Ciao (2008) Poster


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Unpoken Emotions, Unnecessary Words
gradyharp3 April 2010
CIAO is a quiet little film - on more levels than one. The title of the movie is well chosen: 'Ciao' can mean both hello and goodbye, and that is the essence of this subtle film. Written by director Yen Tan and actor Allesandro Calza it is a very contemporary story about love and enduring feelings. The film takes its time, very literally, dwelling on still shots of doorways, paths, profiles, etc while the message of the film slowly surfaces. It is more an elegy than a story and it works quite well.

We first meet Jeff (Adam Neal Smith) as he is packing up the belongings of his longtime friend Mark who has just died, and in doing so he comes across Mark's computer and discovers messages to and from an Italian man named Andrea (Alessandro Calza), messages that define an internet relationship that ends with Mark's death. Andrea doesn't know about Mark's passing and when Jeff answers one of the emails stating that Mark has died, Andrea states he is on his way to the US for a wedding and that he had planned to meet Mark face to face in Dallas. Jeff extends the invitation to keep Andrea's plans, meets him at the airport, and invites him home where a long series of talks reveal the histories of both men and reminiscences of Mark. The mutual loss - one of a friend, the other of a potential love - mix and a new friendship of understanding and caring is born. Much to the credit of the writing, directing and acting, the ending is unexpectedly real - again recalling the title of the movie.

Some will find this film too slow and too 'empty', but for viewers who appreciate still life paintings and poetry, this film will satisfy.

Grady Harp
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Suradit29 March 2015
Mark and Jeff are the best of friends. Jeff would have liked their friendship to go beyond their close but platonic relationship. Unfortunately they never seem to click on that level, possibly because Jeff isn't Marks "type." Or possibly because the nature of their bond might be jeopardized by sex.

Mark has "met" Andrea, an Italian, online and they have talked a few times by phone. Since Andrea will be in New York for a wedding, they plan for him to come to Dallas for a couple of days so they can finally meet in person.

Mark is killed in a road accident and Jeff assists the family in sorting out his things. He goes through Mark's emails, in part to know who might need to be notified about the death, but clearly he wants to know a bit more about his friend and discovers that Mark revealed more about himself to Andrea than he ever shared with Jeff.

When he receives an email sent to Mark by Andrea detailing his anticipated trip to Dallas, Jeff replies informing Andrea of the death and suggesting that he cancel the trip. Soon after he has second thoughts and suggests Andrea come to Dallas as planned and spend those few days as his guest.

Most of the film is devoted to conversation between Jeff and Andrea as they share their thoughts about Mark and learn more about each other.

The most striking thing about the movie was the intelligent scripting of the dialogue between them, sometimes reflecting their impressions of Mark, sometimes asking ridiculous things about each other, sometimes lighthearted and apparently superficial, sometimes poignantly revealing. Surely it was scripted, but it seemed totally natural and spontaneous.

It could easily have been maudlin or gone over-the-top emotionally but, aside from one emotional release, it was subtle and low- keyed. In some respects it was mysterious because you were never sure where it was all heading.

My only complaint was that Andrea, though very fluent in English, occasionally, naturally stumbled over some American idiom, but at other times Jeff used Americanisms that Andrea could not have understood, but Andrea doesn't bat an eye.

Different forms of grieving and attempts to deal with loss have certainly been explored to death in films, so in that sense there is nothing remarkable about the story concept. The scripting, the acting, the directing and the photography do lift this above what might have been another overly sentimental tear-jerker though.
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An OK story about loss and grief
cekadah1 April 2014
There is a lot of praise for this little movie. It's well enough deserved as the atmosphere created by the photography is intimate and quiet.

Mark, the principle character, suffers the death of his close friend by an accident. Andrea is a friend that Mark never heard of from his now deceased friend. Mark invites Andrea to visit as the plans were already made before the accident. Andrea is in Italy, Mark is in Texas.

