The Ballerina (2017) Poster


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Not all "home made" movies are terrible
kay_rock14 October 2018
With advancements in technology, it has become easier for the "every man" to make movies. In some ways, it has become like one of those talent reality shows with the audience as the judges: everyone thinks they have talent, not everyone does, but some have potential and once in a while you find a real star.

Mr. Pullen shows some real potential here. This isn't the best of it's type I've seen, but it is FAR from the worst. And it is worth a watch, particularly if you are interested in filmmaking. It was as fun seeing what he got wrong as it was seeing what he got right. It would make a great film for a film class to study.

And visually, it was a great. Heck, James Cameron has made a fortune making really stupid yet gorgeous movies. Beautiful is worth a lot.

This film has its plusses and its minuses.

ACTING: Like most indie films it is a grab-bag. Steve Pullen himself is probably better off staying behind the camera, but he doesn't make you wince (although he does chew the scenery a bit). Little Isabella as Sophia is a stand-out, though. She has a future in acting.

CINEMATOGRAPHY: Actually pretty good. Whomever was handling the camera is decent. Some of the scenery is gorgeous and shots were well-framed.

WRITING: Mixed bag. The dialogue isn't terrible (not great either) and the story concept is interesting, but the story itself was a little too complicated and a little too contrived. For a long time it appeared there were two disparate stories happening here, and while I see what he was going for as far as the parallels and inferences, it really got muddled up. The opening made certain promises to the viewer, and I found a lot of that middle ground to be frustrating as I was waiting for it to play out the way I suspected it might (it didn't, by the way). It was like being taken out of the story and put into another one. I found myself not caring about any of the tension in "that" part of the story because it felt like an interruption to the original narrative. iI also think a few too many liberties were taken with the story (as we saw it) to justify that ending, but it was an admirable attempt. However, if you're going to go in that direction you need a little more foreshadowing. Nobody should be left at the big reveal saying "huh... wha?" And the denouement was just a bit too much. I want to avoid making this a spoiler review so I'll skip making the obvious comment about that. When you see the film, though, you'll see what I mean. It was a twist too far. And it stretched on WAAAY too long, explaining and explaining and explaining until we realize the filmmaker was not confident in how he had presented his story. If you feel the need to spell out everything you just showed your audience, you already know you didn't get it right.

EDITING: Well done. Good editing is invisible; bad editing will destroy a movie.

MAKEUP: Normally I wouldn't even talk about make-up in a review, but this was so horrific it had to be mentioned. It was like make-up in a children's theatrical production : it looked like it was slopped onto faces by a stage-mom volunteer who had a few too many chardonnays before showing up at the theater. Just really, really bad, to the point of distraction.

Another rare mention is the TITLE SEQUENCE: Whoever did this has some artistic vision and talent with a computer. It looked very professionally done and fit the tone of the film.

Despite my criticisms, I think Mr. Pullen should continue to make films. I can see some really good movies in his future as he hones is craft. He is one of the reasons that I am loving the rise in indie filmmaking as the means to make movies becomes more accessible. This may not be a total winner, but the raw material is there, and some of it was really, really good (and talent is rare).

PS: If you're going to have family members make fake reviews, tell them to avoid superlatives and hyperbole. The stink of fake was all over some of these reviews and it was an embarrassment to the film. Reviews aren't just something to make people want to watch your film, they are your honest feedback. Requesting fake reviews is narcissistic and not helpful. I almost skipped this film because those reviews were so ridiculous. I'm glad I didn't.
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You're scaring me.
nogodnomasters20 February 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Glen and his daughter are headed to her ballerina recital. He decides to stop and do some hunting and the next thing you know the two of them are in a homeless camp. Sophia, the daughter, is haunted by ghosts or shadow people. Only she can see them. There are clues that Glen's story is not quite correct about the death of his family. I could point to films that are similar theme that are better, but that would give away the ending.

The film was made by Steve Pullen and family (cheaper than paying people). Steve wrote, directed, produced, edited, and starred in the feature. It has a feel good ending. The scares came from the horror make-up. Slow at times.

