Anuvahood (2011) Poster


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A worthy effort, but sadly doesn't work
STAR RATING: ***** Saturday Night **** Friday Night *** Friday Morning ** Sunday Night * Monday Morning

Kenneth (Adam Deacon) likes to try and play the big man, but his front usually gets dashed pretty quickly. Unable even to hold down a simple job at a super-market (Laimsbury's!), he takes abuse from his mouthy mum who's fallen behind with payments and having trouble from the bailiffs, and has to duck and cover from the hyper hard man on the estate who's out to put him down. Until a chance encounter dealing some stolen weed brightens his prospects a bit, as well as making a new friend in a Spanish relation of his uncle's. But it's all building up to go wrong, leading Ken to a final showdown that will test his will as a man.

Kidulthood and Adulthood have become cult films of their time, high-lighting the modern 'urban street culture' a lot of the modern youth follow, in particular the fashion sense and slang. So Adam Deacon, star of both films, is in a good position to make a film sending them up. Which is why it's so surprising the result is such an amateurish effort, that fails where something like Ali G Indahouse worked. Both of Noel Clarke's sink estate dramas aimed to pull no punches and dive into the unflinching underclass of 21st century Britain. This meant that, while good films in themselves, they were mostly quite downbeat, grim viewing. So it was welcome that the next 'hood' effort would be a more light hearted affair. Sadly, you can see most of the jokes coming a mile off, and too much of it feels forced and over the top, with inconsistent characters, including a villain like Wesley Snipes from Demolition Man on steroids, and some random, pointless characters being introduced and then never heard from again. That's not to mention most of the dialogue being spat out so ridiculously loud and fast you'd do well to pack some Alka Seltzer on your trip to see it. A disappointing mess. **
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What could of been...
awaisyboy17 March 2011
This is not a Kidulthood/Adulthood... far from it..It is looks to be a comedy from the trailer, but ends up being a weak comedy-drama.

The language in this film is London 'street' for a majority of it and perhaps only suit a certain audience. The characters aren't likable to be honest even the character Kenneth annoys you at times. There are only a few funny scenes. Mostly involving the character Tyrone, but some of it just unintentional.

Is it watchable..just about...but once you have you wished you hadn't bothered.

The script is poor and you feel you seen it all before, but only better written and acted.
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OK, but could have been better
if_time_Was_god25 March 2011
Watching Anuvahood, it becomes clear very quickly that Adam Deacon the director was trying to make a British version of Friday, the classic American 'ghetto' comedy. Almost every aspect of the film has been influenced by Friday; for example the theme tune of the neighbourhood bully in Anuvahood is basically the same as the one in Friday but with a beat added to it! However, it doesn't come anywhere near to the brilliance of Friday, not even close! The main problem is that in Anuvahood all the main characters are played so stupidly over-the-top for the whole film (watch it and you'll understand). If you're looking for clever, subtle humour then look elsewhere.

Having said all that, Anuvahood does have its moments and overall it was quite entertaining (it is undeniably a unique and quirky film); some bits are VERY funny (my favourite was with the African traffic warden!)and it has some truly disgusting bits (one involving ketchup and feet).However, for most of the film I wasn't laughing, just thinking "Friday is so much better than this."

