"Buffy the Vampire Slayer" Lovers Walk (TV Episode 1998) Poster

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The highlight of the season
katierose2952 August 2006
Warning: Spoilers
It's hard to believe that in seven seasons of BTVS and five seasons of "Angel," this is the only episode where Buffy, Angel and Spike share any real scenes. Oh, they had brief moments together in "What's my Line? Part Two," "Suprise," and "Becoming Part Two," but they don't really interact. Angel's usually either unconscious or evil, Spike and Buffy are usually fighting, and sadly nobody's taking the time to talk. After this season, Angel moves to his own show and Spike becomes a full time cast member here on BTVS, which gives them very little opportunity for interaction. (The closest they get is season seven's "Chosen.") Even when they reunite over on season five of "Angel," Buffy's not there to share in the fun. (No, I don't count the "Girl in Question.") So, if you want to see Buffy and her two vampire sometimes boyfriends/sometimes enemies all hanging out together, then "Lover's Walk" is it. Luckily, it's one heck of a good episode.

The episode begins with Spike's return to town. Drusilla has left him and Spike is distraught. Drunk and miserable he crashes through the "Welcome to Sunnydale" sign for his second time in as many seasons and begins his hazy plan for revenge. Honestly, Spike has no idea what he's planning to do. As usual, he blames Angel for his problems and is contemplating some kind of skin disease curse for his grand-sire. But he quickly gets a better idea when he overhears Willow discussing a love spell. Willow and Xander continue to be attracted to each other and Willow wants to cast a "de-lusting" spell to cure them. Spike kidnaps them, takes them to the factory and demands that Willow whip-up some magic that will make Dru come back to him.

As the episode goes on it becomes more and more apparent that Spike is just... Lonely. He's used to having someone to talk to. His mother, Dru, even Angelus. Now he's sad and alone and looking for a shoulder to cry on. He's almost blindly returned to Sunnydale, because Angel lives there and because it was were his life with Dru went wrong. Now that he's here, he's more interested in talking about his romantic problems with Willow and Joyce than really completing his love spell plan. He repeats his tale of woe to anyone who will listen, but basically seems content to drink hot chocolate with Buffy's mom and threaten to kill Xander.

Angel and Buffy soon arrive to try and reign him in. Spike refused to tell them where he's keeping Willow and Xander, unless they help him with the spell. So the three of them set off, with Spike making some uncomfortably accurate observations about Angel and Buffy's relationship along the way. In the meantime, Oz and Cordy are tracking Willow and Xander. They arrive to rescue them just in time to see Willow and Xander kiss. The Mayor, learning that Spike is back, sends a group of vampires to kill him. Spike, Buffy and Angel have to work together to fight them off. The battle cheers Spike up and convinces him to win Dru back the old fashion way... Through bondage and torture. The episode ends with everybody unhappy and broken up... Except Spike, who speeds out of town with a new lease on his un-life.

This is one of my favorite episodes, mainly because of Spike. He just steals the show with his drunken, brokenhearted, reminiscing. "Dru and I killed a homeless man on that bench. He begged for mercy, but that only made her bite harder." And it's just hilarious when Angel shows up at the Summer's house and sees Spike sitting with Joyce. Thinking that Spike will attack her, Angel rushes forward, but he can't come in without an invitation. While Joyce shouts at him to go away, Spike makes menacing faces behind her back and taunts Angel. "You're a very bad man." Angel and Buffy's eye-rolling and complaints as they tag along with Spike are also perfect. "You're not even a loser anymore. You're the shell of a loser." Also, I really love the ending, with the shot of a funeral. I really thought it was Cordy's, the first time I saw this episode.

"Lover's Walk" reinforces the idea that Spike is different than you're average vampire. He feels things, especially love, and he has the often annoying ability to see more than people would like. He sees right through Buffy and Angel's "we're just friends" lie and he knows that if he threatens Xander, he can control Willow because they love each other. Spike also needs to be part of a group. He doesn't like being on his own, as this episode shows, and his need for people explains a lot of his actions later in the series. Spike is willing to play on either side of the fence, depending on what group he's aligned with at the time. Typically, he doesn't fight for good or evil, he fights for people.

