Alien Intervention (2023) Poster

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Just a few too many story holes to give it a 7+
wendykyle24 December 2023
I'll lead off by saying I liked the movie a lot. It was intelligent, well acted and the camera work was incredible. Where it kinda lost me was with some of the story ideas that to me just didn't work. Firstly, it was strange that the main character was Japanese American "Sanada", and her father was clearly either from Japan or 2nd generation, and the mother was white. This alone is certainly not a big deal, but I wanted it explained because it's unusual to have that type of family in the New Mexico desert. So to just have that be a thing without offering any insight just seemed off. I also found the story that the govt. Agent broke the alien out of a top secret base to be laughable. Come on, really? Just lazy writing. The rest of the story was so thoughtful and well written that whoever wrote this thing could've done better, but I guess chose to give up in regards to this aspect.
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Trying to be deep, but kinda whiney
abbycarson-0049028 December 2023
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I love movies that are introspective and offer insights to life that are deep and thoughtful. And while I thought there were some lovely moments in this film, and the ending left me with something to think about, there were just too many moments where it was trying to be smarter than it was. Like the Eastern wisdom that the alien guy goes around offering? Seemed trite and overdone. And then there was the government agent who was written to be some type of fear and loathing type hippie guy but to be honest he was just creepy and I wished he'd go away. The dialogue was heavy handed and the mom was a stereotype. Honestly giving this thing a five is generous. Really it was a 2 but I'm in a good mood. So to the screenwriter of this over ponderous fluffy piece of whatever, you're welcome.
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Misleading title
jaygo-1297123 December 2023
Based on the title and the poster art, I expected something more like that film "contact" where it's firmly rooted in sci fi. But really I thought this was more a movie like "the station agent" where it's a thoughtful character study that explores the human condition and our quest for purpose and meaning. Honestly I'd of given this a higher score, but I was struggling with the tone and story for the first 20 min for the above stated reasons of title and poster art.

But overall, I really enjoyed this and found the message relevant and moving and quite liked the journey the main character takes.

Would definitely recommend.
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Solid character piece
tinaawesome-0324531 December 2023
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Sometimes a nice quiet character study is what you want, as opposed to a tense thriller or a big studio picture. If that's what you're in the mood for, then this film should be right up your alley. A slow burn examination of how people tend to put their expectorations in others rather than themselves, and how doing so leads one's life to implode, both emotionally and physically. In this case everything around Clive the main character is falling apart- her family motel, her relationship with her husband- all because she's waiting on someone else to fulfill her life. To the point where she dresses like a little kid because that's essentially where her life as she knew it stopped. But she confronts her fear, that there is no fixing her life and that there's a very real chance it won't get better, and while that's bleak, it's also beautiful because it causes her to stop looking for others to fix her life and she takes command of her own self and becomes a grown up. It's actually quite nice, just wish there'd of been a few less emotional fights with mom and the hubby before she got there.
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Heartfelt, intelligent sci-fi drama
nickclement-7422715 December 2023
This is an entertaining and very warmly crafted sci-fi indie drama where character and motivation rule the day, rather than elaborate special effects. It's both a "woman's picture" and also something very universal, with excellent performances and resonant dialogue that delivers on its themes without being show-offy about any aspect of the production. The performances are all very strong, with Gregory Jbara really nailing his colorful supporting role. The film also benefits from some casually stylish imagery, which pains a nice portrait, yet never calls overt attention to itself. We need more films like this one.
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I don't like sci fi but I liked this.
rexw-2598623 December 2023
I'll be honest, thought this looked like a dumb alien movie but the trailer seemed interesting so gave it a shot cause for three bucks why not? And it was a pretty satisfying film. The characters were all three dimensional, even the alien guy. Maybe there were some slow moments in the beginning but once the government agent guy ( from blue bloods) showed up it brought a new energy to the story and was very fun.

