The Revolting Dead (Video 2003) Poster

(2003 Video)

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The dead are revolting... against this movie.
thegrimmsleeper18 February 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I enjoy a good low budget horror movie. Usually because the film maker has the passion to make a great film that isn't bogged down by Hollywood red tape. This is not one of those films.

I love the premise; it's what made me rent it. In some no-name town in the middle of nowhere, a dysfunctional family runs the only funeral parlor. Except that they rob the dead and re-use the same casket over and over again. But one fateful night they pick the wrong grave; the brother of a druid priestess, who soon comes to town to raise the dead so they can avenge themselves upon the unwitting funeral home family.

Interesting concept. Unfortunately, it went nowhere. The family was beyond dysfunctional; they were a bunch of freaking loons. I could deal with a family where the stepmother is an overbearing bitch who is sexually attracted to her step-son. I could deal with a passive, spineless patriarch and a sister who sleeps with every guy in town. These are all potentially compelling characters. But in the film, they're nothing but exaggerated caricatures. The acting is just awful throughout, and the only one of the family I could even stand was Betsy, the daughter, and even then only because I find short brunettes really hot. (So she had a bit of a tummy; she's still sexy.) The other main characters are of course the druid priestess and her boyfriend, a local mechanic who ran out on his girlfriend six months prior. His girlfriend as unwittingly killed by the nutty funeral folks after she chased after her man and stumbled upon a grave-robbing job. The druid priestess raises the dead almost immediately... and then a whole lot of nothing happens for like, a week. Seriously - where are the dead? Are they just hanging out in the graveyard or something? There are a handful of sex scenes throughout, which are halfway decent even though they're totally gratuitous. Unfortunately, we don't see nearly enough of Betsy getting naked; just briefly at the end when she's being violated by a corpse. (Reverse necrophilia, anyone?) The editing is choppy, the photography is amateurish, the audio is just awful and inconsistent from scene to scene or even from cut to cut in the same scene. This film looked and sounded like they filmed it on a consumer camcorder. The night shots seemed to be shot AT night, which is ridiculous given how inexpensive a good day-for-night filter is. It required the use of big, awkward lighting. In one scene, the reflection of the key light is visible in the side of a truck.

This is low budget film making at its absolute worse. It is bereft of talent, passion, and heart. It's good for a laugh or two, and if you like to give bad films the "MST3K" treatment, this is definitely one to add to your collection.

I give it three stars; it would have gotten more if we'd seen a bit more of Betsy in the buff. Those scant few seconds are about the only thing worth watching in this stinker.
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Family that owns a funeral home robs graves, They rob a druid's sister, she seeks revenge by awakening the dead.
Raven92729 April 2006
I have seen this movie and it is bad I mean just bad. I gave this a two because it looks to me like they at least tried but failed miserably. First off the budget looked worse then someone making a high school movie with their dad's camera. The sound was terrible it was like someone giving a speech without there microphone working and they where talking low.

The camera angles where horrible and switching every 10 seconds. The only good actors where the car repair guy, and the funeral directer lady. There is a porno scene every 25 minuets or so and the zombies are only in a few scenes probably like 5.

If you where looking for a zombie movie you will be disappointed.
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A Lil Something REVOLTING For Everybody!
geminiredblue8 August 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Okay... hm... where to start with this one? I recently found this in a $5 bin at Walmart. It was part of those multi-DVD collections. This one happened to be called Urban Chills. Anyway, while most of the collection is ho-hum, there were a few that stood out. THE REVOLTING DEAD is one of those.

The story: In a small country grave yard, the local mortician and his crazy family are up to no good. See, they're so cheap, they can only afford one coffin. So after a funeral, they dig it up again, remove the corpse, and re-use the same coffin. A couple times, there are witnesses to their evil goings-on. And well... now there's an empty grave. Big enough for two... if not more?! But their sinister deeds won't go unpunished. A strange woman comes into town, secretly a practitioner of ancient magic. One such spell brings the dead back to life to seek revenge. For the most part, it's entertaining. Acting-wise, it leaves much to be desired. Most of the actors are in the enthusiastic-but-talentless category. Special FX are actually pretty good, given that this is a low-budget flick. You could do far worse. But this is far from the best, too.
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Terrible. Laughed myself helpless
mark-14917 January 2005
Well I gotta say it. This movie STANK. I have seen many zombie horror films in my time and each have their weak points. This one on the other hand, had no good points. The acting was so wooden, you could've used the cast to stoke a fire.It doesn't say much for the producers if this is the best they could find after two weeks of auditions with over 200 hopefuls!! The script was utterly shallow and contained no dimension whatsoever. The sound editing was even worse with some sound effects coming in so abruptly, it was laughable.

