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Bronson At His Best
ReelCheese25 August 2006
Most critics seem to have dismissed this film, like so many other Charles Bronson vehicles, as just another patchwork of mindless violence. And while there is a fair amount of mayhem, DEATH WISH 3 is not that awful of an effort, particularly for fans of the series and its star.

This time out, aging Charlie's Paul Kersey is let loose by a police chief desperate to clean up a rough part of New York City. The trigger-happy vigilante moves into the heart of gang territory, where he once again becomes a one-man army in an urban war of good versus evil. Bronson, at least the "older" version, is truly at his best.

I'm not saying DEATH WISH 3 is a classic. Indeed to the discriminating eye it has a plethora of imperfections. The characters are generally made of cardboard. The violence is over the top. A man well into his 60s outruns and outspooks dozens of young punks. But in the tradition of the original DEATH WISH and later films such as FALLING DOWN with Michael Douglas, it has a definite crowd-pleasing charm. Who doesn't want to see gangbangers get their due? There are also some great cheesy moments and one-liners so common in 1980s films. When a tenant of his apartment building sees Kersey setting up a booby trap, for instance, the vigilante lightheartedly says he's "thinning the herd." A line only Bronson can truly make work.

So you see, the key to enjoying DEATH WISH 3 is to accept it for what it is. It ain't Spielberg and it ain't art. So throw the popcorn in the microwave and have fun with it.
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Order your rocket launcher today!
Mr Parker5 December 2005
I'm having a lot of trouble trying to figure out how to rate this movie. As an actual film, it can't honestly score more than one star out of five. As pure cheese however, you'd have to give this movie a straight up five out of five.

This is probably one of the worst movies I have ever seen. The catch is, it's so bad that it's actually good. Make sense? The movie is infinitely rewatchable and you can always find something new to laugh at every time you pop this sucker in the player. There is very little to tell you about this movie other than if you haven't seen it, you need to. It's unbelievably violent and Ol' Chuck mows down at least a hundred gang members throughout the film's ninety minutes.

I can write an entire dissertation on this film but I've already seen it done on the Web on quite a few sites so I'm not going to bother. Just to remind you, the movie is so bad and unintentionally funny (watching the film again, it'd make sense if the filmmakers were going for laughs) that if you haven't seen it, you need to.

I'll leave you to ponder this one scene and decide for yourselves whether or not this movie is for you or not: Gang bikers come down the street. Angry civilians wait with a chain stretched across the road. Bikers come and are clotheslined off of their bikes when the chain is yanked upwards. While the bikers are on the floor, the civilians come out and shoot all of them, point blank while they lay writhing on the floor. Men, women and oh yes, children come out and join in the festivities, dancing around the dead bodies of the bikers.

Sigh. Instant classic.

RATING: * out of *****.

SHLOCK-O-CHEESE RATING: ***** out of *****.
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Could it be possible that his wish is their command?
fmarkland3212 June 2006
Paul Kersey(Charles Bronson) turns into a one man army when Fraker terrorizes the old people who can't afford to move out, seems these punks need a lesson in manners and Bronson is there to deliver it. Whether it's by using a board to smash anyone who opens the window, putting a bed of nails by the window to prevent someone from setting foot in his house or using big game pistol gunfire to keep giggling thieves at bay, Bronson is determined to give these punks a lesson in etiquette. Back in the 80's no film was half as cool as a movie with an action star and a giant body count. Death Wish 3 was no exception and while I loved the movie as a teenager, it's only fitting that I bought the DVD and love it even more today. Cannon films were awesome back in the day, they made terrible movies, sure, but more often then not it was campy bad movie fun, not unlike this one. Indeed where as you can only watch a good movie once, you can watch this one ten times and never grow tired of it. I could watch this over and over again and I may just pick up another DVD just in case I ware it out. I think that speaks for itself.

* *1/2 out of 4-(Pretty good)
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Truly a movie for the ages
captainky4 July 2002
There are few movies out there that can honestly be called classics, Deathwish 3 is one. I must have watched this movie dozens of times, yet each time it is just as ridiculously funny. From the outset the movie explodes with laughs. Kersey's trip to jail, where he is threatened by some thug, who apparently high on goof balls, decides to attack the most giant guy in the jail for no reason and is bloodily beaten down. At this point he turns back to Kersey and curses him like it is his fault! Make no sense? Don't let that stop you, there is more where that came from. Next the police inspector beating Kersey up, then abruptly out of nowhere saying, `you see, I'm a big fan of yours'! . There are so many other hilarious plot inconsistencies. Mr.Kaprov saying `Mr.Kersey, it's 90 degrees outside!' as he is wearing a full shirt and thick sweater! Or Kersey's friend Charlie, who somehow managed to smuggle back two massive machine guns from Korea. Did he take that in his carryon luggage on the trip back? Add to all this lame romance that Kersey and the public defender have and you have the making of a masterpiece. For whatever reason, the desperate woman wants a date with Kersey. The romance that ensues is epic, until unfortunately, like all women that Kersey dates, she is horribly killed. The final piece of the puzzle is some of the best one liners in any movie. Some include, `it's your wife, she is sick or... something' Fraker, `bulletproof just like yours asshole' Fraker, `they call him the giggler, he laughs when he runs' Bennet, "I'll kill a little old lady for you. Catch it on the 6 o'clock news!" Fraker. I could go on and on. You owe it to yourself to rent this extraordinary film. Truly one of the greatest ever made!
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Oddly compelling Cannon fodder
huboon20 January 2005
Thus continues Paul Kersey's journey through lands densely populated with criminals...

