Gramps Goes to College (2014) Poster

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Was this supposed to be this awful?
NickGagnon94210 November 2019
Gramps Goes to College is about a older man (later nicknamed Gramps) who decides to go to college so he can teach people about his faith. Its a preachy, stupid film that is more propaganda than actual film making. Gramps is a very unlikable character. He just goes back to school to preach and be a annoyance to the school system. However the main professor comes off a cartoon and tells the students that there is no God much like Kevin Sorbo in Gods Not Dead. Aside from spreading his faith Gramps starts a sports team but only wants Christians on his team. Again this shows how unlikable he is by actually discriminating against people of other faiths. In one instance he gets asked for an autograph for standing up to the professor and he actually turns the kids down. Gramps never learns or grows from his collage experience he just stays a unlikable man who goes and rants about religion and one of fluoride in the water. The film gets more insane as one of the college girls actually dies at a party and comes back to life and she claims she went to Hell. The whole film comes off like the crazed ramblings of a cranky old man. Then again this film was made by the same people who made one of the most bigoted films ever made The Right to Believe. Gramps Goes to College is just a very painful and annoying film only to be seen to poke fun at.
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Giving a bad name for itself.
Maz-hell25 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
At least the movie tells you in the first 5 minutes that it will not be a very good one: Gramps is a religious extremist retired programmer that is (amazingly) also a supergenious, excellent at all sports and people just like to be around him. So, of course, he decides that Universities are bad because of course they are.

The first time he hears that Dormitories are Co-Ed he basicly starts treating the receptionist as if she told him that he would be boiled in hot sauce for the duration of the course.

He constantly discriminates against others; he constantly insults people that do not think like him or act as he would like them to, rejects a kiddo for an autograph just because he can, tries to make a Junior and a senior to fall in love in the creepiest way possible and just can't take criticism at all. For some reason everyone is totally okay with that... oh wait, the reason is that he insults the biology teacher that only teaches evolution and absolutely nothing else (oh yeah, she ends falling for him for some unexplained reason). His arguments are, as usual with this movies, either phallacies that don't deserve attention or whataboutisms, but he thinks they are brilliant. Also there are a bunch of rants like one about fluoride being the cause of cancer and fybromialgia, which are major words for a guy that can't even pass biology 100 and that definitely doesn't understand that a process has no physical qualities (something weird for, you know, a retired programmer).

You would think that then the movie decides to get a chill pill. It won't.

It goes crazy: people just start doing miracles around him, he converts almost everyone to christianity and the biology teacher decides that she doesn't want to teach biology anymore. Of course, everyone except the evil atheist director are almost in love with him.

The acting makes most adult films look like Citizen Kane, the dialog is abysmal and self serving (thing that I am sure has nothing to do with the fact that the lead actor is also the screenwriter and wrote most of the dialog), and the story is just boring and random and sometimes even cringy. The sets are obviously a retirement house and/or a place built out of junk. It would be absolutely hilarious if it didn't take itself seriously, but as it is, it is an unwatchable mess. You will need a lot of substances to see this one. And don't go alone.
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Wut??? Wut??? What just happened?
markleachsa-127 February 2023
A friend tricked me into watching this, telling me it was an early Jim Carey movie. I think I'm going to have to disown that friend.

The acting is ... reluctant middle schooler at best, and the dialogue is more cringy than Dumb and Dumber, which by contrast is a story about two of the finest physics geniuses on the planet.

I skipped forward a few scenes from the gym scene - which was jaw-droppingly bad in itself - to take in a diatribe about modern political leanings which allowed such biblical monstrosities as co-ed dorms. Satan is alive and well and living in co-ed dorms apparently. Be aware, students!

And I can only confess that those were the highlights of this one-reeler as far as I could tell. I'm a live-and-let live type, but this was a live-and-then-burn-in-hell-for-all-eternity-because-God-loves-you-and-because-you-disagree-with-my-point-of-view movie.

Technically, the bloopers are perhaps the highlight of the movie, and luckily there are enough of those to keep an eye out for, such as badly placed mirrors reflecting the crew. The rest is more embarrassing than accidentally discovering your grandparents having sex. I actually found myself blushing at how awful this movie is, between my groans of distress at how awful this movie is., and protests at blatantly false claims and how awful this movie is.

It won an award for the scriptwriter, producer and star of the movie (all the same guy) and curious and bewildered at how it won an actual award, I looked it up. It was awarded by a faith organisation that has strong ties to the writer, producer and star (again, all the same guy.)

