The Animals of Farthing Wood (TV Series 1993–1995) Poster

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Mostly excellent
judasfm5 January 2007
I watched this on and off as a kid, then as an adult I re-read the whole series of Farthing Wood books and got hooked once again.


The series is very faithful to the books; a lot of the script has been taken directly from it. It covers all the story lines (lately released prequel notwithstanding) from the initial flight to White Deer Park to the problems posed by the likes of Scarface and Trey and the rats at the end. While some parts of it take two separate books and combine them into one storyline, this is done so well and so cleverly that it really doesn't matter. The animation is basic but sound, and consistent all the way through. The voice acting is reasonably good (Badger in particular is excellent) The characters act more or less as they do in the books, with two notable exceptions (see below for details)


Most of the animals seem to have undergone a sex change. Adder, Tawny Owl, Weasel and Kestrel are all female in this adaptation, whereas in the books they were all male. Out of all four, Owl's voice is the best; the persona is completely identical to that of the book.

Character redesign: Weasel comes across as a silly clown with possibly the most irritating laugh I've ever heard

Character redesign: Adder comes across as an evil, sneaky villain, even going so far as to alter the words of the Oath (in the book, Badger insists Adder swear first, and Adder complies willingly and serves as a full member of the group). This really did disappoint me, as Adder was easily my favourite character from the books.

All in all, though, a fantastic series and well worth a watch!
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Excellent Children's Entertainment!
encore-530-71212629 September 2014
This show is an excellent series for children to watch. I would rate it even higher than I have here (8 out of 10) if it wasn't for the fact that you can't help but feel the show is a little bit "dated" in it's look and style. The storytelling is very good but that is something else which you can tell from watching is from a previous era of television.

The animals and characters are all great with some really fantastic voice acting.

The stories are age appropriate for children, well written and also teaching some very good lessons in a way that is fun for the kids and does not beat them over the head.
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A great cartoon, but very dark
sarakleinp18 November 2018
I haven't watched this cartoon on Television, but i have watched it on youtube only i was the first season and the second season, when i saw it, i loved, because i loved the characters. It's series teach good things, but it has some scenes that can be annoying for some younger viewers.
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Please make children shows like this again
sapphire_dragon-125 December 2011
When you look at kids shows today you can't believe the things you watched when you were a kid. Today no one would make a show like this because now it's politically incorrect. And if they did it would be marketed for older teenagers. This show had violence, complexity, depth, realism, moralistic debates and good wry humour. Today's show's for the same age group by comparison are childish, shallow and plain silly which don't get me wrong they have a place in our TV viewing habits but when it is the only thing you can give your kids to watch, well it's rather sad.

This was a show were they didn't shy from the fact that predators eat prey, the characters had real personality clashes and there was no fully good or fully bad character they all had a bit of both. They even dealt with the issues of death, loss and grief. We have become so afraid of children getting hurt our TV shows treat our kids like idiots. I was 7 to 8 when I watched this show and I understood all the themes and moral dilemmas moreover I wanted to know about them and since parents aren't going discuss things like that with a 7 yr old kid I really got to thank shows like this for helping me build a moral character.

Come on TV land be daring make kids shows like this again. Kids need stimulation not constant mindless candy floss.
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More than just a kids show...
TheLittleSongbird10 February 2010
I remembered loving (and being disturbed as well) "The Animals of Farthing Wood" as a kid. At 17, I still love it, it is truly a great show for kids and adults that teaches very good life lessons without preaching. I for one liked the animation style, the look of it reminded me of "Watership Down" which is one of my favourite films. The backgrounds are nice and evergreen, the colours are beautiful and the character features were excellent. The music was amazing, I have always loved the main theme. The characters are endearing and all had unique personalities, particularly Fox, Weasel, Toad and Adder, and the story lines are gripping, intelligent and well done. The voice acting is impressive too, Rupert Farley, Susan Jefferson and Ron Moody all do a stellar job. Is there a drawback? Maybe a small one, the third series wasn't as compelling as the first two series, but it was watchable and ended more than decently. All in all, this is a great show, maybe with one or two minor discrepancies but it is definitely worth the look and I recommend it strongly. 10/10 Bethany Cox
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AOFW is my life
manxineen1 April 2007
I grew up with the animals of farthing wood I don't know how i would have turned out if i hadn't had the ultimate joy of experiencing it.

I have all 3 series on video as well all the original books and all the magazines too.

I still watch them now and again and they still have that same wonderful effect on me. I love the characters so much. There's so much you can relate to in the story; you have the fear of something, courage to stand up, forbidden love, rebelling against your parents and most especially friendship and looking after others.

