Bad Meat (2011) Poster


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An unfinished movie
cornflakeboy2015 June 2013
This movie had interesting potential. It was an all-encompassing horror hybrid of summer camp slasher, zombie, hillbilly cannibal, horror comedy etc. And then, as multiple people have pointed out, the movie abruptly wraps up DURING the climax with a slapped on montage that resolves nothing. Terry Gilliam and David Lynch have made good movies out of unfinished pieces, but not these jokers.

The basic plot is six teens sent to military school. Three male, three female. We get bits and pieces of their stories, but it doesn't matter because they have no resolution. Dave Franco is the only thing resembling a star and as usual he gets no screen time. He spends most of the movie locked in a box. Somebody wrapped in bandages purporting to be him frames the movie, but it looks like they got a woman to play him. The military school is run by Nazi kinksters and this provides some elements of humor. A mistreated hillbilly cook gets revenge by giving the counselors food poisoning, which leaves them crazily sick for what seems like half a day and then suddenly turns them into cannibal zombies, who sort of act like cats. In spite of the fact that we've seen the meat being poisoned and fed to the counselors, the movie spends ten minutes of plot having an emo biology student cut apart a dog to discover the cause. In a normal movie, he might also discover a cure or something to bring the film to a resolution, but that does not happen. Much time is spent on attempting to find keys to free Dave Franco. Whether and how these keys are used remains a mystery. There's some intrigue and tensions and attempts at character building between the campers, and it's all a waste of time.

It is actually a shame this movie is not 20 minutes longer or could not use its 80ish minutes better. They could have had something, but there is no payoff. And there was no artistic purpose for a lack of payoff. They simply lost film or lost funding.

And what is the conspiracy not to give Dave Franco screen time, even in a movie with no stars? It's bewildering.
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Better than expected, bad "ending"
simon-wylie18 December 2012
Warning: Spoilers
This movie wasn't too bad actually, quite funny and enjoyable... in a "so bad it's good" kinda way. 6 wayward teens (3 guys, 3 girls) are sent to a bootcamp-style camp (Camp Hardway - lol) where overly aggressive & all-round a**hole staff make their stay a living hell. The cook though seems to make a stew with some "Bad Meat" which only the staff eat, and after a night of extreme vomiting they all turn into flesh-eating Zombie rip-offs. And the wayward teens are on the menu. All inter-cut with rather weird hospital scenes of the lone survivor(?) in a hospital bed with the worst mummy body-bandaging you'll ever see (blood oozing from everywhere). How the film ended (i'm not calling it "an ending") was terrible. It just abruptly ended with so much left unexplained - like they ran out of budget haha. The inter-cut hospital scenes didn't add anything either, i couldn't even tell who the patient was supposed to be. i'd recommend this if you're in the mood for a no-brainer gore-fest (that you can have a laugh at) if you find it at your video store for a $1 or $2 weekly rental, or if you find it on the net or TV. 4/10.
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A shame
rrffppnnkk23 November 2013
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This film is clearly unfinished. It builds story, setting, and characters well, and the tone of it is great — fun, schlocky gore. I was surprised at how enjoyable it was... and then it just peters out and stops. It isn't an enigmatic or deliberately open-ended climax — it merely hasn't been completed. Whether this was a screen writing problem or a production thing I don't know, but in simplest terms: there is no third act to speak of.

It's a real shame as what's there is good, solid, trashy horror. Frustrating, and a real waste. It's a bit of an affront to release it and present it as a finished piece, to be frank; it's especially galling to see it was funded by the UK lottery/Film Council.

If it were completed I reckon it was on for a 7/10. The annoyance of sitting through it only to be cheated out of a properly finished story makes me want to give it 2/10. So: 4 it is.
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Bad Meat - a silly film
fairlesssam10 July 2017
A group of wayward teenagers are sent to a boot-camp by their parents to teach them a lesson. The people running it are complete nutters and ridiculously unsavoury characters. I don't know why they're even running the boot-camp or how.

The kids are all cliché characters, irritating and unlikable. The acting is pretty terrible as is the script.

There is emphasis on what the staff running the camp are eating and the fact that they viciously kill a dog who won't stop barking. The film shows a random scene of two of the staff members having a bizarre sexual encounter and then becoming violently ill. Vomit in the grossest form is literally everywhere.

