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A load of unbelievable rubbish
simon3593 June 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this last night and while the actors, cinematography and basic plot of the film was good, the script was totally unbelievable. It had the potential to be a good film, but it wasn't. The basic premise of a man losing his job and then killing his family is quite believable, as it happens in real life unfortunately far to often, but the reaction of the children to what is happening around them is not. They must have realised that their father had gone insane, and was going to kill them all. They had the opportunity to escape, and could have hit their father over the head with something after he had killed their mother, but do not. Also the girl had a hidden phone, and could have called the emergency services, but does not. The kids just carry on obeying their father after he did the most terrible things. Sorry, but this is not how people, especially teenagers, react in such a situation. Eventually they do defend themselves against their father, but it took far too long. Also, the girl pierces her fathers leg with a garden fork, and pins his leg to the ground. She then leaves him and he manages to take the garden fork out of his leg and run after her! And she a teenager and he in his forties, he manages to catch up with her! Completely unbelievable, as the man would have been in agony with probably either a bleeding artery in the leg or fractured leg.
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A British mix of Jack Torrance and Jerry Blake
loomis78-815-9890347 March 2015
Warning: Spoilers
British Businessman Kurt Wendell (Hansler) loses his job and he literally snaps. He takes his wife Steph (Gordon) and his sexually active daughter Megan (Poesner) along with wimpy son Jay (Rithin) out to a house in the English countryside. This is where he attempts to act out a murderous plan on his entire family and his boss (Henry Douthwaite) who is tied up in the attic and has been having an affair with his wife. The family knows daddy is up to no good when he gives them all insulting gifts and himself a nice new Axe. Trapped in the middle of nowhere Kurt threatens and abuses his family and eventually stabs to death his boss in a bloody knifing. No one is safe at this point as the mentally unstable Kurt attacks his family through the rest of the running time. Writer/Producer/Director Ryan Lee Driscoll explores the family's hidden secrets and uses the family's indiscretions as fuel for Kurt to 'correct' them. Comparisons will be made between "The Shining's" Jack Torrance and this film's Kurt Wendell character as Dad's who went off the deep end and tried to kill their family. In actuality, he has more in common with the crazy father Jerry Blake of "The Stepfather" films in that the disappointing actions of his family inspire his rage. That is of course looking past that both characters are completely off their rockers. There are a few moments of inspired bloodshed and even some suspense but Driscoll's film loses some credibility along the way. There is a giant pick Ax sitting right outside the door that the victims consistently run past while being helpless terrorized by good old Dad but none of them think to pick it up. There seems to be plenty of other opportunities for the family members to escape and none are taken. These things hurt the overall effectiveness of the film which in the end is still entertaining in a time wasting way.
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I don't know why there are so many good reviews...
ihearthorrorfilm11 March 2013
At first I thought this movie was in another language and dubbed in English, nope. The movie was made in the UK, but the sound seems to have been made after the movie… It's somewhat distracting. Once you get over the bad sound timing, then you have to deal with the boring acting and dialog. Even when the movie starts to pick up, you aren't really interested. Its weird because the idea is pretty creepy, but unfortunately this movie can't deliver the scary. Most of the scenes were just weird and the gory parts felt like a really bad 80's movie slasher. I really hate giving negative reviews on low budget movies, but this one was just not very entertaining.

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Worst Film Ever
streetzips6 September 2013
I gave this film a go and was so disappointed. The acting is so bad it's cringe-worthy. You just can't settle into the story and take it seriously. It is almost like the film was made 20 years ago with some guys they just plucked off the street. Shame, because I like to support British films - but this one sucked. In all respects give give the film a go, but be warned.

