Daylight Robbery (2008) Poster

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Good from far but far from good
amai-badami9 January 2009
Expected much more from the movie after the looking at the plot. Daylight Robbery is an epitome of a mediocre movie....The movie is watchable but do not expect anything from it.. Maybe the movie lacks flare and punch but on the whole it ain't as bad as others seem to have has a pretty good ending compared with the style the movie goes in. Too many unanswered questions arise as one is watching the movie.. The cast ain't a solid one, with no existence of a main role as such. With too many flaws in the planning and execution of the storyline , i highly doubt this movie will even make a decent run in the theaters.. So, finally think twice before buying this movie or else your expression would be like " hey, have i seen this one before"..Cheers lads.. Brit movies will always rock irrespective!!!! Therefore this movie gets a average but merciful 5.5-6 out of 10...
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Sometimes simpler and plainer is better
MBunge2 February 2012
Warning: Spoilers
An English bank heist flick, Daylight Robbery is a decent hour-and-a-half of entertainment. Its unadorned, bare bones storytelling is a bit bracing and it's script manages to hit you with just enough surprises in genuinely surprising places. The ending is a bit odd, with writer/director Paris Leonti apparently thinking he made his characters much more endearing and three dimensional than he really did, and Leonti hews much closer to reality than the colorful eccentricity common to British crime drama. This is like a streamlined and less complex version of the American bank robbery film Inside Man, something which it seems to acknowledge itself.

At the start of the World Cup in Germany, a band of criminals back their van through the front doors of a London bank and proceed to rob it. One of them is seriously injured at the start, but they manage to recover quickly from that and terrorize the bank manager into opening the vault. As the authorities surround the bank, however, it's not clear how they plan to get away with their ill gotten gains. The answer to that is almost shockingly old fashioned and the few additional twists the story throws at you make it clear that Daylight Robbery isn't trying to blow you away by showing you something you've never seen before. This is more like a friendly visit to a place you've been before that reminds you of what you enjoyed about it the first time you were there.

As long as you don't come into it with expectations that are too high, I think you'll like this motion picture. The plot is smart, yet still straight forward. The characters have just slightly more personality than they need to service the plot. The direction isn't flashy but it effectively balances danger and comedy while portraying the bank robbers as both hardened criminals and men with some sort of moral code. The bank heist flick is a well worn genre and new entries usually try to do something overly clever or energetic to get noticed. That's not Daylight Robbery. This production isn't trying to break any boundaries, smash any clichés or overwhelm the audience with how hip and snazzy it is.

Its modest intentions don't allow this movie to be a "must see", but I certainly recommend it for anyone who wants to have a good time.
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Just Enjoy
ian100015 November 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Firstly, as others have said, the premise is unconvincing, and this is most certainly NOT an Italian Job.

That having been said, the film is an enjoyable British crime film, though not a Guy Ritchie bungling criminals caper at all - these characters are unpleasant, menacing and ruthless. The bungled start of the raid soon takes a dark twist.

The actors are a collection of low budget cockneys - Del Synott and Shaun Parkes from Lock Stock (TV show), Vas (Rory Breaker) from Lock Stock (movie) and even Shaun Williamson from Eastenders (and an Extras victim).

The scale and shape of the police operation is totally unrealistic, and Williamson does not have the presence to be the cop in charge. It all compares badly to Dog Day Afternoon, Inside Man, and The Bank Job.

But never mind, I enjoyed it anyway, and the conclusion of the story, together with the manner in which it arrived, was unexpected (perhaps I was not concentrating).

The opening of the final scene seems to be a nod to The Italian Job!
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Definitely NOT the next Italian Job - Great PR, very average film
intelearts19 August 2008
OK - firstly, why are all the 10* reviews from people with only one review? Secondly, to equate this to the Italian Job (Even the new version!) is a bloody insult.

It is just a basic stick-up job with lots of shouting and screams at the beginning, some ludicrous device about how to get money out of a City of London bank (Sure banks have with some 70 million have no motion detectors...) in the middle, and an OK third part where it all goes wrong.

