My Super Sweet 16 (TV Series 2005– ) Poster

(2005– )

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Absolutely sickening
giveitsomeblonde14 July 2006
If I could choose a 0 out of 10 for this show, I would. I watched one episode, and it just SICKENED me. I cannot believe that kids like this exist in the world. They act like they are so high and mighty...just because Daddy has a few million pounds in the bank, doesn't really help the fact that they are ugly, stupid, stuck up and not likable at all. I feel sorry for them, their friends are obviously only interested in being best friends with the rich girl, and they'll never know the real value of money, or what it's like to actually earn your own money - which is such a good feeling! They've been robbed of a normal life, so I feel sorry for them. But fair enough, they exist, but WHY PUT THEM ON TELEVISION TO SICKEN AND ENRAGE THE REST OF THE WORLD? What is the point of this show? These girls shouldn't have the satisfaction of thinking they are some kind of celebrity... MTV really has gone downhill - its obvious they are running out of things to broadcast. Awful.
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this MTV series is an embarrassment to civilized society
andrewwhite817 May 2006
MTV, in its seeming quest to find the absolute bottom of the barrel, has certainly outdone itself with this truly depressing series on the lifestyles of the rich and unimportant. Why in the world would the parents of these foul and obnoxious children ever want their complete failure at child rearing put on television? Whenever I have accidentally channel- surfed into one of these episodes, it's like seeing an awful car wreck. It catches your interest for a couple minutes and then you realize just how utterly tragic it is and you have to stop watching. These rude and ill-bred teenagers are completely clueless to the fact that arrogance, ostentatious parties and expensive cars won't make them any less "tacky". There is not one birthday girl, or boy, on this show that isn't overly indulged and undeserving "trailer trash"...spoiled, stupid and totally without any real "class". They all seem to be sad, needy and very shallow. The really cool people with mega-wealth don't need to show it off. On second thought, could MTV be featuring these screwed-up and nasty kids as a public service so the rest of us can avoid them? Ya, right!
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The Richest, Selfish One Percent for Our Entertainment
lambiepie-227 December 2006
In some cultures reaching 16 is a right of passage. This show is showing you those who are going WAY overboard to impress their friends families with lavish, senseless things. It's all about their world, and their world is one day of excitement and flash.

Don't mistake the traditional "Sweet 16 party" for this. Many of my friends have had Sweet 16 parties as well with food, cakes, friends, DJ's and the renting of the neighborhood hall. I don't think it cost them over a few hundred dollars, and many of them worked and paid for it themselves. Some worked and had people pay at the door. Some parents actually cooked in the kitchen at these halls for us party goers! Fun times for all. But for MTV - boring.

This is reality television at it's finest - excess while the looker-ons are judge and jury. And gee, how many kids are BUGGING their parents RIGHT NOW to throw an over the top Sweet 16 party so that they can GET on MTV?!?!?! Ah-ha!

My Sweet 16 shows us these sad, meaningless, and yes - very lonely children in life who think money will give them the adulation they need. MTV may be trying to get this across: Parents, it's up to you to teach your children that this kinda thing is easily forgotten even after you spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to make your sweetie "Queen" or "King" for a few hours, and they aren't really "entitled" to a thing at 16. At 16, they should be throwing YOU the party.

This is an awful program for the morals, manners, and self-worth of teens and their push-over baby boomer parents...but someone has to show the rest of the world how brain-dead the other one percent really are.
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destroying young minds by the millions
juvie08156 January 2007
This show is like a documentary of the selfish and spoiled... its like a step by step guide on how to ruin your child's life. It's showing how stupid people can be when it comes to ridiculous expenses. no one is even old enough to completely enjoy the amount of money that actually went into it. People are starving and they waste money on such pointless stuff. Seriously when the revolution comes they will be the first ones against the wall. I can have more fun with 50 bux then these girls have with hundreds of thousands of dollars... they don't even spend much time with their friends at these parties. If they were smart they would just take a few close friends on a trip or a cruise, which would still be much less then what most of them spend and the party will last a few days.

