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rah6046 May 2004
With a growing trend of rappers starring in their own movies, Snoop Dogg joins the pack with 'Bones'. Snoop plays Jimmy Bones, a 70s hustler, who is betrayed and murdered by some of his closest associates. Since the time of the murder, Jimmy's corpse is buried in the basement of an abandoned house in Bones' now seedy neighborhood. When a group of empty-headed teenagers buy the abandoned house, they unsurprisingly wake up Jimmy's spirit, resulting in Bones going on a bloody rampage for revenge.

What the heck are we to do with a movie like 'Bones'. Are we supposed to take it seriously as a horror movie. Or laugh at its silliness and Snoop's attempt at becoming a real-life 'Doggfather'. Whatever its intentions are, this movie doesn't have the feel of a horror movie. Rather, it feels more like one of Snoop's pot induced fantasies.

Rating: 5/10 or (2 stars)
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Not quite complete crap, but close enough...
El_Rey_De_Movies23 March 2005
Warning: Spoilers
An attempt to make a modern-dress Gothic melodrama that is just not successful. Ernest Dickerson has a good grasp of the iconography of horror films, but he can't put them together well enough to make a good scary movie. He borrows concepts and images liberally from Clive Barker, Dario Argento, and Mario Bava - but all it shows is that he's a good copycat, not that he's a good stylist. From the idea of evil reviving itself by consuming a victim (Barker's "Hellraiser", but cinematic ally dating at least back to Hammer's "Dracula, Prince of Darkness" from 1965), thru the rain of maggots (Argento's magisterial "Suspiria"), to the disembodied hand reaching out of the darkness to torment the dead man's lover (Bava's masterpiece, "Whip and the Body"), there really is nothing here that we haven't seen before and better. The conceit of setting it in a ghetto with an all-black cast promises an interesting variation on your basic "revenge from beyond the grave" scenario, but beyond the music and fashions it's still a pretty clichéd film. One of the problems is that Dickerson just can't seem to leave well enough alone - like the maggot scene. OK, it's raining maggots and it's terrifying, we get it already, is it really necessary to go for the gross-out by showing people EATING them? Or the scene where Maurice is killed - again, the dog-spirit eats Maurice to give form and substance to Bones' cadaver, we get it, it's not necessary to linger on the details of the chow-down. It's never scary - just disgusting. Even his attempts to inject humor are forced and heavy-handed, with the idiotic scenes of Bones carrying the heads of his victims and having them carry on an interminably pointless conversation. And again, he doesn't show it to us once, there's at least three long scenes with the chatty heads so whatever humor there was is pounded into unconsciousness thru repetition. But the most glaring problem with this movie is that we are asked to sympathize with a character who is, at bottom, just as big a bad guy in life as the crack dealers who murder him. Dickerson tries to show us Bones as the protector of his 'hood, but come on - he's exploiting his people just as much with his numbers game, or did it never occur to anyone to ask how Bones got the money for his supah-dupah fly crib when everyone else around him lives in complete poverty? For a MUCH better horror movie that reflects the black urban experience, rent "Tales from the Hood" instead.
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Not so bad...5/10
noizyme13 August 2004
Ok, this movie wasn't all that bad. It wasn't quite a B-movie, but it's not worth anymore than 5 points, though. It had decent flashback sequences (and note the blacksploitation theme throughout the movie to go along with those) with good music and a good feel to add to a "horror" movie. Snoop did a pretty good job as well, even though not changing his damn voice around the end would have helped for an extra point. And it had a new hot face for the sexy girlfriend in trouble, Bianca Lawson.

BUT, it did get goofy and unbelievable in MANY scenes. The complexity seemed to be added on after the script was written. The cutoff head scene was funny and actually a pretty good thing to add to the movie to lighten the mood. And the whole idea that we are to be afraid of Snoop coming back to bitchslap the lot of us is ridiculous. What was up with the fake blood? The worst looking around...

I don't anyone who is a fan of horror films will appreciate this film. It seems to have been made for Snoop fans or people going out to watch a bad horror film (for it's humor, not for scare tactics.) It was a cool club in the movie, though!
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8/10 on my scale. What a good horror/revenge fick should be
billybrown4113 April 2002
Yeah, like pretty much every other horror movie that hits the theaters, this one took a pretty heavy trashing both, from the critics and from the audiences who didn't understand it. However, I found "Bones" to be a highly enjoyable, entertaining, and (at times) creepy horror flick that I hope, is the birth of a new franchise. It's very refreshing to see a horror flick that can take a standard premise and make it seem fresh again. Also, I enjoyed the killer being a someone who we can sympathize with. Let me break it down a little bit.

