Bitconned (2024) Poster


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Malevolent narcissism personified
kavanf14 January 2024
People will have a field day psychoanalysing the antagonist in this documentary - rarely do we get such clear insight into the mind of a cold-hearted fraudster. Ray Trapani is also an archetype representing those capable of ripping off other human beings without a flicker of emotion (and there's a higher than average representation of such people in the world of alt crypto) - it's fascinating to see such a disgusting example of humanity reveal himself for what he is. He's so disconnected from what it means to be human that he somehow thought it would be a good idea to show the world what a piece of garbage he is. This documentary is worth a watch simply to see that play out.
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The documentary was good but infuriating
logbinder6 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The documentary was good just infuriating. I hope the judge who did not sentenced Ray T. To any time served watches it and feels any sort of shame or remorse. What was the thinking behind it? Like it just makes the whole judiciary system not trustworthy at all.

Ray T. Was clearly a narcissist, raised in a sociopathic environment (I mean his mother at the end clearly shows it) so no wonder he is what he is, but the fact that he now gets to enjoy all the money he stole, because he was cooperative?

I am seriously in awe how the judge did not see this as a completely misjudged, immoral and bad decision to give him no time. Mad.
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No remorse from millionaire scammers.
wolverineca-611495 January 2024
This documentary made my blood boil in every way I like. The story was put together well and painted Ray Trapani (the lead scam artist) in a way that made him truly look like a criminal. This is not always done well by Netflix.

If you like documentaries about crime, scams and crypto, than you need to watch this. It will blow your mind what these con artists come up with to make a quick buck off the ignorant.

In the film you will follow Ray, who lays out all the scams he has pulled over his lifetime. This leads up to the biggest scam of all, Centra Tech. I don't want to ruin anything but let me say this, our judicial system is in serious need of some changes here in the U. S. A.
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Trust the Untrustworthy
SaidNDone1 January 2024
Bitconned does a very good job of putting the crypto contradiction of trusting nobody but the least trustworthy on full display. All those sucker 'investors' who were told not to trust banks or the government instead put their full faith and credit into the hands of a drug addict's Potemkin company.

Even for those of us who have watched this play out again and again it is always shocking to see just how flimsy these scams are -- the clearly fake profiles and partnerships, quid-pro-quo promotion from unqualified celebrities, an idiotic and plagiarized business plan. Yet they managed to raise millions from the 'skeptical' masses who refuse to place any trust actual institutions with real assets.

The Centra scam really encapsulates the entire Crypto cycle quite well -- these flunkies raised money off the back of a man who predicted a collapse of the western financial system -- and of course it turns out the only financial institutions that collapsed were house of cards crypto companies he promoted.

How people keep falling for this I'll never understand.
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VIEWS ON FILM review of Bitconned
burlesonjesse56 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
2024's Bitconned is a fascinating documentary about three dudes who scammed the American public through cryptocurrency. How'd they do it? Well they did it through a fake company called Centra Tech. I mean I didn't know much about the concept of digital tokens but director Bryan Storkel gave me the tech-y lowdown. Obviously there are no judgments here.

Robert Farkas, Sohrab Sharma, and Ray Trapani are the real-life con men who after getting caught, seem to hate each other. I'm not surprised. Giving up your co-workers by ratting them out to lighten your sentence, can tick off certain people running a pseudo business. At 93 minutes, Bitconned appears like a vanity project for these boys to sort of heighten their criminal fame (especially in regards to one Ray Trapani). Whatever. I have this weird habit of nervously rooting for the bad guy like in the good old days (hint, hint). What's wrong with me?

So yeah, if flicks like Boiler Room, The Wolf of Wall Street, and The Social Network were made into docus, they'd probably equal the plot line of the cocksure Bitconned. You know, a bunch of twentysomethings start up a commerce that's either legal or illegal. The goal? To make money don't you know, lots of it by living off the buying and selling of others or just sitting on their behinds in front of the almighty laptop. Prosecution, lawsuits, and greediness oh my! "Nowadays, you have to figure out some sort of way to finesse the system". Uh-huh.

