poster, is Andrew Saenz, and he was great, but it's his co-star Nelson Rodriguez who steals the show with his small and subtle actions. I mean let us be honest, these two actors share a strong bond on screen and I would not for one second think there was not some true romance between them while the cameras were not rolling. (If not, then damn, these two guys are some true thespians!)

Yes, this film is unique and has a political position in its undertones, but it does not slap you in the face with it, rather it provides you with an opportunity to at least see what it's like to want to be loved while borders dictate who you can love, and that's the core message... LOVE (should) KNOW NO BORDERS.
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This is not a rom com... and that's good!
reservecitizen6 May 2018
No spoilers...

I'm a sucker for rom coms, which this is not, but there was something relatable in the situations these characters go through that make it feel like the first half of the film can fall into that genre, but then there's a significant twist halfway through the film that exposes a raw and organic underbelly to what I believe the storyteller was trying to communicate... we all want to live in a rom com, but when the reality of life sets in rom coms will never be a true reflection of what life is really all about, and we all make decisions that can, and will, impact your life for good or for bad, which is why I feel this film will hit a nerve of a certain sentimental audience who, like me, truly enjoy the mystique of living in a pretend world of the rom coms, but since we are all truly cynical beings, our cynicism will urge you to fall in love with this film's message... I did.

Okay, enough about rom coms... I promise.

The real meat of this story is a topic I was not fully aware of, or educated on, until recent political events in my country (USA); that of a broken immigration system with thousands of young undocumented immigrants living in secret from their friends and lovers.

This movie, without spoon feeding it, gently hints the sacrifice and courage these immigrants experience day in and day out. The folks are as American as i, except for a sheet of paper, BUT, the film does not slap you in the face about how unfair it is for them, rather it hits you in the face about the drastic decisions immigrants have to make in this country just to experience the countless rights and liberties I often take for granted. It doesn't make me feel ashamed to be a white woman with privilege, that was not the agenda of this film, but it does make me ask how do I justify the daily complaints I have about the little things I often complain about when folks like the protagonist of this film would dream to complain about.

A lovely film, with a great cast and wonderful imagery!
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guisellegarcia18 April 2019
This movie touched home but in a heterosexual way. I had some similarities happen with my sister married a undocumented and couldn't see his mom because of illegal status, hopefully soon he will be able to see his mom before she passes away. If you have not seen this movie watch it but you must watch it with a box of Kleenex
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A LBGQT movie of love and the immigration problem in the US.
bgoo-1989031 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I am just a GAY man with no talent. Except opinions.

This movie addresses the fears and misunderstandings people perceive about illegal immigrants from Mexico. Misunderstandings perpetuated by ignorant people. People who's main purpose is to encourage hate and fear.

This is a beautifully crafted movie with some minor technical flaws. It is the story of two Latino men. One born in the US,Nelson Rodrigue Abel Rendonone. One brought here before he was 6, Andrew Saenz as Diego Guerrero, and left with relatives. Despite the criticisms of other reviewers about amnesty programs etc. That is a minor point since the opening scene deals with him at the immigration office. This is a story of love and a partners devotion to each other. The ending is truely beautiful and poignant. The acting might be a bit stiff. But if you move past that to the message. It will be an enjoyable movie.

Please be warned there is a sound byte from Mr. Trump, On a personal note: I hope that chapter in the history of the US is forgotten by the world!
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