It's Flashbeagle, Charlie Brown (TV Short 1984) Poster

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Snoopy's night out
soymilk17 March 2005
Call me strange, but for some reason I've always had a tiny soft spot for those musical episodes that most popular cartoon shows tend to tackle at one point or another. You know, the ones which always revolve around the familiar characters breaking into random song and dance routines. A lot of it's just the novelty factor involved, I suppose - the type of music they usually feature is never anything you'll find me rushing out to buy on vinyl or CD after all. 'It's Flashbeagle, Charlie Brown', the 'Peanuts' special equivalent of such an episode, is one such example.

What really tends to divide 'Peanuts' fans over this particular addition to the 'Charlie Brown' cannon, so far as I can see, is the underlying lack of substantial story or moral message. Whereas most 'Peanuts' specials always had something meaningful to say, in a melancholic tone that could punch through to all ages, all 'Flashbeagle' really consists of is a foursome of thinly strung-together music videos with very little of the beloved Charles Schulz dialogue filling in between. The truly cynical amongst us could even refer it as 'pointless'. It's also very much influenced by the sounds of the decade from which it hails, and, as you could probably decipher from the title, was out for a ride on the 'Flashdance' bandwagon at the time. How enjoyable you're likely to find it will essentially rest upon how tolerant you are of 80s music in general. If nostalgia's your thing then the more 'Flashdance'-y sequences won't disappoint - the title song 'Flashbeagle' is surprisingly agreeable and not a track which I'd especially object to have blurting out from my own stereo system (say what you will about the 80s, but it's an era that still holds a lot of warm childhood memories for me).

The initial two songs, performed by Peppermint Patty and Lucy, respectively, aren't so much in that 80s music cache as they are in the vein of your typical kiddie-show sing-along fare, with simple tunes and basic lyrics. Lucy's number is fairly fun and does a good job reflecting her established disposition, but I'm a lot less keen on Patty's - it's too jaunty and childish, and may have older viewers retreating from the living room long before we've really had a chance to get to what we came here to see: Snoopy jamming away in his disco-frequenting persona Flashbeagle. That sequence alone makes it all worthwhile.

Overall the whole affair is bright and lively and will probably find favour amongst nostalgic fans and younger viewers, but it's been looking dated for a long time now, and adults will most likely be left yearning for the usual ingredients in the trusty 'Peanuts' formula. By no means one of their best, but I think it's safe to say that this was at least one of the more memorable 'Peanuts' specials of the 1980s (their major heyday took place mostly in the 60s and 70s).

Grade: B-
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It's an 80s Time Capsule, Charlie Brown
elicopperman1 February 2023
Behold lies one of the most strange Peanuts specials to date: a blatant parody of Flashdance and other 80s music videos. Known as It's Flashbeagle, Charlie Brown, the whole special was made purely from creator Charles Schulz being a huge fan of the 1983 dance movie. Although the special is not the first time the Peanuts tried acting hip and cool from whatever was happening in pop culture, it is often seen by many as something one would imagine as a parody of Charlie Brown specials instead of an actual one. But does it not warrant any further attention? After all, there's nothing else like it out there.

The basic premise of the special is that Charlie Brown's dog Snoopy appears to be lazy and inactive by day, and a fierce dancing disco mutt by night. While that concept sounds bizarre on paper alone, the bigger problem with Flashbeagle is that its focus is all over the place. There are multiple musical vignettes throughout the special that merely serve excuses for the Peanuts gang to sing and dance to songs that fit their personalities. Admittedly, a lot of the songs are fairly catchy on their own and they showcase much of the usual charm audiences would expect from characters like Lucy and Peppermint Patty. Unfortunately, many of these sequences take up time of what should've been focused on Charlie Brown figuring out what to do about Snoopy going out to dance every night. That's not to say a Peanuts special needs to be as dramatic as Saturday Night Fever of course, but when the conflict in your half hour primetime cartoon is only touched about later down the road, perhaps it's time to consider another rewrite. Needless to say, the "plot" is simply a musical distraction.

