Matrubhoomi: A Nation Without Women (2003) Poster

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Splendid movie
amoskumar26 June 2005
I caught this movie a year ago during a special film festival screening. It will one of the movies that I will not forget anytime soon.

It came as a surprise during the opening credits that the makers of the film normally make mainstream Hindi films. But the movie contains none of your typical song-dance routine.

The movie starts by showing the Indian culture in villages where males are prized assets while women are seen as a curse. But it very wisely reverses the roles, where in a village no more women are to be found and it is only inhabited by males.

The wild search for a bride begins thereafter and one can only imagine the savage side of the male species rears its ugly head.

A must catch film. Waiting for it to be released on mainstream or on DVD.
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one of the better movies to come out this year
Sumeet_Pradhan29 September 2005
The title 'matrubhoomi' is an apt satirical name from this hard-hitting movie on female infanticide.

The movie is based on a fictional, futuristic rural area in India where there is a dearth of fairer sex. The story revolves around Kalki, one of the very few surviving young women and her ordeals in such a dysfunctional society.

Tulip Joshi has delivered a very restraint performance. Her suppressed character doesn't speak much but does have a lot to say. Joshi with her subtle facial expression has done that with total perfection. She could had ruined it easily by giving a loud shrieking/screaming act.The director is also to be given credit for it.In an era when some actress' 'Charlie Chaplin' act is winning all accolades, its unfortunate that this wonderful performance went unnoticed..The rest of the cast has also done a good job. The first time director Manish Jha has done a remarkable.He never gets carried and not allowed the movie to go loud at any instance.The innovative script is quite gripping and never goes astray. The rustic look of rural India is very realistically captured in the camera. On the negative side, one may feel that the violent developments towards the end of the movie was bit overdone but then its difficult to predict how lowly man can go under extreme conditions.

Another good point is that the extreme sexual violence is implied but not graphical.Overall a good, hard-hitting, must watch movie though certain sections of audience may not identify with the movie because of its gloomy, 'not so feel good' nature.
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Land of Men - The Deadly Consequences
Hades66620 January 2006
A very shocking drama set in a near-future rural village in India, where due to peoples desire for a son has dis-balanced the area's sex ratio and subsequently the female population has totally perished. Movie begins with the shocking scene of a father killing a new born female child by drowning her in a tank filled with milk and praying to grant him a son next year. This very first scene explains how desperate are the village people for son, and its a customary rule there to ignore(murder) a female child at all cost. After this scene the rest of the movie depicts the aftermath of such wicked trend, and which is the issue of this movie.

I prefer not say more, you better find out yourself. However I should warn you, there are some scene/moments in the film which are quite intense for some viewers.

Rating 8/10.
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A Nation Without Women .... A Hell Created By Men?
Chrysanthepop7 August 2008
'Matrubhoomi: A Nation Without Women' is one of the most disturbing Hindi films. It presents several taboo issues and graphic images such as: A graphic image of child being drowned in milk (female infanticide), gang-rape, serial rape, a Hindu priest engaging in a homosexual affair, incest, polygamous marriage, human slaughter, bestiality and frontal nudity. I'm surprised that it didn't create much controversy considering the subject matter. Actually, I wish it did because then more people would have watched it. It has a relevant message, especially to those who oppose having female infants and women's rights.

It's one of the bravest pieces of Indian cinema indeed but I wonder what director Manish Jha's intentions were were. Probably he wanted to get his message through to those many who see their daughters as burdens. Nevertheless, he tells his story well and a majority of audience will stay in shock long after the end credits have rolled. It doesn't leave a good taste but it shouldn't. Many people seem to criticize the film for being regressive but that is a ridiculous statement. In a country where even some of the biggest celebrities and leaders express their preference for a male child, one can only wonder how people who look up to them feel.

Tulip Joshi gives a restrained heartbreaking performance. The audience really empathizes with her character's agony and it really requires a fine actress to play such a difficult part and a newcomer like Joshi does a superb job. The rest of the cast is adequate.

