Life Is Strange (Video Game 2015) Poster

(2015 Video Game)

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If you liked story based games . this is a good tale to play
eapenster20 October 2015

Alright i must admit 10/10 in rather generous for anything in life because nothing in life is perfect..But it is perfect when you accept it the way it is.. Here is a strange review for a strange game with a strange story. This might be the lesson hidden in this whole game that you can never make life perfect. You got to do what you can in strange situations and learn to live with it. Life is indeed strange. That i am writing a review for a game at 4:20 am . For a game i never thought i would play.The strangest this is i got this game as a gift and never bothered playing it till October the 19th 2015... And i couldn't stop playing till it reached chapter 5 which wasn't out yet. And to my uttermost surprise the 5th chapter came out on October the 20th. i didn't know this and it was incredible shear coincidence..Life is strange. Now for the review lol

Who is this game for ? Life is Strange is a great game for people who like a good story . And also people who like college drama and Sci -fi and philosophy and photography.

How is the Graphics ?

There are many scenes in the game were the places are so artistically created that you just sit and stare at it. Even though this is not a fantasy game. It does have a lot of beauty in it.Like the flag on the curtain of a certain someone in the game and how light streams through it. The engine does give wonderful visuals. Even though the visuals are not photo-real (no pun intended ) and has a style of its own. It still holds its ground visually.

How is the Story Voice over and acting?

The story voice over and acting for this game is really good. I like how you can kind of read the emotions of peoples faces and body language. Even when you are not talking to them this adds a lot of be-livability to the game .And you get a seance of life in a high school (unlike any one i have been to ) . So its refreshing and a familiar sight for you American folks out there :-).

Is it worth buying ?

I think this would be a great time to buy the game as all episodes are out and you can enjoy the whole story

Will it run on my computer ?

Aha ! this is something everyone likes to ask and i must say it should run on most computers. I am using a laptop with a geforce 2 and the game ran at medium detail in full HD resolution .

One advice for someone starting the game ?

Plants don't usually need a lot of water. all the time.
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I don't deserve to play this game.
gragz7730 March 2017
The game itself isn't brilliant. There isn't an awful lot to do where game play is concerned. But obviously this is what Square Enix intended. The camera can be a little awkward at times which could of been easily fixed with the option to view the game in first person.

"Hang on.. You rated this game 10!?"

Yes I did, And here's why....

If there's an area where Square Enix shine it's their ability to tell an incredible story. And hot diggity dayum do they tell this story! Along with it's amazing soundtrack, the story is sensational. I think I've gone through every possible human emotion going through this masterpiece. I wish I was good enough with words to describe just how much I LOVED going through this game.
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A masterpiece of storytelling
tdp-7015919 May 2016
Easily the most emotional game I've ever played. This is coming from someone who has been playing pc games for over 16 years. The way this game sucks you into the narrative, the way you get attached to the characters and genuinely care about them and their well-being. It's a sad but beautiful game with a big heart. It's something different and profound in a way. Do yourself a favour and immerse yourself in this nostalgic experience which is only emphasized by its great audiovisual side. The immersion, atmosphere, layering of sounds, camera work - everything is on point. It's a complete roller-coaster from start to finish that takes you to places in your memories you thought you have long forgotten. This game confirms that games can be the best storytelling medium if used to their potential.
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Life is Strange Review
Moviememmer26 October 2019
  • Great story & characters
  • Sense of realism
  • Challenging choices
  • Some great plot twists
  • Interesting Time warp game mechanic
  • Graphics are pretty decent

  • Some slow and mundane parts
  • Few bugs and glitches

Verdict: Great coming of age story with great believable characters and realistic events. Good game.

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Mind Blowingly amazing
tifke25 August 2016
I played the first episode for free as a trial,after i finished i didn't hesitate to buy the entire game. the graphics aren't like for example gta 5 graphics but honestly that's okay,it gives the game charm.the scenery is just so beautiful,words can't describe is strange also has an amazing soundtrack

the story is so amazing with so many twists and unexpected turns,it has everything,action,romance,comedy,etc. this game really does something to you,it gives you so many feelings that i can't even put into words,i finished playing it and immediately started again because its so damn addictive,this game really gets to you. my advice? play it,just play it,its simply amazing
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Saving Chloe
85122222 June 2017
Greetings from Lithuania.

