Force of Nature: The Dry 2 (2024) Poster

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Not as good as the first
dubond8 May 2024
A sequel to 2021's sleeper hit The Dry, Force Of Nature: The Dry 2 once again follows brooding detective Aaron Falk where after his informant (Anna Torov) gets lost in the forest on a work retreat he joins a search and rescue team to help find her. Along the way he's forced to confront more of his childhood trauma.

Unfortunately the title for this movie sets the stage for what is a pretty convoluted and muddled movie and is overall a step down in my opinion compared to the first. There are three competing storylines here, the group of women, Aaron's trauma from his past and a serial killer subplot that literally goes nowhere. All of these storylines compete for attention but in the end they all end up falling flat. Also with the exception of Eric Bana as Falk almost every other character in this movie is unlikable (with maybe the only other exception being Mortal Kombat's Sisi Stringer.) With so much going on here it's surprising how unsatisfying and bland this movie was. Five stars for Bana though who is pretty much the only reason this might be worth your time.

Jane Harper wrote a third and final Aaron Falk book that was published last year so I feel like it's inevitable that it also gets adapted to make a trilogy out of this. Hopefully it's more in line with the first movie compared to this and it can finally give Bana's Aaron Falk some sense of happiness because the amount of past and present trauma he's endured throughout both Dry movies is kind of crazy.
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What Walt's Watching
waltermwilliams9 February 2024
Who doesn't love a good mystery/thriller movie?

Personally I'm a big fan and have watch lists for this very genre on various streaming services to last me till the Zombie Apocalypse is over and we can all crawl out of our bunkers again and drive Mad Max style into the dusty distance.

It's kind of ironic that the sequel to "The Dry" is called "Force Of Nature: The Dry 2" when it's set in a wet forest and the biggest hindrance to a search and recovery operation is a huge storm cell.

As one of the production companies involved in the making of this project "Made Up Stories" likes to say, "Tell Me A Story".

Okay, Five women head out on a remote hiking retreat but only four return, each telling a different story.

The whistle blower/insider is missing and if they don't find her quickly, presumed dead!

There are more suspects than children at a Wiggles concert.

Detective Aaron Falk (Eric Bana: affectionately known as Poida by most Aussies) must find out what really happened before time runs out and the rains come ma.

Eric reprises his role to star alongside fresh characters in "Force of Nature" played by Anna Torv ("Newsreaders"), Deborah-Lee Furness, Jacqueline McKenzie, Richard Roxburgh and others.

Robert Connolly is back in his Director Chair and although this is not truly a sequel with no connection to the original it is the second chapter from a series of books authored by Jane Harper (who must be laughing all the way to the bank) her follow up novel to the original story "The Dry".

Honestly they should have dropped "Dry" from the title, but at least people remember that wonderful film that punched above its weight.

Filming for this movie traveled away from rural Victoria into rugged, dangerous Dandenong Ranges National Park (The Basin) in Australia in 2022, but its release was delayed by 5 months due to the SAG-AFTRA strike.

Unfortunately this film is not the force of nature I was hoping for after the massive success with both critics and movie goers of "The Dry".

I even burst out laughing during what was meant to be a climatic serious waterfall scene...I know I'm a sick puppy...tell my therapist.

"Force of Nature" is hobbled by a pedestrian, convoluted plot with 3 layers that gets too busy with messy results, but it does get some brownie points for beautiful cinematography, editing & haunting soundtrack.

The acting felt dialled in/paint by numbers with certain people (I'm looking at you McKenzie, who is normally great) and the script/screenplay just got lost in translation and felt wooden and predictable.

Don't even get me started on Falks backstory and history with this mountain range that tried to pull at the heart strings, but lacked the mystery of the original.

As for the "serial killer" subplot it just fizzled and fell flat like a bottle of champagne left uncorked overnight.