What more can I say. If you want a "horror" film that will scare you witless and make you jump with unexpected twists and turns, then avoid this film like the plague. On the other hand, if you want to have a few mates around for beers and a few good laughs pointing at the telly, then rent it.
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Pathetic and Souless
iarepacman9 October 2005
I can get past bad film making on a low budget, it happens, but the way this film blatantly tried to horn in on other film's commercial success' is astounding. The film itself, is a college level attempt at absolute best, the acting is sub par, and the zombie make-ups are atrocious. So much so, that on the back of the DVD box cover, there is a darkened image from the film Return of the Living Dead 2!!! Hows that for a blatant rip off! There is no lucid plot, and the attempts at humour are so bad, that I'm not even sure if they -were- attempting to be funny. Its not even funny on a "so bad its good" level. Its just plain bad all around. Avoid this hackey piece of trash at all costs!
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that's really revolting
hphmp11 January 2005
... one of the worst movies I've ever seen

there seems to be a good basis for the story but what they made out of it ...

the people chosen for the characters are a good choice but I thought they would take real actors ...

the movie has about the same quality as Wishmaster 4 and that's very low

the sound quality seems to be very low

bad acting / as I mentioned before

the only horror in this movie, was the price for the DVD

no laugh at all !!!

P.S. If you want to see a movie with a lot of laughs, watch "Shaun of the Dead" ( which is a romantic comedy with zombies in it)
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ivarnyland7 June 2005
This movie.. must be the worse movie I've seen in years. Some horror movies are good. Some are bad. And some are so bad that they're almost good because of the badness. This movie was on the other side again, just plain bad with no fun.. OK, I could see the humor in some elements because it was so bad, but I don't know if that was the intention.. Please, don't waste time watching this film. If you're looking for a zombie/horror film witch is bad but still funny, watch "Plan 9 From Outer Space". The movie is horrible, but not worse than this movie, and in a completely other way. Anyways, I agree with the guy above me, watch with some friends over a beer. Or ten.
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Rip-off merchants!
imdb-56834 February 2005
I've not actually seen this yet - I spotted it in my local video store and instantly thought "Well, that's a movie to avoid!" Why? Because in the UK, the distributors felt the need to steal the logo from the wonderful "Shaun Of The Dead"... With a slight change to the zombie hand inside the "A" in "Dead". Good going, guys... You turned it from what might have been a good little zombie flick into what looks like a cheap cash-in on Pegg and Wright's work. When will these people realise that making someone's film look like someone else's film ( Especially if that wasn't the original intent ) Is NOT the way to gain credibility for a movie! Terminator... Exterminator. Alien... Alienator...

Any number of "Lookalike" posters...

LEAVE IT! LEt the films stand alone, and they'll probably do BETTER. Idiots...
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Too bad even to be funny!
ashpolt12 February 2006
I've seen a lot of bad films in my time (one of my friends and I go on occasional "crap movie marathons") but nothing - nothing! - prepared me for this. On the cover of the DVD it claims to feature "Revolting Plot. Revolting Acting. Revolting Jokes." and so on - and sadly, they really aren't joking (which, as it turned out, was a problem throughout the film!) From the moment the CG'ed "this would look great - if I was playing a Commodore 64 game!" opening credits sequence rolls to the very end, the film constantly surprises you by somehow getting worse as it goes along. I didn't expect much of this film, but I had hoped it would at least be dreadful in such a way that I could still have a good laugh at it - but sadly, no such luck! Purely, purely awful - don't put yourself through it!
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nogodnomasters20 June 2019
Warning: Spoilers
There is nothing like a clever title. In this film a family of undertakers rob graves and recycle coffins. When a witch (Shelley Delayne) makes this discovery, she casts a spell which allows the dead to come back to life and get revenge. Toss in a dead girlfriend, a dead brother, and the undertakers doing some of their own killings and you got the film.

