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Adequate but unmemorable Saturday night thriller
Coventry23 April 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Two incredibly stereotypical college buddies (one carefree party-animal and one responsible party-pooper) seek a method to earn fast & easy cash and stumble upon an ad for pharmaceutical guinea pigs. After carefully verifying that nobody will put any tubes up their rectums (because, apparently, that's the only unacceptable condition), they sign up for a two weeks stay at a medical facility and agree with the terms that they cannot have any contact with the outside world and swallow whatever medication Dr. Wilcox and her team prescribes them. Several indicators prove that the testing of Ravenix' new drug isn't kosher, like the decaying state of the hospital facility and the lack of medical staff involved, but the new drug appears to show off positive results immediately. The recovery ratio in case of illnesses and the healing processes in case of physical wounds increase at phenomenal speed and, after a few days, it even occurs that cutting wounds heal instantly. But, like usually the issue with new medicines, the side effects and shortcomings are quite extreme. Most notable is the fact that the human lab rabbits become completely inadvertent to all kind of emotions. And, of course, what to do in case of urgent surgery when the body can't be incised? I watched "Bloodwork" at the annual Brussels Festival of Fantastic Films, where it got promoted as a state-of-the-art and innovative thriller. This isn't quite correct, unfortunately, as far too often the film comes across as derivative and mundane, but it's nonetheless a very entertaining thriller with a handful of original aspects and occasional flashes of sheer suspense. Particularly the unfolding of the drug's side effects is adequately demonstrated. We initially witness how the group indifferently reacts to a rotting animal's carcass in the cafeteria and you actually wonder why they're not repulsed. A little while later, there's even a couple having sex in a cockroach-infested room and remain unbothered. Regretfully however, after a fairly solid and plausible middle-section, "Bloodwork" rapidly descends into a bad spiral of dull clichés and routines. Obviously the project supervisor will stop at nothing to continue the experiments and naturally the tests are all part of a secret government scheme led by one political big shot. None other than Eric Roberts – civilized übervillain #1 – makes a less than 2 minute cameo appearance for this part and presumably also received the largest paycheck. But still, if you manage to switch off your brain functions and look passed all these hopelessly annoying defaults, you'll find a worthwhile thriller perfectly suitable for a lazy Saturday evening in a comfortable couch. As said, the film contains a few admirable ideas and highlight sequences, the motivated acting performances from the ensemble cast are much better than the routine script deserves and supportive actress Mircea Monroe demonstrates that she has beautiful breasts.
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Two friends, down on their luck, respond to a newspaper ad for Guinea Pigs
Thrill_KillZ6 April 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Now how many horror films have had a basis as this, two friends think they will make a fast buck upon volunteering to become lab rats supposedly for some allergy drug and they will be living there for a two week period. Well we the viewer know that it's got nothing to do with allergies. The testing goes from good to bad to horribly wrong pretty fast for our main character's actually there is a point in the film where you really didn't know much about anything, the characters, the drugs, the anything, so damn cliché at every corner. Of coarse obviously this was all run by the government as every other genre film is. Also every time this extreme drug testing takes place it ends up turning everyone into *spoiler* in the end I'm sure you know what I mean, Well that's about all I can really say as far as giving the viewer an idea of what to expect, like bad acting,low budget etc. I was able to make it to the end just to see who lived or died or if everyone died. It is sort of interesting I wouldn't tell someone never to watch it, well it would depend on what time slot they were looking to fill I guess. I give it a 5
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Blood (doesn't quite) work
Seth_Rogue_One14 August 2016
Starts out fairly decent, first 30 minutes is more of a comedy than anything else.

The quickly changes after that though and turns into something more in the horror territory.

And that's also where the movie starts falling apart.

In some aspects it works, it did have a good set-up and a decent enough cast, plus the cinematography was pretty cool and decent atmosphere but it's just the incredibly contrived writing that gets in the way.

I'd rather have no reasoning than what we are given and there so many logical loopholes in the characters motives and reactions that you can go hula-hooping with them.
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Hardwork never mind Blood work!
doorsscorpywag5 April 2012
Warning: Spoilers
It's an interesting idea. Some people take part in a drug trial in a creepy industrial kind of building cum hospital. Of course the drug causes all manner of side effects which end up with people snout deep in gore. In the hands of a decent writer and a bunch of decent actors it might have actually worked. Sadly it has neither so it didn't.

