"Twin Peaks" Part 3 (TV Episode 2017) Poster

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Call For Help
bobcobb30127 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Okay, so Showtime made the smart decision of making this episode available immediately after the season premiere, because this is not going to be a ratings winner. The first 10-12 minutes is going to turn off a lot of viewers, but hardcore fans will know it served a point. Could that point have been given to us a little quicker? Sure, but such is par for the course with Twin Peaks: you know some of the weirdness has a purpose behind it and other moments are just weird for the hell of it.

The scene in the casino was David Lynch genius at its best. Cooper's ability to make not understanding a revolving door or why a man said, "Hello!" when a winning jackpot hit was the perfect kind of off the wall comedy that this show can give us.

More comedic than the last two, and a bit slow in the beginning, but this was definitely entertaining.
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lareval5 October 2021
Solid, funny and really entertaining episode that reaffirms the quality of this season looks to put 'Twin Peaks' back to its former glory. Only David Lynch could deliver this goods.
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Quite Your Whining and Say Something
Hitchcoc12 June 2017
Since those who have rated this a "1" haven't seen how it plays out, I would challenge them to say something intelligent or criticize specifics, rather than throw clever lines about kindergarteners and BS. I think that a director of David Lynch's caliber deserves more than someone blathering about being bored. Perhaps this will all fall apart and be the worst thing he has ever done, but his failures eclipse most of what others strive for. I think the problem is that there is so much humor and understatement paired with absurdity, that it's not for every taste. Lynch takes everyday language and shows us how tedious it can be. Playwrights like Pinter, Ionesco, and Beckett worked the same game. They were amazing. I know it's hard to watch something so off the wall when we are used to the mundane, night after night on TV. We are being treated to a series of events and characters like we've not seen before. The whole thing with he two Cooper's is right out of Robert Louis Stevenson. Roll with it.
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One of the Best Episodes of TV I've Ever Seen
pseudo_soma29 May 2017
The first 15 minutes of episode 3 of the new season of Twin Peaks is surreal perfection. The episode as a whole combines the surreal, humor, and a whole lot of mystery. The odd elements of Lynch's movies tend to turn a lot of people off, but there's always a reason for the madness, and there's always a payoff. If you aren't of fan of art that leans (or in this case, baths) in the abstract, then the new series might not be for you. It is much more Mulholland Dr. than the original Twin Peaks but in a good way. While the original show had a lot of bizarre elements, the new show cranks it up to 11. Episode 3 heavily features these elements and will be the point where a lot of people drop off and stop watching. I still recommend you push on through, even if you don't like the insanity featured in this episode.
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A more uniform narrative combined with lots of humour makes this the best instalment yet.
While there were many things that I loved about the first two parts, I found that the editing and pacing as well as certain elements were a little rocky. This episode took a far more narrow approach, focusing almost entirely on a single story-line. This, combined with a whopping dose of humour made this the strongest hour yet of this revival. Some of the moments in this episode had me rolling with laughter. A large portion of this episode felt very similar to the scene with the old waiter in the season 2 premiere, or the scene with the old banker in the season 2 finale, by which I mean that it was long, drawn out, and equal parts frustrating, hilarious, and terrifying. It is Lynch at his best. That's what this whole episode felt like.

A note for anyone that is confused; episodes 3&4 were released a week early in the United States, the UK, and Canada via the On-Demand branches of the channels responsible for broadcasting the revival in these countries. This is why I have already been able to see it, despite the fact that it has not been released some places. I feel sympathetic for all those who can not see these episodes yet because of the country they are in. As a Canadian, I have often been in your situation and I know exactly how you feel.
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Twin Peaks, third season, third episode: Call for help
kluseba13 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Third episode: Call for help / The Return, Part III

Content: Cooper lands in a metal spaceship where two strange women appear to protect him from an unseen entity. Cooper's evil doppelganger becomes sick while driving and crashes when the Cooper from the Black Lodge finds a portal and swaps places with another Cooper doppelganger, Dougie Jones. In the Black Lodge, MIKE tells Dougie that he was manufactured for a purpose that has now been fulfilled. Dougie vanishes and MIKE takes his ring. Cooper is found in a disoriented state by a prostitute, Jade, who drives him to a casino. He wanders there, confused, and plays slot machines indicated with an image of the Black Lodge, winning jackpots every time. At the Twin Peaks Sheriff's Department, Hawk, Andy and Lucy are unable to discern what is "missing". At the FBI headquarters in Philadelphia, Agent Tamara Preston is debriefing Gordon Cole and Albert Rosenfield about the gruesome murders in New York City when Cole receives a phone call stating that Cooper has been found in South Dakota.

