Sharkula (2022) Poster


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Yikes! The Worst!
bill-566112 July 2022
I'm always up for a cheap shark movie but wow! This is the worst excuse for a movie ever...I'm in shock.

It's sort of unreal how they've patched together random images and locations and called it a film.
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Greatest Movie Ever Made
bobsagett13 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
... is not a phrase anyone can give to this movie. It was so bad. Like, why was fire lady there?

Nothing about this movie made sense but it's fun to watch high.
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This sucked
holly9000-125 July 2022
And not in a good, Dracula way. More in a Hunt's Point hooker at 3 AM way. I like a good, or even a bad shark movie. This was neither. The people who made this pos should be ashamed.
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Absolutely Terrible
panther_husky26 July 2022
You know who these people are that give these films a 10/10 rating? I kept cringing from the moment the film began. How on earth can you call these production films? There are so many talented film makers out there who are struggling to get money, to produce quality films and out comes this garbage! The story line / plot was not thought about, the actors not believable - in fact they were terrible and embarrassing and the special effects? Laughable. The whole film is laughable and if someone calls this a a great film (a masterpiece in the making), they have no idea what film making is all about.
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Had to be made by high school kids....
JCinHB15 August 2022
OK, the reason we are here is that we like B grade shark/horror movies to get some good laughs.... well... STAY AWAY from this one. I am 20 minutes into it and its just bad, really bad. There are Sharknado and Sharktopus that are GREAT in the cheesy sort of way... but this is just bad.

The acting is bad, filming is bad, plot is bad, editing is bad, special effects - you can't even call them special effects, just bad.
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This is not sharknado
jelbianchi26 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I can only say that the best part of it is the dancing woman on the beach coming back again and again without no reason .... I was hoping for something else, not a master piece, but at least a good laugh as the name suggests.
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kevinsward27 July 2022
Was this recorded on an iPhone 6?

Quite possibly one of the worst films I've seen, its right up there alongside Dinosaur Hotel and i didn't think that could be beaten.
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Sharkula? More like sharktackulious
alanporter-4562411 August 2022
I cooked chicken mid way through and still got everything story had to offer. Beer battered chicken with salt and hit sauce - but not as hot as the production quality. The CGI was a little ropey but the camera work and editing was second to none. Liked the GTA San Andreas graphics they went for, makes everything pop like my ear drums when you have to turn it up for the quiet parts and then get blasted buy Dracula's beautiful voice. Couldn't finish my chicken in the end.
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The budget must have been around $500
Darthfrodo5815 March 2023
I'm not even sure where to start. I've seen bad movies before, and I've acted on stage with poor actors, but this movie has both in spades.

I think most of it was literally shot on somebody's tracphone. The refresh rate gives about half the film a feel of slow motion that can make you queasy just watching it. The actors (bless them) are trying but it's pretty easy to see that they're amateurs of the first kind working with a script that needs a lot of help. Nobody seems to really show any emotion in their roles, they just read the lines. The guy that plays Renfield kind of reminds me of somebody imitating John Lovitz but I was distracted by and had to laugh at his eyes moving back and forth as he read from his cue cards. Every 10 minutes or so the film cuts to a character (somebody's girlfriend maybe?) of a woman standing on a beach twirling some things with lights. No idea what that's all about? It's about the only parts of the film shot with a passable camera.

The set is someone's poorly lit house and unfinished basement, and special effects are limited to a rubber shark head, a rubber bat, and some stuff done on somebody's laptop. They really should name their company Amateur Studios, because this is the kind of stuff you see from a High School drama class.

I give it one and a half stars because (although it is really bad) these guys are trying and you have to start somewhere.
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Worse than Sharks of the Corn!!!
wilddaisyflower31 July 2022
I've watched this twice now. Why you might ask? Because it is so bad it is fantastic!!! The acting is horrible, the special effects are ridiculous, the hotel is someone's house, the script is hilarious, and the night filter reminds me of a stocking over the lens. If you want to waste an hour of your life....or 2 in my case....then this is the film for you. To be honest, though, I will probably watch it more times just for the comedy factor!!! It is hilariously stupid!!!!
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It will blow you away
lilyd-6639125 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Everyone should watch this movie once in their life, I was blown away with the phenomenal CGI, acting and story. You will be too. As as avid fan of Dracula and sharks I knew this movie would be everything I wanted but wow I was blown away with just how much I loved it. It would be hard to find a single problem with this film, my only complaint with this movie is that it could have been longer. It was filmed with such clear expertise that rivals the best movies out there. If you are looking to laugh or cry this movie is what you need. If you have not seen this movie you are really missing out. I will be recommending this movie for futures to come and truly believe it should be remembered forever as one of the greatest movies. So please for your own sake watch this movie and become blessed with the masterpiece that is sharkula.
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Hilariously awful
continuumx25 January 2023
This is another movie that I have to give two different ratings.

