I Believe in Santa (2022) Poster

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Movie was OK
catrine-4884517 December 2022
I think the movie was watchable but ,somewhat corny .I had no idea the two lead actors are married in real life. I did not feel there was any chemistry between them and they seem somewhat awkward together . I've never Heard of either one of them. The movie is about a man that actually believes there is a Santa Claus. It's kind of cute and I was able to watch the whole thing without getting bored. I think it deserves at least a 5 or 6 star rating. I really wasn't expecting much and there was nothing else to watch. I did expect the lead actor, Tom , To hook up with his roommate, Assan. I think they got along better together. Watch this without any high expectations and you may enjoy it.
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Cute, but...
kathleenstillkk15 December 2022
There are some really great lines in this movie, a lot about faith in diversity of beliefs. Philosophy and love are the main topics here. All rolled into a Christmas movie about Santa.

A typical and predictable holiday movie with a few insights, but I really didn't care much for the lead male character. He was a bit over the top, but I suppose that was the intent, since I believe he was the writer and/or producer.

I won't watch again, but the few inspirational scenes regarding faith in Santa was obviously to be applied to life in general.

A good movie for kids as it seemed to be aimed towards the Mr. Rogers crowd.
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Cheesy, Creepy Christmas
caffeinequeen1829 December 2022
I agree with the reviewers who felt the male lead was better suited to his male friend! I could not believe him and the female at all as a couple and then read on and find they are married in real life. What?!

I will say this was reasonably entertaining for a Xmas movie. Maybe because he was kind of creepy going on about Santa, his expressions and some of the clothing choices that made him seem like a big baby! It was like watching a car crash. I do think they were channeling Buddy the Elf here. I'm sorry, I would laugh my head off if I was dating a guy who behaved like that (and then run). This guy seems like he's got some mental issues.

Acting is very wooden, but I've certainly seen worse Xmas movies.
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The 2 leads are married in real life! That's HILARIOUS!
darthsteele-3933820 December 2022
I laughed my head off when I read that the two lead characters are married in real life! That explains how two of the oddest looking actors ever, both wound up in the same movie. But it does NOT explain the lack of chemistry! The only thing that explains that, is the fact that they are horrible horrible actors! But honestly I couldn't get past her crazy eyes and his facial expressions and, let's be honest, looks. Also, and I know I'm not the only one to feel this way, I would have believed a romance between our lead male actor and his best male friend more than I believed the actual story that the writer went with. Oh ya, and he IS creepy! Get that little girl away from him!
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I Feel Mean Saying This But......
frosty-4443117 December 2022
Eurghhh, I really tried what with it being Christmas an all. But i just couldn't get over the following:

1) The main woman character (her eyes) constantly with a shocked expression, was really making my own eyes ache

2) The main guy character, playing the "Boyfriend". A "Boyfriend" who is extremely camp and wears far more make-up than his "Girlfriend"

3) The storyline...euggh, it's just a payday film really isn't it. All been done before, very cheesy, yet very odd, mainly because the characters just don't click as a couple "in love"

Overall, I'd give this a miss. Many classics to watch over the Christmas period instead!
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Ohhh man
geengrey18 December 2022
I LOVE a bad Christmas movie. I watch them all with my family who thankfully enjoy them as much as I do but this one is hard to watch. The casting is questionable, there appears to be zero chemistry between the main characters and too much disgusting slurpy drinking, kissing and other sounds. Blegh! ASMR in all the wrong ways. Save yourself and skip this one. Even with a stiff Christmas drink this movie was unwatchable. I could not find one good thing to say about it. Maybe if Mystery Science Theatre got a hold of it they could make it watchable. The cringy expressions the main characters make throughout would be great to hear their comments on.
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Colonscopy by Captain Hook Would Be More Entertaining.. and maybe more fun...
dan_slentz17 December 2022
Oh dear god... Can IMDB find out just HOW some of these reviewers are related to the lead actors in this?? 7 out of 10, 8/10, 9 out of 10? If THIS is a 9 out of 10, then a movie like Gone With The Wind, Oliver!, or Star Wars are 980 out of 10! Ridiculous ratings! "It's A Wonderful LIfe" or "Grinch" would rate at 970 out of 10 if THIS thing ranks as a 7, 8 or 9! I always really want to see if the people who rate high reviews on terrible movies are something like "the mom of the writer".. or they were part of the production crew. Sorry.. but this movie was terrible! See "A Christmas Story" for the 175th time before watching this. You'll be more entertained and probably surprised.
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Uggg lead male so corny and unappealing coild not stand and no way any women would date him!!
sashadarling-2732718 December 2022
I love corny, sappy Holiday movies, but I was so turned off by Tom, his terrible Christmas outfits and his cheesy man boy personality. I could not believe that any smart, interesting somewhat snarky writer would ever take him seriously. And to find out the two leads are married in real life?? How come they have zero chemistry in the film. I guess that's just how terrible the Tom Character was. Why can't we make decent Holiday movies anymore?? The can be corny and heartwarming but they don't have to be stomach turning cheesy, crap. Come on. And how it's in the top 10 of Netflix this week is mind boggling. But then again I watched it. I feel robbed.
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Who cares that it's unrealistic
justasmisiuk18 December 2022
The movie was fun, although, a very Hallmark channel type of movie. C'mon, a working girl meets a guy really into Christmas, never done before! (/s) And it was rather predictable, since the scene where Lisa's daughter (who's name I definitely remember /s) gets lost I pretty much predicted the whole movie. The acting was weak,certain parts were very corny, and (no offence), Lisa's eyes annoyed me.

