"Star Trek: Picard" Mercy (TV Episode 2022) Poster

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jamisonjohn21 April 2022
There were some very enjoyable parts, and some not so enjoyable parts. I love the Borg Queenish/Gerardi, I love the Q scenes, I love the Picard/Guinan scenes. I'm so disheartened that they have mis-used Seven. They also made Raffie or whatever her name happens to be, completely useless to the story. She contributes absolutely nothing, the same goes for Rios, he contributes nothing to the story and he experiences no character growth. Brent Spiner was very good as always. Not a bad episode but leave the filler dialogue out. It's useless. If you can't think of anything to say, hire new writers. I guarantee you the fans are capable of writing far better scripts and they would do it for free. This show is a waste of three absolutely wonder legacy characters. Give them better scripts!!
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Not good enough
lucazauli9623 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This episode is a sight better than the last one, although the latest instalment of Picard's second season is still plagued by the same awful writing issues.

The separate storylines that weave this season together are met with a rather hard wall in this episode, writing-wise, and while much is spent trying to hype things up for the finale, this episode still lacks the consistency to make things work. Not to mention this alleged hype-fest is extremely boring to watch as a standalone episode.

Jeri Ryan quite predictably steals the scene in this episode and every time we get to catch a glimpse of Seven's Borg trauma, it's a treat. Jeri is so good and makes that work extremely well, in my opinion, and that unfortunately completely eclipses Raffi's struggles that this season has painfully tried to impose onto us. Even Jurati's storyline, arguably the best one so far, also struggles in this episode, unfortunately.

In regards to Rios's own storyline in this season, well, let's just say the FBI-Fox Mulder wannabe guy got more character development in a half-episode's worth of screen time than Cristobal had in a couple of seasons. Unfortunately. And quite likely, FBI dude's own background, well, is a glaring inconsistency in regards to Vulcan lore we got from Enterprise, but you know what, who cares at this point. We chugged down every bit of random lore specifically created to make things work in this or that episode and then dropped, that's nothing, really.

In regards to the editing and the whole rhythm of this mess, there are improvements, somewhat, but the feeling of watching a 45-minutes long teaser trailer is there, is strong and it's not going to get away. And that's probably the worst thing about this episode, along with an obnoxiously baroque screenwriting.
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Batteries not included.
southdavid8 September 2022
Whilst certainly not enough on its own to save a season that has largely gone off the rails, this eighth episode of "Star Trek: Picard" was better than the last few have been. At the very least it remembered some of the storylines that previously seemed forgotten.

Picard (Patrick Stewart) and Guinan (Ito Aghayere) are interrogated by FBI Agent Wells (Jay Karnes) who believes them both to be aliens. By accident more than judgement, Well's is closer to truth than he knows, but his delaying of Picard's progress might prove fatal for the whole world. Raffi (Michelle Hurd) and Seven (Jeri Ryan) meanwhile close in on Borg Jurati who is getting ready to begin assimilation.

As I say, better is not quite the same as good. The whole FBI storyline doesn't really ring true, in retrospect. Wells is apparently a joke agent, obsessed with Aliens (with good reason it turns out) but was able to organise a swathe of highly armed tactical officers in order to arrest Picard in the first place. Again, all this feels like story added to slow the season down and pad it out, rather than one that intrinsically plays into it. Rios is spinning his wheels on the ship too. We address the Q storyline a bit more, but it's really still unclear why he's "dying" or what's going on with his power or how he managed to walk into an FBI building unchallenged.

Jurati is, and should at this stage, be main thrust of the storyline. She teams with Brent Spiner's Adam Soong to further her endeavours. Soong is a weird character. A brilliant scientist, who also seems to have unlimited capital, but is angry when refused funding, and who also knows how to hire the worlds top mercenaries. And has not been arrested for the hit and run even though several people saw it and it was established there was CCTV covering all of the NASA gala.

Still a jumble of ideas and storylines mixed into an unsatisfactory mess, but at least better than last week.
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X-Files reboot coming soon?
Geekfreak1321 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I enjoyed the episode.