"Force Of Nature: The Dry 2" tried to be all "Picnic At Hanging Rock" in a 21st century woke women's retreat way and missed the mark to get lost in the forest for the trees.
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lisamiller-7285117 February 2024
This film was gripping and unsettling. Contrary to popular opinion, I enjoyed the second one more! It delved into the realm of psychological thriller more than a drama, which the first film leaned into. This made it exciting to watch. The lush forest landscape was a stunning antithesis to the dry countryside depicted in the first movie and the performances were very believable. Sadly, there is a "but". In the way Australian films quite often go, it didn't quite hit the high mark of a jaw-dropping plot twist at the end. Rather, it flatlined. The story could have been more ambitious and punched higher by providing more twists and turns. Additionally, the film explored a number of sub-plots that weren't answered in the end or cleverly tied-off. Overall, this is worth a watch in the cinema and I thoroughly enjoyed the experience.
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Not as good as
tchitouniaram21 May 2024
Not as good as the first film ...I think , mainly because the missing lady , was annoying and unpleasant , just couldn't feel anything for her ... Otherwise , not bad ...Kind of satisfied the urge I have lately to return to the old fashioned style of cinematography , when films were more about character development and acting than special effects and non stop action . This film ,definitely , achieves that : there was almost no violence or fights or car chases, or , for that matter -casual nudity or sex . That's why for me it was a pleasant reminder of the days once and for all gone ... I mean , I love some crazy action , but sometimes just want to sit quietly and enjoy a bit of a cerebral thriller )
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Australian scenery dominates plot
rodsmith-0023313 February 2024
I saw it by accident: its first week.

A noble idea got destroyed by poor scripting and politically-correct casting. Its big merit was the filming, Australian bush landscapes, but even those scenes had to be moody dull. There was far too much intertwining of timelines and unexplained lines. What body was found? Whose son found the body found by someone else. The lone wolf federal investigator was a Hollywood cliche, as were the classic eyeball confrontation scenes with the notional hero vs the police chief.

What stood out? Debra LF as Jill: an incongruous character in the plot, and with a mismatched husband, but still a great performance.

Do what I did: see it at a theatre which lets you brin in wine in a glass.
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A wilderness of secrets
steveinadelaide21 February 2024
Five women embark on a team-building hike in the rugged Aussie bushland in Eastern Australia, but their tranquil retreat takes a sinister turn when one of them vanishes. Enter Detective Aaron Falk, whose stoic presence and keen eye are tasked with untangling the mystery of the missing hiker and the web of secrets that bind the remaining women. This sequel to the acclaimed The Dry trades desert heat for mountain chills, delivering a visually stunning yet narratively uneven experience.

Force of Nature is a slow burn. Director Robert Connolly lingers on breathtaking landscapes, capturing the raw beauty and haunting power of the wilderness. This deliberate pace works wonders when building suspense, leaving us constantly on edge, wondering what lurks around the next bend. However, at times, it feels like the plot takes a scenic detour, meandering through flashbacks and character development that, while enriching, occasionally slows the momentum.

The performances are a mixed bag. Eric Bana reprises his role as Falk with unwavering intensity, portraying a man haunted by past demons. The supporting cast, however, fares less consistently. Some, like Anna Torv, deliver nuanced portrayals, while others struggle to rise above one-dimensional archetypes.

The film's greatest strength lies in its visual storytelling. The cinematography is masterful, showcasing the unforgiving beauty of the mountains with a keen eye for detail. Every frame feels alive, adding depth and texture to the narrative. The score, a blend of melancholic strings and suspenseful percussion, perfectly complements the visuals, heightening the emotional impact of key scenes.

Where Force of Nature stumbles is in its plot. While the central mystery is intriguing, the reveals didn't quite pack the punch I expected. The film throws red herrings left and right, keeping us guessing, but the final solution feels more convenient than satisfying. The film also attempts to tackle deeper themes of corporate greed and environmental exploitation, but these explorations remain somewhat superficial, leaving me wanting more.

Force of Nature is a visually captivating film with a compelling premise, but its slow pacing and uneven plot hold it back from reaching its full potential. Still, fans of the first film and those seeking a suspenseful mystery set against a stunning natural backdrop will find something to enjoy. Just don't expect a white-knuckle thrill ride. For me, the film left me with a lingering sense of unease, haunted by the secrets of the mountains and the characters' unresolved issues. If you're in the mood for a slow-burning mystery with stunning visuals, give Force of Nature a shot. But if you crave edge-of-your-seat suspense, this wilderness might leave you wanting more.
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just enough
SnoopyStyle28 May 2024
Four distressed women stumble out of the deep forest. They left behind Alice Russell (Anna Torv) on a doomed company outing. Federal police detectives, Aaron Falk (Eric Bana) and Carmen Cooper (Jacqueline McKenzie), had been using Alice as a confidential informer on a money laundering case.

