In the Same Breath (2021) Poster

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Let the truth be told
kennethkwr420 August 2021
Excellent documentary! If this doesn't win a award we should stop giving out awards all together. A must see documentary. Especially for the "Doubting Thomas's" of covid 19.
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In 2021, we had never seen footage like this before
asc8524 August 2021
Since these reviews stay posted pretty much forever, it may be commonplace in 2026 or 2031 to show footage inside of Wuhan, China when Covid hit in 2020. But in 2021, to see a film like this showing scenes of what was going on in Wuhan in 2020 is really amazing and cutting edge. Bravo to director Nanfu Wang for getting footage like this out to the world.

I also appreciated that when it came to showing the American response, that Wang showed equal culpability among both Republicans and Democrats alike on the things they did wrong in trying to manage Covid when it hit us in early 2020. Hindsight is 20/20, and even though mistakes were made, I honestly think that both sides of the aisle were trying to do what they thought was the best thing for a situation that was unprecedented. Later on, how to manage Covid became way too posturing and political, but that's another movie to be made at a future date, I suppose.
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Wuhan Exposed
steviemagay23 August 2021
This documentary tells the untold stories in Wuhan. Its a hard to watch, seeing people who are about to die in the hospitals. It also shows the contrast between the response of China and US against the pandemic. Freedom VS political system. Sad to say both can have done better. Such an excellent film.
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raw, emotional, and thought-provoking
a_filmcritter24 August 2021
This has everything you'd want in a COVID-19 documentary. I was very impressed by the way Director Nanfu and the rest of the crew shot this entire documentary. It was beautifully shot, it perfectly captured the emotions pouring from those who have been affected by the virus. My heart broke watching some of the scenes of families and hospital staff members. It left you mad and sad with the way the government handled COVID, despite it being unprecedented.

The juxtaposition of Americans and the narrative in China, was by far the best piece in any language on the pandemic. There was great comparisons to the lack of leadership by the governments. This documentary shows its viewers the brutal truth; the truth that many people would choose to look away from because it is so unbearable.

This documentary was a much needed point of view, and I'm glad the brilliant film was made and shared.
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Truth be Told
bryanngunjiri22 August 2021
Excellent documentation of events. Must watch. The show should get an award for exemplary reporting.
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A Disney-like ending ruins the potential powerful message
filcoco0043 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The film did great job in capturing the dark side of what happened in Wuhan, and I thank her for showing the story for those families who lost their loved ones. Not much platforms were given to those people.

BUT! I think the director's personal opinion of CPC blinds her from seeing the real issue, and give her false hope in humanity.

The ending provides an Disney-like ending if all relative information was released at every beginning. She miscount that the virus is a silent disaster, no one can see the severity until it was too late. No government will be put enforcement, unless the virus is proved deadly. No one will follow the rules unless they saw the damage. The optimism will numb everyone, the virus is feed by the ignorant and arrogant. Unless we face this flaw in our nature, this will be happen again and again, no country can survived from that.
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Astute. Arresting. A Must-See.
Pelivista3 September 2021
An hour after watching this documentary, I'm still processing it all. I don't know how to describe it still, but I'll just say that it was visually captivating and it elicited a highly emotional response in me. Please watch for yourself and then write your own review.
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Use of science for political propaganda!!!
li09044268 February 2022
It's very ironic that the same people who defame China for being anti-democratic and hiding information about the first cases of Covid-19 are the same people in the West with their democracies and freedom of speech condemning science and using it for political purposes. It is at the same time sad, shameful, and ironic to note that the two extremely opposite in terms of democracy; one with lack of freedom of speech and the other with abundance, are exactly the same: radicals, ignorants , lack of education, imbecility, immoral and above all, they use fake news to promote themselves.

We should never ever mix political, religious views and science to solve humankind crises and if you don't believe it, just watch the recent news around the Globe.
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Sunsphxsuns20 August 2021
Sometime in late 2019, and January 2020, a newly discovered virus, now known as COVID-19, quickly grew into a respiratory illness pandemic. There would be much debate on how it was born, or where it began. However, we now have learned that the virus can be especially deadly to humans with underlying medical problems such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, chronic respiratory disease, and cancer.