This sort of threw me as it is never made fully known how the deceased friend came to know Andea, other than through the internet. Andrea gets around we learn through his conversations with Mark. In my opinion Andrea is a paid escort but he never confesses this to Mark as he discovers that Mark is a very old friend of the dead guy and had great respect for him. Andrea has feelings and doesn't want to disillusion Mark with his true purpose for the visit.

Andrea goes back to Italy. I state this because Andrea comes across as patronizing and insincere.
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Sadly NOT a romance.......and still........
arizona-philm-phan11 April 2010
Warning: Spoilers
After three viewings (believe me, this film is so well done that repeats weren't hard to do), I'm ready to sit here and share with you.

By writer / director intention, this is a "grieving film" (and you have been told, above, what it is not). So now that you know their approach in this film, ask yourself, dear reader, the following question. How shocking would it be for you to suddenly learn that, in the life of a now departed dearest friend (and unrequited love interest), there existed a far away rival for the affections you had long sought? For some of us that might be devastating. So, with this plot lead-in out of the way, what we are left with for the remainder of this film is two grieving men who have been (and are still, it seems) in love with the same man. Fate throws them together at this story's beginning, and as we watch we see "feelings" develop and grow between them. At the same time, we come to realize that until this pair truly and completely comes to terms with the event that caused them to meet, there likely will be no future together for them. (Although to me, the movie's ending gave hope that such a future might be delayed, but probably not denied).

Oops, sorry about that......just watched the DVD Special Feature's Director & Writer Commentary, and these two guys seem to shoot down any intent of there being a future together for our two leads. Plus in an offsite interview, writer/actor, Allesandro Calza (a bedroom-eyed hottie, playing Italian visitor, Andrea) says about his character and that of Adam Neal Smith (starring as Dallas-based Jeff): "....they are not attracted to each other.....they don't have sex together.....I don't think they develop a romance." WOW! says this viewer. Just what is the audience to think happens after that extended kissing scene they give us to end a segment.....that when the camera pans away they'll frantically leap out of bed and run to opposite ends of the house from one another? Yeah, sure. Then, to further add to the expectations they've been building in us, at film's end we have Andrea extending an invitation to visit his all the while the two are moving into a long, body against body, arms around one another, heads on shoulders--eyes closed, farewell embrace. Such contradictory filmmaker statements about this couple's future together is certainly an unhappy note for we romantics in the audience. But always hopeful, I like to think that perhaps these two actors got together and decided to end run their bosses' intentions in the matter of down-the-road time together by giving a bit more in these two scenes than was scripted.....and that's why we actually saw what we saw (Hurray for our side!).

Further adding to mention of this film's two noteworthy stars, one of the first things which hits us is the almost tangible chemistry between them. We've all heard of strangers meeting and immediately connecting, and here we sit watching an example of that occur. Before our eyes, two actors / characters begin coming together both emotionally and in the interests they share. Even more, as we witness the occasions on which this happens, there's a kind of quiet attraction that begins to pull us right into such scenes with them (thanks, in part, to frequent use of intense closeups). Speaking of the cinematography, this film, to me, contains camera-work such as you've seldom or likely not seen: extended shots with static or little movement, involving both characters and everyday scenery. This approach seemed to produce strong feelings on this seasoned viewer's part of being intimately (!) drawn into a scene.....into a moment. Yes, there are many slow moving and contemplative times (a complaint of several professional reviewers), if you're looking for fast action, e.g., hot clubbing, heavy-beat music, fast fu--s in the sack, this is not a film for you. However, if you're looking for something concerning the resilience of the human spirit, and hope that the future might bring love to those who've experienced deep loss, then this is a bang-up film for you.

It's been a dry two-plus years since 2007's "Shelter" and even longer since that great, little French film, "Just a Question of Love" (2000). So, am I disappointed this didn't turn out to be a romance? You bet I am! (But it'll still take a place on my "Addictives Shelf").

PS--This film contains probably the sexiest, most satisfying guy / guy kiss scene in the history of romantic gay cinema.....and it's certainly the longest one. DON'T MISS IT.

