L.A.P.D.: To Protect and to Serve (2001) Poster

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Like Dark Blue and Training Day but, you know, not
VonCouch7 May 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I found this DVD at Big Lots for $2. With badly photoshopped images of Dennis Hopper and Michael Madsen (obviously from a Reservoir Dogs promo) on the cover, I had very low expectations. But I'll give this movie credit. At least the director has some idea of what he was doing. Unlike other crap films like "Cheerleader Ninjas" and "Tha Sistahood", this one could actually direct the camera in a way that didn't make you want to blow your brains out. But when saying the director wasn't doing hits off of a crack pipe while working is the best compliment to give a movie, that's still pretty bad.

The story is basically about how corrupt the LAPD is. This corruption is basically revolving around a half dozen or so cops. That's pretty well contained, I must say. There's also a subplot of guys robbing convenience stores that goes nowhere. And another subplot of the main guy's love affair with a cop groupie. That one may be uninspired, but the sex scene is probably the funniest I've ever seen in my life. The two roll around naked under covers in the most awkward positions possible while the guy grinds his loins and gives the most painful grimaces is the history of man. Honestly, it just has to be seen to believed.

Casting sucks. Dennis Hopper is in the movie for a total of about 10 minutes, and looks like he's in physical pain having to deliver the insultingly bad script. Madsen is in there for more and seems less affected, but he's no stranger to a bad script. I've sat through films with him that were much worse, so this is nothing new to him. The hot young cop who owns the nickname Cowboy (because, you know, they want to be original) looks about 40. One fatboy cop, who looks mid-thirties, has a non-touching scene with his "mother" of 45. The constant unexplained parties at fatboy's "mansion" have the same people who seem not to change their clothes for weeks on end.

But the worst part of this film is the logic. Cops w/ bullet proof vests take shots like Superman without barely a flinch. Whenever there's a shootout within 20 square feet, nobody considers taking cover from the bullets. And why should they? Trained LAPD officers are known for being terrible shots anyway, right? There's also no sense in ballistics when detectives come around.

Bottom line, this film may suck noodles but I've seen Madsen in worse (Against All Hope, Executive Target, My Boss's Daughter, etc). Unless you're a big fan of his, as I am, stay away from this film.
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So Bad That It's Kind of Good!
spookyrat116 March 2022
LAPD: To Protect and Serve is of the same ilk as something such as Attack of the Killer Tomatoes. It is just so bad that some punters such as myself, will get a modicum of entertainment value out of it, all for the wrong reasons.

The acting is appalling. How old stagers such as Charles Durning, Dennis Hopper and Michael Murphy managed to keep straight faces whilst reciting their collectively banal lines must be a skill in itself. The soundtrack has to be heard to be believed. Suffice to say think of your worst 80's TV police series and that'll point you in the right aural direction.

There's plenty of action scenes generally consisting of cops doing their best to line -up and get shot by various bad guys, who are frequently cops too. Needless to say, this movie boasts a very high body count and I doubt whether the real life LAPD cooperated with the producers, in the filming of this distinctly underwhelming project.

Want to be forced to watch a laughably unneeded and inappropriately extended sex scene, then this is your baby. I also got a kick out of the many cop parties we bear witness to, where the majority of the police rock up in their uniforms and leave their patrol cars in the driveway. Makes me wonder who the neighbours might have to call, if they want to complain about the noise levels being too high.

And then there are head - scratchingly weird scenes such as the accidental shooting of a cop by another cop during a hostage situation in a basement car park, that just seems to have no relevance to the rest of the movie. It doesn't seem to bear any relationship to the main storyline, is never mentioned again and the characters involved carry on as if it had never happened. Seriously it has to be seen to be believed how many cops from this one division get shot up. But Hopper's precinct captain never mentions those officers departed at the morning briefings. He just sends the leftovers out there once again.