This is a low budget production which had some uneven sound problems. The dialogue went from bad to corny. The acting wasn't there. The film waited too late to introduce the zombies.

The girls were pretty and sometimes that's all I need.

Parental Guide: F-bomb, sex, nudity (Shelley Delayne, Lindsey Lofaso , Stephanie Christine Medina- thank you)
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Horrible dreck - bad editing - incoherent storyline
claydogg29 October 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Typically, I view any zombie movie as "better than nothing", but herein lies the exception. A grave-robbing family of funeral directors goes one step too far by robbing the sacred family amulet from dead Druid John Drue. His sister shows up to take revenge, and casts a spell that brings the dead back to life, who then take for--ever to seek out and kill the evil family, leaving plenty of time for high-jinks. Garage-boy Duke is in the middle of all this because his pretty, young girlfriend was killed six months ago, even though no one seemed to notice, and now he just happens to be messing around with the Druid Princess, who, by the way, can shoot lightning bolts out of her hands in scenes highly reminiscent of the seventies cult classic Phantom of the Park, starring all four members of KISS. Funeral home dude Sonny always seems just a step away from hooking up with his sister, who sounds and acts much more like a Jersey girl than the backwoods bumpkin her character portends to be. Most laughable of all this mess is the editing, showcasing a clashing combination of film and DV, and some audio cuts that could be better done by children. Some gratuitous sex scenes attempt to rescue this train wreck, but even Eva Longoria playing naked limbo with Pamela Anderson's g-string wouldn't have enough mojo to pull that one off. A spooky DVD cover, but perhaps the worst movie I've ever seen in my life - and I've seen that KISS movie.
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Best film ever
Whetzellus11 January 2004
Better than biodome Better than sex Better than stapling your ear to your neck Better than Pat Russo's hair
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Decent entry, if not overly spectacular
slayrrr66623 January 2009
Warning: Spoilers
"The Revolting Dead" is a decent if flawed take on the zombie genre.


Hearing of her brother's death, Marissa Drue, (Shelley Delayne) manages to find Duke Malone, (Aaron Gaffey) who is able to direct her to the funeral home. Appalled at the state of upstate, she takes the issue to Millicent Crain, (Bokahra Robinson) head of the cemetery and her family, Cedric, (Michael Falls) Sonny, (Benjamin Keepers) and Betsy, (Lindsey Lofaso) who immediately brushes the claim aside, only for her to realize that there maybe enough evidence to get them on grave-robbing charges. Deciding to use her witchery skills instead, she casts a spell to allow the undead to rise from their graves in retaliation for what they've done to desecrate the graves, which manages to freak him out. Realizing that they have to let the spell work and let the zombies do their job of seeking vengeance, they back off so they can go about finishing their reason.

The Good News: This one here wasn't all that bad and was actually decent at times. One of the bigger parts to it is the fact that there's a radical shift to the zombies that might be hard to take, but does offer something new for the genre. Surely, there's going to be some who dislike the changes, as it's not all that traditionally-played out, but it does have some good points about this. The main part is the originality factor, as this feels really new to have it, as it foes against the grain so to speak and comes up with something new and fresh for zombie films. By having them act as the avengers of good guys who only have a specific target, it gives them a really nice and original feeling that isn't all that bad and really manages to help this one out as it's a unique look and feel, as not often the zombies are portrayed as the good guys. There's still a lot of traditionalism with them as to their look, which is quite nicely kept really old-school so as to not be so off-putting all around. With their dirt-encrusted faces, complete with wounds, blood-stains and rotting flesh on some, while one comes back as pretty much a walking skeleton and that's pretty entertaining in it's own right. The behavior changes mean that they're pretty much out-of-action, but those actions are highly enjoyable and really entertaining. This is comprised of their actions at the end, where they finally get to move around after them and really get to it, providing a genuinely lengthy, thrilling and exciting action scene, with tons of chases, stalking and encounters to lead the way and it's a ton of fun. Even the gore isn't bad, as there's a couple limbs ripped off, a rather brutal decapitation, several bites, a voracious corpse devourment and more splattered throughout the film. Couple that with some nice humor and nudity, it's not that bad of a film at times.