In this installment, yet another of Paul's friends dies at the hands of thugs. But Paul's not going to stand for it-- he'll take the law into his own hands! Again! Naturally, the dark spectre of crime follows him like a bad penny. In a single afternoon he witnesses more felonies than most of us will see in a lifetime.

Paul's new neighborhood is a checkerboard of cinder-blocked windows, bodegas, flophouses and piles of rubble. His slum is populated by various law-abiding ethnic types being tormented by a motley gang of knuckleheads who aren't willing to let Paul take control of their turf. Some of the ne'er do wells have a funny logo painted on their foreheads. By day and night they rape, pillage, murder and invade the homes of innocents.

Yet -- paradoxically -- the area remains bustling with civilized activity. In the face of danger, its citizens brazenly (or ignorantly) go about their lives. But there is a stiff penalty to pay for such defiance and only the swift arm of Paul Kersey can put it right, all the while inventing new ways to extract teeth from would-be burglars.

Classic formulaic film-making from Cannon films!

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"Blow the scum away".
classicsoncall13 September 2016
Warning: Spoilers
There's only one thing better than watching "Death Wish 3", and that's heading on over to IMDb to read the viewer comments about the picture. Seriously, I have never read about a picture before where the lovers and haters of a film all appear to be on the same page in their rabid appreciation for it. You can add me to the list, this was one epic flick. I think this might be the one picture Charles Bronson made just to see if he could get away with it (although I haven't seen 4 or 5 yet), but if I'm wrong I'll be glad to amend my comments later.

You really have to catch this picture to get a flavor of all the mindless, violent nastiness going on. The anti-tank grenade launcher that blows Fraker (Gavan O'Herlihy) into bite size pieces was quite special, but I think my favorite was the brain buster spring trap Paul Kersey (Bronson) rigged up in his apartment. All this with the full knowledge, support and go-ahead of the local police chief Shriker (Ed Lauter).

And you know what the topper is? The music score for the picture was put together by Jimmy Page!!! You know, the 'Stairway to Heaven'/'Whole Lotta Love' guy who rocked it with Led Zeppelin, which now that I think about it, how come there was no zeppelin in this picture? All I can think of, this was one time Page might have really been 'Dazed and Confused'.
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Move over Death, here's Paul Kersey.
lost-in-limbo25 January 2007
Paul Kersey has returned to New York to visit an old war buddy, but finds his mate lying dead in his rundown apartment. Who did a gang of thugs who rule the area beat to death. Kersey gets accused of the murder when the police arrive and he sits in the cell for a while. Although the chief of police realises who he is and decides to let Kersey bring justice to this untamed part of town that they can't seem to control. So Kersey takes up residence in his late friend's apartment, befriends those living there, starts seeing the public defence attorney and goes to work to finally rid this neighbour of their out-of-control mugs.

Talk about over-the-top! The first two films were searing thrillers that realistically exploited its leering material with scathing pot shots or gritty intensity. Instead this addition (which would be director Michael Winner's final outing in the series) goes for an all-out action romp that's excessively cheesy and outrageously delirious. With that on mind. Most of the fun is to be had with this particular item of the franchise.

The seriously dour nature of the earlier films don't really evolve within this one, because Winner favoured more of a tongue-in-cheek style of mayhem that basically parodies (don't know if it was intentional, though) what he done before. Suspenseful thrills are replaced by bigot action looking for nothing more than a large body count. This really does let loose in the film's cracking climax, where no one is safe from the colourfully cartoonish onslaught. What can one say? It's an urban jungle out there for some… but Kersey sees it as a shooting parlour. And his well equipped (carrying a Wilbur Mangum and holding onto a rocket launcher) this time to take out the trash! Sadly though, Charles Bronson is looking terribly downtrodden in the role. He might be sleepwalking it, but what he brings to the table a resourceful character that you can't help but cheer on. Even though the feeble script doesn't emotionally pull you into his compassionate plight like the previous two. The contrived story is pretty much bare bones and very stereotypically (like the multi-race living in the apartment building who finally stand up for their rights as citizens) plotted. The police really do get a touch up in their incompetence of how they do things and their lack of actions. It really does leave a sour taste in your mouth, which I'm sure that's what it was aiming to do.