A final highlight consists of pre - credit notes telling us what happened to the surviving (fictional) characters, as if the production team suddenly wants us to believe this was a true story. Adding to the bizarreness factor is we are not even sure who they are talking about, due to low survival rates of the main characters and the fact that their names aren't even mentioned. Cue to start throwing popcorn at the screen, because this film truly deserves it.
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The movie is pretty light on action, and what action remains is pretty ridiculous!
tarbosh2200014 June 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Wade (Bacic) is a young L.A.P.D. cop, and his partner and mentor is Sam Steele (Singer). When their fellow cops Alexander (Madsen), Sextram (Crawford), and Meyerling (Roberds), among others, begin throwing wild parties at a house in the Hollywood hills, and getting involved in illegal activities, Wade doesn't like it and it begins tearing his professional and personal life apart. Steele is more conflicted, and his father (Durning) and Alexander's father have histories on the force. When all this affects his girlfriend Kimberly (Hunter), things get personal for Steele and it leads to a showdown. Also, the captain at the precinct is Elsworth (Hopper) - even though it's fairly irrelevant to the plot, it's Dennis Hopper, and he's front and center on the box art even though he's only in the film for a few minutes.

Anything else you may have read about how bad this movie is, is more than likely true - it has an incredibly cheap, junky look, and even the music feels very low budget. Not that low budget on its own is a bad thing - but what clearly happened here was that all the money the filmmakers had was spent on corralling all these great actors together. But sure, the movie has a killer cast...but at what price? Probably the most offensive thing about LAPD is that it portrays cops in such a negative light. It tends to leave a bad taste in your mouth. This movie was obviously influenced by such films as The Choirboys (1977), The New Centurions (1972), and Extreme Justice (1993), but it's all done so ham-fistedly. If someone tried to film a James Ellroy story like Dark Blue (2002) on their video camera, something like LAPD might result.

The only snag with it being an Ellroy-style out-and-out L.A. story is...wait for it...this movie was shot in Canada! That's right, except for some exterior shots (we think), the whole thing was done in Vancouver. Why didn't they just change the storyline to be about Mounties? Special note about the locations: In one scene you can see the video store Video Update - their stickers are on many used VHS tapes. We have some in our collections, and you probably do too. Also, there's a scene at an "adult" movie theater and some characters spend a lot of time in front of a poster for the Romp Screwball Hotel (1988).

The movie is pretty light on action, and what action remains is pretty ridiculous - they were trying for a cop drama sort of thing apparently. There are plenty of clichés, and not all good ones either. Crawford as Sextram looks exactly like Robert DeNiro (or perhaps a lost Baldwin brother). Michael Madsen, who's cool all the time, and all the other names (why is Charles Durning here?) make the movie at least watchable - and it is fairly coherent - so this isn't the worst movie ever made but it's still pretty awful. It was released as a budget-priced (probably a dollar or so) DVD with an unflattering cardstock sleeve.

We wouldn't tell you to put LAPD at the top of your list, unless you are an extreme fan of any of the names involved.

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Terrible movie with experienced actors.
hsharmison29 December 2004
I couldn't believe that I was seeing Charles Durning, Marc Singer, Dennis Hopper and Mike Madsen in such an incredibly asinine movie. The only reason I watched it to the end was that I might see at least one or two good scenes that might redeem it. This didn't happen.

As a former Law Enforcement Officer, I was appalled to see the Los Angeles Police Department portrayed as a group of bumbling buffoons and gangsters. Equally bumbling was the direction of this movie. Example: Minor cast members awkwardly gawking about sets, obviously lacking experience as to how to fit in with a scene. Don't waste your time with this one. It isn't even fit for falling asleep on.
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Bad service and questionable protection.
michaelRokeefe11 October 2003
A disgrace trying to be a mirror of the L.A.P.D. A few aging stars coasting through a terrible script. Dirty cops wanting to turn against other dirty cops. Cops that don't want to be cops. Unrealistic, over-kill on the gun fire. Front line cast is made up of: Dennis Hopper, Michael Madsen, Marc Singer and Charles Durning. A glimmer of promise from Kiara Hunter, Carolyn Dunn and Brenda Campbell. This movie can serve as background noise while passing around the party dip and refilling the cold refreshments. I guess there is no law for bad acting. Even the simulated sex is terrible.
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LAPD: Laughable Awful Preposterous Dreadful
Weathership20 July 2002
To Protect and Serve: Protect us the viewer and serve the acting to the dogs. Why oh Why did I rent this? Because of Dennis Hopper. After all, he has made some good films, even very good ones. I saw him on the cover, and instead of checking IMDB first, I took a chance. This trash is the Plan Nine from Outer Space version of modern law enforcement. If I were a LAPD employee, a LA criminal, a citizen of LA, even an alien from Mars, I would demand that all money used in this production be used to burn all copies of this wherever they may be. Considering the absolute total ineptness of the acting, directing, and writing efforts here, there may be only enough loose coin to burn just one copy. Dennis Hopper was in this for 3 maybe 4 minutes. And you could plainly see he was over acting. Dennis, do not add this to your filmography. This is a very, very bad film.
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Worse than you can even imagine
MoronUnited10 April 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I saw this DVD on a clearance rack for $5, and having never heard of it prior to that moment, decided to pick it up seeing as it had Dennis Hopper. Sadly, the movie barely even has Dennis Hopper in it, and the scenes he is present for showcase some of his worst acting to date.