A few problems with the episode. Why can't Angel just backtrack Spike's steps to find Willow and Xander? They have that vampire super smelling thing, after all. Oz could find them by smell, Angel should be able to, as well. Honestly, I think that Buffy and Angel know his hostages are at the factory. Buffy even mutters that they should just check there first, rather than help Spike out and Angel sort of rolls his eyes when Spike denies it. They just don't want to stake Spike, because the both have a soft spot for the guy. Also, why did they have the henchman who's after Spike be this new vampire Lenny? It should have been Lucius, Spike's follower from last season.

My favorite part of the episode: Joyce and Spike in the Summer's kitchen. Last time Angel and Joyce were alone in the kitchen, he was tempted to bite her. Spike just wants little marshmallows for his co-co.
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'Love isn't brains, children. It's blood.' Spike's back, kids!
elle-ss16 May 2012
Warning: Spoilers
This is one of my favourite episodes of Buffy, and there are so many reasons why:

First and foremost, of course, is the fact that Spike is BACK! And he's...well, he's drunk, lonely and adorable as ever. He's returned to Sunnydale because Drusilla has left him, and he seeks Willow's less- than-voluntary help in winning her back, via a love spell. After kidnapping Willow and Xander, Spike pops over to the Summers' household to cry on Joyce's shoulder, with hilarious consequences. Eventually Spike forces Angel and Buffy to team up with him in order to get the things he needs for his spell, and in doing so get their friends back, but after fighting other vampires Spike realises that he doesn't need the spell at all: he'll instead win Dru back with sheer violence, force and determination.

This whole episode really highlights how different Spike is from all the other vampires - he's a lover and a fighter, but he'll happily switch teams when it suits him as evidenced by the epic fight scene with Buffy and Angel! This scene is definitely my favourite in the episode because it's just such a momentous thing - sure, Spike's sort of blackmailing them but you can tell, deep down, that both Angel and Buffy don't hate the guy as much as they claim. Hell, they all seem to have had fun fighting alongside each other, rather than amongst themselves for once.

Whilst that scene alone puts this episode up there as one of the best, the rest of the episode doesn't disappoint either. Giles is sadly absent for most of it, and Faith doesn't make an appearance once, but I think this is partly because Spike is such a larger-than-life character that he overshadows everyone else, and filling the screen with all the cast would only detract from him. So their absences aren't really felt at all! There are also lots of fun little interactions we don't see much of in other episodes - for example Spike and Joyce's conversation is absolute gold, whilst Cordelia and Oz also share a line or two for once.

The subplot - though calling it that may belittle the importance of it all - of the episode is however unfortunately the reveal of Willow and Xander's affair, as Cordi and Oz catch them making out in Spike's basement. Cordi then gets rather seriously injured, but is thankfully okay - however she wants Xander as far away from her as possible. Buffy and Angel then meet, and Buffy tells him that they can no longer be friends, because they never were friends. It seems that Spike's comments about their relationship really hit home, and Angel is left a broken man.

So as you can see, there's A LOT going on in this episode. Spike is pure brilliance, as always, dropping little pearls of wisdom about love whilst simultaneously bashing in the heads of any vampire who challenges him. But while Spike leaves the episode determined to win Dru back, all the other relationships of Sunnydale have taken serious blows. So if you're a fan of Angel/Buffy, Xander/Cordelia and Willow/Oz, this episode packs a punch alright! But beyond that it's impressive to see how well all their stories tie together, with Spike neatly summing up that 'love isn't brains' children. It's blood.'

I can't even think of anything to criticise about this episode...I suppose the only issue I do have with it is that Buffy and Angel didn't really need to work with Spike. They could quite easily have blown him off and found Willow and Xander themselves. They even knew where they were! It's not like there was any threat to them, Spike wasn't having them guarded and he was outnumbered by Buffy and Angel. We know they could have easily overpowered him. BUT I'm going to chalk all that up to them both having a soft spot for him somewhere. Why else would Buffy let him walk free?

Or the tl;dr version: 'Lover's Walk' is one of my favourite episodes of Buffy. Lots of wonderful Spike, and developments in relationships that aren't to be missed. Watch it already!
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I did it my way.
bombersflyup19 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Lovers Walk is about Spike rolling back into town and kidnapping Willow, to perform a love spell on Drusilla.