I don't remember anything from the first movie, The Dry (2020). Apparently, I liked it enough. For this one, I like it enough for most of the movie. The story-telling is a little muddled with the various flashbacks. Once the ladies get to the cabin, the characters start losing me. I don't understand Alice and the revelation is anti-climatic. Nevertheless, I like this just enough.
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Not as great as the first but still well made
Eric Bana's surly, sympathetic federal agent Falk solves another mysterious murder case in The Dry 2: Force Of Nature, a sequel I didn't think we'd get so soon but one that I'm nonetheless happy to see. The Dry was a huge surprise, not only one of the very best films of 2020 but one of the best examples of its genre, simply a stellar piece of outback/mystery/crime. The sequel is, I'm sad to report, not quite as brilliant as that, but it's not without that same operatic atmosphere, eerie ambience and pathos that drew me in so well before. Falk and his partner (Jacqueline McKenzie) are investigating a group of female hikers on a corporate retreat excursion who ran into some trouble with the elements and each other, which has led to one or more of them still missing. The reason they're even interested in this is that one of the girls was set to testify against her own boss, a slick rich prick played by Richard Roxburgh in another of his patented intense slimy villain turns. Things get complicated when the survivors of the trip recount coming across human remains, which opens a decades old cold case of an ancient serial killer who used to operate in the region. Now if this sounds a bit convoluted... it is. I found myself struggling to care about this extended bout of chick drama trying to pass itself off as a compelling mystery, despite the performances all being good and the filmmaking proficient at every level. If they had used the drama of the trip as a launching pad to explore the old serial killer and forge something out of that I feel like the film would have been so much stronger, but they frustratingly sideline that for this main plot line that just doesn't have the narrative wings to carry the film. Bana is terrific once again in the role though, this is a character he was born to play and even if the film can't match the magic of the first, I say keep em coming and who knows what we'll get with this solidly established formula. One area it succeeds and is different from the first is in setting; The Dry was just that, an arid, dusty outback vista of desolation and emptiness, but here they've chosen to film in lush Dandenong Ranges National Park which is essentially a beautiful primordial rainforest and the backdrop is striking. They should have called this one The Wet.
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An instantly forgettable follow-up
eddie_baggins13 February 2024
A significant Australian made hit in early 2021, The Dry was both a critical and commercial success as the tale of Eric Bana's softly spoken federal agent Aaron Falk returning to his isolated hometown to help solve a murder of an old friend resonated across a wide spanning film going community, with many thankful that author Jane Harper's creation had more coming for them with her book series having multiple Falk entries planned.

A victim of last years Hollywood strike that saw its August 2023 release postponed until recent weeks, Force of Nature: The Dry 2 (an unfortunate title if there ever was one for multiple reasons) finally arrives with Bana and director Robert Connolly on board once more but sadly this time around much of the goodwill and good work that the first Dry entry left us with is gone here on a drab and damp next instalment that makes one wonder if Falk's cinematic adventures are going to be short-lived from here on out.

Far removed from the dusty and dried out surrounds of the first film, Nature finds the sleepwalking Bana and new zombified version of Falk venturing out into the Victorian mountain ranges to help with the search efforts for Anna Torv's Alice, an informant of Falk's who has gone missing in the rugged wilds during a corporate retreat that includes such colleagues as Deborra-Lee Furness's Jill, Robin McLeavy's Lauren and Richard Roxburgh's shady CEO Daniel and while the landscape we and Falk find ourselves in now have a flavour and energy, much of what happens in this wannabe Agatha Christie-lite tale is far from engaging.

Suffering from a central mystery that isn't entirely gripping and a procedural that is like a robotic progression of ticking a few boxes before climaxing in a far from memorable fashion, the core of Nature's problems stem directly from the material it's adapting and Connolly and Bana's inability to infuse that with any extra movie magic that would have made this well-budgeted Australian production anything but a pretty but extremely minor distraction.