'Matrubhoomi' is thought provoking and requires a lot of courage from the audience but it is an important film that should be seen. Kudos to Manish Jha and his crew for taking such a risk. One of the bravest pieces of recent Indian cinema.
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One of the most beautiful movies of Indian Cinema
sandeep13827 April 2006
A movie with a lesson. The movie is not just "art-lovers" movie but overall an extra-ordinary. The direction, the sequences, the acting. Everything is so refined that it does not let you move out of your seat.

Some reasons why you would not watch this movie:

1. Not a family movie (because of usage of obnoxious language and scenes which are of course required)

2. Not a "feel-good" movie(Need strong heart to watch the movie).

Reasons why you would watch this movie:

1. Feel the profoundness of India Cinema.

2. Unrivaled performances by characters.

3. Superb direction, editing, sequences and all the behind screen things.

4. Watching a complete movie.

5. Know better the consequences of decreasing sex ratio.

One of very rare films which covers such a crucial topic so effectively. The performance of each character, starting from lead actors like Sushant Singh, Sudhir Pandey, Piyush Mishra to even the 'dai' is too natural. It would not be wrong to say that it is rare to find such performances. I personally rate the performances higher than that of Black which claim to be one of the best movies of Bollywood.

Finally, I shall say a must watch movies. I am happy that this movie is going to release in 6 languages. No wonder this movie has been awarded with many international awards and ranked as Top Ten movies for the year.
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Standing Ovation Please!!!
oliaanwer15 March 2006
Warning: Spoilers
When I looked at the grim looking cover I expected the film to be a bit depressing but after watching it I was jolted and can still feel the goose bumps thinking about it. Story Line The premise is set in a town in futuristic India where there is a shortage of women due to ill-practices done in the past. There is an affluent family of the so-called upper cast which constitutes of a father and his five young sons who cant find a suitable bride anywhere in the village or near by villages.They seek help from a pundit who stumbles upon a rare beauty (Kalki) during one of his visits to a near by village and then he and the father of the sons pay a hefty sum to the girl's father to strike a atrocious deal where by Kalki gets married to the five sons at the same time. When the only person Kalki finds solace in is murdered she writes to her father to come and save,he arrives but leaves when given some more money to invest in his new business. The reaction to the visit enrages the family and they beat her blue, by this time Kalki decides she has had enough and with the help of the house servant decides to escape and gets caught midway and the poor servant is chopped in to pieces by one of the brothers.Kalki is then chained and raped repeatedly by practically every one in the village including the low caste which results in her pregnancy, that's when the whole village erupts in a huge fireball with more than one person claiming to be the father. The end result is stark and blood soaked. All the producers should be applauded for investing money in a movie which has no hope of making money at least in India where you need big stars,fake emotions to generate public interest. Secondly for the director for raw story telling with great sensitivity and command. The whole movie is a amalgamation of metaphors which have been sometime used controversially like the lewd act with the cow and making the pundit drink urine. Also the director tries to show that not all men are same and do respect women such as the youngest brother, the old servant and the new one, which shows that the future is bright. The director quoted in one of the interviews that no body wanted to play the female lead, sometimes blessings come in sweet disguises, Tulip Joshi sinks her teeth into this author backed role and portrays all emotions with élan. She looks ethereal and even glows when lying lifeless.It's a shame that a performance like this goes totally UN noticed,where as loud shrieking and Charlie Chaplin walks are showered with accolades. All the other cast was as brilliant as u can get.Even the director deserved a special mention but I guess if u are not a cut and paste director u stand no chance.The cinematography elevates the movie to a new dimension, the stale look depicts the sickness of the society and the lighting is bleak and dull throughout and changes once Kalki is about to bring a new life in this world. The editing is top notch and the background music proves once again the talent of Salim-Suleiman.

Even though I am not an Indian I still have huge interest in the film industry and would like to make a sincere plea to all the producers in the industry to cultivate this kind of talent.

I applaud Manish Jha and his team for making such enthralling piece of art. Hoping that u will serve us something as delectable in the near future.

One final for Boney Kapoor and Sri Devi Kapoor, I had lost faith in you when I saw your name linked to NO ENTRY(I guess u do need your rice bowl full to give support to emerging talents). Welcome Back Sir and thank you for backing such a gem.
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First true cinema in history of Bollywood
kruttik-a23 February 2006
Manish has definitely brought about a revolution in Story telling in India. With Matrubhoomi not only has he challenged the very fabric of Indian Movie making but also the residing fear in Indians to accept and admit their own apathy towards their own wisdom and creed.