It is just a mess, too chaotic; no or very little humour or charm, and after the first half-hour I had completely lost interest.

It is seems from the ground up a Let's Make A Lads Film - even down to the obligatory brunette as hostage - and I just ended up feeling that the writers sat around a table and said "Well lads, what would guys like in this?" "Right, football (There isn't any), hardnuts, big haul of cash, mockney accents, and hard attitudes, stupid cops etc;" and originality be damned.

If this is the best crime movie (It's not a heist movie - it's way too blatant to even get near that category) since the Italian Job - then we're all in the deepest poo...

NOT recommended Watch it when it comes on Sky, which it will forever...
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Truly Dreadful
gary-44414 February 2012
There is a fine tradition of British gangster and bank robbery films- this does not add to that tradition. Low budget can be good. Limited claustrophobic locations , good writing and fine acting can do an awful lot. Here they contribute nothing. There is a lot of shouting, a lot of swearing, no humour, no sense of character identity, just a whole load of characters that you want caught as soon as possible, not because you care, but because you want the film to end.

Director and writer Paris Leonti has nothing to say, the direction is laborious, the scenes derivative, the dialogue risible. Shaun Williamson is ludicrously miscast as the Policeman in charge of facing down the robbery. He makes no attempt whatsoever to give the role any character, he plays it as Fat Barry from East Enders, he can't be bothered, and that transmits itself to the audience.

The plot is hopeless, the stocking masks totally ineffective, the Police response wholly unbelievable. Some of the lines are off the scale of cringe worthy. Tiffany Mulheron offers some brief moments of respite as an attractive hostage, and that is about as good as it gets. Avoid at all costs. On no account pay money to see this . If it is available free of charge – do something else with your valuable time.
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A Crime Caper Hot On The Heels Of The Bank Job
way2grimee23 June 2008
I would think that this film has been overshadowed probably due to The Bank Job being released only a couple of months previous. There's a bunch of familiar faces from films such as Lock Stock, Snatch, The Business etc and even a bloke from Eastenders. Your usual cockney lot.

That being said the acting is spot on and the dialogue is funny. Gotta love low budget British films, there's a hell of a lot more of them recently and its a welcome change to the usual big budget yankee tosh.

The characters are fun but believable, especially the young white kid really made me laugh. What made him so funny was the fact that I know kids just like him haha.

The rest of the crims were your usual hard cases, jokers and sarcastic cockney types.

Overall the storyline and dialogue was very well written and an enjoyable film throughout.

I give it 8/10 to try and make up for whichever tosspot gave it such a crap rating. Bravo.
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Sand-Dancer2 August 2008
As a British ex-pat, I am always keen to watch British movies, especially the crime/bank job/gang genre. However, I was very disappointed by this very slow-moving, cliché-ridden was like watching a bad episode of The Bill (or maybe Eastenders, given that it had Shaun Williamson and Paul Nicholls in it!).

The story was dull, the casting poor, the acting wooden - even Geoff Bell seemed like he was just going through the motions without putting in much of an effort. Maybe I have become too accustomed to watching better and more natural 'bad boys' like Jason Statham, Colin Farrell, and even Danny Dyer in such roles.

*Big yawn - don't bother watching*
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I felt robbed - and I didn't even pay to see it
miles-18515 December 2008
I think the fact that this movie is already on television for free says it all really. All or nearly all of the positive reviews are written by shills.

This movie is dire, you find yourself waiting a long time for things to happen which never arrive, the acting was weak, awful in some parts. The heist itself was not clever or well executed, and basically took an hour to show what could have been done in five or ten minutes. I can't comment on the ending because i turned it off and went to sleep. Really.