The staff then turn into crazed zombies and chaos ensues somewhat like a carry on film. It's all very silly and pointless. There is a survivor in the hospital that the film keeps cutting to who is basically a bloody, dripping mess covered in bandages. Who this person is, why, how etc... is not found out.
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Bad meat? Bad ending
glennspillman7 February 2017
Well, to be honest the story of troubled youth going to some camp has been done tons of times. But, this one had a twist, but I shall get to that in a minute. I actually liked all of the youth characters. Each one of them had a unique personality, and of course there had to be some machismo with at least two of the guys. I mean, it's a bit cliché, but it really worked on this film. I really liked that there was a character that was brought up with high spiritual convictions, but thought they were a lesbian. There were three girls in the film. The ultra "Christian" the in the middle understanding one, but with a totally jacked up mind from her childhood experiences. This is the one I call the "silent but deadly" type, one you didn't want to get on your bad side. Then of course there is the mean "bad ass" girl who thinks she can take on the world, hates everyone, and who is the catalyst that sparks negativity throughout the film. My favorite character was the one Franco played. In my opinion, he was the most believable. The camp director was a Hitler wannabe, the other guards were sexual deviants who were just there to fulfill some sick sexual urges, and to be mean to kids.

Once the turning point happened to where the guards "turned" into what ever it was that they were supposed to be, that's when the movie became completely STUPID. Bad Meat had me up until then, and after thank you. Also, the patient in the hospital, they really screwed that up, first off with the horrible acting, and secondly, it really made no sense.
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More like Bad Taste
Leofwine_draca5 April 2015
BAD MEAT is a horrible little film, a zero budget Canadian flick that seems to have aspirations to be the next Troma film. Certainly it's a waste of time for all but the most dedicated of B-movie veterans, as it's cheap looking, badly written, highly clichéd, and full of bad taste situations.

Now, I'm not adverse to a little bad taste here and there, as long as it's required by the plot. David Cronenberg is one of my favourite directors, after all. But the level of bad taste on here is just infantile as the filmmakers go out of their way to offend the sensibilities of their viewer. Characters eat the titular meat and are subject to fits of copious vomiting before they eventually turn into bloodthirsty zombies.

The boot camp plot line - the heroes are a group of wayward teenagers, all of them stereotypes - is a poor one and barely gets off the ground before the nonsense begins. The vomiting isn't even the worst - a scene where a woman has sex with a muscled black guy by using a strap-on on him is one of the most pointless I've ever watched. Once the zombie action kicks off, very little happens, and the gore is surprisingly mild given the unpleasantness that's come beforehand. The film also runs out of budget before the end, meaning the story ends abruptly halfway through so that you don't end up knowing the fate of the characters (not that you want to) while other sequences are excruciatingly drawn out.
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About Half of a Good Movie
helersk23 April 2014
Warning: Spoilers
While I did enjoy this movie, I found myself absolutely enraged by the nonsensical cutoff. This slow-burn, small-budget, small-cast outbreak/zombie flick has its problems, but is over all entertaining. If you don't mind the completely unsatisfying, nonsensical ending. The acting isn't amazing, but it is decent and not too hammy. The special effects clearly aren't high caliber, but who can resist a (MINOR SPOILER) ... ... ... dominatrix zombie, complete with strap on and accompanying zombie gimp. However ... ... ... (MUCH BIGGER SPOILER) ... ... ... all the characters die off screen! What the hell kind of ending is that?! You never find out what happens to anyone! All the major characters still seem like they're in play when the movie ends, even though the flashbacks say that there is only a single survivor! ... ... ... (END SPOILERS!) I don't know if this is a case of a insufficient funding or insufficient story telling, but there was no satisfaction to be had! I highly suspect that these very competent filmmakers just cut together half a movie and called it a day. Hopefully, anyways, because the alternative is that they really think an ambiguous ending is the same thing as NOT FINISHING YOUR FREAKING FILM!

So, in conclusion, half a rating for HALF A MOVIE!
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Stinky Meat
one9eighty27 November 2020
This 2011 comedy horror film is brought to us by director Lulu Jarmen on her debut, and it comes from the mind of Paul Gerstenberger. 6 bad teens (3 boys and 3 girls) are sent to a bootcamp which is in the middle of nowhere. The bootcamp specialises in reforming bad/troubled teenagers into model citizens. It is run by Doug Kendrew (Mark Pellegrino) and his nasty wardens. One night the chef cooks up some bad meat which that staff all eat. The food makes them seriously ill, and an additional side effect it turns them into flesh-eating zombie like maniacs. From there on in the film become about survival for the teens as they try to avoid being put on the menu themselves. Some of the zombie-wardens are outright feral, some are S&M gimps stalking the kids. There is lots of bloodshed, plenty of gore, and a lot of vomiting too.