As something for the general movie viewer to watch, this thing is complete and utter garbage. It looks like crap. The story is incoherent nonsense. The acting is terrible. The effects are unbelievable in the sense that it's hard to believe that they actually put that in a movie. The sound quality is awful. It's really bad.

For fans of B movies, this movie is hilarious. It opens with Dracula being chased by a torch and pitchfork wielding mob of around 5 people through a field. I think this scene is supposed to take place at night but I'm honestly not sure. Dracula is chased into the ocean and runs into a terrible CGI shark which he bites. Then it cuts to a couple of goobers getting a Summer job in Lovecaft-reference-ville or something. Then the story starts I guess. Whatever is supposed to be going on begins. The monster is the front end of a rubber shark with some wings from a cheap rubber bat stuck on the back hanging from some fishing wire or some red eyes awkwardly photoshopped on to water. It's both hilarious and ridiculous. Occasionally, they cut to a series of images that have nothing to do with anything. First they cut to some guy in vampire makeup who is not in the movie. Then they cut to some other guy in different vampire makeup who is also not in the movie. Then they cut to some really nice looking footage of this really hot fire dancers strutting around on the beach at sunset. This is by far the best looking part of the movie and they definitely didn't film it. She doesn't actually do any fire dancing though. She just sort of struts around and spins her fire things a little. That will give you an idea of how bonkers and incoherent this is.
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90 minute migraine
sonofjackdaddyt30 January 2023
I'm a fan of watching bad movies but this one was hard to watch.

Horrid acting, awful "practical effects" and the CGI looked worse than if they had tried to do it in the early 90s. The whole movie looked like it was shot on an iPhone 4 in a slow motion effect but somehow isn't. The only good shots were very obviously free stock footage that doesn't match the editing quality of the rest of the film. Dracula's accent is indecipherable due to the fact that it constantly changes.

Fun to make fun of for the first 15 minutes but then it's just an absolute migraine machine. This is definitely the kind of movie you put on when the movie isn't the main event.
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Bucket 'O Chum
nogodnomasters28 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
John and Arthur take summer jobs in Arkham at the Bucket 'O Chum restaurant and motel. They take orders from Renfield who in turn works for Dracula. A vampire was devoured by a shark and they live near the coastal waters where sacrifices are made to the Sharkula.

This is a Polonia Brothers production which always promises a campy style. It has a horrible script, no name actors, bad acting, and worse special effects. Almost as bad as cardboard cutouts and crayons. I am not sure what the flaming baton dancer was doing. It is supposed to be so bad it is good, but truth be told, it put me to sleep. Can be seen for free all over the Internet.

Guide: Something that sounded like an F-word. No sex or nudity.
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Really boring
bagelbiterboio11 November 2022
Yeah I saw this and I saw the reviews and thought it would be a so bad it's good type of deal. It mostly wasn't worth it. I watched this with some friends in hopes of a good laugh but we didn't get as much as we wanted. Besides the very beginning and the ending where things start to pick up this movie is just plain awkward, embarrassing, unfunny, and very boring. The poor quality of just about every aspect of the film is a little funny at first but that where's off quickly. In conclusion not the best way to spend your hour even if you have some buddy's with you. Go watch a Neil Breen movie instead.
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Is this real life? Or is this just fantasy?
arnsam00726 September 2022
I have watched a lot of movies in my life and I am a fan of bad movies but wow... no amount of bad can prepare you for this.

Made with makeshift images and free assets found online, Sharkula keeps on given with the terrible. The movie seems to have been filmed with a very high quality Nintendo DSi camera. The acting is... well mmm... just not existent I swear. It's not entirely the fault of the actors tho since the dialogues seems to have been taken of a 5years old "learn to read!" book.

Remember the last time you stub your small toe on the corner of a door? That was probably less painful :)
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So horribly bad that it becomes fun to watch...
paul_haakonsen14 March 2023
Right, well with a title such as "Sharkula" then of course you can't have any expectations to the movie. And I didn't, but I still opted to watch this movie from writer and director Mark Polonia.

