Scarecrow Gone Wild (Video 2004) Poster

(2004 Video)

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Watch. Laugh. Cry.
SpansonCrackle249 September 2005
Wow! Here comes another straight-to-video scarecrow movie to keep the cinematic masochists happy. If the cheap-looking opening credits don't tell you you're in for quite a ride, then the diabolically tragic "writing" sure will.

A diabetic kid gets tied on to a legendary scarecrow as part of his initiation onto the baseball team. Then the scarecrow goes nuts and starts offing people. Need I say more? This movie consists greatly of cheap effects that makes it look like it was edited with iMovie (note that spooky color inversion) and actors who apparently weren't good enough to show up on some late-night Cinemax special. Actually, thats not fair, as the actors didn't have much room to work around the abysmal script. Parts of this movie really seem like parody, especially when one character picks up his guitar and starts playing the worst song ever conceived by humans, with the worst lip-synching ever performed to go along with it. The "gore" here is also a major disappointment. In most B-movies such as this, there is a thick layer of cheap gore FX to make up for what the story and acting lacks. Here, the stuff is so cheap that it's not even fun. This movie actually makes "Jack Frost 2" look like lots of fun in comparison.

If you think this movie is the "worst one you've ever seen" then you probably haven't gotten deep into the world of straight-to-video B-horror. Regardless, this movie will cause you a great deal of mental anguish, no matter what your background.
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gila_film15 October 2004
I supposed 'Scarecrow Gone Wild' is a dull slasher flick. Yes, it have some good point, but it's a rehash from another flick. The acts is so awful nor the plot.

The story goes from a legend about a living scarecrow on the cornfield. When an initiation become a prank and cause the life a boy in jeopardy, the scarecrow comes alive and start a killing frenzy. Sound familiar, right? It's derived from Scream, Friday the13th, Jeepeer Creepers, Children of the Corn, you name it!

'Scarecrow Gone Wild' is so below average film. Barely have a scary moment. Even the final scene is laughable! Sadly, we still could enjoy it as our time killer. But I prefer you to watch something else instead. Unless you're a big fan bad and cheesy movies, off course.

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What's up with all these scarecrow movies?
moviemanic072 October 2004
The spirit of a comatose hazing victim inhabits a scarecrow and takes revenge on his tormentors. First question: What's up with all these scarecrow movies? I think I missed the beginning of the trend. Are they all inspired by the opening sequence of 'Jeepers Creepers 2'? Sadly, none of the ones I have pulled down from the shelves of my local Blockbuster have lived up that sequence. This one, however, seemed to start well. The opening sequence, where a young woman is stalked in the cornfield by the scarecrow works reasonably well. It is helped by the fact that the scarecrow is only seen sparingly. When used sparingly, the scarecrow makeup works well, but, as a result of overuse, it begins to look like a cheap mask. It looked as fake as the breasts of the woman who plays the nurse. Gratuitous nudity aside, this film has little to compliment. I was inclined to praise the video photography until I watched the 'making of' documentary that revealed it was shot on film. For video it looked good. For film it sucked. The performances were both overwrought and overripe. Granted, there really wasn't much actors could do with the script. It was stupid. The overheated relationships were never believable. Still, it might've worked on the most visceral level if the film was scary, but it wasn't. One of the things that hurt it was a whistling theme that revealed the presence of the scarecrow. At first I thought the theme existed only on the soundtrack, but later characters in the film started hearing it. I found it funny, and I would start snickering every time I heard it, which effectively undermined all the thrills. This might not be the worst horror film out there, but it does lurk dangerously near the bottom of the barrel.
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Typical B Movie Horror
Eagles40931 October 2004
This is a typical direct to video horror movie, with the exception of Samantha Aisling, the acting is pretty bad (especially Ken Shamrock). I thought Samantha Aisling was very attractive and a pretty good actor, especially considering that according to IMDb this is her only film. Hopefully we'll be seeing a lot more of her in the near future. This isn't a horrible movie, but I don't think anyone renting this should be expecting award winning movie making. If you go realizing it is a low budget horror movie it's pretty good. I thought the special effects were pretty good, the scarecrow looks fairly scary as long as they don't show close-ups of it. When they show close-ups it looks like what it is... I guy in a Halloween mask. One of the things I did like about it was that, in most every horror movie, the monster waits until each person is alone then kills them one by one. The scarecrow actually attacks them as a group, nothing really special, just something different. I liked it, it's good for a minor scares and a couple of laughs. I gave it a 5/10
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No Words Can Describe! Very awful film!
reilly_90211 July 2004
Warning: Spoilers
I cannot believe I let myself rent that piece of garbage! The acting was so poor, my Grandmother could have done better. The punches thrown in the movies were nowhere near the character the Scarecrow was knocking to the floor. The movie became a chore to watch!