To be honest, first i didn't expected much from "Life Is Strange" (2015) after i picked this on my PS4 just recently. I thought it will be OK flick, without much "action". After finishing all 5 episodes i can safely say - this has to be one of the most unforgettable experiences I've ever had while playing video games. "Life Is Strange" is an amazing experience.

The story here in a first place is nothing short like amazing. While playing this game i felt like i was watching a great movie in which i could make a decisions. The decisions that later in a game brought me to tears...

Writing, voice acting, music and storytelling are all first rate - they are more then wonderful. The story itself was so amazing, so involving that i kinda needed to play next episodes ASAP after finishing previous. Graphics were very good and controls were superb as well, although this is a heavy story based game so there isn't really A LOT of game play, but there is more then enough.

Overall, i can't praise this game enough. It caught me totally by surprise of how involving and genuinely emotional this game is - there were small tears more then once in my eyes and i honestly can't remember that this would ever have happen in a video games before - and i'm a 31 years old guy. Please do your self a favor and play this small masterpiece - it is an absolutely amazing experience one that i will never forget.
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giannakopoulosjim20 March 2019
From visuals to gameplay to voice acting to story. A pure M A S T E R P I E C E
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Soo emotionally and memories
godofsatan-5571916 April 2019
The game stroy is epic, lots and lots of sad and feelings touching.. the game makes you think that every loss can be corrected but last chapter was sad and leave us with depressions
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A Beautiful Game
jonruff10816 February 2015
(This review is after playing the first episode, I don't know how the rest will play out) I don't play many games, mostly because I'm only interested in the ones that tell genuine stories (if not they better be fun as hell). I was browsing the PSN store (I played this on PS4) and came across the demo for the first episode. I tried it. Loved it. Bought the season pass. Played the rest of the episode and loved it. The fact that the entire season only costs $20 is amazing to me! It's definitely worth it! The game is beautiful. The art direction and graphics are very unique and the cinematography during cut scenes is downright gorgeous. The music is gentle and soothing, giving a sense of calmness to the story. The story itself is very engaging as are the characters you meet. Everything in the game has a purpose. Speaking to another student around the school campus, what you say to them, and what you do can affect what happens to you. The dialogue is fine, although it's a little clunky at times but most of the time it's realistic and it sounds like people just talking to each other. The voice actors do a great job with what was given to them and bring humanity to their characters. As for pacing, that's up to you. It can be a pretty fast paced game if you don't slow down and actually engage in the story, which is what makes it so great in the first place.

For those looking for a lot of gameplay, turn back because this isn't for you. This plays out similar to Telltale's The Walking Dead series. Choices and actions affect the story and you basically just walk (yes, walk, not run) around talking and exploring. The levels are beautifully crafted so it doesn't really get boring.

The central story is very heartfelt and feels like it was written for a movie rather than a game, which should be taken as a compliment to the writers. A lot (not all) of games don't put a lot of focus on the story and rather on the gameplay but that isn't the case here. The story guides the player through the levels and it doesn't get boring or uninteresting. As I said earlier, the characters have this sense of humanity in them and makes it easy for the player to emotionally connect with them. It's great to see such human characters in a game where they aren't running around with a gun killing people...or things.