After the show MTV should fly them 2 a third world country or to a dilapidated neighborhood to show them exactly how privileged they are. Most of them do not even understand exactly how much they spend on these parties. The cost of these parties is more then what MOST people make in a year. and they are squandering it in a few hour period. The rich should have to go through a compulsory education system because they are instilling materialistic values into the younger generation and its starting to pollute the minds of the young. alls i have to say is Socrates was put to death for preaching monotheism to the young what these people are doing is FAR worse. Seriously MTV is worse then the cigarette companies. its making the next generation retarded...
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Critics are right about "over the top materialism"
addictedtosierramist22 August 2006
Warning: Spoilers
My Super Sweet Sixteen is a show where rich soon-to-be 16 year olds get the party of their dreams. This show has been panned by critics for "over the top materialism" and I would have to agree.

I think it's one of the worst shows on MTV and there's been some pretty bad MTV shows. The show is about spoiled kids who get whatever they want, but wait-not only do they show the good parts of being a total spoiled brat, they also show so-called "drama" in planning the perfect sweet sixteen party. These kids seemed like their party is ruined if they get a performer that no one's ever heard of or if Rihanna shows up late to escort them to the party.

Not only that, but their parents seem perfectly willing to spend a ton of money on their parties. Someone on the show even said that their parents spent more on their party then on the parents wedding! It seems like this kids have no appreciation of their parents or even realize how lucky they are because they are only part of a small minority who can actually afford Sweet Sixteen parties like theirs or their parents want to spend so much money.

For a show that stresses over the top materialism and laughs in the face who are less privileged I rate this show 1/10
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basically the most annoying show ever
Boplock16 July 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I've watched a lot of episodes of this show,and i can say that its an absolute piece of sickens me to watch these kids pride themselves in being snobby,rich,unhumble,spoiled,selfcentered bratts.why would anyone be proud of that?their parents should truly be ashamed and embarrassed of these useless sacks of meat,that they have unfortunately society is forced to be burdened with the pure nothingness of their the sweet sixteen kids,stay out of us goal oriented kids' ways.we don't need u.we certainly don't like u.and we certainly don't 'think you're hot.'you're nothing but poor exscuses for human beings.we know that,and hopefully you know that.not that you care.
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What this show really needs is a follow up episode.
Awakening12414 February 2007
One look at this show and you know that it's devoid of all intelligence and a completely frustrating, painful waste of time.

All the other reviews have covered how shallow and ridiculous Super Sweet Sixteen is, but I've figured out what the show needs: Follow up episodes. A few years down the line Mtv should document the mental breakdown every single one of these sons and daughters will have when their luck runs out and they realize how pointless their existence is, or when they end up in rehab from their drug/alcohol/eating disorder issue and how they finally grow up from it. That's a show I would watch.
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Jealous, huh...of what, exactly???
lizzy_a225 March 2007
Hey yeah, this is for Tina...I read your comment, with some degree of sadness. I'm sad for how delusional you and the others who make similar comments about these people are. Hate to break it to ya, but we're not jealous. Do you really think we are jealous of people who are spoiled and bitch out their parents, are obsessed with material things and are in for a very RUDE awakening when they hit the real world? Don't think so. Would I turn down a chance to win the lottery and upgrade my digs? Heck no. But if it meant turning into one of these shallow brats, heck ya. But for now, I'll take being dead broke and happy, if means my ego is in check.