So this group of baseball jocks decide to go hazing, even after they weren't supposed to in orders form there coach under consequences. So, naturally, they go anyway. They decide to tie a loser to a post with the so called "Scarecrow." When the loser's best friend finds out about this, him and his girlfriend go to rescue him.

The kid is found out to have diabetes, and is hospitalized, while the jocks head out to the beach the next day. The scarecrow finds them there and kills them all pretty much.

I'm sure you really don't care. Anyway, the Scarecrow ends up having a connection with "Diabetes Boy" and the boy starts to finish off the scarecrows job once the scarecrow is killed. Yes, it is really really cheesy.

It thought this movie was full of bull sh*t. Sooner or later the only ones living (naturally) are the boyfriend and girlfriend who are the Main Characters :) The evil is then transfered to the boyfriend, and he kills himself to break the curse so nobody else will be hurt. Touching hey? No, don't waste your hard earned money on this, I give it a score of a one since thats lowest, otherwise, it doesn't even deserve that much.
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I've finally found a movie that I thought was worse than Napoleon Dynamite
WeezeL36518 May 2006
My roommate and I have another friend that works at a local Blockbuster Video. He finds truly awful movies for us and tells us about them. One of them was a "Christmas Horror" film starring former professional wrestler Bill Goldberg as a killer Satna Claus. We didn't watch it immediately, but we didn't think there could be anything worse. Apparently, we were wrong. We were shown this slasher film "starring" Ken Shamrock versus a murderous scarecrow. At first we thought Ken would actually BE the killer scarecrow, and that's why we wanted to watch, but he wasn't, and that made the movie even worse. What absolutely RUINED the movie was the teen drama. If you want to save your brain cells from trying to escape from your head, NEVER EVER WATCH THIS MOVIE.
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Stylish, low budget, old fashioned "creature feature"
Telemachos12 June 2004
Clearly, the film makers had NO budget to make this movie... but it still works... It reminded me of all those creature feature old fashioned monster movies I saw on TV as a kid. Not much blood or gore compared to modern horror flicks, but plenty of hot girls, freaky moments and a definite wink-wink factor. The tongue is planted firmly in cheek when a character breaks out into song, 1960's Beach Blanket Bingo style, only to get gored moments later when the Scarecrow makes the point that he doesn't like modern music. Come on... it features an evil homicidal SCARECROW! What did you expect. Definitely the best in the Scarecrow series.
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Scarecrow Gone Wild
Scarecrow-8812 July 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Jerk hazer Mike(David Zelina playing this college frat man as one major bastard you want to see die right away)and his college cronies leave hypoglycemic diabetic Sam(Caleb Roehrig)hanging on a wooden cross along with this scarecrow which is a legendary ghost story. They get PO'd at Sam who essentially goes into shock and aims a swinging punch at Mike that lands across his girlfriend Patty(Kristina Sheldon)instead so leaving the poor guy hanging is his punishment. Somehow, Sam's soul "emerges" with the inanimate scarecrow who comes from the cross to destroy everyone who left the poor guy there to rot. Mike and the gang send the uninitiated dorks back to bring Sam down but they are the first to receive a swinging blade across their throats. Mike and his posse head for the beach to gulp booze, play volleyball & bicker until the scarecrow arrives to end their little soirée. Sam's substitute brother Jack(Matthew Linhardt)is supposed to look out for him, but decides to sleep with new love-interest Beth(Samantha Aisling)instead. So when he receives a cell-phone message from Mike concerning how they left Sam hanging on the cross while they were off at the beach taking in the sun and sand, Jack is frenzied with fear. Beth's estranged father is a doctor and he agrees to see after Sam's condition after they cut the nearly dead young man down taking him to emergency hospital. Returning to the beach to confront Mike because of his negligence(..not to mention Jack's promise to coach Ramsey, played by UFC fighter Ken Shamrock, regarding no hazing), Jack and Beth will face the same straw-stuffed assassin that is bumping off the others. Coach Ramsey, who was part of a past hazing incident that went awry causing killer-scarecrow-mischief, has to confront some demons himself as he informs the survivors of the group about what they are up against.