I am truly amazed that the two main characters can even consider themselves actors due to their complete incompetence at acting in general. The plot is absolutely ridiculous and to make matters worse, the scenes involving the police officers and vehicles were not even slightly accurate to what would happen in a real situation similar to that.

Perhaps my favorite part of the movie was the sex scene, which had to be one of the most pathetic scenes ever put to film. The man's facial expression suggested that his toenails were being ripped off and was one of the few times that a scene in a film has brought me to tears from laughter. The gunfights are just as "mind-blowingly" bad. The film starts off with two men with machine guns surrounded by around ten police officers all within around 30 feet ducking behind police cars for cover. And amazingly, the police go through countless rounds without a hit on either man for a few minutes. Add in how the men who play the criminals aren't even trying due to their lack of acting skills whatsoever, and you have an awful beginning to an equally awful film.

Truly terrible movies only pop up once in a blue moon, but L.A.P.D.: To Protect and Serve sets the bar for bad. Not only is it an extremely non- entertaining piece of garbage, but it rivals Manos: Hands of Fate on my list for the worst movie I have ever seen. Dennis Hopper, who had brilliant performances in films such as Speed, should feel ashamed to even make a brief cameo in this sorry excuse for a film. Sadly, IMDb does not allow me to rate it lower than a 1/10, because LAPD does not deserve even a tenth of that point.
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Dennis Hopper and Michael Madsen must have needed the money
catsrok14 August 2006
Please tell me what happened to the great actors Dennis Hopper and Michael Madsen? Were they short of money or what? What possessed them to be in such a crap movie? I have always been a fan of these actors, but they lowered their standards to "Z" grade acting in this piece of rubbish movie. The scenes were corny and had the hallmarks of a cheap porn movie, without the actual porn! The acting was woody and not convincing at all. They should not have associated themselves with the Los Angeles Police Department, as the movie is an insult to any law enforcement agency.It took me ages to appreciate these actors after that. Michael Madsen did a good job in Kill Bill 1 & 2, so thankfully he redeemed himself.
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Please, Please don't waste your time on this trash
jellicoe-328 July 2007
This has got to be the worst film I have ever seen. I would have thought with the likes of Dennis Hopper, Michael Madsen and Charles Derning that it would have had some hope. Nope, not here. This movie is so bad I don't know where to start. Six people in a closet shooting at each other and no one gets hit. Not even a hint at police procedures. Moronic writing at it's best. I don't think any of the police cars even had matching light bars. Using lights and sirens on a code 2 call. I am going to have to look to see who was technical adviser, as who ever it was they know nothing about the LAPD, or even Mayberry PD much less Barney. Just a complete waste of 98 minutes of my life I will never get back.
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I want my money and time back!!!
knottus22 June 2003
The worst movie ever,Even Howard the Duck was a masterpiece compared to this tax shelter. Ed Anders and anyone associated with this piece,should goto every video store and buy all the copies so there is no trace they worked on it. Ed,you should of put the director as Alan Smitty.You must be ashamed,i am for you,and we have never met. This has the production value of a well budgeted porno,and acting to match. I want my life back!!!
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Has its moments.
mr_pivac198523 February 2003
The thing that attracted me to this film is the fact that it had both Michael Madsen And Dennis Hopper in it, They are two of my favourit actors.

This was very much a B-Movie and most people wouldnt give this film the time of day, but reason I watched it and enjoyed it was because of the actors. Trust me if your a Hopper fan or Madsen fan you should watch this movie.