You and your materialistic MTV friends need to get out of fantasy land.
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My super stroppy 16 year old
Salamander_is25 February 2007
It's difficult to find words to describe how truly sickening this show is. It's also extremely difficult to know whether MTV deliberately made a show which is a complete shower of trash or whether this really is the insult to humanity it appears to be. Even if this show is a deliberate strike at the heart of human decency the fact this point is not made obvious (perhaps because of the increasingly shallow context of MTV) could even be considered quite dangerous owing to the fact that the intended audience really are too young to realise just how this sort of attitude blights society. The primary problem is the unabashed worship of materialism - this show represents selfish, hateful, greedy and ignorant behaviour in much the same way loyalty, respect, dignity and love are represented in mainstream media. Revolting garbage, has to be seen to be believed.
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Everything's BIGGER in the U S of A!
greglager30 March 2007
My god, I must say I've never really been compelled to write comments about a TV show, but.....after seeing this hideous shite vomiting out of the C.R.T, how could I not. These young children are some of the most disgusting examples of whats wrong with the world today. Also unfortunately for the population of USA it's this type of behaviour that gives the country such a bad name in basically the rest of the entire world. While dozens of poor little Cambodian children are chasing after anyone with a $1 NOTE to sell dozens of postcards to so they can afford another day of school, these unlicensed brats are whinging about the brand new "SUV" they received. Only cheering up when the even newer "Spider" sports-car arrives 10 minutes later with their diamond-encrusted Rolex. The biggest problem though has got to be with the parents. How can they let their children turn into such pampered little bastards who believe anything and everything is their god-given right. One of the biggest problems though, is that this isn't the only show that makes the yanks look like a bunch of idiots, Laguna Beach, Rich Girls, The Hills + countless other reality TV. Luckily I've been to the US several times and know that this isn't the real world there. Generally everyone I've met were great people, very friendly and not obnoxious fools. And, the amount of poverty and poor people is quite alarming contrary to what you see on these television programmes. But, it looks like it's MTV's mission to make Americans look like the most annoying, dumbest people on the planet!
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MistressoftheEmpire17 May 2007
Warning: Spoilers
This was without a doubt, the worst show I've ever watched. I was at home one day, bored, and decided to watch the television. This came up. I thought, hmm, let's see what this is like. I spent the next hour wanting to bash someone's head in. These girls and guys obviously do't appreciate what they have, and their parents really need to give some of them a spanking. One girl stopped her father from trying to get a lower rental price for the mansion she wanted for her party. 'Ooh, $ 50 000 is fine, daddy'.

She was the girl in high school that everyone hates, and is completely obsessed with herself, saying that she's hot (she only rates a 5 on my scale), and publicly giving invites so that everyone knows who didn't get them (and inviting guys and not their girlfriends). She whined when she didn't get a star for her birthday (her parents later surprised her with Lil Frankie, or some such person).

It scares me that there are people in the world like this. Her party cost US$ 150 000 in the end, for one night. I couldn't help but think, that's more than my university and living costs for 3 years. Nearly double, actually, even with flight costs factored in. Scary.
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rockorbe20029 October 2008
Warning: Spoilers
if you want a review of modern American society, look no further than mtv. what they feature is utterly saddening (although i do have a weakness for, and do enjoy, jackass). but my super sweet sixteen is probably of one the worst. (ill get to the other mtv shows later.) to begin, we start at some rich girl's (or rarely, boy's) mansion and she's planning a massive sweet sixteen party where she gets anything she wants. a $50000 country club? check. a $500 dress? check. a $100000 audi? (and it better not be used) check. what's sad is, the parents have their hands tied. they don't seem to care that they could be well taking their estate into bankrupcy, just to please some stupid brat.

what is the lesson in all of this? first of all, mtv is full if hypocrites. i mean, how do they launch anti-drug and anti-smoking propaganda, when in their shows, they promote rudeness, debauchery, heavy drinking, lavish spending, materialism, etc? second, this program shows how parenting has changed over the last decade or so. gone are the days when parents were respected authority figures. now, especially with all these modern gadgets coming out, kids don't feel like they should earn anything and feel like they don't need to respect anything. and you can't even try to put some disciplined without being labeled old-fashioned, or even worse, be acussed of child abuse. and we complain why our beloved country is falling down in all senses of society. so sad.=-{ by the way, the 10 star rating, that's me just being sarcastic, before you all get all pissy at me.
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Money fills the void where these kids personalities should have been inserted.
Droid77777 July 2006
" My Super Sweet 16" centres around the lives of teenagers, on the verge of turning 16, arranging there birthday parties and having the actual party. It shows everything from what they want the theme of the party to be, the guests there inviting to there lives at school and there relationships with both friends and parents.

What this shows really about is spoilt American brats who cry when they don't get there way and the parents failed attempt to raise a child that is emotionally stable. The kids on this show are so obnoxious and horrible, the worst part is the way they treat other people and the way there parents behave because of them. It is Mtv though. What can you expect from the station that is trying to give the youth of today there status as the indulged generation. Don't get me wrong though these kids are the crème da la crème of spoilt kids, they make the Laguna beach bunch look like modest charity workers.