Travis Van Winkle, who is probably a relative of Rip, provides some light relief as 'Greg' but the cast are pretty dull and boring. Even the one playing 'Johnny Depp' playing 'Captain Jack Sparrow' could not drag it above the level of DVD bargain bin '3 for £5' tripe. It does have the odd moment that could have ended up interesting but again didn't manage to capitalise on that.

The horror stuff was the usual zombie flesh eater type of thing minus the zombies or 'Walkers' as I believe zombies are now known in the USA.

Eric Roberts appears for no reason other than the DVD cover can claim to star Eric Roberts. Why? Probably because he had a gas bill to pay or something.

The ending was laughable as Eric and his 'less than' elite team come in to clean up the mess and fail miserably enabling the utterly terrifying possibility of a Bloodwork #2 likely starring Eric Roberts.

It is beyond me how these awful films even manage to make back their few thousand bucks budget but the DVD racks are full of this kind of useless waste of 90 minutes garbage. Maybe it's because the gullible film audience falls for it every time. I am embarrassed to admit I did once again.
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Are you people joking?
Patient44427 October 2014
How on Earth is this a solid effort? Seriously now, I love horror in its many forms but Bloodwork is cheap and acts the same too. The subject is overly used, the actors are OK, the logic in the film is missing, no scares, no tension, just a lot of mediocre moments that lead to a very weak ending.

Bloodwork is a combination of things you've seen a thousand times, trust me, a little bit of The Facility, Insanitarium and so many like those 2 that I'm just gonna stop here. If you are new into horror, maybe this will seem like an interesting thing to watch one lonely, rainy night, but for anyone else, either familiar or just looking for a good scare, it will present itself as a very big disappointment. I was seriously surprised as how bad it was, I waited and waited and at a certain point I did realize that this is all it has to offer.

Therefore I recommend you look elsewhere, no point into watching something that was made long before, not even at the same quality. Bloodwork is a ripoff that failed badly, showed some potential here and there but it didn't work out well. So sad I got fooled by all those positive reviews and quite a good rating too. Well, you live and learn.

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Nice set-up, so-so execution
Leofwine_draca24 February 2016
THE LAST EXPERIMENT is a low budget horror outing that has potential but squanders it through a generally overly familiar feel and slightly sub-par execution. It's hard to put your finger on what exactly is wrong with this movie, because the storyline isn't bad at all and the pacing is spot on. But it never manages to be scary or thrilling for a moment, and instead is content to wallow in gross-out scenes rather than moments of genuine exhilaration.

The plot is about a group of diverse characters who volunteer as test subjects in a remote research installation. Unfortunately the drugs they're given have all manner of violent side effects which soon become apparent. The plot becomes more and more convoluted as it goes on, until the ridiculous twist ending. Also, THE LAST EXPERIMENT lacks decent actors to bring the characters to life, and you can feel the inexperience from most of the cast. Only a cameoing Eric Roberts reminds you of the calibre of actor who should be appearing in this sort of thing.
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Not as bad as I feared.
EricBrunel14 January 2017
Warning: Spoilers
OK, so I watched it without much hope, since I had read a few comments here and I expected something quite bad, especially considering this movie doesn't seem to be widely distributed and it had been quite difficult to find. But I actually found out it really wasn't as bad as I feared.

So first, a little summary - with quite a few spoilers, so be warned if you haven't seen it: two college boys accept to be part of an experiment in a pharmaceutical lab for what is presented to them as a test for a new drug for allergies. The test quickly proves itself to be something completely different though, as the drug being tested aims at making people more or less invulnerable. The problem being that it has quite nasty side-effects: first removing all feeling of disgust, then basically every kind of social inhibition, and also being extremely addictive. In the end, the movie gets into zombie-movie territory, even though there are actually no zombies in it, but flesh eating people who are almost impossible to kill are close enough…

So of course, the characters are quite mono-dimensional, and there isn't a lot of surprise here. The most "complex" character seems to me to be Dr Wilcox, and I think Tricia Helfer did quite a nice job: she has obligations and wants it to work, she's probably paid a lot for it and she might also know how everything will end up if she fails, knowing who her clients are. But her doubts show more and more as the experiment turns slowly into a complete disaster. So of course, she has cheesy lines, but after all, she hasn't been the one writing the dialogue… I found the acting mostly quite good, considering the obviously low budget and the simple enough characters.

