Little Women: LA (TV Series 2014–2019) Poster


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These Girls Need To Go - Terra, Tonya, Christy and Terra learn to Dress
ncandu11 May 2016
Terra - Hitler attitude, including raising her hand, should not kiss her children with that mouth, thinks she is the gang leader (but no leader skills) not lady like, very vulgar mouth and gestures, plays everyone, most insecure individual in cast. Just because she is one of the producers does not mean it is her show or that she is the headliner. Tonya – tries to copy Terra (good luck) Briana-needs support not constant badgering from "friends" Christy-does what she thinks will make her equal to the other "girls", also insecure, creates situations for attention. Matt-too much mental baggage The other girls are much more mature and lady like. Watched the reunion episode, all the girls except Terra were dressed very nicely for the show. Terra always has something negative to say about how others dress or that they are fat. Terra's little short black dress wasn't appropriate, luckily her large thighs prevented the crew and viewers from seeing more of Terra than anyone would want to see. And as usual Terra tries to dominate the conversations with loud, vulgar remarks and gestures (no class, no lady), she reminds me of a long shore man in drag. Maybe Terra's husband did leave to take care of the baby, or did he just not want to be embarrassed by her mouth and actions. Terra could not even apologize to Christy regarding her peanut allergy after Christy produced her EpiPen. Terra is a very poor representation of LP's and so is Dawn. Dawn is very defensive regarding the various jobs that LP's have, yet she has no problem being part of the cast of Little Women,NY, what a hypocrite. Pick a side. And Tonya, if she got any closes to Terra, she would have been in Terra's pocket, or is she already there?
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These women are childish backstabber's!
jetdocmom28 January 2015
This is a group of really beautiful women who in my opinion act like they are 12 years old! They are backstabber's &!worst of all bullies! At first I really enjoyed this show. They taught me about their lives & health issues that come along with their stature. But it just proves that a group of women no matter their,size are caddy, selfish & one up man ship as the rest of us! What saddens me about this group of women is the obvious "clicks" that have formed. All I see in this show is how to bully & hate! I also find Traci to be one of the most annoying, jealous cry baby person to ever be on TV! Why would any of these women want to call her a friend? She's never happy for anyone else's news or really hear any of,the others concerns because she's too busy crying, moping or talking evil about,Cristy! She claims to be a Christian but won't move on from her issues with some of the other women. Isn't part of being a Christian to for,give? Then there's Terra, an evil trouble maker who although extremely beautiful, not,happy with herself. I don't want to watch backstabbing friends but most of all I DO NOT want to watch bullies in action. Shame on you Lifetime, for giving them the forum to do so!!!

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What is up with Tonya!?
kyrxmom29 July 2015
I agree with another reviewer! I liked Tonya at first but she acts so ridiculous! She seems so jealous and unreasonable! I don't know if she's just that insecure but it makes her very unlikable. I NEVER do message boards or reviews but as I'm watching this tonight, I needed to get it off my chest! :) She's an outwardly attractive lady but her "hater" behavior is making her "less than attractive"! I have an opinion on others but she is the one, in my opinion, who needs to CHILL! LOVE ELENA! She's as beautiful on the inside as she is on the outside!

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A Little Non Realistic
mrsjennsutton18 February 2015
This show is SO ridiculous. This is not reality! No person, big or small, in their right mind would continue to be friends with someone who treats another human the way they do. I mean...really?!? Let's spend half the show apologizing and forgiving each other for stupid stuff we said about each other, then turn around and do it all over again. I think these women could have a much better chance at a TV show if they could come up with better writing. They are smart and beautiful, but the drama is very draining to watch. They all have stories of who they are and what they deal with in normal life struggles. That would be way more interesting to see and hear about. Just my opinion, I can definitely drop this show from my Tivo.
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Get rid of Terra Jole
currand-7055510 August 2017
The last couple of weeks have been such a breath of fresh air without Terra Jole and all her hatefulness! I was ready to quit watching the series all together until I saw where Terra would not be on for the 'Couples Retreat' episodes. I guess I will have to stop watching when she returns...which is sad because without her the series is so enjoyable. I can't believe anyone can really enjoy her insane rants. Trust me she is running off viewers. You are supposed to be entertaining people not sending their blood pressure through the roof. The woman needs serious help for her many, many issues and not on the series.
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Terra's a Bully
roscooper-9035413 April 2016
I normally don't write to blogs. But I just began watching the series and have seen all but 4. In my opinion Terra is a bully. She has fallen out with everyone except for Traci. She overtalks everyone, she calls them out of their names and feel as though only her opinion matters. I wondered why she got so much more camera time than everyone else and noticed she was one of the Executive Producers.