I thing i didn't like about the series is that in series 2 and more noticeably in series 3 the animals movement became more cartoon like and less animal like, so you have fox giving a big over dramatic yawn, then noticing that owls there suddenly sits up with big shocked eyes, it's just very unanimal-like. I think that because of this some of the animals like mosey lost their adroability when they became more cartoon like.

Either way though it was a fantastic show and i want the complete set to come out on DVD - it would be soooooo much handier than video.
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The best children's series of all time.
Zeuss10129 July 2006
Warning: Spoilers
The Animals of Farthing Wood is an animated children's series following the journey of a group of animals as they leave their original habitat due to it being destroyed by man, and travel to the safety of a nature reserve. Three series' of the show were produced, the first showing the journey, and the latter two focusing on the animals lives after arriving in White Deer Park.

Rather than using comedy and humour to attract the attention of it's audience, AoFW uses its strong storyline and characters, the two things for which the show is best remembered and still far above any children's show even today.

During the series multiple main characters are killed off, often in violent ways, and because they were so well written and voiced, the deaths were even more emotional. Anyone I talk to about this show today remembers the moment the Hedgehogs were run over even if they can't recall anything else, and remember it as something which when they watched as a small child made them cry a lot.

I applaud the storyline for being as realistic as possible and not hiding the grim realities of nature, like so many other kids shows. Animals of Farthing Wood taught children about the difficulties faced by animals in their struggle to survive, such as the numerous threats posed by man and nature, two things which claimed many lives across the series. Even the basic premise of the show was a result of mankind destroying the animals home.

This is probably why this show is so well remembered and popular today, because it told it like it is and had a brilliant narrative, actually teaching children something important about animal cruelty and nature. I can only guess at the number of children who watched this or read the book and were deeply affected by it, but I know I was one of them.

I liked the first series the most. The great journey to White Deer Park was the most varied and entertaining, and the part of the show which most people remember. Series 2 was also good, but it tried to include too many characters, and so some of the originals such as Mole ended up getting neglected. Series 3, with it's different animation style, weaker story, and only a handful of original cast was the worst of the 3, however was still watchable, and ended well.

I hope some day this is released on DVD and constantly re-run on TV, as children today should have the privilege of seeing this pure classic, and experiencing the happiness and sorrow that came with it, as I and so many others did.

No other children's show has this much emotional and cognitive impact.
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An epic children's story...but great for adults too
Tortured_Tetsuo12 April 2004

I watched the Animals of Farthing Wood a lot when I was growing up, and while admittedly I've forgotten a lot of the story lines and such, much of it has stuck with me.

One of things I enjoyed most about the show were the characters. There was a huge range of woodland creatures, all of which had their own personality, little background stories and theire own relationships with certain other characters in the group. The smaller animals were always very timid and would always try and protect their families. Adder (who had a darkside to her, always ready to eat the rodents) had a grudging, but quite close friendship with Owl, and Badger played as adviser to the lead role, Fox. And of course there was the close bond between Badger and Mole.

The other thing that strikes you about the show however, is the way the characters develop, sometimes get killed and eventually grow old and die, something which you don't see a lot in children's TV. I remember being pretty traumatised when Moley died as it was totally unexpected. And after that, you could see his close friend Badger slowly delapidate and die of old age, another truly sad moment. But then there were also the fantastic moments, like when the group at last reach White Deer Park and it seems as if they have come to a happy ending and when Fox and Vixen finally have their litter of fox cubs, who we in turn watch grow into adolescent foxes.

It is a truly great show and is reminiscent of Watership Down. The varying story lines, character development and relationships and decent animation make this more than just a kids cartoon.
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All for One and One for All
XxXPETEXxX16 January 2008
Warning: Spoilers
As a child I was used to watching such programs as Postman Pat but this was different, it depicted reality and truthfulness through being scary and emotional unlike the vast majority of programs.

As a general comment it's fair to say that AOFW rocked, but like any book-to-television program there were changes, like the sex of some animals. There are three series of this, the first one is the journey to White Deer Park and the second and third are at WDP.

Like many other people said the first series was probably the best having me on tender hooks. We meet all the animals, and what an unforgettable bunch they are. We had Fox being courageous as the leader and Badger as his faithful 'right hand man'. Owl as the wise one, Kestrel as the scout of the group, Rabbits as the clumsy ones, Hares as the more selfish creatures, Weasel who provided the humour and many more. Along the way we met Vixen and Whistler. Series one saw the deaths of the Newts, Pheasants, baby Mice and a Rabbit, which as a child was quite frightening. But the saddest moment of the series was the Hedgehogs getting run over - makes me well up. At the end they eventually arrive at White Deer Park.