Babes, boobs, and blood..this flick follows the basic slasher guidelines. Yet, this flick also carries the typical slasher traits of corny characters, acting, dialogue and overall plot. The flick shows signs of it's low budget particularly in the violence as most of the real action takes place off-screen instead of showing it happening up, close & personal. What appears on screen is mostly the aftermath of the killer's vengeance:one fellow holding his guts, another with a stake(holding up the group's volleyball net) plunged through his chest, blood spatter after a woman gets hit over the head presumably with a large rock, one chick laying dead after the scarecrow hit her with the SUV, etc. There is also some dubbing problems where it's clear the sounds of their voices often don't match the movements of their lips..particularly the unintentionally hilarious sequence where Ed(Travis Parker), wannabe rock star, is singing to his buddies a horrible song they all seem quite impressed with.
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Awful? Absolutely. Campy fun? Absolutely.
jimbob12168631 October 2005
Warning: Spoilers
What's with all the negative reviews of this film? This is a movie that is so unabashedly terrible that I can't help but like it. I rarely speak of such hallowed territory, but this movie reaches the "so bad that it's good" plateau. With lines like Character A: Be careful? Character B: It's okay I know this place like the back of my hand Character A: No I mean there's a homicidal scarecrow out there! What's not to like? The ridiculous plot? The wooden acting by Ken Shamrock? The ending which completely rips off the Exorcist? The insipid dialogue which was clearly written by a guy who has no idea how women talk? The token black guy who says token black guyisms? The fact that you can see the scarecrow's mask flapping up often?

Never have I enjoyed a movie which is so bad so much. Look in era of bloated films which run far longer than they should, why can't we appreciate a silly little horror film with gratuitous nudity and cornfields 5 minutes away from an ocean beach? **1/2 / 4
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He's the Death of the Party!
Lawyergurl645 June 2007
Warning: Spoilers
"Scarecrow Gone Wild: He's the Death of the Party!" Need I say more? Scarecrow gone wild got four out of ten stars from me for one simple reason: aside from the terrible acting, plot holes, cheap special effects, and anti-climactic whistling, it was cinematic gold! I think that this movie could have actually been really good, had the scarecrow turned out to be the baseball coach (as portrayed by the ever-so-brilliant Ken Shamrock). But then again, they would have had to cut those AWESOME "Return of the Jedi" electricity special effects.

While watching this movie, my friends and I were convinced that it was in fact written by one of our friends, a stereotypical teen-aged boy. This movie has topless women, miserably fake gore, and dialog that could not have talked its way out of a paper bag, or in this case, a cornfield.

If I could ask the filmmaker one thing, it would be this; "How much did you have to pay the teenager that wrote this for you?"
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The perfect make-out movie
jhbrad9 August 2005
Two words - GAS FREAKIN' CAN TO THE FACE When that kid got laid out I was certain that this was the best movie since Starship Troopers. In all seriousness, this movie should've been called Gas Can Gone Wild. It's a real shame they didn't peg more kids from the inside of their SUV. Imagine if the Scarecrow got 'canned while he was fighting Ken "Ken Shamrock" Shamrock in deadly hand-to-hand UFC combat.

This movie changed my life. I've taken to hazing diabetic kids in cornfields almost weekly since seeing this great film.

The Scarcrow is like Jason, but worse. But like good worse, like when being badder would be better.
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Things I have learned from SGW
DarkYoshi135 January 2006
The things I have learned from this movie are remarkable, things I never would have guessed otherwise. I do warn you though, there are spoilers.

1) Spring Break doesn't consist of many people on a beach, but instead a small group friends...

2) Daylight is a tricky thing and can disappear to night, then dawn, then night again within a period of five minutes.

3) Scarecrows can whistle.

4) Scarecrows can whistle under water.

5) Scarecrows can drive trucks.

6) Boom mikes are not obviously visible while shooting or editing, but very visible when watching the movie.

7) Mirrors don't show your outer appearance, but instead what you are on the inside.

8) Scarecrows are weak against defibrillators.

9) Scarecrows lose track of people very easily on an open beach.

10) A wrestler is no match for the mighty power of a scarecrow.

11) Being lightly slapped can knock you unconscious.

12) Drunk people like terrible guitar solos.

13) When a spear-like object stabs through someone, it sticks through them at a completely different angle.

14) If you are being dragged along a beach, screaming for help, no one will help you, despite there being two people on the same side of the beach as you.(Check the background beach around when the girl finds her dead boyfriend, where could those two people go to in a matter of minutes?)

15) When you spill your innards, they rest neatly on top of your skin.

16) Finally, people don't show any signs of worry when their friends disappear for many hours without explanation.