Avoid at all costs, I like rubbish low budget British movies but this really really isn't worth it.
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Better spend money on Inside Man
dmitriych25 February 2009
Warning: Spoilers
The plot is just a paraphrased copy of Inside Man, and a poor one at that. Nothing original whatsoever, which makes this movie a really dull one. The second they go in the back and start checking that floor you can predict how the story is going to develop. You already know there must be someone from bank staff helping these robbers. And sure enough he appears. Characters are not believable at all. Serious people planning a serious robbery do not take village idiots with them on the job. They also are smart enough to finish up fast without playing testosterone games.

What killed me is the stupid ending. The newsman says that robbers were caught landing in Germany. In 2 hours? No one knew who these people were, faces were covered, they escaped and covered their tracks. Then all of a sudden they get caught in Germany? Apparently, the English police used its psychic powers and figured everything out in minutes and had time to warn most of Europe by sending out identifiable information...Sure. Why then did they look so puzzled walking out of the bank? And how exactly did they put in jail 6 people arrested in another country without any evidence and with a good alibi. To sum up, this film is inconsistent, unoriginal, poorly written piece of cinematic garbage. If you want to see a good movie, try the original version of this plot--the Inside Man.
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go and see!
mark-440928 April 2008
Great! The opposite of what I thought it would be, and all the better for it! The presence of Vas Blackwood and the robbery theme made me think it might be the rumpled spawn of Lock, Stock, but don't let this throw you.

Daylight Robbery is a different beast altogether.

Instead of convoluted, contrived plot and cheap laughs, Leonti keeps it real and lets us go along for the ride with real, non sensational, believable characters.

A brave, distinctive movie about what it's probably really like to rob a bank.
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Liars or Idiots
michelleacampbell13 September 2008
This is completely laughable. How can anyone rate this movie a 10? Oh. Wait a minute. If you're part of its PR push or the writer/director or the producer etc, I guess you'd have a very good reason to be giving this a ten. But people beware, this is an over-hyped, poorly written, terribly photographed piece of shouty garbage. The characters have zero development, zero humor, zero charm and zero impact. I saw another Brit film (The Bank Job) while I was in London and though I thought it was below average, I could at least watch it without crying into my popcorn. My British friends were more disappointed than I was and the director's claim that Guy Ritchie is an amateur goes to show what an absolutely talentless fool he really is. This movie looks cheap, the actors look nasty (except the girl), the cast acts loudly instead of convincingly. The whole thing is so disjointed that even the most ardent fans of Brit crime thrillers will hope that this director hangs up his megaphone immediately. Fans of Uwe Boll, may want to seek this out, but everyone else beware. If you see a rating higher than a 4, then it's been posted by either liars or idiots. Not so much an opinion, but a fact.
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poor poor, poor
junk-156717 August 2008
Did I miss something, this was an old formula, done badly.

What more can I say - save your money; the postives must not have seen the slow paced predictable, dumb movie.

No interest suspense, acting, music - I reckon this was ameuteur dramatics production that has gone into TV!

I was bored, but kept watching as so many people cant be wrong - oh yes they can! Poor everying, from music to terrible acting. At least they used a (former) real NatWest Bank! No saving graces, don't waste your time and money!