One more thing; if you're not familiar with the slang of the 'gangsters' in London, definitely don't bother coming to see it!
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jason31-321-90474411 October 2012
Again thoroughly enjoyed another Adam Deacon movie this guy along with Ben Drew are the two most important actors/directors this generation has right now at the moment in my opinion. This movie does exactly what it is supposed to which is to make us laugh our arse off! Anyone who doesn;t find Tyrone hilarious needs a sense of humour transplant immediately? Is this movies a masterpiece? lol of course not its not supposed to be, Has Adam Deacon spent 4 years polishing every single scene just like a Kubrick or Kurosawa movie? Of course bloody not lol. This is a quickly and very cheaply British movie made with realistic dialogue, scenery, costume, music, script, of course it is realistic if it isn;t then how else do the young underclass of Britain dress and talk etc? Its spot on in fact. Now this movie isn't perfect in some places, Fair enough, But this movie is entertaining and makes me want too watch many more Deacon efforts and feel proud that all these talented British actors are giving it a go instead of actually dealing drugs or standing in a job centre. My advice is lighten the hell up when watching these movies ffs. To anyone else who found this movie hilarious good on ya'h. Big well done to Deacon and rest of crew an excellent effort. By the way one last thing this was twice as funny as the original Friday movies just not as polished.
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Poor. Uninspired. Unoriginal.
olsta197613 January 2012
This film was terrible. I had high hopes for it as the idea has the potential for a sharp satirical look at life on a London estate. Instead it's a tired remake of a far superior film. Namely Friday Whereas the latter had the comic genius of Chris Tucker and the likable personality of Ice Cube all this film has going for it is an unlikeable stereotypical cast, who, put simply, are all atrocious actors. Anyone who has seen Kidulthood or Adulthood will instantly recognise faces and the accompanying one dimensional characters who seem to think that shouting blud a lot at each other represents London youth. The characters are poor, unbelievable and unlikeable. The attempts at humour are tired and unoriginal. In short anyone over the age of 14 has seen this before doe far better.

If you want a good, funny comedy, about a day in the life of two guys living in the ghetto rent Friday instead.
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An objective opinion?
hollywood_is_burning23 March 2011
Many would claim that the mark of good filmmaking, or of any art, is some kind of subtext; a message being expressed by the artist that requires some sort of analysis, some level of thought or investigation on the part of the viewer. This message may not be one the viewer agrees with, but it is always something that stirs the mind and creates a debate. It would be all too easy to claim that Adam Deacon's "Anuvahood" is devoid of any artistic merit not only due to its lack of any subtext or discernible intelligence, but also because it lacks narrative fluidity, realistic character development and any real purpose beyond exploiting its niche target audience and pilfering their cash at the box office.

This film has not had a good reception. "The worst film of all time." "America gets Scorsese and DeNiro. We get Clarke and Deacon." Film critics loathed it. They walked out en masse at preview screenings. What's the betting that the majority of them were white, middle-class and considerable past the age of 20? This is not to say that I myself am none of these, but merely that films like Anuvahood have a very clear target audience, and to classify that audience as unintelligent or unworthy of entertainment is patronising and small-minded. No, what is needed to enjoy this film is not to be a member of this niche, but simply to have an appreciation of cultures other than your own. The cameos by urban British musicians, references to grime tracks, humour based on obscure slang and scene in-jokes. This is not a level of humour to be hated because it's juvenile or moronic. These same sorts of surreal references are made in plenty of respectable sitcoms and comedies. Those who choose to criticise a piece of entertainment so clearly not targeted at them simply don't understand it. I'm sure many young black people from urban areas will feel no connection or respect for Anuvahood, but that's because the target audience is not "black people" or "teenagers" or "city folk", it's a culture; those who love grime, UK funky, channel AKA, the Jazzie Show, Kidulthood, SBTV, Sidewinder, Eskimo Dance, speaking in slang, cotchin in the blocks. If you don't know what any of that meant, then this film was not for you.

Do you critics not remember a time where your parents would bang on your door and ask you to turn that rubbish down? When they didn't understand what it was that made youth culture vibrant and exciting to you? When you grew up and the art you enjoyed in your youth became respectable with time and seemed superior to contemporary popular culture? Elvis' movies were awful. Clunky dialogue, wooden performances, weak narratives. A Hard Days Night and Yellow Submarine were hardly moments of cinematic triumph. But these films exist as documents of a time where the youth were excited and creative and made and enjoyed art that reflected their lives and sensibilities. The Beatles were told to cut their hair and turn it down. Elvis was told to stop being so goddamn sexy and sinful. Now Adam Deacon is being told to speak proper English and make a film about something film critics can relate to. Maybe for Anuvahood 2 we'll see him living in Hampstead and attempting to become a Guardian columnist to disastrous effect, or opening a vegan café in Primrose Hill so he can afford a holiday home in the Lake District.

