Before Dawn (2013) Poster


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average at best
emma-621-9709451 March 2013
Warning: Spoilers
OK, I have never written a review before but my husband and i are major movie fans, major zombie fans (inc the walking dead) and major IMDb users and so here goes my review which i aim to be less long winded and more informative!

I saw Dominic on some TV shows recently advertising his movie and it left me intrigued, there were only 3 reviews to go on so we downloaded anyway...

To sum it up the film is average at best, the beginning is slow and it takes just under an hour before the slightest bit of zombie action! The first hour is about a failing marriage and an attempt to spend some time away together, you're left feeling slightly irritated by the actress (the wife) who's acting isn't great and is unrealistic, its small things, like the way they relate to each other that is unrealistic, esp when she comes back from a run bitten, my husband and i turned to each other and laughed because she got bitten then ran in to woods and looked up at the trees in a euphoric way like 'wow' these trees are beautiful and the next minute she's running back in the house totally distraught and hitting her husband, it just all looked very... fake, yes you'd run back like a nutter but the bit in the forest??! Also if you knew your wife had massive a bite mark and was feeling unwell you wouldn't put her to bed with a glass of water you'd go straight to the hospital! It's just stupid things like that. Attention to detail. Also because of the way the relationship was portrayed when the wife does turn you do not feel sympathetic or emotionally connected to the characters. A lot of it was too predictable too, its a shame because Dominic is a zombie fanatic and i was expecting a lot more.... the only good thing, the special effects are good.
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This is a Drama with a couple zombies thrown in at the end
ihearthorrorfilm25 March 2013
Before Dawn is about an estranged couple who go on a vacation to save their troubled relationship, but things goes awry when they find themselves under attack from the walking dead. The first half of this film is literally all mama/papa drama. I kept pulling up the movie on IMDb to make sure it was a horror movie and not a drama. After about 35 minutes of boring relationship drama, we see out first zombie. Once the scene with the zombie is over, it's back to more drama. The last 20 or so minutes of the film start to get a little interesting, but not enough to make up for the hour of boringness! Before Dawn is not really a horror at all, it's a full-blown drama with a couple zombies thrown in for substance. I think if you watched it going in, knowing that it was a drama and not expecting a horror, and then it would probably be pretty good. But since I only watch horror, I found it to be boring. Although the ending was kinda cool and the zombies were the spaz-iest zombies I've ever seen, still not enough to give this movie anything higher than a 4.

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Blunt and straight to the point...
paul_haakonsen24 May 2013
Okay, well first of all I have go to put out a warning to anyone buying this movie from the DVD cover, as I did, don't look at the cover and get your hopes up! You will be sorely disappointed. On the cover you see a man standing alone with a rifle and a smoking city in the horizon. This is not even in the movie, nor does it have anything remotely to do with the movie. But it gets better. There is also a really cool looking zombies there in the gash, along with a whole army of zombies behind it, again, not there in the movie. False advertisement at its best.

That being said, let me just say right away that despite this false advertising and cheap tricks to lure people into buying the movie, then "Before Dawn" is actually quite good once it gets up in speed and pace. The movie was actually quite enjoyable. The movie is rather slow at getting into gear and tends to drag on and on without getting anywhere. Well, right up until Meg (played by Joanne Mitchell) goes jogging, then things pick up pace and gets interesting.

There is only a handful of zombies in the movie, but the make-up on these was actually quite good. Now, anyone familiar with my reviews will know that I am not a fan of agile and fast-running zombies, as the ones in "Before Dawn" are. It is just not my thing. But still, the effects and make-up on the zombies here worked really well. One thing, aside from the running, that I didn't appreciate about the zombies in this movie, was the predatory growling sounds that they emitted, it was just too odd and misplaced.

And there isn't a lot of people in the movie, so there is a lot of weight on the shoulders on those on the screen, and they did good jobs with their given roles. Thumbs up for that.

As for the ending of the movie, well... I will not spoil anything here by saying how it ends. But it is one of those types of endings that you will either love or hate. I didn't really appreciate it and found it to be a bit too cliché and predictable.