Guide: F-word. Implied sex. No nudity.
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Not Horror
metalwarrior-301022 September 2018
Not horror nor creepy but a good movie. Drama at best. when the ending came, it was kind of sad tobe honest at least for father suffered the same fate as the little girl's father . low budget, yes.....but still good. give it a try.
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I can't believe I gave this an 8
smoke024 March 2018
But I did, and I might even change it to a 9, but probably only because I am so tired of big budget movies that try to be horrific or funny or thrilling and fail to deliver, and I am really tired of indie films that have more to do with disposable income than independent vision.

The story blends several tropes into something fresher, and becomes a haunting dystopia that lingers long after the movie is over, due to the engaging characters played by engaging unknowns, a central mystery that moves along quickly and never cheats or manipulates, and direction, photography and editing found in more expensive productions while still managing to feel intimate and atmospheric.

If you can find this film, give it a look, as it deserves attention.
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Slow, pointless, and awful
torroutedipz22 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
What a garbled mess! I don't take time to write many reviews, especially negative ones, but this has so many fake positive reviews that convinced me to rent the movie, well someone needs to tell the truth. Maybe the director had an idea in his head, but miserably failed to transfer it to the scree. He must've written the 8 star review because many facets described in the review never materialize in screen. Then we have a 10 star review clearly written by Pullens wife "the father was so handsome" lmao they lived in a homeless camp and he looked the part. Honestly, the acting was the best part, so maybe he should concentrate on that area. The movie never even tries to establish how they ended up homeless in the swamp until flashbacks late in the movie, and by this time it's too late and only confuses the situation. It's almost as if Pullen had 3 movies in mind and couldn't decide which to produce, as many aspects of the movie just don't fit together with one another. Simply put, the movie is boring and pointless. I still don't know what it was supposed to be about. And the inconsistencies, wow! I normally don't care if maybe in one shot a glass of water is half full and in the next it's full, but omg the various states of this guys beard is ridiculous. In the final scene while running to his daughter, both the main character and his father totally change wardrobe mid scene and he goes from full beard to trimmed beard. I mean, they're dead already so I guess anything is possible but it doesn't appear to be done in purpose. Then you have to love that he's browsing the internet in the middle of the swamp outside a homeless camp like he's a walking wireless hotspot. I really don't know what to say other than I'm warning you, please don't waste your time. I fell asleep watching it the first night and terribly regret going back to finish it the next day.
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Painful ballerina
TheLittleSongbird6 June 2018
'The Ballerina' drew me into seeing it, with a cool poster/cover, an slightly intriguing but very derivative premise and as someone with a general appreciation for horror. That it was low-budget, which from frequent personal experience is rarely a good sign due to that there are so many poor ones out there, made me though apprehensive.

It is sadly however yet another film seen recently, hence some reiteration because the exact same strengths and flaws those films are present here, that to me was incredibly disappointing considering its potential which it doesn't do anywhere near enough with. 'The Ballerina' is terrible, with a plethora of problems (huge ones too) and doesn't do enough with its potential, which was hardly small. There is next to nothing to recommend and it is a sleeper.

Lets start with the sole positive. The scenery is atmospheric and spooky.

Unfortunately, it is not done justice by the rather direct to video schlocky way it's shot and edited, it was very clear that the film was made in a rush with no care or enthusiasm.

Going on further to the negatives, the story does feel paper thin, disjointed and over-stretched and some of it feels vague, under-explained in the last third where the film especially became duller, more predictable, more senseless and less scary. Too many characters are too sketchy and with nowhere near enough to make one want to endear to them. Their annoying and illogical decision making and behaviours frustrates.

Making the film feel bland and forgettable with not enough heart put into it. The effects are ropy at best, the sound quality is obvious and utilised cheaply (being too loud in the build ups and people's reactions) and it's best not mentioning the uniformly lumbering and histrionic acting in what was largely a family project it seems.

Dialogue can be stilted and rambling, with lots of clichés and no depth whatsoever, while the pace goes to a standstill very quickly and drags on forever with very little going on worth caring about, never recovering. Found too many the supposedly shocking moments not surprising or scary and the supposedly creepy atmosphere dreary, due to the excessive obviousness, a lot of dumb and vague moments and explanations and the lack of tension and suspense. Would not have minded the lack of originality (the film is extremely derivative and in a dumbed and watered down way) if the story and atmosphere were at least alright in execution, in reality they were both dreadfully done. Not to mention a whole novel's worth of inconsistencies and continuity errors.