So save up and wait, watch Taken (a proper movie), not this tripe.
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Carry on Blagging.
ianlouisiana15 April 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Hugely funny,I hardly stopped laughing throughout.Wonderful comic performance from Sean Williamson as the copper in charge at a bank siege who couldn't find his own backside with a telescope and a sniffer dog. Brilliantly satirises stereotypical Cockerney Geezers ..Luvv'ly Jubbly,Leave It Aht....Yer'avin a tin barrfff incha...etc etc...I absolutely howled at their sharp - witted London Patois...and then I realised it was meant to be serious!No,honestly,the makers of "Daylight Robbery" intended it to be edgy,urban and gritty.So you could believe,if you were very,very silly,that this is what it's really like to rob a bank. First you put on stocking masks that actually show your every feature very clearly,then you employ complete morons who can't stop talking all the time.Then you fix an alibi that only holds water if nobody has ever seen "The Italian Job". And a method of retrieving the money that went out with "The Great Escape"which,incidentally,is all you'd be dreaming of for the next thirty years or so if you carried on like that. So,hardly "Rififi" then,and threatening to kill an SO.19 officer would merely have caused you to have been blown the f*** away whilst trying to escape. Get real,guys. Frankly I have yet to see a British caper movie that is remotely convincing because the bad guys never seem bad enough or the cops ruthless enough. We always want to give our villains dear old mums or heavily pregnant wives/girlfriends as if that abates their villainy somehow. And our coppers,who,strangely like the popular belief,never seem to have mums at all,dear and old or otherwise.And their wives,if seen,are thin lipped beehived brow - beaten creatures for ever preparing their husbands dinner then throwing it in the bin because he's going to be late home again. Till that day when British cinema comes up with something like the real McCoy(and I shan't hold my breath) it inflicts the likes of "Daylight Robbery" on us with depressing regularity. Unless one of your loved ones is in it I should give it a miss.
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eriknovak-129 April 2008
I met Paris, the director at Salerno film festival, we were both in competition with our films. And the first minute I saw him in his hat, I had the feeling that this guy is something really interesting. Then I watched his film, and I was really amazed. It is not like a first film, but the work of a real industry professional with a lot of real talent. The story is clever, very well written, the actors are just good as well, the actions are perfect, and the whole thing is just catching you from the first minute till the end titles. Funny, entertaining, this is what cinema is for. So, Paris, Congratulations! It is good to have you as a friend....

Erik Novak
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Fantastic Movie!! If you are looking for BLAND, BORING and BADLY MADE
psychopathicmofo22 June 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Well I hate to say it but ever since the good old days of Trainspotting, Gangster Number 1, Lock Stock and Snatch there has been a high influx of crap spin off gangster movies flowing out of the UK.

This indeed is another addition to to the ever growing 'shite movie' category. The most frustrating part of this film is that it is so very, very, very unrealistic.

I'll give you a brief rundown of the scenario: It starts off with a group of lads arriving at the airport all going on a holiday to watch the footy (in Spain I think). They go to check in early, the lady at the desk tells them she cant really check them in so early but will make an exception this time (because one of them told her she looks like Angelina Jolie, yeah possibly if she had a head that resembled a boulder off the Great Wall of China and a pair of lips that make Leslie Ash's look minuscule), this leaves them just over an hour to go and watch the footy at the pub (so they tell her). In actual fact their plan is to leave the airport rob a bank by backing up their van through the banks front entrance and holding hostages. They do so with quite ease (although one of them gets injured upon impact), they spend about 20 mins of the so called one hour they have arguing about what the hell to do, plus one of the hostages grabs a gun and hold them up for more time. Police arrive on the seem and are just basically sat outside doing F.all no use of heat censoring scopes to see whats going on behind the curtained windows, no attempt to fire in some CS gas, no attempt to enter the bank from the roof and work their way down. No they believe its best to just sit and wait for the criminals to take their time pissing around in the lobby, taking their time to find the passage of escape. The vault contains a crap load of money, far more for than the amount of bags they were seen carrying in to the bank. They created a sort of underground tunnel beforehand so they could use a pulley to pull the bags of cash into a sort of warehouse place, which the movie likes to make you believe is several kilometers away but in actual fact the tunnel looks at most about 10 meters long. In the meantime the man down (the one injured on impact) nearly dies and requires a blood transfusion by a doctor who is brought in and takes pride in asking stupid bloody questions like 'Why do people like you do this' and this is 'Very wrong'. Did I mention that the man he's telling this to is a lunatic with a loaded shotgun?? Anyway, along the way the pulley gets shagged, the tunnel caves in however the last man stuck down there manages to dig himself free with his bare hands. There is a small twist at the end which I must admit was a little unexpected but none the less rather idiotic at the same time. They all manage to make it on the plane just in time while another one of them has the cash stored safely in a caravan.... let me mention for the final time THIS IS ALL DONE IN ONE HOUR. Not to mention the bollock load of evidence they left behind, such as blood, fingerprints and the tights they are wearing on their heads are pretty much useless as you can quite clearly see their faces.