While, the obligatory romance sub-plot is beyond forced and only there to give Kersey more motivation when needed. An adorable Deborah Raffin plays Bronson's love interested, but with her talent she's wasted in a throwaway part. Ed Lauter trumps in with a quality performance of the cutting, hard-nosed NY detective. Gavan O'Herlihy perfectly cooks up a storm in his nasty role as Fraker the gang leader. With features like his striking hairdo and cold-stare, he managed to reek of brute fear and be sufficient in leading the chaos. Making an appearance as one of the wild punks is a young Alex Winter (who'll be best known for "Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure"). The rest of the supporting cast are reasonable. Winner's direction is durably crafted and tautly laid out in its no-bars framework to shove it in your face. Again for such a lesser sequel, Winner makes it look reasonably up to par despite it being a flawed technical production. Although it is being set in NY, it was basically shot in London. Its stays on a few locations and at times they come across as purely sets. An impressive array of camera-work is on the ball by John Stainer. Attached to the music score was Jimmy Page again. Instead of the sickening riffs presented in number 2. It's oozing with a more sweepingly funky and overpoweringly scorching rhythm.

A different breed that might be considerably toned down in its rough exploitative nature, but the gung-ho violence does run freely and you got Bronson walking the walk… of death. For a quick fix, you can't go wrong with ultra-chaotic and downright brainless "Death Wish 3".
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Urban War Zone
bkoganbing3 February 2008
The third film of the Death Wish series is probably the worst of them, but it's a guilty pleasure of mine. I do so love the violence when the East New York neighborhood awakes and throws off the rule of punks.

After roaming the streets of New York in the first film and going back to Los Angeles in the second, Charles Bronson as the legendary urban vigilante Paul Kersey returns to New York to visit an old friend who is found murdered. He's questioned, but let go, but the police captain of the beleaguered 75th precinct which in real life does include the East New York area of Brooklyn, Ed Lauter, let's him go with a promise to unofficially do his vigilante thing in that neighborhood. It's getting so that the punks are seriously challenging the citizens in population growth.

Back in the day the East New York area was this middle class neighborhood of homes and churches that so typified Brooklyn. It became a prime example of urban decay. I well recall a local Assemblyman Vito P. Battista who also ran for Mayor of New York several times, declaring that it looked like London after the Blitz. Vito wasn't far wrong. And that is the real East New York you are seeing, lots of blocks of abandoned buildings and empty lots.

As in all Death Wish 3 films Bronson gets himself a woman and it's her death that galvanizes him into action. In this case it's Deborah Raffin who the punks set up in a fiery car crash.

That last half hour of Death Wish 3 is an urban fantasy when the whole neighborhood becomes a battleground as Bronson leads an aroused populace to clean up the neighborhood. Can't describe it, you've got to see it to believe it. More urban slime gets eradicated here than in all the other Death Wish films put together.

You have to see Death Wish 3, it's trashy, it's one of the most politically incorrect films ever made and great fun.
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Death Wish 3: Unintentionally the Funniest Movie Ever?
jerk127 July 2004
I think it definitely is. The writing is of such a quality that beginner students of the English language should model their conversations after its dialogue. For example, the exchange between Paul Kersey(Bronson) and Ms. Kathryn Davis(Deborah Raffin) (more about this character later) is extremely clear and to the point: Ms. Davis says, "I hope you like chicken. It's the only thing I know how to make," to which Kersey deftly responds, "Chicken's good. I like chicken." If that's not English Grammar 101, I don't know what is.

Another thing about this Ms. Davis character: Kersey sleeps with her on the second date after she practically throws herself at him and tells him she wants to see him "one last time"(this being only the fourth time they've ever met) before she moves to her sister's house in Binghamton,NY to get away from the creeps; then he really doesn't even bat an eye while her corpse is burning in the street only minutes later. Kersey never even says her first name through the entirety of the film. Not once. Never a "Get over here, Katy," or a "That's a nice dress you wearing, Kathryn" or a "Be careful, Katie, or the creeps'll get ya!"

And while this 'love' is developing between the two, Fraker(Gavan O'Herlihy) keeps his ever-watchful eyes on them. It's almost as if Kersey is using her as bait to get to Fraker, much as he uses the camera or the car. Sure enough, when Fraker bites, Kersey bites back the most incredible sequence of events ever caught on film! The final fifteen or so minutes are possibly rivaled only by the final thirty minutes of Delta Force in their brilliance. And that's giving Delta Force a lot of credit. In what other film can you see Ed Lauter take out Alex Winter in order to get Charles Bronson's back, a troubled gang leader seemingly calling a hotline to summon neo-nazi bikers to come to his aid, and nimble Broadway dancers wearing mesh halter-tops posing as street punks, all laid down to a soundtrack written by none other than Jimmy Page. If that's not the highest of high comedy, then nothing is funny.