I thought the atmosphere was quite good too, and I really ended up weirded out and wondering as the side effects started to show. The scene with the couple having sex while they are run over by cockroaches and don't seem to care the least definitely worked for me. The idea of having one of the study subjects needing an operation and ending up dying because it was impossible to cut her open as the wounds healed instantly was also very nice.

There are a few things that were quite bad though, mostly because they were completely unbelievable: the team of 'specialists' putting explosives more or less randomly in the building, the two college guys miraculously succeeding to escape after we've seen them running before the explosion when they were like on the 4th or 5th floor (hint: the only way they could have escaped here would have been to jump out of a window, and from this high, they would be dead or severely injured), the Aaron guy still alive in the end, but with a wound around his neck (either he has taken the drug, and he wouldn't have the wound, or he didn't, and he would be dead), and the guy chopping a head off with an ax, which is so unrealistic that is is quite laughable.

But in the end, I found the movie quite enjoyable. I spent a nice moment watching it, and I find myself remembering more the good points than the bad ones. I'll probably even watch it again one of these days.
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It's not that bad, could've been better
nathanmanson26 February 2021
The actors were actually pretty good to be fair to them. The story just wasn't quite there. They had the tools to make a really good film but I feel they might have just fallen short. If you're debating watching it you might as well Chuck it on what do you have to lose.
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Just an all around decent movie
Super short & sweet w/ no spoilers.

I truly enjoyed the film. While the concept of "voluntary medical test gone wrong" is not a new plot, the story told is a fun trip. No need for a synopsis, as it's covered in other reviews, but even the sentence or two in IMDB is enough to get the gist of what you'll see. So...on to content.

Honestly, there are no glaring issues with the production and quality of work. While there are few things I would change (as a backseat driver), Bloodwork is solid. Direction, production (and post), acting, sound, editing, and cinematography are all professional quality, with some smaller name character actors on the list of participants. One comment I would note - and one I've NEVER made before deals with sound fx & musical score. It's good, but it could have been MORE! And by more, I mean quantity, not quality. So often, horror films use music and sound as the backdrop for intensity or mood, and while it was used in the film, it was used sparingly. I'm not sure if this was intentional, but the inclusion of more "eerie sounds" or mood-setting music score could easily have been utilized in more scenes. This is certainly not problematic, but would have increased my viewing engagement even more.

As with many horror movies, the viewer's gotta take scenarios with a grain of salt. If you look for plot holes or spend time saying "that would never happen," you will find plenty of examples in the film. IF, however, you just sit back, don't ask questions, and take what you're fed, it's a fun watch. I tire of reading reviews filled with this type of feedback, as EVERY movie has issues like this. But quite frankly, that's not what this type of film is about. The goal is to engage the viewer in the story, profile the characters in a way that invests the viewer, then take the viewer on a trip filled with whatever thematic elements are this case, horror. So don't criticize holes or realistic aspects of the flick...'cause none of it is truly based in reality. Just sit back, get your popcorn & beverage, and enjoy. It's definitely worth the watch.

Quick notes on parental content:
  • plenty of profanity
  • plenty of intense and/or scary situations
  • there are two sexual scenes, both of which show female breasts. There are also multiple scenes with shirtless male actors.
  • no drug use, although pot is mentioned. Alcohol is used in one scene and visible in two scenes, as well as a cigarette or two. Qualified...there is drug use with respect to the trial drugs.
  • a good deal of violent content, blood, fighting, and a little gore. I'm a gorehound, and LOVE movies filled with good ole nastiness, and while this film is not saturated with it, there are a few scenes that include gore as an element...which lent to the horror concept.