I'm not going to tell you whether you should watch this movie or not, I'm sure you will be able to make your own decision on that matter.

Hope this helped, and thank you for reading.
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One of the worst films ever made - overloading the f word!!!
Boogalow16 July 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Forget, if you can, the fact that the 'f' word is used every other word (and then some) and that the writing is abysmal - well OK, you can't; it is that dreadful. The writers seem to have tried to make a film based on their 'ideas' of a bank robbery, it is heavily slanted in favour of the 'robbers' and the police are portrayed as soft (well this lot ARE dreadful) even helping the robbers along: Shaun Williamson's character (the Police CHIEF no less): "We want to help as much as we can" - puhlease!!! At the beginning of this mess (film) it takes ages for the sound of sirens after the alarm is raised; SO19 would have been there in the first few seconds of the alarm going off not fifteen minutes later!!! There is also a propensity for the robbers to tell their captives to take their clothes off, it is laughable and a sad excuse for a film. The warning they give out at the beginning of this movie 'This film contains bad language' should really say 'this film contains normal language' because there is so much foul language it is a total turn off, it is puerile rubbish from start to finish.

The 'people' who wrote Daylight Robbery ought to be ashamed of this tripe, and I sincerely hope they are not allowed to present any more rubbish like this in the future.

If you really want to see a bank robbery film watch the excellent 'The Bank Job' (2008) - a properly written, directed and acted film. No need bad language here, the writers are not lazy and actually have an imagination which does not include the 'f' word ALl the time.
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texxas-121 March 2019
This was really really boring. I saw it through to the end, even though I knew I was wasting my time.
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highly recommended
peterbrown5529 April 2008
A most enjoyable film, with lots of action, moments of suspense interspersed with dry humour.

Captivating stunts, great sound track and fast paced editing complete the effects.

As the plot develops, the tension mounts and during the initial stages of the robbery, my pulse was really racing.

The characters are believable and some actually likable, even generating sympathy as the robbery begins to go wrong.

Overall, an excellent film that is highly recommended! Congratulations to Paris Leonti for squeezing so much entertainment from a low budget.
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Low rent British heist yarn
Leofwine_draca5 September 2015
DAYLIGHT ROBBERY is another unfocused British gangster/crime thriller set in the increasingly mean streets of London. The narrative involves a group of football fans who coincide a visit to the capital to watch the latest match with an audacious bank robbery that involves drilling into the vault to steal a fortune.

Unfortunately this is a low rent and rather unappealing film thanks to the writing of the central characters. They're a bunch of football hooligan types who go around shouting, swearing, and generally being unpleasant to each other the whole time, so the viewer is alienated from the beginning. A film like this needs tension, suspense, cracking dialogue, and yet DAYLIGHT ROBBERY offers very little of those things.

Instead we watch as things play out and it seems to go on forever. There are violent scenes and attempts at humour and drama but somehow it all seems to fall flat. There are familiar faces in the cast too but none of the actors put in very good turns; Shaun Williamson's Keystone cop and Paul Nicholls as 'Chubby' are an example of what you're in for here.
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A bank heist lacking tension and credibility, just about watchable. Most soap operas are more engaging.
citizen-caveman2 July 2014
It's a curious film because for some reason the tension never really takes off. One moment some customers are going about their routine, mundane business 'good morning sir, would you like that in tens or twentys?', 'tens please', 'certainly sir'. The next moment a mini-van smashes down the doors of the bank and masked men with guns shout at everyone to 'get the f*&@ down!'. And still the tension remains flat as a pancake.

The opportunities for conflict, and thus tension, abounds. The stakes are high: the lives of the hostages, the reputation of the police and the liberty of the robbers. You would expect all the parties concerned to be tense, very tense. Surprising then everyone seems remarkably laid back about the whole thing. The hostages do little more than huddle together in a corner with bags over their head, maybe the extras insisted on that. The police are passive rather than pro-active they observe wondering what will happen rather than figure out what to do next.