A lot of 'The Ballerina' has underdeveloped plot elements and often nonsensical and confusing character motivations, while too many of the things to make you jump or shocked are far from creative or scary and are pretty tame. The ending makes the film finish on an incomplete and confused whimper.

There is not enough threat here and what there is of it tends to be used poorly, it is completely unimaginative and more odd than creepy, completely failing to show any sense of horror. Some badly sagging momentum too. The direction is leaden, inexperience is all over the film, and the music doesn't really fit.

Concluding, near-irredeemably awful. 1/10 Bethany Cox
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A meandering mess
tichy_cnp10 June 2018
Warning: Spoilers
A homeless camp is a terrible metaphor for the realm of hungry ghosts or whatever you want to call it. It's an idea that seems like it might be deep until you give it any serious thought. And the whole movie hangs on that metaphor so I'm sure the writer thought it very clever when he concocted it. And most of what happens in the first half of the movie makes no sense once that twist is revealed. This trend of non scary horror that takes itself very seriously really needs to go.
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AWFUL. Seriously must have fake reviews.
shantelesumma2 June 2018
I love slow, building, atmospheric ghost stories. This attempted. This utterly failed. Writer took the easy way out instead of staying consistent...WiFi laptop in a swamp camp where children wake up freezing in worn tents? The main character needed to know something. BOOM handy laptop.

It was boring, uninspired, depressing as hell, and when everything was finally coming together it fell completely flat.
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Annoyingly slow and mediocre acting.
cheskel-326319 April 2021
The plot is very disorientating. The acting is so terrible with predictable story and outcome.
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Didn't know where this was going
ShftyEyedGoat23 July 2018
Yes this is a lower budget movie and yes the repeated chords of music to add emotion to a scene are a bit overdone. Yes there are some plot holes about internet in a forest. However the plot holes are technically explained.

As titled I didn't know where this was going. It appears to be an odd haunting but turns into much more. I feel it was very well done and a new look into possibly done tropes but so much of it was just done so well. The acting was enjoyable and the revelations in the story are great. I feel the last 10 minutes could have been condensed to about 2 and I would have loved this movie much more.

Don't give into wanting the jump scares of horror, watch this and get taken through an emotional story.
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Family Made Low Budget Load Of Rubbish!!!!
Moviereeeels1226 September 2018
... i feel so bad for those hard working people that spent their hard earned cash on this pile of garbage ... i was lucky i spent less than a dollar in the clear out basket ... great box, great headlines 'Scary as Hell' ... but what a load of absolute rubbish ... the good reviews are probably the family that made the film, the whole cast are related ... they should be sued for bad everything!!!!!!!
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We need more movies like this
blood-lust6667 February 2018
The Ballerina is a directorial debut from newcomer Steve Pullen. Pullen also stars in, co-produced and wrote the screenplay to this film. For a debut done on a low budget, The Ballerina blew me away! I can't wait to see more from Pullen and see how he progresses in the future.

With the horror genre being oversaturated with gore for the sake of gore, lackluster to no plots, and little suspense, The Ballerina breathed new life with its revival of southern gothic horror. It's atmospheric, it's moody, it's melancholy. The tensions between reality and the supernatural are palpable and eventually blend into a delusional realism. But beyond that, is tragedy brought to life. The last 30 minutes is an emotional experience for the viewer. As the story progresses, the viewer begins to realize the actuality of the situation as the layers are exposed piece by piece. It's tragic. It's heartbreaking. But there, there's relief at the end.

This is ultimately a story of regret, forgiveness and redemption. And one done so in an artful and meaningful way.
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Heartbreaking and interesting, not scary though
redclawgardiner30 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Though this movie is not scary, it's very good and extremely sad as you become attached to the little girl and at first you might think the girl scouts are trying to kill her but they end up being the good guys in the end.

When I saw the girl get lost in the woods I thought there was a chance that she would survive but it broke my heart when I saw her skeleton with her tiara.