Overall, I have to say I'm impressed and have already recommended this to multiple friends; it's clear that a lot of care went into making this game. The first episode lasted me about two and a half hours and for $5 an episode I'd say that's pretty good! I look forward to the next installment in March!
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My favorite game ever
samuellarson-986962 March 2019
When I got it I played through the whole thing in a day. It was amazing, the story, and characters are amazing. I will replay whenever I can. I'm currently replaying it now, and it's better than the first time. The soundtrack is my favorite out of any game soundtrack.
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pouyammasoud27 February 2021
I should say this is the best emotional and exciting game in the world! I'm really into these kind of games and I played several games like this but I have to say none of them made me that heartwarming and also heartbreaking. It's really a masterpiece for those who would like to taste teen drama and want to have great adventure. I just want to say never miss any chances for playing this fabulous game. Hope more people become interested in these titles and more of this type of games be made in the future. I gotta say I really can't show how great this game was!! It's worth 1000 stars.
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A beautiful and poignant story elevates "Life is Strange" far beyond its minor faults. Warning: Spoilers
You really gotta hand it to the folks over at Dontnod Entertainment and Square-Enix. They've crafted what is arguably one of the best episodic graphic-adventure titles of the past decade with their 2015 release "Life is Strange," and they did it in a very unique and often- entertaining way. With a story-line and characters that can only be described as "Juno meets Donnie Darko", and a fantastic game-play style that very pleasantly reminded me of the excellent interactive- horror- movie "Until Dawn", "Life is Strange" is certainly one of the more intriguing and fascinating games in recent memory. And though it might not quite be perfect, it definitely comes highly recommended from this very satisfied gamer.

We follow Max Caulfield, a young student who is attending school in the town of Arcadia Bay, Oregon. As the story begins, Max discovers that she somehow has the mysterious ability to rewind time for brief instances, allowing her to correct mistakes or change choices she has recently made. And she must use this gift and curse in an increasingly intricate story-line that unfolds over the course of a week, as she re-unites with her troubled and sometimes self-destructive childhood friend Chloe Price, tries to solve the mystery of a local missing girl and attempts to avert disaster as she begins to experience cryptic visions that suggest a tornado will destroy Arcadia Bay in only a few days time...

To get it out of the way, I do think there is one pretty moderate flaw to the game that should be addressed up front. The general storytelling and handling of character and dialog is very specific, and no doubt will turn some gamers off. It feels very "quirky" and "indie film." And this sort-of sensibility can be grating at times in the early chapters of the game... especially the first chapter, which lasts about an hour and seems to be the one most chock-full of pretentious one-liners and non-stop acoustic guitar music. Thankfully, the game quickly corrects this "eccentricity" over the second and third chapters, but it still might be a bit much for some.

The storytelling is generally top-notch, and like many other games of this style, there's a lot of room for replays as your choices impact the narrative. So each time you start the game again, you'll be getting a fresh, new experience based on the choices you make. The plot is quite fascinating and there's enough twists and turns over its relatively short length to keep you guessing and searching for the next big clue or next great character-arc to discover. Some of the revelations will definitely take your breath away and may even tug at your heartstrings. Characters are expertly written and performed (despite the occasionally-wonky dialog), and you'll very easily be able to slip into Max's shoes and feel the pressure she feels in trying to make all the right choices. It's just generally a wonderful game in terms of writing and direction, and it keeps you wholly invested from start to finish. Which is no small feat for any story.

Of particular note is the relationship between Max and Chloe, which forms the backbone of the narrative. It's an incredibly sweet and yet also oft tumultuous and turbulent friendship, going through the most extremes of high and low points. It's an emotional roller coaster, and draws so many pure feelings of happiness and despair out of you throughout the experience. And our lead voice-over actresses Hannah Telle and Ashley Burch nail it wonderfully. It is without doubt the highlight of the entire game.

Gameplay is quite astonishing for a game of this style, and both the controls and the mechanics perfectly compliment the proceedings. The basic controls are very tight, concise and easy to pick up on. It might take a bit of getting used to, but within ten or fifteen minutes, most players will have them mastered. The way Max interacts with the environment is quite cleverly implemented, with players using the thumb-sticks to look around, then using one of several buttons on a pop-up menu to interact with objects or NPC's in varying ways. The main game-play mechanic that sets the game apart is most definitely the "Time Rewind" feature, which can generally be used at any time, save for a small handful of key sequences in which Max briefly loses the ability. It's shocking how perfectly the ability is integrated into the game-play. It can be used to do something as simple as manipulate a short conversation to attain a different result, or to do something as significant as gleaning enough information in the future that you can go back a few minutes and use it to do something that will alter the entire story or even save a life. The game also cleverly creates a sense of immersion by adding in completely insignificant events that can be altered with the mechanic without any major impact to the story, for no other reason than rewarding players by giving a greater sense of depth and impact. It's brilliant, really.