Now's the part where i'll discard all of the problems and full-heartedly defend this movie! The idea is like many Hallmark Christmas movies, but more over the top. And people say that this movie is unrealistic and the idea is stupid, and for that I have one word: So? This is a Christmas movie for gods sake! Who the hell is going to sit here and critically judge a CHRISTMAS movie for crying out loud? The idea is fun and that's whats the only thing that matters in a Christmas movie. Christmas needs to be cheerful, heart-warming, not serious.

I rest my case.
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trevor-schofield15 December 2022
Are you kidding me - this was the worst Christmas movie of the year, hands down.

Zero redeeming qualities and held together by only the thinnest thread of a story.

You would think that a pair of actors that are a couple in real-life would have an ounce of chemistry, but Tom was better paired with his friend/roommate?

Do NOT watch.

On Netflix it is listed as a Romantic Comedy, but it does not come close to qualifying for either.

I can only hope that more people vote this to oblivion so most people will be spared and save 90 minutes of their lives to spend on something that is even the least bit entertaining.
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Beautiful story and Spirit
ktfgghq23 December 2022
We have watched a ton of Hallmark Christmas movies and none of them come close to this, a simple movie on a different take of approaching not just Christmas, but in our very belief system in each of us. The passion John Ducey brings to this story really make it fun to watch.

It is full of joy, wonder, and happiness not just for Ella, but for all of us adults. The magic of Christmas is real if we open our hearts to it.

Thanks John for a super story and thanks also to Netflix for making it and bringing the magic of Christmas Into each of our hearts.... The magic of Christmas transcends religion and simple beliefs, and John's story brings it all together.
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Took Me By Surprise
hawk_moondance21 December 2022
Like a lot of other reviewers, I found the love story hard to buy. Like one other reviewer I saw, I was pretty convinced that the actual couple was Tom and Assan.

BUT, I love seeing a love of doing all of the holiday things with kids. This movie caught all of the family rituals of Christmas without being overbearing and just stressful like it was depicted in Bad Mom's Christmas. There was a joy in sharing all of those rituals with the kid that made it believable.

In the end, I really liked the message of the movie. I liked all of the reasons to believe and all of the reasons not to steal that from your children. For me, this movie was all about Ella, the little girl even though she was supposed to be playing the minor role.

I couldn't buy the love story--my apologies to the married actors. But, I didn't need to in order to buy into the powerful Christmas message of this movie. I was prepared to hate it and was pleasantly surprised.
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Wow, just wow.
subrinaw-94-13523318 December 2022
I knew from the log line that this would be corrny, but so what. I love corny Christmas movies. Corny is a Christmas movie definer. But, this movie was altogether something else.

First, I was sorely disappointed that Assan was not the boyfriend! TOM she fell for Tom??? I agree with a few other comments that Tom and Assan made a more compatible couple. I also agree that Lisa looked spooked the entire film.

I rated it a 3, a point for Assan who had the best lines, a point for Ella's who was a cool kid, and a point for the sister who played ( just don't get me started on the trope of the minority friend with no life of her own) Lisa's friend for watching her girl go through this foolishness without judgement. Okay, they did finally show her family... and Assan's at the end.