The premise of the film is not something new - it combines summer camp slasher, cannibal zombies, hillbillies, hostel, hunter vs hunted chases, and some typical American "kids will save the day" concepts. It COULD have been quite good, albeit tongue in cheek at times - but it wasn't. The problem I had with it was that it was hard to watch for the wrong reasons. The pace of the film did not work, the editing was shocking, and despite building up certain in-film events, NOTHING is resolved because the film just ends abruptly. The acting was not much to write home about either, this is due to the poorly conceived stereotypical characters being portrayed. I gave this film a chance because of the synopsis I read about it, and because Mark Pelligrino is amusing in the Supernatural TV series. Yes, one of the Franco brothers is in the film, but it is not one of the more interesting ones and he certainly does not have much of a role in this. Unfortunately, the film turned out to be a let-down.

I think, given more time and more investment this film might not have been that bad. Due to the production issues it had though, the film ended up being one that will be remembered for the wrong reasons, rather than being an underground cult classic. Yes, plenty of gore. No, to much else. Pity.

And now, just the like the end of film did, I'm going to... (drops mic - walks away)
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Meaningless nasty fun, but no ending
biba_yu2 May 2022
This movie is nasty and dirty cheap, little horror flick, so nasty you would want to shower after watching it. It's super fun though, because it's so silly and over the top and actors are quite decent. Characters are mostly caricatures and over the top but still somehow done well. It's bad but it seems to be bad on purpose and it's fairly watchable.

However, it seems to be cut and it just suddenly ends with no answers. It's like they run out of funds or just didn't know how to end it or they wanted to leave us guessing. Whatever it was, I bet no one was happy with that ending.

Who was the survivor? Was that even human as no one could survive in that state, especially when we see what we saw at the ending? What happened to all involved? It just stopped.
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Great if you want zero substance
sindee081631 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
If you're looking for gross out, shock value gore and don't care about over the top pointless non-nude ridiculous sex, then I have the movie for you! Zero plot. Some boot type camp for delinquents, however not teens due to Tyler having the option of this or Army. (Leads me to believe he is obviously of age) Only like 3 of the people tell why they are there in very short and not important dialog. No ending at all. No idea who survives or how. No telling if anyone else dies but the one (not saying who). No telling if more than the one zombie thingy dies (not saying who) No idea who even came to rescue. We don't even know for sure if the "Bad Meat" was served knowingly! The dude quits but it didn't seem like he'd want the prisoners hurt. I don't know. Decent film to fall asleep to or clean house to. Just don't ask questions and definitely don't look for answers. Acting from the prisoners was decent and of course as always Mark Pellegrino was great... the others were so-so
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Far more enjoyable than I expected.
BA_Harrison9 October 2014
I'd read about Bad Meat's troubled production—how the original director was replaced and funding was cut—and was prepared for something truly terrible, so I was pleasantly surprised by the amount of fun I actually had with this crazy, gory, sexy, twisted little horror flick. Yes, it does suffer from some editing issues, with the hospital scenes feeling awkwardly inserted into the main story and an ending that leaves the viewer wondering what the hell just happened, but I found the rest of the film so insanely entertaining that it's easy for me to be forgiving.

The film takes place in Hardway Camp, an establishment in the middle of nowhere where exasperated parents can ship their unruly kids, safe in the knowledge that they will be thoroughly disciplined by the tough and uncompromising staff. Six new arrivals, three teenage boys and three (hot) teenage girls, are subjected to the camp's extreme regime, at least until the staff fall ill, the result of bad meat served to them by Hardway's unhappy chef. As the teens slowly come to realise what has happened, they start to think about making a bid for freedom, but any plans are put on hold as the seriously sick staff suddenly become a lot more lively, turning into cannibalistic monsters!