What a coincidence. Astonishing really.

Now, who can I trick into believing this is an early Richard Gere movie...?
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johnnyrobot-1102830 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
So painful. First, the college students appear to be in their 30's, which diminishes the strength of the premise, which is a 60+ year old man returning to college to straighten out the kids. Seriously, a 'dad' drops off his freshman daughter to the dorms with dad and daughter basically same age. Mom couldn't be there because she has a job, which they insinuate is a problem. Obviously she doesn't respect the Lord and traditional family values.

"Gramps" is a pompous insufferable know-it-all who makes every conversation confrontational, and about Jesus and the Bible, or the government and fluoride. The writing is atrocious, the acting worse, and Gramps has laughable arguments against science and evolution.

At some point, the biology professor invites Gramps to dinner at her place so she can throw herself at him ((WHAT!?)) but before they eat, he forcibly covers her shoulders so he won't have lustful thoughts. Another male character clamps his hand over his girlfriend's mouth to shut her up, and they both laugh like that's cute.

At the movie's conclusion, a student raises a girl from the dead, the drunk biology professor suddenly sobers up and believes in religion only to get fired, and the students insist on bringing God into the biology class.

People love these movies for camp value, but I think they were seriously trying to make a Christian Dead Poets Society.
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This is a joke right?
CountVladDracula26 December 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This is a joke right? How does this self-absorbed, self-praising piece of garbage exist? If you know anything at all about science it's scenes that "successfully argue against evolution" will be painful, the sort of thing that makes your IQ feel like it's dropping or may cause an aneurysm.

I thought Narcissism was supposed to be a sin but this self-obsessed man seems to think he's a Messiah. Also why? Why is it popular to consider evolution to be anti-God? God (theoretically) created so many wonderful and complex things. Why couldn't he have deliberately brought about an evolving race? Hell, we humans forced a sort of evolution when we took wolves and domesticated them into modern dog breeds. Pugs were not created by nature, folks! Why wouldn't God have created evolving beings? There was a time when people thought that the Earth going around the sun was "anti-God." Science and spirituality do NOT have to be at odds. The two can and should co-exist as a quest for answers and that does not mean dismissing scientific evidence because it shakes your perceptions. It means embracing the new ripples in your reality and consider that maybe that's all part of the plan.
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The best and brightest of the Christian film industry
cpbbeattie3 March 2024
If you have been kicked in the head by a horse, are a trump supporter, or have eaten copious amounts of lead paint over the years, then this is a must see film.

Only by being one of these people can you fully appreciate the harsh and leadfooted dialogue about Satan perverting the young or the grating expositional dialogue about subplots that never come to fruition.

This film is impossible to distinguish from parody. The fact that people think like gramps is horrifying and misery inducing. The fact that this film is allowed to be produced and seen by brain owning people is borderline criminal, and liberalism gone too far.

Not since Triumph of the Will has such blatant and obvious propaganda been produced, though Leni Riefenstahl had the wisdom to be deeply ashamed about her own involvement.

This movie showcases how scary and upsetting the world must be to insular, insipid (American) Christians. There is no cure for the intellectual disabilities denoted by the writing and production of this film.

I would urge anyone who finds this movie to have a semblance of a sensible or credible argument to actually go and take a biology course. But unfortunately, there is no cure for the level of ignorance brainwashing on this scale creates, and the crew of this film will live in blissful ignorance in perpetuity. Truly hell is real, this film unequivocally proves it.

As a film that attempts to do the opposite, it is ironic that this movie is the most foundational and convincing evidence that god does not exist.
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A joke that isn't funny... But you'll laugh anyway (when you aren't supposed to).
scmarler1 March 2023
It is not a figure of speech or a euphemism when I say this was literally the stupidest thing I have ever seen in my entire life. The laughter was painful in the beginning. But by the middle, the embarrassment I felt for being a member of the same species as Grandpa Handsome-Bold-Intelligent-Computer Genius-Chess Grandmaster-Workaholic-4-God was far more painful. The tone-deafness in this train wreck was hard to believe. The hilarious not-so-subtle self-aggrandizement, surreal interactions and bloated misogynistic undertones that the producer doesn't even seem to realize it exhibits put this way out past daft.

How is it that other people actually cooperated in the making of this nightmarish skit? If they were this guy's friends, they would have put a stop to it and spared him the personal embarrassment and prevented him from making a film that is excellent at doing exactly the opposite of what it is intended to do: making fundamentalists look like out-of-touch, self-absorbed idiots who live in an archaic echo chamber.