"Before Dawn" is a great addition to any zombie aficionado's zombie movie collection. It is enjoyable and has a good amount of violence and just enough gore to keep even most gorehounds happy. Britain does spew out a good amount of enjoyable zombie movies.
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Emmerdale of the Dead
Leofwine_draca11 April 2015
BEFORE DAWN is a low budget, low rent zombie movie, made and filmed in Yorkshire by husband and wife team Dominic Brunt and Joanne Mitchell. Brunt is best known to viewers of UK TV as the lovable Paddy in the long-running soap EMMERDALE, so watching him battle vicious zombies in this film (which he also wrote and directed) is something of a novelty.

Unfortunately the novelty value is just about all this has going for it, because boy, BEFORE DAWN is bad. I actually didn't mind the ultra slow, family drama of the first half, purely because the horror comes subtle and there's a growing sense of unease which works really well. Some nice location photography really adds to the experience and I was left with high hopes for the rest of the production.

Sadly the zombie denouement is less than impressive and something you'd expect to see in the likes of shot-on-video trash like ZOMBIE CHRONICLES. Brunt unwisely employs some extreme (and ludicrous) shaky-cam effects for the zombie attack sequences, which are overblown and ridiculous. There's no zombie horde here, no shambling menace, just a story that peters out leading to an anticlimax that makes you think "that's it?". I like Brunt but a dearth of originality makes BEFORE DAWN one of the worst zombie movies out there.
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Zombie Honeymoon II: The Divorce
Coventry4 November 2012
Some five years ago many of my horror friends were quite enthusiastic about an experimental zombie movie named "Zombie Honeymoon", whereas I remained rather unimpressed. Surely the idea of blending zombie-horror with romantic comedy aspects was inventive and courageous, but I felt the result was too awkward and ineffective. What we have here with "Before Dawn" is pretty much the same idea, except that the romantic comedy gets replaced with melodramatic soap opera guff, since the two protagonists are a married couple in the process of separating. Mentally tormented Alex and Meg head out to the British countryside in a final attempt to resolve their marital issues and get reconnected. Things aren't looking too positive, especially for the husband Alex, but then Meg gets attacked and bitten by a zombie when she goes out running. As she's slowly but surely turning into a zombie, Alex still attempts to save his marriage and even find a remedy for his undying wife… There's no real audience for a movie like "Before Dawn". Fans of bloodthirsty horror films are likely to find it tedious and overly dramatic (and rightly so), whereas admirers of more sophisticated cinema will stumble over the many plot holes and loose ends in the story. Where exactly do Alex and Meg's marriage issues originate from? Are they just bored with each other or was there some adultery/betrayal? Besides, at several occasions before the zombie attack, it's clear to see that their marriage is beyond saving. The zombie invasion part of the plot remains vague and unelaborated throughout the entire movie. We never properly find out what caused the dead to rise again and the menace of a narrowing apocalypse is never really sensible. I realize that the events supposedly take place in a remote and isolated area, but three zombies throughout the entire film is hardly worth referring to as an invasion or even an epidemic. The story remains focused on our married couple, even though their story becomes (even) less interesting when she slowly starts decomposing. "Before Dawn" benefices mostly from the idyllic and peaceful Yorkshire filming locations, so it would have been very cool to see these being overrun with rotting corpses, kind of like certain memorable sequences in "28 Weeks Later". Speaking of corpses, the make-up effects are barely mediocre and director Brunt makes the same dreadful mistake of making them fast and furious. The two lead actors, Dominic Brunt and Joanne Mitchell, who also wrote and directed "Before Dawn" together, are married in real life as well, so I certainly hope for them the movie wasn't autobiographic.
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sebpopcorn24 July 2013
A couple rent a cottage in Yorkshire as an attempt to rekindle their failing marriage. For 45 minutes you are trapped in that cottage with them and nothing happens except for an argument about the great wall of china. This is not character development.