PPS--What's the bit with the skin tag? (DVD Commentary has no mention of it, nor of a "very, very" long distance phone call. Absolutely no details on the leads' working together---Commenters seem to have no idea what many of us out here would like to be told).
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Hellos and goodbye
lovefaithtruth6 October 2013
Warning: Spoilers
When you begin looking at Ciao, you are overcome with disdain. You fight the urge to make a compassionate audience with overwhelming odds against this amateur handiwork. The story is a bizarre post-traumatic look at closeted love with online dating, romance and sanitized gay-flections between an American and an Italian.

The death of a common friend looms as a gray sheen throughout the movie.

What the movie epic-ally fails in weak storyline and even weaker acting - it reveals unexpected treasures with music and silence.

The quiet misery at the airport and the passionate conversation with kisses, makes up for lost time.

Ciao is a story of hellos and goodbyes - choose them wisely when you see this movie - lest you miss what was already there.
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Gentle, Heart Warming, and Believable
lincoln-1523 February 2009
I recently saw 'Ciao' at a film festival in Australia and it turned out to be one of my favorites. I think it beautifully captured the cautious and quiet interactions we have with people who we barely know and who are from another country and culture. It was also a wonderful example of how we relate to another person who was unknown to us yet deeply loved the same person that we ourselves have loved. The common ground that two people have when they have both independently loved a third is thoughtfully explored.

This movie is for those who love to think about (and ponder) dialog. It is also for people who enjoy a solid script delivered by actors that quietly deliver the goods. To me it was both believable and possible, which made it even more endearing. I was afraid that the film was going to go in a predictable direction and have a Hollywood style ending but this temptation was (thankfully) resisted. Instead the audience was provided with a very moving, heart warming, and realistic conclusion. I felt the movie was full of meaning, but you had to be listening and patient. The movie was about the journey of two people who shared common ground and the connection between them because of it. I recommend it highly.
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Subdued, Slow-Paced Look at Two Men Seeking Solace in Their Mutual Grief
EUyeshima6 April 2010
Made on the cheap with a no-name cast, this intentionally intimate 2008 drama focuses on the aftermath of an auto accident which killed a young man named Mark, in particular, the impact of his unexpected death on two men – one is his best friend and roommate Jeff, and the other is Andrea, a Genoese Italian with whom Mark has been corresponding online. Mark is shown in a brief silent bit at the very beginning and later in flashback episodes and videotape. Director Yen Tan keeps the story economical by then segueing into a series of e-mails between Jeff and Andrea, at which point we find out Mark died just as Andrea was coming to visit him. Touched by Andrea's sincerity, Jeff invites him to come anyway.

What occurs from that point is not a predictable romance in typical queer cinema fashion but more the escalation of an unwieldy relationship that forms between the two survivors, neither of whom can quite accept Mark's death. It becomes clear that Jeff, a genuine mensch leading an unremarkable life, has unresolved feelings for Mark, and although he's out (thanks to Mark's influence), Jeff cannot liberate himself from the unrequited love he appears to covet. As you would expect, Andrea is serious eye candy with a conscience, a catch by most cinematic conventions, yet the filmmaker focuses on the tentative nature of their burgeoning relationship as an expression of both men's grief.

