Snowmageddon (TV Movie 2011) Poster

(2011 TV Movie)

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Better Than Most SyFy Channel Films
Troubleboy11 December 2011
Let's admit it, most SyFy Channel original offerings are rubbish. However, without going into the plot, 'Snowmageddon' is slightly above their usual fare with a cast that is better than average and a story line that, for the most part, holds your attention.

No improvement on the CGI though and the town of 'Normal,' where 50% of the action takes place is more reminiscent of a cluster of buildings you would find on your average farm property, than Main Street, North America, even though the story is supposed to take place in the foothills of Alaska.

All in all though, the best of a usually bad SyFy crop.
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Dumb but fun
werewulfmom10 December 2011
There are movies that are so bad they're good, and movies that are just bad.

This one is in between. As quirky Christmas movies go, this is kind of fun, but it truly needs to be seen to be believed. A family discovers that the snow globe they've received as a gift is causing big troubles in their peaceful town. It takes a while for the main characters to believe in an evil snow globe (heck, I"m still having trouble believing it) but once they get on board they have to figure out a way to return the gift and stop the SNOWMAGEDDON!

And then it's time for eggnog!!
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Another case of the not terrible but not good either sort of movie
TheLittleSongbird1 March 2012
As I have said many times already I have made no secret of disliking a lot of SyFy's films, but I do keep watching to see if they do come up with something that is watchable at least. They have done a few movies that are surprisingly tolerable though even they are far from perfect, but most are bad but you are amused by the awfulness or are like witnessing a train-wreck.

I was very mixed on Snowmageddon actually, of the above categories it sits between the tolerable and so bad it's good ones. I do give it plaudits for the better than average acting, granted it is not brilliant but it is award-worthy compared to the likes of Quantum Apocalypse and Titanic II, decent photography and a storyline that is mostly interesting and original in concept.

That is not to say that the story is perfect though. It is interesting and generally well paced, but it does take a while to get going and the ending is abrupt. There are also scenes and ideas that suspend disbelief and don't make much sense, but for the first time in a while I actually got some novelty value out of them. These are including the ideas that electricity is still flowing in a town that is cut off from the rest of the world, flying even with ice bombs are going off and nobody in the town carrying a knife.

Snowmageddon also has some amateurish effects-though I've seen worse-, cheesy dialogue and characters that aren't developed enough to make us care for them. I loved the title, but it didn't fit with the concept and story, it was like there had been a last minute title change or that they had thought of a new idea and forgot to think of a title that fitted.

Overall, not as bad as other SyFy efforts, but there is nothing really that stood out to make it memorable or good. 4/10 Bethany Cox
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The usual nonsense, rolled out once more...
Leofwine_draca25 September 2015
Another week, another cheesy disaster flick from the SyFy Channel, shot in Canada as many of them are and with few redeeming qualities to recommend it. This one's about a family who receive a snow globe as a gift and soon discover that whatever happens in the globe happens in real life; they're caught in blizzards, ice storms and the like, and must fight for survival.

This is the usual run-of-the-mill type production in which an imperilled family are the focus of the story. All of the family members are either boring or unlikeable, so getting excited about the precarious situations in which they find themselves is difficult indeed. SNOWMAGEDDON plays out as a series of cheesy CGI spectacles, with vehicles and homes dropping into volcanoes and the like, and none of it is believable for a second. There aren't even any old time actors down on their luck to enjoy. Plus the whole snow globe angle is introduced and then dropped with little to no explanation; it's pretty annoying.
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Still waiting for the snow to arrive...
paul_haakonsen3 November 2012
Well, it isn't going to become any Christmas classic, that's for sure.

The story in "Snowmageddon" is about a mysterious snow globe that is left at the doorstep of the Miller family. The snow globe is a replica of the small lazy town of Normal, Alaska. Rudy Miller discovers that the catastrophic events that unfold inside the snow globe once it is winded up also happens in real life, right in their little town.