Truthfully speaking, there are a thousand ways to state the unintentional comedy of Death Wish 3, but the only way to truly understand it is to watch it and judge for yourself.
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If this movie isn't a product of the 1980's I'm not sure what is?
b_kite2 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
It seems like every time Michael Winner was tasked with directing a Death Wish he had to one up the last one in some sort of crazy fashion. This one has Bronson once again going back to the big apple (played in England because filming in NYC is expensive). His friend he is there to visit is murdered and before you know it he's thrown right back into his old vigilante ways, except this time Bronson has a deal made with the police? All kinds of entertaining stuff follows, punks die, elderly people die, Bronson sets up some MacGyver traps, there's some more rape though not as graphic as in the last film, Bronson orders in a new hand gun that comes with some cool Dirty Harry style sound effects, and there's also another worthless love interest that bites the dust before you can blink an eye. In the end Bronson is turned into Rambo as he runs threw the streets machine gunning punks into oblivion, and killing the leader with a rocket launcher. Much of the Jimmy Page soundtrack from the last film seems to be reused here. Overall, Death Wish 3 is definitely a product of it's time a big dumb action movie that entertains from beginning to end.
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Again architect Paul Kersey turned vigilante and taking the law into his own hands
ma-cortes8 October 2007
Third entry with excessive violence concerns about Paul Kersey, a middle-age New York architect and become into vigilante. He goes to L.A. to visit a good friend who's killed by furious band led by a punk (O'Herlihy). Meantime he's accused and jailed, but is freed by chief police(Ed Lauter)with whom agrees attack the gangs. Furthermore, Kersey knows a beautiful lawyer(Debora Raffin) and old Vietnam veteran(Martin Balsam). He stalks the slums of L.A. and takes the law into his own hands, searching vengeance on crooks, hoodlums, muggers, making the neighborhood safer.

This new outing contains suspense, noisy action-packed, gun-play and lots of violence.Bronson with his usual stoic acting displays amount of weapons arsenal such as a special Magnum, greatest than ¨Harry the Dirty¨ and a machine gun killing nasties.Furthermore, appear as secondary casting, Alex Winter(Adventures of Bill and Ted) as a heinous hoodlum and Marina Sirtis( Star Trek) as a young women submitted to a brutal rape. This is an extremely violent sequel to the successful 1974 movie, that's , of course,the best from the series. The motion picture is middling directed by Michael Winner such as the previous films. It's followed by worst sequels : ¨Death Wish 4 : The crackdown¨(1987) directed by J.Lee Thompson and ¨Death Wish: The face of death¨(1994) directed by Allan Goldstein.
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An underrated decent Action flick from the 80's the year of Rambo my all time favorite
ivo-cobra84 April 2017
Death Wish 3 is the year of Rambo one of my all time favorite classic action films from Charles Bronson and it is really underrated. I love good action movies and I love the third sequel way better than the original! Charles Bronson is the best in this movie! I watched this movie more as a kid than the first two movies. I love this movie to death I have it on Blu-ray and I have a VHS tape still. There are a lot of people who hate this movie like actor Alex Winter mentioned it is one of the worst movies made in the 80's from Cannon I disagree. Charles Bronson was disappointed with the film, I wasn't. This movie it is not for everyone it is more for action junkies like my self it is for fun and entertaining.

To you, this is underrated misunderstood prototypical "good" action movie -- intense, violent gang war on a streets perfectly executed, original action, shown to the tune of a forgettable and occasionally insulting story.

This movie was filmed the same year as Rambo: First Blood Part II and honestly Charles Bronson is Rambo in the urban jungle defending innocents on the street and fight evil in New York City. New York a city pushed to edge, people pushed to the limit and no one's got the guts to stop them. But there is one way, one man who want be pushed "Charles Bronson" and now he is in the middle of a war. In a world gone mad there is only one law is Charles Bronson Death wish 3! Bronson is back in New York bringing justice to the streets... Death Wish 3.

1985 sequel, Paul Kersey, aka "The Vigilante", finds himself battling street punks in order to bring peace back to a once quiet New York neighborhood. Despite the New York setting, the film was actually made in England.

It's blisteringly fast paced, brutally violent, the characters from the cops to the punks to the citizens do over-the-top, unrealistically illegal things that they would all be arrested for in real life but go unnoticed in the world of the film, and the whole movie has a go-for-broke feel.

I love The character development Paul Kersey is a hero in this movie helps, defends old people and week people who can't defend them self's.

Kersey buys an ice cream to a kid, he shots and fights off the rapists twice in this movie. He supports and stands by Rodriguez site when his wife is raped and murdered.

There is a war on the streets with punks and gang territories. I wish they would make movies like this today I really do wish that.

The acting decent from everyone but a lot of the fashion is hilariously 80's. There's nothing too disturbing in this movie so the tone is lighter than the first two films. It's also well paced and moves along quickly; no need for character development, just shoot the baddies! Charles Bronson does amazing job playing his character I really do miss him. Deborah Raffin did a great job and she was really cute and likable in this movie. Martin Balsam as Bennett was beautiful at acting. Gavan O'Herlihy is really perfectly bad guy I really get to hate him and you wish he will be die already. Ed Lauter as Richard Shriker is a good cop who becomes Charles Bronson's alley.