I didn't quite get what happened with the mom in the end but it's safe to assume what you think happened did happen. I loved the coyote stuff. Usually they are presented as negative in films so to see them as mystical and good was refreshing.
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Really nice film
bettygrand23 December 2023
Sat down and watched with my husband not expecting much but after five minutes we both looked at one another saying 'wow this is actually pretty good.' And the ending did not disappoint. It honestly made me wonder what comes next in this story as it suggests a new beginning for the main character full of possibilities.

Loved the mom character. Reminds me of my own. And the husband was actually sympathetic which is funny because I was prepared to not like him. There are a few swear words but this is definitely a family friendly film.

The camera work was absolutely gorgeous in this film. A few desert shots were just awe inspiring.
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spiritual or nihilistic?
mauricefletcher-543664 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I liked it enough to give it a seven, which I very rarely do because I find most movies tough to sit through because characters and plots these days are so dark and insufferable. But this was different. The story wasn't joyful, but it wasn't exactly melancholy either. It wasn't full of dread, but at the same time there was a moment when the woman asked the alien a question about the future of Earth and he looked at her in a way that sent a shiver down my spine. Are we doomed as a species? Sadly I think we might be. And this film suggested as much. But even if we are, it doesn't mean we can't do what we can to make things better while we are still here. And I found that takeaway to be dare I say inspirational.
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Alien Intervention is an entertaining and genre bending Sci-Fi gem.
mark-4787321 December 2023
Alien Intervention is a genre bending and thought provoking sci-fi drama set against the haunting and thinly populated backdrop of the dusty pacific southwest, with echoes of No Country For Old Men.

It successfully explores contemporary social dynamics, and questions how we might respond to alien life forms. Are they kind to us? Are we kind enough for them? The characters are much less stereotypical, and relatable than the usual stock sci-fi ensembles that we have come to expect. Alien Intervention asks what can we learn from each other. It begs this and other questions, which perhaps could be answered in a sequel.

It's refreshing for this genre that the alien is benign, and the humans don't immediately start killing each other!
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Nice movie with a subtle tone of bleakness
robbiekinzer28 December 2023
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I saw this when it screened at WoodStock Film Fest, and I think the first thing that struck me was how visually appealing it is. To the point where some of the landscape shots almost looked 3D. But what hit me next was how the theme of life is bleak kept coming up again and again. The motel is rotting, the main character's life is wasting away, the husband leaves, the alien returns home to uncertain doom and the mother dies. For what was billed family friendly, that sure is a lot of hopelessness. But at the same time, there's this core within the story that despite it all, we can't give up and we have to keep pushing for fulfillment and that we need to be grateful and accept.

All in all a very complex movie, which is surprising for such a simple story.
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One of the better releases from Vision Films
partyboy-6502617 May 2024
I get a lot of screeners and included in that bundle are releases from Vision Films. Admittedly I don't watch about 98% of them because the movies are just not great for a variety of reasons, and the ones I do decide to start I turn off after five minutes for the exact same reasons. This one I decided to give a try, and while I found there were definitely things wrong with it, I not only managed to sit through the entire thing, but I found the end message compelling. It's a well directed, well acted film that takes its time revealing the story, which usually is a killer because it means the writer is trying to work up to a big reveal. But in this one, it was more like the story took it's time because the director was totally committed to the premise and vision, something you don't see everyday, especially with films on an ultra low budget. With a name in the cast, I could've seen this film doing a lot more. A pity...
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Why can't more movies have this much heart?
zingerdinger29 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Unless it's a big studio picture, go into watching a film with very little expectation or understanding of what it's going to be. Even seeing the trailer for this I wasn't quite sure what the story was other than a little girl buried an alien's stone in the desert and years later he returns to get it. Okay, cute. But then we started watching, and in actuality that's not even what this film is about. It's really about a person who over time has completely lost herself and she embarks upon a journey to discover her purpose and internal harmony. Thing is, she doesn't even realize she's on the journey because she's too scared to admit to herself that everything isn't fine. But to everyone around her, it's glaringly obvious that things are miles from fine. So that's the really interesting thing- the journey that she takes that gets her to the place where she has to admit everything is a train wreck. And low in behold, that's where the healing begins.....