When the zombies turn up they bark and snarl like Yorkshire terriers. To make them look jerky they simply removed some frames from the film. This looks terrible. Highlights of the zombie action include a 10 minute long chase scene around a land rover with hilariously amped up action music as though something exciting is happening.

This is a poor effort with non-existent pace, illogical reactions and mediocre acting. The ending is laughable too.
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Bad directing! Bad acting! Bad cinematography! Bad everything!
Mani-bains7623 November 2013
First review I have ever written and felt compelled to do so in order to save other victims... sorry innocent viewers from exposing themselves to one and a half (plus) hours of sheer drivel! For a zombie movie to evade any zombie action for the first 40 minutes; I would expect and gladly welcome an alternate, strong intro, carried forward by engaging and relevant dialogue. Instead we are presented with two dimensional characters living lives I couldn't care less about and delivering banal dialogue that warrants a "can cause drowsiness" warning! Things only get worse as the (dare I call it) story? Attempts to move forward but is ultimately thwarted by stale performances, atrocious cinematography, lack of a sound engineer and on the whole, kamikaze film making. To get a film made is no mean feat and I have to applaud the film makers in that respect but why invest time, money and energy into a baseless project that exists for the sake of existing. AVOID AT ALL COSTS!!!
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Thoughtful relationship zombie flick
jmbovan-47-16017321 March 2021
There is some meat to the domestic drama of this film. When the zombie part starts, the shifts pulls for emotions in an interesting fashion. That being said, the film then follows ideas that have been done previously. Well acted with some decent directing, I enjoyed this experience.
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I don't get it
info-3103424 January 2017
Someone urged me to watch this movie because they had seen it at a festiival a few years ago, but I couldn't find it anywhere, luckily a stream into UKs Horror Channel provided through Film On allowed me to see this.

The guy that makes the movie is the same guy who made a Bait which I really enjoyed, but this is a whole different ballgame. For some unknown reason the cast were not recorded (sound) at the time of shooting, yes they say the lines but clearly no sound guy was tasked with recording actual audio. Therefore all that is done post filming, I believe they call it adr. This was awful there is no background sounds, everything deathly quiet. Worse still the performances because of the soap opera style approach to horror feel removed. Don't get me wrong performances are good, the film is quite good because it's a thinking zombie movie, it's different. But this whole sound issue, it does not allow you to fully engage in the film. You just simply don't feel that level of attachment. Because I could not get into the zone, the film simply does not work for me on any level.
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Beware the bolts
neil-47618 January 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Alex and Meg go to a remote cottage to try to sort out their failing marriage. They have different goals and aspirations, and have fallen into bad marital habits, but they love each other and both believe their marriage is worth working on. Meg goes out for a run and, wouldn't you just know it, gets bitten by a zombie. This doesn't help them sort out their problems.

It's not unknown for a film to change genres halfway through - From Dusk To Dawn, anyone? - and it is understandable to build up an emotional investment in two fundamentally decent and likable people in order for the audience to care about what happens to them. But the intimate domestic drama which occupies the first half of this film is quite effective in its own right - well written and well acted - and the zombie tale which is bolted to it does one of two things. It cheats you of an ending to the domestic drama, if you wanted one, and it comes far too late if you are watching the movie for zombie-related gore reasons. The film is so resolutely two different things that the presence of each operates to lessen the impact of the other. It's a shame, because this is a decent stab at having the best of both worlds on a low budget.

Two other things - unlike many such British films, this was not filmed during winter: it is very green, and the trees are in full leaf. And much of the first half has an annoying and unnecessary background wind noise on the soundtrack.
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No More Mr. Nice Guy!
wandernn1-81-6832747 March 2022
This wasn't really that much of a zombie film until the ending. But taken as a whole it reminded me a lot of Black Summer the series which I really like, it just the last few minutes. That surge at the end saves it from a 2 rating and raises it to a 4/10.
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A little gem of a horror film.
davidfergusonuk29 August 2012
I had the good fortune to see this picture at Frightfest 13. The film opens with beautiful shots of the British countryside, immediately making you think "how can anything bad happen here".