Indian cinema has long been manifested, rather infected with a megalomania of movie making thus fooling the audience into illusions of happiness and so called feel-good-factor. On the contrary, here is a movie that is brilliantly directed to not only present the an imagination perfectly, but also telling the story absolutely pertinent to fathomable future.

Truly this cinema not only shows the harsh realities of female infanticide but also displays a sublime love and purity of womanhood to her kind. It also blends the cruelty of men responsible for female infanticide with a sympathy that veneers their characters due to lack of adulthood.

Manish Jha has successfully entered the shock art cinema and guys believe me we have our own , Desi version directors like Gasper Noe, Quintin Tarintino or Bernardo Bertolucci. A perfect recipe!!!!!!!
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One of the best movies ever watched.....
a_jana20 January 2007
Matrubhoomi will move you. You might hate it, you might like it - but you cannot be indifferent to this movie. So very very away from Bollywood. I watched this with my wife in a hall in Calcutta. I had simply no expectation about the movie. It was trifling 'raw' for my wife - but it shook us to the core. Female foeticide is an alarming menace in modern India. It is not the poor states like Bihar, UP, MP , etc. who show declining juvenile ratio - but the worst cases have been reported from more prosperous states like Punjab, etc.

My accolades to the director for calling a spade a spade - he intended to produce a punch and he has done it with a style. Acting was superb - although Tulip was slightly wooden at times. The ending was on an optimistic note, too - let's hope India regains basic human sentiments regarding girl children.
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Great exposure but done with exaggeration
AishFan4 August 2006
Born and brought up in the USA, I am originally from India and thought that this movie was blown out of proportion. I would put this film in the same category as Deepa Mehta's Water. Though first, I would like to give a kudos to Boney and Sridevi Kapoor for having the courage to tackle such a subject. Obviously, infanticide is immoral and it is a shame that it is still practiced in India. There is such extreme chauvinism, especially in the villages, that love and a woman's freedom cannot exist peacefully. I am glad that these injustices are being exposed to such a large audience. However, I find this concept of five men marrying one woman quite ridiculous. I have heard of one or two villages where there is a shortage of women but nothing like what is depicted in Matrubhoomi. If the makers of this film are trying to warn people that what they are seeing is very possible (as oppose to what is currently happening), I respect that. However, I feel it should be indicated as such. I feel this movie creates a false image of what India is, similarly to Mehta's Water. I apologize if I sound offensive, but I feel the reason such movies about India (and only such movies) are critically acclaimed (aka liked by people in the developed countries) is because it is kind of an ego-booster to foreigners that reinforces their belief that India is an extremely backward, third-world country (as oppose to their own). This movie, despite exposing injustices excellently, is a bit perverted and disgusting. I feel that instead of giving standing ovations and applauding these horrible practices in our air-conditioned homes and theaters, we need to get out and stop this once and for all!
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Matrubhoomi: A Nation Without Women
simmy-81 July 2007
I saw this movie 3 years ago on Motovun film festival in Croatia. This movie is cut in my memory and believe me you won't forget this movie this easy.

This movie was competition Amnesty International movie award for movies which theme was human rights and encourage protection of human rights.

According to recent UNESCO report, in population of India in some 50 million women short,due to gender discrimination. The film is set in future, village of Matrubhoomi, where due to rampant female infanticide( killing of all female babies), women are practically extinct.

Story is about a father and his five sons are frustrated because they are not able to find a bride.When A family priest finds a beautiful girl in faraway village.Her father is happy to sell her.She is taken to Matrubi,where she is married to the five brothers,all five of whom,including father, exercise their conjugal rights in turn.