Jordan Belfort antics and Mark Zuckerberg innovations aside, Bitconned is sleekly made and modern-day infused, showing interviews from its subjects that almost feel scripted, like what's on screen is actual fiction as opposed to actual transmission. Hey I'm not complaining, I was entertained. Sometimes you have to be malefactors in denial to get the rights to your own movie. Champing at this "bit".
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Bitconned: An In-Depth Look at the Centra Tech Crypto Scam
PedroReviews24 January 2024
Bitconned (2024) emerges as a captivating and insightful exploration of the Centra Tech crypto scam, a fraudulent scheme that captivated the cryptocurrency world and defrauded investors of millions of dollars. The film delves into the intricacies of the scam, revealing the mastermind behind the operation, Ray Trapani, and the elaborate deception he orchestrated.

Directed by Bryan Storkel, renowned for his compelling documentaries, Bitconned interweaves interviews with victims, former Centra Tech employees, and investigative journalists to paint a comprehensive picture of the scam. We witness how Trapani, fueled by a lifelong fascination with crime and a thirst for wealth, devised a sophisticated scheme that fooled investors worldwide.

The documentary exposes the intricate mechanics of the scam, highlighting the false promises, fake celebrity endorsements, and sophisticated technology used to manipulate investors. We see how Trapani and his associates exploited the unregulated nature of the cryptocurrency market to operate with impunity, raking in millions of dollars while leaving countless victims in financial ruin.

The documentary also delves into the psychology of the scam's participants, exploring the motivations that drove Trapani and his collaborators to commit such audacious fraud. It examines the allure of quick money, the desire for fame and status, and the willingness to bend ethical boundaries in the pursuit of financial gain.

Bitconned serves as a cautionary tale for those considering investing in cryptocurrencies, emphasizing the importance of due diligence, critical thinking, and skepticism when evaluating investment opportunities. It warns against falling prey to overly optimistic promises and unchecked greed, urging individuals to conduct thorough research and understand the risks involved before investing in any cryptocurrency venture.
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Bitconned educates and infuriates
lojitsu6 February 2024
Here's The 4K Lowedown on "Bitconned" (TV-MA - 2024 - Netflix)

Genre: Documentary/True Crime

My Score: 7.0 Cast=4 Acting=7 Trailer=6 Ending=8 Story=9 Visuals=7 Direct=7 Sounds=6 Genre-9 Sub-genre=7

In this true-crime documentary, three guys exploit the freewheeling cryptocurrency market to scam millions from investors and bankroll lavish lifestyles.

"Ever since I was a kid, I wanted to be a criminal." A successful documentary is one that can educate or infuriate...and this was able to achieve both for me. Ultimately not a topic I cared much about, but I had a little knowledge of cryptocurrency. The focus of this documentary is a prick from the word go, but I found myself understanding why people were giving their money to him. If you are interested in true crime or the subject matter, this is worth a watch.
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bananasonata2 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I have a deep interest in cryptocurrency, and this documentary is exhilarating to watch. It is evident that there are numerous pitfalls for its success, yet surprisingly, the scam managed to garner millions of dollars, including funds from South Korea. I began to think, did those who invested really believe in the business, or did they invest simply to gamble and hope it was all true?

The revelation that the CEO was a fictitious person was a nice twist, especially funny when the real guy was prompted to read the death notice. The ending was truly surprising and prompts questioning of justice in the US. I thoroughly enjoyed watching this, and if you liked the QuadrigaCX documentary on Netflix, I'm sure you'd enjoy this one too.
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Can you spot a liar?
ThatDoesntMatter8 January 2024
This documentary is well-made entertainment.

It even does not fall into the Netflix-pitfall of wokeness and judgementalism. Viewers can form their own opinions, and those may vary. Kudos to that.

Is the fraudster telling the truth?

Is he still playing? Can he do anything else?

Is he a sociopath? What went wrong with him? Are his brothers criminals as well?

It's a story we're being told. Is it the real story?

I really want to hear the other guy's telling of it!

As if you have to be rich to travel the world.