Analysis: The space ship seems to be a transitory station between our real world and the Black Lodge. The mysterious entity that seems to menace Cooper could be the same that appeared in New York in the first episode and might become the main antagonist of the third season. It might be the mother of all evil and creator of the Black Lodge. It makes me think of a very powerful demon or even the devil itself. Since Cooper's evil doppelganger doesn't want to return to the Black Lodge and swap places with Special Agent Dale Cooper, he used Dougie Jones to host Special Agent Dale Cooper's spirit from the Black Lodge. He was able to manipulate the man that looks slightly similar to Dale Cooper with the green ring from the Black Lodge. Special Agent Dale Cooper's and Dougie Jones' spirit are caught in the same body and don't harmonize initially which explains the character's erratic behaviour. On the other side, Special Agent Dale Cooper's appearance nevertheless had an impact on his evil doppelganger who lost some garmonbozia, which means that he is getting weaker. This explains his car crash as well as the fact that he got caught by the police. As the series goes on, my guess is that Special Agent Dale Cooper's mind will try to suppress Dougie Jones' mind while trying to find his evil doppelganger, reclaim his earthly shell and send his antagonist back to the Black Lodge. The mysterious entity from the Black Lodge might though interfere with Special Agent Dale Cooper's plans in order to continue to use his evil doppelganger for its own malicious purposes.

Description: The third episode is not only the best of the new season so far but one of the very best Twin Peaks episodes ever. This episode has a very dark, mysterious and surreal vibe that sucks you in right from the start and never lets you go.

Favorite scene: The entire opening sequence is absolutely brilliant. Special Agent Dale Cooper travels through space and ultimately lands inside a mysterious spaceship where he meets two mysterious women, receives a message from the deceased Garland Briggs about the mysterious criminal cases related to Twin Peaks, gets menaced by a strange entity that seems to be the creator of the Black Lodge and finally wakes up in Dougie Jones' shell. The first fifteen minutes of the episode are among the most gloomy, mysterious and surreal moments in all three seasons. Those who still doubted the new season might not be as good as the first two, should have realized by now that this isn't the case and that Twin Peaks is back for good and maybe stronger than ever.
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Part 3
lassegalsgaard21 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Back when Showtime did their big rollout for the premiere of "Twin Peaks," they decided to not only release the two-part premiere, but also give fans a few more early episodes, thereby dropping the first four episodes immediately to the fans, which may have been the greatest decision they ever made. The first two episodes especially are very heavy on setting the stage for what's to come down the line, so giving fans a little more to actually become fundamentally engaged in the world of "Twin Peaks" once again was an essential decision. With this third episode, we get something that's largely dedicated to getting Dale Cooper back into the world as well, putting one of the most essential pieces of the puzzle back into the game. A lot of big questions are being thrown at us, so without the easy confines of more episodes, it may be overwhelming to some, which it may also be to devour four episodes of television in one sitting, but for every huge "Twin Peaks" fanatic and diehard David Lynch fans, it probably won't be a problem. It wasn't a problem for me the first time, mostly because the premiere episodes are so great, as is this third one. Lynch has really committed himself to bringing an experience that is reliant on visual storytelling more than anything else, and so far, he is giving us some incredible sequences that are clearly among the best, with the opening sequence of Cooper's escape being a clear standout among all the other.