A refreshingly carefree 'anything goes' approach ensures that the action is never boring, with plenty of gruesome splatter and WTF? moments to astonish and disgust even the most jaded of viewers. I was particularly surprised by the S&M sex antics of two of the guards, which sees a sexy female guard and her male co-worker indulging in some eye-watering role reversal. Other memorable scenes include the same couple involuntarily vomiting in each other's faces, the rather nauseating dissection of a dead dog, one of the teenagers being woken up in a most unorthodox fashion, and the repeated application of an improvised stomach pump. The film also benefits from a high totty level: the aforementioned female guard dons sexy rubber attire, while all three of the delinquent girls are absolute babes and not averse to sauntering around in their underwear!
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Entertaining movie let down by terrible editing
Jakksid1 November 2011
First of all, I am aware that "Bad Meat" suffered a lot of problems during its production. The original director Rob Schmitt was replaced by Lulu Jarmen, who was making her directorial debut (and first experience in film whatsoever according to IMDb.) There were also issues with funding, and at one point it was announced that the film had been canceled. So it was understandable that the final product would probably be a little bit shaky at times.

However, it still wasn't any less painful to see just how badly edited the film was due to its potential. The final cut of "Bad Meat" was less than eighty minutes long. After a very confusing opening sequence the film quickly switches to a clear plot about a group of unruly teenagers arriving at a Boot Camp run by over-aggressive workers. Although things soon go from bad to worse for as the staff begin to contract a disease, causing them to vigorously release every bodily fluid known to man and then turn into flesh-eating maniacs. It's fairly simple and it works, however it is continuously and rudely interrupted from brief clips developing from the opening sequence over and over again, which don't contribute anything to the storyline. I would later find out these were not added until the last minute after the original cast had finished filming, nor were they actually scripted (which does make a whole lot of sense seeing how awkwardly they are crammed in.) This could not be made more apparent by the abrupt manner in which the film just sharply ends and cuts to the credits, with no prior indication it was nearing the conclusion. In fact, at the time I felt that the film was really starting to get interesting.

The most frustrating thing about "Bad Meat" is that it was very fun to watch, and even if the opening and ending had been remotely logical it would have been a very solid horror film overall. Yet due to the merciless butchering it received in the editing room the final result is too short and too uneven to be considered a good movie.

My final rating - 6.5/10. The bulk of the film was thoroughly entertaining hence this rating, and despite the extremely shoddy editing, it is not a movie I regret seeing. Hopefully someone has another crack at making the plot clearer before publicly releasing it.
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Not much else than nasty gore.
RatedVforVinny24 May 2019
A real gross-out movie, with just a little imagination and hard-gore action. Actually better than expected and I don't think it will disappoint fans (too much) of the 'Out There' type zombie flicks but that is no real sign of quality. I just about hung on to final frame.
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Typical ridiculous schlock crap...Had SUCH potential...
AndyVanScoyoc26 February 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This movie started out okay. Twisted camp counselors and wayward kids.

Wasn't sure how this film was going to be different from the literal dozens of films with that same overdone premise, but I was kind of into it, until the stupid, stupid, stupid BDSM crap and the over the top, totally idiotic animalistic behavior.

Really? Take a perfectly good starting film and just trash it by adding complete stupidity.

Add the DUMB animal sound effects and this movie went from maybe, to NO WAY, real quick.

The ONLY reason I'm giving this movie a 5 is because of Mark Pellegrino. It seems no matter how stupid his role was (bills gotta be paid...I get it) he was still good at it...creepy and a little too realistic as a Naziesque creep.

But the worst ending I think I've ever seen in a movie. What happened?
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This movie is extremely bad
levitak17 June 2013
The movie has the same old premise as a gazzilion other movies. Several different stereotypes of troubled teens meet in of those messed up semi concentration camps where that are currently popular amongst the most incompetent and douchiest parents in the USA There is failed attempts at trying to delve deeper into the characters but as mentioned it's a failure.

The movie was badly shot as well and the scene didn't follow smoothly. The music was one of the most horrible things I have ever seen. It didn't fit at all with the movie scenes and it was just plain bad. I tried to look at the credits to see who was responsible for this failure but the man was apparently so ashamed of himself he is not credited. I don't know how talented and actors Like Elisabeth Harnois and Dave Franco got suck with this abomination. I am guessing they either lost a bet or the director held heir family hostage. But they both deserve so much better Oh yes speaking of the director he seems to have a vomiting fetish that he explores fully in this movie. Yeah let that sink it. The few gratuitous underwear shots of the girls really dodn't make up for the extensive vomiting. This movie is a failure. Don't watch it
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What A Rubbish Excuse For A Film
j_j_p_c7 November 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I have to say I watched this "Film" in its entirety and was totally taken back by how dreadful every aspect of the production was.