She picks on Christy, and calls her out on the things she is doing herself. How she and Joe spoke to Christy in Season 2 at Tonya's party is embarrassing. I can't believe she is an adult. I actually like the TV show as it relates to the Little People world, but it's hard to watch at times with all of the yelling, cursing, etc.

I like that Elena isn't afraid to stand up to any of them. I also like Eric. He is a really great guy.
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Tonya needs to go!
annmacleod5 August 2015
I totally agree with kyrxmom. I also have never before done a message board or review. But Tonya is so rude that I felt compelled to say something. She is ridiculous. First of all, her accusations make no sense at all. Tonya accused Jasmine of cutting into the middle of her conversation. Tonya was not even speaking when Jasmine approached. Tonya refused to shake hands with Jasmine. That is just plain rude. Her defense is, "I don't do fake." Are you kidding me? Her hair and nails and eyelashes are fake, and who knows what else? Tonya comments to Terra, as though speaking to Jasmine, "You do not look like Elena." Elena is the one who said it was like looking in a mirror when she met Jasmine. Tonya is twisting the facts just to create an opportunity to make a nasty remark. Terra said Jasmine should apologize to Tonya. Jasmine didn't do anything to Tonya. She has nothing to apologize for. Tonya talks like she is in junior high/middle school when she makes statements like, "I am in no mood to do cheers with a sneaky bitch. I don't roll like that." The one line that I found to be entertaining was, "She must don't have no class." Was this intended to be a comedic line? How can one talk about someone's class when in the same sentence they do not even use correct grammar? Come on Tonya. You are 52 years old. When are you going to grow up?
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The Show In A Nutshell
idontbrushmyhair10 July 2017
The whole point of this series (I thought) was to show the world that LP's can do anything we average size people can do, and to see life from their point of view, by sharing their struggles and successes as an LP. Well...they've certainly showed that they can be successful in the game of complete pettiness, with their backstabbing friendships and constant bickering. I thought this was supposed to be a powerful series that shows some type of LP Pride...but the message gets lost with all the non-stop drama between each group (Not just L.A.). They do nothing positive for their LP brand.The whole "anything you can do, I can do better" attitude toward average size people is a joke! Congratulations on being just as nasty, just as cruel, and pretty much just as useless as we average people can be on national television.
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Terra and traci
veronicaprinsloo10 January 2021
These two are really bad people , terra uses her friends just to make her career life a success, real friends don't do that. Everything is just about terra.

As for traci, she is a false christian, because she discriminates against christy.

Both traci and terra must be cut from little woman seasons. And all of them.
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Is Todd Jabba the Hutts relative?
bitfly19 January 2016
Seriously, I have never seen a creature with such a physical form.

Poor guy literally has nothing going for him physically or personality wise, yet more than one of the women on the show has dated him!

Are the pickings in the little people community so slim that Todd is actually the hottest ticket in town?

Oh and the women on this show are all psychotic.

Which is probably why I get such a kick out of the whole show.

Little women NY is better though as the women (and one gaysian) aren't half as crazy as their L.A. counterparts.

Elena is the only hot one on the show.