The script and the plot is alright and there is plenty action we have a lot of guns and automatic weapons and they are been used well.

Paul Kersey and his neighbor Rodriguez use a Browning M1919 machine gun to kill several gang members before it runs out of ammo. Paul looks with the machine gun like Rambo in the 80's the jungle streets. Both the Browning 1919 and MG42 belonged to Kersey's late Korean War buddy Charley, who apparently acquired the weapons during his stint in the Military.

Paul Kersey's (Charles Bronson) uses Wildey Hunter with an 8" barrel in the movie (in real life, the gun was Bronson's personal pistol).

I love the music score by Jimmy Page and I really love all the characters in here.

10. years ago I wrote Murphy's Law is Charles Bronson best movie but my personal favorite Charles Bronson movie will always be Death Wish 3.

Michael Winner did really good job directing his third and final Death Wish movie.

Paul Kersey uses a rocket launcher M72 LAW and blows Fraker in to pieces and bringing justice to the streets once again.

Death Wish 3 is a 1985 American action film starring Charles Bronson as vigilante killer Paul Kersey and is the third film in the Death Wish film series. It was written by Don Jakoby (under the pseudonym Michael Edmonds). This is the last Death Wish film to be directed by Michael Winner.

R.I.P. Charles Bronson, Michael Winner, Deborah Raffin, Ed Lauter, Martin Balsam, Ron Hayes, John Gabriel, Mildred Shay, Menahem Golan rest in peace I really miss you all and I enjoy Death Wish 3 to death. 10/10 my favorite childhood classic action film I love it more than the original.
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Is it meant to be a parody or not?
john_oneill4126 March 2010
Warning: Spoilers
The second sequel to Death Wish sees Paul Kersey return once again to New York to visit his friend, who is killed shortly before Kersey arrives. Once Kersey gets there and sees what happens he swings into action once again.

Is this meant to be a parody of what had gone before, or did Michael Winner just get carried away? There are so many OTT things here, including Kersey's ability to beat everyone he meets in a fight, no matter what their size. Another is the face paint the baddies wear, as if to say ,"Yep, in case you didn't realise, I'm a criminal". You also have Fraker looking weirder than a Martian, his ability to summon gangsters from anywhere and of course his eventual demise with a rocket launcher.

Despite, or perhaps because of this, it is hugely enjoyable, very entertaining and zips by very quickly. For once, Kersey is not on his own, and I particularly enjoyed when it showed the locals getting tooled up ready to fight back.

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I have absolutely no idea...
diversitycommittee2 February 2005
I'm very tempted to give this movie a 10. In some ways it might have been genius, but that would be giving the film makers far too much credit. It's absolutely godawful, but it's incredibly hardcore. Every few minutes there's another unbelievably brutal moment where Chucky B. whips out a giant weapon, utterly brutally beats the life out of someone, or sets up a contraption of massive pain. But trust me, aside from it's Chuck B. style insanity, it's amazingly bad. It's filled with bad humor, horrible lighting, and by far the worst dialogue you'll ever find.

But I suppose I'd recommend it. If you have to see one really bad movie, make it Death Wish 3.
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Comedy gold (spoilers throughout)
Ricky_Roma__14 August 2005
Warning: Spoilers
This is how subtle Death Wish 3 is: there's a bit where the stupid chief stamps on a cockroach. That kind of says it all really. Why bother with laws, why bother with a constitution and why bother with a police force – they only get in the way. What you really need to keep the streets safe is a big gun…and lots of bullets…and maybe a machine gun… and perhaps a rocket launcher too. Because, hey, if those liberal pinkos have their way there will only be anarchy.

Paul Kersey's day starts off really badly. Not only do synthesisers, weeping saxophones, twangy guitars and a smarmy piano accompany his trip to New York, but by the time he gets there his best mate has been killed. How unlucky can you get? Well, to make matters worse, one of the people that kills his best mate is Bill S. Preston, Esq. Oh, and when he gets there, just as his friend is dying in his arms, he gets arrested for his murder. Damn. But then, after getting beaten up by the police, ramming a fat porker's bulbous head through prison bars and enraging the head of a local gang, he gets unofficial approval from the stupid chief to go on a one man killing rampage…which is nice.

Death Wish 3 is a guilty pleasure. After all, it's dumb, it's fascistic and it's badly filmed, but a number of people greater than the population of San Marino get brutally killed, so it rules. I mean, how can you not dig a film where people are set on fire, thrown off buildings and shot at point blank range with a rocket launcher? Anyone with a penis should enjoy this. So if you don't like it, you're probably either a woman or Dale Winton.