P.S. There also seem to be many fake reviews on Amazon giving it 4-5 stars, the accounts only review this one film - sounds like they tried to beef up the ratings because it is so bad. I have no idea what the budget was on this film but it was money down the drain.
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Too Long, Too Tedious
saadgkhan11 June 2012
Axed – TRASH IT (C-) Axed is about a crazy father, who thinks his family is ungrateful and its time to teach them a lesson. He takes his wife, son and daughter in the middle of nowhere and then the violence of a crazy demented father starts. I defiantly liked the story and that's the reason I decided to watch this but the movie is too long and too tedious. There are so many chances everyone to kill him they all leave him half alive for no reason to be attacked by him again. Performance by all crazy British cast is good at times and mediocre most of the times. There is nothing good about it. I wish I could say it's mediocre but it's not because it becomes unbearably boring towards the end. Trash it!
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The usual slasher, nothing else...
searchanddestroy-120 May 2012
Warning: Spoilers
First, I am highly surprised to be the first french to comment this film. Why anyone from UK has not commented this yet? I wonder if this movie has been released in Great Britain, theatres or DVD. Hmmm...

Anyway, I am not a horror film specialist, although I have seen thousands of them in my film buff life. I expected a little more from this one, when I read the topic. I waited for a sort of "hardgore" version of FALLING DOWN, telling the story of a business man in total distress, who decides one day to bring his whole family in the lost countryside and...

Well, I almost forgot what I just watched yesterday night. Nothing special here. But that doesn't mean it's a bad product. Characters are well described, filming OK, but I nearly fell asleep before the end.

No, really nothing special.

But I am sure it will please many of you.
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Absolute drivel. Disappointing waste of 90 minutes.
pyroboi-451-11822817 August 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I'd read reviews about this film and was intrigued by the conflicting opinions so I had to watch it and find out for myself, being English I love films with a British feel to them. I was majorly disappointed.

The plot is thin, the acting is...OK, the character flaws are too many to mention, the filming is mediocre, the script is completely benign.

Firstly the plot is intriguing and potentially a good basis for a psychological thriller and drama. This is completely wiped away by the sheer lack of believability of some of the events as the film unfolds.

After his first kill, no-one tries to get away or get help. This continues throughout the film, and it's annoying to the point of being ridiculous. No human being would sit and watch someone murdering their mother and then go and sit down for dinner. RIDICULOUS.

Furthermore, an iron gardening fork through the foot/ankle and he takes it out and walks (with a bit of a limp), carrying an axe with arm that's connected directly to the chest muscles he got stabbed 3 times in just minutes before.

He harps on about this big project going according to plan, to kill everyone and himself by 6am, and then has a monologue about how he wants to see his daughter get married. Before stabbing her.

And the stereotypical gay son/abusive father dynamic could have been utilized so much more in this. It was pretty much just an abusive bloke with a wimpy son by the end. They had multiple chances to kill him, but didn't. Didn't even taunt him or get angry with him. They also had MANY chances to flee. And in what looked to be about 15 acres of forest, they finally run away, and daddy finds them in about 5 seconds flat.

Utter drivel. The gore wasn't even realistic or satisfyingly gruesome. Neither was the ending. Oh, and *SPOILER ALERT* one last thing. Four pills (count them) in the bowl, he takes five out one at a time and pops them.

Only genuine reason for following this all the way through to the end was to see Christopher Rithin put on a good performance.