I'd love to know how many copies Tonya sold of her high production "Little boss workout". My bet is on 30 tops.
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Are you Kidding me???
starrynite628 February 2015
I have never watched a show that had more backstabbing and arguing in my life! These women call themselves friends???? I cant believe this show got a 2nd chance around. I was recording the episodes and did watch the first season because at first I kept thinking that it might get better and the writers would stop the madness but season 2 is even worse!!! ALL they are is two-faced, fighting and scamming!!! The two worst ones are Christy and Terra! Then you have Tracy's negative crying self and Christy's hot headed hubby.... Stop the madness!!! The show could be really good if these girls were true friends but they all act like they hate each other! They are really putting little people in a bad light and I know that they are not like this in general!
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Little Women LA HAS IT ALL!!!!
sarztx26 February 2015
I have never reviewed anything on IMDb before. I had to say something about this show because I am in love with it. The characters are fantastically intriguing! Since I found this show on Lifetime with my Fire TV...I have tried to learn as much about these leading ladies as possible. Modeling, acting, being a stunt double, working in design...etc...these women are both tough and intelligent. I would gladly let any of them into my home...and I suppose I technically already do once a week. The drama level in this show is off the charts. After each episode I try to think who was in the wrong....who was being a better person....etc... And it comes down to the fact the these women and tougher and have a stronger backbone than most. They are quick to defend their feelings and squash all injustice. I, myself, suffer from being a major push over. This show is helping me find the tools i need to want to stick up for myself and make the world treat me better. I love you girls so much!!! Great show...and nothing but mad mad MAD respect for these talented women.
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Tonya you need an attitude adjustment!
anjelicamosqueda22 August 2015
Tonya and Terra need to go,

they are mean and have an ugly personality! I won't even waste my time watching this .. I can't believe these women don't tell her anything!!

Reminds me of a bimbo I used to be friends with ....

Tonya you are rude & you are so disrespectful to others. You have issues girl!! Get some help! You Are an ugly person inside & out & no one should bow down to you . Your just not worth it, get over yourself..... you are what like 50 years old. start acting like it !!

Terra, get a back bone girl & stop kissing Tony's ass. You need to get your head out of you own ass. When friends come to you with problems, a friend listens & doesn't judge. The only people with morales are Christy, Briana, & Jasmine. You & Terra need to stop being jealous ... Get a life you just had a baby!!! Grow up already !
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Terra the biggest bully
ibellis12 August 2018
I've just recently got into watching thus series and I cannot believe how much of a bully Terra is,every time any other person has something to say she always turns it into what has happened to her and her tears??give us a f break,and Tonya just sits and grins and agrees with her ,even though every idea she has to make herself some money Terra goes and does it first,i know what I'd love to call her but bully and selfish are up there,why do they all put up with her cos they've all said (behind her back)that shes a self centred bully oh yeah she's one of the producers
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Terra and Tanya throw shade at Briana
vbteacups24 May 2017
Hey Guys, We have to remember this is a REALITY show and the cast makes $$ for being outrageous. I know this, but it still bugs me when the bully, Terra is on a roll. I could not believe how mean she was talking about Tanya not asking Briana to be in her fashion show because of her terrible body odor! True or not who knows, but how would u feel if someone said that about you? Just my opinion, but Elena looked much better before plastic surgery. She did not need enhancements to anything and now she just looks more matronly since the surgery, and gaining weight.
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Worth Watching
lyndihopkins12 April 2015
In my opinion, this is a really entertaining reality TV show. Yes, the women can be catty and oftentimes back-stab one another, although this is generally common among most women. I believe that this show actually gives a realistic view on the little people community; there's no sugarcoating or an idealistic façade like so many of the other little people reality shows seem to come off. I think the whole point of this show is to express how little women are just like every other woman in America; when you put a bunch of them together they're likely to fight a little, but they'll always have one another's backs. There's a lot of drama and it keeps you wanting to watch each week.
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Terra the bitch
tranent23 September 2017
So happy that so many of you feel as I do about bully Terra she is cruel to Christy and has to be in the limelight all the time. Her voice annoys the crap out the whole family she has to talk the loudest every time. As someone else mentioned she has made up so many stories to the other girls about Christy. As a mother of 2 gorgeous babies grow up Terra try just concentrating on your marriage and kids. Briana you are a fool to put up with that dreaded husband of your what a creep. Christy is one of the best friends you have but she is better off without you. You are going to come down with a big thud.
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More of bullying, backstabbing Terra
mjova-8026121 March 2018
This new season has no surprises, as time goes by (3 yrs now) Terra gets more unpleasant and controlling. Honestly this show doesn't help little people as you start wondering about their mental health.
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Little Women Shows
I'd feel remiss not to review these shows. Obviously Terra Jolé Odmark is the ring leader, getting credited and working closely with the shows Directors, Producers and casting directors. She receives the highest salary, with each passing show, along with the Atlanta, (most pathetic), Dallas and NY little people, the fights get worse, with Terra stirring the pot, obviously.