You only have to be rich if you don't want to travel and experience the world but just go places, live luxuriously, and think that makes you a success.

Or maybe just a case of SDS.
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Bad guys, gullible victims
caiseejc4 March 2024
These guys who conned others with their crypto scam are terrible but their victims are gullible! When will people learn that practically everything having to do with crypto currency, especially something new, and seems too good to be true is a scam?! Some Americans like these guys are also just as sleazy scammers as foreign ones, just usually much more sophisticated at it. Can't believe people fell for this and other crypto scams. Maybe this documentary and other stories will finally teach people to do their due diligence before giving their accounts over to strangers and trusting them to be who they claim to be.
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Extra caution for douchbaggery
tiong-jiun18 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
As someone who watches and listen to a lot of true crime/scam documentaries. I have to warn you that this movie, thou portrays the failure of the judicial system in making sure the perpetrators pay for their crime. In my opinion, shows the antagonist's lifestyle in too good of a lighting. Some people may be tempted to emulate him, rather than dislike him for the crimes and lies he had perpetrator. If you are able to deem him as a criminal and see him through that lenses throughout the film, I commend you for having the right moral compass.

However, if you are watching with the mind set of learning how to con people and wanting the beautiful lifestyle you can get out of conning people... Congratulations, you have found the perfect movie.
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A Fool & Their Money Are Soon Parted
Saoustou881 January 2024
I am speechless at this highly entertaining and shocking documentary. So well made... if I say anything more then it's too many give aways. Ray Trapani is a very crooked wannabe mafioso and it all starts off as child's play but the further along you get, you see that so many people were so gullible in the scam that you can't even call Ray a genius. He's just the luckiest joker ever. It's very unfortunate what happened to the folks that lost their hard savings, and I do believe they tried to glorify this docu and make Trapani the modern day Jordan Belfort. Which is many ways, he is. His mum is a boss though, I did enjoy watching her and his fabulous grandma on screen.
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WATCH IT !! Lack of empathy, greed... a psychopath and narcissism show
mapika2 January 2024
The main character, whose name i dont really care about, some of his partners (not all) as well as his family seem to have no problem while talking about their malicious, greedy way to rip off others... alongside many unbelievably immoral statements this one shows what kind of people the "great" western economic and political system of greed and egoism brings out in people,"... i mean, there was this one guy, who was trying to invest (in centra), and then he gave me his password to his whole crypto account. He ment to send me his passcode to send the Centracoins to.... and he gave me his password. ... And i was in this moment like, " Holy shix, this guy just gave me his password. I logged in, couldn't help myself. I already had millions... this is like 100.000 sitting in his account... What do i do here?! And then i just transfered all to my account..."

This quote itself says everything about his character. You should see his cold, proud grin while saying it.

Btw: the money is still "gone" and this, well, i would call him "cold-hearted psychopath" seems to live a good life, planning new businesses ...

He just plays the game big players in our world, the rich and powerful out there always did and still do ... if it's about tax evasion, political corruption or this kind of fraud... it makes no difference. People who can't get enough, who wanna own more and more, if its money, power, control... are the same kind of misleaded individuals, who just dont get, what life is about.

I wouldnt wonder, if he felt good about this documentary and whats even worse, if quite a few young people out there find this way of life, full of manipulation, lies and betrayal attractive.
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The Truth Is Never Wrong
PalmBeachG7 January 2024
I loved the honesty from Ray - other's may despise him but without his honesty, the public wouldn't be able to learn how these types of frauds with ALT Coins happen. The title Bitconned may be a little deceiving imo, since what he was selling was an alt coin (78% of those fail due to different reasons such as fraud, pump and dumps, bad mgmt, etc). BIT and ETH aren't in the same class as alt coins and the title may give some the wrong impression imo. He isn't the only one out there who has done such a thing - but he got caught. He was the first to have such a great idea that has taken off since, which means he has talents, but took the wrong path. He just wanted it now and couldn't wait.