But being a movie with the living dead you already know the answer.

This is an intimate film as you follow this couple on there last ditch attempt to save their marriage. Indeed the film could have played out as the final death throes of a relationship without the invasion of zombies and indeed Dominic Brunt's desperation to resuscitate what has died is palpable.Joanne Mitchell as Meg is superb and makes a potentially unsympathetic character someone you care about.The acting is measured non-histrionic and understated.Everything is very real.

The message of the film could very much be "there are greater horrors in life than zombies".

Although they are flesh eating zombies in the film this could easily be enjoyed as a companion piece to "28 Days Later".

The waves of horror that wash over you and the emotional ride Dominic Brunt goes through are brilliant.

A cracking script, a strong cast,, and excellent camera work allow you to over look the perhaps not perfect make-up or the overdubbing, but this is to be too critical of a film that succeeds to strike a different note in the genre and bring a solid sense of reality and horror to what is happening whether it's the zombies or the death of a marriage.

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Life in a world of Death!
SpannersGerm66916 July 2014
Dominic Brunt's "Before Dawn" is a very different Zombie film. I can see many traditional Zombie fans being very disappointed with this little movie, but if something different is what you want, than Before Dawn is worth having a look at.

It is a lower budget film, which has limited characters and very limited Zombies. This would have been a problem if the movie's main focus was Zombies, but it isn't. Its more of a human drama about broken relationships and the strain that outside influences can have on us. Brunt allows us as viewers, to invest time in these likable and realistic characters. The fact that there are only two or three zombies in the film isn't a negative, because it allows us to use our imagination when thinking of how big the Zombie epidemic is. That to me, is far more frightening than seeing it first hand. When the Zombie action happens, there is plenty of gore and brutality, so it is worth the wait. Just don't expect copious amounts of blood.

Now, with all that aside. The real strength of the film comes from the phenomenal but grim ending. The very last picture of the film while the credits are rolling, will last with you for a long time. Just a truly haunting conclusion to what was a very impressive little British Horror film!
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So much music why
eric_poli28 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Not a bad film but the music so loud at all Time Can't ear actors speak.
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Deeply Cynical Which Isn't A Bad Thing But There's Not Much Of A Film Here
Theo Robertson16 February 2014
It's amazing how many zombie films there are out there . If nothing else it keeps The Horror Channel in the UK constantly running . I'm trying to remember a time when post apocalypse scenarios didn't feature zombies . When I was a teenager nuclear annihilation seemed the major plot device to set up the end of the world . As soon as Gorby pulled down The Iron Curtain 20 billion zombies staggered out to take over the world

As you can guess the point I'm making is that there's an element of seen it all before and that's probably why Boyle's 28DL was such a big hit - he brought something new to the table by having the living dead outsprint Usain Bolt . One can understand the point BEFORE DAWN is trying for . It's a bit like Ben Wheatley's KILL LIST where British social drama meets unrestrained horror but ends up being a bit seen it all before where the protagonists lock themselves in a farmhouse . If nothing else it's no worse than WORLD WAR Z and cost 150 million dollars less to produce and does contain a deeply cynical line

" What are the police doing ? "

" Oh it's the end of the world let's phone the f---in pigs "

which caused me to stifle a laugh but there's not much of a film here
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Just maybe the worst zombie film ever
greg-2953523 April 2021
Painful to watch. Extremely unattractive and terrible actors. Incredibly stupid story. Awful dialogue. I guess anyone with $50 and an iPhone is now a "director" making a "movie".
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Wow so bad
denverallover27 February 2024
I love zombie movies. Like seriously give me some boxed wine and chips (real chips not fries like in good ole England) and I can watch zombie movies all day long.

Not this one tho.

I've often wondered why some actors remain on soap operas for years. This is perfect example of why some actors don't go on to do much else except maybe a cameo on Casualty. I do have to hand it to Dominic Brunt for trying to release a worthwhile movie. They all certainly tried their damnedest. But for the love of God, someone should've pulled the Emmerdale players aside and said, "hey this isn't the movie you want to release!"