The rest of it was purely ridic.
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Run from the terrifying man-child!!
warren-8723518 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I enjoy a good, cheesy, silly Christmas movie. Sadly, this one really falls flat by the end.

The initial concept itself could have worked: Cynical woman who needs to regain a love of Christmas, has romance with adult who somehow believes in Santa Claus.

To make that truly work, you need something like a twist at the end where it turns out he's a retired elf, or one of Santa's sons or something.

What we end up with is a man-child character who feels totally out of place in an adult relationship. Not only that, but a man-child who is so shallow that their love of Christmas is based around only the most surface aspects of it. The sparkly lights, the over-the-top decorations, going on sleigh rides etc.

Sure, by the end he is supposed to have 'learnt his lesson' and realise it's about family and those we love, but he comes over as so selfish, childish and idiotic, it's too late by then.

To top it all off, for a movie about the spirit of Christmas, we actually get the message pushed that it transcends religion and never once are its origins mentioned (and the only religion briefly mentioned isn't related to Christmas!). Sure, plenty of Christmas movies avoid the religious aspect, but they _also_ don't go out of their way to say its irrelevant. In this case, they're actually trying to exclude and divorce Christmas from its origins. Umm... Sorry, the clue is in the name, whether or not you are religious. I'm not especially, but neither am I afraid to acknowledge and appreciate its origins, either. Heck, even if you somehow reduce Christmas to Santa Claus, you still have to acknowledge the origins of St. Nick!!

Ultimately, the movie falls flat due to the lack of chemistry between the leads (despite apparently being married in real life), and the utter shallowness and childishness of the male lead who shouldn't be in an adult relationship.

Christina Moore, as Lisa, is actually not bad as the lead, but her character should have run a mile... Most especially after the moment when Tom (John Ducey) would rather turn down a romantic evening with the woman he (supposedly) loves, and break up their relationship, to go on a sleigh ride on his own, all because he loves the shallow trappings of Christmas so much, without understanding any of it...

Sadly, I have to say avoid this one!!
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Painful to watch.
susanagascue-196-80144319 December 2022
I know Christmas movies are supposed to be corny and a little bit bad, but this was painful to watch. I'm going to list them:

-The lead actors have zero chemistry in the movie (finding out that they are married in real life doesn't add up with the lack of chemistry they have on screen) and it's sometimes painful to watch them kiss for that same reason.

-John Deucy (Tom) had so much make up that I think Revlon ran out of foundation globally.

-The shocked expression of Christina Moore (Lisa) made me uncomfortable the whole movie, sometimes when it wasn't even necessary. We started a drinking game out of it during the movie, the "Crazy Eyes", and drank each time it appeared on screen.

You're better off watching something else, don't waste your time.

PS: The little girl was really good, thanks to her I finished the movie. You go, little girl.
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A story of a closeted gay man who finds a woman to be his hag wife
rahulkohli-3036619 December 2022
It's a film with a completely illogical premise that takes itself really seriously. The main actor has a gay best friend, wears a lot of make up, is as camp as Christmas (pardon the pun), and pouts all the time. He looks like Julian Clary. He's incredibly gay and it was just not believable to see him in a heterosexual love story. NPH in HIMYM or Bulldog in Frasier are also gay men but they were believable as straight love interests. This actor was very camp and so the premise seemed ludicrous.

I can't believe things like this get commissioned and made because they are so cringe. There are much better movies of the Hallmark Christmas genre.
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Oh man this is hard to watch
stmproulx20 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Between the lead actresses creepy eyes in permanent deer-in-headlights stare or the flaming lead male who looks like he just left the plastic surgeon's office post facelift.. I was SHOCKED that not only is this man straight, but also actually married to the lead in real life. They were painfully lacking chemistry and just seemed poorly cast. The secondary characters were more believable and endearing to watch.

Why does a middle aged successful lawyer have a roommate at all? Why were they allowed 3 people in their cardboard sleigh for the race?! That seems like cheating. I was more focused on these details than the main plot because it was all cringe.

I didn't expect blockbuster hit here but I also didn't expect I'd be wincing at scenes.