The Dry found success in its mix of cinematic qualities rarely found in local productions, interesting main and side characters and a murder mystery that gripped from the first frame, all ingredients that aren't found in Nature, with the film failing to ever engage to a high level as we trudge along our way through mostly dialogue themed interactions with a bunch of fairly unlikeable and undeveloped characters we come to care very little about.

Initially set up to be what could have been an iconic new addition to Australian cinema history it's sad to see Falk the character and Bana the performer with so little to do here and despite some attempts to create more engagement through flashbacks and one of the most bizarre serial killer subplots I can recall, the story of Falk and his future potential don't seem so appealing moving forward after a bright initial start.

Final Say -

Well-filmed and full of possibilities, Force of Nature: The Dry 2 is a nothing more than major step backwards from the original 2021 outing and a mediocre effort from all involved, potentially halting the cinematic universe of Aaron Falk in its tracks.

2 hazardous waterfalls out of 5.

Jordan and Eddie (The Movie Guys)
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Equal to the first one.
deloudelouvain16 May 2024
Force Of Nature: The Dry 2 is a total different story than the first movie so it's not really necessary to have seen that one first. It's again with Eric Bana, who plays the major character, a fed trying to solve the disappearance of a woman played by Anna Torv. I didn't know she was Australian, in the sci-fi series Fringe she could hide her Australian accent easily. Good acting from the entire cast. Nothing dry about the movie though, quite the opposite, as everything is very green and wet. The story is of equal quality as the first movie. You have to stay focussed so not really an easy watch.
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A mess, unfortunately
Felix-289 February 2024
I rather liked The Dry, although I didn't rate it (or the book on which it was based) as much as most Australians, so I had quite high hopes for this one.

Alas, they were dashed almost as soon as the film began. The overblown, portentous music was set my Dud Alert quivering, and it was all downhill from there. Ridiculously over complicated plot with about four separate strand running at once, none of which were really resolved satisfactorily, and a couple of them not at all. I pitied the actors who had to deliver what must be some of the clunkiest lines of dialogue ever written, and perhaps the poor quality of the screenplay explains why the performances were so uniformly poor; even Eric Bana, who's an excellent actor, is terrible in this.

Just don't bother. There are far better ways to spend your time.
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Force of Nature is a stand alone movie
krawf9 February 2024
I have read 'The Dry' and 'Force of Nature' and now have seen both movies.

I believe 'Force of Nature' is a stand alone movie. The negative reviews nearly put me off seeing this one. You don't need to understand anything about 'The Dry' to understand that Aaron Falk is part of the federal police.

It was clever when going back 30 odd years, that the quality of the film was grainy.

The cinematography is beautiful and whilst some of the writing is a bit clunky, overall it's a movie worth seeing on the big screen. I enjoyed the performances by Eric Bana and Anna Torv who always deliver.

It certainly makes you aware of how easily you can get lost in bush.
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Enjoyable Aussie bush mystery
gavinp91 April 2024
'Force of Nature: The Dry 2' comes 3 years after 'The Dry', and retains Detective Aaron Falk (Bana) as the lead and the flashbacks to fill in story gaps, but is otherwise a standalone film - it's certainly not dry this time, set in the rainy Dandenong ranges of eastern Victoria. The plot this time sounds simple - 5 women on a work retreat get lost in the bush. When 4 of them are rescued, Falk and Cooper (McKenzie) set out to find the missing Alice (Torv).

As the backstory unfolds - told via each of the 4 women: Alice's boss Jill (Furness), sister Lauren (McLeavy) and co-workers Bree (Ansell) & Beth (Stringer), we're able to piece together that there's more going on than anyone is initially letting on and start drawing our own conclusions. There's also the added layer of flashback's to Falk's own childhood when he and his parents were camping in the same national park and had their own situation...

Probably not as good as the first film, but still a well-made Aussie drama, with lots of tension, hope, great scenery and enough storyline to keep you interested and guessing. Good cameos from Richard Roxburgh and Tony Briggs, but the film's carried by Bana and the interaction of the 5 women and the ticking clock to find Alice before it's too late. Not too long at just under 2 hours, solid score.
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Beautiful cinematography, shame about the lack of a story
paul-7592420 March 2024
Force of Nature is a lacklustre follow up to the intriguing and generally well received film The Dry.