Where do I start when it comes to the best death in Death Wish 3? The rocket launcher killing is a classic, but the firebombing is probably even better – the punks firebomb the flat of an elderly couple and they come running out, in flames, and then get mowed down with Uzis. But then there's death by broom and all the machine gun slayings. However, I also dig the bit when a bunch of bikers, in leather daddy gear, get blasted to pieces by a bunch of disgruntled neighbourhood residents. An armed society is a polite society.

But this praise for other characters takes away from the Bronsoninator's contribution. Never before has one man killed so many people. He mows down punks with his mate's Browning and then he blows them away with his unfeasibly huge Magnum – normally I'd suggest that Bronson was making up for certain shortcomings, but there's no way the man wasn't hung. And it's his Magnum technique that impresses most. He can dodge a hail of bullets simply by slowly crouching down on one knee. Genius! And then there are the people he kills. One man, who's trying to rape a black woman, is the spitting image of Freddie Mercury. Another, who he throws off a roof, is Frost out of Aliens. And he even kills The Giggler! "They killed The Giggler, man! They killed The Giggler!" But perhaps the best Bronson killing is the one where he coolly kills a couple of punks who are trying to nick his car. At the time he's having dinner with a Jewish couple, but he politely excuses himself, shoots the punks and finishes his grub. What a gentleman.

But it's not all fun and games. Bronson's lady gets killed. But the woman should have known better. Any woman that gets close to the Bronsoninator is immediately doomed. It's the James Bond rule. I mean, we can't have our bloodthirsty heroes suddenly become happy and content, can we? So she has to die. And at least she goes out in style. She gets a headbutt for her troubles and then succumbs in a car crash. Of course, just in case she might survive, the car spontaneously blows up. You've got to make sure.

Not that any of this seems to bother Bronson. He merely goes along with his bloodthirsty rampage, squinting at the targets he's going to blow into bloody pieces. And what of his targets? Well, the gang he takes on is isn't especially formidable. In fact, they're rather camp. They wear bandanas, headbands, string vests, fingerless gloves, sleeveless shirts, leather jackets, chain belts, lots of studs and one even wears a cute little cut off vest so that he can show off his rock hard abs. Actually, now that I think about it, they dress and prance like a bunch of failed Fame auditionees. Perhaps that's why they're so mad. They just want to be in a chorus line but they can't get a gig. Maybe that's why they kidnap, rape and kill the Mexican lady. They want to get their own back on any tang they can get their hands on. The way they emerge from their hiding place – the bushes, of course – certainly suggests this. They leap out like coked-up ballerinas. But they all get brutally killed, so their Broadway ambitions go unfulfilled.

But hey, who cares about the punks? Not I. Indeed, Death Wish 3 has made me see the light. All we need to keep the streets safe are viscous vigilantes, dispensing their wonderful brand of arbitrary justice. Only then will we be free from the tyranny of punks, hoods and lowlifes. I never knew that a Jewish food critic could be so delightfully fascist.
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This franchise should have stopped with the first film...
AlsExGal6 December 2019
Because at this point it is a parody of itself, a black comedy instead of a social commentary on urban violence and vigilantism.

This is an incredibly ridiculous action film from the Cannon Group. Charles Bronson returns as vigilante Paul Kersey, who returns to New York City to find an old friend has been the victim of gang violence. Kersey is hauled in by the police, but surprisingly, he's released by the beleaguered police captain (Ed Lauter), who is overwhelmed by the vicious gang plaguing the neighborhood, and gives Kersey free reign to do what's necessary to clean up the streets.

Kersey moves into his friend's apartment building, where he befriends the other tenants, a mix of kindly old folks and peaceful ethnic stereotypes. Kersey then starts a murderous campaign, slaughtering gang members at every opportunity, often in front of witnesses who cheer him on. The gang ramps up their own violent activities, and things escalate to all-out war, with literally a hundred or more fighting in the streets and alleyways.

Co-starring Martin Balsam, Deborah Raffin, and Gavan O'Herlihy as the gang leader named Fraker, who sports a reverse-mohawk, as in, he has a normal short and combed haircut, but with a big stripe shaved along the center of his hair. Most of the gang members dress in silly punk styles, with dyed hair and face paint. This movie is one of the most over-the-top violent things I've seen. According to IMDb, it has a body count of 83, which I believe. There's nonstop shootings, stabbings, beatings, people being burned alive and thrown out windows, car crashes, and more. But it is all delivered in the most cartoonish way possible, so that things aren't disturbing as much as laughable.

It plays like it was dreamed up as the most paranoid fantasy of the NRA. By the end, I couldn't stop laughing at how silly the whole thing was. My rating is more in line with that sentiment, and not in actual film quality, which would be closer to a 4/10 score. Filmed mostly in England by the ironcally named Michael Winner.
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Death Wish 3 a Laugh Fest
larrylunts9 April 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I have to agree with with many other commentators on this site that this is one one those "so bad that it's good" movies. Wooden acting, unbelievable dialog, unbelievable amounts of violence, two pairs of bare titties (by my account), all presented by Golan and Globus, the B-movie schlockmeisters behind the Cannon Films Group of the 1980s.