Initially, the storyline is sort of silly, but the movie actually works out well enough, because it is so cheesy. However, what makes this movie bearable to sit through is the acting. People cast for the movie actually pulled off their characters quite nicely, and it could have been much worse, had their acting skills been halting as is the case in most of these type of movies. But luckily, the cast here were able to pull up the movie.

As for the effects, well... Let's just say, don't prepare yourself to be blown away by the special effects. The effects in "Snowmageddon" are far from impressive. They do, however, get the job done, and most of the time work out well enough.

There are far worse movies of the same genre out there, many of which spewed out from SyFy Channel and The Asylum, so it was a fresh breath of air to have a movie that actually managed to stay a bit more afloat in the pond of otherwise unbearable movies.

One thing did puzzle me about "Snowmageddon", though. For a movie with a title such as it did, where was all the snow? I was expecting blizzards and such, but the snow was restricted to the mountain alone. And that sort of took away something from the movie, because the title did hint towards something that unfortunately never took place.

If you enjoy cheesy and campy disaster movies, where the story doesn't necessarily have to be 'realistic', then "Snowmageddon" is perhaps worth your time. I do believe, however, that this movie is the type of movie you watch once and then never again.
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Mysterious Snowglobe disaster movie
celestemekent10 December 2011
One awful disaster movie, with no explanations poor acting and clearly not worth the two hours it takes to watch it on TV. No connection is ever made to explain the connection between the snow globe and the disasters in the town, no explanation of why it was ever created or who might have brought these on the towns folk.

The viewer is clearly in danger of losing whatever intelligence they may have by watch this movie so run, don't walk away from it! Mysterious cracks show up all around the town with fire and yet there is no offer of how or why. Mysteriously trees pop out of the ground in random places that skewer folks and cars.

The most frustrating thing about this plot is the total lack of the presence of the creator of this mysterious snow globe and any reasonable explanation why it has appeared who its creator is and why all of these disasters are happening to this tiny town of Normal Alaska. It left me pulling out my hair in frustration.
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Christmas Cheese
gavin69426 November 2012
A story about a mystical snow globe that makes very bad things happen in the real world of Normal, Alaska when it is shaken.

There are so many problems with this film that it makes me sad. Had it just been a cheap film of a small town that faces a volcano, that could have been a good story. But instead, they add a fantasy element and then make little effort to try to explain it.

Where did the globe come from? Who made it? Why is there a curse? Why this particular town? Why does the town believe it to be true when there is no obvious reason to think so? How do they know that the way to get rid of it is to throw it in the volcano? I mean, could they not just smash it? So, the plot just makes no sense... and that drags own the whole picture. I am all for fantasy (heck, I am a horror fanatic) but it just was not done right here.
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Where's the snow?
nevadaluke11 December 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Snowmageddon is one of those movies like "Curse of the Cat People" -- it has nothing to do with its title -- in this case an extinction-level plague of wintry mix.

I would bet a carton of Camels that it was written under the name "Snow Globe" -- until somebody discovered the title was snagged by the Christina Milian ABC Family movie. That flick, about a romance-challenged girl who disappears into a fantasy land residing inside her water-filled Christmasy glass ball, is 10 times more entertaining.

This time, however, the snow globe is oddly unsnowy. I was waiting for the obvious plot device -- somebody shakes the globe and the Ice Age returns to bury the town under two miles of glaciers. Instead, the little village in the glass ball is beset by weirdly unseasonal phenomena like quakes, horizontal stratospheric tornadoes and spiky things that thrust up through the Earth's crust -- the latter being the movie's shark-jumping moment. (Full disclosure time: I fell asleep for half an hour in Act II but awoke to decide that I hadn't missed anything. Maybe the globe was shaken while I was out...? nahhh.) The holiday angle is also oddly shoehorned into the proceedings. You string up some colored lights, scatter a few trimmed trees around the sets and abra-cadabra: An instant holiday movie. All you need is a line of dialogue about how it was a holiday miracle when the town was saved from destruction.