There seems to be no rhyme or reason to the series of events that occur in this film, dialogue is delivered with all the forced awkwardness of a high school drama class production.

The plot lacks any serious twists and turns, and rather than leaving audiences on the edge of their seat until the killer is finally revealed it takes the viewer on a beautiful scenic tour of regional Victoria whilst listening to the characters attempt to explain how they ended up in their current situation, however you're largely left bored due to the lack of any meaningful character development, and an overall low stakes story.

Perhaps the book is fantastic and it has just been poorly adapted for screen, I thoroughly enjoyed the previous film and would score it a 7/10, this film failed to even modestly build upon the solid foundation set by its predecessor.
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It's wet, very wet.
rwise-7356214 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This film shows just what is wrong with Australian film making. It looks like a telemovie. It's just not the type of film which creates any sense of a 'night out at the cinema'. There is nothing epic or grand about it. It is a dull, plodding story told by very pedestrian actors who just seem to be there for the money.

Could Robert Connelly really look at the finished product and say, 'That's a winner! That's going to attract large audiences and make a stack of money.'

If he thinks that . . But no, let's not insult his judgement. He must know it is not going to be a huge smash.

But as one of the producers, surely Eric Bana knew it was pretty poor? Why didn't he object?

Have all these people lost their sense of quality? The broad reader consensus is that the second Dry book was not as good as the first, yet the film was still made. Why?

I saw it 4 days after release, in a large cinema on a hot Melbourne day when going to the movies is an attractive activity. Yet, there were 5 people in the audience.

After seeing it, I compared it with other films I have seen recently, including: Saltburn, Napoleon, Fallen Leaves and Anatomy of a Fall.

Those films all take you on a journey and have something to say. Force of Nature you on a soggy walk in the bush with some very boring people. Avoid.
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What a confused waste of time
kentasutherland26 February 2024
What a disappointing mess of a movie.

I quite enjoyed The Dry and wanted this film to be good, but it really has no redeeming features. For a film called Force of Nature, nature is a bit of a let-down, it should have been named the Somewhat Damp and the cinematography of the first film is replaced by washed-out unimpressive visuals of a nondescript forest.

The plot is sad bordering on pathetic, with a final act that is reminiscent of a 4th grade "... and then I woke up" potline. The acting is poor, the characters are shallow, the plot is puerile, and the denouement was cringeworthy. The pacing and flashbacks make the whole process migraine inducing.

All of this is made even more disappointing by the strength of the first movie.
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Really solid follow-up sequel.
fletcherw9289 February 2024
I really enjoyed The Dry when it came out a few years back. I thought it was a good adaptation of the book (which I still have not read) and thought it had some solid drama in it aswell. Eric Bana played a decent role as the protagonist of that film, and the film had a diverse Australian cast with good characters of different cultures, genders and age differences.

So when I heard that a sequel was coming out, I went to the nearest local Australian cinema to support the national film industry, in which for this film is Screen Australia and Village Roadshow.

I was surprised that this film held up quite well, despite it being very visually different to the first. While the first film was in a remote, dry, dusty (and frankly quite boring looking) rural town in Inland Australia. This film takes place in a wet subtropical Victorian forest which what looks like was after a period of some very heavy rain. The location is constantly wet, damp looking and the creeks and waterfalls are gushing. I have to applaud the cast and crew to committing to this location in this type of weather because it looked very difficult to shoot.

There are scenes where characters get swept away in a river current, standing on the top of a waterfall and traversing over some very slippery looking terrain which was not the case for the first movie. Also the story was reasonbly interesting and at times took some good mental energy to follow, which I appreciate. I do like how the story did take some good twists and turns and wasn't dumbed down and spoon-fed like in shows like the modern version of Neighbours and Home and Away. Overall, a very solid sequel throughout.