I give it a 6 out of 10.
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Forget about the movie....Watch the story!
LesWinterburn7 July 2003
If you forget about "authenticity" and whether or not the bullet left the body at the right angle or that no-one can shoot straight because they've forgotten their training and just panicked and started shooting wildly or that someone needed longer arms than are humanly possible or whatever and just had a look at the story, you'll find a good movie.

You see how easily and innocently unsuspecting straight cop gets pulled into web of bad cops and how well it sticks. You see futility and desperation as he tries to escape and his final resolve. You also see some pretty bizarre acting by D. Hopper as he seems to be playing it for a black comedy.

As far as movies go this does rate higher than a home-made video but not much farther along the path to Hollywood BlockBuster than say a very amateurish B grade show. Because this was based on actual events the story is the movie and it's interesting to see how it all took place or at least how easy it is for this corruption to be going on.

My rating 7/10 (Distinctive)
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If it was possible to award zero stars, this movie would be the perfect candidate
Cinemaniac19846 January 2015
Without question this is the worst movie in history. I could go on forever on how bad this movie is. Atrocious acting, poor direction, horrible action with amateurish gun play that would not look out of place in a student film, a brainless story and screenplay, and extremely sloppy editing. It definitely has a low budget feel about it, and it looks as if it was certainly done on the cheap with minimal money spent and it certainly shows.

Michael Madsen and Dennis Hopper are sadly wasted considering they received top billing. Michael Madsen's character who is trying to emulate his (in)famous role as Mr Blonde, comes across as a buffoon who thinks he's cool. Dennis Hopper who is well known for movies such as Blue Velvet and Speed among others, is not even worth a mention. Although he had a very brief role, he was certainly a shadow of his former self and you could tell that he wanted to be elsewhere.

All the LAPD police officers portrayed in this movie came across as total jerks and the wild parties depicted in the movie would be fitting for university students and young adults, not this group of 40 year old adolescents. This movie is an absolute insult to the Los Angeles Police Department.

As I said at the beginning, this is the worst movie ever made. Don't even bother wasting your time and money on this God-awful movie. If you are curious at how bad this movie is, view it at your own risk.

If it was possible to award this zero stars, I would do so. However, I will just settle for awarding this one star.

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The only reason I can't say this is the worst film ever made is because I haven't seen every film ever made.
futurerem29 August 2003
I'm embarrassed to say I even hesitated to change the channel when this...hell I don't know what to call it, it doesn't deserve to be called a movie. I hate to knock on any movie because I know how hard it must be to get a movie made, but the idea that anything people must have worked so hard on could turn out to be this bad is both depressing and frightening. I've never actually hated a movie, but this one comes awful close, the only reason I rated it a one is because I could not rate it any lower.
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Great little film for Marc Singer ...
beingofsoundmind27 July 2002
I read a lot of positive press about this Canadian-shot film, first when it was being made (in Vancouver) and soon after its release. Apparently the movie has been sold to every country in the world. Not bad for a modest little cop movie, featuring dependable names like Marc Singer (an 'iconic' actor as the earth-hero in the 1980's alien TV-series "V"), twitchy Michael Madsen (no doubt nabbing his spot in the new Bond film, due to all the hype surrounding his appearance here), good ol' Charles Durning, and venerable Dennis Hopper.

Hopper weaves in and out throughout "LAPD" as an LAPD Division commanding officer. Singer is your basic good cop and Durning plays his Dad. Madsen plays a dirty cop (naturally).

I give kudos to Marc Singer for delivering a modest, yet impressive performance.

The movie is based on real life events, and there is more than enough blood 'n guts gun-play action here, coupled to numerous gorgeous (and gorgeously nude) women, to provide many entertaining diversions.

I always get a kick out of the films produced by 'Maurice Smith Productions' and this show is no exception. Whether its 1969's "Cycle Savages" (with Bruce Dern), or Smith's 1980's (Roger Corman co-produced) teen comedies like "Screwballs" or "Recruits" (a hell of a lot funnier than any of the "Police Academys"), his films have always had a unique stamp of 'eccentricity' to them, usually to compensate for the budgetary constraints that most independent films (ie. non-studio films) have to deal with.