Complete waste of time. Don't bother with it.
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"No fully functioning phones were hurt or harmed in the making of this motion picture"
tadpole-596-9182562 April 2013
Warning: Spoilers
So says one part of the closing credits for AXED. If you read carefully, you will note that this disclaimer does NOT say one way or the other if any fully functioning brains were harmed making the movie, let alone later as the paying public began to watch this sorry excuse for a horror flick. I mean, how can anyone root for the chick to take her top off, when such an occurrence would be tantamount to incest? Not that the cringe-inducing family sex issue is totally avoided here, as the daughter penetrates her dad with chortles of orgiastic ecstasy (by means of a kitchen knife to the belly), just because he killed her boyfriend (or, maybe it's because he killed her mom and her mom's lover?). At any rate, this British offering is SO low-budget it begins to run out of potential victims about halfway through, necessitating the offing of some characters two or three times each. Jonathan Hansler as down-sized (by wife's lover) dad Kurt Wendell is more convincing in psycho mode than loving dad mood. Plus, the opening snippets of radio news readers announcing world-wide financial Armageddon is mere clutter, as it has nothing to do with the actual plot (contradicting it, if anything). All in all, the title is about the only thing clever about this movie. SPOILER: Seemingly working cell phones are boiled, axed, and stomped on throughout this film--prompting the disclaimer--but even the hot daughter does NOT have an iPhone!
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Let's Hope That Happens…to the Director
thesar-29 February 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I am not sure what the movie Axed was supposed to be. I mean, it starts off as a socially and relevant statement of layoffs and the pain associated with that. Then it shoots in multiple directions in 10 minutes and finally settles down to a fairly simple straight line of a horror film.

OK. I'll concur, since the majority of the film is that straight-lined plot is the horror story, that's what this is meant to convey.

There is a problem, uh, well, many problems, with the feature production. It's probably best to dive into the synopsis first:

Man: Husband and Father, loses job and even though he's enormously abusive – both verbal and physically – toward his son, daughter and wife, he decides it's time to take a holiday to the middle of Nowhere, England. While there, his car breaks down, works and then is dead again, and the family sets up camp in a cottage as part of Daddy's "surprise" vacation.

Well, his plan, as the title suggests, is to axe off his family and then die himself. All thanks to the layoff and maybe one other plot twist.

I mentioned there was a problem, or a few. The kids and spouse might have come accustomed to his outraging and domineering personality, but when they notice a changeover from Angry Dad to Killer Dad, they had more than plenty of chances to escape. Naturally, they would have to save that for the climax (no real spoiler there – watch a horror movie or two before complaining to me) but it was utterly ridiculous that not one of the three "normal" family members don't take advantage of the 1,500 opportunities to flee.

While that's weird, at least you can take in the crisp countryside cinematography. The movie was very nicely shot – the filmmakers knew what they were doing, but sadly didn't coordinate well with the writer.

Luckily, in addition to the rich landscaping, the acting wasn't too bad and I did believe the character existed. It was just hard to believe they didn't react.

But, then again, I've never been in this situation. So what do I know?