Series Two showed how they struggled to fit in at WDP and the new dangers that faced them i.e. Scarface, the dangers of winter and what Spring has to bring. The covered topical issues in S2 i.e. hunting, racism (red/blue foxes). The Charmer/Ranger storyline as the Montague/Capulets worked very well. Scarface was the main threat of S2 - killing Mrs Vole, Mrs Hare and Mrs Rabbit as well as one of Fox's cubs - Dreamer. The series ended with Adder killing Scarface - ending his reign of terror. S2 also followed the story of Fox Cub Bold who, after arguing with Fox, left the Park. We followed his amazing journey and how he was struggling and eventually returning to the Park with his mate - who was carrying his cubs - to die after making peace with his Dad. S2 also saw the death of Mole and the arrival of his son. The saddest moment of S2 was Badger dying as he represented the oath of mutual protection. His last scenes were the most heart wrenching one can watch.

Series 3 as people have said was the worst. There was some happiness as Adder found a mate. The series began with Weasel and Owl - original FW characters leaving the park to go start a family. In my opinion, this was a bad idea as too much of the story was set outside WDP. It also saw the death of the Great White Stag and the takeover of Trey - an ignorant Deer. Many characters disappeared between the last two series - Kestrel, Friendly, Hare, Speedy. I didn't like this as Kestrel and Hare were my personal favourite characters. S3 saw the takeover of Rats in the park, which was a weak storyline and wasn't very climatic. Several friendships joined in the series - Plucky/Dash, Spike/Toad - which was nice to see as the original friendships from S1 - Owl/Adder, Weasel/Badger, Mole/Badger, Rabbit/Hare - had now been split up. The arrival and death of Sinous (Adder's Mate) showed us a different side to the snake. We saw Weasel give birth to Cleo and Fido - which provided lots of humour and we saw Owl meet a mate (Hollow) before being encased in cement and freed before returning to WDP. The rats eventually left and Fox declared that Plucky will be the new leader of the AOFW. The end had a montage of the journey to White Deer Park, which was sad to watch.

Highlights included Owl going death and talking to Mrs Vole, Rabbit's hiccups, Badger dying, Hare/Rabbits scenes, drunk Weasel, Kestrel being 'so very embarrassed' and pretty much most the series.

All in all, a fantastic series, just a shame kids nowadays don't have the opportunity to watch things like this.
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My favourite childhood show
sarah-prendergast8614 April 2019
I was obsessed with it. It got me interested in wildlife and I loved every minute of it. Very dark but entertaining.
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Cute, Insightful & Poignant, But a Little Depressing
alleywayambush6 August 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I remember seeing the 1st episdoe of this back in early 1993, and sure it had everything you could want from a kids' cartoon; charming animals, drama, moral naturalistic persuasion and heroic triumphs. I think the creators were trying to get kids interested in animals and the environment; back in the day they did a highly informative magazine series based on the show. The 1st series was by all means quite easy, charming and delightful, but the subsequent series were rather sinister; the grim reality of the food chain was enbraced, and there was that unforgivable scene where a baby rabbit is shot dead by a farmer, leaving the parent rabbits in tears (they'd NEVER get away with that on kids' TV now !)

I can appreciate this show for its honest and relatively neutral, unbiased portrayal of the ecological system. Unlike Bambi, cute as it is, the food chain and human intervention with nature are portrayed in a neutral way that doesn't specifically make heroes or villains of any particular party. For example, the snake is clearly portrayed as a dominant predator, with a personality of both slyness and integrity. I think this show captures a good balance between the traditional childhood portrayal of animals as cute, whimsical and innocent, and a more realistic portrayal af them as predators, prey, savages and aggressors.

I'll give this show 7/10 since it wasn't a favourite a such - that vote goes to Maid Marian & Her Merry Men ! - but still a versatile show capturing nature's beauty, charm, drama, dilemmas, realities and potential demise.
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Sweet and educational
victorscentral-fbk3 July 2021
Beautiful, sweet and educational cartoon. The characters are well worked. A nice series to show to little kids. The drawings are also beautifully made (old style).
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Good but not Great
VoidWarren15 July 2008
There are a lot of good things about this series. In many ways it's a throwback to the old days of British animation, and certainly stands out against the background of most of today's modern American cartoons. This is not always a strength, however.