Nonetheless an hour and thirty five minutes I can't get back. Terrible cinematography. Terrible storyline. Even the acting was mediocre. I was really expecting more from Dominic but it was just Paddy without glasses. The actor does this incessant stuttering with his crinkled up nose and perplexed eyes bit on Emmerdale and here it was in full force. Ugh. Just spit out the dialog for the love of all that is holy!

If you honestly have nothing else to do and you've stumbled upon this movie and you've accidently rolled over onto the remote and pressed play... Well stick with it, you might get a giggle out of the lunacy. Or you might just fall back to sleep.
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Surgically attached mobile phones......
FlashCallahan1 February 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Before Dawn may feature The Walking Dead, Zombies, or anything else you'd want to call those shuffling corpses, but it's not your traditional Zombie movie, in fact they are just a little sub plot into what the film is about.

Alex and Meg are your typical couple who are having marital issues. Megs career is sky rocketing, while Alex has recently lost his job. To patch things up,they plan a long weekend away to the countryside to have some quality time together, knowing that there children will be fine with there grandmother.

Things don't go according to l,an, they drink to much and begin to snipe at each other, and when Meg goes for a run to get away for a bit, she is attacked by a zombie, and it isn't long before she becomes ill.....

This had vanity project written all over it from the start, written, directed and starring Brunt. Having his real life wife okay his on screen wife, and then having other members of Emmerdale play supporting roles.

But dues to the man, he's tried to do something different, and although it's not always successful, the tension between the two leads is so intense, it takes you away from the ever increasing number of dead coming back to life.

The film starts to lose itself during the final act, when Alex starts to lose the plot a little, and does something totally out of character. But, he really redeems himself with a shocking last five minutes. It's not scary, but believe me, it'll stay with you a while after.

Not brilliant by any means, but an interesting movie.
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Most annoying zombies ever!
jinxedind-7067113 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Okay, to start, it's not a terrible movie, it definitely has it's faults, but as a drama, it's not bad. It has some weak horror elements but I wouldn't classify it as such. It has some similarity to 28 Weeks Later in that the main protagonist is not exactly sympathetic, but the acting is decent, and the plot simple.

Some of the camera work borders on nauseating (too jumpy) and the 'zombies' were annoyingly over the top, I also agree with one reviewer about some of the music being too much.

A decent try that could use better direction, less annoyingly loud zombies, and a bigger budget. Worth a watch if you like low key, low budget British thrillers.
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worrh a watch
pcjsupplies14 November 2020
Quite sure some of the cast from coronation street are in it.. never letup...
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Jumpa19673 April 2013
This movie is pretty good it. It starts out kinda slow as we get to know Alex and Meg and their marital problems. So they decide to go on a vacation or "Holiday" as we do not call it here in America As they try to sort out their troubles.

Very little did they know that their troubles were miniscule in comparison to what awaits them in their very near future. I thought this was a nice & scary movie It does linger a bit in the beginning as it builds up to the first zombie encounter but it seems to do it perfectly making you sit on the edge of your seat waiting for it because you know it has to be coming soon , this approach is captivating and well executed

These zombies do not disappoint either. I can not figure out why it got a 3.6 rating on here It deserves so much more thats just off "BIG TIME" This movie should be an easy 7 Star rating. These are also the super fast zombies not the slow easy to kill lethargic ones.

I can only hope for a part 2 this could be a very good series if done properly . So if you like scary zombie movies opposed to the comic relief ones This one will not disappoint you Thanks for reading my very first review ever !

Just my 2¢
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Much better than the rating suggests
rgdunc24 April 2021
If you're a fan of the genre don't pass this one up.
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Dominic's experience with zombie fests pays off
Duveteux14 March 2013
I don't find zombie horror scary... in the sense I never lose sleep after watching rabid humans munching down on peoples' gooey floppy bits. I do appreciate the art of a good zombie horror, though, the essentials for a successful one and I do enjoy them when these are met. This movie ticks all the boxes.

