"Survivor" Do or Die (TV Episode 2021) Poster

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Really The Twists and Turns Are Confusing
shelbythuylinh5 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
If you notice that Jeff is now talking to the camera more. To explain on things. And in the twists and turns that over in the show is taken there.

But that really after missing last year and part of this year over COVID there. Really think that they need to target both Xavier and Ricard. As they will possibly be in the final two or three there.

Knowing that if they do not, they only have themselves to blame on it.
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WTF Jeff?
shawnbusbyait3 December 2021
Worst season EVER!

Hard to watch.

Do what made Survivor legendary, not whatever this mess is.

Judging from all the other negative reviews, looks like people want Survivor not whiney woke BS.

Be proud of who you are or where your from, why would anyone want to be the best in whatever group you let yourself be defined by or others that do not matter, thinks you belong in?

Shouldn't we all strive to be the best in whatever we do, irregardless of what we look like, where we're from, or who we choose to get freaky with.
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Diversity and Inclusion For All
jnbbookworm14 December 2021
We've been watching Survivor from the first episode, but season 41:11 rocked our boat. At Tribal Council, to see and feel the emotion from the black players and hearing their truth was an incredible blessing for all to witness. And for those reading this, please understand that this journey by the black people, is felt by most folks who are not Euro white. As a white family we have with out a doubt been given a leg up in North America, and afforded privileges for the simple fact they we are white. It's time to see each individual's beautiful soul.
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Is this a game show or the 6 o'clock news?
user_id_error3 December 2021
I spent an hour watching what I thought I was a fun, family-friendly reality game show.

What I was actually watching was MSNBC. The "new" Survivor might as well be a newscast that explains all of the "injustices" and "problems" in the world.

Hello CBS, if I wanted to watch the news, I'd watch the news.
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These people who have reviewed so far are so disconnected from reality...
teejayjacoby179 December 2021
I'm only here to call out these people who are so made about the "wokeness" of this season like survivor hadn't always been on the right side of history and been open to all. Sure a lot of season are super white, but a show where a gay man wins the first season and has had so many amazing diverse characters throughout...these people are simply just well I don't want to say it so this doesn't get deleted...but we all what these people are.

The most diverse season in the history of survivor was bound to have these clowns giving bad reviews. Keep it up CBS! You know what the future looks like ✊
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Thank heavens we have Australian Survivor
grlym-468494 December 2021
This episode was horrible. Zero action.

The cast, script and editing feels contrived. Jeff is working so hard to push a political agenda as a way to make up for his seasons he produced that allowed seggsual harassment (worst season)

Felt like an hour of POC Alliance talking about only being seen as POC...yet they are the only ones bringing it up. I like human growth and discovery...high we have had for 40 seasons. But editing and production sucked this year.

Where are : Hard challenges Real strategy being played Around the camp work.

Camp disagreements Cooking Real struggle in the environment.

All these twists and changes seem to be a way for production to control the outcome. Shan got voted off last episode and yet still gets more tv time than half the surviving cast put together. And she wasn't a strong player to begin with

It's like survivor ditched every strength to have a game show / after school special

If you want to see survivor greatness. Watch Australian Survivor. All 8 seasons are awesome. South African survivor is fairly good (except season 5). You even learn some diversity (with zero condemnation)
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Do or Die
kaden_lewis8 December 2021
Most people didn't like this episode because of how much politics there are, they just want to watch Survivor. I don't mind it. People also aren't liking the twist that came with the challenge, I thought it was pretty cool. The first person to be eliminated from the challenge would have to play a game at tribal council called sudden death. There were three boxes, and one box gave them immunity, the others got them kicked off the island. I actually thought it was pretty cool. It added some extra drama to tribal. It was also cool how people still had to prepare for a real tribal in case the person won sudden death. It added a new strategy to the game. However, at the challenge there could have been more drama. The first person out of the challenge only lasted three seconds. I said this a few episodes ago, but I really like the addition of Jeff talking to the camera. It is just cool to me and I hope to see more.

This was a good episode, it had a cool twist and a good tribal and that is what I like to see from a Survivor episode. Only one more episode before the finale, I am so excited!
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A Carnival Side Show
brenden333 December 2021
Who do they think they are conning? These players are actors scripted to say what the producers have written. Why not just use animated cartoon characters? At least we could have had more action. Some Toon suffering without any real hurt that would provide some entertainment. Viewers want to escape the crap of life in a show like this, not have it ramed down they throats. History is history never going to change, lets make the future happier.

Where do all the clothes the players wear come from? Where does the food that the players eat come from? Where is the skill of survival these players do not have come from? For all peoples of the world its sooooo condescending. Its a con.

Its all conder.
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Survivor is dead
nile-10375 December 2021
The survivor that we once knew and loved has died, and has been replaced with this empty shell of a show. Being out in the wild is just a formality now.
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what a woke piece of crap!
davekrebs2 December 2021
This show has gone so far left with its wokeness. I can't stand watching it anymore. Tribal was so full of pandering and cringy. I hope this show crash and burns after this. I'm watching YouTube checking my Instagram and texting while this is in the background.
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edblackham4 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I have watched every episode of every season. This was by far the worst. Could you imagine Rudy with this group?