However, for all of the special's faults, its mere existence alone is enough to recommend for the time capsule nostalgia crowd. On top of the obvious influence, Snoopy's outfit and dancing skills are so unapologetically 80s that it's hard not to find at least some amusement in this special's cheesiness. The animators should also be given a round of applause for successfully rotoscoping the choreography from stunt dancer Marine Jahan into Snoopy's dynamite moves. Aided by the incredible work of Ed Bogas and Desirée Goyette, the music and songs in the special are catchy and hysterical enough to make up for their dated qualities. At a time when a lot of televised cartoons were getting into the spirit of the then modern nighttime dancing craze, Flashbeagle feels almost like a revolutionary step in that direction. Also, if there's anyone who makes this special memorable besides Snoopy, it would definitely be Peppermint Patty as her moments easily get the best laughs out of this otherwise jumbled special. Sometimes a special can be entertaining just by being honest about what it's offering.

By being one of the more sincere products of 80s dance culture out there, Flashbeagle is a flawed yet oddly delightful special in the Peanuts filmography. It may appeal more to the 80s nostalgia crowd, let alone Snoopy aficionados, but there are just enough music and games in this bloated thrill ride to allow for some fun to go around. It's hilarious that some people can't imagine any of the Peanuts characters being trendy or hip when actual specials like these exist. Considering this special came out one year after Flashdance did, it's safe to say that it was made from love bigger than the eye can see.
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"There's nothing worse than having a dog who's not a dog."
CuriosityKilledShawn17 November 2010
There's not much of a story in this Peanuts special though the theme of dancing does connect the sketches. I do find it kinda strange that a kid's TV special is based on a R-rated movie however.

None of the Peanuts gang appear to be happy unless they are dancing. Even Snoopy fancies himself as a Tony Manolo type. Obviously though old Chuck can't get into the spirit of things. Though Snoopy's propensity for dancing to funky, old-school 80s beats does earn Sally Brown her first A in show-and-tell.

Bizarre really to think that Stacy Ferguson provided the voice of Lucy in this one.
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Oh my goodness...
xxlittlekittenxx16 March 2003
...did I ever love this Peanuts special (I was 2-3, what more could you expect?). I remember renting it God only knows how many times on video with 'She's A Good Skate, Charlie Brown' after it. I was the biggest Snoopy fan on earth (still love him dearly)! I remember wearing my spandex Snoopy exercise clothes and dancing around all over the place to this special. There was really nothing to it other than the singing, but I wasn't old enough to care. I sang along with it, and had a blast while doing so.

I still remember the songs, particularly the main 'Flashbeagle' song ("He's a champion! He's the best!" "You should hear the sound of his naaaaa-me! They call him Flash- flash- flash- flaaash-beagle!"). I think this is pretty much the only Peanuts special that's actually dated, the rest are timeless. 'Flashbeagle' has the '80s written all over it, while most of the others hold up very well today. This is why the Peanuts have stayed so popular for so many years. I think they took a note of that after 'Flashbeagle'.

But I do have many wonderful childhood memories from 'Flashbeagle', so it has a special place in my heart.
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Not The Greatest in the Series, but a Harmless Spoof of the 80's
cairn615 April 2013
This 80's offering from the "Peanuts" shares a love-hate relationship with the fans of the series. People on the love side enjoy the silly nature of the program as well as the music. They also enjoy the cultural reference to what were popular trends in the mid 80's. People on the hate side however disliked the program for its attempt to capitalize of what were considered fads at the time. Personally, while not one of my favorite specials in the's harmless. While seeing Snoopy dressed up in leg warmers is a bit rough to take, at least he's not being mauled by a dog sled team or being guilt-ed into moving back with his former owner. Watch this one after you've watched most of the others in the series.
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It's Flashbeagle, Charlie Brown(1984)
robfollower24 December 2020
Snoopy assumes the alter ego of insanely hot and charismatic dance machine Flashbeagle. Meanwhile, Sally pines for Linus and Lucy bosses everyone around.

Directors: Sam Jaimes, Bill Melendez Writers: Charles M. Schulz (creator), Charles M. Schulz Stars: Fergie, Gary Goren, Gini Holtzman
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One of the best!
pacifiquesea18 April 2005
Flashbeagle has to be one of the funniest specials - at least as good as the holiday specials, and about a million times better than Bon Voyage.

