"The Rookie" In Justice (TV Episode 2021) Poster

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Enough is enough.
cckzc12 January 2021
99.9 % of police officers are a service to their communities. See what happens when cities cut back on funding. Better still why not send in the social workers and warriors first? Why not let the departments weed out the very few bad ones? I'm tired of these shows on CBS airing "talking points". If I wanted "talking points", I'll turn on the network news and other media.
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Changes in the Police Department
claudio_carvalho26 October 2021
Sgt. Grey informs that after the corruption problems of Nick Armstrong and Erin Cole, there will be changes in the station to try to rebuild the reputation of the police department. Lopez is promoted to detective and her first case is a mysterious breaking in a mortuary. Nolan and Harper are assigned to community policing in a poor area also as a form of punishing them. West has a new Training Officer to replace Lopez, Doug Stanton, and soon West notes that Doug is a racist police officer. The car of Chen is stolen and soon she discovers that the homeless teenager Tamara Colins is the thief.

"In Justice" is one of the weakest episodes of" The Rookie". The storylines are boring and cheesy, and Nolan and Chen are "too good cops". The funny police stories are better and better. My vote is six.

Title (Brazil): "Em Justiça" ("In Justice")
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From faster than a speeding bullet to carrying bullets
llewellynf197416 January 2021
What a huge climbdown it must be for Brandon Routh. From playing one of the most famous & iconic superhero's of all time, to playing a goofball in DC Legends and now a second fiddle LAPD officer.

I'm not even going to mention all the PC/Woke rubbish in this episode either...
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mikemcbride9701612 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
There's a lot of shows that attempt to address current social issues these days. And to it's credit, the Rookie did a decent job. It definitely felt forced and cliche at points, but it wasn't totally one-sided. In my mind, there are two things that could and should be done. First of all, if you're gonna try to create dialogue. Actually create dialogue. Any time Nolan talked to the new character, James, he was never given a chance to really speak. It was as if James had the final say everytime even though half of what he said didn't even make sense. For example, when Nolan mentioned arresting the dealers that come into the park, James' response was "more black and brown people in jail". Then a moment later he told Nolan to solve the communities real problem by getting meth out of the neighborhood. How might they do that you may ask? By arresting the dealers. It seemed rather than creating a dialogue, they were more interested in a self-righteous monologue. They second thing they should do is to make Routh's character actually turn out to be a good guy. First of all, they've already done the racist white cop storyline. Second of all, having Jackson encounter another racist white cop is only going to make his character jaded against white cops.
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Blatant sign of the times but that's not a bad thing
MadValkyrie11 January 2021
The Rookie promised that this season, they would address systemic racism & police accountability and they did not disappoint. While this episode does seem to be very heavy laden in addressing BLM and police brutality, this is not a bad thing. The way this is handled, by the perspectives of the African American community, white cops and cops of color makes for a very balanced take on an issue few seem to grasp the gravity of. I will say that Brandon Routh's character seemed a little cliché to me but I can't say first hand what it's like to be on the receiving end of police treatment like that so that could be dead on for all I know. I've seen many people review this episode negatively given it's new "woke" agenda but most shows throughout history, comedy and drama alike, have addressed the issues of the day in their own times so this should be nothing new to those watching. This episode stays true to its' character's intents and emotions while still allowing them to evolve in a very natural way. The writing is still solid and the show delivers home both a powerful message and great entertainment. Black Lives Matter.
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taedirish13 January 2021
Most of 2020, I wondered if this show would return, given the political environment, particularly in regard to law enforcement. A lot of the reviews of this episode trash it for having a political tone, However I would have been surprised if the show did not address the situation at some point. You can't have a show about a middle-aged white male cop and ignore the systemic racism prevalent in today's society. All in all, as cheesy as it may have been, I think they handled the subject matter relatively well. I did not feel as though I was being force-fed some social justice agenda, and I appreciated that. Fillions Shows have always been light hearted and I do believe that is a large part of what makes them work. This show has proven to be no exceptions to that formula. I am glad that they got the subject addressed without sacrificing the integrity of the show. My biggest criticism is that the actress playing Sgt Lopez often looks like a bug-eyed cgi character. I'm assuming that making her character pregnant is the easiest way to gradually write her off the show... I would not recommend judging this entire series off of this one episode. If you did not care for this episode, give it another shot and I think you might be delightfully surprised.
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Deals with actual issues in policing
CoryCA12 April 2021
Ignore all the people giving the season 3 episodes low marks for supposedly being "woke". Those people just want to deny that racism exists in policing, and any show that wants to be realistic needs to deal with that. There are racist cops, and it's not 99.it are good with only 0.1% bad apples. If that were true, carding would reflect the actual demographic make up of a city, but instead people of colour are overrepresented in the carding stats for any North American police force.

This show is doing a great job dealing with these very present issues in society today.
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Solid episode that rubs the conservatives the wrong way
Little_C12 January 2021
Because this episode tackles a real world problem, the conservatives are, again, rubbed the wrong way.

It's a very common thing nowadays that, as soon the series talks real world problems (racism, negligence from the higher echelon for the lower classes, prejudice), the 1 out of 10 ratings fly around like it's an airport.

Please, please, keep an open mind and watch it yourself, and don't believe the whiners who want to live in a fairy world. It's a solid episode that, due to runtime, can't go into the problems as deep as they should, but do what they can, without being too preachy.
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Stop being political
jenjoylife11 January 2021
I love this show and usually give it a high rating. Racism has many forms and it was disgusting to see Nolan have to take it for the show to be 'relevant'. If this continues, we will stop watching. I gave this a 2 instead of a 1 because I like that the ending was more friendly and not so PC between Nolan and the community organizer.
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Don't listen to the hate
p_appshaw4 February 2021
First off with politics aside, i think this episode is just as interesting and well written as any other episode of the show (of which I'm a big fan).