And I have to say that the movie was bad, it was oh so gloriously bad. In fact, it was so bad that it was actually a fun watch, and that made sitting through 71 minutes of "Sharkula" seem like a walk in the park.

The storyline in "Sharkula" was laughable. Of course it was. I mean, Dracula bites a shark and turns it into a vampiric shark. But the movie is so much more than just that, because there is a lot of nonsense going on. First of all, the movie takes places in Arkham, so there was that, the fact that the movie apparently took place in Lovecraft's universe. Then there was the hobo that was supposed to be the iconic Dracula. And then you have random footage of a woman on a beach doing some dance while holding something that is ablaze, and you also have random footage of some man wearing horrible fake toy vampire teeth appear out of nowhere and hiss at the audience; it serves absolutely no purpose and made no sense. Oh, and you also have two zombies milling about, wearing cultist robes and wearing Paper Mache masks. It was gloriously bad.

The acting performances in "Sharkula" were bad. Quite bad actually. Tim Hatch, playing Arthur, was the only one gifted with something that actually resembled acting skill, whereas the other performers in the movie were just staggering and stumbling through monotonous lines and rigid acting performances. But these horrible acting performances were so cringeworthy that it actually added to the cheese that is "Sharkula" and made it all the more fun to watch.

The special effects in "Sharkula" were exactly that; special. There was no budget for the special effects in the movie, and it shows. But again, it adds to the cheese and helps pile up on the goofy stuff that actually makes "Sharkula" a fun watch.

If you enjoy horribly bad B-movies, then you most definitely have to sit down and watch "Sharkula". Because writer and director Mark Polonia delivers a top notch bad movie here.

My rating of "Sharkula" lands on a generous one out of ten stars.
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Even Satire Should Have Standards
mlovacheff-50-35447926 July 2023
This movie was shot at 15 frames per second. One can only assume that the special effects and props were created under pressure of a deadline for a 3rd grade project. This is clear evidence that anyone with the will and mediocre resources to produce a movie, can.

The acting was effective in creating cringe. The establishing shots were inconsistent. One shot was a bland rusty dock, then the next shot was a colorful harbor. One look out the window was at the colorful harbor and 2 seconds later, the same window produced a 3 track wide railroad with a blurry image running across. The underwater shots were irrelevant and confusing to say the least.

Perhaps this will be a cult classic but it will more likely end up being a cautionary tale for anyone that carelessly attempts satire.
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Losing my religion
kosmasp24 March 2023
No pun intended - and I reckon only works if you are aware of the song. A classic - the movie right here not even close to a classic. Now of course we can talk about all the things that do not work here (effects, acting, script and so many more things) ... but if you are one of the people who do not mind ... or rather relish in the mayhem presented here .. any objectivity here is out the window.

So if you can just sit back and laugh at the ... well low brow? I am not sure if I can describe it any better - but the movie that has name checks (yes Renfield is in this too) ... but it is the actors that really sink this ... well if you can call them actors that is. So many things wrong with that ... well now you know ... and hopefully make an informed decision ... better not watch.
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Who Doesn't like a Mashup of Shark and Vampire Films,
SeptumSin13 September 2023
Sharkula is a film about a shark bitten by Dracula that becomes a Vampire shark. In current day a few people come to work for Dracula in his docks in an oceanfront town only to discover something more sinister under the waves.

Sharkula is an interesting concept for a film, I can't say there have been any times where I would have seen something with a vampire shark quite like this one. For that the film is pretty fun in concept. In execution the film is nowhere near as good at it should be ("good" being a relative term). The movie drags a lot at points showing really bad pacing issues. I feel that this is mainly to drag out the film's run time which I feel could have been cut down to about 45 min and become a more solid piece. This is one time where the concept itself and the setting really sell the film.

Sharkula has some conflicting feeling for me when it comes to acting. I felt that a lot of it was unenergetic and took me a little out of the film but there are exceptions to the rule. Jeff Kirkendall was amazing as Dracula, I loved how he played the main as a powerful vampire but one that was wrought with insecurities, especially when dealing with his bride played by Jamie Morgan. I also would say that a surprising star of the Show is Kyle Rappaport who plays Renfield. His portrayal of the character is probably one of my favorites when it comes to vampire films. He has the right level of creepy detachment that it makes his performance almost as memorable as Torgo in Manos: The hands of fate, and he didn't even have to be high out of his mind to play this. I would say if there is anything that would bring you to watch this film it would be these two actors.