And as for the climax -- hey, look! there's a volcano suddenly erupting just outside of town! Maybe that has something to do with all this weird unnatural madness. Let's go throw this thing in there and surely that will put an end to our troubles. Poof! Problem solved.

SyFy Channel once again performs a valuable service for would-be screenwriters -- to prove that anyone can write one.
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Nice redneck American Xmas movie
en23133718 December 2013
Brilliant, really... All the ingredients are there: a nice nuclear family with the usual problems (including a moderately rebellious teenager), some foggy problem in the community always already confronted in the very beginning by the image of a fantastically harmonious family; some puppy love in the making - and breaking, inconclusively (not sure who the young lady fancied but someone died); then, there's the hero! He rushed boldly into the volcano - that had not shown any sign of existing prior to that - and bravely dumped the mysterious Xmas toy that had arrived at his doorstep out of nowhere. Oh come on... If you get a weird package on your doorstep, you'd call the police, no?
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nogodnomasters6 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers

It is hard to spoiler the plot of a production of this SyFy caliber. The movie opens with ominous music as a gift is placed on the doorstep of the Miller family during Christmas season in Normal, Alaska. It reminded me a bit of the beginning of "Evil Toons" but without porn stars. But I soon discovered one does not have to be a porn star to be a bad actor. If you missed the films, "Earthquake," "Avalanche" "Jumanji," "Volcano," "Ice Age 2012," and "ROTK" you are in for a real treat.

The gift is opened by "Dragon of the Crown" player Rudy (Dylan Matzke) the young boy. It contains a snow globe that contains a detailed replica of the town. Within about 10 minutes you will figure out whatever happens inside the evil snow globe, happens to this now isolated town. The question is who left it and why, something guessed at, but never fully explained.

Meanwhile the world's greatest snowboarder, Derrick Reed (Jeffrey Ballard) charters a helicopter with Beth Miller, (Laura Harris) the mom, who brings along her impressionable, slightly flirty teenage daughter Jennifer (Magda Apanowicz). It seems in December in Alaska it is hard to find a place to go snowboarding so champions charter helicopters to take them to mountain peaks.

During the course of the film the town is attacked by earthquake, avalanche, exploding ice storm, stalagmites, and a volcano. The armies of Mordor can be defeated once The Ring is cast into the fire of Mt. Doom.

What this film teaches us:

1.) If a Christmas gift is heavy, it's fruitcake. 2.) Game expansion sets make for stocking stuffers. 3.) If the dog barks at the gift, it is bad. 4.) Flirting is worse than ogling. 5.) Having a snow boarder autograph your arm is the best Christmas ever.

While adults will have problems watching the film because of the simplistic plot, bad acting, and CG effects, I can imagine tween kids or younger possibly enjoying the film.

Parental Guide: No f-bombs, sex, or nudity. Some bloody faces and people die. I saw more horrific stuff when I was 5. A "Nanny State" PG-13.
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Not as horrible as it sounds
rick79robertson23 December 2018
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OK, Academy Award material, no. It employs every know cliche for disaster flicks. Worth a night in with 500 lbs of popcorn??? DEFINITELY!!! :)
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Snowmageddon: Above par scyfy original
Platypuschow2 January 2018
Just as I was getting the smell of xmas spice candles out of my clothes along comes a wintery Christmas movie courtesy of the Scyfy channel.

This Canadian made movie stars Laura "The Faculty" Harris and tells the odd tale of a snow globe that inflicts natural disasters on the town.

Scyfy originals have a really bad rap, I personally find them entertaining enough with the rare exceptions (Sharknado I'm looking at you). I consider them charming dumb fun and this is a fine example.

Snowmageddon is slightly above par, yes it has weak sfx and yes the whole thing is head scratchingly stupid in places but there is certainly entertainment to be found.

If you like Scyfy's goofy movies then you'll like this, if not then perhaps steer clear.