We learn lessons not only on alt coin fraud but identity theft (such as the fake lawyer that they had no idea they hired) which brings me to why I didn't give this a 10 star rating because Netflix just couldn't help themselves but to throw in a Presidential candidate's picture and name and associate it with fraud when he had nothing to do with it. So had to deduct 1 star.

As far as the house issue at the end, I have heard yrs ago (not sure if it still stands today) that FL has some kind of law that your home is protected from being able to be taken in any kind of bankruptcy, monetary claims, lawsuits including civil and it is a way of protecting your money.

All in all, informative.
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Empty and dull
atleverton11 January 2024
So a man who says that his greatest ambition when he was a child was to become a criminal, starts a crypto company with a few friends, and they raise eye-popping amounts of money because they actually do have a good idea, gets charged with a crime and gets parole because he cooperated with the authorities. It's a very strange because it seems like he was clearly viewing this as a scam and as a way to milk money from people, and the person who got the longest jail term seemed like he was at least trying to turn this idea into reality. What I don't understand though is why not just be honest with people. Say we have this idea, it doesn't work yet, ask your money, and we'll be able to come up with something that works. I think while we do hear from other characters in this drama, there is too much focus on the main scammer and there's also no pushback for any of the information that he says. It would be good if they had him say something, and then someone else involved could say their opinion. The end of this review on a philosophical note, crypto was attractive to people because it would avoid all the complications of banking. But banking is complicated because people have been trying to rob and defraud people for centuries, so we have enacted rules surrounding banking to make it safer. Crypto doesn't have that and if it will, there's not much difference then between it and the normal banking system.
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Mr-Topshotta19 January 2024
Directed by Bryan Storkel. A runtime of one hour and thirty-three minutes. Streaming on Netflix with an R rating.

This is the documentary about two high school enemies turned friends/business partners, Ray Trapani and Sam Sharma, whom they call "Sorbee." Showing these two entrepreneurs and their rise from rags to riches. They never came from rags, but they went to a new height of riches. The only problem is that they scammed their way there.

Ray Trapani, for lack of better words, is a true F-boy and has been one his whole life. He always wanted to be a millionaire. He claimed it and talked it into existence. With his family involved in some shady affairs, he was able to get some seed money to help start a business in Miami. Renting out exotic sports cars.

Having a great idea, along with doing it with two other friends from his youth, was great. Instead of stabilizing that business for the long haul, once funds started to come in, They all started using that money to party and get high.

Of course, that caused Ray to crash out.

Instead of trying to fix the issue, Ray and Sorbee cut their friend out of the business. Sorbee came up with an idea to jump into the booming cryptocurrency market at the time.

They replaced the one friend with Sorbee's sister's boyfriend. Making him another C. E. O. They came up with a great idea, but a completely made-up one. Exploiting celebrities and scamming millions of dollars from everyday working people and investors. Watch how easy it was to make up a fake business and start printing money from how well this scam was.

"Bitconned" had me in sheer disbelief. From the opening scene, you saw what kind of documentary this was going to be and what kind of person Ray was. Playing whoever and doing whatever to get to the next level. Stabbing anyone and everyone in the back. All in the name of greed.

The craziest part of it all is that these guys were truly smart. Ok, maybe smart is a bad choice of word. No, I take it back. You have to have some form of intelligence to come up with these ideas. You also have to have the drive to sustain them.

They did great business originally with the car service. Then, to make another idea about being able to deposit and withdraw your cryptocurrency at will, was a brilliant idea. With the amount of work they were doing to sustain the scam, they almost made their scam a legitimate business.

It's wild to see how easy it was to do all of this. Fooling so many people. It got to the point where they had a printer that printed money. Greed, a lack of experience, and intelligence in certain areas were their downfall. If they used their powers for good, I think they would have successful lives regardless.

This is a great documentary about something that happened recently. The ending was kind of foul. I still can't believe how easy it was to do all of this. It was also no shock to see how fast it crumbled when it finally did.

There is a promising future with cryptocurrency; we as a society are just not there yet. It seems like the crypto hype has fizzled out, but I think it will be back again. This is also a great example of showing you what it looks like to push your luck and how to play yourself out of a massive bag(money).