The auditions were held in 2013/14, for these shows on Lifetime for Women Network. Unfortunately, they are not empowering "women" at all. In fact, it's not helping minorities or little people either. To gain respect you need to respect yourself first, but clearly that is not the case here, there's always a price. The viewers look forward to their fights, disappointments, rejections, etc, then hop on to Facebook where they continue to comment to total strangers, getting caught up in this silly drama even more. No one would continue to watch these shows if it was a "REAL" reality show or series, try watching PBS. Terra has made this group so out of control that it's an insult to women. (Before talking poorly about other cast member's husbands, she needs to take a look at her own husband first). These people can't afford to drop their responsibilities (especially the Moms), with trips to Alaska, Hawaii, etc, or doing all of the physical crazy activities, or arguing such private matters like fidelity in front of the world. These outings, trips and insurance are designed and paid for by the Network/Production Co., not the women, putting money, travel expenses and experiences in their pockets, laughing their way to the bank.

The sad part is, since TV is not free any longer, the viewer's expense, who pays for cable streaming into their homes, along with the sponsors, are paying for these shows. It seems putting more money into their pockets makes them worse and to me, these shows, as a professional in the business, are an embarrassment. We have enough "unreality" reality shows, airing people's dirty laundry and mocking themselves indirectly, they are all the same. I would rather pay to watch real entertainment, with the real paid actors, scripts, directors, producers, production and crews to get my money's worth or read a book for goodness sake and learn something!
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Deserves a 0
jbdqwfqy21 July 2021
Disgusted with the backstabbing and bullying. Just started watching so I'm in the earlier episodes. Tanya is a bully and entitled. Watched an episode where there was a new girl, Jasmine, who was invited to a wine tasting and Tanya acted like a 2yr old and her reading was just as childish. Then you have Terra, a bully, telling others how to live their life.

Only drama I have in my life is what I watch on TV. This show should be about women who uplift and empower one another instead of tearing each other apart.

Stopped watching and will not recommend to any friends.
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Tarra jole bullies everyone on the show. After things she's done against Tonya are inexplicable
sroden-3871821 October 2021
Tarra jole is the nastiest puts everyone down unless they agree with her. She's cruel to Christy, Briana, Tonya, even snide with Elena and Jasmine. She's the quintessential Jr high school bully. She believes and had made herself boss of everyone. She doesn't act like a person that should be raising children.
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coke-1611520 October 2016
I hope Terra don't take her whining and negative attitude to Dancing with the Stars. She is so spiteful and full of her self on Little Woman, leave it their! Don't wreak another show. Little woman LA does not seem to be realistic, to much arguing one week and the next week everyone is buddy, buddy again. They are all so much in each others business, they can't take care of there own lives without interfering with there so called friends. They have to run and express there own feelings to all the other girls and their husbands until they all get fired up and keep adding fuel to the problem until they all want to tar and feather the person that they are having the problem with. Not one of them can think for themselves.
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lisaogden-5736922 September 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Today we are trying to teach our kids it is not nice to bully people but this whole episode had everyone ganging up on Christy. Everyone wad in her face at the same time. Tara meet with Julie, the publicist and then twisted what she said when she told the conversation to the rest of the ladies. I feel like if all of you are going to continue bully her like that just take her off the show. This show is not what I what I want to kids to see all of you are parents and should be ashamed of yourself I hope no one ever bullies your kids, you all should know what it feels like to be ganged up on so why would you do that to someone else.
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TERRA Jole..need to just STOP!
tammara-0956919 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
TERRA Jole is all about herself! She is a hot mess!!!! TONYA got this!!! NOT Terra! A Blackgirl Moscoto!! REALLY!! GO sit your adss down Tera Jole!!!!! You are not the one to try and get more money to keep your name going!!! Shame on you trying to play on Tonya! I dont agree on what you are asking regarding the wine! FIND SONETHING ELSE! TONYA.. do you Doll!!!
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pumping_iron-119 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I stopped watching this series for several seasons because of the fighting, backstabbing and abuse (Brianna's husband). This series started out showing how little people overcame the day to day challenges that tall people take for granted. It started out very positive....then it started going down hill. I started watching it again this season and find that it's gotten worse. I thought after these women became mothers they'd be more positive. Wrong! Now they are constantly referring to each other as B's. With friends like these, who need enemies. I will never watch this again.
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