North Beach (2000) Poster


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What a great find!
jblaurock10 August 2004
What a great find! If you never get a chance to visit San Francisco, make sure you see this movie. It perfectly captures the essence of single life in one of the most beautiful cities in the world. Here's your chance to meet a group of people who you wouldn't want to be, but you'd love to spend the day with.

From dawn to dawn, follow the life of Tyler Morgan as he tries to salvage the one relationship that makes sense in his life. So pour yourself a cocktail and be prepared to enter the sounds and psyches of these urban hipsters. This truly is a great movie to add to your collection.
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bernard-hale27 August 2004
I saw this at the Cinequest Film Festival a few years ago and have been waiting for it to come out on DVD. I would highly recommend it to anyone who is either young or young at heart. It's a little rough around the edges, with a lot of language, but if you can handle that it's a great little movie. All of the actors came through with great performances of the whacky North Beach characters. The DVD is great too, serving up a variety of entertaining extras, like a hilarious director's commentary that's just as funny and irreverent as the film, a fantastic trailer, and the not-to-be missed "North Beach, the condensed version". A great home video find for any collection!
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cheezmonkey2 October 2002
I loved this movie. Casey Peterson was great and Richard Speight Jr was hysterical. The locations were pure San Francisco and they caught the essence of the aging slacker perfectly. Made me want to be young and stupid again.
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ck13275 October 2002
This was a really great fun movie. The acting and directing were superb. I especially loved Richard Speight Jr. as Pete. That man's got talent! Wonderful facial expressions and body movement! On a whole I highly recommend this movie.
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One of the best indie films EVER!!!!
pick7225 September 2001
I was lucky enough to see this flick at the World Premiere at the Newport Film Festival in 2000. I went with my girlfriend and even got to talk with the writer/star after the show. It was such a good movie I arranged for several friends of mine (seven to be exact) to come with me to check out the second showing later in the week. We all felt the same, this movie rocked. It blends such an honest view of life today. I've never been to the actual North Beach in California, but after watching this I feel as though I have. The movie is great, I can't say anymore than that. I hope someone with some clout or taste will see this movie and pick it up to distribute. My friends and I talk about this movie every so often, and those of us who didn't get a chance to see it can't wait until they can. If you want a movie, to make you crack-up, think and be completely entertained I suggest you check out the website and go see North Beach ASAP!
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Excellent flick
pbsaurus2 December 2002
I saw this at the San Francisco Film Festival a while back. A great story about the lifestyle of North Beach with a humorous story. The story takes place the morning after the protagonist cheats on his girlfriend. The protagonist, after doing his daily rounds of visiting local cafes, etc. quickly realizes that there is no such thing as a secret in North Beach.
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"Everyone Here Knows Everything"
vicwiz3 January 2005
Imagine a movie about a strange Utopias nether-realm in which no one over the age of 35 exists; in which privacy of deed and thought is not an option; in which the greatest threat to social order is one's growth as a human being; in which food has been entirely replaced by coffee and cigarettes. No, it isn't a remake of 1984 or Logan's Run -- it's this movie, this really good comedy about a community in San Francisco called North Beach.

At a glance, it chronicles the misadventures of a guy named Tyler, whose girlfriend Paige puts the screws to him after he messes around with a 19-year-old stripper from New Orleans. It's a well constructed plot, certainly worth the price of the DVD to watch it unfold firsthand, but perhaps more interesting (for the purposes of this review, at least) is everything else this movie is at the same time: a heartfelt tribute to the North Beach community itself, and a heartfelt tribute to that other strange Utopias nether-realm: the one between leaving school and embarking on real adulthood.

Any fact-based setting has two potential on screen personalities: the one synthesized by a team of L.A. location scouts, and the one revealed by people who know and love the place, who understand its real chemistry and know how to capture it -- the good, the bad, and the ugly. The latter has been achieved with such easy humor by director Mortenson and company that within fifteen minutes you feel like you're watching old friends in a place that's somehow very familiar. If you find yourself rolling your eyes in exasperation -- either from Tyler and/or his oddball friends, or from the chronic Bay Area parking menace (a problem finally given the screen time it deserves) -- it is because these characters are flawed the way real friends are flawed, and so is this funky little neighborhood.

You can shrug your shoulders and forgive these flaws so readily, as is true with real friends, because they are portrayed with such honesty and genuine affection. You've seen some of the faces before: "Robbie the Lush" is a haunted overnight courier in a DHL commercial; "Pete the Rock Star" appears in everything from IBM Small Business ads to Doritos ads to HBO's Band of Brothers; Gabrielle Anwar (Scent of a Woman, The Three Musketeers) lends her big-screen clout in a role heralded simply as "The Cameo". This kind of who-are-we-trying-to-fool sensibility belies the confidence and understated skill of the filmmakers and performers alike: it's easy to forget that you're watching a movie, no small feat for a first feature-length effort.