Any normal individual would have given us a quick sequence showing Cooper's return to our world, but Lynch is so dedicated to his craft that he instead dedicates an entire section of this episode to show that simple thing. And it results in an amazing opening sequence that is so eerie because of its incredible editing and sound design, and also very in-tune with what Lynch is good at. It's not weird for the sake of being weird, but for the sake of providing us with a visual experience that tells a story, and this scene is successful at that.

At the same time, it's also the first real showcase of those small Lynchian moments that we came to love in the original show. The scene with Hawk, Andy and Lucy sitting in his office trying to figure out what's missing from the evidence is a great example of that, and one of the funniest scenes that the show has ever offered. And once again, I have to praise Lynch for holding off on the fan service, only utilizing the characters when the story calls for it, or if it doesn't come at the cost of something else, which is perfect.

A lot of fans had hoped that the show would get off to a quick start and bring together a mystery that we could all get involved with fast. However, Lynch is doing the exact opposite, continuously putting obstacles in the way of our characters in order to stop them from reaching an early goal. Cooper gets a big obstacle put in front of him, leaving him in a disheveled mental state where he doesn't even know who he is. It's deliciously cruel and something that only a madman like Lynch would do, and that's why we love him.

It's also clear from this episode that the remaining episodes of the show are not going to rush anything. The slow pace is going to endure and it's going to be the main reason that certain fans may be annoyed. However, where Lynch is taking us is someplace that we've never been before, and without his guiding hand, this may have been an experience that would have come and gone like many other revivals. Not only does Lynch know what he likes, but he also knows how to make good television, and this is nothing if not truly great television.

"Part 3" further proves that Lynch is fully committed to this narrative structure and that we can either accept it or stop watching the show. It's brilliantly put together through visual storytelling and some of the most unconventional directions that anyone could take, but clearly done with a vision of great things down the road.
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eyeless women, chocolate bunnies, surrealist puking; this show's got it all!
framptonhollis23 September 2017
Aside from the epic and spine tingling Part 8, Part 3 may just be my favorite chapter of the third season of "Twin Peaks". It is one of the weirdest and most surreal episodes, but its also one of the funniest, and it's certainly the first episode of the season that was mildly cohesive. Some of the dots start to connect, the plot's slow incline becomes more apparent, and Lynch comforts viewers with some of his finest comedic moments.

The first half of the episode is total off the walls insanity. Lynch's world seems limitless, practically anything can happen. The editing is disorienting and disturbing, the cinematography is beautiful and unsettling, the scenery switches from being uniquely colorful to nearly pitch black in a matter of seconds. It feels like science fiction meets Salvador Dali; it's a twisted world chock full of bizarre creations, spirits both good and evil, dimensions and spaceships and things the human mind cannot even conjure!

Then, the second half gives the audience a perfectly timed breather. The interlude between these two parts is a disgusting, scary, and oddly humorous sequence centering around vomiting that is pulled off brilliantly; only Lynch can make a man puking in his car so surreal and fascinating. While there is still plenty of absurdism in the second half, it's mostly grounded in reality. There are hilarious moments and quotable lines being thrown at the audience left and right; Lynch wears an awkward smile of sheer glee as he eases the audience with heavy doses of the quirky and amusing.

It's a perfect balance of the dark and the light. Both of my favorite aspects of "Twin Peaks" (the absurd humor and surrealistic horror) are given nearly equal screen time, and there isn't a second that is boring or unoriginal in any way.
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The pure heroin vision of David Lynch? You bet
TheDonaldofDoom20 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This is a difficult episode to review. At its best, it's not only even better than the previous two parts but better than anything that has come out of Twin Peaks so far. But it's pretty iffy when it comes to the effects. I know I'll get a lot of diehard fans reading this and saying that's the point, so I stress that throughout Twin Peaks David Lynch is usually great at striking the right balance where the effects look unreal enough to add to the surreality but not so much that they detract from the experience. Here, some of the effects were so bad that, instead of adding to the surreality, they broke the immersion. It's not a game changer, it doesn't ruin the episode or anything - but the campness of some of the effects could have been held back a little. The space stuff I didn't have a problem with; it was more the effects that came about halfway through the episode that easily looked like they had been quickly added on by a computer. Again, I stress, I'm not criticising Lynch for using these kinds of effects in most of his work and I'm not moronic enough to think they aren't purposefully cheap-looking. I just thought he got the balance a bit wrong here. I also wasn't a fan of the chocolate bunny scene. It felt like a poor imitation of the camp charm Twin Peaks usually nails in these sorts of scenes. These two things for me drag this episode down even though otherwise it's superior.