The backgrounds and animation are disappointing; in particular the backgrounds often appear faded and washed-out, drawing unfavourable comparisons with the highly-detailed landscapes used in other nature cartoons, like Watership Down. The animation frequently produces problems with scale, the sizes of some animals varying even within scenes, and while the character design is mostly excellent there are too many instances of motion looping: the same pieces of animation getting used again and again.

The voice acting is inconsistent, and the series clearly suffers from being unable to hire more than a few voice actors. The problem with having several characters voiced by one actor is that , more often than not, the actor will have to go to extremes of accent or pitch in order to produce voices that sound different, and as a result many of the supporting characters sound so irritating it's hard to sympathise with them. Having said that, the main characters are quite well done, and in particular the second-series' villains Scarface and Lady Blue are invested with suitable malevolence.

So why is Farthing Wood a good cartoon, despite its problems? Perhaps its greatest achievement is to take a very mediocre series of novels, distill the best elements from them and use that as a starting point to develop stories and characters. Often the first thing discarded in the transition from page to TV is violence, but Farthing Wood deserves credit for retaining much of the book' realism; characters are killed off like it's open season in the safari, and the series doesn't shy away from depicting copious amounts of blood.

Sad, thrilling and ultimately uplifting, Farthing Wood is a relic of the days when children felt more connected with nature and the Great Outdoors, and although a small budget limited its excellence, very likely it will be the last great British nature cartoon.
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Do not recommend for young children. Parents, please screen this for your kids.
nathanielcmetz25 October 2018
I watched this show accidently as a child, and I found the animals killings and deaths deeply disturbing. In fact, as an adult, I still find them disturbing.

Personally, I abhor this show. Others may like it. Nonetheless, if you are thinking about showing this to your kids, I STRONGLY recommend that you screen it first and make sure your kids won't be upset.
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A unique, beautiful and original tale of courageous animals.
jamie_leigh_abery3 March 2002
"The Animals Of Farthing Wood" is a real classic and wont be forgotten. It's animation is unique and people of all ages can relate to the characters. The program was watched by thousands of youngsters all over the country and everyone of my generation will remember it forever.
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Excellent Animated Series from the BBC in the year 1993
rebeccaajclarke20 February 2022
I find the show called The Animals Of Farthing Wood (1993) is very good, But it can be dark and edgy at times. Fox is the very good leader, Badger is the kind-hearted mentor, Vixen is Fox's Love Interest, Whistler the Polite and Affable Gentleman Heron, Toad The Travel Guide with a West Country Accent, Mole the Cute and adorable friend of Badger, Kestrel is the Logical and Reasonable Bird of Prey, Owl is Pompous, but very Intelligent Bird of Prey with a Received Pronunciation, Adder the Cunning, Cold, Icy and Aloof Snake with a Heart of Gold and the Practical Jokester/Comic Relief Weasel. The Animation, the story, the art style, the music and the voice acting are excellent, I'm giving this series a 10/10.
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one of the best animated series I've ever watched
Amixthekid6 June 2021
YOU HAVE TO WATCH THIS RIGHT NOW because of a terrified, heartbreaking, beautiful and a masterpiece story I'll give it a 10 because of it all of it.
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rbnlrk18 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This year we get some 90s reboot in TV and cinema so let us look back at TAoFW based on the books. A forest is taken down so a group of animals is on the run to another park. The animation is so 90s at times but there are some nice background animation like something frpm the Versailles and nice background music that ranks from intense to cheery, and sad. Now hunt this down in the antiques shops on VHS if you and your family loves rare 90s show in a slower pace, but this is not for kids under 7 at times as we get some out of context and intense scenes too.
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The best in terms of animation
DogeGamer201526 September 2020
This show is pretty good, it has charismatic characters and an excellent story that is quite entertaining. TOTALLY RECOMMENDED!
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lindseycatherine10 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Pros: The Characters The Darkness/Depth The Theme Tune The Voices

Cons: Weasel Some of the Deaths Series 3
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Great show
jack-smales22 September 2003
I first watched this when it was on the TV.Then when I was about 11 we found a copy in the library.It had several of the original episodes crushed together with some of the story lines taken out but we still wanted to see all of the videos.It was nice for me to see it again and to see the parts I remembered. It is not like Percy the Park Keeper where the animals are babyish and silly.Call me horrid,but personaly I couldn`t care wether the rabbit stayed down the well.Let her stay there! Unlike some things that are not like the books,this show is not awful. The first series was great but the second series was fantastic!It was very exciting and sadder than the first series.I felt like crying at some bits.There third series was weak.It just wasn`t gripping. This is still a classic show.Very endearing. I would give it 10\10 if it wasn`t the third series so I will give it 8\10
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Very enjoyable series
Lupercali27 August 2002
Warning: Spoilers
Contains minor spoilers

Animals of Farthing Wood was broadcast in three seasons between 1993 and 1995. It is unavailable in NTSC format except as a severely abbreviated version of the first season, with an American voice cast (which I have never seen, but suffice to say they have crunched a five and a half hour story into 90 minutes, so there is bound to be a lot missing)

There are three seasons of the series, each of 13 episodes. Season 1 deals with the animals' journey from their home at Farthing Wood, which is being destroyed by land developers, to the sanctuary of White Deer Park - a nature reserve.