That is all.
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hugely disappointing!
reverencek619 July 2011
being a fan of this genre of film i was looking forward to watching this...i now wish i hadn't bothered! poor plot line, massively overacted and very little to substance to the so called 'jokes' if you are not from the uk (and even if you are!) it is very difficult to understand the plot to this film. i still think that adam deacon is a talented actor when he is not so much in the lead role (see 4,3,2,1 and adulthood) but his first attempt at film making leaves a lot to be desired! the only saving grace and why i didn't give it a lower score than i did was the soundtrack which contains some up and coming and already established British music acts.
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Hilarious - Nice Work Deacon
nosiru21 March 2011
Anuvahood is an Urban Comedy film Directed by Adam Deacon. <-- (His First Full Length Film) This film is about a boy named Kenneth (call him 'K') Fletcher. He has just left his job and now wants to be a respected gangster & rapper, soon he realises that he's just another wannabe bad boy… Basically a Wasteman. It's starring Adam Deacon, Femi Oyeniran, Jazzie Zonzolo, Ollie Barbieri, Richie Campbell, Michael Vu, Will Johnson, Ashley Walters, Paul Kaye, Eddie Kadi, Richard Blackwood & Jocelyn Jee Esien.


From the title "Anuvahood" meaning Another Hood) don't go thinking that is going to be like Kidulthood or Adulthood. I thought this was going to be a parody but it's nothing like that, it's a funny comedy that does its job to entertain and it doesn't take itself too seriously (and neither should you). All the actors/actresses did their best to bring the audience to laughter and a good job I think they did (lots of LOL moments). As this is Mr Deacon's first film he's directing and acting I will happily give him a B+ for effort. This film does resemble the one of 'Friday' (ice cube film) because I have seen story lines like this before. Anuvahood is just the UK having a go at something similar.

The humour been displayed is wild and exciting every opportunity they had to throw in something remotely funny they did. Every new character comes with their own aura that added to the comedy. Even the serious scenes had a way of keeping it light & not too heavy.The slang (lots of it), dress code, music and cinematography all fits in well together, it's really London like but the problem with that is it's going to feel like it was made for a specific target audience. Some people from other parts of the country/world may not understand it (hopefully they will).

Adam Deacon does brilliantly as K, he was a believable actor who life on the estate went from bad to worse. He was able to make the audience laugh and be on his side at the same time. His bestfriend TJ (Zonzolo) does his best to make us laugh but had the over the top sort of feeling in some scenes. You have to keep watching to understand Tyrone's (Campbell) funniness, he is loud, fast talking & in your face at first but then when he gets in his strides he was pure comedy to watch. Bookie (Oyeniran) was also an enjoyable character to watch, all you needed from him was a barrel of assault at K to make you laugh. I for one was not buying Enrique's (Barbieri) accent. I didn't like his character, it seemed forced (this not the JJ I know from Skins). The rest of the cast do an applausable job on screen. Good Performances.

Cameo Appearances: Lethal Bizzle, Giggs & Mz Bratt + More

#Overall: Barrel Of Laughs (Support UK Films & Go Watch It)

ONE FAVOURITE MOMENT IN THE FILM: The scene where K comes out of Tyrone's block and gets approached by a gang who don't recognise him until he says 'allow me'.
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The Critics Were Right...
harryrambunkshuss14 April 2011
As a fan of Deacon's previous work watching Anuvahood was like torture for the eyes and ears. Whilst clearly a capable actor his writing and directorial skills leave much to be desired. The film consists of a plot which starts nowhere and finishes in the same place, characters who are not only unbelievable but boring to watch, and 'jokes' which fail to deliver. Whilst admittedly there are a handful of one-liners which do raise a laugh it is hard to believe that anyone could enjoy this movie. As a part of what I would imagine the target audience for this film to be, I was almost offended by this offering to cinema-goers.

There's a wasteman on every street? Yes and apparently on every cinema screen as well.
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"It's more than just a DVD blood, it's called a principle."
The_Movie_Cat31 August 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Similar sentiments appeared to be echoed by Noel Clarke, as this semi-spoof of his two Hood films caused a clash between Clarke and Adam Deacon on Twitter. It's a shame it overshadows Anuvahood, because it's an easily watchable film that flies along like all good cartoons do, even though it's nevertheless an odd mix.