Moreover, the world has learned the hard way how easily the COVID-19 virus spreads, primarily through droplets of saliva or discharge from the nose when an infected person coughs or sneezes. Hence, the inconvenient yet prudent use of masks and "social distancing."

Nanfu Wang's "In the Same Breath," is a cutting look at this devastating pandemic. She neatly weaves the political narrative with the personal suffering of people first hand after she flew to China with her infant to visit her family for the New Year.

This is her story, told through a documentary film that immediately fills the eyes with images of hospitals, medical personnel, Chinese and US news reports, fear, denial, and other visions of pure disbelief even as the virus continued to quickly spread beyond China and across the globe.

What may transpire from this documentary is that the world was unprepared for such a catastrophe, and the strong leadership that was necessary to form a reaction plan simply didn't come to pass.

As of August 20, 2021, 4,417,500 people have died from the coronavirus COVID-19 outbreak.
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In the same breath, but not in the same tone.
Shaun_of_the_Dude2 September 2021
Firstly, I'm from Liverpool, UK. Which pretty much means that I'm neither for the U. S, nor China. I'm somewhere in the middle and have as much respect as disdain for these two leading superpowers.

I watched this documentary and if you are reading this, it means that you're either looking to see if this is worth your hard-fought time, or you're someone linked to the project looking for kudos.

Like the above statement, I'm neither going to recommend that you do or you don't, and I'm not about to praise or diminish the work.

What I will say is that, in this time of 'fauxness', I'm not actually sure what was real or fake in this production. It was hard to tell at time and whilst I'm fairly sure (as both a critic and sometime filmmaker myself) that there are portions that are somewhat fictional, whilst there are some portions that are reality.

What this film does, as you can probably tell from the front cover, is draw similarities between these two nations and their respective responses to the pandemic. It isn't a new concept and has been done for years by the likes of Brecht, Ibsen and Mike Leigh (albeit in fictional works).

I'm not equating Wang to the likes, but the concept still stands - it is a game of wag the dog - or in this case, Wang the dog.

Crafting a documentary isn't that hard in the grand scheme of things - you create a timeline from point A to point Z, amass your media, and tell a story. It's such a simple concept, a kid could do it.

The hard part is telling your story... filling in the rest of the alphabet. This is usually done by media and narration. Both are well done by Wang and she does a good job of internalising and externalising her story to suit the needs of the film.

Some of the footage is a bit dicey at times and their origins aren't really cited - some for obvious reasons. But one thing does trouble me. There is footage presented that was shot in a Chinese Doctor's surgery which just looks bizarrely edited. Hardcoded are English dates and times (CCTV dates and times), and these are usually hardcoded by the camera's software.

But if this footage was captured in China by Chinese cameras and Chinese softwares, wouldn't they be in Chinese? I am not sure - but I figured they would be (just as in other segments of footage).

Therefore - I spent the rest of the documentary questioning what was real and what wasn't?

It's a given that the "hospital" footage was a honeytrap for reporters in order to keep the eyes of the press away from the real problems. It just looked like a fake hospital and I'm no expert here, but I was sure that there was footage released by the CCP which had obviously been staged - and this hospital looked very similar.

So, again, it is hard to filter out the agenda here and when that happens the film actually starts to resemble a film and not an expose or even documentary.

Wang gives details of her motives a number of times and I respect that! Yet, there are just certain parts which makes you wonder what the superagenda is here and whilst any good documentarian will say "You are supposed to make up your own mind" (to an extend for such subject matter), I was waiting some big reveal.

This is worth your time if you're someone in the future looking for context on Corona. Yet, make no bones about it that this documentary is not the be all and end all just because HBO picked it up.

You won't really learn much that you can't from Wiki and/or the history books (unless someone rewrites it). But it is an interesting citizen journalism piece from someone who has obvious pulls towards both the U. S and China.

With that in mind, it is interesting to view a tale woven from someone with dual citizenship and obvious leanings towards both cultures and countries. She does a good job of epitomising the title of the film and walking you through her points of view on both sides of the fence.

But as I've said - don't take it as read and don't take it as a given that the whole unfettered truth is presented here. Truth is - I doubt any of us will ever know the 'tru faz' of what happened here.

All we can do is tell our stories and hope the chips fall on the table. One thing is apparent though, it's all about the numbers and different representations of those numbers.