One episode a girl doesn't get here present (A car, a brand new 4x4) because her parents are punishing her for sneaking out and buying a $3000 dress, naturally she cries and gets the car anyway... but I'm sure she learnt her lesson. Another episode shows a boy buying gifts for the girls as a way of getting them to his party and another gives away free MP3 players. Where the entertainment comes in this show is the satisfaction to know that 99.9% of the people at there parties don't actually like them, you see money fills the void where these kids personalities should have been inserted. Its still pretty entertaining and occasionally celebrities make guest appearances, P diddy, Kanye West and Ciara to name a few. Why these kids (or there parents) would want them on TV show in this light is anyones guess, but we can relax knowing that when you take away there diamond encrusted Louis Vuitton bags there really isn't much to them apart from the sound of hot hair leaving there mouths.
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A bunch of Spoiled brats get their Sweet 16 exactly how they want it! And guess what? All the parties are a success! Big freaking surprise!
the_moody_youngest27 August 2006
This show is stupid. Its about a bunch of bratty teens getting their sweet 16 birthday party exactly how they want it, for a price of probably over 30 000 dollars! It is a lame show and unrealistic because how can a bunch of teens afford their Sweet 16 for over 9000 bucks? there cant be that many not famous, rich 15 year old kids out there? Honestly, this show is stupid.

Plus, the theme is sang by Hilary Duff! AHH! NOOOOO! Run for the hills its the anorexic biatch! Well still, this show is lame and totally pointless. My sweet 16 will not be like this, like a fantasy, people look like their going to a wedding, and these kids are blunt, rude, and only care about themselves!
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Lifestyles of the Bitchy and Ungrateful
senorjuez12 May 2006
The subjects of this series are overprivileged girls from well-to-do families who think they are entitled to the party of a lifetime simply because they turn 16. What I noticed right away is that while their parents have given them any material thing they want, the parents failed in a more serious way. They failed to teach these girls about manners and how to treat people, as well as to appreciate what they have. This combination has reared some rude, conceited, bitchy girls who believe the world revolves around them. These girls think we all really care about their parties and that we're jealous of them. Yeah, right. What is sad is that there are some decent kids out there who get good grades in school, treat their parents with respect, and are good people. Their parents would love to give them a party like the ones on this show, but don't have the money or resources. They don't act as if it is their birthright like the girls on this show. It just goes to show that money can buy a lot of things, but it can't buy class.
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Proof that the Worst People get on TV
willowwear0013 March 2007
The Jerry Springer show was the tin standard for all these years, but now along comes MY SUPER SWEET 16 to sink lower into the primordial muck of TV.

Where to begin? 15-year-olds want sweet 16 parties. Fair enough. And most parents are happy to throw nice parties for their kids. But these are parents and kids from hell. The parents allow unbelievable rudeness by their spawns of the devil, yet lavish these monsters with clothes, cars, etc. that no 16-year-old deserves. Clearly, the parents are paying to be on TV, not realizing that they are not seen as "cool" but as pathetic. I would not do business with these people, and hopefully others won't as well.

Most of these kids need a swift kick in the butt. They too play to the cameras, and embarrass themselves in the process. Their friends seem equally obnoxious. If this is America's future, maybe we would be better off under the Taliban.

Enjoy your 15-minutes of fame. No one remembers you, other than as the "fat one" or the "loud one." Enjoy the cars because you have little chance of becoming employable. And mom and dad - be proud. Your little monsters will turn out as gluttonous and useless as you are.
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It makes me sick, physically sick.
stee_nolan26 April 2009
I wish I could slap every 16 year old in this show with a full sized trout! How could any 16 year old be such a low life bag of slime and better yet how could the parents be so mind numbingly easy going toward them! IT MAKES NO SENSE! Couple of words for Mtv. Take the show off the god damn air! Don't give those 16 year old desperate wannabe celebrities the satisfaction of getting on TV! Actually, no forget what I said. Let it stay on. I would be fine seeing these Paris Hilton clones get bad reputations and better yet, publicity in their High Schools.