Barely recommended – when your Netflix Queue is almost at its end of other horror recommendations.
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Not bad but had some average moments.
Michael-Hallows-Eve27 July 2012
This film was not bad, it had an okay storyline and some good old fashioned blood spilling. The plot, although not too original, moves along quite good and the characters are actually kind of likable. It is a low budget movie which does well compared to some higher budget films. I did get in to this movie as it kept me interested the whole way through, but it wasn't ground breaking or edge-of-your-seat kind of stuff. As I said, I did like as it was one of the better lower budget films around, but it had moments of lackluster acting which did let it down a bit. They had the right idea for a great movie here but they let it down in the delivery. But overall I give it a 6 out of 10.
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I made an account just to review this garbage.
Wade_C6 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I have a youtube account called Treehuggersunite! that I may do a review for this movie, IDK, This movie is just.... UGH! This movie was so (bleep, if y'all even care)king bad that it will give you cancer to watch it. Jonathan Hansler does good only because he is able to bring some jokes to his horribly written villain, The mom is awful, The daughter and her boyfriend were some of the worst characters I've seen in a British movie of all time, The son however, is quite possibly the worst character in Cinema. His character was so bad I wanted to strangle him to death, HE WAS THAT BAD. The lighting is off half the time, The Cinematography would make any cinematographer squeal, the screenplay feels like if you forced a two year old to write a horror thriller (plot holes and underdeveloped subplots a whole!), the whole thing was so imcompentant and boring (AND REALLY, REALLY LAZY!) that I'd rather blow my brains out and drown in a volcano of lava then be strangled by my own mother than watch a single second of this godawful movie. If you like this movie, Do me a favor and message me on Xbox Live: rocketrider2065 or on Wii U: same username as the Xbox Live one to explain to me just why and how you like this film that worse than the coronavirus. Don't even get me started on the ending (I wanted the dad to kill everyone just to make the movie over). Overall rating, Zero out of Four Stars.
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This is shocking and amusing in a roller-coaster manner
richardstevensse521 May 2012
Soooo shocking and at the same time with amusing excerpts. Enjoyable nonetheless. With some suspense loaded into it that keeps you gripped for most of the time. The actors carry the plot-line really well even if there is a little overacting in some places. My only niggle was that it left little to the imagination. However I particularly enjoyed the manic look of "Dad", who relentlessly pursued his revenge on his family, who he perceived to be individually immoral in their own behaviours or nature. Some familiar themes here of every day life that allow us to all identify with, such as adultery, sexuality and of course murder. The death penalty should definitely be brought back for dad, after his slashing antics.
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Fun, sometimes silly, but enjoyable low budget horror flick
Robert_duder26 January 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I am literally shocked at how low a rating this film has. Before I go on I want to mention that I actually really enjoyed this as a horror fan who has seen so much low budget crap lately. No film makers seem to know how use a low budget and still make a good solid movie like John Carpenter used to or people of his calibre. The film isn't perfect, some of it is laughable but that's par for the course when it comes to horror. The film is reminiscent of The Shining in some ways as we watch a man lose his mind and torture his own family. The performances in the film were first rate...I was extremely impressed with this small and very effective cast. The setting was brilliant, creepy and isolated and setting the tone. Perhaps the only complaint (but it is a pretty big complaint) is that you really have to suspend belief and ignore some massive plot holes to find it enjoyable. I know that is absolutely the cast with 99.9% (perhaps 100%) of horror films but I just felt like the script could have paved over those plot holes just a little bit better. Following the climax of the film into the last scenes it definitely treads on some cheesy moments but its so much fun and there is enough tension to keep it plugging along. This, in my opinion, was a solid slasher flick with some very different twists.

Jonathan Hansler is outstanding as Kurt Wendell who loses his job and literally spirals out of control until he is a sputtering, raving mad lunatic torturing his own family. His emotional spiral is fast but significant and really well done on his part. His wide eyed, creepy maniac is right up there with any great horror performance. Andrea Gordon is decent as his wife. She shows some great chops in the intense scenes during the climax and her chemistry with Hansler and the two actors playing her children is very good. Christopher Rithin is also very good as the meek and bullied son. He perhaps has the biggest range as a character next to Hansler but at the same time he also feeds a couple of the more cheesy moments in the film. He is still very good in his part. Nicola Posener plays the daughter and does so decently well. She is, in some ways, the weakest member of the cast if not just for the reason that her character has the least range from beginning to end. Her and Rithin have really great chemistry as brother and sister at odds and then working together to survive. In all honesty, this might be one of the strongest low budget casts in a horror flick I have ever seen.

It appears as though director and writer Ryan Lee Driscoll has a history in documentaries so this would be his first real foray into fictional film making and horror. I think he shows some incredible talent behind the camera and with the script. It isn't often you can find a unique horror film like this let alone one shot on a low budget that is entertaining and fun to watch. The plot holes that kept nagging at me were how long his family takes before actually trying to get away. I mean he is a middle aged, average shape joe and yet they don't even try to run or overpower him even after finding someone bound and gagged and cut up in their attic. He seems to gain on them no matter how badly hurt he is and no matter how fast they run. Its sort of typical horror movie plot holes but it still bothered me to some extent. I think some slight editing to the screenplay could have perhaps filled in some of these oversights. Regardless, if you like low budget horror than I think this one will really surprise you. For what it is and for what it was made for this one is a keeper!! Far from perfect and yet satisfying and well made. 7.5/10
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Severely flawed, but has some good bits
Jalow54710 December 2019
I'll start by talking about everything wrong with the film. Most noticeably, the lighting decisions are terrible. The bulk of the action takes place in one day, and it looks as if they shot everything in sequence over the course of two days, so that by the time it's supposed to be early afternoon in the film it is clearly approaching dusk outside. Then five minutes later it's clearly morning again, and it slowly gets dark once more. Then during the nighttime scenes there are moments that were obviously shot in sunlight. It's distractingly bad. It looks like they tried to do day for night but didn't know how. Additionally, the film is very ugly in that it looks like it was shot on a very low quality camera that has a look not fitting for the tone of the movie.