The Good:

Some good ideas

Cast do a great job

Scyfy charm

The Bad:

Usual ropey sfx
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Gubby-Allen3 December 2018
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Decent enough film, which is not afraid to kill off a few of the characters, is acted well enough and has reasonable effects for a film of the type that it is.

It had just the one flaw, but it was a huge one and stopped ot from being a 7 or 8/10.

Nothing was answered. There was no answer as to who created the snow globe, why it was given away and it would have more sense if it had replicated what happened when it was shook, as the description suggests. They should at the least have given any sort of answer.
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'Snowmageddon' is good if you want a big laugh.
bryank-0484422 July 2015
Warning: Spoilers
After viewing 'Snowmageddon', I realized one thing. That this so called movie titled 'Snowmageddon' does not involve a scenario worthy of the title of 'Snowmageddon'. It's like 'Halloween 3', you know the one without Michael Myers as the bad guy. 'Snowmageddon' is a SYFY original film and combines an asinine plot, terrible acting, and even worse special effects. I'd say they special effects are just a half step up from the effects in 'Birdemic: Shock and Terror'.

When I first heard the title and saw the cover art, I expected a certain type of disaster film. One that involved tons of snow and an end of the world scenario. Boy, was I wrong. However, I actually laughed out loud when I witnessed what caused 'Snowmageddon' to happen. The cause of 'Snowmageddon' is a toy snow globe. I'll repeat that. The cause of 'Snowmageddon' is a toy snow globe. I'll explain.

The film takes place in Normal, Alaska and centers around the Miller family. The father (David Cubitt) is the sheriff, the mother is a helicopter pilot (Laura Harris), and their two kids Jennifer (Magda Apanowicz) and Rudy (Dylan Madzke). It's almost Christmas time when a mysterious package disguised as a present appears on the Miller's doorstep. Rudy opens the package and discovers that it's a snow globe with an exact replica of their town trapped inside.

One flick of the wrist, a turn of the crank, and couple shakes of the snow globe and all hell breaks loose, or a version of mediocre hell breaks loose in the form of small earthquakes, tiny avalanches, and icebergs and rocks coming up from the ground. The earthquakes only cause minor damage with a few people getting injured because they are too stupid to get out of the way. There was an avalanche, but luckily the few people that were in the path of the avalanche either dodged it or were in a giant snow plow car and almost immediately rescued. And all of these evil disasters (I don't say natural), because these disasters always abruptly ended once someone died or was injured.

Fred (Michael Hogan from 'Battlestar Galactica), the local toy store owner seems to know a little bit about the snow globe. He tells people that the snow globe is cursed and that the only solution is to toss the evil snow globe into a fiery volcano in the same vein of 'Lord of the Rings'. And yes, this all happens in the span of 89 minutes.

All logic and accountability is wasted on this movie. With a title like 'Snowmageddon', I expect tons of snow killing people and an apocalyptic type of scenario. There was none of that here. The special effects looked like they were made by somebody's teenage cousin and the acting was laughable. But what do you expect from a creative team that have produced such titles as 'Ice Quake', 'Mega Cyclone', and 'Mongolian Death Worm'. The only way I would ever watch this again would be if the good folks at Rifftrax were to riff this film. Stay away from this movie.
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Christmas Disaster
wes-connors6 August 2014
It's Christmas Eve in the quaint little town of Normal, Alaska – but don't start decking the halls. A mysterious man leaves a gift on the doorstep of the apparently wealthy "Miller" family. There is no name or address on the present. The curious family opens it to reveal a snow globe – featuring a replica of their beautiful town inside. The anonymous gift looks nice, but the old advice "beware of strangers bearing gifts" applies. Whenever the snow globe is activated, a disaster strikes the town. Preteen son Dylan Matzke (as Rudy) gets to stay home through most of the disasters, and play with the snow globe. He's very smart – and a sharp dresser. The family has to deal with earthquakes, fires and very bad snowstorms. Oddly, it snows only in the mountains – never in the center of town...