While fairly amusing, subtlety is not in evidence here. Deacon's character works at a supermarket called Laimsbury's and all concerned roll their eyes, overplay their dialogue, exaggerate body language... it's a full on sillyfest where even Big Brother's Aisleyne Horgan-Wallace is on hand to spoof her own Big Brother catchphrase, pretend to receive cunnilingus and reference Mike Tyson. Fun for what it is, if you're prepared to get in on the gag, but never possessing anything remotely resembling reality or intelligence.

And yet... fifteen minutes before the end the whole thing changes. Not only are we suddenly supposed to believe in, and care for, Deacon's band of two dimensional comic misfits, but the violence is ramped up. And this isn't comic violence, as demonstrated throughout the film, but sickening, graphic bloodied violence that makes Kidulthood and Adulthood put together appear tame.

It's an unusual decision that throws the film completely, like having the climax to Reservoir Dogs serve as an ending to Laurel and Hardy's Way Out West. Sure, other cartoons have gone in for face-distorting occurrences... but after Tom's face was smashed in by an iron he could always put it back to normal two frames later.
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I guess it would be funny.....if it had subtitles
malbanese5 July 2011
Now I am from Australia and I understand the Queens English from both sides of the world. Problem is, these guys are speaking the queens English. It's some sort of bastardized slang (which I imagine is how they speak in that corner of England, which is cool, but, don't fink we can unerstan ya blood!) Now I can see the humorous side and I get the pun and poke at other films along the way, but I just couldn't understand a damn thing. Same thing happened to me when I watched 1 Day. Great idea, shame it had no it was in another language. When you watch a film, like Menace 2 Society or Fresh or 187 for that matter,the slang is portrayed but understandable (maybe American Filmmakers hand feed their audience more so than British filmmakers). Even in comedic send ups and spoofs like Don't be a menace..., the language is still understandable. Pity, I would of enjoyed this based on the actors.
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Brilliant comedy - not suitable for all audiences
Ramsingh9621 July 2011
Anuvahood is a brilliant comedy film for teens and young adults. The humour is mainly aimed towards 15-20 year olds. Adam Decon is a hilarious main charter and it is good that the film doesn't try to make London look like a crap-hole where everyone is a gun-toting idiot. I think that some older generations will not find this film too funny, due to the 'slang' used and the type of humour. Overall this film is a good high quality urban comedy with tons of funny references - I would recommended this films to anyone. - Funny Characters - Funny References - 8/10

Sorry this is my first review I hope it was okay :)
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Jackanory Time
atkinsonlouise-738735 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
So yeah this film hasn't aged well in some aspects (especially who the humour is directed at), but overall it's a pretty good parody of the British gangster film. The weird and wild nature of this film is what shines and the iconic lines of Deacon, Tyrone and of course the Crackhead, make this standout. For me this is a pretty solid British comedy and K's character change from wannabe hardman to learning his lesson and settling down, is an interesting enough story. If you love the grime scene as well there's plenty of cameos from Big Narstie to Giggs. A fun, but flawed film that still makes me laugh and can't wait till the sequel comes out.
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A film that misses a lot of marks
willcundallreview24 February 2014

Anuvahood is an urban film which is meant to be a comedy but completely misses the marks it set's itself and then becomes a juvenile effort at being a drama. Set in London somewhere it is also a crime drama and even trying at that seems under average and poor, but let me tell you more thoroughly why it is a very poor and under average movie.

The story is not the worst I have ever seen but because it is a comedy film it makes the story seem stupid and the characters are also really silly. It moves at a fast enough pace for you to get through it and not be completely bored but by the end you feel you have wasted some of life watching this, but still go ahead and watch it, I am sure someone may like it. Finally on the story it is not dramatic either and fails to dramatise anything, well actually it is badly dramatic probably describes it better.

Adam Deacon can be a fine actor and usually we see him urban roles but in this he fails and although he is not too bad in this film, the story ruins any chance of anyone in this doing well at acting. I found some of the supporting cast boring and as if they have been plucked from an over dramatic soap, also the villain is ridiculous who although acted well in the comedy role was not funny himself and ruins again any chance of humour, just plain average acting overall.