It's basically a bunch of shorts linked together with the common thread of Snoopy sneaking out at night to a disco and returning tired in the morning. The shorts are hilarious - some great ones with Peppermint Patty and Marcy in class, and a few with Sally as well.

Snoopy's killer dance moves were based on a real person dancing - the animators pretty much drew over the frames of the dancer. The making-of special I saw said that this is one of the first times this method had been employed. Just a bit of trivia. :) The music is catchy, the show is funny - it's all-around Peanuts goodness. You really can't go wrong with Flashbeagle.
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Not as bad as one would think
donkeytonkman6 June 2002
I was 13 when this Peanuts special came on, and for me, I was into the breakdancing era, liked all the music from the 80's and always enjoyed musicals.

So this special when I first watched became an instant classic to me, the song Flashbeagle was a well written dance hit, it didn't sound like anything from the radio at the time and could've climbed the charts if released.

Now this is 2002 and having bought this special I can see why it was poorly reviewed and never a big hit for long time Peanuts fans. The story had no plot, just four decent songs and one party, and a small show n tell scene. So although it brings me back memories and I will always enjoy the film, it doesn't rank as one of the greatest. Charles Schulz didn't have much to do with the writing and that's why this failed. Overall: 9 out of 10 just because of childhood memories
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Wow, just... wow.
nickroosa28 November 2006
Now, I love the Peanuts specials. Like most of today's adults, I grew up on them and cherish them. But this one, well... this is just one man's opinion, and feel free to disagree if you wish, but it's arguably the worst of the bunch. The whole Flashdance stuff REALLY dates it (most of today's kids wouldn't understand it), and Peppermint Patty's whole "I'm in shape!" routine tends to get really annoying after a while. Plus, the whole story is kinda weak by the past shows' usually high standards. Stick with the holiday shows, or if you really want a good non-holiday Peanuts show, track down Someday You'll Find Her, Charlie Brown.

As an interesting side note, if you do watch this episode, listen closely to the voice of Sally... it's none other than Stacy Ferguson, a.k.a. Fergie from the Black Eyed Peas.
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It wasn't all THAT bad!!!
xanfan14 March 2001
Being born in 1981 and not really seeing the special until later on in life, this Peanuts fan thinks that it was a fun special. (Of course, liking the movie and the music from Flashdance might help with that respect). I think that Snoopys look was a little less from Flashdance, but more of an early eighties fitness, "Physical", Olivia Newton-John headband style. In fact, the first thing I thought of when I saw Snoopy with the headband was Olivia's "Physical".

I won't spoil anything, but if you've never seen it, and if you were a fan of the early 80s fads, I'd give it a whirl. Maybe someday Paramount will release it on DVD with some extras! :-)
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Its Average, but at least Snoopy dances!
KinoBuff202126 January 2023
This special was okay/average. 'It's Flashbeagle, Charlie Brown' is certainly not the best Peanuts special out there, but its not really the worst either.

Seeing how I didn't grow up with this special like a few other specials, I don't think I have the nostalgia that other people might have for this special. To me it just comes off as fun but a little awkward and outdated especially to any new younger viewers born in the 21st century.

The animation is still good and the musical numbers are catchy, but there isn't really a cohesive narrative. It probably fun for casual watching, but besides Snoopy's iconic dancing (which is adorably memeable by itself) this special is just kind of boring.