The cameraman did a good job with what he had to dork with, however. There are some fun shots in here and the editing is well done. The acting is hit-or-miss, with one or two miscast characters, but some of it is very good. The actor who plays the father in particular did an amazing job. Some of the best I've seen and very believable and a fun performance. Bang up job!

The story, while nothing spectacular, is surprisingly realistic given the budget and style of film. I was expecting something rather corny, but this feels pretty real. I believe it may have been inspired by one or two true stories, based on similarities to things I've read about.

The sound is not great but nothing to complain about. It's much better than in some of the very low budget films I've seen. But the lighting is some of the worst I've seen. The ending is very good.
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Awful with no redeemable qualities whatsoever
chrisgarry-238822 February 2023
Never have I been subjected to such ill thought out drivel.

The only reason to keep watching until the end is the sheer amount of unintentional comedy. Every now and then Axed becomes so bad it is actually amusing. Occasionally just as you think it can't get any worse, something even lower quality happens and you can't help but smile.

I will say it is entertaining, in the sense that how something so bad can actually make it to the point of completion is something of a success in itself.

It starts off badly with the opening scene, then we get some intrigue as we are momentarily confused as to whether this will develop into a thriller or a comedy, then it just gets worse and worse as the violence escalates and any semblance of plot is completely abandoned.

Crazy just how bad this film is yet you can't seem to look away. It's like a car crash. Definitely a lesson in there somewhere, but not one of any value.
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Fun horror
lucybaily1224 May 2012
My boyfriend and I saw this film at the Bram Stoker Film Festival. We're both geeks and love low budget horror and we're always looking for something fun to watch.

I found it a fun little ride with a good mix of scary and funny moments nothing to deep but a good salute to other horror films.

Strong performances from the father played by (Jonathan Hansler) and the daughter (Nicola Posener) and loved the scene with the boyfriend(Brandon Francis).

I think it's well worth a watch.

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Time for Creepy Cutbacks!
hfdriscoll22 May 2012
Saw this at this year's Bram Stoker Film Festival where it played to a very receptive audience of horror movie fans and picked up the award for Best Screenplay.

Works well as a disturbing psycho-drama based around a man who loses his job and then his mind, much to the increasing horror of his family.

A great music score and moody cinematography helps to build the atmosphere.

Jonathan Hansler is the true star of the show here, obviously relishing the dark humour of his part as the dejected father with one last project to manage up his sleeve. Well it's certainly one way to downsize!
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Axed- low budget but high quality
aliceryan81815 August 2013
I recently had great fortune to watch 'Axed' at a local film festival. This psychological thriller was greatly received and I can see why.

I am so pleased to have finally seen a film in recent years that I did NOT know the ending to. The genuine twists and turns kept me intrigued throughout the film, the Homage to classical horror films is clear and well done. The relationship between the unhinged father and his children is superbly acted (ignoring some over acting from the lead actor at times), I would highly recommend watching more from this particular cast.

It was not the gore fest I was expected, the director, quite rightly, left a lot to your own imagination, which in my experience makes the film much scarier.

The DOP should be highly congratulated on their skills in presenting this film so well, despite some shots that felt as though they should have been lightened; the use of natural light was cleverly done.