Watch if you will, or don't. But if you're a follower of Rona (as I am), you probably won't learn much outside of the sphere of what you already know.

However - one take you will take is that the U. S and China are two cheeks of the same butt. We (UK) are somewhat the crack and we take all the wipings and whatnot and keep the clangers. We have a hand in both countries and craftily wipe our cracks with variable degrees of success.

With that in mind, go forth and watch. But watch our for the clangers.
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Everyone should see this documentary.
oshngrl5 September 2021
An extraordinarily painful documentary that every single person should see. The unflinching video of early Covid victims in China should be enough to convince every anti-vaxer that they are on the wrong path. At the very least they should see this documentary before they've made their final decision, if it isn't made for them, in an ICU unit.

The experiences of the citizens of Wuhan were beyond painful, beyond unthinkable, and beyond, I would think, the comprehension of most Americans.

This extraordinarily brave documentary will keep you up at night, hoping and praying that no one you care for will ever have to face these choices. And your heart breaks for the people who have had these terrible options thrust upon them.

This documentary should win every award given to documentary filmmakers, but more importantly everyone who has had second thoughts about getting vaccinated should see this.

If you know and love somebody who hasn't had the shots and is dragging their feet or flat out unwilling, send them a link to this. You might save their life.
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Do Americans Listen To Themselves?
adrian-m-miller10 September 2021
This is the kind of unsubstantiated nonsensical bs that has had America in wars since the 1960's, and yet you still wont learn, this is yet more proof of that...

When will you learn that proof that you manufacture to suit your political beliefs isnt going to end well for you

Staggeringly insanely stupid stuff, especially when sadly, all too often, you draw my country (Australia) into your paranoid world view and wars that kill not only my countrymen, but innocent civilians in their thousands

American, fix your own (considerable) issues before claiming to be a beacon of propriety.

America invented more ways to kill humans, and succeeded in doing so than the nonsense in this propaganda video - actual and unassailable fact.
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A Fantastic Documentary!
rehan_abbasi9318 September 2021
I was blown away by this work. Loved how the director focused equally on China's and America's responses to the virus and how both administrative systems failed to contain the virus. This documentary needs to be seen by more people.
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Revealing and damning look at China's early response to COVID
paul-allaer3 February 2022
As "In The Same Breath" opens, we are in Wuhan, where there is a massive celebration for the new year. On January 1, President Xi speaks to the nation that 2020 will be a special year. In the very same news broadcast, the news anchor mentions that "8 people have been punished for spreading rumors about a new pneumonia". It will be another 22 days before Wuhan goes into lockdown. By then it is too late...

Couple of comments: this is the 3rd documentary from Chinese (but now US resident) film maker Nanfu Wang ("One Child Nation"). Here she carefully reconstructs what actually happened in December 2019 and the early months of 2020 in Wuhan (a city of 13 million), and how the Chinese authorities dealt with it. Suffice to say that it ain't a pretty picture, and that would be the understatement of the year. In fact, this documentary is a blistering indictment of the sheer manipulation of the Chinese people by the propaganda apparatus used by the Chinese Communist Party. If it wasn't clear yet, this documentary proves with devastating evidence that in China the well-being of its people is, at best, the third highest priority of the authorities. The first and foremost concern is the Chinese communist Party. The second concern is the "Motherland". Then, trailing far behind, is the Chinese population. Hence, the Chinese authorities cover up and deny or outright lie, time an d again, showing no empathy for the plight of those infected. Deep into the film, Wang also looks at the early response to COVID in the US, and finds remarkable parallels to the Chinese early response. We are of course not surprised, given the sheer and complete incompetence and worse by Trump and his cronies (this is examined in greater detail in documentaries like "Totally Under Control" and "The First Wave"). Bottom line: I don't know that "In The Same Breath" is the definitive account of China's early response to COVID-19, but it certainly is very revealing and damning in every which way. OF course since those early months, the Chinese response has been to crush the virus, no matter at what cost, human or otherwise. As of today, China is the only country in the world that still clings to a "zero COVID" policy, Why? Not because it's the best policy for its people of course. Far more important are the Beijing Winter Olympics, which must and shall succeed no matter what, so that President Xi comes out looking good and he can be re-elected this Fall to an unprecedented third term, unofficially making him President for life.