I don't want to talk about my complaints anymore though because this episode is otherwise fantastic. Hopefully this is the one where the detractors who complained The Return was too indiscernible switched off and stopped complaining as they realised it wasn't made with them in mind. Despite being the most out there, this episode also had the clearest and most self-contained plot, mostly concerning Cooper's attempt to escape the Lodge and his doppelganger's attempt to avoid going inside it. This allowed it to focus on surreal moment after surreal moment, and despite my complaints earlier, most of them worked.

From the first moment, where Cooper lands on a building overlooking an infinite sea, the fascination builds. Encountering an eyeless woman who speaks in coughs is par for the course by now but the strange way time flows in this scene adds another dimension. It's probably a bad guess but I'd wager this has something to do with the way people speak in the Red Room. Maybe Cooper is experiencing time the same way they do here?

Cooper's return to our world is reliably bizarre. The build-up to it is really nice interspersing Cooper with his doppelganger losing control of himself as the pull of the Red Room draws him. It's kind of unsettling how it now appears the Lodge is everywhere, and there's nothing he can do to stop it pulling him in.

Unless I've got the wrong end of the stick I take it the assassination attempt (hilariously unwittingly dodged by Cooper) was supposed to get Cooper to go back to the Lodge so his doppelganger could stay in the world outside the Lodge. Cooper experiencing the world for the first time in 25 years leads to some offbeat funny moments, my favourite being the awkwardly long take of him working out how to get through revolving doors.

The scene that by far stands out the most is the casino scene. It's given enough time to truly breathe, turning something that would be just a couple of minutes in any other series into a much longer scene. In doing so it allows the slow buildup to make it that much more impactful. The way Cooper's calls for help are ignored and the casino shamelessly serves him like any another customer feels like a satire of the way casinos exploit addicts and people in need of help. The way the whole scene plays out is pure Lynch genius.

I love the fact that Lynch intersperses all this weirdness with a few minutes of Jacoby spraypainting his shovels. There's something fascinating about the contraption he invented in order to spraypaint these shovels. And I don't know why, but there's something engrossing about focussing on something so mundane.
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David Lynch Does It Again
Samuel-Shovel24 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Some have argued that the advancement in CGI has caused David Lynch's effects to look less real than if he had done real effects. I'm here to tell you that that's false. That scene in the space room was bizarre and effective in it's use of effects. As the two odd lady's attempt to protect Cooper from the unknown monster (presumably the monster from the New York cube), we feel as if we're there and in danger with Coop. Another solid episode.
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Episode 3
Prismark104 June 2017
So Agent Cooper finally escapes to the real world but he is not the same person, all those years in the Black Lodge has taken its toll on him.

Twin Peaks pays little heed to new fans. This third episode has a surreal, warped 15 minutes sequence as Cooper makes his way into the real world and evil Cooper tries to resist going back to the Black Lodge.

A purple tinged set, an Asian woman making noises and Cooper staring blankly into space. Through an electric socket Cooper emerges and gets mixed up with a fatter lookalike called Doug who in turn ends up in the Black Lodge. Cooper now a blank goes to a Las Vegas casino where he quickly makes himself known as Mr Jackpots as he is guided mysteriously to win big time.

We also see the return of the FBI agents Gordon Cole (David Lynch) and Albert Rosenfield (Miguel Ferrer) assisted by new agent Tammy Preston (Chrysta Bell.) They are investigating the mysterious New York killings until Cole gets word that Cooper has been found.

It was bittersweet to see Albert, he was one of my favourite characters in the original Twin Peaks and yet my delight is tinged with sadness due to the actor's death earlier in 2017.