2024 is proving to be a very interesting and hopeful year for the Australian Film and Television industry with the Netflix adaptation of Boy Swallows Universe becoming a hit, Bluey becoming more popular that it has ever been before, this movie and Furiosa releasing only a couple of months from now. It's a pretty exceptional time to be in the Aussie film industry and being a fan of Australian filmmaking.
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A long way short of The Dry
linoschwenke17 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I love Eric Bana and the majority of his movies and I love the first The Dry movie. I was wondering how they would tie a sequel in. Unfortunately I was disappointed with the result. Bana gives a solid acting performance but the majority of supporting actors I feel fell flat. I was often agitated by the overacting at some points throughout the movie. Also I thought the story was terrible. It meandered around and I had no issue with the jumping back and forth but the story was flat and weak, unlike the initial movie the side plots were uninteresting and limp not helped by some overacting and overly theatrical perfomances. Finally it ended up going nowhere with a confusing nobody did it, it was just an accident result leaving what little suspense and buildup there was to fall flat and trail off to nothing. I loved the first one but the acting and story of this sequel is second rate in comparison.
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leaping of a waterfall gets you nowhere!
zitheriff14 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Complicated plot lines where the main point seems to be the need for every character to get into conflict with everyone one for no obvious reason, so the trudge into the cold wet and wild forests begins, the participants more or less inexperienced, unprepared and surely looking for trouble as they snarl at each other all the way.

Luckily matters got more interesting with dreaded serial killers, dead dogs, funnel webs, occassional insanity, scheming plotters, cops running all over the place despite thousands of miles of wilderness, scary bats, desperation for water, cops hating on the rich, the cooking up of plans, people dropping dead and disappearing, flashback traumas.. and on and on this confusing drama went.

Eric Bana leaping off a waterfall in a very fake uppsy do jump ..was actually laughable.

No one in the bush enjoyed the proceedings and probably the same could be said for the audience.
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Tourists who forgot they had a compass
Democrit21 April 2024
An example of the inept use of a three-part structure. This is an example of a montage that is a disorderly juggling of the past and the present. The very idea of investigating economic crimes and the disappearance of a key informant is intriguing, but it is implemented and written in the worst traditions of the detective genre: not prescribed characters and, as a result, lackluster roles with superficial dialogues; stupid plot decisions justifying circumstances. The screenwriter "turns off" smartphones and forgets about the compass to justify lost tourists; tourists quarrel over the map like children, and as a result, the map floats downstream, and a girl from the group tries to fish it out of the water, flounders in the water and bruises her head. In the stream! The stream is knee deep! Just think, the girl went with the flow for a few seconds and got a head injury... how? The director did not bother to show it, just put the viewer in front of the fact.

The stupidest thing is how the group navigated on the map - without a compass, visually looking around. Are you serious? Only a schoolboy can come up with such nonsense, but the director seriously continues to confuse with the absurdity of what is happening, straining with alarming notes. I am simply amazed at how much human and material resources have been invested in this ridiculous theater of "forced losses" with empty chatter and women's screams. "Women's screams" is a directorial technique that is used wherever possible and where it is not necessary. I don't like the slang definition of "stuffy", but in this characteristic designation it corresponds to the content - it's shrill, stuffy, boring constructive junk. The director is unable to organize the acting, he does not see falsehood, does not know how to place accents, does not understand the material, and this misunderstanding is reflected in the viewer. It's a pity for Eric Ban, he has the image of an intelligent man, but in this film his virtues have dissolved into directorial incompetence.

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Ignore the Critics
greygalah13 February 2024
Some critics seem to think this movie should have followed the typical "who done it" story line. That's not this film, which intertwines three stories to explain tragic events in the lives of all the players. The film's entertainment is the unraveling of the twists which revels their interconnection.

At the centre of this film is the protagonist and his connection to the events in the rain forest where a woman has become separated from her work companions. During the race to find her before she dies, we view his history with the location which introduces an element of horror regarding a mass murderer who stalked the woods decades ago.