"In The Same Breath" premiered at last year's Sundance film festival to immediate acclaim. Now a year later, it remains rated 96% fresh on Rotten Tomatoes. The film started airing on HBO last Fall and remains available on HBO On Demand and HBO Max (where I caught it). If you have any interest in the seemingly never-ending coronavirus, or are curious about China in general, I'd readily suggest you check this out, and draw your own conclusion.
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China exposed
vanurazvan4 September 2021
Conclusion of this documentary is that sadly the Chinese comunist party destroyed milions of lives around the world. There was word "China lied people died".

Liked to see the real evolution of this global disaster, in end got the message... While the Chinese government made a disaster, we can't turn back time, so we as people must be united and help get this pandemic down as much as we can, it can be done by ourselves, by trying to not spread this virus, it's hard I know, but we must do it!!!

Not in any means with the help of any government rules and lies.

People must do it!
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A Very Revealing Documentary That Should Be watched By The Whole World!
silicontourist18 January 2022
An excellently researched, made and produced film that shows categorically the egotistical, uncaring attitude of politicians (around the world) as regards their own citizens lives! We are all aware of how the WHO (World Health Organization) and the CDC (Centre for Disease Control) lied to everybody almost from the very beginning; instead of admitting they did not have a clue about COVID-19 - or any other COVID man made disease's!

As regards the China part of the story. I think anybody, with a modicum of common sense, knows that China cannot be trusted and they lie about everything and so, we more or less knew what to expect from them. A lot of China's health problems (a lot of you will remember SARS - Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome - doing the rounds of the world back in 2002) stem from the fact that China is a very congested and poverty stricken nation. They will deny this of course but, it is a fact! Because of this and the way its people in poverty exist day to day there are many health violations (I have witnessed some of the things they get up to in my own country, because they are totally without consideration for other people). Not all Chinese are like that in my country I am glad to say.

If I was a world leader I would call for non trading with China altogether! Things are going to get worse with this country!

Americas politicians and medical experts are seen to be just as dishonest as their Chinese counterparts in many, many ways. Again though, the American people are beginning to be aware of what self centered liars their voted representatives are...its only taken them a century or so to wise up to the fact. This film will make many aware of just what really went on and is still going on.

Much of the problem that the world has had with this pandemic, is having been lied to about it from the very beginning! People were thinking of how they could make money from it and, how they could fool populations into going back to work by playing the seriousness of it the economies would not suffer too much! Lives did NOT matter to the people in control, the elite power-mongers etc. Our lives mean nothing to them!

WEAR A MASK (even if you have Asthma) and you women forget about smudged make-up etc and think about other peoples health - and your own - instead of being so vain. And you younger people stop being so arrogant and stupid, as it will kill you just as easily as its killing millions of other people like you! Our air is polluted, some areas worse than others!
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don't forget
f-02032-0319410 April 2022
One hundred steps and one fifty. What if the pot calls the kettle black?

It really shook me up and I cried a lot They're dead. They died by forgetting.