Cigarette smoking man becomes obsessed with Aliens, look at his gestures, and the famous cardboard box.

Data will have some of his fathers memories, and create a daughter

The new Drones should all have problems, because the Lithium batteries are not so stable for her liking.

I really enjoyed the episode.

Also, Jurati, has nice legs.
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Slightly better than previous
snoozejonc30 May 2022
Picard and Guinan are questioned by the FBI.

This is an okay episode with some aspects of the story taking shape.

Certain plot-threads feel like they are starting to develop, but the general narrative is not moving with any great momentum. The best part for me is the backstory of the FBI agent and the revelations about Q.

I like the concept of the Borg plot but as with a lot of the show it feels to be plodding towards an eventual resolution, that might take place during the space launch.

The scenes involving Soong and Kore involve some good dramatic exchanges between the characters, but the storytelling feels pretty contrived.

The Seven/Raffi and Rios scenes are the weakest parts once again.

Patrick Stewart is great, as is John de Lancie, Brent Spiner and Ito Aghayere. The remainder of the cast are solid.
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bobcobb30115 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This was actually good at times. The interrogation, the backstory, the action. This is what we need more of from the show and I hope the last two hours of the season can salvage things.
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"Am I dreaming or is this a nightmare?"
vsek22 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This is a direct quote from one of the characters in this episode. And I couldn't agree more. What is this I am watching? A bad cop show? A telenovela?

This show is written by the much lauded Kirsten Beyer (new Trek) and Cindy Appel (new MacGuyver, Superior Donuts). But it's another bad episode. There isn't much budget put into the scenes as Picard, Guinan & Q all wandering around in some FBI cellar room. Raffi Seven and Jurati seem to be acting in one L. A. alley and Rios with his family are on the ship.

Once again, we are supposed to feel for a new character being dumped on us. The FBI guy is obsessed with finding extra-terrestrials but after finding them (Picard and Guinan) just accepts that he is fired from the agency and leaves. And that is supposed to make sense. It makes even less sense to leave two of your interrogation subjects in the same room so they compare notes about time travel and so on. And they are not concerned if they are being recorded via hidden microphone.

Say nothing of the incredibly stupid Vulcans who scan a pond with scum water at night in the 70's or 80's without scanning for life signs.

All these stories don't advance the plot enough to warrant an entire episode, to be honest. It's pointless bickering by Not-Seven-of-Nine and Worst-Starfleet-Officer-ever Raffi, more witchcraft by Guinan (with nosebleeding just like in that hit show Stranger Things!) and Picard not meeting Q for some reason. Rios is furthermore destroying the timeline by dating a doctor from the 21st century ON THE SPACESHIP! And instead of being amazed by a spaceship and time travellers, they are talking about cakes and cooking shows! It's just a train wreck.

With some shows or movies, you can see that every penny of the budget is being put on screen. This show feels like a bit of a swindle. It has been said that season 1 had a budget of 8-9 million dollars per episode and it was reported that it went up for season 2. But where is it spent? By having 2 people talk on a static set? Or walking around on L. A. streets? Where is the sci-fi? Where is the wonder? Or even character drama or clever allegory? Not here, Im afraid.

Last episode, Seven and Raffi repair the ship, beam a medical device to Rios and beam themselves back to L. A. In this episode, it's suggested that the transporter is broken. Do these writers even compare notes?

The bad writing becomes ever more apparent when Kore, recently aware that she is the product of genetic engineering leaves her maker without money, plan or even shoes to survive in 2024 on her own. What am I watching here?

I really like Brent Spiner and John de Lancie but they are wasted in this show. It's so heartbreaking to see them act in this incoherently written show that doesn't even know what points it's trying to make or what audience should watch it.

It's almost unbelievable that large portions of episode 8 of 10 is spinning its wheels to not spend money on visual effects and still introducing new characters.