Back in 1979, Jimmy Bones was the man of his neighborhood. Just what all he was into is never fully explained, but we do know that he runs a pretty classy little nightclub and loves to dress in full-pimp get-up. Basically, Bones is a good guy. All he wants to do is run his business and take care of his people. However, when he is propositioned to bring in crack, he refuses and is double-crossed then murdered by people he thought he could trust.

Jump twenty years into the future and we get a group of twenty-somethings who have just bought the building where Bones was murdered. Hoping to turn the place into a club, they ignore all warnings of the place's evil and pretty soon, they mess around and wake the dead. Now that Bones is back, he's upset, understandably, and wants revenge on the people who did him wrong.

That's it. Kinda sounds like Nightmare On Elm Street right? Well, it's a lot like it and a lot of others you may have seen. What set this one apart for me was the lead. Casting Snoop Dog as Jimmy Bones was perfect. I've never been a big fan of his acting, but here, he pulls it off great giving us a villain that we can sympathize with, care about, and root for. We know where he's coming from and watching him take his revenge on the dispicable villains was fun fun fun. I also enjoyed the romantic angle brought to the film by the chemistry between Snoop and Pam Grier. I don't think that it would have gone down near as well had there been a different set of actors, but it gave a real soft side to Bones and made me like him that much more.

I really loved the cinematography and having the blood look intentionally fake, was also a nice touch. Unlike some others, I really enjoyed the shifting in tones. The first 2/3 of the picture had a really dark and gothic tone to it while the latter third had a little bit of comic relief thrown in. Yes, it went WAY over the top (the severed heads, that whole "world of the dead" bit) but, for me, that added to the overall joy of the film and made it that much more. It also made it VERY hard to take it serious. It's pretty hard to find a good horror flick these days (and a mainstream one, at that) and I'm sure that I'll be adding this one to my dvd collection pretty soon. Oh, (I don't think I'm giving too much away here) the door is left open for a whole slew of sequels. I can't wait.
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ingLewood1927 June 2003
I rented this movie thinking that it would be scary and suspensful, but it is totally the opposite! It is dumb and boring, I even almost fell asleep. Don't waste money renting this movie, instead if you see it, throw it in the trash.
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noubani-haytham15 January 2009
I don't think I have ever seen such a terrible movie in my life. Every bit of this movie is horribly acted and well predictable. Who ever gave this movie higher than 2* is an ignorant child, there is absolutely nothing interesting about this movie, except for the gore of course. I don't think that even the most die harder than hard gore fan would be too keen on this waste of film. Mr.Dogg is an ignoramus that does not deserve to be given the privilege of directing, writing, casting etc. If you are smart, you will avoid this movie completely. Save your money, don't rent, buy, or even watch online.

May god help us, thank the lord this movie was made in 2001, and our taste in horror has increased, if you are truly dying to watch a popcorn movie on a late Friday night with the friends, then do yourself a favor and rent 'Valentine', the acting is less bad and the storyline can be accepted. But if you do rent this, I guarantee your wonderful Friday night with your friends and popcorn will go to hell, and they'll leave blaming you.

Good day.
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Jdat11222 April 2004
Quite possible the worst movie every, seriously. Stay away at all cost. I could go on all night why this one is awful, but as a friend to humanity I must warn all; you may want to kill yourself for having viewed this movie in it's entirity. Yes, it just that bad, I mean for God's sake the blood is orange, and that's not even the tip of the ice burg. The movie has no tone, and the little bit of tone it does attemps to establish is ruined by the last 25 min. or so when tries unsuccessfully to switch over to comedy. This movie is bad all the way around the board, there really not one decent thing about it. I refuse to even say anymore about this trash, I dare not give it anymore attention than this. But this is more of a warning just say no.
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Warrior72825 October 2001
Like the first reviewer here said, this is a mess of a movie.

It's really more of a 70's black exploitation type film than anything else. Not a genre I am a fan of.