The only other character in the movie is Jeff's acerbic Asian-American stepsister Lauren, played efficiently by Ethel Lung, but she seems to enter and exit merely to comment on the obvious. The pacing is absurdly slow with lots of close-ups and long takes with little action. As Jeff, Adam Neal Smith is sincere but overly bland, just not compelling enough to maintain the film's emotional pivot point. On the other hand, Alessandro Calza brings sensitivity to the somewhat idealized role of Andrea, perhaps not a coincidence since he is the co-screenwriter (with Tan). The movie slips by unobtrusively in a subdued, almost hushed tone, but despite some awkward moments, including an inevitable scene late in the film, the emotional honesty makes this worth seeing. The 2010 DVD includes a comprehensive if not altogether informative commentary track from Tan and Calza plus the original theatrical trailer.
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A Hidden Treasure
mikeybay9910 April 2009
Warning: Spoilers
It's so rare in life that we get beyond what we originally wanted but watching this film was one of those golden moments. I stumbled upon this movie not knowing any sort of advance word or description, merely hoping for some temporary diversion, but was instead rewarded with an amazing piece of understated artistry. Such universal appeal within the underlying honestly of the story & characters yet also showing a very personal understanding of the particular friendship, intimacy possible between gay men. So well crafted, there were pleasures to be found wherever one turned: subtle but haunting soundtrack, the clean, quiet strokes of the cinematography and the remarkably sincere performances of the cast. This is one of those films that echoes into the audience's subconscious for days and days afterwards. But being addicted to all things Robert Altman, my final judgement always comes down to the actual words and the behavior which surrounds them - that's what really determines the level of a film's impact. The conversations between the main characters, Jeff and Andreas, hit a level of realness we hardly ever see in American movies, never mind gay cinema. Even beyond that, there is a penultimate scene of intimacy between them which accomplishes a mesmerizing display of soulful quietness unlike almost anything else to be found in movies today. Hardly any directors get it right when it comes to sex, making it more about choreography or titillation rather than the underlying foundation of it all: honesty. Nothing more naked than that in this world nor anything more artistically misunderstood. But this director, Yen Tan, tore my heart out to the floor with that scene alone. There was just so much being said by the characters' faces and intertwining limbs, so much of what life is really like but that we don't realize we have in common till a filmmaker like himself finally speaks up. To my grateful surprise, I wandered upon something worth remembering and can't wait to see what comes next from Tan.
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What a waste
cosmolake14 February 2009
Warning: Spoilers
This movie had such great potential - handsome leads and storyline that could have been engaging. The two actors playing the leads deserved a script that was considerably less wooden. Lingering (as in "when will something happen") shots with no point permeated this movie. Tours of the Dallas freeway system at dawn seemed to be the director's way of getting this film to something that would qualify for feature-length status. It even has a home movie within this home movie that is a musical rendering of worst kind. This is a movie that doesn't deserve community support - even in its DVD form. If you watched this film on You Tube, there would be long stretches when you think your computer has locked up because nothing is happening until you realized that the crawl bar is actually moving.
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It is just like mine, very moving story
ralis-sinclair19 April 2009
I was skeptical at first when I read the synopsis before watching this movie. I thought it would be something just like other atypical movie that tried so hard to be different that everything fell apart. Instead, this movie has seen so much emotion that I found to be very emphatic, at least to me. Every scene has detailed emotions that I would be doing the same thing if I am going to be in that situation. About meeting internet friends, I have done that for several times, a thousands of miles away from home, and I have welcomed several net friends to my place, and therefore, the experience of this movie was trying to portray is pretty much the same what I have had before, but minus the romance. The feeling when we were parted indescribable. I was about to cry myself when I left my friend in the airport.After all, it is all the same. This movie really had moved me in some ways, because some of my experiences were on screen. The only gripe, maybe the movement of the movie is a little bit slow at times, but I really appreciate the emotion and character brought into this movie. If you are still hesitate to watch this movie, just give it a try. Hasta luegos.
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octoberguy6024 December 2008
This movie is laughably bad. Every shot is held three times longer than necessary... the script lacks any exploration of emotions that would be warranted by the circumstances and is filled with banal chatter rather than driving a story. The direction is wooden and the actors aren't much better. It appears as if the writer and director are afraid of exploring emotion, and use a plodding score and a lot of quiet tormented posing to imply emotional pain. The photography offers nothing in terms of visual meaning or interesting shots. Nothing happens in Ciao and nothing is truly resolved. This is an intriguing story concept that is completely wasted. You want to feel sad or happy or empathetic or something; you just feel bored. And the sighs from the audience confirmed a communal sense of boredom. One of the worst films I've ever seen.
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Not for everyone but an extraordinary film nonetheless
sparkertree3 January 2009
Warning: Spoilers
"Ciao" has gotten some pretty polarizing reviews, while I can see why (the slow pacing especially can be very off-putting to the average viewer who is not used to watching foreign art-house cinema that doesn't spoon feed you every detail in a hyper kinetic, more-is-more fashion. This is a film that really takes it time to unveil itself, much like a blooming flower), I must also admit that watching this alone on a rainy afternoon in a movie theater was one of my most memorable filmgoing experience. The cinematography is very stylized, consisting of beautifully composed close ups and single-take wide shots, but the mood conveyed is somber, melancholy and ultimately very human and touching. There were several moments that struck my emotional chord, and I don't recall being this moved by a love scene that is presented in a way that I have never seen in cinema before. To the naysayers, I say: I'm sorry you didn't get to experience "Ciao" the way I did, and as evident by the other audience members who were at the screening I attended, I'd think most of them would agree with me. I've seldom watched a film where a majority of the viewers stayed through the entire credit roll and slowly exited the theater like they've all experienced something hypnotic and profound. Such is the effect of "Ciao." It had a lingering power that stayed with me for days after.
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A gem in lean times!
dexquoter20 August 2009
The makers of this film deserve every accolade that is written praising their work! "Ciao" is a truly remarkable film! What a pleasure to see a work of art that is not ashamed to deal with a sensitive theme in a tasteful and - to quote a word used in the script - UNcheesy - way. The script, acting, direction, lighting, editing and casting are all excellent. Overall the work achieves all that it sets out to do: tell a real life drama in a way that we VERY seldom see from Hollywood. "Ciao" does so with sensitivity, realism and genuine empathy for real human fears, joy, sadness and compassion. There is none of your usual quickly flashed, clichéd camera-work, or clever lines that pander to mediocrity and formula. "Ciao" is a film that takes its time to reveal the inextricably entangled knot of emotion, history, motive, intent, reactions, fate and timing that are a part of real life. What is particularly rewarding is that it does not rely on formula to tell the story. It is a film that is highly recommended to anyone who is a serious student of cinema as an art form. It sings as an echo to another great film by Woody Allen - "Interiors." The music, and indeed the lack of music in many of the scenes is beautifully apt and innovative. "Ciao" reminds us that we are too dependent on anticipation to make us feel comfortable. Art does not have the purpose of making us feel comfortable; art has the purpose of showing us reality and making us relate to that in the way we can best understand it. "Ciao" does this.
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A simple love story is not enough.
pichino4 March 2012
Simple gay-theme movie. Simple story, low budget. But there are plenty of simple movies that still manage to bring emotions, messages and great scenes. This movie is not one of these.