The tone for this film is set just a few minutes in, when NYC cop Ed Lauter punches a seated and handcuffed Bronson in the the face because Bronson asked a question about his Constitutional rights. "I'm the law! That means I get to violate your Constitutional rights!" Lauter exclaims. From his position on the floor, Bronson kicks Lauter in the nuts.

This doesn't suit Lauter well, so he tosses Bronson into a cell, without formally arresting or changing him with a crime. In the cell, Bronson is challenged by a small, break dancing black prisoner, who asks if he is "looking for trouble?" Bronson passes him by, so the small black man punches a much larger, muscular black man in the stomach for no apparent reason. The larger black man punches back, decking the smaller guy. As the smaller guy lays screaming on the floor, he shouts "you f*cker!" at Bronson. You might want to pause the film at this point for a laugh break. I know I did.

Another few personal favorites: • the buff gay black guy in the cut-off tank top who got killed once or twice, but still kept coming back • first exposition of the Wildey handgun, basically the most powerful handgun on Earth. NRA porn. Even I wanted one, and I don't like guns. • the uniform cops who, in a neighborhood exploding with gang violence, bully an elderly Jewish couple into surrendering their handgun • the pretty pro bono attorney Bronson f*cks and then apparently has no emotional attachment to when she dies in a fiery vehicle crash (are there any other kind in Hollywood movies) minutes later • Riot police or National Guard not appearing as an urban neighborhood descends into chaos • Ed Lauter joining Bronson towards the end in a final all-laws-are-suspended fight at the OK corral kind of confrontation with the bad guys
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A classic in it's own way....
lotus_chief2 May 2005

The mere fact that I start off my review with 'lol' says it all. I used to watch this movie all the time as a kid; and even then I sensed the silliness of it all. The low budget, horrible acting and lame script was ever apparent back then. I watched it again yesterday and just couldn't stop laughing. It's so bad it's actually good lol. Like another reviewer said, it doesn't take itself seriously. There's no way one could look at this movie and say that the makers did so. The soundtrack is so funny, I laugh every time I hear it. The 'climax' is just a laugh riot. It's an all out war zone in New York, full of explosions and total ridiculous you can't help but chuckle at the sight of it.

Other hilarious moments:

  • The scene with Kersey and the cop running side by side like 2 cowboys against the whole Wild West was so cheesy it was funny.

-It killed me how the bad guys could be shooting at Kersey and he could even drop down on one knee taking ever-so-careful (and slow) aim and not get hit LMAO. Of course, with him it was one shot-one kill with his elephant handgun LOL.

  • Another hilarious scene was the end when he finally killed the leader of the gang....with a ROCKET LAUNCHER lol...destroying the whole side of the apartment building with it.

  • It's apparent that Kersey is all but used to losing loved ones...when his new girlfriend is quickly disposed of after only a few dates. The acting is so bad that you can't blame anyone that could only think that Kersey is mad at the destruction of the car lol....he runs down, looks at the carnage and just walks away.

Again, so bad, it's good.

*** out of **** stars.
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What The?
srbestafka1 January 2005
OK, I just flipped channels and caught DW3. I watched it knowing it would be a person who has seen tons of films, this one stands up there as one of the most purely bad films I have ever seen...I'm not kidding. It is so bad you have to watch it, like a bad accident you can't turn away from. Sometimes these kinds of films work, IE, Troma movies...but watching Martin Balsam and Charles Bronson slum it up like this is painful....What's even funnier is I pulled up IMDb to see what other people said and it actually scores a 4.1/10??? I can't believe it made it past 1.5! Equally as funny is this is not even the pinnacle of this series...somehow this garbage warranted part 4 and 5? And to top it all off, some dude's comments on here referenced this as the best of the series and his favorite film of all time??? Statements like that scare me about this world!
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Reasons why this movie rules
Woodyanders16 October 2008
Warning: Spoilers
This simply wondrous work of pure celluloid art deserves much better than the usual synopsis and critique format. So instead I'm just going to list reasons why this picture rules. 1) Charles Bronson as the ever-unflappable Paul Kersey is the very epitome of stoic, laconic and unflappable vigilante cool; this guy not only kills countless low-life criminal scum with a winning mix of style and ingenuity, but also sports one hell of a snazzy mustache to boot. 2) The street gang featured in this flick is a pretty mean and colorful bunch: Gavan O'Herlithy as vicious leader Fraker (you just have to love his gnarly reverse Mohawk haircut), a pre-"Bill and Ted" Alex Winter as the sleazy Hermosa, Ricco Ross as speed-snorting psycho Cuban, and, best of all, the incredible Kirk Taylor as swift, maniacal, chortling klepto the Giggler. Moreover, the gang is multi-racial, which enables the filmmakers to treat us to the touching and inspiring sight of various whites, blacks and Hispanics gleefully engaging in rape, murder, robbery, extortion, destruction of private property, and other such no-count nasty antics. 3) The dialogue is sheer cut-to-the-bone terse and eloquent poetry. Martin Balsam as tough World War II veteran Bennett Cross bellows the following heart-shattering lines as he watches his beloved place of business go down in flames: "My shop! My shop! That's my shop!" 4) Deborah Raffin as feisty public defender Kathryn Davis supplies some mighty fetching eye candy. Alas, after Raffin becomes romantically involved with Bronson the poor gal gets bumped off by the bad guys. Boy, now isn't that a shocking and unexpected plot development?