I should have known it would stink when Snoop Dogg is the lead. The only rapper I have ever liked in a film was "Ice Cube" in "Ghosts of Mars".
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keyshawn-7345012 February 2021
This is one of the worst horror films I've ever seen and one of the worst films I've seen period. How snoop dogg got acting jobs I have no clue.
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Starts Promising... Ends Illogically.
Kraemorr11 March 2004
This film starts out promising and carries that promise a fair way into the movie, but when everything falls into place we are left with illogical character developments purely so the film-makers can end the movie on time. The fact that Snoop's character is not a villain, but the script unjustly makes him one, is probably the worst thing about the movie. However, this film is still worth the watch for Snoop Dogg's interesting performance and some actually creepy moments.

This film as a whole is not a success, but for fans of B-grade horror (which admittedly I am), this has some value to it.

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Amusingly awful. (spoilers)
vertigo_141 December 2004
Caught this on BET one night. Bones was utterly horrible, but so bad that it was actually funny. And I must say, that while it is a pathetic teen-targeted horror film (and directed even further at Black and probably Hispanic audiences), it was about a zillion times better than most of the pretty white teen "horror" movies I have seen (Scream, I Know What You Did Last Summer, Urban Legend, and all of their nauseating sequels to boot).

This is the story of what I guess was a drug dealer (gee...does Snoop ever do anything different than play a street thug of one sort or another). And his ghost floats around this bizarre, abandoned mansion, that is suddenly claimed by a handful of neighborhood teens who want to turn the pit into a party palace. Bones (Snoop) is terrorizing the people in the house as his ghost floats around in pergatory aiming to take revenge those who stabbed him in a drug deal gone wrong. Why he chose that moment to take his revenge, or why he goes after the teens is unclear. Bone's old woman, played by Pam Grier (a good actress wasted in yet another trashy movie), is psychic and can tell that something bad is brooding in the air.

There was a special effects paradox at work in this film. On the one hand, the production crew goes out of their way with some fantastic, if not innovative, special effects moment (and you need plenty of them with a story so thin as this). And towards the end of the movie, they really take advantage of all of this. On the other hand, for all of the bloodbath scenes, the production crew is very generous with this cheap looking "fake blood," which is nothing more than bright red paint. How stupid. Actually, the whole movie was pretty stupid. But, at least they did try here and there to do something a little different (both in story elements and special effects), although it was still a bad movie. And, at least it was something you can really laugh at whereas the other movies I mentioned can just really make you homicidal, they're so dreadful (in story and special effects).
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Why does nobody talk about this early-2000's horror gem?
nickjo19983 July 2020
Snoop Dogg makes a dope horror villain. You can tell he's having a good time, and the rest of the cast is great too.