The effects work does shine through in many areas with this film, I really like the hybrid vampire shark look as well as the puppet used for the lead villain. Costume design and makeup as a whole was good and I'd expect nothing less from Mark Polonia. One of my favorites was the cultist costumes and masks making them look particularly creepy. The camera work sadly takes away from this. The movie as a whole is a very blurry, foggy mess and that is very sad. The exceptions are the scenes of the dancing flame woman and I don't know exactly where this footage was filmed but it is a jarring difference to what the rest of the movie holds.

Finally the music. I really enjoy most of the soundtrack as it does its job. The Sharkula theme is by far one of my favorite movie themes of the year. It is a catchy toon that really works its way into your head where you'll likely be singing a long.

Sharkula is a great example of a great concept done half-heartedly. If feel that there are some good moments, such as seeing Kyle and Jeff perform and the fun costume design but for the film as a whole I'm not sure I would watch it unless you are a fan of the actors or Mark Polonia, and for Polonia you have your pick of shark movies if this is not your jam.
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This movie changed me....
doopadimdam2 September 2022
Twas a cold Octobers night. I was tired and dreary. I had had but only one query. What film shall I watch to quench my thirst? What media shall I consume to aid my mind. As I searched through each movie that the services had to offer, none but one single film caught my eye. Sharkula. A film produced with such amazing grace. The way the camera whips around to show the beautiful graphics used to potray the shark make even Stephen Spielberg envious. The cinematography is rivaled only by the likes of Vince Gilligan. The acting, ooh the acting. The way the emotion is potrayed on the actors faces. It's beautiful. I believe every man, woman and child MUST see this film. It has inspired me to pursue my film dreams. This film transcends the screen. It is more than just a film. It is an example of the purity of our beautiful nation. This film stands for all the freedoms deserved by every man, woman, and child, despite race, age, location, physical features, or differently abled. FIN.
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Its so good, it made me cry.
pamelahealdisamazing28 February 2024
Its so good that I cried. The beautiful birdemic level CGI. And we all know that birdemic is an amazing movie, just like this. The camera quality? 10/10. Don't even get me started on the character writing and acting. Some of the best acting and writing I have ever seen in movies and shows. The music is absolutely amazing. The theme song, who came up with these lyrics, omg it is so good. It must have taken years to come up with that song. Its just the best movie i have ever seen. 10/10, would 100% recommend watching it.

(Yes, this is satire. Sharkula is probably one of the worst movies of 2022 lmao)
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Ahowudoon9 April 2023
I'm a fan of bad movies, but this one was a little rough. Of course the acting and "special effects" were bad, but I expected that going in. Really, my biggest complaint is that the frame rate seemed off for the whole thing. Finally got used to it, but it took a while. Love that half the movie takes place in someone's grandmother's house; didn't even take meds off the shelf in the bedroom. The walker in the basement/crypt is a winner too.

I've watched a handful of shark-based B movies and this one is average if that kind of thing is your bag. Probably won't watch it again, but I'm sure I'll talk some of my friends into watching it :)

Classic bad B movie!
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So bad!
GiselleRomana30 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Sharkula is the worst movie I've ever seen. It is the story of count Dracula fell into the ocean and passed the spirit along to a shark.

The acting is terrible and the special effects are trash.

Renfield is supposed to be creepy and Erie but just comes off as annoying.

They couldn't even find a real shark and used a toy shark with bat wings pasted on.

The script writing seems like it was wrote by a 10-year-old. It was so bad.

My family and I watched this film thinking it was going to be good. We were proved wrong in the first 5 minutes.

It was actually so bad but it was funny about how bad it was.

So if you're looking for a very trashy movie this one is perfect for you.
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The Best Movie I Have Seen All Year
catspasta11 June 2023
Hilarious plot, absolutely no discomfort felt especially at the character Renfield. Sharkula is an absolute god of a fish and the way the plot does not make sense whatsoever is truly inspiring. I love the use of stock images and poor editing, it really makes the whole film worth the watch. Sharkula has a glorious design, some weird cutout of a bat with a shark's head. I love how they reused shots multiple times and you could tell how much greenscreen was put into this. Also the truly amazing angles that do not help the story along and are just a wonder to sit through left you guessing where the budget was used. The acting was glorious, it had little emotion and over explained the story. The redeeming quality was the soundtrack. Sharkula will forever play in my mind and I recommend getting drunk and watching it with friends.
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