Soong can just buy ex Special Forces military and they gladly let themselves be assimilated by the Borg Queen who is freshly enhanced BY LITHIUM-ION BATTERIES. It's another ham-fisted attempt at social commentary. Yes we are dependent on those batteries at the moment. And what are you, the writers, are telling us? That it's a fact? That our "assimilation" is on the way? Are you capable of writing one smart thing or a clever allegory?

Plus, I'm confused about the whole battery-eating thing. Jurati opens rather old looking cars - why are they equipped with lithium-ion batteries?

The few bright spots (Q, Spiner, Seven's reluctance) are overshadowed by this uninteresting screenplay.

Why make a show about old legacy characters and then change them almost beyond recognition? Why draw in the old fans and then present this universe as totally different? Do they think we just want more lore piling up and meaningless nostagic references?

A quote from someone recently was that modern Star Trek is just ABOUT Star Trek itself. It's either referring back to Star Trek or it's self-aware that it's Star Trek.

And that is just embarrassing for the writers. Please, writers... I know season 3 is already filmed and there's no hope of this getting any better, but listen: Ask yourselves. Why is Star Trek special? Why do you have this job? Is it to write ABOUT Star Trek or actually write Star Trek?

I am sorry but the head honchos are still Alex Kutzman and the senior producers. They approved all of this. This show is going into the history books as a colossal failure. This is not only bad Star Trek - it's bad tv.
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"A crusty old admiral who is now a flesh and blood robot"
bosporan21 April 2022
Sometimes this show is self parody!

Despite that, this is an excellent episode with some well crafted dialogue and interesting stories - Mulder's obsession, Q's impotence, the Cagney & Lacey quest, Frankenstein's Monster and the daughters of Zeus. All these pull together in a mission to save the world.

Some fabulous performances, notably guest star Jay Karnes as Agent Wells. One of my favourite episodes this season.
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allmoviesfan17 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
A better episode than "Monsters", but that isn't saying a whole lot. The Borg Queen is on the loose inside Jurati's body in Los Angeles. Seven of Nine and Raffi are trying to hunt her down before the worst happens and Rios is trying to de-Borg La Sirena so they can get home without any nasty surprises being sprung on them. Meanwhile, Picard and Guinan are in some sketchy file room in the basement of an FBI building with Agent Wells of the FBI who has his own secrets to hide - and some fairly incriminating CCTV footage. Rios has Teresa and her kid on La Sirena, which is giving me flashback vibes to when Kirk brought Gillian Taylor aboard the Enterprise in Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home, continuing the Star Trek homage theme that has been hit and miss - but mostly hit, it has to be said - in the second season of Picard.
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Ugh. And the plot crawls forward at impulse...
district-2310525 April 2022
Who is writing this stuff? It's just bad.

The supposedly super clever characters are making the most ridiculous decisions in a storyline that is boring beyond anything I could have imagined.

It's all just not good enough.
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NewTrek is dead
kythia22 April 2022
Picard was our last hope, but Patrick Stewart failed us. Miserably. Utterly. Completely.

A reunion between old adversaries Picard and Q over a new Borg invasion could have been awesome. Instead we see frightened little boys, Seven on a wild goose chase, Data for some reason, and some other pointless sidekicks doing whatever.

Boring doesn't cut it. Without a soul doesn't cut it. This is nothing. Its not good fiction. Definitely not science fiction. And absolutely NOT Star Trek.
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Hack writers
cvwrjb24 April 2022
Hack writers who never took the time to understand the mythology of trek. For god sake's watch some of the classic shows before you destroy a franchise.
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Pretty Mulder-ish FBI agent...
XweAponX31 May 2022
I knew there was more to the guy when they started showing those flashbacks...

Also "the summoning" apparently worked and Q finally shows up, but it is not what Guinan expects. Or, what Q expects. I am starting to like this "Younger Guinan"- she does not look much like Whoopee, but she has some of her mannerisms. We learn a couple more El-Aurian things as well.

Meanwhile Rios entertains his two guests at La Sirena, that much cake would make me ill as well... and remember in season one, it caused Jurati to get violently ill, but that was exactly what she was trying to do.