This movie is very informative, I hope you have learned something from it. So Yeah.
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Unacceptable mistakes
movieman_kev30 August 2005
I knew I was in for a LONG 90 minutes when the opening voice over mispronounced the word 'scarecrow' (it sounded like Scare Crew). And sure enough 90 minutes later, after witnessing beyond horrid acting, tedious drama, scarecrow's punches going nowhere near their intended target, but "hitting" it anyway, Ken Shamrock "acting", and the most stupid illogical ending, I've seen in my life (Ok, no, I take that last one back, in about a week). After making it through all that, I openly weeped that I couldn't just go to Lacuna a la Jim Carrey and just erase it completely from my mind. Any thoughts I might have had that Director Brian Katkin might have made an OK film given the right circumstances that I had after watching "Slaughter Studios", are totally and completely gone from my mind now.

My Grade: F

Eye Candy: Tara Platt and Lisa Robert get topless

Where I saw it: Starz on Demand (available until September 22nd, 2005)
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The perils of the undomesticated scarecrow
Leigh L.9 June 2005
If I'd only known that this was the third in a series when I picked it up, I might have held back until I'd had the chance to study the first two instalments in some depth and subsequently come into Scarecrow Gone Wild fully prepared to appreciate all it had to offer. You'd think I'd have learned my lesson from the whole Kickboxer 4 farce (who is this feckless boy-child? Where's Jean-Claude? Why is Tong Po half his previous size?) - but no. Ah well, not to worry - at the end of the day I can safely say its charms weren't entirely lost on me.

In spite of several dull stretches as the film tries to make the lives of its mouth-breathing teenage sickle-fodder seem deep and involving, SGW is ultimately brimming over with so many top-quality "what the..." moments that it's impossible not to have fun with the damn thing. The Scarecrow drives! The Scarecrow hits the waves! The Scarecrow inexplicably gains the power of electrocution! The Scarecrow's head appears to be made of cast iron when someone clouts him with a fire extinguisher! It's all good stuff. And I'd never even heard of Ken Shamrock before this, but now I think he should be in every film ever made (alongside Christopher Lambert and Steven Seagal).

What's particularly endearing about Scarecrow Gone Wild is that everybody involved plays it as if they've been told it's some kind of intense art-house drama, although we do get the occasional flash of momentary self-awareness (the "watch out for the homicidal scarecrow" line near the end comes to mind). All in all, definitely one to remember, and roll on 10,001 Scarecrows... I think.
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What not to view after just finishing a good movie.
eman45985-119 July 2006
Warning: Spoilers
So me and my friend are carousing our local movie rental store and are looking for something to pick up to go along with Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, so why not pick up the third installment in the Scarecrow series!?! Keep in mind that this is not just Scarecrow Three; this is, Scarecrow: Gone Wild. Now both of us had seen to the first two Scarecrows so we felt obligated to finish the job. Let's start with the cover of the DVD first. First we notice a picture of Ken Shamrock ("The World's Most Dangerous Man") on the cover. Apparently he was used to market the movie as the "lead actor". By the way, he has the least screen time of any member of the credited class. Next we notice a picture of a very attractive and very scantily clad woman in the middle ground of the cover. I can assure you that she is not in the all. At the time of rental we assumed that this was to reiterate the fact that the scarecrow was "going wild". In the background we noticed a large carnival on an island out in the ocean. I can also assure you that the carnival is also not in the all. Looking back me and my friend should have known something was up. I mean really, who the heck puts a carnival on an island. Now on to the actual movie. We start when a young man is inexplicably fused to a scarecrow in the middle of a corn field. Don't ask me how they were fused but think of when Brandon Lee waking up from the dead in The Crow. It's just that stupid. But in the scarecrow's defense, he has "gone wild". Anyhoo, the scarecrow, who now lives vicariously through the young man, takes a trip to his local beach to brutalize those who had done him wrong. Because yes, in the world of The Scarecrow, beaches are conveniently located in the same general vicinity as cornfields. To make a long story short the scarecrow kills all who stand in his path without any warning except for the scarecrow's trademark whistle that signals a slashing. This is however rather impossible to believe because the scarecrow's costume's mouth is clearly sewn shut. Several tracking shots that would make Kubrick roll over in his grave later, and we have one of the worst third installments in a series ever. Well except for maybe the third Matrix. As Joel Siegel would say, "This Scarecrow is wildly bad."
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And there's nothing on telly...........
bennodale14 April 2007
So unfortunately me and my mate watched this!!! It was showing on a Sky channel over here called "Zone Horror" which basically shows crappy B-movie horror films 24/7. It was a boring Friday night, so decided to have a laugh and give this one a look. Apart from the atrocious acting, the awful plot, the dire effects, the shoddy camera work and the brain numbing ridiculousness of it all, it was OK, LOL!!! In all seriousness it was quite a laugh picking holes in it and laughing at the goofy actors. There is a bit of semi-nudity which perked the movie up a bit, unfortunately it was the "uggo" who got topless as my mate calls her :oD If you're bored one evening and this happens to be playing, take a chance, you just might like it :)
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"There's a homicidal scarecrow out there." Pretty bad low budget horror nonsense.
poolandrews12 February 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Scarecrow Gone Wild starts as high school teenager Mike (David Zelina) & his mates decide to to give a 'hazing' to wimpish diabetic Sam (Caleb Roehrig) as an initiation of some sort. Mike & his mate decide to take Sam to a corn field, tie him to a cross next to a freaky looking scarecrow & leave him there all night, sounds like fun right? Well, things backfire when Sam goes into a diabetic coma after suffering from a hypo & the vengeful spirit of Sam passes into the scarecrow which comes to life & starts to hunt down the kids responsible for Sam's unfortunate life-threatening predicament. Can Sam's best mate Jack (Matthew Linhardt) & his girlfriend Beth (Samantha Aisling) save the day & Sam's life?