Operationally little of the story stands up. Why the British Transport Police would provide the incident control van and not the Metropolitan Police beats me. Can you really ram-raid a bank? Going into more detail means writing spoilers but I'm not into those. The planning of the job and its execution is so flawed that on a few occasions you wonder if the makers were actually trying to be funny. If they were, they failed. Badly.

This looks nothing like a group of slick professionals carrying a carefully planned robbery. Instead, it looks like a group of lads down the pub who were bored and decided to go rob a bank for a bit of a laugh. Except there are no laughs.

The acting is pretty flat, but what can you do with a script like this? The story lacks complexity so not much happens, it just plods on adding to the boredom. There is a hard deadline, albeit a ridiculous one, to meet, but the film gives no sense of it looming. The chief flaw is the interplay between the robbers. It lies in the no-man's land between a ragtag group on the verge of imploding and a top-notch team of solid professionals. Either option would be good but neither was selected. How they boring way they bounce off each other is mostly down to the flat dialogue. They're all good pals without a decent plan.

Daylight Robbery does has its moments, but they are few and far between.
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1hr35mins of my life I will never get back
W7-GRE23 August 2021
Do not watch this - it's truly awful! How they managed to get some decent actors to star in this abomination of a film is a mystery.
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A good British movie that is worthy of several viewings. I am pleased
aewilliamson24 May 2008
A good British movie that is worthy of several viewings. I am pleased to see it has not gone the 'plastic gangster' route. Too many films go the way of the tough guy sharp talk style but this has become jaded and Daylight Robbery has managed to get the balance right.Some good performances from an ensemble cast, that includes the talented Johnny Harris, Geoff Bell and Vas Blackwood. It has tidy dialogue and sharp editing, with the story moving along at a good pace. The soundtrack works and is not too pretentious or overwhelming. This film will work as cinema or as home entertainment, but I would say, to get maximum effect and maximum enjoyment, try to catch it when it's released theatrically.
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halliwellleonard6 November 2020
Typical noisy cockneys robbing a bank. Bang and shout all the way through this awful flick. Usual assortment of cockney bit part actors labour through this dreadful story. 3 out of 975 million.
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No audience engagement
blrnani2 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The plot is a clever one - if not entirely original; how many different ways are there to rob a bank, after all - and shows how the best laid plots have to cover the unexpected. This wasn't a 'best laid plot', however and the failures of the robbers are only matched by the appalling incompetence and lack of professionalism of the police handling the situation. That could've been used to generate a very effective comedy, but there is no humour whatsoever in this film. And that is where the entire premise breaks down - none of the characters generates the slightest sympathy from the audience (unless it's shown in prison to a bunch of cons, perhaps), so there is nothing to engage us. Indeed the natural tendency as it progresses is to hope they all get caught and one or two of them actually get killed resisting arrest. The only slightly sympathetic character spends most of the film semi-unconscious and bleeding to death, because despite knowing they'd enter the bank by smashing a van through the doors, he wasn't holding on tightly enough and got thrown through the rear window, impaling his thigh on the rear wiper in the process - a prime candidate for a Darwin Award! If this is supposed to be a portrayal of ordinary English blokes then God help the country! As a Brit myself I am ashamed to consider them as compatriots (and I have the greatest respect for the Cockneys I have worked with)! This film has been compared to the original* The Italian Job, a film that makes me cringe nowadays, but it does have its saving graces. This film unfortunately has none. * The remake, with Wahlberg, Theron and Statham, is a really good film that I can strongly recommend.
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What a debut !!
kennethgmellor28 April 2008
How can one person write, produce and direct such an entertaining film. Very believable with good acting.

No CGI, just good old fashioned acting which has made the storyline true to life.

Great soundtrack. This low budget British film is a winner and will make Paris Leonti famous. People in the know should be hammering on his door if they want success. A cheeky beginning and then the action starts.... and keeps on going. Clever use of camera angles on some scenes. I know a good film when I see one and I am positive this is one. All in all an excellent film.
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