Rios had blurted out an interesting rant in episode two when he was "On ICE"- unbeknownst to Picard. Here, it bites Picard right on the rear end. Which gives him more to deal with with Pseudo-Mulder (Agent Wells- I almost want to relate him to the character named "Welles" from Babylon 5, who was originally in the night watch and later was taken over by an alien in Crusade- played by John Vickery). Same kind of character almost. But he is also a lot like Mulder, so, Psuedo-Mulder. Chasing aliens with a badge and a gun and yelling to the high heavens or to anybody who will listen, that "the fix is in, the sky is falling, and when it does, it is going to be the PooStorm of all time..."

Meanwhile we have a nice confrontation between Adam Soong and Kore, after she has an interesting virtual meeting with A variation of Q... Some fun there...

What is of note here is that the intentions of Q start to take shape, and what we thought he was doing is not in fact what he is doing at all. In fact it is Younger Guinan that spills the beans.

And finally Seven has to be Seven without the implants. And a lot of truth comes out between Seven and Raffi. They have a confrontation with The Jurati Queen. Sometimes they confront the queen, other times they confront Jurati. Only we can see what is going on in Jurati's head. Nobody else knows what is going on in there...

Oh Yah: Who said anything about lithium being in car batteries? I don't remember anybody saying that in this episode? Nope, it never happened. Jurati needed energy to kickstart lithium that she already got from elsewhere. Seven explains exactly what is going on, it was as if the person who said this, invented it out of nothing.

If anybody is waiting for Adam Soong to suddenly become a good guy, keep waiting... it's that dark DataLore streak.
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Franchise loyalty and maybe a better way to watch 'new' Trek like Picard/Discovery
berkovich-7659222 April 2022
I continue to watch these 'new' Trek shows for reasons I can only ascribe to some sort of perverse franchise/brand loyalty, which I imagine might be true for many forever Trek fans.

I stay with it, bizarrely, in the forlorn hope that it might improve. And I thought the first two episodes of season 2 of Picard were good but it's since gone downhill, largely as a result of modern TV's incessant need to 'serialize' every show. The season-long story 'arcs' of both Picard and Discovery would have been quickly done in two, at most three-part episodes of classic Trek but no, now they're extended to (thankfully) seasons of just 10 or so episodes that nevertheless feel like a 35-episode slog. I find I'm constantly thinking, well, just x-number of episodes left in this season to get through. And unlike previous Trek, which has always prompted repeat views, I've never once and never will repeat watch any 'new' Trek episode; there's just nothing compelling me to do so.

I still watch them as they air, but almost as background noise while my attention drifts to reading or whatever. But I've developed my own sort of speed viewing method. Just watch the "previously on ... " opening segment, then find a good plot summary somewhere, and you're good.

And, whatever happened to using outer space as a vehicle in a sci-fi show? You know, boldly going and all that?

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So very Star Trek.
mjackiw-165-31389626 April 2022
Such a great episode! All and everything of TOS, TNG, and it was wonderful! Definitely one of the best episodes for a true Star Trek fan. Picard, Quinan, Q, Soong, all wrapped up in a great story about humanity.
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This show is now even worse then star trek discovery .
salmanbucha-4887224 April 2022
After seeing star trek discovery i had proclaimed it the worst star trek show ever made but this picard show is even worse then that .since cbs bought the rights for star trek it has been nothing but garbage . Star trek movies were better then whatever garbage cbs is coming up with.
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Just Finishing the Series At This Point.
jp-20622 April 2022
We're just trying to bring closure to the "Star Trek: Picard" season two experience. There's two episodes left after this one and we're assuming all these wild storylines will be wrapped up in some fashion. The writing is so cliche at this point there doesn't even seem to be a point of looking for creativity. The performers are doing their best with crap writing. It's awful.