It's the right mix of weird surreal visuals, absurd humour, and straight-melodrama, with a sprinkling of classic blaxplotation & late 90's hip-hop vibes. The practical effects are great but some of the visual effects have aged poorly (what can you do? It's 2001)
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very entertaining
hanselmerchor22 January 2003
I don't know why people bitch so much about this film. Even though I didn't find it scary (nothing after The Others is anyway), I thought it was great entertaining. Sure the movie is full of plot holes, sometimes the acting is pedestrian, and the special effects can be laughable, but I don't think the makers set out to make something as scary as The Shining. This is supossed to be funny people, after all Snoop Dogg is there. Check it out lightly
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Not too bad, not too good...
seal_point_siamese23 November 2003
I must say this film was a little better than I expected, however, having said that I wasn't expecting much in the first place. Im not giving anything away - the storyline is very straightforward and the blurb on the back of the dvd/video cover is quite sufficient in explaining the plot. <p> If you like your horror movies whether they be A or Z grade (like I do) then this film is worth a peek. The horror scenes are quite decent. There is a surprising amount of genuine suspense (even I jumped a few times)and quite a few laughs - but dont even try and look any further into the film than this! If you are one of those people to whom the quality of a plot must be in league with films such as "The Shawshank Redemption" and "The Godfather" - AVOID AT ALL COSTS. This film should only be viewed by those who are fans of the horror genre. <p> This is a messy film when taken seriously, it makes very little sense, the explanation as to how Mr Bones became of the undead is limp to say the least. Pam Grier (Jackie Brown) is wasted in this film - she has no room to show any of her (in my opinion) excellent talent and comes off wishy washy. Snoop Dogg is a terrible actor and I was very glad that his main roles in the film were limited to flashbacks and the climax. Unfortunatley once again the directors and writers had no idea how to finish the film and resorted to the old "spirit of the thought to be defeated demon managed to slip into someone else for no apparent reason" cliche. Also I was HIGHLY dissapointed with the death scene of Bones that caused the whole thing -very weak. For horror fans out of interest only. 5/10
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**** out of 5
casey_choas666 October 2002
The name Jimmy Bones strikes fear into the hearts of all who hear it. Back in 1979 he ruled the street, now after his death, over twenty years later Jimmy Bones is still in charge. After a group of teens buy Jimmy's building and turn it into a dance club, his sprit is released and he goes on a bloody rampage, seeking revenge on his killers. Sounds like a horror movie doesn't it? It even looks and feels like a horror movie. But if it's a horror movie your expecting you may be in for a little disappointment. We spend the entire film switching back and forth from 1979 to the present day. The 1979 scenes seem to be knocking on blacksplotion flicks. The present day scenes are a parody of new age fright flicks. Between the two settings everything seems to be played for laughs and it works wonderfully well. Back in 1979 there is everything you would expect to see in a blacksplotion flick, the afros, the sideburns, the stylish clothes and they even use phrases like "kracker Saturday mourning special" and you know what? It's pretty darn funny. Now we move to the present day. Seems like everyone in the film knows that they are ripping off House on Haunted Hill, there is even a reference to Vincent Price in there somewhere. You can also see all of your favourite old school horror cliches, projectile vomit made of maggots, the pipes that bleed, the severed head that still talk even after they have been decapitated, the pool table that bleeds after it is cut and the perfect silhouettes of blood that splatter on the wall. But what makes it so enjoyable is not the fact that we have seen it all before, it is how we get the feeling that film makers don't want us to take the film seriously, they just want us to sit back and enjoy. The film has a very "fun" atmosphere surrounding it and that is something that you don't find often in horror flicks today. The script is so clever you almost have to let out a chuckle because everything that happens is so predictable. What do you think will happen when a turn table group called the Resurrection Brothers enter a haunted house or when you find a dog with glowing red eyes that attacks you and you keep him and call it Bones? It's almost like the fact that everything is so stupid and cliched that it comes off as being smart. Now I'm not saying that everything is all fun and games. Director Ernest R. Dickerson throws in some very distorted camera angles and creepy imagery to keep the horror fans please and the meek on the edge of their seats and it comes off rather effective. Snoop Dogg is wilding over the top and entertaining as Jimmy Bones who could very well have been making the next Crow film right here without anyone knowing and blacksplotion queen Pam Grier can also be seen as Bones' girl. The special effects are very enjoyable whether they are serious (the night club explosion) or amusing (the talking head) or even just plain bad (the fake looking blood) and not to mention there is never an absence of gore through out. If I didn't know any better I would have to say that this is a feel good movie. So if you are looking for an entertaining nod to the old school that doesn't require and thinking or logic than you are in for one of the summers best horror flicks, it not you'd better just pass this one by.
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Evil Snoop Dogg comes back to earth to feast on human flesh
DashTheGreat27 August 2007
The entire concept is great. This movie in no way is horrible, but its not actually a movie in the first place. Instead, it's more of a comedy. It follows along the lines of Snoop Dog entering a room, his adversary saying the cliché of, "no! I'm sorry!," or, "Bones!" (shocked expression). I have got to say that Bones is first-rate comedy. It would be what Troll 2 would have been like if Busta Rhymes and Ice-T were cast.

I ask you, however, what is greater than the concept of Evil Snoop Dogg coming back to earth to feast on human flesh, and wreak vengeance on those who betrayed him. Sure, it's been done in 50% of movies, but at least watch it for its absolute corniness.

By the way, when Snoop was floating across the room with those eyes, I was rolling on the floor. I didn't see the ending, but it probably involves Snoop Dogg unleashing his rap zombies on the world, and feasting on the living, ending Civilization once and for all.
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Overall...this movie is bad
kevin_robbins4 March 2022
Bones (2001) is a movie I recently watched for the first time in a long time on Tubi. The storyline follows a young man in a well to do family that wants to give back to his family's old neighborhood. He acquires some property through the family and looks to fix it up. What he doesn't know is his family left his old neighborhood not just because the neighborhood was bad, but because they were bad in the neighborhood themselves. The young man is about to discover just how bad they were and what demons he's inherited.

This movie is directed by Ernest R. Dickerson (Juice) and stars Snoop Dogg (Training Day), Pam Grier (Coffy), Michael T. Weiss (Free Way), Clifton Powell (Deep Rising), Ricky Harris (Heat) and Bianca Lawson (Save the Last Dance).