However, at times there is somewhat bad acting and sometimes not very realistic as skeletons can't be held together without tissue or anything.
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Good Ghost Story
tmetallion10 September 2018
It's low-budget, it's not gonna scare you; the first 30 minutes are slow and sad, but then it turns into a good little ghost story; it got surprisingly suspenseful too. Don't watch with high expectations, it's decent at best. but if you love creepy little ghost stories like I do, then give it try.
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Well put together movie.
skmarine22 November 2019
For a low budget movie this one definitely was put together well. It kept my attention throughout the movie and the acting was very well done. Definitely worth watching.
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Well slow but has incredible story
dinlpn17 October 2018
Great storyline really enjoyed it not the best actors and not big a baget but its still interesting. Lets just say watch it give it a chance if you watching not just to be scared but also enjoy some Drama - the end is shoking
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Surprisingly Good
dreamsofgemsstore12 May 2018
... since the IMDB rating kinda showed otherwise. I was gambling by watching this, and I was honestly surprised because it paid off. I was already aware that this is a low-budget movie so I did not expect much. But the story is honestly appealing - this reminds me of the horror concepts when they would mix emotions and feelings instead of giving one jumpscare and gory makeup after another. I give this a seven because after all, the director could improve some of the aspects. Such as ... they already implied that it was a desolated camping site, why would anyone be able to pull out a laptop WITH AN INTERNET CONNECTION, since the place is already described as desolated?? The script still needs workarounds on those. I am always a fan of horror movies with background stories and somehow this satisfies me enough and jumpscares already bored me to death. This is the kind of horror where the revelation of the "truth" gives you the kind of emotional scare and "ouch ... now it makes sense!" feelings.

Disclaimer: this is my first review after stalking IMDB for years - no, I am not getting paid for this, I just want to give the reader a fair considerations since I know that there are so many trashy movies out there these days. Those who fell asleep watching this may be into a more action-packed horror (and I don't blame them because horrors are after all meant to scare the crap outta you), but for those who can concentrate on dramas and conflict, I'd say this movie is worth considering.
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I almost cry at the end
neno-gursov18 February 2019
Not the best movie, but is not too bad.I like movies that makes me think.
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One of my new favorites
raahh-8531228 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I've been reading the reviews and let me tell you these people are probably those who are mainstream superhero Hollywood fanatics. If you have ever read a book you'll appreciate this film no matter what n the feeling it gives you during and long after it's over. Personally it had my attention in the first half because the thought of actually believing there are sad wandering spirits not knowing they're dead was so interesting. Then when the ending unfolded it really got me in a pleasantly sad feeling that made me appreciate being alive having who I have with me.
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One of the best for me
lilith136-30-63921515 October 2018
We all react differently to plots and pace. I for one have issues keeping my attention fixed if I find a movie is not engaging me. I'm an avid horror/thriller movie fan and this I liked most out of others that I saw recently. It's a ghost story and the plot is nothing new. But, it's gripping. And, while there may be some inconsistencies if you wanted to be picky, it has suspense, keeps you guessing and it's not relying on special effects to be so. This is not for those that like fast action, gore or slasher movies. It's slower and built more on the storyline than special effects. Think of "A ghost story" type of movie. I really enjoyed it.
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Great movie, best I have seen in a while!
buzzsaw-6689229 April 2018
This movie is great, I was into it from the start even though it had a slow built up. Things eventually got interesting and the story was thrilling the rest of the way. I would highly recommend this movie to anyone, thanks and you are welcome.
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Loved this little ghost story.
noodlespidermonkey54030 December 2019
I was long overdue for a sad, but sweet (sometimes creepy) ghost story, and The Ballerina gave me exactly what I craved. This show isn't very scary, but it's got a lot of heart in the story it tells. Well worth the view.
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I cried
sage4545-120 September 2018
I haven't seen movies like this in a long time, thank you it was beautiful!
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Excellent movie
danajkistner6 April 2018
The ballerina is one of the best movies me and my family has ever seen it is excellent the cast is incredible the little girl is adorable her fathers handsome as hell and it was just a great movie
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Entertainment at its best !
paulinelongford13 September 2018
Actors played out the roles rather convincing ... story line interesting .. kept me interested from start to finish.. I recommend watching this one :)
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