A fun watch. Don't believe the bad reviews that highlight the story holes and realistic errors. Just watch and enjoy.
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raulfaust24 February 2013
Warning: Spoilers
From the get go this movie could be either good or bad, I couldn't prevent which way it would go. Sadly it turned out to be the bad way. First, actors don't fit in their roles-- two athletic guys going to a two weeks confinement for testing an unknown drug? The main doctor, a young and beautiful girl, plays the mad scientist, which obviously doesn't fit as well. This main plot has been used plenty of times, but I believed this one could bring something new. Instead, it used some clichés, and suddenly, by 20 or 30 minutes of movie, the drug testers all became acting like pigs and addicted to the substance. Surely we all knew from the beginning it would a big conspiracy from the drug makers, but we hoped it could possibly go in a different way. I assume that after the first hour I could barely pay any attention to this, but I tried my best to try to like it. Bad movie anyways.
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All For The Love Of Money, Not Science.
buckikris22 November 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I never heard of this movie until I saw it on Redbox, it caught my interest and I rented it. The movie is about to College students, Greg(Travis Van Winkle) and Rob(John Bregar), who take part in a pharmaceutical study. A new drug for allergies, it needs to be tested; and the pharmaceutical company needs it's Guiana pigs. The roommates want to take a trip to Amsterdam for Spring Break so they sign up regardless. I would too, for 3000 dollars who wouldn't. The drug is RXZ-19; and the viewer will find that out later in the film when they are at the clinic facility. Once they are there they are searched, for alcohol, cell phones, and any personal devices. The personal items are are stored until the trial is over. They meet others there, Nigel who is a trial freak, other students, one ex-con, and an older lady are there. The trials begin, with blood tests, Aaron who is a Phlebotomist comes around to Rob to get blood. Aaron gets the crap scared out of him when he is just doing his job. The trials begin with blood work, drug stages, and observations. Dr. Wilcox( Tricia Helfer) is a Dr, that is going to push the envelop with this study. The study is usually in 5 doses, but she is going the distance to do more than 5 doses. If you know anything about drug trials half the group gets the drug ; and the other half placebo. This is where I think they got it wrong with the study; usually more than one person gets the sugar pill. In this study they all get the juice except Greg. He is curious about what is going on; and goes to Dr. Wilcox's office. Once there he uncovers animals that have undergone serious surgeries; and wonders what is going on. Just then Dr Wilcox walks in and explains what she has done; and tells him what this drug is capable of doing. She finds out he is on the placebo, suffering from no effects of the medicine. He is normal, has no transformations; and is grossed out by rotting food, dead animals, bugs, and E.T.C.. The others are not and are turning into zombie like creatures. Greg truly finds out the effects of the drug, a drug that can heal a person in no time at all, a regenerative drug. When Greg finds out, he wants out; but the others don't. Dr. Wilcox is willing to pay 8000 to the trial subjects and staff. This is were she pushes the limits regardless of the outcome. She gives everyone 2 extra doses and the group becomes more violent and dependent on it, it gets to where the test subjects what more and more of the drug. The group starts turning into zombie like creatures capable of anything. In the end she realizes something must be done and starts the detox, Rob, Greg's friend is the first. While Rob is going though detox, the remaining subjects are out of control, killing the staff; and keeping Greg from leaving the premises. Greg finally sees Aaron, The Phlebotomist, and Aaron tells him he is still in the clinic. I have no idea why Eric Roberts is in this film except to show up, look menacing; and kill the only person(Aaron) that can help Rob; and Greg. The movie has some far out stuff; but other than that it is worth the 1.00. In Conclusion, Greg saves Rob they get out and finally find a car to take them to safety. The car is driven by Aaron, and both of them think he is O.K., WRONG. The ending could have been better; but this was a cool movie for a B horror film. I would recommend it for anyone who likes great old school horror flicks. This is one of todays horror flicks that has plot, and plenty of thrills.