The family is led by father David Cubitt (as John Miller) and pilot mother Laura Harris (as Beth). Pretty daughter Magda Apanowicz (as Jennifer) appears to be playing a young teenager, with a crush on champion snowboarder Jeffrey Ballard (as Derrick Reed). This story, written by Rudy Thauberger and directed by Sheldon Wilson, isn't too bad. It is reminiscent of an old "Twilight Zone" TV episode. But, the cheap "disaster movie" focus does not excite. The effects may be okay considering the cost, but they distract rather than help tell the story. For example, we see a crash victim sitting in a burnt-out shell of her helicopter, unharmed except for some scratches and struggling to unfasten her seat belt. Especially during the second half, it seems like parts of the original story are missing.

*** Snowmageddon (12/10/11) Sheldon Wilson ~ David Cubitt, Laura Harris, Magda Apanowicz, Jeff C. Ballard
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Fun But Not Great Movie
ladymidath15 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I don't mind disaster movies and there have been some pretty good ones, but sadly, this is not one of them.

It is your typical Syfy channel movie, simple and family friendly. That is not a bad thing as long as it is interesting, but it's not. It could have been though, the story revolves around a cursed snow globe that turns up on a family's doorstep. The snow globe causes disasters in the town. Why? Damned if I know.

The acting is not great but the scenery is pretty so that's a plus.

It is a fun movie that is not meant to be taken seriously. Just some light watching if you are bored and have nothing else to do/ It is not bad, it just is not as interesting as it should have been given the great premise. Krampus did it better. But this is still okay.
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Not terrible, but nothing entirely fits together the way it should
I_Ailurophile16 November 2022
I thought based on the title and premise I knew what 'Snowmageddon' was going to be, yet for better or worse, this isn't what I was expecting. On the one hand, there's a definite sense of oneupmanship here, like someone looked at the core idea and said "Nah, it can't be JUST a magic snow globe." In no time the movie shifts from the sphere of mere fantasy (a magic item causing mayhem) to pure sci-fi disaster bluster in terms of being an effects-laden extravaganza, with some ideas included with an apparent pathos of "sure, why not." On the other hand, this disaster flick is far more paced and measured than I'd have ever assumed of SyFy fare, almost to its detriment as there's a weird lag in some moments and between discrete events. And at the same time, writer Rudy Thauberger also tries to squeeze in tabletop gaming and Greek mythology as plot ideas? I suppose I should give credit where it's due, because even if this picture doesn't meet with success, the frivolous amalgamation of disparate flavors is still original in its own curious way. It's just that there's so much going on here, a peculiar mishmash that just kind of ranges all over - yet without achieving any major notes of vibrancy, even at its most outrageous.

As much as the film rather just throws ideas at a wall to see what sticks, it's hard as a viewer to really get a grip on anything firm to hold onto in terms of the writing. I really get a sense that much the same was true for the cast, and even director Sheldon Wilson; they do the best they can with the material they're given, but 'Snowmageddon' is such a strange hodgepodge that the most anyone can hope for is to make each individual scene count rather than try to get something out of their characters or the narrative as a whole. This is true not least given the CGI that greets us in each progressive step of the fanciful catastrophe; there's only so much the best professionals can do when greeted with the quandary of reacting to imaginary nothings that will be added in post-production. Some of those digital creations look better than others, but under the circumstances, that's only saying so much.