This episode was slower paced especially in the scenes set in Twin Peaks with Hawk, Andy and Lucy with their lethargic way of talking.

Lynch went weirder, slower and more surreal, yet he still has room for a great cameo performance such as Meg Foster as the cashier in the casino. Just look at the way she goes from being smiling to genuine concern when she meets Cooper and he asks for help.
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Nonstop fun
Ducksnrabbits28 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This episode is so good, and so comforting.

Do YOU suffer from existential dread? Can't stop yourself from trying to imagine your own nonexistence? Well, here's Cooper, blazing the trail ahead, and Lynch, making it kinda funny, too, with the lo-fi static and whatever the aftermath of the Big Bang is that makes TV snow. Thanks, The evolved Arm's evil doppelgänger, for sending Cooper there. I fear death less now. I hope the universe eventually spits me out and I wind up in The Silver Mustang, too.

I love the Mauve room and Naido, but I think the meaning there isn't translatable into sentences. There's the business with Naido at the end and the 3 and the 15 and the meta mechanics of it all, but there's more to it, and the images probably don't benefit from analysis.

Mr. C can't hold down his Garmonbozia, which we now know also smells very bad, unsurprisingly. The manufactured Dougie Jones is reduced to a golden pebble in Mike's pocket back in the Black Lodge. And then Cooper comes to in his own body, but in place of Dougie Jones, in the lovely arms of Jade, in a house they need to urgently vacate.

Cooper is still functioning as though he's still in The Black Lodge, and who can blame him, since he pops out in Vegas, a pretty Black Lodgey place? Las Vegas seems to exist in its own spacetime, and operates according to rules that are as objectively weird and illogical as those of The Black Lodge. So Cooper-Dougie does pretty well even though he's thinking in a whole different dimension.

And can't everyone kind of relate to Dougie? At least apart from his luck, which requires help from that other place? I feel exactly like Cooper-Dougie when I walk into a casino. I like the ambience, and find the lights and sounds rather pleasant, but I have no idea what to do or how anything works. Grown adults are evidently putting money into machines and pulling handles in hopes of winning more money somehow, which seems like the type of absurd conceit Lynch would dream up just to mess with us. And yet, there they are. So many of them. And doing this is so accepted that if you just stand there with no idea what to do and 5 dollars from Jade, with her pink boots and her yellow Wrangler, in your pocket, the system will guide you into doing the same thing. Of course, to actually win, you need interdimensional helpers on your side, and thank goodness Mr. Jackpots has those.

We also get a meditation on spray-painting shovels gold safely and efficiently, and the wondrous chocolate bunny scene, which also speaks for itself. Not to mention the congressman's dilemma.

Yes, Albert, I'll take a truckload of Valium, but for the real world. This episode is quite soothing in itself.
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When You Get There You Will Already Be There
ThomasDrufke28 May 2017
The 2-part episode last week was strange and obscure, but it was special because it was the return of something people have wanted for decades. I was able to forgive some of the frustrating things because of the pure nostalgia alone. Part 3 took us deeper into the weird and somewhat nonsensical as good Cooper found himself out of the black lodge but into a world he is all too unfamiliar with. After nearly 15 minutes spent with a blind Asian woman making noises and gestures while Cooper blankly stares on, I thought for sure we would spend the whole hour in this place. Luckily, Coop managed to escape through a machine and back into the real world (we think) and hopefully soon to be on his way back to Twin Peaks. Of course, it wasn't that easy. It became increasingly clear that this Cooper won't be able to officially come back without the bad Coop (presumably Bob) to be eliminated. Both of them were impacted when good Coop made his way back, with both puking up some sort of disgusting residue. Boy that was all too Lynchian, wasn't it? This episode was the much slower of the 2 aired tonight, but I'm still hooked. Watching Cooper walk from slot machine to slot machine racking in thousands? That was dynamite.

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alexx66829 May 2017
This is one of the worst things ever been committed on film, or should I say hard-drive, since everything is digital now.

The ridiculous plot (if you can call this thing plot) feels like it was written by a kindergarten student in a napkin over five lines.