I hate these god damn 16 year olds on it! They make me (as the title says) SICK! PHYSICALLY SICK! 1/10
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How can this show possibly appeal..
wowimfamous6 May 2007 regular teens? What normal teenager wants to watch or even cares about some spoilt brat who they have nothing common with screaming and shouting until they get their own way? MTV has started featuring the children of celebrities now as well. So not only do you have to be filthy rich to even have a chance of appearing on the show, you also need to have a famous singer or sport star for a parent. Its just a slap in the face for normal, respectful teenagers and their hardworking parents who would love to give their child a party to remember but don't have the money or the connections. MTV is also sending out the wrong messages with this programme. That everything is better if you have more money. They should start showing normal families who maybe only have a few thousand dollars saved up for their kid's sweet 16, and how even though they had a limited budget, it was still a night to remember. It would give the show a kind of feel-good quality, instead of all out greed and inconsideration.
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Possibly the trashiest show MTV has ever made... and thats saying something
ds246012 August 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I've seen some bad shows in my time, but this... this show takes the cake. It is possibly the trashiest shows I've ever had the misfortune of viewing. I don't give out 1 stars often, in fact, this is the fist 1 star I've ever given. Personally, I think the only people who could possibly like this show are rich, stuck-up, snobby, shallow brats, just like the stars of this show. While watching 'My Super Sweet 16', one starts to wonder what the creators were smoking when they thought of this show, and why anyone would put them self through the pain of watching this poor excuse for television is beyond me. Now, to my main problem with this show, how could this possibly count as 'music television'? does anyone remember when MTV wasn't full of shows that couldn't be any less about music if they tried? The worse part of the show are the birthday girls, if the slight possibility of the party being too expensive and it having to be made cheaper arises, even though it is still 10 times more than most people could afford, they cry a bloody river until they get their way. In conclusion this show is a MUST avoid, and if you're a tad curious, watch 5 minutes of this show, if you manage to last that long without wanting to gouge your own eyes out that is...
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Bottom of the Barrel
threeball26 December 2007
Simply put, this show can be summarized in these short examples:


"My Super Sweet 16" is basically 30 minutes of nothing but that. No matter how much money is spent on their 16th Birthday Party, the person turning 16 will complain.

What is so special about turning 16 anyway? I remember my 16th birthday. I only had a get together with my close friends at my house. That was it. And the presents I got? Not much. Some money from relatives, a video game or two, and some other minor things. I didn't get a car, I had to pay for mine straight up with money I earned. So basically, if I got 1% of the stuff these kids get in "My Super Sweet 16" I would be very grateful.

This show could have been something. MTV could have had this show revolve around 15 year olds from unpriveledged families and/or areas of the country who otherwise would not have had enough resources/money to throw a decent 16th birthday party. But instead, MTV decides to have the show revolve around extremely privileged and rich kids; whose parents probably make 6 figure incomes; and live in upscale, high end neighborhoods; in houses which the real estate value is probably over 1 million dollars. It's a real shame, because these kids are very ungrateful, even though their family has more money than just about most other families in the entire world.

These kids will likely never understand what its like to be unpriveledged and have to earn or work for something. Instead, they will just cry to mommy and daddy whenever they want something and they will get it. And once they turn 18 and leave for college(which their parents will likely pay for all), they will just continue to live off of some trust fund for the rest of their lives without having to earn anything.

The most telling thing about my review is that I am a conservative republican who gets tired of people complaining about the rich people in our country and think that the wealth should be spread around. I feel that rich people are rich because they work hard. With all that being said, I am still disgusted by the people and money spending in this show.

This is a bad show. Only watch if you want to watch spoiled 15 year olds cry, kick, whine, moan, and make total fools of themselves, so you can feel good about yourself not being on the low level these kids are.

MTV, Drugs, and Alcohol - The 3 brain rotting resources in the world
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Oh Dear... this show symbolises everything wrong in the world...
g_rudge2 January 2008
This show is quite possibly the pits of hell for me. It follows spoilt, filthy rich, snobby and bratty 15 year old kids plan and execute their 'sweet 16' birthday party.