This had a better cast than I expected. As soon as I saw Pam Grier I thought to myself, why did you do this Pam? The soundtrack is excellent, some of the flashbacks were cool and there is a good scene where they try to force Snoop to do crack, but that was the highlight of the movie. The writing and dog scenes were terrible and the horror elements were lacking.

Overall...this movie is bad. I would score this a 2/10 and recommend skipping it.
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Very average, while ...
ced65025 August 2011
While at first, the film would be more inspired by the "Blaxpoitation" no doubt the result would have had any other (much more importantly, of course).

Here are just a hint of "Blaxploitation". Suspicion is the right word because for fans of this genre (like me), since the rest of the film is really in the horror classic, seen many times (even worseby the way, good for Bones ). Bones are talking about, we feel greatly inspired by Freddy Krueger. Except that in contrast to Krueger, who would iconise Bones after vision, sadly missing the boat.

Whose fault is it, what? Try to answer them, mentioning Snoop Dogg (Very average,as usual as an actor) who really tons (But not the Actors Studio's for sure). In short we made the Snoop Dogg, or is an actor, a true, would have more charisma (like all the heroes of Blaxploitation) the character and create a real character in itself.

Snoop Dogg has to just stay a fan of the genre "Blaxploitation" but he never will be an icon.

Otherwise the film is far from bad, the past of Bones is the best route according to the film.

After it's like I said before already seen the (Including, some good ideas).

As for the director, he does not sign by his best film, which for me is none other than "Surviving The Game", but signs with "Bones" means a film that with a director in full possession of his could give a result equal to "Surviving The Game".
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Full potential never reached
grafyte732 October 2006
I only recently saw this movie. Basically your standard man gets killed and sometime later comes back to life to get his revenge on his killers. It starts with potential and kept it through about 3 quarters of the film but in the last quarter it choked, stalled, and then died.

All through the movie the blood was any color but the color of blood, I have to wonder if that was supposed to have paid homage to the days when the censorship laws prohibited film makers using blood colored blood, it does in its own way add a kind of sick humor to Bones and there was plenty of dark humor to go around in the first place, really there are parts that are quite funny. Unfortunately there are also parts that are just plain stupid and other parts that are gross just for the sake of being gross. It also has plenty of things that are cliché then there is the racially cliché. A black man has a white lover called Snowflake and a joke about eating fried chicken among other things.

Getting closer to the end the story begins to follow an illogical line, if Jimmy Bones returns from the dead to seek revenge on those that killed him then why did he do so much more damage and why did the movie end the way it did? So that the film makers could get the movie done and leave an opening for a sequel to a movie that never needed one?

I think that the greatest injustice of the movie was that the character of Jimmy Bones was made into the bad guy, vicious and ruthless and completely the opposite of what and who the character was made out to be during flashback scenes that occur throughout the film. Even though this happens Snoop Dogg gives a great performance as Jimmy Bones but the writing of the character and the movie itself could have been handled better, both had potential that was dropped and ended before the full potential was ever reached. Still the movie is fun and that makes it very watchable even if you watch it just the once.
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Packs about as much bark as a goldfish
The_Void19 June 2005
Hey, don't you think it's kind of odd that someone would stab themselves in the chest with a flick knife and then bury themselves?

If your answer to the above question is "I agree", then you could have been, or may well be part of the team of monkeys that came up with the idea for, wrote and cast this movie. It's a huge shame that stuff like this gets made when there are screenwriters and directors with good ideas and just need some money. Speaking of money, if you want to waste it; Bones is as good a film as any to waste it on. Well, if you like to waste money and you enjoy pain, that is. Bones is notable for one of the most incredible reasons a film can be notable for, and that is that it stars a rapper. The rapper in question is Snoop Dogg (a.k.a. Dogg, Snoopy, Snoop Doggy Dogg, Snoop and just about every other lame variant of the words 'snoop' and 'dogg' that you can come up with). The tired blend of Hellraiser and rubbish movie starring a rapper see Snoop Dogg get to flex his acting muscles, and he proves with his one-note performance in this movie that he is just as adept at the art of acting as he is at the art of music making. If you catch my drift.