Now talking the politics... I am in complete agreement with the direction they seem to be taking the show, and frankly am very disappointed with the hate it's getting. Yes, it may be a bit cheesy and heavy handed at times, but they are trying there best to shift gears on systemic problems in cop shows - the glorification of cops. This is one of the big issues expressed by BLM, how cops are glorified in TV and the media, always being the "good guys" in shows, being heavy handed dealing with "criminals" and giving them no voice, and essentially shown to always be correct in doing so. You are made to route for this approach. This is very damaging in the real world, and is a major part of the systemic issues within the american police. While it may be a bit cheesy, this show is now actually trying to address some of these narratives, giving a larger voice to the communities being policed rather than just the dogmatic police themselves. This is a very good thing, and the fact it seems to be getting so much hate is really worrying for cultural progression.
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Not my style
germangior-124 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Not a bad episode. The politic stuff imposed too hard. I prefer if they stuck in barely detectable.
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Worst episode yet.
Racingphan212 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Hey Castle, your agenda is showing. I meant, seriously, how preachy can you get? This episode was more heavy handed than an ABC After school Special.
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Systemic Racism and Detective Lopez
SourCandyOrNoCandy22 April 2022
Why does Officer Doug look related to Jackson's boyfriend? The resemblance is way too similar for that to be coincidental, so I'm curious to see if a story comes out of that.

Best parts of the episode?

  • I absolutely love the systemic racism part of this episode. That suchhh an important conversation to have. I also really like that they used Harper and James be the educators instead of the white characters saying what they think is accurate. That was quite refreshing.

  • Seeing ~Detective~ Lopez in action was great! I was interested in seeing how the character dynamic would shift when the rookies are no longer rookies, but I think I'm really going to enjoy whatever they give Lopez to do.

  • The storyline of Chen and her "puppy". It was so sweet.

Worst parts of the episode?

  • Doug. I'm not a huge fan of him and how he treated D'Andre.
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Solid episode
thedivinehairband11 January 2021
Not as much drama as the season opener. Personally would've liked more than one episode cleaning up that mess. Was good to watch ideas being brought up and challenged in the public view.
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Getting worse without Alexi Hawley writing.
Steelfram26 January 2021
This show started out fresh and interesting. I have checked the writing, and the instant Alexi Hawley stopped writing which was this episode it starts going downhill. Turning into lame standard US television riddled with excessive social messages and lacking in character development and quality production. The writing on this episode is lacking and the next episodes are even worse. I would suggest this one and the next are still benefiting from wrapping up some older elements. Please come back Alexi. Don't let your creation here flushed. If this keeps up People won't keep watching. Nathan Fillion can only do so much to hold the fan base.
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nice to see new faces
MiketheWhistle11 January 2021
It's nice to see the new faces and hopefully they'll last. It was an interesting ep that had many twists and turns and definitely tried to show the good side of humanity that has to be balances with reality. Maybe someone will post, but I find it very difficult to believe that the LAPD's best masks they can provide only work for 30 seconds. When I was in the navy we had masks and suits that lasted much longer for much worse things. If that is the best they have, then I feel very sorry for them, but if they have better the show really needs to get a better technical advisor or listen to them.
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dchrisbowe13 January 2021
I will not watch this show again. This episode was to do nothing but bash everyone that is white or a police officer. Just terrible! No matter what anyone did, they were wrong because they are white.
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Good Takeaways
yebba-444134 April 2021
It seems like all of the cop shows are focusing on race this season and this episode, while not my favorite just to enjoy a mindless watch, did have some great takeaways. I specifically really liked the reminder that when trying to be an ally, ask what is needed instead of assuming you know how to help. Thanks for sharing!
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Predictable and Hokey
Barry016912 January 2021
I don't have an issue with the political part of this episode. However, if you have ever watched ANY TV, you will be able to predict every thing that happens in this episode. It's a combination of bad writing, stilted dialog, bad acting and if that's not enough, let's throw in stereotyping as well. The moments of "light and understanding" were so over the top, I wanted to vomit. The whole episode was ridiculous.
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yah-b-levi12 January 2021
Great episode, I really enjoy this show. Getting a kick out of all these grousing reviews 😂
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I am done.
jeersNcheers14 January 2021
I LOVED the first two seasons of this clever, sweet-hearted police procedural, but this season is not even recognizable. So I'm done. I'm grieving, but there are a few other clever, sweet-hearted shows out there.
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Made me cry.....
lorinvberger11 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
.......but no one dies! I thought it was a beautiful story from beginning to end. Every scene was so purposeful; everything connected so well. I think this episode did a stellar job tackling issues going on now, like BLM. And of course the acting is phenomenal.
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Stop preaching at me
skvanwagoner17 January 2021
Ruined this show. Way too preachy. Just want the fun, unbelievable cop show back.
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A good 2nd episode for S3
LadyCoops11 January 2021
After ALL the craziness of the S3 opener, this episode was really solid. So glad they are introducing some new characters too. I think Brandon Routh's story arc will be quite interesting if this episode any anything to go by. I really hope to see more of Arjay Smith too.
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just fire the pathetic writer of this episode
brian_liska17 January 2021
LOVE this show, but this episode was a lesson in who you shouldn't have on your staff. Between the disrespect to police officers, the pop-culture race baiting, the jaded writing masked as progressive and supportive, and the racial stereotyping on all sides of the story presented, this episode was a mess. Hopefully the studio uses this as a lesson of what not to do and focusses on their characters instead of their misguided political statement. Seriously, fire the writer, blacklist them from the industry to prevent further embarrassment and go back to developing characters instead of platforms.
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