Season two and three are set within the park itself, and deal with problems the animals face once they have arrived. Of the three, season 2 is generally considered the classic by fans - particularly those who like foxes, since the story centers on them to a great deal in this season.) All three are good value however.

The animation is somewhat ordinary by modern standards, but this really doesn't detract very much, and the backgrounds are very nice throughout (ironically, when the animation does improve in season 3, the storyline goes downhill, and since most fans prefer season 2 over season 3, this suggests that an engrossing story and characters will win out over topnotch animation)

Although the show is aimed at children, there is a mature feel to it, especially in season 2. Parents should perhaps note that the series has a particularly high attrition rate of major characters. Characters - often quite popular ones - die off or are killed at a prodigious rate, such that by the end of season two, only about half the original characters are left. One of the most popular characters of all is born, lives and dies during the second half of season two. Although this can be traumatic, personally I applaud its realism. In fact the aforementioned character's death provides one of the most moving plot arcs in the whole series.

The voice characterisations of the major characters are unfiformly excellant, especially given that the entire cast of characters (and there are a _dozens_ of them) are voiced by just 7 actors.

What else can I say? It's a classic series. If you're in North America you're going to have to get a multi-format VCR though.

Oh - the PAL tapes come in two varieties. Completists will want to get all 39 episodes, which come on seperate 25 minute tapes. These are very hard to come by, though. Slightly more findable are the edited down BBC releases, which consists of 9 x 85 minute tapes (3 per season). Although these tapes do miss out a considerable amount of material (perhaps about 20% of the whole series), in my opinion they may actually be the more rewarding versions to watch. Most of what is missed out is not terribly rivetting, and I enjoyed watching them as 85 minute movies, rather than 25 minute episodes where I was constantly rewinding a giant stack of tapes. The edtors did a fine job in trimming the series down to the 9 feature length tapes.

If you're in doubt about which ones you're getting; the 25 minute ones have identical, white sleeves. The 85 minute ones have different pictures on each sleeve, and the background covers vary from white to blue to yellow.

All up, 4 out of 5. A really endearing and enduring series.
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Animals of Farthing Wood is a great show!
twin_by-min6 November 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I first watched it when I was 11 or 12 i think. It was really great and something I would definitely watch again. It is a journey that takes you on an emotional roller coaster as you get attached to many of the characters and many die which shows how realistic the survival of wildlife is, that not everyone can survive and each episode be a happy ending... I remember it all so clearly and when I see what my younger brother and sister watch it is complete nonsense in comparison, as there are barely any shows that could be rated as well as A.O.F. The second series is even better with many new characters introduced and it is a show which has humor, love and loss brought into the animal world. It is not a cartoon for children under about 7 or 8 I would say because it can be brutal but I recommend it to everyone else!
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If you love the books, skip this series
DeceptiveFox6 March 2022
I know many Brits grew up with this show, so it's a fond childhood memory for them, and if that's the case for you then by all means take a trip down memory lane.

If (like me) you read the books first and then found this series, I'd recommend skipping it.

My 5 star rating is generous, and based on the first season alone. Season 1 covers the book 'The Animals Of Farthing Wood', and with the exception of a few gender swaps (which I understand would've been to attract more female viewers) it is a fairly accurate representation and decent viewing.

Season 2 is based on the books 'In The Grip of Winter', 'Fox's Feud' and 'Fox Cub Bold', and here's where things start to fall apart. Characters that survive the entire book series are killed off while characters that are killed off in the books survive the whole series.

Season 3 is based on the books 'In The Path of the Storm' and 'Battle For The Park' (with a tiny hint of 'The Siege of White Deer Park') and it's pure rubbish.

Weasel (with her insanely annoying voice) is promoted to main character for some reason. The plot BARELY resembles the source material, and begins to contradict itself. Characters go missing for no reason. I could go on...

Bottom line, if you want to read a wonderful series I couldn't recommend the books by Colin Dann more than I already do...just make sure not to watch this series directly afterwards.
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