"I am lazy and comfortable in this loud embrace. All the doubts of the day and the first night are swept away by the blessed air, and I feel that the saints of heaven and earth, drunk with beer and cigarettes, stagger in the air, ready to bestow infinite happiness on the people of Lu town." In 2002 it was Jiang Yanyong in 2019 it was Li Wenliang and they were not treated well. I can really understand some Taiwanese and Hong Kong people now. "even death doesn't scare me,why would I fear the communist party? "
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Only ONE Party Capitalized Off Covid
richnlp-4047411 September 2022
Decent doc. To those saying 'both' parties could have done better in the USA...LOL. President Trump did better than anyone at trying to protect Americans during the pandemic. HE had a proper vaccine, but the left blocked him from giving it out to the masses. Which, by the way he did not FORCE on anyone, unlike the Dems. Then the left made sure anyone who didn't feel like being forced to inject an unknown substance into their body - were demonized, fired, made homeless, and publicly ridiculed. Thanks to ONLY Biden and the left. History will remember that it was Republicans, Trump MAGA Republicans to be exact, that fought for American's freedoms during Covid. When Dems say 'both' parties are to blame, they really mean THEY f'd up lol.
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When narrative is controlled by government...
gottliebmaria-143-71347525 February 2024
I never believed everything coming out of China, if it is released by the Chinese government. There are many YouTubers who criticize the Chinese government and are constantly harassed by paid people (paid by the Chinese government). There are many wannabe YouTubers, mostly Eastern European or maybe old-timer journalists that are no longer working, paid by them like USD2000 for every video telling only good things about China. Unfortunately, many people believed them, also even I have seen officials from the US saying stuff like "We should follow what China is doing about protecting the environment. I am like... are you kidding me? They do no such thing. They are building new coal plans still, polluting the freshwater due to unregulated waste distribution from companies; 90% of the water in China is unusable. Unsuable as in even if you boil it, it is still not safe. The sky doesn't lie... all the fog you see is polluted air. Listen, any country where the people have no freedom of expression... news is controlled by the government... even the currency is controlled by the government.... means that country is high on corruption, dishonesty, dictatorship... and pretty much just bad. What is even scarier is now with the AI technology, they even use YouTubers who are Caucasian, use both their face and even their voice, to make a video talking about how good China is or how badly other countries are, in Chinese. Yes... I am not kidding. It's hard to tell if it is fake unless that YouTuber follower finds out about it and lets the YouTuber know. I am telling you, that country treats its citizens like a bunch of flies.
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For Chen Quishis all around
avindugunasinghe2 July 2023
The concealment the suppression amidst a health crisis is what's wrong globally with systems we follow. Political ideologies becomes masks for a common authoritative governing that keeps people in an illusion as long as it's affordable. In the same breath is a truly magnificent production that documents two distinctively different systems are actually carbon copies of failure. Wide range of participants that makes a harrowing exposure of the COVID's rampage. Great visuals that would shake the illusions of normalcy. Excellent critique of disaster politics. Intelligent us me of audio highlighting every point that's spoken by Nanfu Wang. Must Watch !!
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Haven't I been saying that they're not that different?
lee_eisenberg5 September 2023
While the coronavirus dominated 2020, an equally important point was the response of various governments. Nanfu Wang's "In the Same Breath" compares and contrasts the actions taken - or not taken - by the governments of the US and China. The basic thing to take from it is that both governments sought to use it for their own benefit; it didn't help that large numbers of ignorant people in the US called the pandemic a hoax.

All in all, the documentary shows what happens when you have an incompetent and/or self-serving government in power (much like "Don't Look Up" did). I sure hope that in the decades to come, the responses of various governments receives ample scrutiny. In the meantime, definitely watch this documentary.
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Propaganda galore!
amitdass-6737723 August 2021
Don't be fooled by the synopsis. It does start off with Chinese cover ups but quickly becomes a political propaganda.
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from her perspective
I, as a cameraman, was in wuhan in the beginning of 2020. This is also the reason i want to watch this, although i don't want to.

I want to say this at first, all the images are true. I appreciate what the director did to put this together. I also have full respect of those photographers who were there at the very beginning to save the footages. The two stars are for them.

But once again, if you call that chinese propaganda, i will call this documentary a western propaganda. It is full of selected images and so carefully avoid anything positive. There was huge chaos at the beginning, and i believe wuhan has been doing its best to survive. I saw many many brave people, from hospital exports to neighborhood management, tried everything they can to put patients into hospital and save lifes. Nurses taking care of sick people without any protection even knowing they can be infected. People outside hospital are gathering supplies to prepare for lockdown. Other cities outside Wuhan are sending doctors, equipments, foots to support Whhan. And people were grateful. The situation was far beyond difficult. And Wuhan has been strong.

Think about putting you in a Sci-Fi world like resident evil without a game instruction. This is what you have in Wuhan in the the spring of 2020, and Wuhan successed.

If you go to wuhan today and talk with general people, you will see what people concluded after all those days. And i disagree the tone of this documentary.

Mistake has been made, lives has been sacrificed, but people in China is doing their best to conquer this pandemic.

And as it described on the imdb page, why dose Chinese government turn pandemic cover ups in Wuhan into a triumph? Because we didn't cover anything other than the heroes died body. And we defeated the devil, we won.
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The ending missed an important piece of the fact...
jzhangzq28 August 2021
That the virus was also found prior Jan 1st before China knew about it. Surely, they should silence some but they had no idea what they were dealing with.

The 2 governments are indeed similar, with both Biden, trump & Xi.
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