Written & directed by Brian Katkin Scarecrow Gone Wild is the third straight-to-video entry in the Scarecrow series & while I haven't seen either of the previous two after seeing Scarecrow Gone Wild I'm certainly in no hurry to change that situation that's for sure. The script actually has an almost decent premise as the wronged soul of Sam seeks revenge & his friends have to keep the real Sam alive somehow but the way it is told is poor & I suppose that basically it's just an irrelevance to the fact that this is a film about a killer scarecrow running around killing people in not very gory or imaginative ways. Having said that there are one or two scenes here which save it from a one star rating, the fart gag in the corn field is funny & something a lot of immature blokes might do (like me), the bit when two guys bury their mate in the sand & then stand over him & pee on him is also rather funny in a laddish juvenile way & a cool bit when some guy starts singing an awful song so the scarecrow throws a pole which impales him! However these OK bits are few & far between & as a whole it's a silly, boring, poorly written teen slasher film with highly annoying character's who irritate. It' also very predictable & has a stupid twist ending which doesn't really feature the scarecrow at all which is a problem as when you watch a film called Scarecrow Gone Wild you expect to see a scarecrow go wild & I have to admit he looks quite cool as horror character's go.

Director Katkin does a reasonable job here actually although what on Earth is up with that hospital at the end & all that neon lighting everywhere & the fact there is only one patient there & two members of staff? The cinematography is much better than the usual straight-to-video low budget horror film of late & there's some nice, if totally unrealistic, lighting. The film lacks any real scares or tension & some of the medical terminology used throughout is a bit iffy to say the least & I say that as an insulin dependant diabetic myself. There's not much gore here, there's a couple of scenes where some actor has some fake guts placed on their stomach to represent them being gutted but it looks pretty fake, there's also a burned face & a couple of impalement's but little else. There's a fair amount of naked female breasts on show if that's your thing.

Technically Scarecrow Gone Wild is pretty good considering some of the low budget abominations I've sat through recently, unfortunately it's still a poor film overall. The least said about the acting the better.

Scarecrow Gone Wild isn't as bad as some of the straight-to-video horror crap that's been turning up recently but having said that it's not that much better & it's still a bad film when all said & done. Not recommended, the two previous entries are Scarecrow (2002) & Scarecrow Slayer (2003) both of which also went straight-to-video.
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icechalkhands10 May 2005
Warning: Spoilers
WEll first and for most I'd just like to say that I'm back out of retirement from writing well deserved comments about horrible movies. Only the movie in titled "Scarecrow gone wild" could bring me back, so here I am.

With that being said, I like to start off with this comment. OUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This movie was really horrible, I mean I know it was going to be bad. But I had no idea that I would be spending 60 minutes out of a possible 90 minute film laughing at what I thought was a horror movie.

Let's start with the biggest flaw of the film (to me that is). Ken Shamrock. Now if memory serves me correctly, Shamrock is one of the worlds most dangerous men. Now if memory serves me again, he was also in this stupid movie being a stupid comic relief (or that's how it looked to me). I mean how else do you explain all of his lines. My all time favorite line of his in this so called movie was "It's been a long time coming". OK????????? The funnest thing about that line was that no more then five minutes prior to him say that, he was sitting on the beach talking to the soon to be dead kids about how the dam scarecrow could not be killed. So if he has knowledge of this, why on earth would he start trying to combat it as soon as he sees it (the scarecrow that it). Like I said before, he must have been the comic relief, except I don't think his UFC buddies where laughing.

Now that I've finished that well deserved paragraph on to the movie.