THX, Kris L. CocKayne
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An Unmemorable but Pretty Entertaining Title
politehere25 February 2020
The movie was pretty entertaining. Well-shot and technically great. There are some really funny jokes told in the beginning of the movie. It has a very interesting premise, which I don't remember having seen in other movies, at least not in the fresh way it is presented here. The scientific explanation for why we are "disgusted" by certain things was excellent and I learned something new. The characters were all likable, even the seemingly bad guys. I didn't know who to root for. I guess I liked both sides, because neither side was actually bad. You find out why when the movie is about to end. The acting was superb to say the least. Actually, I was surprised by the number of good actors and actresses in this movie. They were all good-looking and knew what they were doing. The movie was not really scary, but it was entertaining. I could compare it to The Lazarus Effect (2015) in style, which interestingly enough has the exact same rating on IMDb. All in all, if you're looking to be entertained, do watch this, but if you want to get scared, look elsewhere. This is science-fiction, Thriller, Mystery with some Horror elements.

Final score: 7/10
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Story had potential, but overall so so.
J-Kidin15 November 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I saw this under the name Bloodworx-- same movie but it actually has several other titles as well. The story was your typical drug trial gone wrong movie but it did have some potential -- too bad it didn't have different writers. The ending was very vague and disappointing. Luckily some of the bad dialogue was pretty funny! One of the best silly lines by Dr. Wilcox "Everything's fine. Just be sure not to ITCH it. And you'll be good as new." Hahaha. Itch it! She's killing me with her technical medical terms! That's dialogue from a toddler, that an actual doctor would correct-- "no, honey, it's try not to scratch it-- not, itch it." hahaha OMG priceless!
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Eye Candy!
echopoint-3659624 February 2020
Worth watching just to look at the two main actors who are hot, especially with their shirts off!
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Blood that works for me!
paulclaassen10 June 2020
Being a trial patient for a new drug myself, I certainly could relate to the premise. Fortunately - for me! - things didn't get out of hand as it did for these poor guys - or not yet, that is!

The film starts off very realistic and well substantiated. They offer more than enough time for us to get to know and like the characters before the mayhem starts, so we can root for them. It is lighthearted at first, and fast-paced. I enjoyed the different characterizations. There's also an interesting reversal of attitude among the characters.

'Bloodwork' turns uncomfortable real quick and you might want to watch some of the scenes through parted fingers, knees up to the chin! Believe me, it gets under your skin. During the final act, things spin out of control at a rapid pace. There's also a few surprises in store. Be prepared, the film becomes rather brutal, gory and bloody.

The actors does an incredible job and I also found the script very good.

Would I watch it again? Yes.
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Could've been better
burgif26 February 2020
Good story well sorta, good acting, bad directing (cant blame it on the actors) adding Eric Roberts add more damage than good to any recent movie he was an extra in movies and will remain as an extra, his fame was to another unduly fame of his sis Julia Roberts whom had nothing to relate pretty woman but somehow Hollywood convinced the world that her is the standard of being beautiful
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Worth the view
mirakoff20 June 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Bloodwork was entertaining and did justice for its genre. Aside from a slow opening, the film had a good pace the whole way through. The writer took a new spin on "zombies", focusing on the psychological evolution from man to beast. (Spoiler) Loved the set up for when Dr. Wilcox couldn't get through the chest plate of one of the patients. Thought this was a fantastic story element that you won't usually get in the typical zombie film. Overall, the film had a nice directorial style that was creative, but subtle enough to not take the viewer out of the picture. Acting was not the greatest, Van Winkle was good, Johnny Depp 2 was a little too Johnny Depp. Aaron, the assistant, was had one of the better performances, and was a good sense of comedic relief. Definitely worth the view.
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Reminiscent of the Bob Hope/Bing Crosby "Road to ....'" movies
bfp1310810 May 2020
Two whacky college guys sign up for clinical trials of a promising allergy drug that has possible Covid 19 healing implications and get to eat weird foreign foods like raw rabbit and worms. When blood starts spilling, one gets to save the day and the duo head out to a new adventure ... or do they?
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Pretty good,, not incredible,, but good.
reddiemurf815 April 2020
If you are a horror/suspense fan, you'll like this (unless you expect every movie to have EVERYTHING,, budgets are budgets,, ya know).

College students sign up for this 2 week new allergy drug trial, only to find out the side effects are much more than they bargained for.