To be quite frank, despite his best efforts to look cool; Snoopy Doggy Dogg ends up looking like just as much of an idiot as his name suggests he is. I mean seriously, who goes by the name of 'Snoop Dogg' when they don't have to? Aside from it's star, this film has a number of other problems. It's plot is very tired, and it follows the exceedingly boring and familiar tale of someone who was killed being resurrected and then taking their revenge. The tacky dialogue, duff acting and illogical plotting don't help this, and not even the murders can save the film, as it's easy to say that even they manage to score maximum points on the dull scale. I will never forgive the people responsible for this movie for wasting all that time and money on it, when it could have been put to better use. How about giving one of the more experienced directors who could produce something good, if given a budget? I guess that's one of the many problems with things like rap music; if it sells, it will continue to be made.
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A wild,very entertaining horror movie
Hellraiser-111 March 2002
I was doubtful about this movie when I went to the cinema to watch it last weekend, but after having watched it I reinforce my good opinion about the products made by New Line Cinema. The film is very well done but apart from that, I think it shouldn´t disappoint any fan of horror, it has everything that a good movie of the genre must have, including great amounts of blood, a very good rhythm and effective actors such as Pam Grier(Jackie Brown), the muse of blaxploitation genre from the seventies, a genre which is paid homage in this movie as well as some classics of the genre such as "Hellraiser" or "Reanimator", although the introduction of the comic element paying homage to that movie was for me the weakest element of the whole(it broke the so tenebrous atmosphere).Finally, director Ernst. R.Dickerson who also directed the not so good but entertaining "tales from the Crypt: Evil Knight" assured that this movie had elements from Italian horror cinema, I don´t know but perhaps there is one: The warms.A homage to Lucio Fulci?, I know there is many homages here but it is the same for other movies and the cocktail is far from being so effectively combined as here.I don´t think they are going to make a sequel, but I am looking forward eagerly the next movie from this director and I wish "Resident Evil" was so satisfactory.
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If you're looking for one of the worst horror movies you've ever made, you might be looking for Bones.
eminkl17 November 2019
If you're looking for one of the worst horror movies you've ever made, you might be looking for Bones. In the title role of Snoop Dogg, Bones is an uneven mess and quite simply a bad film. This is a poorly made horror movie that has too many moments of clichés from other, better horror movies. On so many points, bones fail that you don't even know they were going to start. This is garbage, a poorly made horror film that has an interesting story, but is performed so poorly that it ends up being a waste of time. For a horror movie, this is a pointless excuse, and those who green light this piece of crap should drop out of the filmmaking business. So many times have been overdone the elements that form the plot, and the acting here is simply bad. The best way to describe this poorly crafted yarn of horror is to waste time. This is a boring movie that has nothing imaginative about its plot and the acting is clearly terrible. Okay, what are you expecting from Snoop Dogg, he's a lousy "actor" sucking his music, and his performance sucks even more. He should quit immediately because he is obviously a terrible "musician" and "actor." This movie is horrible, the acting is bad, and the plot has been done many times before, and it's done better. A horror film that will only be enjoyed by Snoop fans and I don't even know why.
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Good horror movie
cruppel17 March 2002
Warning: Spoilers

I can't see why everyone is complaining about this movie. The plot was a little weak, but it's a horror movie. say that to yourself while you watch it and you won't hate it so much. Think about it. there is a very small fraction of horror movies made that have 'good movie' components. plus, snoop dogg is in this. that's the first reason to watch it. i realize this doesn't sound like a sound argument to you people that think Traffic was a good movie, but get a life, loosen up, and watch horror movies with the expectation that they'll live up to the legacy of The Horror Movie, not some brainy flick that people superficially latch on to becuase they don't understand it.

anyway, Bones was a good horror movie because it did the job of a series of movies in one installment. usually if there is a lapse in time it's between moves and not in them.

***SPOILER*** I also appreciate how he is never vanquished by the end of the movie. It's a plot twist that is not often used. ***END***

if you liked this go rent Killer Klowns from Outer Space
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Suspenseful? Maybe not.
cwhoward-113 February 2004
This movie is not the worst of horror movies that I have seen, however it is far from the best also. This movie has some pretty decent special effects, and doesn't have a bad story line. Who better to play a drug pusher in the 70's than Snoop Dogg. Snoop is not the best actor in the world but does show a better job in this movie than previous movies. 7 out of 10 stars. Not great, but not bad.
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Don't blame the studio.
m-4782620 August 2020
Blame the movie. It's another example of why there are so few blaxploitation horror movies. It has zero relevance outside of its scope. So don't try giving it depth, just because it sits well with your requirements. It's not fooling anyone, either, especially with such a mediocre attempt at horror. That box-office flop was well deserved.
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