I'll admit that I can't remember a lot of scenes, and that's not good considering that I just watch the movie no more then fifteen minutes ago. So what I'm going to do is list the top five things wrong with this film 1. Usually when horror movie monster have their own theme music, it's not heard by the victims or even by the monster itself. So why were just about every person involved in this movie able to here this pathetic whistling. I mean I saw the scarecrows face and nothing about it said that he was the whistling type.

2. Why on earth were there murders on a beach. I'm sorry, but threw out history beaches are associated with party time and vacation type feelings. But I guess this horror movie thought it was going to be such a success that it would change all of that. Plus was it me or did the beach seem to be the size of someone living room. I mean every time an actor or actress was running around on the beach, it looked as if they were running in the same spot.

3. The girl running in the gray sweat pants. That really bother during the duration of this film. I mean she looks so ridiculous. Plus it didn't help any that she looked as though she was the youngest out of the whole group. I mean what was she like twelve or something. There no excuse for someone to be that thin on camera. I mean doesn't the camera add like ten pounds or something, so what was her excuse.

4. People trying to get record deals on camera. Just when I thought that this movie could not get any cheesier, out comes the wanna be Gorth Brooks and oh man was he lame. I don't' remember the whole scene, but from what I do remember it was not pretty. This one guy starts singing this song about something that has nothing, and I mean nothing to do with what's going on in the film. The funniest part of the whole happening is how everyone seems to being enjoying this. I mean the only person who doesn't really know how to response to this is the "token black guy". And that's sad because if I'm not mistaken he was the one that encourage this latest addition of American Idoal. But here's where it gets funny. While this guy is all into his new song or whatever. In the far distance we see or villain aka the scarecrow. And boy does he look pi**ed off at this. I mean there's actually a moment where he looks like he's really jealous of this guy. So what does he do about this jealousy, well I'm glad you ask. He wait's for the guy to finish his song, and then he finises the guy. I don't want to give the death scene away, but I can tell you this. If that scene doesn't make you laugh, then nothing on this earth will.

5. This movie was way longer then I expected. And it didn't help that they tried to pulled some pathetic twist bulls**t at the end to squeeze another 10 minutes out of this film. I mean I'll admit, I didn't see the twist coming, but that had a lot to do with the fact that I was hoping that the film was over and done with. But no they had to do they twist s**t. Needless to say that when I say that coming, I just turned off the T.V. and said f**k it, there's no way that movie could have gotten any worser. Thanks to my rather fast judgment I can say that I'll never know what was to happen next. But I promise that I do not care!!!!!!!!!!!!! All and all the movie is good for a laugh, but please don't buy it. Just hype it up to one of your friends and watch it on there expanse.
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Horrorible_Horror_Films23 August 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This is an excellent example of an entreatingly bad b-movie. There are worse movies than this one (Titanic for example), but this definitely shares the pile of steaming crap movies.

OK this was apparently shot in Kansas City, which explains why everyone is so lame. The main guy looks like Steve Guttenberg, and is even more lame than him! I didn't even think that was possible! In fact, him and the main girl in the movie are responsible for the WORST DRAMA EVER! Its not just that there acting was waaaaaaaaay over-dramatic, well actually it was, of course the script was terrible which combines for a deadly one-two punch in bad terrible utterly unwatchable drama.

The scarecrow, lets talk about him. The whistling you hear every time he's around is stupid, and obviously dubbed in. Now his costume, I cannot get over that - its a guy wearing burlap sacks and a stupid mask! I simply am dumbfounded, maybe if your 3 years old with brain damage you'd be scared of him/it.

One of the characters, the token black guy actually, used the line: "This might be a chance to earn my red wings" when referring to trying to score with one of the girls on her period. Wow, um yea, that is the kind of dialogue you can look forward to.

Oh, in the beginning when the scantily clad girl is running through the corn, why is it roped off? I'm pretty sure its not supposed to be evident, just one of the many obvious mistakes made throughout this 'film' Another is the bad dubbing for the musical number (yup thats right), there all at the beach, and the one dorkaziod gets up the courage to sing a song and play guitar for everyone, and its so obviously dubbed its funny. Thankfully, the scarecrow answers all our prayers and throws a spear right through the guy's chest when he's done singing. Overall the gore like that is pretty good, this is one of those films when you rooting for these people to be killed by the killer.

OK, there's a scene where the 2 guys bury one of their friends in the sand, then stand up, whip out their peni, and urinate all over the guy in the sand. Who does this? Really, imagine it "Hey, lets bury joe in the sand, then stand up and take out our genitals like its no big deal and pee on him" In fact, this brings up the homo-eroticism in this film, what the hell? A good part of the beginning of this movie is the jocks standing around in there underwear in the locker room and corn field while there doing the hazing. What the hell is with that? Traditionally, in film and real life, jocks get the girls and nerds don't. That really doesn't make sense as all nerds think of is girls and sex, and apparently all jocks think of is sports and being around each other in their underwear, I don't get it.