The season started out poorly when they decided that the word guy is now offensive. This cast was obviously picked based on their political beliefs. This is not representative of the general public. This is representative of San Francisco and New York and other targeted areas. It's almost like they're trying to end this show. Wokeness on steroids. I watch TV to be entertained, not to be preached to.
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ennynz5 December 2021
Skip, skip, skip, skip, yawn, skip, skip, skip, and still boring. I don't think any twists can save this season. What a shame that this show has turned into a add for wokeness. And when I thought survivor would entertain me for years to come, I was so wrong.
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The irony is that Suvivor S1 would be cancelled by S41
InsightfulCritic5 December 2021
Juxtapose Season 1 with Season 41. Very few, if any, of the cast from Season 1 would ever be cast in Season 41. Imagine Rudy showing up for Survivor an audition in 2021? They wouldn't even consider him because "his kind" has been made up to be the enemy of the tiny vocal minority that controls the culture today. Susan hawk? No way, too crass. Richard Hatch? Not even close, despite him being gay. He is way too politically incorrect for today's TV.

Gervase Peterson? Not woke enough with social justice. Sean Kenniff? Too much of a cisgender straight male that hasn't accepted an arbitrary white privilege.

And this is why Survivor has lost its mojo. Not because the audience and country have changed, because they haven't. But because a tiny tiny minority of newly woke college grads that took over Twitter 5-6 years back now influences everything we see and hear today. I cannot imagine Survivor being around another 1-2 seasons the way it's going.

The foregoing and the fact the show seem too manipulated with too many twists and turns has led to its demise and that is such a shame because I used to turn into Survivor because I didn't feel like I was being preached to.
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Critical Race Theory lectures?
chris-r-copeland9 December 2021
... I guess they missed the memo. This was almost enough to make me stop watching the show. Am I to believe that all these people know all the right CRT terms?

A complete setup by CBS producers. This show is FAKE.
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66% chance for immunity by not playing the game. Smh
grlym-468494 December 2021
First off, I hate the do or die. The fact that a person can have 66% immunity by not even playing in an immunity challenge belittles the game and this show is now reduced to a craps table in Vegas

Secondly, I feel this season is lead with so much agenda. I watch tv to escape from real world, not be preached to. And based off of the casts statements alone, it demonstrates that this season (at this point) Xander has zero chance of winning because he lacks a component that seems to be more important than outwit, outlast and outplay.

With Xander being disqualified as a valid choose to win regardless of how he does, At this point Ricard seems to be the only real winner because he has the juries prerequisites to win. And of those left viable...he is the only one who is actually playing the game. And doing it masterfully better than everyone else. Don't really care for him based on first half of season. But have to respect a Villian playing a good game.
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Could this be Survivor's worst season?
luisponz2 December 2021
What happened to the groundbreaking game from twenty-one years ago?

This season started so well, not only with production changes, like seeing behind the scenes moments, knowing beforehand where hidden idols were, or Jeff retiring 'guys,' but then it went to hell.

The twists, on top of twists, on top of twists. Jeff's preachiness, The mostly-in-their-heads cast who so close to the end still looks well-fed and enjoying their holiday. The heavy-handed tribal councils, remember when they were just the epilogue of an action-packed episode?

And then, there's the class in social justice that we get in every episode. Isn't that why MSNBC, CNN and the women in The View exist? I turn to TV for entertainment, not to be lectured.

American Survivor needs to take a look at its Australian counterpart which has modernised the show while still remaining true to its concept.
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80% race/identity, 20% survivor
hannes-0901716 December 2021
Tribal council was 60% of this episode. Discussions were mainly about how some of the players felt awful having voted for someone who "looked like them" and how this clashes with them wanting to represent their culture, etc.. The white guy awkwardly stuttering how he doesn't "represent a people" just perfectly illustrates the hypocrisy surrounding the whole identity politics. Of course no one stood up and said, well you're here as individuals representing yourself and your achievements first and foremost, which is the core of this game and by the way the core idea of a free and inclusice society.

There was actually an interesting new element in the game with the "do or die" twist. But we don't have any time explaining why the player actually made the wrong choice, statistically speaking, because we had to talk more about races and who looks like whom. Wasted opportunity!

Survivor used to be about individuals overcoming their weaknesses (social, physical...), overcoming the harsh conditions in which they live, and then using their achievements as arguments as to why they - as individuals - deserve the prize. This season feels as if it's 50% about race and identity, 50% about personal sob stories, and 0% about achievements and contributing to the group. One of the few exceptions this season was Naseer who could actually do stuff at camp. The rest, we don't know because we mainly saw them talking about race and grievances.

I have been a Survivor fan since day one but now I'm done.
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More woke racist propaganda
coreyjpier13 December 2021
Such a terrible season & episode of consistent racist double standard propaganda. Instead of focusing on the show they had a whole speech at tribal council about political propaganda. The double standards on how it's okay for "poc" to be show open supremacy. The "woke" cast in this show was so atrocious and unlikable. A hard pass.
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Woke racism
jjsoltis26 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
With all the crying about female blackness she got her reward. Voted out.

Tribal council was terrible. Couldn't even watch it.

Diverse cast?? The people who comprise the smallest portion of the population make up the largest potion of the players. Why?

I'm tired of it.
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The end of Survivor
jlroodt16 January 2022
This episode marks beginning of the end for the Survivor series. The single worst episode of Survivor to date.

Most people don't watch a series like Survivor to be bombarded with social justice issues. Unfortunately it has now sadly become a social justice propaganda piece and I'm sure many people have had enough and won't watch again.
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