Movie is one of the saddest movie I ever saw.It's so brutal,so real and very shocking.I highly recommend this movie.
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Good but overdone...
aftabhaq24 January 2007
I just got through watching this movie and I must say it is very well made. However, I found some character flaws in the movie. For example, the lady goes through so many hard things and never questions her desire to live? why is that? And then at the end of the movie the baby is a girl...but then why does she smile and be happy about having a girl? shouldn't she have been upset? Also, doesn't this movie leave the message that women cause problems in society rather than good? Because of her occurred all the killings, riots, etc. (this is my movie critique, not my personal belief?) Please correct me if I am wrong. Anyway, I did enjoy the characters of the 5 brothers, her father was a pimp, and her father in law didn't deserve to live.

Overall a great movie worth watching with a powerful message (despite the way it is conveyed)
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Sublime cinema!
bshljtbaruah803 July 2014
First of all let us ponder as to why we let this type of cinematic creations pass off without minimal considerations...why?? Its really a shame that in the ensuing cinematic race where only 'super star, sex and commercial profit' hold command, these type of 'sensitive, real' cinematic creations lag far behind in terms of due recognition (at least in sense of viewership response). In fact, I had the opportunity to watch the movie only a month ago.. 11 years after its release and certainly there would be many who are still deprived of the opportunity to watch this movie. Well, in due appreciation to the unconventionally superb cinematic treatment of a sensitive social issue, I would recommend everyone interested in viewing real cinema to have a shot at "Matrubhoomi: A Nation without Women" and enrich themselves with a sublime experience. It has no doubt turned "Bandit Queen" upside down!! Just go for it..
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a very fair adaptation
avisekarora249 August 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this movie right after ANWAR. To be honest i generally stay away from "hindi" art-house films, whatever that means, but i had to watch Jha's work. The first film was a fairly good attempt, where Jha created characters so symbolic and real. I could relate to the character of Anwar( the romantic but meek kind ). Well, let me talk about Matrubhoomi. This is a shock house mild move by our desi" Gasper Noe" but what i really loved about this movie is the way he created a world to place these characters, to suit his needs for his expression/narrative. These people are starved and unable to cope up with their present status. And so they are forced to commit these acts to survive and fulfill their very "basic needs" , read sex. I strongly believe that this movie has been adapted from a Japanese film "the ballad of NARAYAMA" where there is this village where elderly citizens must submit to death on a cold mountain peak. A brutal life where there is this intense conflict between love, duty, and harsh reality that coexists with cruel savagery. There are a few subplots that has also been freely adapted in his movie. But still i would give him points for his guts to adapt a SHOHEI IMAMURA film.
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km_new_age3 October 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Contains Spoiler(s)....

What a sick movie!

I understand that there was a point here - the killing of female newborns...But it seemed like the movie was more about **slavery** of women than about killing of babies...

I was disgusted - there were way too many unnecessary scenes in this movie. Chaining up a woman - and strange men having relations with her in the process??? And then her getting beaten for it??? Sounds like slavery to me...

Without a doubt the worst movie I have ever seen!
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Matrubhoomi : movie yet to get its due recognition
ashi-lance22 July 2010
Warning: Spoilers
For the first time when I saw this movie it was really hard to believe that this kind of movie has been made in bollywood ,it must go down the lane as one of the most audacious attempts by makers of movie ever made in India cinema. It sounds really loud what I am saying but the movie with few dialog set up in village named 'matruboomi' depicts the story of a village where women does not exists anymore due to the preference for male child ,and female foeticide. Do watch the scenes how people live in these conditions and behave in such ugly atmosphere, especially activities after watching porn movies. How desperate people could be for a girl for sex and everything else......

Now the dowry is given by groom's family to a bride's family(as female is preferred instead of male); the story takes a turn when a family of 5 brothers and their father get to know that a girl in the neighboring town is there ,who is then married to the 5 brothers and made to sleep with each one of them. the girl (Tulip joshi)becomes a polyandry and her life becomes more & more miserable. Here also arouses the fantasies of father-in-law of girl who also gets physical with the female lead . Rest I just don't want to reveal as it will destroy any true cinema lover's interest. Do watch the ugly side of male when they brutally kill female infant in the opening sequence, and how the saint turns gay and not to mention when a person being drunk and having watched porn movie does sex with the cattle, moreover how people try to fool the other people by turning their kid into girl and try to marry them to a male for money.these are just the opening scenes . A must watch for a person who really wants to see the most bold and unrecognized attempt in bollywood. My rating 9/10
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Substance, Thought and some wonderful movie making.
gupta-amal0116 November 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I wonder what goes in making a fiction that stems out from a reality. Just like this movie does. It takes on the issue of female infanticide and extrapolates it to an extreme. What if there are no women? What would the men do?. Consequences of these questions are well thought of and presented. The movie is however, not for those who look to entertain themselves without thinking and are reluctant to viewing movies on topics like sex, discrimination, slavery, racism or to be precise - off-beat drama genre.