The acting is so poor that it completely ruins the good part of a story that it's way too simple itself.

My opinion: if you'd like to see something like this movie but they way it should have been, try to take a look at "Le Fate Ignoranti" by Ferzan Ozpetek (hope I spelled it right) whose story is not as simple but it's definitely something better.

Not impressed by this movie.
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A very good drama about love & relationships.
jaybob29 March 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Alessandro Catza both co-wrote & portrays one of the two leads. He did both well. The director Yen Tan is the other co-writer & he shows much skill in his direction. I wish him well & hope to see other films he has directed.

Adam Neal Smith is the other lead actor. He and Alessandro portray, Jeff & Andrea, two men in their twenties who meet on line, this occurs because of the untimely death of a mutual friend, Mark.

These three men just happen to be gay, the story is so universal one or two of them could have been female.

This is a love story about friendships & about the meanings of love & friendship. As in all love stories there is some sadness.

Thankfully there is none of the silly nonsense we usually see in films about Gay persons, BOTH come across as real flesh & blood human/ ALSO there is no nudity or needless sex scenes, There is one very beautiful romantic interlude towards the end. (the way they used to make love stories & show sex scenes) beings.

We only see Mark towards the end, he sings a song that does fully explain what love is & or should be.

The director purposely & to great effect has a few silent moments, we the audience need not be privy to everything, this allows us to use our own imagination.