I hated the script and is the biggest reason I didn't enjoy this film with it's stupid lines that are meant to be humour and when you finally think a thrilling part is coming out it turns out to be bad humour. In all the mess I enjoyed some of the sets they used for fights and running scenes which actually worked well with what was going on in this Urban setting. Finally Directing was superbly average and not the worst thing by a long shot, but not good either.

The only truly positive thing from this film was the more emotional part of the film where Kay played by Adam Deacon is sad to hear his family have no money and the emotion the family give off is also sad because you can see they want there son to help but he is too greedy with his own money to give it over. Other than the emotional part not much else to say at all in positivity.

I think people may like it if they have seen films like Kidulthood or Adulthood but it has more cheek like Kidulthood and of course Deacon features in these and in comedy type role in both. I am also sure someone will find it funny because I have seen worse films that people like also so it would be no surprise to see someone excited and thrilled by this.

Overall it is Very Poor if not a wholly Bad movie coming in at a rating of 4/10 ,to be fair it is a strong one of that, but goes down due to what I said. I think it is far from the worst film ever and parts are enjoyable I guess like the beginning so just watch it for yourself and see what you think about it all, it may have damaged the London Urban film market but that market of films can produce some fantastic pieces as well.
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Not good enough, watch the trailer for the best bits.
alan_holloway_212 July 2011
I really didn't know what to expect with this film, except that I thought the trailer was quite funny. What I got was something trying very hard but never quite being all that it could be.

The character of K is initially quite endearing, and has some funny moments throughout, but overall he is a rather thin caricature that you would cross the street to avoid, much like every other character aside from a foreign kid who is brought in, it seems, for absolutely no reason whatsoever and wasted as a result.

The plot is very poor and doesn't go anywhere with any attempt at realism or satire. Much of the script is poor, although when it shines it shines brightly.

Anuvahood is a film that badly needed a co writer and a decent script editor, and smacks of being a vanity project with not enough sets of hands on the wheel. It's not awful, but still leaves the viewer disappointed with it's many shortcomings.
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A glance of what Britain is turning into
stegeo9618 February 2019
Not far from the truth for what our capital in the UK is pretty much like, not surprised we have lots of people jumping ship and moving to Wales sad times not a very good film at all very annoying in my opinion full stop
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Very disappointing film that could have been good
justinreynolds4014 September 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I was really disappointed with this film. It could have been really good. Maybe it could have actually challenged stereotypes of black inner city 'yoot' and inner city communities using the force of comedy or being actually funny; making fun of inner city 'yoot?'

What we have instead is this abomination. A boring played out storyline full of played out stereotypes. It doesn't even feel like a film. It feels like some TV comedy on Channel 4 or BBC3. If you're over 15 and don't live on or near an inner city council estate then you won't find this funny whatsoever. The only people i've heard like this film are the people (or kids) the film is making fun of. Even worse, if you live out of London or some inner city estate in Manchester or Birmingham or know the 'grime music' references you just won't understand and get some of the jokes. Speaking of the jokes it's all 'we've heard it all and seen it all before' territory. So much more could have been done when Kenneth (Adam Deacon) sneaks into his rival's flat for his stuff back.

The characters are so unlikeable too. They just seem so cliché, like they were just thrown together quickly after watching Kidulthood, a load of documentaries of 'kids on London Estates' and listening to a load of Wiley and 1xtra. They're also really stereotype and, well... stupid and annoying. Lots of comedies have played on stereotypes in the past, but this is just boring as hell. I could go as far as it feels a bit racist. Every character either instantly forgettable or so embarrassing you wish their character dies as every joke is taken a bit too far. The sex scene for example is something that is just cringeworthy.

This film just makes you wanna watch 'Friday' instead. At least the storyline of that film was entertaining and Chris Tucker and Ice Cube were really likable and played their roles well. Don't bother watching this film. It insults the intelligence of the audience.