Fantastic film. Entertaining, humorous, and heartfelt.
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I love Blue Bloods and I love Alien Intervention!
richiebrixton28 December 2023
I'm going to admit that I'm not an impartial viewer here, because I am GREG GBARA'S biggest fan. I mean anytime he's on my screen I just swoon. And not because he's a hunky dreamboat, which he is, but because he's such a TREMENDOUS talent. I mean, the man went to Juilliard for heaven's sake people! So anything he does just comes with that additional layer of nuance and intuition that only a top ace actor can possess. And boy oh boy from the moment he appears to the moment he exits, I was simply raptured, sitting on the edge of my plether lazy boy gripping my jumbo iced tea JUST WAITING for the poetry to drip from his lips. And you bet your bottom dollar, it did. In spades. WATCH THIS FILM. SUPPORT THIS GREAT ACTOR.
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Another Janet Grillo gem
robynforsthe29 December 2023
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I've been an admirer of Janet Grillo's work all the way back when she was working at New Line and ep-ed films like Pump Up the Volume and Joe the King. Beyond producing, she's a fantastic director too, Fly Away being proof of her attention to detail and ability to tell a tightly woven character driven narrative. And this film is no exception. What made me love this movie so much wasn't so much the way characters talked, but rather the things we were shown with the lens. The dark nature of the house and how it slowly became bright and full of color, the way the desert itself became more beautiful as the central character opened herself up to reality. It's all very subtle, but it's the mark of a master director, and this will go down as another fantastic film from a fantastic director.
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Sub par Special Effects don't ruin an awesome story
quinnhottie26 December 2023
This movie kinda frustrated me to some extent because I could actually see it having attracted a few major names as all the characters were richly defined and had interesting unique perspectives. I'm guessing it was fairly low budget, however unlike most low budget films it's extremely well shot and very well edited. And the acting is amazing too, just the cast are a bunch of randoms. The only person I recognized was the agent guy but only because I recently watched Oppenheimer. So all in all, this film gets an 8 because it really is so well done and is really thoughtful, just have the feeling with a star in the cast it coulda been the next First Cow or something.

Here's to hoping the creatives behind this one find the avenue to put out another film.
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Very nice movie!
soonyung-3682331 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Very good film! Enjoyable watch! The main character is appealing to watch and understand in a deeply personal journey of discovery and awaken. Mother is a sad and troubled person who lives in a dark place and grow complacent but in final moment of life is awaken to beauty and joy! Husband very selfish man who only think of own wants and desires and happy he left! Main character better off without him! The desert quite beautiful landscape but also very lonely and that to me is perfect position for story to be told. I like the dog very much as well, as it is a gentle guide instead of treacherous demon. We can all learn so much!
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Well made film and it doesn't have any guns in it!
rhondabrumder28 December 2023
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It seems any time I try to find something to watch these days the only options are movies with tons of guns and violence or movies about serial killers. I get that people love those types of movies but what about the rest of us? Well, this film was a DELIGHT. Great acting, a quiet story and relevant timely themes. There are a few mature scenes- like the main character having sex with her husband on the kitchen table and a few arguments where profanity flies loud and proud, but other than that, it's a clean movie that kids of all ages can watch and appreciate.

In terms of stand out performances, I'd say the mother and the government agent take the cake. What wonderful and underrated actors! Great to see a movie made this well give them a chance!
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A fine first effort from a Wisconsin screenwriter
jimbarkow28 December 2023
Caught this when it screened at the Milwaukee Film Fest this past year and loved it then and love it now. The attention to detail in the writing is absolutely amazing and clearly the story was crafted with care. As a person who's written a few books that I've published myself, I know how hard it is to get something out into the world and then have it be received positively, so to the screenwriter, I say, good good job sir. It must be thrilling to see your vision on the screen and see people responding to it well - as judging from the packed house at the Times Cinema from when I saw it. Looking forward to your next film should you be afforded the opportunity to make another!
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