The Bad News: This one had a couple flaws to it that held it down. One of the main ones is that there's some minor changes to the zombies in how they interact with others that might not be appreciated by all out there. It's not entirely new to use magic to revive them, as it has been done infrequently in the past, but it's the fact that they're turned into mindless drones only after preconceived orders and not just going out on pure instinct, which is what makes them so feared. Here, by being agents of vengeance, it takes away what makes them unique and turns them into just free-roaming maniacs that have a taste for flesh, as there's nothing really special about them that anyone under a spell wouldn't behave in any way similarly to. That, as well as the main factor with the film, in it's incredibly dull narrative that doesn't really allow much time for the zombie action. Since they're only targeting a few people rather than anything with a pulse, it only gives us a grand total of around ten minutes of action towards the end of the film with the dead up and about, despite the spell being cast early on, so there's much more time spent dealing with the family issues and setting up later moments for retribution but don't come close to offering anything resembling zombie action during that time. This is a rather tired part of the film that manages to feature everything except for zombie action. These should be taken with a grain of salt, but are the film's flaws.

The Final Verdict: This does get credit for doing some new things to the genre, but it just falls flat when it comes to the entertainment factor. This should at least be given a look for those who want to try something different in the zombie genre, while the more hardcore traditionalists should heed caution with this.

Rated R: Graphic Violence, Graphic Language, Nudity, a few sex scenes and a mild Rape
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Shot on video zombie dud needs avoiding
Leofwine_draca2 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
THE REVOLTING DEAD is a horrible-looking shot on video zombie effort about the antics of a gang of modern-day grave robbers who think nothing of defiling the peaceful slumber of the dead. One day they cross the wrong person and she casts a spell to bring the dead back to life, and soon an army of corpses are wreaking revenge on the criminals.

That's the plot on paper and it sounds much better than what you actually see in this poorly-executed production. It's a cheapie throughout, set in just a couple of locations including a cemetery and taking place at night. The CGI opening credits are lamentable, and the acting even worse. The film has a sound problem which distorts the audio regularly and a handful of cheap gore and topless scenes can't raise the viewer's interest. The best bit is when a guy is attacked by a slimy skeleton but even this has rubbish effects. It's a real zombie dud, one to be avoided.
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Awful Movie....don't waste your time.
mlloyd-613 September 2006
This movie is awful, drawn out, badly acted and the gore which is implied by such a title, only appears in the last 10 minutes of the movie! The editing is awful and a couple of scenes's made me feel sick due to the cutting back and forth. The visual effects later in the movie are equally as bad and this whole movie has a 'iMovie' feel.

The lead actress Shelley Delayne cannot act and is so wooden it's laughable, and many of the other actors simply camp it up! The only saving grace is Aaron Gaffy who seems to be the only one with any real talent in the movie.

Avoid this film, you'll only be disappointed.
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Bloody hell!
projectcyclops12 June 2007
I watched Revolting Dead over a few drinks and with a friend and we were nothing short of astonished at how bad it is. I'm a veteran zombie enthusiast with over 30 zombie films in my collection, including serious dross like Flesh Eating Mothers and most of the Italian 80's films... But this has to be one of the worst I've ever, ever seen. I don't say this lightly, but to even the most optimistic and forgiving zombie/horror fan, don't watch this. It's utterly devoid of any skill, humour or decent horror/effects. I'd say it's on a par with 'The Zombie Chronicles', which is another no-go film. If you're after a half decent modern zombie indie film then I'd say go track down 'The Stink of Flesh', it's quite a bit better and has a few fun and interesting ideas. The other reviews pretty much sum it up, most low-budget horror has it's strikes and it's gutters but this is just the pits.