I even found out afterwards that some of this film used C.G.I. and green screen to enhance some shots, which was fabulous, as it was done in such a way that people were completely unaware, which is more than I can say for most low budget horror films being reviewed recently.

The only thing I would say is that It almost needed to be longer to build the father's mental break down to make it more intense in the cottage scenes when he finally snaps.

Despite some of the sound quality being poor in parts and minimal continuity errors I would highly recommend watching this as a good example of how a good low budget film can be made.
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a lot of talking but it has it's moments
trashgang6 March 2013
This is a low budget that's for sure, you can easily spot it on the way it was filmed and the sound that isn't always that good, especially the dubbed sound. Nevertheless, I enjoyed it even as it never became scary or gory. You just want to know how it is going to end.

A very strict father, Kurt Wendell (Jonathan Hansler) can't take it anymore. His wife is having an affair with his boss and he's fired. Not only that, his daughter walks around like a whore and his son looks like a fagot. The day he's fired he goes berserk. But not showing it he takes his family to the countryside for a nice day with dad. From there the horror comes in.

The red stuff is available but most of the stabbing or axing is done off-screen. There's a lot of talking going on from dad explaining what he knows about the affair. And a lot of talking with his children. But somehow you want to know who survives and who will die. There's of course a lot of drama in it.

The acting did add this flick to a higher level, Jonathan Hansler was believable. But I can understand that some will not like this flick because it's a bit low on the horror. Ideal for a starter.

Gore 1/5 Nudity 0/5 Effects 2/5 Story 3/5 Comedy 0/5
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a tale of modern times
soapdodgerz8 October 2012
Warning: Spoilers
this film deals with a subject that make headlines every week sadly.but here it is dealt with darkly black humour.johnathon hansler does a great job as the head of the wendell family. a man who succumbs to the pressures of modern life after losing his job.he takes his family on what they think is an ideal weekend in the country. once there he begins his reign of terror upon his loved ones . the violent scenes could have been a bit more gory which would have added more humour to a grim situation.overall i enjoyed this film and the negative comments don't add up. what do you expect from a film called axed?the director shows real potential and i look forward to more films from him.
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Creepy, bloody and surprisingly good UK horror
MattyGibbs17 March 2013
This is a small UK horror that is way better than the 3.4 rating it currently has on IMDb.

It is a disturbing and creepy film with a wonderfully sinister and maniacal performance by Jonathan Hansler as the deranged father. He is backed up by good performances from the rest of the surprisingly good cast.

There is barely a dull moment as Dad goes on the rampage. You never quite know where the story will go and it is refreshing to see a horror film that isn't predictable. There are scenes of real tension throughout and plenty of blood for those that like that kind of thing.

I really enjoyed this film and I am really surprised it has such bad reviews. Yes it isn't perfect or ground breaking but for a small film it punches well above it's weight. Recommended if you like slightly quirky UK horror.
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Make sure your axe is sharpened!
ulicknormanowen21 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The first third promised something different :being fired is humiliating for a proud man who cannot stand it and goes mad with his family ,and his own boss .

Jonathan Hansler shines in the scene of the breakfast and mainly that of the "gifts", a cruel but effective sequence ; the nice house in the country is a wonderful way of spending some time away from the trouble and the strife , and perhaps to rebuild a united family. Violence is purely psychological and kept to a minimum level (the prisoner).

Unfortunately ,things begin to deteriorate by the second third ,and the screenplay becomes bloody ,repetitive and eventually terribly dull ; "the shining " cum "the night of the hunter" best describes this escalation of violence ,with tricks a la "Friday the Thirteenth" to secure a not-so-horrible ending : sonny has become a man, hasn't he? Sister has lost her boyfriend (no sooner had he appeared than he was slain)but she's safe thanks to her sibling's bravery .

1/3 good ;2/3 rubbish.
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