Im physically sickened by the way some of these kids treat their parents. They have no respect, no manners and are genuinely awful people, they symbolise everything that is wrong with the world. Clearly the parents need to beat the crap out of these kids to knock some sense into them, i would if they were mine.

It is awful programming, for the simple minded. People who enjoy this show must not have an education and they have to be the dumbest, thickest people on the planet. MTV today has brought some crap onto our screens like 'laguna beach,' 'the hills' and many others, but i think this is the icing on the cake...
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Absolute Garbage
CEO_Legacy_Inc8 July 2007
I have to agree with giveitsomeblonde. This show is just terrible in every way.

It's insane to think that we live in a world that tries to idolize stuck-up, snobby little brats like these. Even if the point is to show people just how obnoxious these kids are, they're still doing nothing but raising up their pedestal higher.

The show contains nothing but 'teeny-drama'. Little kids screaming and cursing at their parents for booking Ciara instead of Janet Jackson. Yelling at directors to 'get to work'. Telling the 'ugly' people that they aren't allowed to come to their party. It's just disgusting. MTv has really let us all down by showing this atrocious children get their way.

If you haven't watched it yet, save yourself some time. Every episode is the same, all these brats are the same.... Worthless. I would have certainly given it a 0 if I could have.

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A satire of the American dream
frankperkins-7622523 November 2021
This show is not for the viewers to see the amount of money these families can spend on a sixteenth birthday for their ungrateful brats. The show is a satire of the American dream, and how these kids are out of touch with reality. I am rewatching the show on Paramount whilst on vacation this week for thanksgiving. Every kid is equally ungrateful, and disgusting to their friends and families.

I saw one who screamed at their mother the entire time; calling her an idiot. The mother admitted to taking Valium and Xanax. It is not healthy when you have a kid who takes that much control of your life that prescription drugs are the only way out.

I have never seen teens treat their friends the way these kids do. These girls are notorious for kicking out young girls from their VIPs who guys would find prettier. Two episodes come to mind: one was when two VIPs were being hit on by their crushes. They went off the stage, and left the girl alone there. They were dancing with the two boys. She was alone. It makes you question if she had any friends to begin with. Or if these girls were using her as much as she was using them.

The other was when one threw a Christmas themed party. She said it was the giving time of the year. She compared herself to Mrs Claus. She got everyone from her school out to the football field; including ones she planned on not inviting. She invited people in front of other people who weren't invited. Then she would give this evil grin when a person asked where their invitation was. If she wanted the hottest party in Memphis, then why would she refuse their invitation? My favorite parts are when kids not invited crash parties, and the kids throwing the parties have tantrums about it.

These kids are horrible teens, and perhaps grew up to be horrible people. They peaked in high school. We are built around social influencers in society. Ones who are famous for doing nothing. Kids, don't aspire to be them. Be your own person. Aspire to change the world by going to med school, being a nurse, or being a lawyer. This is not what you want your destiny to be.
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Rename the show...
drophley13 May 2008
I think this show needs to be renamed to "Spoiled, Rotten, B****es" I have yet to see an episode without a rotten teen featured in it, and believe me, it's not a show I will ever try and catch a new episode. Yet another horrible TV show to add to MTV's already horrible lineup... whatever happened to the music? They could put that money to so much better use than giving their teen a huge gas guzzling SUV. I'm not saying every teen that grows up with money is spoiled rotten, just the teens featured in sweet 16. This is just another reason why I'm thinking of canceling my cable subscription, too many crappy shows on TV anymore without and substance to them... stupid "reality" TV killed all the good shows.
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A Valuable Lesson
mejercit18 June 2006
This show clearly demonstrates a valuable lesson.

These parents spend tens to hundreds thousands of dollars on some spoiled bitch, without their parents' money, wo0uld be turning out tricks on the street. This money is spent renting ballroom,s nightclubs, buying dresses, decorations, and hiring up to a hundred people.

In the end, all of those people who sold all that stuff end up laughing all the way to the bank, while the bitches continue on to be worthless failures.

Fools and their money are soon parted.
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