Right, I'll stop now as I could go on all day.
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Talk, Porn, Talk, Talk Talk, Porn, Talk Talk, The Force.
Killalot_OfJediZombiez6 August 2006
Warning: Spoilers
see that name me and my friend gave it? thats because this some god awful porn movie. but if you're a star wars fan, like myself, you'll (kinda....well...not really) like the ending to this. the damn chick useless the force and the monster. we cant call them zombie. they come from magic. well, Me and my friend went to blockbuster, looking up some good zombie flicks and we see this. "hey, might be good, i mean, look at the zombie at the back. looks badass" so what the hell, we got it. but what do you know? nothing we saw on the box was on this. who the hell would release this kind of movie? i mean, i understand low budget, but god, not low like 25 bucks low. worst zombie movie ever. the acting was horriable, the sex was horriable, and getting raped by a zombie is just plain stupid. the only thing good about this movie is the box art. and it has ntohing to do with the movie we wacthed. if you value your life, or you want to see some chick use the force and lighting on zombies, don't wacth this. please. for gods sake. The first preview has boobies.
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This Movie Was Hilarious
nammage31 January 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I tend to not like to review films on IMDb that already have more than ten reviews already. So, I'm not going to. I'm just going to point out why I feel this is hilarious. I still think it's awful but it is hilarious.

There are some really stupid scenes throughout this film, mainly in dialogue. The most hilarious scene, for me, was when the voodoo witch girl (whatever she is, the main blonde girl) is at the cemetery putting on her magic mojo and moving her head back and forth. They show this for what seems like five or more minutes and it does a close up of the back of her head more than once showing her hair going back and forth. That was it. I thought some alien dude was going to pop out and do a song number (Spaceballs anyone?). Oh, and the girl who played her could not act, at all.

Then a lot of the scenes when they're digging up the graves were ridiculous. And how such strong looking men can be killed by a little girl with a shovel. There was a line said by the evil stepmother that was nonsensical, probably going to have to paraphrase but "Why can't you sleep with men who don't cheat on their wives?" and the father replies, "What?" -- that's my reaction to this entire film: What?

I didn't care what happened to any of the characters in this film. I was hoping they'd all die, Jenny most of all and she did. She has sex with her boyfriend then afterwards declares she's pregnant and he should step up and be a man. She was a virgin and she now thinks she's pregnant. What? Either she's incredibly naïve or really stupid. I'm thinking the latter.

You know those films that are really bad but have lots of nudity? That's this film. And I don't want to sound perverted or anything but that's the only thing that really kept my attention. Some good nudity in here.

I don't know if this was trying to be a Comedy but if it was then perhaps it wasn't that bad but then again...
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Really Bad
maxwelldrake16 March 2006
This is a perfect example of the kind of "back yard" produced zombie films made during the time frame in which this film was released. I guess the idea behind this kind of film is that it doesn't really matter what the quality of the product is so long as you have a DVD box cover which looks glossy. A film like this may have earned the film makers a passing grade in a community college, film school class somewhere, but if so, it was just barely a passing grade.

The acting is horrible. Whoever told these people that they were funny lied to them. Watching this cast act is as uncomfortable as watching 38 year old men play Dungeons & Dragons in their parent's basement. Booms with microphones drop into scenes, tomb stones look like the foam props that they are, the zombie makeup looks like a high school play. You know exactly what you are in for with this "movie" when the opening credits begin to play. They look like the kind of computer animation you'd expect to see on the display board of a pinball machine as it flashes the word "tilt".

This one isn't even "funny" bad. It is just bad. The film maker should have just given a copy of this to his parents and saved the rest of us our time and money.
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It's never a good idea to mess with the dead
Woodyanders16 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The evil Crain family make a living stealing valuable items from dead bodies in their graves. An immortal Druid priest brings the corpses of everyone they have ever exhumed and wronged back to life to exact a gruesome revenge on the nefarious clan.

Director/co-writer Michael Su relates the enjoyably twisted story at a snappy pace, delivers a handy helping of bloody gore, presents a neat array of colorful characters, stages the zombie attacks with grisly gusto, and even tosses in some tasty gratuitous female nudity for trashy good measure. Moreover, it's acted with zest by an enthusiastic cast: Shelley Delayne as the vengeful Melissa Drue, Aaron Gaffey as the amiable Duke Malone, Bokahra Robinson as the mean and haughty Millicent Crain, Michael Falls as the drunken Cedric, Lindsey Lofaso as the feisty Betsy, and Benjamin Keepers as the browbeaten Sonny. A fun fright flick.
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