It isn't overrun with gore, no, it's not a fast-paced knock-their-blocks-off brain splattering thrill ride from the off.

Zombie horror should be made in England because we have that endless amount of empty rolling countryside that is bound to be hiding some unfavourables behind that hill or that well positioned tree. It's just a matter of when they'll violently flail onto our screen. Plus we have that blunt way of approaching doomsday, reflecting our own dismal repressed lives which we smooth off with an awkward gag.

OK, Shaun of the Dead it isn't, but when it picks up tempo the last half of the film runs beautifully according to the rules of good zombie flicks. You get the important bits - you can connect to the main character, you get the uncomfortable survival moment which tests human nature, you get the tidbits of end of the world humour and one or two gooey floppies. I don't know what else people want from this kind of movie...

"Nana's here."
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A well thought out story, beautifully captured with great music accompaniment
Alan-jones06869 May 2014
This is definitely worth a watch for anyone who enjoys the horror genre but finds mindless non stop action a bit tiring and monotonous. The film offers violence in a very cleverly measured way and ensures that its attention remains weighted to the story of the two main characters rather than getting carried away with the action and special effects (which are believable). This film does not disappoint in terms of gore if that's what you're after in horror, but it draws you into the characters' lives more than normal zombie films by keeping both the location and number of cast small, sticking to a storyline out with the apocalyptic plot and casting actors that can act. This all results in everything seeming more believable and in turn more horrifying.

The original music score is very well suited to the film and each scene is assisted by a style of music which enhances the mood of the characters, scenes and film. I really enjoyed the good artistic blend of cinematography and music. Don't be put off by bad reviews. Give this film a shot and make up your own mind, just hit play with expectations of a solid story which has some zombies :-)
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The most original and refreshing zombie feature in years
cjmccracken1 December 2012
What Before Dawn has managed to do is give a well needed dose of life and energy into a sub-genre which has been faltering somewhat of late. The tone, pace and aesthetic of the film are all marvellous. The relationship between Alex and Meg is so engrossing and believable that it draws you right in. This is very much an examination of human interaction, in which the zombie apocalypse just so happens to be occurring in the background. It's too easy to make the Mike Leigh and Ken Loach comparisons, because they are very unique filmmakers, thankfully, so is Dominic Brunt.

The pathos which is generated by the shambling, partially alcoholic Alex is a stark contrast to the energetic and productive Meg; however, an emptiness exists in them both, cleverly accentuated by sharp, penetrating dialogue. The subtle jibes which they make at each other, even in the midst of kind gestures will ring true to anyone whose relationship has passed the point of no return. Alex's strained interactions with this mother in law are also particularly well written and delivered.

Nicky Evans' Alex is one of the finest examples of survivalist character to appear in many years. He manages to generate both suspicion and empathy simultaneously, his appearance climaxing in a particularly effecting manner.

This is not to categorise the film as a kitchen sink drama with zombies either, for that would be an injustice. It is merely the fact that the richness and depth of the characters on screen generates a connection that is rarely seen in genre features. A marvellous combination of astute filmmaking and deft knowledge of the horror film, Before Dawn is a film which warrants multiple viewings to allow the multitude of subtleties to sink in.

Where the film really succeeds is that it delivers on the gore front as well. The zombies are of a new ilk, one which manages to create a new strain of terror, just when we thought we'd seen it all. Their stripped, shorn faces, accentuated by blood red eyes and frantic lunges become terrifying and we begin to feel as edgy as the characters within the piece.

Before Dawn is a rare treat, an intelligent genre piece which has so much to offer. The performances are a testament to all involved and certainly one of the most talked about movies at Grimmfest. If there is any justice in the, this movie will take pride of place in any discerning horror fans collection. I can only hope that this is merely the first that we've seen of Dominic Brunt and Joanne Mitchell.

Colin McCracken also writes extensively for as well as a number of genre publications. He can be found on Twitter as @zombiehamster
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