Two stars for no appearance from the Romulan Incest Twins.
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I'll give it this much ....
MrDavidCJohnson25 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I knew there was something wrong with Q!!! Didn't see that he didn't cause the time travel thing coming, however. The way it was explained, everyone thought that he caused the time anomoly ... with one notable exception, however. But, I've not written off the show as bad writing, it just plods along sometimes. I love it when it speeds up .... It's great along with it's twists and turns! That's what makes Star Trek fun. Live long ang prosper!!
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Stuck so very deep in the mud
fallafel-121 April 2022
You all know the meme pic where Picard face-palms, right? This was another Picard face-palming Picard worthy episode. There are two episodes left and the series is still treading water. The two leftover ones will most probably introduce some awe-inspiring (not really, just being sarcastic) curveball and a major cliffhanger.

This review doesn't contain spoilers because how do you spoil nothing?

It's really tough being a fan of both Star Trek and proper scriptwriting nowadays.
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Sheesh this show is getting boring
AbsentMinded25621 April 2022
This show is hopeless. The writing is absolutely terrible. No reason to care about any of the characters. What even is the plot? There is just too much nonsense going on. The writers are filling gaps with useless information and stories that nobody cares about. Next time just make the season 3 or 4 episodes long and skip all the BS.
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Waste of my time
asalimi22 April 2022
It's going nowhere. Super slow, scattered and unnecessarily complex. Dragging something meaningless. Boring and low level. The who episode could be done in 5min. You don't have a story to tell, then why are you even making this? Shame. This is going nowhere.
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Awful Story, just going nowhere
CaptainKot22 April 2022
I'm not sure what the writers of this show are thinking, but this seems to be going nowhere, especially after the last episode. The story is a total mess, boring and dragged out in what probably could have been a two-part episode in the TNG days.

Star Trek was always about a positive future and something to hope for. Now we have this mess, with characters talking like they have never left 2022 (and the politics behind), and everyone in need of therapy sessions.

Picard and Q are shadows of their former TNG characters, and the rest of the characters are just so unlikable that I really can only hope the Borg win and wipe them all out (that would get a 10/10 rating from me)

Watching TNG, DS9 and even Enterprise, the difference is night and day. Even some of the worst ever episodes of those series beat this.
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Episode got worse as it went on
rythestampede23 April 2022
Will probably be the worst of the series, we've reached Discovery levels of stupidity and probably beyond.

This isn't Trek, it's some Sci-Fi slice of life romance.

So many cringey moments.
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No Trek for old men or Stranger X-Files
christianschumann22 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Not much better than the last outing. Random thoughts while watching:
  • in which world is this Guinan between the one from the 19th century and the one from the 25th? I am not talking about the look, but the behaviour...
  • Agent Wells is kind of cool first, he makes more sense than the main cast, until the big mystery box is solved: he is indeed Mulder. Are you kidding me?

  • almost forgot about Soongs daughter, these storylines are ignored, and then suddenly picked up again, season is just not well structured. But the scenes itself are well done, good acting
  • couldn't they have used a custom headset instead just using the most popular (Hololens 2)? Lame, especially given that Soongs tech is obviously not aligned with our real time
  • woah, Seven and Rafi are really anoying together
  • that much cited red dress is just stupid and out of place. Do we really need that?

  • the Rios romance is anoying
  • Q is not Q, talking about 'holy ritual' just ridiculous, just not behaving like Q
  • still in the past, no trek, no stars, no fun.

  • flashback shows Rafi in all her frustrating glory
  • why do we have to give Guinan a new super power? And why does she have to bleed from the nose like Elvie from Stranger Things? Lame. Still playing the old copy game..,
  • telling Agent Wells everything is the only way this story could go on?

  • So, dwelling on the past is what makes humans special? Is this an in story justification for the constant copying of this 'creative' team and the fact that everybody in 'Trek' is now broken by the past?

  • new assimilation FX with green gloeing skin is cheap.

So I guess we will stay in this exciting year of 2024 until the end of episode 10. Just what I ordered 😕
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This is bad
freshorange24 April 2022
The actors are good but the script is horrible. Borg Queen in red dress runs amok in the city. Conversations leading nowhere and everything feels more like Denver Clan than Star Trek. This is as bad as Star Trek Discovery with the only difference that the acting doesn't suck / Burnham). I am out!
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