If Smith can make a movie (that really DOES look like a movie) with the small budgets that he usually has to work with, then I am looking forward to see what he can do with some reel money. I hear he has a western, a sci-fi action piece and a supernatural mystery already lined up.

The best is yet to come, I'm sure ...
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Revenge of the tiny shirts...
Samoan Bob22 January 2002
Rent this film...now! This is ineptness at its most sublime, a turd of a straight-to-video flick that is so bad you'll swear the filmmakers tried to make it as crappy as possible. The box cover shows Dennis Hopper (who is in the "film" for about 5 minutes...he must have needed some money...bad) and Michael Madsen (who wears a police shirt far too small for him...I guess they couldn't afford a plus-size cop shirt from the local surplus) and completely ignores the two lead actors. There's some plotline about corrupt cops and such but who cares? Just sit back and laugh at: The big old fat dude getting "hit" in the face with the stock of a shotgun (despite the fact that the gun is about ten feet away from the guy), the old homeless dude getting hit by a car while "sad" music plays on the soundtrack (isn't there a better way to kill someone?), Michael Madsen swinging his arms around rapidly whenever he talks (you know when someone tucks their arms behind their back and someone behind them does overdone hand motions trying to simulate the movements of their arms? That's what this looks like to the tenth degree) and finally (and this is the best part!) the police officer having the wildest orgasms ever (I swear this guy overdoes his orgasms more than any porn actress I've ever seen...I mean the way the guy's face contorts and distorts he looks like someone's knifing him in the back...and all this while his lover just sits there...seemingly bored).

Anycrap, if you love bad films see this one. It'll be some of the best fun you've ever had in your short life.
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Great Fun ...
jspratt200331 January 2003
A lot of my friends worked on this movie. They said there were tons of cop-movie in-jokes here and everybody would crack up between takes, with cast and crew having a good time during all those party scenes. They said Marc Singer (remember Beastmaster ?) was a really cool guy, Madsen laid back and Hopper (gettin' kinda' creaky in his way) but still stretching his chops. Its just a low-budget flick fer' gosh-sakes. Sincere in its ponderous way and way better than any million-dollar stinking Seagal or Stallone crap-shoot. Course you can bet your ass nobody was getting $20 million to star in this. Like, you all were expecting maybe "Miami Vice" ? Morally, I figure this flick is a hell of a lot better than some reprehensible 'fun' slasher-crap flicks that fanboys seem to eat up like so many catsup-dripping hotdogs. Hell, I bought this movie in a discount bin at Blockbuster, expecting the worst and surprised to get more than my money's worth. Charles Durning was pretty solid in this and the twist at the end was totally unexpected. And without a doubt, I agree with some of the other comments that the gals were definitely HOT ! This is just a freakin' low-budget movie with all the exploitation elements intact, and every dollar up on the screen. Controversial ? Not really. Amusing ? Yes. A good movie ? Well, better than a lot of the big-budget studio crap that's out there...
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I Loved It
TorRamsey17 August 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was Fantastic with Michael Madsen and Dennis hopper. The story is great,Excellent Action,Great Sex, I without a Doubt Loved this movie Because I love Michael Madsen He is the greatest Actor Ever! Especially In Reservoir Dogs Which I loved! It was Sad to see his character Die. Ed Anders Directing is Superb with Michael Roberts and Charles Durning. I loved the sex scene seeing her wonderful tits and ass. The shootouts were Fantastic with blood and Gore I love violence more than anything If you see this one buy it immediately Whatever the price mine cost $14.95 trust me its worth every penny of your money if you loved this one then you will love Jason goes to Hell which I loved it was fantastic
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In my bottom 10 movies for sure.
stefan89917 January 2003
This was just utter crap. Usually if a movie is not that good I can watch it until the end, but for this movie I just couldnt last all the way. I had to stop it half way through. The two lead actors were so bad they sounded like robots talking to each other. I was also sucked in by the cover thinking that Madsen and Hopper were gonna be the main two leads. Ha - big mistake that was. One viewer already mentioned the scene with the fat cop chasing the hobbling homeless guy. I have never seen a more crappy and dumb scene as that. The way the fat cop runs, the fact that he is outran by the hobbling homeless guy, and that he shoots and misses him from a few feet. Unbelievable! That scene alone summarises the whole crappy movie.