If this was organized by anti-theists to serve as a secret tongue-in-cheek mockery of creationism and fundamentalism, then it was genius. Absolutely no one who ever lived will see this and feel sympathetic to the points it attempts to make; but there are plenty who might already be sympathetic and feel highly embarrassed after being exposed to this disaster. Nothing could make anyone on the fence about creationism run for the door faster than this thing.
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Is it a comedy? No... then wow
erikwittruprtcs21 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This was the worst film I've ever seen.

This reminds me of when the kid in school who thinks he is brilliant wins his arguments in the shower in situations that never happened.

This is literally the film about not understanding how colleges teach science and thinking lesson one is "how Christian's are idiots". Perhaps going to an actual university for your film would have helped.

The film is just setting up situations where "gramps" can "own" godless democrat idiotic liberals. There is even a scene when students want his autograph for showing up that science professor. Do people actually think this is how Universities work?

Just stop making films. It would have been funny if it wasn't so sad.
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Horrible Movie, Horrible Person
dioriomark12 March 2024
This is the WORST Christian movie of all times. Every aspect of it is either manipulative, lying, or flat out cringy. The first warning sign is when the college biology professor tells her students to ditch their religious beliefs. In what universe would this happen? Oh, let me back up a bit. The reason why this old coot goes to college is that "we're at war," and he is going to be the champion to dispel the myth of evolution. Oh wait, there's more! Donald James Parker, wrote, directed and made himself the lead character, giving himself super- human geriatric powers. He is a grand master at chess, pro ball player, long distance runner that beats 20-year-olds, and yes, even a lady's man. But being such a prude, he won't succumb to a 'woman's charm'. Now ask yourself, why does a 60 something man need to have so many movies where he plays the lead with young girls? In seeing interviews with Donald, you can see a hypocritical dark side to this man. He supports a rapist bragging about rape, saying it's "just locker room talk." So, you can either avoid this movie, period, or have fun and watch it on you tube where a commentator will share the laughs and groans with you. And Donald, if you're reading, get this: We see your hypocrisy and twisted mind. Your movies reek of desperation to be liked.
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Carol Anderson was the best thing about this
whitkeaton8 June 2022
Seriously Carol, your acting far surpassed that of anybody else's. Again, David John Parker your writing and direction has led to yet another hilariously embarrassing film. However, at least I can say it was an entertaining film.
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Genuinely horrific
completeditmate18 April 2024
The most embarrassing, self-indulgent, ignorant bilge I've ever seen. No review here will do justice in how truly awful this is.

Even removing the tragic science denial and ludicrous, over exaggerated religious thread - The guy produces enough cringe to power the entire USA for the next 1000 years.

Donald James Parker has found an outlet to promote religious dogma while showcasing to the world his athletic prowess, undeniable sexual attraction, hyper intelligence, chess mastery, tennis supremacy - you name it, this 60+ year old can do it - and better than anyone. That includes these young whipper snappers who think they can outrun him over a 2mile stretch or biology professors who think they know more than he does.

Fortunately the world won't be seeing this and it's viewership is limited to some poor individuals such as myself and a selection of christian fanatics who will no doubt be swooning over Donald.

0/10 - probably the worst thing ever committed to film.
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Great For Out Times
sandyandreson15 April 2024
It is hard to keep our Christian attitudes when all around the devil has easy access to every aspect of life. Staying firm and surrounding ourselves with other Christians is best while our examples help grow some doubting to become strong Christians. I recommend this movie!

College is a time of discovery for young people away from home for a first time. Wouldn't a person get confidence by seeing a movie that explores questions they have or will have duriing college.

Parents of students would also benefit by supporting this movie and talking with their child after viewing and answering questions that come up. Grandparents would delight in viewing this movie for personal reasons (LOL) and also their grandchildren may like the idea that family values are shared.
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We need more people to stand up
randythetechguy4 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This is a great film providing how twisted and non factual colleges are today. Gramps kills the whole evolution theory that is why it has such a low rating here on IMDB. I dare you to watch this movie for the truth. If you like truth and love watch Professor getting belittled you will love this movie if you like to be told how to think you might find this movie hard to understand. Spoiler alert you will love this movie one thing I would like to say is it seems weird that Imdb requires such a long review on 10 star reviews these are just movies. I guess we need to use our college degrees for something. Check out this movie you will love it.
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