The artistic style and music are also fantastic, environmental design is quite good, the voice-over performances are exquisite and generally all other aspects of the production are top- of-the-line, especially for an episodic downloadable adventure game. This is just a really excellent game that is sadly dragged down a point due to some relatively minor issues with the tone early on. Still, I can say with some certainty that "Life is Strange" is a remarkable release and is well-worth checking out for open-minded gamers. It's not perfect... but it's darned close.

I give it an excellent 9 out of 10.
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Doesn't feel right
leshashk7 September 2021
I just finished the "Mass Effect" series and was looking for the next game to pick up. "Mass Effect" was a life-changing experience, so the bars were set pretty high. I had had a list of possible options, and after walking it through, I realized - I do not want to play any of the games from the list until I remembered that there had always been one game on my radar that I meant to play but for some reason never did.

It is how it all started. The moment I launched the game, there was that storm, that heavy rain. The right mood was set within the first seconds into the story. And then the corridor walk followed with the unforgettable "To all of you" song. Wow, just pure "oh my God" dreamy sequence. I think I should not tell you more, experience that probably one of the best moments yourself! Everything about it was right on target.

And from that moment on, it had been pure gold, a deep mature story with impressive graphics, dialogues, characters. Everything was good until approximately halfway through. Then I started noticing things here in there. Small things. None of them were huge. It turned out that my choices did not matter that much. The characters I was supposed to empathize with appeared to be shallow without the needed depth. It all started feeling like allusions throughout the game were going to end up nowhere, without expected characters development, like a small boat under strong currents that can't change its course. Characters kept living their lives when I realized I was observing that process from outside in the distance. It felt like I lost the connection with them.

For me, it just descended from there to the state - "I don't care anymore". The final choice was not big trouble for me. I felt something close to nothing. It did not feel that my voice matters. Me: okay, game, I'm supposed to make a choice here. Game: let me give you a hint - no one cares, you just holding me back from the final credits.

Time to sum it up. Should you play "Life is strange'? Absolutely! It consists of great music, unpredictable plot twists, likable characters, has the right mood. Those elements are waiting for you to experience the game first hand. What was wrong then? I believe that the game doesn't hold as a whole. It's like a mosaic with many tiny elements: too much happening, too many promising plot ties led to nowhere. There is that rule: if you see a gun on the wall, it must shoot at some point down the storyline. But in the case of the game, it did not happen. I appreciate the creators who tried hard and did a good job on the fragments. Unfortunately, when the fragments ended up in a complete picture, it was not looking that great. So I can't call it a masterpiece but rather a promise, and it shows that you should probably pay attention to their next game. The authors of "Life is strange" are capable of creating immersive worlds, it just seems that their best game is ahead and we shell just wait to see it...
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This game is hella bad.
SquadPoopy23 May 2021
This is probably one of the worst games I've ever played. I legitimately don't want to ever see it again. I immediately uninstalled it so I would never accidentally open it.

It's a point and click game of the telltale style but even worse somehow. The writing is God awful cringe at it's worst. The writers of this game probably thought they were so smart and clever but they aren't. Its meant to be super San Francisco style hipster "how do you do fellow kids" dialogue and it's all written terribly. The characters are some of the most unlikable or downright stupid people I've ever seen in a video game, nobody makes logical or rational decisions. This is a game in which the main character can rewind time, and there are multiple points in the game where that power would solve the situation but the game never gives you the choice because it thinks you're too stupid to notice.

I'm not even gonna consider this a spoiler because of how egregious it is, cause the game is a "branching story" game that keeps telling you things will change depending on your choices, but as usual with these types of games, everything comes down to a single choice that renders everything else you did completely pointless.

Stay away from this one. I genuinely have 0 clue how anyone can give this game anything above a 4. I am seriously questioning the intelligence of some of these people's reviews. Just don't bother, if you turn on your brain and actually use critical thinking while you play this, you will experience some of the most genuine anger and confusion you've ever had. I guarantee it.
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A Beautiful Game
Himekami3 June 2017
Of course, I can't say this is a masterpiece or classic work but dude just can't stop but love it! There are so many great games like Skyrim, Mass Effect 2 or GTAV, but none of them can be so delicate and touchy like Life Is Strange does. When Max sits on Chloe's sofa and all those old memories coming up and that sadness just touched me so deep inside. I guess that's why this game is so stunning and beautiful.