Lets get to the sex. As someone who watched this movie with me put it: "I've never been so disgusted by heterosexual sex in my life" and its true. If you like hot A cup action, or ugly old woman boobs, then this film is for you. I swear, they found a girl with the smallest breasts ever and this is who they get to do the nude scene?? Then the ugly old woman nurse shows her bouncy ones a couple of times, and man, I just didn't want to see that.

Now, I have to talk about the timeline continuity to this film, thats what really is just bizarre. It starts in the daytime, then they all head to the cornfield, and within like 2 minutes its instantly dark middle of the night, when they drive off from there saying their going to the beach - its instantly day again, and apparently they stay at the beach until night again, and until day the next day. SO basically these events in the film cover 4 days, without any of the characters needing sleep or anything, its really weird.

After the main killings have taken place, it flash forwards to '3 weeks later' and apparently none of these people actually care that they saw their friends brutally murdered! The surviving people literally pop some champaign! And thats when I realized the budget didn't go to the script, directing or acting, it all went to that freakin bottle of champaign.

The ending. Stop reading now if you don't want the ending spoiled for you, it truly is enjoyable.

OK, so the end takes place in a church, and the scarecrow put his soul inside the diabetes kid body, then he fights with the steve guttenberg lookalike guy, and he fights him with a b-movie version of the power the emperor had in star wars! I'm not kidding, its so stupid! So somehow, in the middle of the fight, the scarecrow's soul jumps bodies into the guttenberg jr. guy, and then with the last amount of will he has of his own, he impales himself on a cross in the church! Its awesome! Some blood, but whats even better is that the cross is obviously cardboard! You can see the bottom move off the ground! Wow, yea have fun watching.
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Dumb but fairly amusing nonsense
Red-Barracuda22 July 2013
This is seemingly the third instalment of the 'Scarecrow' franchise. It's about a supernatural scarecrow killer who is re-animated as the result of a practical joke that goes horribly wrong. A boy is tied to a scarecrow in a corn-field by some bullies. He goes into a coma through shock and via his comatose state the scarecrow is able to possess him and kill the teenagers who tormented him. It's a story that vaguely makes sense but in fairness what can you really expect from a film called Scarecrow Gone Wild?

It's very much a cheap and cheerful slasher movie aimed at the teen market. It doesn't take itself very seriously though, with some very silly scenes sprinkled throughout and some classic bad dialogue. Probably my favourite moment was when one teen decides to play one of his songs to the others on the beach one night. It's a suitably appalling ditty and it's ended by our friend the scarecrow pitching up and impaling him with the stand of a beach volleyball net. The film is pretty much a mix of horror, overwrought teen melodrama and dumb humour. While it's far from being good, it does have a certain goofy entertainment value for the most part.
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Don't be fooled by the title
metalrage6667 September 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I really wish this lame series of alleged horror at the hands of a rather sad looking scarecrow would come to a definite end, as each additional sequel has seemingly less budget, less story and less reason for existing.

Movie starts with some girl running frantically through a corn field, getting herself lost in the process and ends up with a sliced throat for her trouble. She's lucky that's all she got as usually running through corn like that would normally cut you to pieces, but whatever.

We then switch to a college campus where freshmen are being hazed by jerk wads in the shower block. Coach comes in yells at them for hazing, they promise not to do it and as soon as his back is turned they do it anyway, however this time they decide to pile these guys into the back of a truck and drive them to a haunted corn field. One of the guys being hazed is a diabetic but no one knows this yet and in a rage, he lashes out and accidentally punches one of the girls in the face. He gets lashed to the scarecrow, doused in beer and ends up in a coma. At some stage, the scarecrow uses this guys life-force or something to come back to life and proceeds to kill the remaining freshmen who were left in the cornfield to fend for themselves.

The scarecrow then sets off to find the rest of the college fools and their girlfriends who have all gone to the beach while schools out. Forget what you see in the title; this has nothing to do with the scarecrow crashing Spring Break and randomly killing naked college girls. Nor does the scarecrow "terrorise" a resort town. This isn't even Spring Break, it's one carload of idiots who go to the beach to play volleyball for a day. Somehow the scarecrow has tracked them down and naturally one by one begins picking them off. A couple of them soon realise that the scarecrow is somehow linked to their comatose friend, who's now in a local hospital, and they have to try and wake him up in order to sever the link. In the end, during yet another fight for life, the scarecrow transfers into another college student, impales itself on a nearby crucifix, credits roll and movie then ends up in the bin.