A quality episode, Spike's back and he turns everyone's life upside down and then goes on his merry way. Possibly the only time the trio of Buffy, Angel and Spike are together for any substantial time, making it standout. In the end Buffy tells Angel she won't be coming around anymore and Cordy tells Xander to get lost. Spike may well be dead, but he's as full of life as they come.
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Wrecking Ball Spike
ossie8511 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Spike returns to Sunnydale drunk and heartbroken. Drusilla has broken up with him and would do anything to get her back. He then kidnaps Willow and Xander and forces Willow to do a spell for him. Spike then enlists Buffy and Angel to help him get the ingredients in exchange for Willow and Xander. Buffy and Angel realise that they still have feelings for each other. Xander and Willow are still struggling with their feelings.

Why It's So Good - Spike effectively wrecks three relationships. Buffy and Angel clearly in denial, while Xander and Willow betray Oz and Cordelia. Spike is a delight to watch, and James Marsters put in an amazing performance.

Watch Out For - Spike in the sunlight.

Quote - "She wouldn't even kill me. She just left. She didn't even care enough to cut off my head or set me on fire. I mean, is that too much to ask? You know? Some little sign that she cared?" - Spike.
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The relationships takes over (and Spike is back)
Joxerlives13 February 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Lover's Walk

The Good; Spike is back in town and emotional hell follows with him for the rest of the cast! I think it's at this point that Buffy really stops being about the demon of the week and starts being about the relationships.

The Bad; Are you kidding?

Best line; Spike; "I may be love's bitca but at least I'm man enough to admit it"

Character death; Bye bye to another magic shop owner. Spike's killing her is horrible in the extreme, the sheer brutality of it. The scene where Spike threatens to push a broken bottle in Willow's face is also horrible (pay attention Spike fans!). I remember watching this ep for the first time and thinking "NO! They can't kill Cordy!" but eventually they do. Presumably the funeral we see is of the Magic Shop owner?

Knocked out; Cordy and Xander

Women good/men bad; Joyce wants Buffy to go to parties with kegs and boys, as it happens neither will work out well for her.

Kinky dinky; Willow thinks bowling and rented shoes are sexy which is a whole level of kink beyond my ken, my barbie and all my action figures. Spike also seems to be quite enamoured of Willow (Spillow?) which will be referred to again in season 4. He also talks of 'having a woman' which implies that a vamp feeding is akin to a sexual act. Spike says he's going to torture Dru until she loves him again?

Calling Captain Subtext; How much do we adore the scene between Spike and Joyce? Of course when we see Spike's relationship with his own mum, we understand why. Spike also refers to Angel as 'peaches' and a 'great poof' which must have had Spangel fans working overtime. Buffy comments that for some reason she can't fool Spike hinting at their relationship to come and possibly Spike's hidden sensitivity (realising in season 4 that Willow is falling apart, empathising with Dawn in season 5). Plus Dru senses that Spike is infatuated with the Slayer.

Guantanamo Bay; Buffy and Angel beat up and threaten to kill Spike for info

Questions and observations; Willow refers to Cletus the slack jawed yokel from the Simpsons. Weirdly Buffy has never even been referenced on that show as far as I know? Xander refers to Buffy and him working at the drive-in, both will but not at the same time. Surely the Mayor wouldn't have let Spike and co run rampant last year and destroyed the world? Xander recognises the ingredients for a love spell from his experience in BBB. Note Xander refers to wanting to be a fireman which will also feature in The Replacement (Nic later plays one in a very bad Syfy movie Fire Serpent) . Weirdly Buffy says that Spike's not known for keeping his word but to judge by 'Lie to Me' and 'Becoming' he actually does? Or does she mean that he'd promised that he'd never return to Sunnydale? Note that even Angel with a soul still knows how to push Spike's buttons? Cordy's expression upon seeing Xander and Willow together is just heartrending.

Buffy scores remarkably well on the SATs once again showing us there's brains behind that blonde hair. Love Cordy's bizarre leap of logic that Xander has been kidnapped by Columbian drug barons?

Really you get the idea that they're toying with the idea of Spike as a regular character and this was a test for it. Of course he fit the bill and the rest is history

10/10 no question
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Such a fun episode.
nayelimenesesa14 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This episode won 10 stars from me the second I saw Spike joking about bitting Joyce, he's so much fun. One of my favorite episodes !!!
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Spike is Back!
Tweekums26 February 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Over the last few episodes Willow and Xander have started to get a little too close; Willow decides to resort to magic to end their lustful feelings for each other. There is inevitably a problem though; Spike has returned to Sunnydale and when he learns that Willow is casting spells he kidnaps her and Xander to force her to cast a spell to cause Drusilla to love him again. While Willow and Xander are left locked in the factory Spike sets off to get various ingredients. One thing leads to another and he ends up fighting local vampires alongside Buffy and Angel. Meanwhile Oz and Cordelia find Willow and Xander just as they are 'giving in to their feelings'; it looks as if both of their relationships could be over. If all that wasn't enough Buffy gets her exam results and discovers that she has done much better than expected so has new options for next year when she starts college.

