"Marcus Welby, M.D." Go Get 'Em, Tiger (TV Episode 1970) Poster

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"Go Get 'Em Tiger" No Paper Tiger
robscoe4931 January 2007
Warning: Spoilers
In the opening scene,Dr.Steve Kiley enters the Ross-McGill Clinic(a drug treatment clinic)where men are taking methadone;the last one called is a Mr.Chambers.

Kiley looks horrified;Mr.Chambers gave Kiley his first job repairing cars to earn college money.Chambers snarls that he takes methadone to keep from returning to heroin.

That morning,Dr. Welby(swamped with patients)is nettled at Kiley's absence.

Kiley,strolling the drug clinic's grounds,chats with Chambers.

Chambers turned to heroin 5 years before,after his daughter was killed in a freeway accident.His business slid,and Chambers drifted into crime to support his habit.

After serving time in prison he went to New York, but dissatisfied - returned to Los Angeles.

Undergoing withdrawal,Chambers collapsed at the Ross-McGill Clinic,where he lives.If he leaves the clinic he can't obtain methadone,without which he cannot function.

Kiley tries to get Chambers a job,but nobody will hire an ex-felon.

Kiley returns to Welby's clinic around lunchtime;Consuelo warns that Welby is furious.As Kiley sits down,Welby unnerves him with his basilisk glare.

A bus driver applicant at La Vista Academy(a boys' school)has canceled his appointment for the physical examination.Kiley immediately calls Chambers about the prospective job.

Chambers keeps the appointment,and Kiley examines him.Kiley ignores the needle scarring on Chambers's arm,and passes him. Chambers once hired an under-aged Steve Kiley as a mechanic;now Kiley reciprocates the favor.

At La Vista Academy,Chambers impresses the dispatcher by dexterously handling a school bus and is immediately hired.

On his inaugural run,Chambers notices one student missing,and the others assure him that "Greg is usually late,and his mother ends up driving him to school."

Chambers,determined that Greg will ride the school bus like everybody else,attempts to chug the aging vehicle up a steep incline;it stalls halfway.Chambers jumps off the bus,opens the hood,and revs up the motor. Back inside,the engine roars to new life,negotiating the hill successfully.

Chambers toots the horn;reluctantly,Greg Wells,Jr.lopes out.He is a swarthily-handsome,solemn-faced youth.Arriving at school,Greg(who seems "out of it")has to be reminded to leave the bus.

The next day,Chambers(who is suspicious),asks Greg why he always wears long-sleeved shirts.Greg(sweating heavily)snarls defensively,confirming Chambers's worst fears about young Wells.

Chambers drives to Welby's office.He frantically tells a confused Welby that"one of the kids is sick,"but he "doesn't want to get the boy in trouble."

In the interim,George Howe(the headmaster of La Vista Academy)storms into Welby's office and fires Chambers,while upbraiding for foisting off an ex-junkie upon his school.

Howe finds out who performed the medical examination and starts inveighing against Kiley,ranting that he is"without ethics."Welby agrees to investigate when Kiley returns.

Kiley tries to explain,but is bawled out by Welby for his stupidity.Steve admits his wrongheadedness,and Marcus offers to help Chambers.

They confront La Vista's executive committee(Howe,another man,and a Mrs. Collins.)The men want Chambers out;Mrs.Collins is compassionate and will put the matter before the board of trustees at tomorrow's public meeting.

While brainstorming,Welby,Kiley,and Mrs.Collins ask Consuelo's advice. She suggests Chambers try for another position at the school.

Mrs. Collins suggests the school's car clinic.No one was qualified to run it,but Chambers would be the perfect candidate.

That evening,the moody Greg Wells visits Dr.Welby,admitting he's scared he's hooked on heroin.Wells explains Chambers insisted he come - the only adult Wells could trust to tell him the truth about addiction.

Wells also says Chambers left the clinic(fearing he caused too much trouble);Kiley hastens to find him.

Chambers(back at the clinic)had visited his daughter's grave.He needs the clinic, but also,a focus in life.

Kiley assures him that Mrs.Collins and the kids care,and both he and Welby are sticking their necks out for him at the meeting,which they expect him to attend.

At the meeting,Howe insists an addict is not sick,but causes his own addiction.Welby counters that he doesn't consider guilt, but treats the disease.

Welby assures that Chambers is no longer addicted,and should be hired to supervise the Car Clinic,both for his expertise in mechanics,aw well as his empirical wisdom concerning the perils of drug addiction.

Howe demands to know how Chambers's presence has had a positive influence of a student.Greg Wells leaps up,hysterically admitting his addiction.Howe then insists that Wells tell him how Chambers made him seek help.

Wells looks confused;Chambers rushes over, puts a protective arm around him,declaring:"I told him:Cut it out,kid,or you'll wind up like I did."

Flatly,Chambers states "I'm Exhibit A,"acknowledges responsibility for past mistakes,but adds,(touchingly)that can "make a motor sing like a bird," and can serve as an example to any student considering drugs.

Chambers is lauded for his honest,heart-touching speech,and a chastened Howe hires Chambers as Car Clinic supervisor.

Later,Steve Kiley visits Chambers at the La Vista Car Clinic.Steve's motorcycle is acting up,and chambers sends his protégé - a smiling Grag Wells - out to examine the machine.The scene ends with Chambers smiling,also;he has found his purpose in life.

Jack Albertson performed superbly as Mr.Chambers,the garage owner who fell from society's grace over a family tragedy.

His emotional speech,asking for a chance at redemption was movingly tear-provoking.

Barry Brown(Greg Wells),a promising 1970's actor,had one of Hollywood's most soulful faces.

As Greg Wells,Barry Brown conveyed an almost painful look of emotional torment over his besetting problem.

Sadly,in real life,this highly talented performer was assailed by the twin demons of serious depression and alcoholism,ultimately committing suicide at the age of 27 in 1978.

While dated,this show provides a glimpse into the U.S.drug situation nearly 40 years ago,and the anti-drug message incorporated in the show is still timely,universal,and more important now than ever.
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