The movie involves some good actors and frankly, this was the first feature of Tulip Joshi ( starring as Kalki) that I saw. Given the limited amount of dialogues that she had throughout the movie, her role is the central pivot around which all the men in the movie revolve. Throughout most of the film, her facial expressions do not fail her, whether they are of a smiling Kalki after being loved by the youngest Suraj (played by Sushant Singh) or the stone faced one on being used as a sex object by nearly all the male characters in the movie.

Manish Jha uses a wonderful script to describe the behaviour of men in the complete absence of women. The script is tight, although at a certain time after an hour I did feel that it had somewhat over- portrayed the terrible circumstances in which Kalki was surviving. But all that can simply be ignored, or may be is too trivial to be noticed to an engrossed observer, just for the sheer imagination that has gone into making this memorable piece. Sex being overdone was expected but I had not thought how the story would shape towards the end.

Background score is fitting to the theme. The flute specially brings in a lot of character to this fiction.
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A movie into the future of Social India
gauthamdn30 August 2015
This is surely a movie giving a projection into problems of the future India if we continue to assist social evils like female feticide & infanticide.

The movie clearly portrays the ups and downs and desires of male mind in a woman-less world and how they will assetize a woman in future, how they will treat the women in future if we allow the female feticide to continue. It is evident from the movie that this story line is not fictionally coming out of the mind of the story writer but incidents of this sort or practical experience can only ouch for such a work. It takes you through a breathtaking story and drama around it.

Kudos to Tulip Joshi who has pulled out such a terrific role amidst sending out a clear message to the world about the importance of womanhood.
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It is the best message movie of my life till now. Speechless. I guarantee you that u will be in tears after watching this.
vermaarpit-052604 April 2016
It is the best message movie of my life till now.

Speechless. I guarantee you that u will be in tears after watching this. The movie is all about we can not even imagine but the hard truth is that it happens in some places in India. You have to be strong to watch this i must say. But the end is soothing & relaxing in as a sound of a baby girl. Manish jha has done an excellent job. How women are treated in those rural Indian parts where the sex ratio is very low is shown in the movie. Movie will remind you of famous Indian story of mahabharat initially but soon all will change. Brutality is at peak in the film so see at your risk.
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Thought provoking!! Must watch
sauravjoshi8530 June 2022
Matrubhoomi: A Nation Without Women is a dystopian tragedy film directed by Manish Jha. The film stars Tulip Joshi, Sudhir Pandey, Piyush Mishra, Sushant Singh and Aditya Srivastava.

A disturbing saga of a father buying a woman for his five children to fulfill their desire.

One of the most thoughtful and impactful film, although the film is based in distant future in rural India but with the speed of female infanticide this can be a reality in soon. The film highlights three of the major problem in rural India one is off-course is female infanticide along-with the caste-ism and uncontrolled sex drive in men. The film is not only sensitive but also awakening and educating.

The cast of the film is chosen very wisely and each of the character were superb in their respective characters. The screenplay of the film is good and the climax of the film is superb.

A must watch thought provoking film.
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In a nation where they killed off all the women
OJT6 July 2013
Warning: Spoilers
This film is a commentary of the insane tradition of seeing upon women as a burden instead of a resource. It's a fictional drama, almost some kind of science fiction, where they in India has killed off all little baby girls, as they are seen upon as a burden. From that to women almost being instinct, and very sought for.