Watch something else.
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The mains characters are married?!?
Diogozx21 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Another Christmas movie with no content, no good dialogue between the main characters. What amazes me the most is the main characters are married in real life! During the movie they did not show any chemistry, no romance. Also the man looks very childish throughout the movie, and the way he acts I would never though he was straight. The, I believe in Santa Claus line was out of this world. He was also a very bad influence on the woman child. She was trying to be a good mother and he crossing the line throughout the movie. In the end I would not recommend this movie to anyone and the only reason I watched it until the end was that I did not have anything else to do that day.
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Elf v Grinch
murada196715 December 2022
I was surprised by the low ratings. I almost switched it off (it was at 3.9 when I first checked). Decent performances by all concerned and sweet story about a man who has never grown up. Not overly sentimental and quite funny in places. Has a hint of Elf mixed with a dash the Grinch. John Ducey does a passable impression of a more restrained Will Ferrell. He didn't quite carry it off but made an admirable effort. Not sure the budget was great as many of the background effects are c1970, especially many of the snow scenes.

If you want a movie to get you in the festive spirit then you can't go wrong with this. I can only assume The Grinch is responsible for all the low scores. Bah humbug.
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This movie was so bad it ruined my Christmas
harfy-9022122 December 2022
I literally never write reviews, but I feel so passionately about how horrendous this movie was I felt the need. My goal with this review is to save Christmas for anyone before they watch this by accident. Just to start things off the two leads of the movies are married and the chemistry was so bad that they should either quit acting or get a divorce. The story was poorly written, and that has a lot to do with the atrocity that came of this movie, but everything else was equally distasteful. Everything seemed so creepy from the male lead and i found myself wanting to report it to authorities. The big stressful eyes of the co-lead actress were easier to swallow but at the end I came to the conclusion that my Christmas is ruined. I will now be looking in to Judaism and possibly how to invent a time machine so I can have my life back. .
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So sweet and really put me in the holiday spirit
urockdogs18 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this movie with my family. We always choose one Christmas movie to watch before Christmas all together. We chose this one this year and absolutely loved it! Watching the basics like Elf and Rudolph gets old over the years, but this movie brought in some new! I love how there is a deeper meaning behind the main character, Tom, believing in Santa; it acts as a stance in the current world for our lack of faith in humanity all together. Society has placed itself on a conveyer belt and this movie calls that out in a wholesome way. Loved the cast and the storyline! Will definitely watch this again next Christmas season!
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Adorable but Dorky Af
jesleowilfong17 December 2022
I don't think it's an Oscar film by any standards but it's adorably dorky in it's own right. If you like cheesy Hallmark you'll probably like this! The Christmas spirit is definitely found throughout the entire film. Netflix could have casted better no lie but still I did like it. Tho I do think there's more chemistry between the lead's and their individual friends than one another. But the kid is adorable, the plot is decent, and the cinematography isn't that cheaply made, good locations and brightly colored, very holiday-ish. Not really a comedy at all though! And not meant for kids tbh it might be ok for teens and up.
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Pretty bad, didn't buy acting or story.
theothersidenursery18 December 2022
This is one of those movies where you think they're joking...but they're not. It's hard to believe that the main actress liked the guy and vice-versa... they just seemed like "okay" friends though out the movie. Several times we thought this was going to be some sort of coming-out-of-the-closet movie. We kept on watching it because we thought there would be some twist with the main guy and his "friend", but that never came to fruition hahaha...I would not recommend it for anyone of any age, belief, background, etc.

Overall, we are not sure how they thought this was a movie that people want to watch but it was very cringy.
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The Absolute Worst
mellorbrett24 December 2022
This is without a doubt, the absolute worst movie I've ever seen. Every scene was unintentionally hilarious. The main dude is so delusional, he seems like a serial killer. Also, he wears a vest in nearly every scene. It's 2022.

I also read the main couple are married in real life. They have the chemistry of peanut butter and tuna fish. They should consider divorce in real life.

Every side character is comically awful. It's like the best friend knows that main Santa-believer guy is a serial killer and wants her friend to be murdered. Also, main guy's best friend who's gay seems like his partner. Both in the movie and real life.

Watch drunk with someone who also loves terrible movies.
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Oh wow
shermanjordansj21 December 2022
I can't explain why but the main character gives off such strong stranger danger. Creepy from beginning to end. The fact that both of the leading roles are married blows mind. The acting is so fake it hurts. I usually love cheesy Christmas movies. But this is something else. Even my wife thought the main character was creepy and couldn't bring herself to finish the movie. Maybe if I drank about 5th of any kind of alcohol I might be able to watch it. The leading female character almost shoves her own eyes out of her head throughout the whole movie. If you just want to sit down and watch a d rated movie then knock yourself out lol.
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