(The camaraderie so evident on screen carries over behind the scenes as well: director Mortenson and company provide an entertaining commentary track over a few rounds of beer, and finally confirm for audiences everywhere that yes, people do take restroom breaks when they record those things.) But the real heart of the movie lies in its portrayal of the stasis and claustrophobia that can occur when friends know each other too well, when the routines that carry us through school and the first few years after begin to feel less like freedom and more like prison. At the heart of Tyler's floundering around and f***ing things up is the understanding that he needs to move on to the next step, no matter how scary or unpredictable that can be. It is interesting that, in a movie so intently focused on the ins and outs of the North Beach community, specific mention is made that the stripper Tyler has embraced is from somewhere else; his attempt to escape what North Beach has become to him is misdirected, but he knows escape is necessary. It is painful truth that the solution to Tyler's problem lies in his relationship with Paige all along, and that he doesn't realize it until it may be too late. As Tyler's dialogue with "Veronica the Player" brings to light, his crime isn't necessarily his indiscretion with the stripper; everybody in this group has been in bed with everybody else. His crime lies in the fact that Paige is beyond that kind of casual silliness, and therein lies the path to adulthood that he knows he needs, but has probably lost.

But that's a lot more film-school crap than is really necessary here. The bottom line is, North Beach is a funny movie, well crafted and well acted; it's a great portrait of this interesting place and its offbeat population; let's hope to God this ain't it for Morty and friends, because I sense many more good movies up their sleeves.
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Not only was this a great film, it was based on a real group of people I am honored to call friends.
eimale23 February 2007
Once you see this film, and you should, You'll wonder how anyone could live like that, not only for a 24 hour period, try 5 years. Thats how long I live in North Beach with Pete, Rob, Joe and many more. It's a fun ride that ends with the question of, Do I have to grow up? The dialog is taken from conversations we all had at the, now gone, Northend Caffe. The smoking, coffee and drink were not exaggerated. Rent it, live it, cause I did, and this movie brings sentimental tears to my eyes. The actual haunts we lived in, bars, cafés, clubs and restaurants are all represented here. They acting was spot on, and Jed did a heck of a job capturing the true feel of our neighborhood, relationships and lifestyles. I remember at the SF Film Festival, A viewer asked Jed and Richard, if they over did it on the drinking and smoking, which they replied no, we hung out with the actual people and this is no stretch or reality, we can't wait to get back home for a break.
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North Beach is a gritty independent film about love and hard-drinking--and the slackers that define a generation
HappilyEvenAfter2 December 2007
Warning: Spoilers
North Beach is ultimately a love story--that's edgy and gritty and hard. At first lick it's a movie that tastes like candy, but under the surface, it gives you something meaty to chew on. Like the question: What do you do when your boyfriend cheats on you and, frankly, you don't really care?

The answer would be easy if you didn't really love him, right? Ah, but you do.

That's the situation Paige (Jennifer Milmore) finds herself in. Of course, we don't figure this out until the end because the movie is from the perspective of her screw-up boyfriend, Tyler (Casey Peterson), who's madly trying to wrap his mind around what he's done, recover from his raging hangover, and make things right.

The entire movie takes place in a single day, beginning with Tyler coming out of the stripper's front door in the morning. (Stripper? Yes, he cheated with a stripper. The jerk.) Tyler attempts multiple times to talk to Paige, but she rebuffs him. And so he has to come to his ultimate conclusion--that he really does love Paige--on his own.

It's the quirky occurrences that besiege him on the day's quest that really give you a giggle: A drugged out friend (played brilliantly by Richard Speight, Jr.) who considers himself a Rock Star. A scene with a large man, missing pants, and last night's condom (eeew). A philosophical treatise from the local lush (another strong performance, played by Jim Hanna) that's interrupted in a way that made me laugh out loud. And an awesome musical (yes musical) finale where Tyler improvises on stage a song about the day's events. (OK, so it's a rock song with a funky base-line, not a Guys & Dolls tune, but as this high-cheese-factor scene cued up, I was thinking, How are they gonna pull this off? Well, they DID. Makes me bop my head and smile just thinking about it.)

In the end, while you're not convinced that Tyler and Paige are gonna make it for the long- haul, you are convinced that they'll make it through another day. And that this day might be better than--even different from--the last. Which, in a movie about hard-drinking, coffee- shop-hanging slackers, is enough.

North Beach is a fun, rough-around-the-edges independent film. And it's partly this small- budget, diamond-in-the-rough feeling (a lot like Tyler himself) that gives the movie its charm.
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