Defective (2017) Poster


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Defective dud
TheLittleSongbird9 July 2018
'Defective' drew me into seeing it, with a cool poster/cover, an intriguing premise that is one of the most creative ones of any low-budget film seen recently and as someone with a general appreciation for the genre. That it was low-budget, which from frequent personal experience is rarely a good sign due to that there are so many poor ones out there, made me though apprehensive as well as the low rating and poor reviews.

It is sadly however yet another film seen recently, hence some reiteration because the exact same strengths and flaws those films have are present here, that to me was incredibly disappointing considering its potential which it doesn't do anywhere near enough with. 'Defective' is very weak, with a plethora of problems (huge ones too and the worst assets terrible) and doesn't do enough with its potential, which was hardly small. There is very little to recommend and no that it's low-budget has little to do with the lacking execution, there are films made on a modest/low budget that are surprisingly good.

Not irredeemable though. The sets have some atmosphere and the film is surprisingly decently shot, being neither drab or static but instead reasonably fluid.

Raven Cousens and particularly Dennis Andres give competent performances that are heads and shoulders above the rest of the cast.

Unfortunately, the rest of the cast are not really worth mentioning, especially the near uniformly embarrassing support which ranged between being hammy or robotic. Colin Parradine struggles to do anything with a flat character and comes over as very anaemic and out of his depth. While the director does decently with the visual style, when it comes to the directing of the actors and the story that's where the direction fails badly. Far too many times the cast are made to look hopeless or with aimless direction and there is very little sense of coherence or momentum.

Found 'Defective' to be about 15-20 minutes too long, which easily could have been rectified by cutting out the large amount of unnecessary fat/padding and shortening or tightening scenes that dragged out endlessly, too many of those as well. It is very frustrating when a film has a creative concept and brings it out on screen in a dull and predictable way, with huge lapses in plausibility and logic, lots of head-scratching and face-palming ridiculousness, draggy pacing, no tension or suspense whatsoever and a reveal that was handled far too ludicrously.

Sadly the criticisms don't end there. The dialogue is rambling and stilted with a lot of intrigue and gibberish. The characters are neither interesting or easy to get behind, a major case of who cares here. The heroes make too many stupid decisions and have indistinct personalities to allow one to get to know them or root for them. Similarly the villains have no menace and actually come over as flatly realised and silly. There is nothing emotionally investable, there are attempts at emotional moments but it was impossible to feel anything when the characters were so flat and indifferent and the interactions non-descript.