Adam Deacon has potential as an actor, but definitely not as a director.
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jboothmillard9 July 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I had heard about this film somewhere, then I saw clips on TV and thought it looked reasonable, so I certainly became keen to see it. Basically, on the Goonbred Estate somewhere in London lives young wannabe bad boy Kenneth (Kidulthood's Adam Deacon, also writing and directing) or 'Kay' as he prefers to be known. He thinks he has all the moves and swagger, but he is just deluding himself to realities. He works for Laimsburys and ends up getting punched trying to act hard, and he quits his job after being insulted by Russell (Richard Blackwood). This is followed by his family being skint and bailiffs coming round. Hoping to fix his problems, Kay starts selling weed. But he finds out he is selling on his turf Tyrone (Richie Campbell), who starts terrorising Kay and his friends. Tyrone nicks their money and stuff, including a Sony PSP from Lesoi (Michael Vu), some sneakers from T. J. (Jazzie Zonzolo), a phone from Bookie (Femi Oyeniran) and a Spanish-English journal from Enrique (Ollie Barbieri). Because of him being a wasteman and allowing these things to happen, Kay's friends ditch him. To win his friends back, he decides to sneak into Tyrone's to steal back the stolen stuff, and this is while he is in the house making love to his girlfriend Maria (Big Brother 7's Aisleyne Horgan-Wallace). Tyrone ends up caught by his real girlfriend Tasha (3 Non-Blondes' Jocelyn Jee Esien) having sex, and when he finds out that he was set up by Kay he is vex and goes to beat him up severely. His friends come to his aid, only to end up getting beaten themselves. But Tyrone's boss, one of the biggest serial gangsters in London, shows up and breaks up the fighting, putting him in his place. The boss tells Kay and his friends if they get bullied by Tyrone or his gang again they should inform him. In the end, Kay and his friends have their lives return to normal, he gets his job with Laimsburys back, and he meets the beautiful Shay (Mz Bratt). Also starring Ashley Walters as Cracks, Dennis Pennis star Paul Kaye as Tony, Dead Set's Jaime Winstone as Yasmin, Terry Stone as Terry, Eddie Kadi as Tunde, Jason Maza as Darren, Carmell Roche as Kesha, Birds of a Feather's Linda Robson as Pauline, Smack the Pony's Doon Mackichan as Patricia, and Lethal Bizzle as Lloyd. This film was a spoof of the recent British urban teenage dramas, including Kidulthood and Adulthood, which Deacon starred in. It certainly gives us some laughs with the stereotypical characters with their chavvy attitudes, street lingo and what they get up to, with a good cast of recognisable actors and a witty enough script, it is an amusing and alright urban comedy. Worth watching!
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Seriously Funny
jezebel-j5 July 2011
I'm a hard one to make laugh. The Hangover...meh. Shaun of the Dead...OK. Admittedly there are better crafted films, cleverer, snappier, whatever. I don't really like comedy that tries to be too intelligent. What I love is silly, leave your brain at the door, and just make me forget all my workday stress. I like to LMAO. And this doesn't disappoint, AT ALL.

I had read reviews...all of them suggested I shouldn't bother watching this. But being the perverse creature I am, and almost in a way WANTING to put it down (I'm a huge fan of the Noel Clarke hoods)I announced last night (to groans) that this was the evening's viewing. I'm so glad I did.

Being a 40-something (yeah, that'll surprise your "not for the over-30s" crew) middle class parent of teenagers, I'm already well used to the street slang, and in this film, every single tiny nuance of the culture and language is used to send itself up - brilliantly. Not much of a story, not much of a plot - it doesn't matter. Listen to your own kids speaking to their friends; look at their text talk. It's all here and ridiculed...but in a loving way.

Well done Adam Deacon; this was a great debut. It ranks up there with 4 Lions for me. And the next time I have an absolute b****** of a day at work, I might just watch it again ;)

The African Traffic Warden is one of the funniest things I have seen in forever. Kudos.
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Light-hearted, quirky fun
ChucksLuck3 July 2011
I watched Anuvahood this evening and was actually quite impressed. OK, it's not going to win any Oscars, it's not the best plot in the world but I think it was a good effort by all. That said, I do think there is an important message in there somewhere, maybe not if you're a 31 year old 'been there, done that' adult but teenage city kids could learn a lesson or two from it.