Know when you've won. Even with this last scam, I didn't see an endgame. Don't be shocked if you see Ray on the news in the future. Just saying. I give this documentary four fires 🔥🔥🔥🔥.

#CosmoandtheMovieWithin #CosmoMovieBlog #CosmoLanier #Bitconned.
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aryanhess16 May 2024
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Aryan Boston, MA.
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lilliankaster9 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Imagine the sheer panic of believing your $102,000 bitcoin investment was lost forever. That nightmare became my reality until I found Daniel Meuli Web Recovery, experts in cryptocurrency security. Don't let fear control your finances - trust the experts to protect your investments." With Daniel Meuli Web Recovery's mastery in cryptocurrency security, I was able to avoid losing my $102,000 bitcoin investment permanently. Their dedicated team located and restored my lost bitcoins, safeguarding me from what could have been a catastrophic loss. You too can benefit from their expertise and secure your digital assets with peace of mind. Are you curious about how Daniel Meuli Web Recovery successfully recovered my missing bitcoins? Their expertise in cryptocurrency security protocols and advanced technology enables them to trace and retrieve lost funds with precision and efficiency. Their capabilities are unmatched, providing a reliable solution for recovering lost assets. Worried about trusting a recovery service with your cryptocurrency investments? Look no further than Daniel Meuli Web Recovery! With a solid track record of success, their expert team's reliability and professionalism guarantee your investments are safe and secure. Don't risk it with anyone else - choose Daniel Meuli Web Recovery for peace of mind. Trust in the best. As cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin continue to gain momentum, prioritizing security is essential for investors. Protecting your investments from cyber threats is paramount in securing your financial well-being. Daniel Meuli Web Recovery recognizes the critical role of security in cryptocurrency investments and delivers superior recovery services to their clients. If you find yourself in a situation where your cryptocurrency investments are at risk, don't hesitate to reach out to the experts at Daniel Meuli Web Recovery. With their unparalleled expertise in cryptocurrency security, they can help you recover your lost funds and avoid the devastating loss of your hard-earned investments. Contact Daniel Meuli Web Recovery when you visit their Telegram on: AT DANIELMEULI.
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cecaniadella10 April 2024
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jxue-960193 April 2024
I came accross this post at the perfect time while in my thankful mood, I really want to appreciate Edith and the incredible team at REFUND POLICI RECOVERY SERVICE Wassap : +1 ( 6 5 7 ) 2 6 2 4 4 8 2" for saving my life and giving me another chance to make the right decisions. Navigating the aftermath of falling victim to a romance scam that threatened my financial security was one of the most challenging experiences of my life. The skammer was on the verge of draining my entire savings, leaving me feeling vulnerable and distraught. Not until my coworker randomly found out the level of mess i got myself into, and referred one of her old friend "Edith" to me as she was into tech , Edith demonstrated remarkable professionalism, empathy, and determination. Her assurance was a beacon of hope in an otherwise dark situation. I was surprised at their efforts and the team's unmatched skills, I was able to recover every single penny i lost to the skammer. This outcome was something I barely dared to hope for at the start of this journey. Beyond the financial recovery, the support I received was instrumental in helping me regain my confidence and peace of mind. REFUND POLICI RECOVERY SERVICE's dedication to their clients and their passion for justice in the crypto space is truly commendable. It's clear that their team are not just in the business of recovery; they're in the business of restoring hope and dignity to those who have been wronged. To anyone finding themselves in a similar situation, feeling lost and uncertain where to turn, I will highly recommend REFUND POLICI RECOVERY SERVICE. They even offer many other tech services like hacking of phone and monitoring a partner and other similar jobs. Thank you, Edith, for everything. Your work not only recovers lost assets but also helps mend spirits shattered by deceit. I am eternally grateful. One good turn deserves another, so i will leave their contakt below just incase anybody need such good services.

Emeil: r e f u n d p o l i c i (AT) g m a i l (DOT) c o m Telegram: REFUNDPOLICI Thanks Again.
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