Still though if your watching all of the Peanuts specials this is not a special to skip. Its fun and has some classic scenes you might love yourself! Oh and by the way Pigpen has a musical number and Fergie (from Black Eyed Peas) voices Sally. So that's pretty cool!
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Flash, Flash Flaaaash-Beagle!!
reddragonhero1730 March 2010
As a kid growing up in the late 80's and 90's I have always loved Charlie Brown and his gang, even owning a book of comics! I have two movies (Race for your Life and A Boy named Charlie Brown) and several specials. I will never tire of Peanuts and even though Shultz is gone I will keep everything I own from him as he has left his mark on pop culture. I first heard about this special from the documentary You don't look 40 Charlie Brown and tried to find it and finally I managed to see it for myself. Let me tell you, this one rocks! Sure it is dated by the 80's feel (taking from a not so good movie) but turning into a spectacular special that you can't help but enjoy. Now I will hear that song Flashbeagle forever in my head.
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I love this Snoopy Special! Flashbeagle is "totally awesome"!
crzysteph123 April 2006
I don't care if anyone else liked this or not, I know I will always love this Snoopy Special. I've had it for years on an LP and I used to play it over and over again. I memorized every song on the record. I was so excited recently when I saw a copy on VHS at a local video store. I bought that right up and I love it! Snoopy is just too cute in this episode. He is really happy throughout the whole video unlike some where he is just kind of "blah". I suggest to anyone who really likes Snoopy and really likes Flashbeagle, you need to find the record(LP) or possibly a cassette tape of the music. There are a few songs on it such as "Don't give up, Charlie Brown" and a song called "Woodstock" which are not on the VHS, plus a few others. Anyways, I give this a 10 out of 10 for creativity and for just being a happy little video. Brings back great memories!
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Probably the most embarrassing Peanuts special made.
StudentDriver18 July 1999
I was a huge Peanuts fan as a kid, and ended up video-taping every special as they came on CBS. I was also a member of the Snoopy Fan Club at the time, and its newsletter, the "Beagle Bugle" would always give advance notice of upcoming Peanuts specials. So I heard about Flashbeagle, and set the VCR, and waited... ...and got the worst Peanuts special I have ever seen. Apologies to Mr. Schulz, but this take-off of Flashdance was a bad parody, a bad use of the Peanuts characters, and not entertaining in the least.

Flashdance was already out-dated when this show came out, and the music doesn't even come up to the standards set by the movie. Seeing Snoopy in torn up sweats and wearing a headband also seemed terribly anachronistic.

Another blow to the show is the fact that the Peanuts gang is typically seen as being wholesome family entertainment, while Flashdance was a movie that was definitely not for kids; with many people, Flashdance honestly had the same reputation as Showgirls does, and basing a show with a beloved family icon around adult fare is not a good idea.

The show doesn't seem to belong to the pantheon of Peanuts specials, with their edifying morals and (occasional) religious values... it seems to be more of a cash-in, possibly to fulfill a commitment to CBS.
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A real blast from the gnarly 80's past
Woodyanders3 June 2009
Warning: Spoilers
At the height of the 80's music and fitness craze Snoopy assumes the cool alter ego of insanely hot and charismatic dance machine Flashbeagle. Meanwhile, the smitten Sally Brown (voiced by none other than Stacy Ferguson a.k.a. Fergie of the Black Eyed Peas!) pines for Linus and Lucy bosses everyone around. This Peanuts TV special takes a welcome and refreshing break from the usual big message and/or moral format; instead it's just a nifty series of loosely strung together amusing vignettes that admittedly doesn't add up to much, but manages to be quite funny and entertaining just the same. For example, the deliciously deadpan exchanges between the brash Peppermit Patty and her nerdy, bespectacled steady gal pal Marcie are as hilarious as ever. Better still, Snoopy cuts loose with some sweet fresh dope moves when he hits the dance floor (Snoopy's dance double was Marine Jahan, who also was the uncredited double for Jennifer Beals in "Flashdance"). The throbbing discoid songs certainly hit the groovy spot, with the jaunty "I'm in Shape" and the marvelously snotty "Listen to Lucy" rating as the single most tasty and memorable tunes. A total hoot.
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The music is good, everything else is forgettable
Horst_In_Translation25 December 2017
Warning: Spoilers
"It's Flashbeagle, Charlie Brown" is an American color cartoon from 1984, so this one's over 30 years old already, almost 35 in fact and the mention of one title character makes it obvious that this is another Peanuts television special by Melendez and Schultz. It runs for under 24 minutes, but is probably not among the gang's most known because it is not a holiday special of any kind. But the focus here is also not as much on Snoopy as you might think from the title. There are major segments without Charlie Brown's dog making an impact on the story at all. Early on the parts at the gym and classroom were okay, but not memorable either really. Everything else was completely forgettable with the exception of the audio. The songs you hear in here are pretty much fun, but there isn't really a reason why you shouldn't just listen to a record and do without the video site entirely. Anyway, I may be a bit biased as I am not the very greatest Peanuts fan out there, but I like Snoopy more than most of the others, but still his parts aren't too memorable. And by the way, beagles are among my favorite dogs on the planets and Snoopy looks Nothing like them. Why oh why. So all in all, I am not impressed and wouldn't really recommend checking this one out. Maybe BEP lovers can give it a go as you indeed hear the very young Fergie in here before the age of 10. The Emmys went for the fat cat that year and not for the dog we got here. It may have been the right decision. Flashbeagle gets a thumbs-down from me. Skip it.
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I love this Peanuts special!
shampoocell17 March 2002
I completely disagree with the other comment. While the special may not have fit in with all of the other Peanuts specials, that doesn't mean it's not good. I thought it was a really funny idea. And the music is awesome! If your image of Snoopy is "ruined" by seeing him in sweats, then you have a problem. It's just moving the character with the time, without changing what everyone loves about him. It's still good old Snoopy, he's just wearing orange sweats. Get over it already. If you haven't seen this movie, rent it, you will like it!
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A guilty pleasure
ultramatt2000-117 April 2014
Thirty years ago, CBS aired this cartoon. It was in the wake of the whole dance craze of the 80's. In fact, "Flashdance" started this trend in my opinion. Basically, it is Snoopy having a night out and becoming a disco king. This special is loaded with song and dance numbers just to pass the time. Charlie Brown gets bothered by the fact that his dog is not normal. There is character study and songs that express that. For instance, Peppermint Patty is bad with academics, but good with athletics. (Peppermint Patty's P.E. Program.) Lucy is dominant and bloats her ego a bit. (Lucy's the Boss.) There is something about the end of the cartoon. As soon as Sally takes Snoopy for show and tell, one kid takes out his boom-box and plays the theme song causing all the kids in the class room to dance. Is there no authority around here?! Did the teacher had this "if you can't beat them, join them" attitude and join in? All this noise would attract trouble! The principal would come in the room and bark stuff like "What's going on here?" "Stop that infernal racket!" I bet he got caught up in the music too.