Just go watch it!
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Almost the same movie as The Facility
draftdubya25 May 2020
Just slightly better characters and known actors. Both of them are on Prime for free if you have a subscription. This one has more gore.
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Incisive Cautionary Tale and Intense Horror
jlthornb5119 April 2015
Well done horror film that blows the lid off Big Pharmaceutical as well. Travis Van Winkle gives a superb performance as a college student participating in an allergy study, placing himself in the hands of sinister representatives of an evil drug company. The study is one of the most diabolical ever conceived in cinema and reflects major truths regarding the industry. Trish Helfer is stunning and does some of her best work in years as the attracts Van Winkle's character to the program with completely evil intent. The tension builds quickly and the horrors which ensue are almost too much to comprehend in their terror. Overall, a fine film that is not without its flaws but which is much more than just a horror movie. What this production has to say about society's dominance by pharmaceutical fascists is profoundly true and needs to be exposed.
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nogodnomasters23 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Two college kids decide to allow themselves to be guinea pigs for pharmaceutical testing in order to make some extra cash. Greg (Travis Van Winkle) and Aaron (Joe Pingue) are given a tour of the place by Nigel (Rik Young) whose quirky character was reminiscent of Brad Pitt in "12 Monkeys."

The facility looks like a prison hospital. They are told they are testing a new allergy drug, but the guys are hip enough to know better. They also suspect someone in the group will get the placebo.

Dr. Wilcox (Tricia Helfer) runs the experiment and tries to keep things under control when they get out of hand. Weird things happen as there is a slow and steady build-up. Eventually a snooping patient (the one with the placebo) finds out what the real experiment is about and wants out. Leaving is not an option.

Decent sci-fi horror until Eric Roberts showed up at the end. Good sound track.

F-bomb, sex, nudity (Mircea Monroe) attempted rape.
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Not great, but bizarrely watchable.
Sleepin_Dragon12 May 2024
Two College friends agree to take part in a pharmaceutical trial for a new anti histamine medication, unfortunately the testing trials have a shocking effect on the subjects.

It started so well, the first half an hour or so was really intriguing, offering up several chilling possibilities, you have no idea quite where they're going to take it.

It has a few surprises and a couple of laughs, it's one of those films that's worth checking out if you're at a loose end.

Sadly the direction they take it in, is disappointing, it's so repetitive and predictable, it could have been a real chiller, if they'd stayed within the possibilities of reality, it could have worked,

Eric Roberts is here, but blink and you'll miss him, he's good, but is given minutes of screen time.

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Is Rik Young trying to copy Johnny Depp?
ellermania-6055410 May 2022
The movie was ok, could be more elaborated and gripping, worth a watch if you can put up with Rik Young being annoying in his poor attempt to act like Johnny Depp. Other than that it's watchable, one of those easy movies where you don't need to think much.
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Being made whole
kapelusznik1816 November 2016
Warning: Spoilers
****SPOILERS*** Movie about these two not so bright collage students Greg & Rob, Travis Van Winkle & John Bregar, who decide to spend their spring brake as guinea pigs in this weird experiment-In them being paid $3,150.00 each-in being subjected to this drug RXZ19 that's to rejuvenate their bodies no matter how much damage is done to them. With the sexy Dr. Wilcox, Tricia Helfer, in charge the two feel that they can hit on her or some of her women patients to make things even more interesting for them. It soon turns out that the experiment is really being conducted by what seems like the CIA headed by the man in charge or in the dark suit Eric Roberts who planned to have all those involved including Dr. Wilcox killed to keep the results from being made public!

What this experiment does to its victims is turn them into flesh eating zombies as well as have them become indestructible in that no matter what's does to them they come back to life with the bodies rejuvenating themselves minutes after their destroyed. Things got so out of hand that Dr. Wilcox calls for reinforcements from a nearby US Army base to stop the rejuvenated Zombies from breaking out of their confinement and killing and devouring anyone, man or animal, in the vicinity.

****SPOILERS**** It's both Greg & Rob who finally make it to safety after the military lead by Eric Roberts-The man in the dark suit- wipe out and burned the flesh eating zombies and had the entire place roped off and quarantined from the public and media. But the bad news for the two boys is that in trying to escape to civilization their picked up hitch hiking by the chubby Aaron,Joe Pingue,one of the few who wasn't effected by this experiment who to their shock, by him locking the car doors, is now himself a flesh eating zombie and driving them back to where they escaped from, the secret laboratory, to be incinerated.
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