I really love Max. She is one of my favorite protagonists ever. We have so much in common like we both had a BFF when we were little kids but then lost contact for ages, we are both quiet and shy and never talk much, we both enjoy stuffs that most of the other people around don't give a damn at all, we both never had a real BF/GF (OK! Chloe or Warren doesn't count) and we both hate our schools and roommates.

It just feels like we have some connection you know, like... we are brothers. (its Jimmy de Santa's quote)
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Amazing! Incredible! Awesome! Perfect! Wonderful! Beautiful! Spectacular!
muitolokoloko19 June 2019
A Perfect game, with a perfect story and characters.
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Emotional, beautiful, masterful
chrisaamodt117 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Life is Strange is a choice based game where you have the power to go back in time, pretty cool eh? Yes it is, but that is not what makes Life is Strange great. What really makes the game shine is the characters, the beautiful visuals, and a heartbreaking story.

The story takes place in Arcadia Bay, and it's quite literally breathtaking. The environment feels so immersive you'd wish you were actually living there yourself. Well kinda.

The game revolves around Max and Chloe, which are long time best friends. Max is reserved, shy and well, has a superpower. She can reverse time! Chloe is a rebelious dropout with a heart of gold. Together they're trying to stop a hurricane who's threatining to wipe out Arcadia Bay and everyone who lives there. But that's not it, they also have to solve the mystery of what happened to Chloe's friend Rachel Amber, who disappeared one year earlier. There's also a bunch of other stuff going on in Arcadia Bay, but it's all told in such an amazing way that you'll be longing for more when it's all done.

Life is Strange ties story, characters, visuals and ambient music into the perfect package. It's emotional, well written and relevant on so many levels. I've played a lot of story driven games, and I can honestly say that Life is Strange is one of the best one's out there. Please, do yourself a favor and play it.
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eskimosound28 January 2020
Wonderful animated movie game where your decisions decide the outcome. Brilliant story and immersive characters... Play Before the Storm first if you can as it's the prequel and will help you understand better what's going on. 10/10
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a beautiful experience
prs9831 May 2019
Just listen to the main theme of the game.. it's so relaxing so beautiful with it's art design and l relatable characters this game is a flawed masterpiece with some minor flaws like the voice acting could have been better and one of the two ending felt really rushed but overall the game will blow you away with it's emotional story and great characters.
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Horror lurking behind harmony
kluseba20 January 2019
Life is Strange is a graphic adventure video game split into five episodes. The game was developed by Dontnod Entertainment and published by Square Enix, one of my favorite video game developer companies. The game follows the story of twelfth grade student Maxine Caulfield who returns to the hometown she left five years earlier. She soon realizes that the prestigeous Blackwell Academy isn't as great as its reputation and witnesses bullying, drug addiction and even murder. Maxine Caulfield realizes that she has the capacity to reverse time and she uses her power to try and save people around her. However, she soon realizes that her actions create a dangerous rift in the space-time continuum which leads to showdown when Maxine must take the most difficult decision ever.

This game convinces on many different levels. It has a very strong and mysterious atmosphere that is only increased by the smooth, slow and precise flow that quickens up the pace towards the dramatic end. Another strong element are the versatile, profound and diversified characters. It's easy to identify with the calm, intellectual and unique Maxine as well as with her unstable, rebellious and outgoing friend Chloe. They are both very authentic characters that complement each other perfectly. Finally, the story reminding of television series like Portlandia and Twin Peaks is addicting from start to finish and gets particularly sinister during the last two episodes.

Life is Strange is not only a great game for teenage girls but for anyone who cares about artistics designs, mysterious plots and profound characters and doesn't mind a game that takes its time to unfold. The spin-off Life is Strange: Before the Storm is being released right now and focuses on Chloe's life rather than Maxine's life. Life is Strange 2 will be released in 2018 and will feature new locations and a new set of characters. Since the original game convinced me on nearly all levels, I'm looking forward to try out both the spin-off and the second installment.
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Great Storytelling.
colorthekid1 May 2020
The story is super interesting and bold, but god, it was really hard for me to look past the graphics, and the bare gameplay, and its "hipstery" aesthetic wasn't enough to make it look good.