Adam Deacon is proving himself a good little actor but I would love to see him in a different type of role before he becomes a one-trick pony and let's not forget it's his directing début, the quality of the direction of Anuvahood I think shows his potential for future projects.

Tyrone (Richie Campbell) was brilliant and provided most of the LOL moments. I was truly laughing hard at a moment involving ketchup. I thought Linda Robson was a perfect choice for K's mum. The cameo choices were genius, most notably Eddie Kadi as the traffic warden.

Good film, not brilliant but I don't think it's intending to be. I'm not sure if people will 'get' it unless they are familiar with this type of culture, I'm a Londoner so used to it but others may struggle to understand the slang and the humour. I hope that's not the case and people will give Anuvahood a go. It's nice to have a film about the gritty realism of London that's not all doom and gloom like the usual offerings.
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Very funny MUST WATCH
ryanleegeorge28 October 2019
One of the most hilarious films I've ever seen, everyone I have shown this movie to has loved it! It's given me so many laughs over the years, the characters are memorable, and I loved all the cameo appearances from celebrities, such as Big Narstie, Lethal Bizzle, Richard Blackwood, and big man Giggs. The fact that people that people are rating this badly shows that they don't have a sense of humour, grow up. Strongly recommend, absolute 10/10!!!
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You out did yourself Deacon :)
mm-rm198921 March 2011
Oh my God this film was hilarious, I literally laughing out loud and I was in the cinema on my own ( that is how sad I am ) Anyways I wouldn't say this was a film for men and women over the age of 30 as it is more of a teenager and young film , but like who cares what the older people think right there flab over there eyelids won't let them see anyways so they don't know what the film is all about ! They acting in the film was spot on and for a budget of around 1,000,000 dollars or whatever currency it is that is pretty well made. Remember all you Anuvahood fans FRUITELLA IS A BADMAN SWEET YA GET ME !!!

10/10 good work Deacon :)
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Funny, satirical take on London street life
contact-5-31876419 March 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I'm not from London but I am from an area in Manchester where I can identify with some of the scenes and the characters.

I think there's some excellent observational humour in this which is quite flat and hollow on the surface but if you think about it there's some real depth there.

An example is that there's a latent running joke that the gangster teens are either gay or desperate - one of the characters is very camp in his mannerisms and behaviour while one of the key antagonists is ripped and speaks really high pitched but has some interesting secrets....

The main character, K is what you'd probably assume is a pretty realistic portrayal of people who are aiming to emulate gang culture - and it's great how he's just a normal person, in fact one that''s not really grown up and fights with his little sister, who he can only get back by being a childish bully and threatening a 10 year old. (funny moment)

The serious scenes are softened by some ridiculously odd humour which really works for me and keeps the film light and very funny - literally a laugh a minute for me, and I'm very cynical and judgemental.

I know a few people who dress much like some of the characters which makes it all the more real for me, and the music is really well suited.

The cinematography is nothing to write home about but the narrative flows very well and the casting is spot on - it all seems to 'fit' neatly together and there's some seriously top notch moments. If you can't take dat den I'll get my boys ;)

I'm going to be quoting this for a long time and will be an instant addition to my collection once released on DVD.

For fans of Ali G and silly observational humour. "This is too emotional, man"
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pbzgaming28 October 2019
This movie doesn't deserve that hate that some critics on here give it. It's hilarious, the characters are memorable and it has an amazing soundtrack. Brilliant fun all the way through, Adam deacon is a genius writer. I can't wait for the sequel next year!
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grate movie
burgink817 March 2012
It is a very good movie and very funny but i think it could be a bit longer but it has a good story line and good music so i give this move 10 out of 10 for entertainment and 10 out of 10 for the story line. I think it was a shame there was only one gun in the movie but the part with the gun was one of the best parts because the acting was better and it was more dramatic and entertaining and there was a good fight plus one of the guys wet his pants.I would say this is one of the best movies of all time and is worth anyone money and 8 out of 10 people would agree with me so watch this movie and see if you like it like i did.
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