In conclusion, weak. 3/10 Bethany Cox
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3 stars is best on it
pogsnet13 February 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The story is fine and props the problem is the acting sucks. Action act even on shooting sucks, you see a woman typing on a turned off computer as if she was working, only idiots will believe that so. The robots? is it really a robot? Why it has blood when it gets a headshot? So much for an oiled machine, Sorry I did not finish it since it is so stupid movie.
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It was alright, I guess.
ChristianLikesScreens31 March 2019
The acting and fighting was the worst part. Best actor was the discount Chris Pratt. Props and costumes were awesome and there was some great great camerawork, still really showed the low budget. I somewhat enjoyed this film but wouldnt reccomend it unless this is your type of thing.
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Low Budget is not an excuse for a bad job...
abdullah-1914 February 2018
There are lots of nonsense in this movie, and there are many flaws. Too long with unnecessary scenes.. Bad acting... Bad directing. (few scenes are not bad tough) I gave 2 stars comparing to a decent Sci-Fi. I don't believe low budget cause these problems. it could be better even with only a better montage.
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I watch a lot of movies...
trickybusiness17 February 2018
This movie as a Sci-Fi wasn't a masterpiece but than again, it wasn't that bad. I kinda enjoyed it. It's easy to complain but it's is always done by viewers. Which is understandable but try to do the job yourself...?! Anyway, the acting, yeah, it deserves some work but still, it's about the story line and frack it (reading all the other reviews, i am going to give it one more star!)
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I don't know why they made this film.
meyuk12 March 2018
This film was based on a worn out theme with no new twist. The direction, acting and dialogue were very low quality. The foul language and graphical sadism added nothing to the story. No idea what the ending meant and I lost track of the dark haired women that kept appearing.
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Watchable entertainment, easily could have been better ...
MarcSchmarc18 February 2018
In general, it hits all the buttons of dystopian suspense, i.e. you quickly realize the plot is scratching along a well-mined seam. Some here whammy the acting, some the directing, or both. I think the directing and editing of closeups deserve the most criticism ... leaving actors, who are struggling with the concept of how to look stunned, confused, frightened ... or just thoughtful ... hanging up there on the screen for seemingly endless moments. Action movies need their moments of painful introspection, but this was out of control. Even in the midst of a hairy shoot-em-up you have people staring into space. A serious incomprehension of timing. Otherwise, yeah, if you love watching movies, and like sci-fi, I'd recommend this. Mediocre, yes, and it would probably deserve a 6 ... but when I find myself becoming aware of directing flaws while watching a movie, it's automatically down by 2. (BTW ... how in the world can people use a sci-fi flic as a launching pad for their political woof-woof, is beyond me. This site ain't FB.)
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Even the fake profiles hated it...
ParanoidPenguin3 July 2018
Movies so bad that even the actors who made imdb accounts just to review it couldn't bring themselves to give it more than 8 stars... Don't waste your time on this one. Even Mystery Science Theater 3000 would pass this one up.
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No more, please...
CelldwellerNS2 July 2019
Reese Eveneshen describes himself as a "filmmaker" on his twitter bio. He should really, really stop.
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An unintended satire that's humorous.
KingOfHungary26 April 2020
It's so terrible that it becomes funny after a bit, but if they marketed it as a satire, it would have fared better. It's the most basic and overdone sci fi story. "Turn this version of yourself off for a second" is a throwaway line in the movie, as is 100% of the dialogue, but it works well in regards to everyone's performances. The office (lead) girl for some reason acts like she got an orgasm twice in the film, in what I assume to be a dramatic reaction to things but it comes out so out of place. There are many "highlights" in this film, from the awful dialogue, to the awful loud robot sounds that the robots make, and that they are wearing armor that protects the same as cotton, but the outright best part of the film is a long action fight scene inside a storage facility. It is absurdly stupidly done, but it's hilarious. I was laughing out loud at how nonsensical, badly choreographed, and incomprehensible it was. There is another hilarious action scene in a hallway, with cent store (not even dollar store) John Wick guy.

Every character is awful in a nickel and dime store fashion, and for some unknown reason, they cast 2 very, very similar looking women in roles where even if they're in the same room, you have to strain to remember which is which. Props to super cheap knockoff Chris Pratt for yelling without impact, and for the irony of him being an edgy against the system badass kind of guy, who refers to himself as "Gamechanger, Rulebreaker", being disgruntled for having to stand in line too long at a fancy coffee shop. The lead guy, who thinks he's John Wick, is on near current day Steven Seagal level of crappy badassery, and moves with about the same flexibility and the same cutaway action scenes.

If this story was made in 1990 it would be outdated. The science fiction aspect is so much behind the time it's ridiculous. When suspects are wanted, the TVs, Cellphones, tablets and all devices simply shows an image of the mugshot of the suspect and writes out SUSPECT WANTED, no other information? Come on.

If you look at it like a straight sci fi movie, it's embarrassing. If you look at it like a cheap satire, then it's embarrassing, but at least you're laughing at it instead of having being frustrated.
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Chronic waiting, at every turn
kdc-431672 January 2019
It is full of the new Millennium waiting and false cinema portrayed social justice where the heroin is confused about taking action. Constant complaining with inaction simply claiming we need help. We can't do this, what can we do. The woman is still saying trust the SEA. It is completely pathetic, almost as if they want people to have unwavering trust in the Government. Nobody can be this stupid yet it continues. Wait, we have to call them, they are there to help. A cosmic joke, but I will continue watching.
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Nifty sci-fi movie
Woodyanders20 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Nefarious corporation S.E.A. rises to power and implements a police state complete with a special robotic task force in a bleak near future. However, the new Preservers of the Peace turn out to be overzealous tyrants who execute folks for the smallest of crimes. Disillusioned war veteran Rhett Murphy (a solid performance by Colin Paradise) and his estranged Jean Harlan (an appealing portrayal by Raven Cousens) go on the lam after being deemed fugitives for discovering this.