Also, a guy gets shot in the chest against a wall and from somewhere blood appears next to his head?!?! Figure that one. And a robber gets shot from behind, with the bullets going through his torso, and yet they just mysteriously vanish on the other side. Where did they go?? The only saving grace for this film was those hot goddesses at the parties. Where did they get these chicks? NEGATIVE 10 out of 10 from me!!
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The best ever!
Michael-voorhees19 August 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I Absolutely loved! This movie it was excellent,Michael Madsen was great the story was great,The sex was superb seeing her wonderful tits, If you see this movie anywhere you must buy it! Without a doubt the action is the best, The shootouts. Despite all the bad reviews this is the third best movie I have ever seen! If you love Michael Madsen watch this NOW! It should be at number 3 on the best movies ever made list! COME ON! how couldn't you love it Michael Madsen HUGE fan! The story is the best. Great sex,Great shootouts, Ed Anders directing is the best! Anyone who disagrees is Mentally insane! I payed $14.95 for it it's worth every penny.This movie is pure exellence and all my friends agree with me. I give it 10/10 the BEST!
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Don't waste your time with this one.
thealexanders25 September 2002
We are meant to believe that the L.A.P.D. is the most professional Police Force in the world. If this is the case, then this movie must be a spoof. If not, the real members of the L.A.P.D. would be very disappointed in the way they are portrayed in this film. From the very first scene the movie showed signs of being pathetic. Hordes of LA's finest turned up to an armed hold up and then took turns standing up to be shot by the offenders who amazingly were able to just stand there blazing away. The direction and editing of this scene was poor and unfortunately didn't improve as the movie progressed. Some well known and credentialed actors were in this film but they were not able to save it. Don't waste your time with this one, especially if you are a cop and want to see a decent cop movie.
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perhaps one of the worst movies ever made
hazzare9910 January 2003
yes folks it's true. This was one of the worst movies I've ever seen. I swear it was like watching a soft core porn movie without the sex just the incredibly bad acting and ridiculous scenes. It was as if Michael Madsen wasn't even trying to act well. I guess he knew where this movie was going. I thought he was a good actor (Reservoir Dogs, The Getaway, Natural Born Killers etc.) I'm not saying this didn't have moments that were entertaining. It's just that it wasn't meant to be so hilarious. For example, in one scene (of many when the dirty cops were stealing even more merchandise) (this time they even had a cube van to move the stuff) an old hobbling homeless derilict appears from behind an abandoned car and sees what is going on. The one cop says to the fattest cop you've ever seen "hey get that S. O. B." so he chases after this hobbling old homeless guy starts firing his gun from only a few feet away, can't take him down and comes back to report "I don't think he saw anything anyway". Couldn't figure out how a great like Hopper appeared in this flick but I gues the reason is the $$$$. They sure didn't mine killing innocent bystanders for the shear joy of viewer shock but then you get used to that after the first few minutes of the movie. Even the last scene that had Durning in in which he went to I.A. to help his son. Now the bad cop in I. A. thinks that he has to kill Durning and his own I. A. partner but the way he does it is idiotic. He shoots his partner with his own gun then shoots Durning with the same gun. Plants the same gun on his partner and pulls out this unfired gun and plants it on Durning as if this will fly. As if they don't do bullistic testing on murdered cops or people murdered in Internal Affairs offices. The fat cop was almost a caricature. I mean he was so ridiculous as a cop that it was hilarious and entertaing. He could probably a pretty good comedic actor.

I was lucky enough (or unlucky enough) to see this on pay tv so I didn't have to rent it. I hear they even put a big picture of Hopper on the box to entice more rentals.
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What is the Point?
McArthur127 May 2003
It never fails to amaze me that even with a good cast, big enough budget, ok theme, producers and directors can churn out second rate rubbish like this. even the actors at the end of the movie must be thinking "six guys ten feet apart firing hundreds of shots at each other and it takes a full minute before one hits it's mark"
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Vancouver for LA
beauchaput29 April 2003
Hi I worked on this piece of work. I knew it was going to be bad when we were doing it of course but had no idea it would be this bad. I remember we had D. Hopper for 2 days it was like being at the dentist for him, and Madsen was hilarious I remember him making the "when I had a career" crack a few times. Love those Canadian gang bangers hey, "cut me some slack G!" hahaaahhaahahaah
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