The film is very provocative in style. We see baby girls drowned as soon as they at born. We see men acting like they are women, to please men. We see men cuddling little boys like they are girls. We see young boys offering sex to priests. Wee meet hidden women which haven't seen other men than their father. We see priests finding the last rural girls, buying them as sensations. We see parents paying loads of money to buy girls which really are feminine boys. We see the last women being married to five brothers at the same time. We see the last women being the shared by bothers and their father. We see th last women being "run down" by the family of men. And even worse...

The film is made to provoke, and to stop the killing of baby girls in the rural parts of India, where this has been a tradition for decades.

The film is daring, and believe it or not, also very funny, and showing that India is also making film which are very different in style of the Bollywood films we tend to hear most often about. Quite entertaining about a difficult topic, and also as a provocative film.

This film deserves a much bigger audience. See it when you get the chance! If you like the dystopia theme of this, you might also like "Children of men", where pollution has killed off men's reproductive skills.

Another great movie about women discrimination in rural India is the Norwegian documentary "Gulabi gang" from 2012. Even more shocking than this feature fiction film.
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One of the epitome of what human civilization becomes when the very nature is challenged
ridi-arahan23 January 2021
What worked: It's a very powerful movie, brutal and hard hitting in its narrative. The movie is not an easy watch I must say. We talk about psychological thrillers, this is the real thriller based on the real events, making it more haunting and disturbing. Most of the characters in the movie are unattractive and sinful and the very few who are really nice die young, making it hard to choose a character that you can vouch on. It's a bold movie, with Tulsi playing the only lady in the movie. The concept itself made me eager to watch the movie and when I did , it's tragic and shockingly disheartening. What did not work: The movie would have been a great movie if not for the better camera work. I would have been happier with some alternate ending as well Final verdict: recommended
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awesome movie on a unique but real matter
adwordliam1 May 2017
well, i must say a bold attempt on a serious social matter. What would happen if there wont be enough woman but men, this movie is way ahead of its time.............. a must watch piece of art. What i like the most is the frustration of not having sex and the way the actors portrayed. I mist say these type of movies are real gem of any movie industry. Sensitive topic, nice acting and direction is top notch
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Daring,disturbing and shocking
Ansango7 February 2017
Last night i saw this movie and i was completely blown away by its sheer inventiveness.It was very unflinching and shocking and at times savage too.I must say,it is one of the most daring experiment of bollywood.It was a stupefying experience and a much needed break from over the top action and over saccharine romance films of bollywood.It struck me like thousand bolts of lightening. The film touches multiple issues like female foeticide,female infanticide,fraternal polyandry and caste discrimination.It also touches themes like regressive thinking of male against female and deteriorating morals of our society.But above all its a psychological reconnaissance of a society without women. The screenplay is razor sharp and strucks you right from the first scene.Unpredictability is another huge plus point for the film.In acting department,every actor plays their parts with aptness specially the leading lady.She hardly got any dialogues but emotes in such a good manner that you feel sympathy for her character.Cinematography is sumptuous.The frequent use of long shots give the character enough time to breath and which in turn gives a new dimension to the movie. Set in a dystopia(not so far-fetched),the film shows a village where there are no women left and suddenly a wealthy man finds a bride for his 5 sons. Many scenes of the movie are gut-wrenching and needs a rugged gut to digest.The public ceremony scene in the beginning of the film is one such scene.It leaves you shocked and disturbed for many days to come.The film is full of such sequences. The theme of the movie is very relatable even after almost 14 years.The way this sensitive issue has been handled is applause worthy and the way director took inspiration from Mahabharata and presents it as a modern day retelling with social themes is truly great.Its not just a film,its a subtle exploration of society. By no means its a perfect film,it has its share of flaws.The character development is weak.Technically film is a little feeble but it carries those flaws gracefully. Being a grossly underrated cinema,its a masterpiece in itself.Very few people know about this excellent piece of art.Its sad that such films rarely get their share of recognition and mostly are doomed to get a slow death in the voids of obscurity.
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A Shocking reality
sarathvclsp2 November 2021
I don't know how to express my feeling after watching this one..

I'm damn sure that there will be a change in you that you will be a different man before watching this and after watching this.. we will realise How our society,caste and religion oppress women.. And one thing.. Sex is an inevitable need like water and food for everyone, If we can't our sexual crave, we'll be worst animal, we will do any cruel things for that.
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