Spike was a great main villain in season two so it was great to see him return. Watching him mope about how his relationship with Drusilla ended was as tragic as it was amusing; especially when he told the same story to just about everybody he met. James Marsters does a fine job in the role making the character likeable even when he is talking about murder. It was good to see Willow and Xander's feelings exposed; it will be interesting to see how it effects the characters' relationships in future. Alyson Hannigan and Nicholas Brendon impress as Willow and Xander; they make the viewer believe their characters are genuinely conflicted. The episode incudes some impressive vampire slaying action as well a surprising accident that puts a major character in hospital. Overall this was a superior episode of this enjoyably series.
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Love hurts
Realrockerhalloween1 October 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Lovers walk reaches a climax as Xander and Willow's affection for one another become to much to bear. Spike mourns Dru breaking up with him and wants to caste a love spell to win her back. It's interesting to think a vampire can love as they are suppose to be soulless creatures without a conscious or remiss yet here feels general remorse. Could be since Dru sired him and once had a connection to the powers that be he has goodness left in him or is he simply unique and there's the possibility he could be mistaking love for obsession. As the romance between the scoobies it feels forced being introduced only to break up Xander and Cordy so she can leave after graduation.

Another aspect is Buffy and Angel trying to make their relationship work yet knowing it can't to far Like it did before. They can try to be friends but their passions will always draw them back in and lead to heart breaking feelings. If they are together they can't consulate their love, have kids or a normal future.
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Spike! Enough said
danamae514793 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Spike makes a comeback and that alone is enough to give this episode a high rating but then he went and beat up Xander!!! Whoo-hoo!!! 10 stars for the smack down Spike threw down on the terrible Xander. Spike is such a fun character. It is hard not to sympathize with him. Funny that James Marsters seems to take roles where he starts out as the bad guy then ends up helping the hero in some way (his Victor Hesse role from Hawaii Five-0 comes to mind). He is a brilliant actor and I can't wait to see where his character goes from here. More Spike and less Xander would be great but I'll just have to wait and see.
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Serious Stuff
Hitchcoc27 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Spike comes back and upsets the apple cart. He is still crazy for Druscilla, but she dumped him. He needs a spell to get her to love him again, so he kidnaps Willow. He puts her in a no win situation. But she needs supplies and he goes out to get them and encounters Buffy and Angel. This leads to quite a commotion. But what is most significant about this episode beside the usual vampire battles, is a love story. During the roughest of times, Xander kisses Willow and Cordelia sees it. She nearly dies in the commotion and ends up in the hospital. She turns her back on Xander whom she loves. Oz is also left by the wayside. Buffy has what she believes is a final scene with Angel. And Spike is still in his glory.
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The One Where Spike Comes Back To Town...
taylorkingston21 February 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I love this episode so much. It is so good and I was so happy to see the return of Spike, who is one of my favorite characters. Fun fact that you may not know, this episode made the writers decide to make Spike a full cast member for Season 4 and after. This episode is one of my all-time favorite episodes from this season and the series.

In this episode, Spike has just been dumped by Drusilla and he comes back to Sunndydale, drunk and does some stupid things. He kills some people, kidnaps Xander and Willow whilst they were casting a de-lusting spell, and then he forces Willow to do a spell, that will make Drusilla back. But then he needs to go to Buffy's house to get her spell book and Buffy almost kills him. But not before he has a cup of tea with Joyce. Which I thought was just adorable. Anyway, Angel and Buffy go to the magic shop with Spike to get ingredients for the spell, when they come across trouble. Vampires that want to kill Spike. Eventually, Spike tells them where Xander and Willow are and he leaves town. Meanwhile, Oz and Cordelia are looking for them as well, and when they find them kissing the factory, because they thought they were going to die, then stuff gets bad. Cordelia actually falls down and gets impaled, and then you see a funeral. They trick you into thinking she died. Don't worry, she was okay. But her relationship with Xander and Willow's relationship with Oz is now very rocky.

Overall, I give this episode a 10 out of 10.
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