Do not get me wrong, I am a big fan of the Horror Genre and low budget indie films can be excellent pieces said genre. Like the film " F " as an example goes to show how a tiny budget, with very unknown actors can be a good film.

I don't really wish to bore you with how bad, Bad Meat is as a film, but some kids with problems bla bla bla bla bla then there is a chef whom is bullied by the other staff and poisons them with Bad Meat!!!! whilst feeding the inmates a single potato each. Even more bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla Fight in the kitchen and the film pretty much ends with out any real conclusion or resolution.

Quite simply don't bother!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Over all a bad film
Daman-Malone6 June 2014
The only thing that got me turned on to this movie was hopes of flesh eating maniacs. BUT it let me down so much that I seriously think any clown with a handy cam can now make a movie.

From the pathetic over the top acting of the one dimensional characters to the effects it was bad. The useless attempt of story was just that an attempt.

There are many things you can do with you life than watch another crap film that lacks everything a viewable independent horror film should have.

Just look at the writers credit, a man who has done a short film called COCK about a loner who has a talking penis explains many things about his direction of screen writing.

As for the director, this is her only movie. I know why, DO YOU! if you do watch this and you'll find out.

I don't claim to be the saviour of lost hours, I can't give you your time back if you have watched this film, but those that may think about watching it, DON'T.
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Disgustingly enjoyable!
devils_neighbor_6672 September 2020
If you can put up with all the vomiting and gross sex scenes, this horror film is actually quite thrilling and fun.
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A little crazy but good!
hellornola12 November 2012
Before I decided to watch this, I sifted through dozens of reviews, most of the claiming that this movie was beyond terrible and that no one in the right mind should see it. I decided to see it anyway.

Surprisingly, it was much better than I expected. There was plenty of gore for those who like it bloody, some funny scenes, great acting (especially from Mark Pellegrino), and a fairly decent plot. The only problem was that some of the plot was a little confusing and the audience is left with a few loose ends. I don't think those things took away from the movie too much though.

Honestly, I don't regret seeing this movie, and I don't think people should be put off by the lack of good reviews. It's not the greatest horror movie ever made, but it kept me interested until the very end, so I'd say it's worth watching in my book.
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Good movie but bad ending
Parko189721 February 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I really enjoyed this movie, it keeps you wanting more by watching and waiting. Draws you In very well but my only dislike about this movie is the ending. I don't really understand why they just cut the movie off like that but it confused me. I'm guessing that the person wrapped up like a mummy is Tyler and he's the only surviver considering he was locked In a box for most of the movie. If it ended a little better I would for sure rate this a 10. Defiantly worth watching once though. I wouldn't buy the movie, just rent it out or what not. 7/10 for gore , blood , guts and all that jazz. So for all you gory lovers out there , you will for sure get a thrill.
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A good movie if the expectations are appropriate
The movie was full of gore and a solid "b-" production. I got exactly what I was looking for in a "b" production. It was not supposed to be Star Wars. Just a great evening of entertainment. I wold rate the movie a buy. I would also by purchase "Bad Meat 2". Hope it's not plagued with the production problems the first one was. There is, however, a great chance it will be. This is clearly not a movie for those with a weak stomach or those who don't enjoy raw violence low on plot and theme. The kids have reasonable acting although the monsters (Staff) were a little over the top. The sex seen was not sexy, the blood was bloody, the body parts didn't look real.
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Not good
neil-47623 October 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Some teens are sent to a juvenile detention facility. They fall foul of the guards who, having eaten the bad meat of the title (served up in soup by the cook), want to eat the teens.

This is fairly routine horror fare, with cardboard characters going through a Last Man Standing zombie victim routine which isn't very well done. I don't mind it being predictable and treading a well-worn path, I don't even mind the rubbish acting, but I do object to it being dull. If you're going to be rubbish, at least be entertaining rubbish.

Elizabeth Harnois and Dave Franco have gone on to better things. They could hardly have gone on to something worse.
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Why no ending?
jessica-messica25 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This was a gross but silly movie. I wasn't expecting much going in but it was pretty decent. Thought I might even recommend to some other horror lovers. But then the ending or lack there of was weird. It just kind of stopped and you are like wait is that the end? No idea what happened to half the people but not in a purposeful way. It could have been so good and had lots of potential. Too bad.
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