The "experimental" direction of the whole Cooper-in-space bit feels like a failed project by an undergraduate in art-college. If Lynch wasn't the director, and Cooper the protagonist, nobody would care.

The Cooper-in-the-casino scene is even worse.

The joke is on the fanboys who are defending this monumental flop. If Lynch isn't trolling everybody here, there is a real chance that he has gotten senile. In any case, he managed the impossible, he made something worse than Inland Empire.

Wake up! The emperor has no clothes!
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When you'll arrive, you'll already be there
pantoleinasdimitris17 February 2024
This episode is definitely on par with the Part 2 of the new season. The first 20 ish minutes are a surreal feast, magical, scary, eerie and of course, Lynch-like!

We get introduced to Dougie Jones, who seems to be another version of Cooper living in the world, who Cooper seems to 'awaken' as. The hilarious scene in the casino is probably the highlight of the show so far, I mean, helloooooooo !

Some scenes are definitely stretched out, but I do see where Lynch is going with this tactic. Honestly, watching Jacoby spray paint his shovels for 3 minutes straight was not what I expected, but anyways, that's that.

The scene in the FBI headquarters not only reintroduces us to some major older characters, but also introduces us to some new ones, which, from my understanding, will play a big role in this season.

Overall, this episode seems to be the last of the 'introductory' and mood-setting episodes. Can't wait to explore more of this.
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formotog13 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Better, much better. The absurdity of this sequel is unrelenting, and far more of a presence than in the original show. The first sequence was unsettling and disturbing, if not a bit tedious. Lynch knows how to create atmospheres, that's undeniable. It's really quite hard to review something like that because half the time I don't actually know what it is I'm reviewing. To me, though, he was in some kind of clunky vehicle traversing the void, the unknown. Eventually, the Bob Coop and Dougie are sent back to the Black Lodge, and Coop takes Dougie's place. There's no explaining exactly what happened to Dougie but whatever it was, it was unnerving. Coop behaves in a suitable manner for someone who has spent 25 years in the Black Lodge and nothingness, making for the excellent casino sequence. That episode brought probably the first instance in this show of the original humour from the 90s. This version is pretty serious on the whole, and just doesn't feel much like its predecessor. The scene with Andy, Lucy, and Hawk just didn't really feel right. It wasn't the Twin Peaks of the 90s, and maybe it's not trying to be, but I preferred that if I'm honest. There are also a few scenes here and there that just aren't making a whole load of sense to me at all, like the woman in that house saying 119 repeatedly. Overall it was a decent episode and it's on the right track but it is definitely missing a few things

Mid 7
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The strangeness to the reality
AvionPrince1610 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I enjoyed the episode even the start its pretty strange and just reflect the fight of Cooper to get his own body. It was pretty weird but Cooper did it. The scene with Lucy, the deputy chief and Andy was hilarious and remind the original TV show and that was great. We basically see Cooper get used to the modern world? I guess. I dont really know why Cooper seemed disconnected from reality and the transition must be really hard for him. I enjoyed it anyway and found it interesting anyway despite the implicit beginning. We see also Albert, David Lynch who get heard of the murders of the couple and try to understand what happened to that glass box. Interesting episode.
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A waste of time
monica-vi-oc11 June 2017
I think this is the worst episode I've ever seen in a TV show that's supposed to have a minimum of quality.

Boring, with no sense. Even worse than the Part 1 and Part 2 episodes. At least those ones had a minimum plot and I wanted to know what was going to happen next. But the only thing that occurs here is in the last 3 minutes. The rest of the episode explains nothing.

But I think nothing will be explained here. It's only a collection of nightmares and nonsense that people only watch because David Lynch is in it and is called Twin Peaks.
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What the f*** is this Bulls***
surfpunk6627 May 2017
I like David Lynch's movies, but how can people sit through THIS? I have the episode on right now and am so bored I came here, before I came here I switch my attention from the screen to the WALL!

I mean, Jesus Christ, 13 hours of this random bulls***? It really is like they know they have 13 hours to fill, so they deliberately are wasting screen time, and the sheeple all give it 10 stars.
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