At least the production design and art direction look nice, and the special makeup. I do actually like the varied thoughts that went into the feature, even if they don't gel together. I don't think 'Snowmageddon' is altogether awful, and I don't think there's particular blame to be laid at anyone's feet. This isn't even a problem of being a TV movie per se - but for everything that the feature tries to roll together, it's a heterogeneous kluge that never quite blends. I appreciate the effort, and the work everyone put into it. Better luck next time, I guess.
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A Christmas gift brings possible doom.
michaelRokeefe23 July 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Not too hard to follow; but your imagination is called upon to figure out story line. It is an odd Christmas Eve in a quaint Alaskan community and not a snow flake has fallen in awhile. A mysterious gift is left on a doorstep and when opened things get crazy. A snow globe like no other is admired at first, because inside is a small replica of the town. Soon things in the globe begin happening in real life. Earthquakes cause fiery splits in the ground; a weird storm causes strange projectiles to pelt and harm anyone in their way; unusual spikes shoot up along winding roads as a dormant volcano starts gurgling. One hell-of-a-holiday, huh? No question, the special effects are better than any attempts at acting. Cast members: David Cubitt, Laura Harris, Magda Apanowicz, Dylan Matzke and Lorne Cardinal.
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Not too bad
sharonmillsy7 May 2024
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Not a bad b movie although the title is misleading there is snow but not as much as the title suggests, I assume the title means snow globe causing an disaster , acting not to bad, cgi not brilliant but I've seen worse, unusual story line about a 'cursed' snow globe. The 2 worst things about the film is firstly the dormant volcano that happens to erupt unexpectedly right as its needed to and then suddenly stops erupting, all lava flows magically disappearing . Secondly you never find who made the snow globe or why. There is no explanation at all about the snow globe and how it came to be, why it was that town, why it was sent to that family which is a big let down story would have been so much better had there been a back story to the actual snow globe. Apart from this it's not a bad watch and has some really good moments.
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VIEWS ON FILM review of Snowmageddon
burlesonjesse518 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
What I learned from 2011's Snowmageddon, is that a disaster movie can still be low-budgeted and have those cheesy, tangible Syfy special effects. I mean when something explodes in this flick, it looks like firecrackers going off or "Yo Yo" sparklers instead of an actual rumble. You sort of snicker even though overt devastation is truly at hand.

Anyway here is the gist of Snowmageddon: a small, postcard-like Alaskan town becomes the target of natural disasters after one of its families receives a gifted snow globe on their doorstep. You see whatever happens inside the globe, happens in the town (wha??). We're talking avalanches, meteor-like hail, and large, geological fault lines. Ugh. I guess the household characters in Snowmageddon never saw 1984's Gremlins. I mean you never take home and/or open up a Xmas present that has an obvious admonition attached to it.

So yeah, Snowmageddon takes itself real seriously even though it's hard for the audience member to do the same. But as mentioned in the first paragraph, it is indeed a disaster pic, carrying those disaster traits we've all grown familiar with. You know the concept of half the personas trying to stop the disaster and the other half just trying to survive. Then you've got the large cast, the weird climate changes, the fact that even good people die, the dreaded hate sink character, and the made-for-TV stuff. Um, somewhere Chief O'Hallorhan is quipping, "it's out of control, and it's coming your way". Oh fo sho.

All in all, Snowmageddon isn't a bad movie in terms of the energy it brings. I mean it's earnest in its execution, piloting lots of action and jumpy suspense that never let up. The problem is that in all its earnestness, Snowmageddon's director (Sheldon Wilson) gets sloppy with the storyboarding and/or editing processes. In certain clips, the Alaska town featured has a ton of snow on the ground and a minute later, it looks like it's 50 degrees out (huh?). Then there's the notion of how the main characters never reveal how they got from point A to point B or how "this" led to "that" in terms of them being in peril. Helmer Wilson, well he cuts corners, not doing enough do justice with Snowmageddon's within reach cogency or meager, allocated spreadsheet. Mixed "snow job".
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Another Good SyFy Channel Movie
realdealblues5 January 2012
There have a been a few SyFy Channel movies lately that I have really enjoyed. Snowmageddon had a very original story line which on a large scale budget could have been even better. I won't go into details of the plot since it can be read on the main page and in other reviews, but it really reminded me of something Stephen King would write, mixed with a little Lord Of The Rings for good measure.

I generally like most SyFy productions but some are better than others and Snowmageddon ranks up there with some of the best for me. I was definitely entertained for an hour and a half and have no regrets in watching this time waster.