The women who become lost have their own stories and are employed by a corrupt company. Their histories give depth to the events which unfold. The Plot is everything and the acting is top notch. The beauty of the location and cinematography captures the mood of foreboding and victimization that adheres the character's stories. This film is highly recommended for those who yearn for a story built on layers.
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Film about people who know nothing about backpacking
codeymac7 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
As someone with basic backpacking knowledge, this film is rough. My patience had been worn thin multiple times. Why do they all have 60L packs but don't have their own shelter or water filter? At the beginning of the hike, a tour guide takes their cell phones then leaves them by themselves with just a map? Their on a corporate retreat yet no one has a sat device? There is a decent character back story with Eric Bana's character, but the disjointed timeline with the entire plot makes his backstory fall flat. This isn't a thriller or a mystery. It's a film depicting how ignorant you can be while on the trail.
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Stunning cinematography & landscape, but that's all I need to know
kmkevinn-6473313 May 2024
Whilst this movie did have "some" positives, overall, I didn't like it, and didn't enjoy it. Certainly, the cinematography was phenomenal and brilliantly shot across Victoria in the Otways, Dandenong and Yarra Valley ranges. In fact, I'd go so far as to say the stunning rainforest landscape is not only the integral character, but the absolute real star in this film. The story centres around five women who go on a corporate hiking trip deep in the rainforest, but only four return, each telling a different story and each of them all seem to be hiding something about their traumatic experiences. As it happens, the one who is missing is "Alice" (played by Anna Torv), and "of course", she's an informant to Federal Agents Aaron Falk and Carmen Cooper (played by Eric Bana & Jacqueline McKenzie) on a big money laundering case they were working on. When Falk receives a panicked, static phone call from Alice which cuts out half way through, Falk knew "she's in trouble" and needs help. Typically & predictably, agents Falk & Cooper are sent to investigate and try to get to the bottom of what "really happened" out there in the rainforest. As Falk and Cooper close in on the case, they uncover worrying details about the connections between all the other women, hence increasing the concern about his missing friend and informant. Of course, again, rather predictably, they're in a somewhat race against time to hopefully find Alice alive before "the mother of all storms" hit, halting the search, this has many problems beyond the awful title (Force of Nature) which is totally irrelevant and has nothing to do with the storyline. As for "The Dry", it's much more like "The Wet". Very, very wet!! The plot itself is weak with too much going on, and it doesn't hold your interest in the same way its predecessor did. In my view, despite some outstanding performances, especially by Eric Bana, it's a poor follow up to the first movie. Also found the movie and the narrative "way too confusing and over complicated" especially when it constantly flicks back to Falks painful memories of the past when (as a boy), his mother was lost in the same rainforest region many years earlier. The dynamics & relationships between the women are difficult and strained, with a whole mirage of complex inter- related and interpersonal relationships which I thought made it way more confusing than it needed to be. As for Alice, she's somewhat of a bully and quite unlikeable. This is a problem because I feel it leaves the audience not really caring what happens to her. Deborah-Lee-Furness's performance as the sensible "mother-like" persona in constantly preventing all the other women from killing each other & hosing down quarrels, was "ok", predictable, but nothing to write home about. Way too many side stories that lacked connection or substance. Clunky acting and shallow dialogue. Just had so much potential. The end was disappointing as was the overall feeling I left with.
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Definitely not a force of nature.
lindamary9911 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
What happened Eric and you Deborah, I was not expecting this from two of my favourite actors. Did you not want to be in the movie, were you showing your petulant sides?

I really really wanted to like it, I stayed to the very end, right up to the creits, hoping someone was going to pop and say, nah mates, just kidding, now here's the real professional movie, sit still and enjoy!

To be honest, I found the credits were more entertaining .

To be fair, the scenery was really amazing, we do live in a beautiful country, I even enjoyed the rain, but the acting was wooden and boring, if I didn't see it with my own eyes, I would have sworn it was their first read through of the script. I literally laughed out loud a couple of times, at scenes that I think were supposed to be serious.

I guess the discovery of Alice ( who da duck is Alice) was as exciting as it got.

Not a force of nature and not dry, in fact it was wet, as wet as the weather.

I gave it 3 generous stars but they were for the rain and scenery.
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teaganabrahams-2720118 February 2024
I thoroughly enjoyed this movie. Time flew as I was engaged and gripped to my seat. Absolutely brilliant casting from top to bottom, and what a cast! Eric Bana doesn't disappoint with a strong but subtle performance. Every character was well developed and stood out. The scenery was stunning. Something you don't get to see too often in movies. Just to hear the Australian bird life was touching for me. Most of all the plot was riveting. I'd urge you to go see this movie if you love a good mystery with twists and turns that really make you question and think. I assure you you won't be disappointed!
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