This fine film had next to no theatrical showings, It is a far better film than many of the major movies this past year.

Rent this ASAP & you will be glad you did.

Ratings: ***1/2 (out of 4),93 points (out of 100), IMDb 9 (out of 10)
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Really bad
Ali_7843431 July 2009
It's not often I can't be bothered to finish a film after starting to watch it but with this film is happened. As soon as the actors starting speaking I turned to my girlfriend just to check it wan't only me that thought the acting was terrible. Her look said it all.

It's a shame. Before watching the film I saw the very high IMDb score (but forgot to look at the number of votes) and was expecting to sit down to a cult classic, indeed the first 2-3 minutes set the scene with a suitably art-house feel but then.... oh dear.

Oh no! Now IMDb wants me to write a minimum of 10 tens without padding I'm not sure that I can do that without just repeating that this film is bad. I don't hold any illusions to be some master film critic but I know bad acting and a bad film when I see one.

Just don't bother.
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Unique & Unusual
donwc199622 June 2014
This film is not just unique it is also very unusual in that it simply does not live up to the preconceived hype associated with films in this genre. First of all, the director's style is fantastic because unlike every director on the planet he does not move the camera. Each shot is like a still life. This probably will drive some people crazy, but I loved it. Then there is the story. You just never know what is going to happen and eventually you realize nothing does happen. In this day and age when every scene in a movie is supposed to move the story forward, this film absolutely stands still so that combined with the non moving camera the film is like a series of still photos which in itself is quite abstract and surreal. The two leads are both very handsome and very charming and engaging. But the lack of action combined with the still-life photography really gives the two leads a great deal of character and depth that you just do not see in today's films.
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Too Close to Home
thesar-25 May 2010
Warning: Spoilers
What an amazing trick director Tan pulled off with obvious student-project Ciao: turning a 13-minute short into an hour and a half.

In what felt like a first draft, Tan needed to go back and edit some more. There were far too many "mood" scenes with utter silence, like the overlong "typing" only sound intro, or close-ups and faraway shots. Too many, in fact, we saw a lot of the backs of the actor's heads for periods of time. But, heck, we all learn.

If that were all the movie was, surely (not Shirley, as in Airplane! – I know, that was lame, but I have to amuse myself while writing about this mediocre film) this would've received one star. The actors, namely the Italian, Andrea (Calza), had their heart invested. And it was deeply emotional.

Furthermore, this has happened to me one more than one occasion. No I won't name names, but I guess I should give the synopsis to clarify.

Before the 13-minute movie turned 87 minutes begins, the off-screen (for the most part) character Mark (Blaum) dies, unexpectedly and it's up to best friend/roommate, Jeff (Smith) to snoop around in order to inform those close to Mark of the incident. Andrea's on his way from Italy in order to meet (or is that meat) Mark, but is intercepted by Jeff and they spend a good couple of days reminiscing about the late Mark.

Now, when I say this has occurred in my life, I'm not referring to the snooping or someone died. I've just had people in my life that I loved and they were "just a friend." In fact, as much as I tried to cover it up – ha ha, fruitless – everyone, including my friend knew of this love. But, he didn't feel the same way, though wanted to stay friends. This movie captured these feelings, emotions and scenarios perfectly and personally. So, naturally, I rate this higher for the personal aspects.

Unfortunately, I don't think I'll be watching this movie again anytime soon. Every scene dragged on 1-2 minutes too long, too many objects/props were off the screen, yet talked about a lot and 80% of the acting was just wrong.

That said, I would recommend for those in the mood for a slow-moving, emotion-driven gay themed movie night. I loved the guitar scene and I was pleased with the finale. I can't spoil, and I'm referring to the "bed" scene, but I kept dreading them going to the obvious, but kept true to what would really happen.
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Heartwrenchingly Subtle - Beautiful
cynjendrejcak15 June 2010
This was a wonderfully subtle film. Although primarily focusing on Jeff and Andrea, there was always a powerful third character present- the overwhelming and mind-numbing grief both men felt for Mark.