I give it a solid B+
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"Snowmageddon" offers up B-movie disaster film thrills for the Christmas season
ersinkdotcom31 December 2012
Warning: Spoilers
The only thing I can think of when it comes to Christmas movies that could be better than ones about killers dressed in Santa Claus outfits are disaster films centered around the holiday. I don't know if it's just coincidence or if Anchor Bay Home Entertainment is trying to start a new tradition, but last Christmas they gave us "Ice Quake" and now this year we get the gift of "Snowmageddon." SyFy Channel does deserve some of the credit for these entertaining low-budget time-wasters since they originally aired there first.

Christmas Eve in Normal, Alaska is anything but its namesake when a string of seemingly natural disasters occur. The tiny town's residents find themselves running for their lives from bizarre earthquakes, fiery explosions, meteoric ice, and protruding underground spikes. Could a mysterious cursed snow globe be the cause of all the mayhem?

"Snowmageddon" is glorious disaster-film fun for everyone who enjoys B- movies made on a one-shoestring budget. This has everything you could ever want in this sort of film and more. The CGI and special effects are maybe two steps above what we've come to expect from C-grade Asylum movies.

Filmmakers definitely know what they need to do to attract a good mix of genre fans for projects like these. Magda Apanowicz ("Caprica") does an incredible job of running around while screaming and crying. Michael Hogan ("Battlestar Galactica") trades in his eye-patch for a tool smock in the role of a wise old antique dealer. Laura Harris ("Dead Like Me") and David Cubitt ("Medium") play the parents of the little boy (Dylan Matzke, "Criminal Minds") who finds the mysterious snow globe.

One thing I find interesting about these particular SyFy Channel movies is their family-oriented tone. Both "ice Quake" and "Snowmageddon" are aimed at an "all ages" audience. Besides a few scenes with blood, there's nothing too gory about it. They also center around families trying to save each other while staying united during incredible events.

"Snowmageddon" gives disaster film enthusiasts something to watch over the Christmas holidays. The "cursed snow globe" is a unique fantasy element we don't get often with these types of movies. The lack of any real gore and graphic violence also makes it easier to watch with family and friends when you run out of other seasonal activities or just need a little downtime.
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I Have Been Wrong - And Am Afraid I am Now As Well
PartialMovieViewer21 January 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I have decided to cheer on SyFy Channel no matter what. I have come to the conclusion, I don't care what it is the powers-to-be toss out there, I will watch the stupid thing…and like it. Similar to that old commercial with kid who think the cereal given to him is poison and then decides to give it to his clueless brother, I feel SyFy" is TV's version of Mikey. The regular networks won't touch the programs – feed them to SyFy. Firstly, all of these shows have more cheese than Wisconsin; they stink worse than a stopped up Alaskan-outhouse and each script makes less sense than a clowder of unsatisfied, horny cats. But that doesn't matter (in this case at least.) I may sound cruel, but for the most part, they are enjoyable. The makers of this celluloid mayhem are not serious, so why should I be? As long as the laughs at least seem unintentional, I will devour these comedies whenever and wherever. Keep them coming, and feed me more of the "SyFy Koolaide." Oh and about "Snowmageddon", it's pretty much the same as "Ice Twisters", "Ice Quake" and "Piranhaconda." Something happens to a town, people splatter blood and all is good at the end. I will give this cinema-graphic phenomenon a big 6/10.
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It's called Snowmageddon, you should know what to expect.
mmaxwell-7426218 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
To start I really want to give this movie 7 stars but that feels generous. I thoroughly enjoyed this goofy, campy, weird action movie. And I say campy but most of the actors do a great job, particularly the dad character. He really took this seriously even though he clearly did not need to. The flaws are in the special effects. Flames look on par with a high school metal band's music video, the hail balls exploding midair looked cheap and made exactly no sense, and even though i'm saying these things like it's bad it just adds to the charm that is, Snowmageddon. A family action disaster movie with a magical snowglobe for some reason. If you like good bad movies stop reading this review and watch it.
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