Really Recommend It For The Story/10
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anandajithsnair8 August 2021
Deserve Full Stars. Thank You For This Amazing game I feels like I was a part of it . This Game made me cry And It was one of the best games I ever played. Thank you For Max And Chloe.
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Somewhere in Time
hellraiser715 September 2018
There isn't a day that goes by sometimes whenever I think of the friends I had in the past and what they may 'be doing right now. Despite wherever they are and whatever their doing with their lives their never far from my thoughts. This is not just one of my favorite adventure games of all time but also one of my favorite video games in general. It's an emotionally moving game just full of heart, though also at the same time one of the saddest video games I've ever played.

The graphical presentation is great, from the background, to the character animation. I really love the music in the game there are a lot of memorable tracks, it would be awesome to download those tracks to an iPod or even play on a vinal record.

I really love the story which is original and full of heart, yeah sure it's the typical time travel premise but it's the execution that makes it stand out. The story reminds me a little of the anime film "The Girl Who Leapt Though Time" which was about a girl that had the ability to travel in the past but not without repercussions. Despite a revolving mystery throughout the game, it's more concerned about the character drama the friendship between both Maxine and Chloe.

The characters are great, their all surprisingly relatable or people we may know or have known whether you a teenager or we're that age, it really gives that sense of familiarity to the game making it more engaging and touching. I really like the protagonist Maxine, I can relate to her a little I wouldn't say I'm highly into photography as she is though I have done some of that in high school.

She's sorts of on the passive aggressive side, a bit shy, introverted even I'm a little like that. She's no wall flower but she has a little trouble putting herself out there and acting, but she can do it given the proper motivation or simply right time which she does. She of course can travel in time, how she can we never know why nether does she whether it's a mutant ability or something God or Fate granted her your guess is as good as mine. It seems like with this she has been given a certain amount of freedom to do whatever it is she need or wants to do without many to any consequences, like playing certain pranks, retrieving certain information, asking anyone out without risking embarrassment, just anything.

But as she's about to learn the hard way with great power comes great responsibility as we discover her use of the power there are not just consequences socially but also in the whole of time and reality itself. There is also another catch as we see the power does hurt her body as she produces nose bleeds, which makes sense the more she uses her mental time warp ability the more her biological functions weaken. Which in a way made me concerned for the protagonist's life as using it hurts her sometimes but also shows this power has limitations and that despite what she can do she's not invincible.

Chloe is just a beautiful character, she very much reminds me of my wife when she was that age. I really love that she's rebellious, feisty, a little fiery, she's not perfect as she a little guilty of anti-social behavior but for a reason. She's a little aimless as she still doesn't totally know what she wants to do and be in her life. But she fun as she got some sharp sometimes funny charisma, she love rock music, also an anime fan as she dyed her hair blue (though truth be told she looks better without the dye), but also what I love about her is that she has tremendous courage as she a person that does and acts on what she feels but also doesn't care what anyone thinks of her she just wants to be herself whichever it is, which is something I can also relate to because I'm that way too and so is my wife which is part of why I love her.

Really like supporting character Luke he's just awesome he's uncannily like myself in real life, which made me almost feel like this character was modeled after myself (though I don't look like that character in real life for the record). As he's a person that loves films and is into the sci-fi which are the things I'm into. He's not too smooth like with Max he's a little on the shy side but not short of courage as he really does hold his own against danger and isn't afraid to stand up for his best friend/would be girlfriend Maxine but most importantly doesn't take crap from anyone.

I really love the chemistry between both Maxine and him which I thought was sweet though I'll admit is the only bad thing about the game I wish there were more scenes between the two let alone he's not in it much. Maybe if they decide to make another spin off game where he's the main character, may 'be we will.

Oh well, I can't really complain too much since this game is really focused and about the friendship between both and Chloe. I honestly found myself truly caring for both characters, the way their handled and the relatability I mentioned they feel almost like people that can exist in real life. The time they spend together and what they do is just beautiful and is relatable because we've had times like that with our best friends, which also makes it more heartbreaking. As I play the game more and more I'm hopping that somehow it will all turn out alright in the end for both but like in time and life itself there are no guarantees.