That grief was practically tangible throughout the entire film and I think those that enjoyed the film recognize that. And to those that say that the film felt disjointed and stilted, I say that it was a perfect expression of that intense grief.

I liked the fact the fact that they (Andrea and Jeff) became intimate the way they did, it was sensual and plausible and more meaningful than any sort of a trope hookup. The minimalist music was fantastic and again, the stretches of absolute silence in the film added to the sensation of grief and loss. The ending worked for me as well, giving both men the reminder that there is a future without Mark, and that just maybe that future could include each other.
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Subtle but points where the storyline seems asleep
codygdietrich21 December 2020
It truly is a film where part of me wants to say it is good because it is a bit of an unusual storyline that addresses sadness and loss in a touching and sensitive way that isn't depressing and another part of me wants to say there really isn't much a story to make the movie interesting. There are points where it's a minute or two long scene of a guy not moving, I'm not sure what they were trying to accomplish with those scenes but they didn't succeed because nothing is happening and it just feels like an editing mistake. Overall it's not a terrible film but I think it would be better to go a bit deeper with their conversations of their memories.
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I really enjoyed this movie!
I see others who reviewed this movie didn't care much for it, but I personally really enjoyed it. I thought the script was well written and included a lot of details that are sometimes left out of movies. The story line had me interested the whole way through. Definitely a movie to watch when you feel like relaxing as it isn't fast moving and the characters/actors are kinda quiet and "tread lightly" through the movie. That being said, it made for a more interesting movie to me as it left more to my imagination and had me glued to the TV begging for things to go the way I wanted them to. I would definitely like to see more from these actors but so far it seems that they aren't in a lot of films. I hope they plan to do more!
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Loved it!!!
ohlabtechguy15 January 2017
Being trapped in Ohio, feel like I'm missing out on so much good gay drama. This movie is a prime example. Loved the two masculine, normal acting gay characters. Both characters seemed real and was glad to see they didn't hop in bed at first sight. The Italian character was simply lovable...and his "missing a dick" comment was hilarious, despite being said in a serious context. Of course, wasn't everyone hoping they'd finally take an interest in each other. At the end, in the airport, there was a glimmer of hope that the Italian would be asked to stay for a few more weeks....but that didn't happen. Still, there was a strong possibility they would see each other again. Acting was good...pace sometimes too slow...but loved the whole concept.
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A very simple story of Love and Death and the possibilities
bgoo-1989017 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I am a gay man with no talent. Just opinions.

This story is one for Gay men dating now. How meetings happen and how they can change your life. The story is centered around Mark. The ex lover of Jeff played by Adam Neal Smith. Who is dealing with settling Marks affairs after a fatal car accident. The unexpected arrival of Andrea played by Alessandro Calza.

Here are 2 gay men thrown together but unusual circumstances. In the process of mourning they get to know each other and in the end developed feelings for each other that do not end up in bed. This movie leaves you feeling good about the world and wishing for a part 2.
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Fine Piece Of Art
fabiosarsgaard20 March 2016
This movie is brilliant for any gay person who has ever used one of those app's like grinder or scruff....Relationships can be built based on love and tenderness and there is still good in people...The acting is amazing and you believe that the feelings are there and you can't help but feeling hopeful that people can actually love each other, death and loss of a loved one can bring people together in ways that we do not even imagine... The ending leaves it up to your imagination, for the viewers to decide what happened which is a great thing and do not impose to you an affirmative closure. One critic once told me that Americans didn't watch the movie because of it's title CIAO which doesn't surprise me since most of them are not aware that there is life outside Hollywood.
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Not a review but a question
littlesatanhooves31 July 2021
Who was Jeff talking to on the phone when he said "I dropped some stuff off at your parents", a few hours after he delivered some documents to an elderly couple who are supposed to be the parents of the recently deceased Mark? I assume that the person he is talking to is an unseen sibling of Mark. Who else could it be right? This segment occurs about 16 minutes into the movie.
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