Writer/director Reese Eveneshen keeps the compelling story zipping along at a brisk pace, nicely captures a grimly oppressive totalitarian world, takes time to develop the characters, delivers oodles of bloody violence, and stages the exciting action with skill and aplomb. The sturdy acting by the able cast helps a lot: Ashley Armstrong as ruthless corporate lackey Ora Green, Dennis Andres as amiable maverick Pierce Felton, Jamie Tarantini as sympathetic police officer Allison Jacobs, and Ry Barrett as deranged surgeon Dr. Osiris. A cool flick.
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For a very low budget film, it had its good moments, but also its avoidable flaws
Top_Dawg_Critic14 February 2018
This is a very low budget indie film, primarily with C & B actors, and will rate it as such on its own merits.

Novice director and writer Reese Eveneshen did a surprisingly impressive job with directing the cameras and scenes, and for the great cinematography and decent score (the only reason I rated this high), but poorly in directing his actors, and even worse in the writing and screenplay.

How can anyone let certain scenes make the final cut? For example at the start, Rhett's sister gets shot and Rhett just stands there like an idiot. Seriously? Then his sister towards the end of the film says she doesn't know how to use a gun, but starts shooting like a marine. And there's much more in between.

This screenplay needed a huge make-over and needed to be cut down from a ridiculous 101 mins to around 70 mins with a faster pace. Many scenes were dragged out far too long with annoying, confusing and unnecessary dialogue. Had the producers invested in a better screenwriter instead the costs involved for the lousy, unnecessary and ridiculous gore (was this film even rated horror/gore?), this film would have been much better.

The acting was atrocious, part blame the actors and part to the director for not directing them during their scenes. The only decent actors were Rhett's sister and Dennis Andres as Pierce. Colin Paradine's character Rhett was unconvincing, boring and very stale. All the rest were pretty much embarrassing.

I know this film will get slammed as most amateur IMDb reviewers will rate this equally and comparable to a huge Hollywood blockbuster production, so I am giving it a generous 6/10 for the great cinematography and directing, and for a fair attempt to produce this type of film on such a small budget.
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Made in the backyard
alci35015 December 2020
It started out as an interesting idea of a movie with some nice costumes, then they just filled time with scenes that had no connection to the previous one and just couldn't be bothered with even making sense with what was beeing said and done. It's like holding a camcorder in your backyard and just saying lines to fill the time. With a bit of effort it could have been something watchable. This is an insult for people watching it.
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Appropriate Title
callmedawkins19 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
First off, this movie is definitely a bad movie. But I'll give it credit for trying. Some of the cinematography is nice but a very low-budget film overall. The action is terrible. I don't think they had more than two robot costumes and I'm still not sure if they were even supposed to be robots, cyborgs, or humans with armor because the actors playing them can't decide. Would like to see the filmmakers do a movie with a simpler premise because this sci-fi seems a bit much for them to handle.

Also RIP to that one one robot minding his own business when he gets shot and a shelf falls on him by accident. So funny.
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Futuristic Sci Fi
KatMovieLuver6 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Somewhere in the United States is total government control in one of the states. They never tell you what state this is happening in. Everyone is watched by these things that look like robots.

Too many infractions or mistakes the government deems you defective. Which means death very swiftly.

Acting is okay. Yeah it's not Oscar worthy for sure. I found it entertaining enough. Story line is good. Sometimes they are not very clear on how some the characters get taken over. There is some chip implanted in the back of the neck.

I think the movie plot could of been improved. Lack of explaining what was happening to the characters made it hard to follow. Worth a watch if you are looking for a sci fi on a boring night.
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pronkie0420 November 2020
Gem, laughed trough the whole thing! It was better than any comedy! Lol
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Good Storyline, and enjoyable
pws-586547 April 2018
Surprised at the great quality based on the budget. Good story line which I think is highly relevant today, and good pace.
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Pretty good on a $100,000 Budget
mlwilliams-1332110 November 2018
It was a fun little movie. It doesn't deserve all the low ratings from the syfy nerds on here.
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Loved it.
jamieroxx13 January 2018
I like Science fiction and I dig a well done dystopian future story line. I just watched Defective last night and I really dug it. Well done. Lots of twists and turns and I really enjoyed it. A Fantastic Film.
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Not as bad as some reviews say.
jewelch28 December 2020
Even with its narrative stumbles, Defective remains the rare low-budget genre movie with obvious conviction and a timely point to make. Eveneshen's fears don't seem so far-fetched. James Welch Henderson, Arkansas 12/26/2020
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