I wouldn't have minded this so much if it actually bothered to make any sense at all but every person and virtually every scene is so goddamned moronic! As a side note, the trailer for this movie is far better than the movie itself. I already knew that I was never going to care for anyone who got killed, but the one thing I was hoping for was that the scarecrow would do his murderous job and just get it over with. There's no suspense and every single death is practically broadcasted before it happens. I still don't know how you can be the only person on a stretch of beach and lose sight of your friends who are on the same beach; they're the only ones there, are you all short-sighted? Also after the scarecrow has managed to easily disembowel one of the guys without making a sound, the girl who stands there screaming gets caught and dragged along the beach, towards the rest of the group I might add, screaming all the way until she gets her head crushed under a rock; yet no one else sees or hears anything. The group is being whittled down and no one seems to notice, interestingly no one even bothers to go looking either. In another stupid scene the scarecrow in driving a truck right towards another one of the girls but instead of, oh I don't know, jumping out of the way, running, hiding or anything a normal person would do, she just stands there screaming her head off. When will these girls learn that screaming at something is pointless? What was the scarecrow going to do? Oh no, she's screaming at me, I better stop the truck and listen to NPR instead" I guess this may have been fun to make for the people involved, but just like home movies, the only people who'd enjoy watching it, are those who were in it. Give this a miss.
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A hilariously ridiculous cheesy hoot
Woodyanders21 June 2007
Warning: Spoilers
A bunch of sadistic college frat jerks tie fragile diabetic Sam (scrawny Caleb Roehrig) to a cross in a corn field. Sam nearly dies and subsequently resurrects a lethal evil scarecrow (hulking Steve Worley) who proceeds to brutally butcher a handful of party hearty kids frolicking on the beach during spring break. It's up to token nice guy Jack (affable Matthew Linhart) and his sweet girlfriend Beth (luscious Samantha Aisling) to stop the scarecrow before it's too late. Writer/director Brian Katlin concocts one uproariously ludicrous excuse for a horror flick: we've got crummy acting from a lame no-name cast (Ken Shamrock is especially terrible as ramrod Coach Ramsey), a roaring soundtrack of silly rock songs, a few dumb false scares, largely obnoxious and unlikable characters, glaring day-for-night continuity errors aplenty, one dude belts out a horrendous acoustic ballad around a campfire, a protracted volleyball game, a handy helping of tasty gore (an impalement on a bamboo pole rates as the definite gruesome highlight), and a ham-fisted ending that tries for tragic pathos (!). The scarecrow makes for a truly laughable monster: he lumbers about in broad daylight, whistles off-key, and even runs over a hapless lass with a pick-up truck. Zoran Popovic's bright, sunny, shaky cinematography, Collin Simon's generic ooga-booga spooky score, and several hot chicks in skimpy bikinis further enhance the campy fun. As an added bonus, both busty blonde Lisa Robert and cute brunette Tara Platt bare their breasts. An enjoyably tacky kitsch hoot.
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What a no-budget horror film should be.
mvario1 May 2005
First off, I love slasher-type films. No matter how cheesy as long as they stick to the formula I'm happy. That includes some gore and some T&A.

This is a no-budget films that tries. Sure it could have been a lot better if they actually had some money, but they did good with what they had.

The story was typical, the dialog not too bad, and the acting was pretty good. I could have done without the fisheye lens and solarization effect which tend to highlight the lack of production money, but the film survived them.

The gore was pretty cheesy most of the time, but they made a valiant effort, and not-that-great gore is better than no gore. The film also had a nice helping of T&A for sleaze-hounds like me. Kudos especially to Tara Platt and Lisa Robert for being troopers and doing what it takes.

If you like low budget 80's slasher then you will probably dig this.
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crap movie...
darksorcerer7 July 2007
I watched the 1st scarecrow movie and didn't bag out that one, though i knew it was b grade it actually had some decent gore and the guy playing the scarecrow was an awesome acrobat and had some good skills going. The effects were better and the costume looked heaps better then this movie.

I borrowed this one with an open mind, i am also a fan of ken shamrock (former ufc superfight champ) and was hoping it was a decent movie.

Boy was i wrong, the movie sucked, the monster was pathetic in both appearance and in actually being scary, the storyline was SO predictable it was like watching the movie in preview mode, as i already would guess what will happen, the music was so bad, with a horrible lip sync song that made me wanna punch the screen.

Overall avoid this crappy movie.

Save some money.
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