As usual with the adventure games it's like with any of the "Choose Your Own Adventure" books where each decision effects the outcome of the game so chose carefully. The revolving mystery throughout the game is intriguing as one thing leads to another but there is a surprise twist in it which I honestly didn't see a mile away and I like that I don't get that feeling often. I really like is the use of the time travel function which really comes in handy, as were not just able to correct a mistake or two we made, get out of certain sticky situations, but also, we'd be able to get some information that we need which in a way really enhance the detective role. I really like one part of the game which really gave me the experience of being a detective where you have this cork board with lots of photos that are pined up and your have to put them all together to see how the photographs tie in with the hard evidence you gathered, I thought that was interesting because it's like putting together a jigsaw puzzle.

This game has many themes about this game is that deals with issues like the constant conflict of both past and present, how difficult it is to transition with the times, how little we know about our fellow man, how much someone can be different and the same throughout change, how much we struggle to hold on to some remnants of the past so we don't lose ourselves in the every changing present and upcoming future, taking responsibility for decisions we make in the past and present truly affect the future, loss, friendship and the value of it.

But most importantly it's also about heroism how it's about, making the hard choices to do what is right for not just yourself but the whole of humanity. I'll admit in these moments when the really hard decisions came I honestly had trouble pressing that button because I knew what would happen, but I also know what would happen if I didn't which would make things even worse. This game had a couple of scenes which I'm not kidding made me break down and cry, I won't say what they are, but they were just an emotional gut punch.

Time and distance can never separate friendship, despite how much we may miss them or one they are always in our hearts.

Rating: 4 stars
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sigurjone9627 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
A little bit disappointed with this game I excepted it to be way different when it was launched. The hype was overwhelming and I feel like the game didn't reach the standards that people say it did. You are basically in a school for the most part of the game meeting weird kids (main character is weird too) and questionable adults. The whole adventure isn't all that great even if it's meant to be like that.

The main protagonist is not that cool neither is her friend Chloe. A lot of drama inducing plot with no real meaning to it. Very predictable storyline you can technically guess almost immediately who's the corrupted and the bad person. You have to have extreme amount patience while playing because the gameplay is so slow it will almost feel like a drag and has the generic point and click type of playing like the company Telltale is known for with not that good of a choice system.

Little bit overrated and tedious but if you have patience to complete it you might feel satisfied with some of the aspects of the title. Some of the conversations can be interesting even though it's just like average teenage high school and "friendship" story that isn't necessarily told so well. If you are into these type of walking games however I definitely recommend TWD if you enjoyed this. I just wish it was a little bit more creative.

When you make role playing games it's vital to have something to keep you invested but here it doesn't even exists other than just go from point A to point B to point C and then to point D rinse and repeat for the entire journey. The writing feels extremely feminists and misandrists for the most part and I can already tell that the other titles are very likely that way too with how much female propaganda is portrayed in this. Chemistry between the main characters is not very compelling or captivating it's forgettable in my opinion.

Fine even a great game with lots of potential but if you haven't played it you are not missing out on much. Play rather The Dark Anthology Pictures series, Mass Effect, Witcher, Deus Ex, Dragon Age, Fallout, Skyrim and David Cage games all way better and deeper RPG's with a lot more exciting gameplay, combat and better dialogue. But for an indie studio with a limited and a tight budget it was a good shot and a fair attempt. Nice enough.

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An Inflated Balloon
bostancieminmert18 August 2022
Pros An interesting plot Playing with reality More choice chances Music

Cons Storytelling characters an unsatisfying ending burgs game graphics gameplay

Who can sweat?

Those who have free time,those who like interactive story games and those who do not declare new jobs at Telltale. Listen to the hipster story or play rebels.

Who should stay away.

Those who want a satisfying story,Those who want to play selective games that affect the story. Telltale is for those who want to play a better game than their old jobs.

In short, Life is Strange is a bad game. It is a game even lower than its altarpieces.

It's also even worse than the story choices of Call Of Duty Black Ops, which is not an interactive story

Life is Strange 4 Points from us.
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