What I like about it, is the songs and the visuals. While the colors are cool, the theme song, "Flashbeagle" is catchy. I got a cassette tape of the album back in the day. I danced to the songs like a little maniac on the floor. I listen to it all the time over the past 30 years! What I didn't like about it, that it was cheesy by today's standards and embarrassing. "Video Movie Guide" bashed that special saying how lame and cheesy it is, saying that Charles Schultz's effort to coincide with the current decade (in this case the 80's), shows that he is an old man trying to be cool and hip.

This song/cartoon takes me back to childhood, and when I saw the "Powerpuff Girls" episode, "Boogie Frights", I enjoyed it, because it reminded me of "Flashbeagle".

Some of the songs in the album are featured in the special "It's your 20th Television Anniversary Charlie Brown" (1985). Do I recommend it? Yes I do! So check it out. It is pure 80's fun!
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Needs to be rerelease
jrjam200213 January 2021
With all of the Charlie Brown specials in DVD, I'm surprise that this one hasn't been added to the list. Loved this one as a kid and would love to add it to my home collection
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Blast from the past!
agracja27 December 2023
Being an 80s kid, I LOVED this musical special. My parents even recorded it on VHS (!) and my cousins and I watched this all. The. Time. We even followed along with the dancing / moves in all of the songs (Snoopy's dance was a bit complicated though, lol). Sure, it looks cheesy now, but to an 80s kid this was a heckuva lot of fun (there's even a breakdancing Franklin!).

A couple of fun facts - Charles Shulz was inspired by the Flashdance movie to create this, and Snoopy's dance was rotoscoped from the actual Flashdance stunt dancer Marine Jahan.

So while I feel this lacks the charm of the older specials from the 60s and 70s (not to mention the incredible jazz music by the Vince Guilardi Trio), it's still a fun time capsule and trip down memory lane.
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I loved this special
shampoocell4 February 2001
I thought this was one of the Peanuts best specials! I love the music and the dancing. Snoopy looks great in torn up sweats! The breakdancing scene on the street is my favorite. And whoever sang the title track should have gotten a grammy because I love that song. If anyone happens to have any of the soundtrack at all would you please e-mail me? Thanks a bunch!
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