5) This no-holds-barred fierce and unflinching flick declares open season on everyone: pretty young women are raped (including foxy future "Star Trek: The Next Generation" TV series regular Marina Sirtis), little old ladies are brutally butchered, countless evil street slime are blown away, folks are set on fire, and Fraker even gets blasted into the next dimension with a rocket launcher. If raw, savage and over-the-top violence is your thing, then this movie is your crack, baby! 6) The acting is truly Oscar-worthy. Special kudos here to Joseph Gonzalez as Rodriguez; the scene with Gonzalez punching a table with tremendous angst and fury after he's told that his wife has just died is positively gut-wrenching in its stark poignancy. 7) Bronson packs plenty of heavy artillery. Besides the aforementioned rocket launcher, Charlie also uses a Wildey automatic and a vintage Browning machine gun to waste the villains left and right. 8) Legendary rock musician Jimmy Page whips up an exceptionally funky-jammin' jazz-rock fusion score. 8) Director Michael Winner treats the laughably ludicrous material with deliriously misguided seriousness, thereby ensuring that the cartoonish carnage rates as often sidesplitting and always entertaining high camp at its all-time most gloriously absurd and wildly implausible. The last third with the already cruddy urban cesspool neighborhood degenerating into an all-out war zone is the hilarious stuff total kitsch is made of. A true 80's action masterpiece.
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"Blow the scum away!"
bensonmum223 June 2021
After his friend is murdered by a street gang, "Mr Vigilante", Paul Kersey (Charles Bronson), moves into his friend's vacant apartment and finds himself embroiled in a war. Kersey is ruthless in his pursuit of justice. With the police turning a blind-eye, Kersey is a one man wrecking crew, cleaning the hoodlums off the streets.

If you were to use one movie as an example of the films churned out by Cannon and Golan-Globus in the '80s, you'd be hard pressed to find a better example than Death Wish 3. It's cheap, exploitative, violent, and a whole lot of fun. Actually, Death Wish 3 isn't so much a movie as it is a series of over-the-top set-pieces strung together by the most flimsy of plot threads. If you think too much about the logic of what you're watching, it'll make your head hurt. Everything from ordering a rocket launcher through the mail to Bronson's scenes with love interest Kathryn Davis to the completely ineffective police to the Home Alone tactics Kersey uses to battle the gang - none of it makes any real world sense. But the street gang that Kersey finds himself up against is perhaps the worst offender when it comes to a lack of logic. They seem to exist only to commit one criminal act after the next with no real payoff. What's their end-goal? And they look absolutely silly, like some sort of rejects from The Warriors.

Despite all this (or maybe because of all this), Death Wish 3 is a rocking good time. Watching a 63-year-old Bronson whip out one crazy weapon after another is a real hoot. And what's not to enjoy about Bronson setting one trap after the next for the baddies to fall for - like his slow walk to buy ice cream. I've seen this movie a couple of times now and it never fails to entertain. It easily gets a 7/10 from me.

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This Movie is a good definition of "over the top"
Tobias_R2 September 2006
Warning: Spoilers
By the time the third Death Wish movie came out in 1985, a basic formula was in place which varied little from the second Death Wish movie onward. First, Charles Bronson's character, Paul Kersey, would have a relative or close friend murdered by street scum. Further mayhem would befall ancillary characters so as to goad Kersey into a righteous killing frenzy. One significant variation that this formula allowed is that in each succeeding movie the weaponry Kersey will use to blow away assorted miscreants will get more and more elaborate. From the hand pistol Kersey used in the first Death Wish movie, we now get enormous elephantine hand guns that could actually kill a real elephant as well WWII Browning machine guns as well as grenade launchers by the third film. Also, the criminals Kersey is up against aren't just assorted street punks as in the first Death Wish film but now a criminal army with enough firepower to take on the Iraqi insurgents in Baghdad.

What is truly striking in the last 30 minutes of the movie is that with the mayhem going on, the government didn't force the issue and send in the US Army to restore order as the Union Army did do in New York during the Draft Riots of 1863 while the Civil War was going on. Another priceless moment in the film is the ease with which Kersey is able to receive serious ordinance through the US mail. If it really was as easy as shown in the film, Al Qaeda and other terrorist organizations really missed an opportunity in arming themselves in the US.

Like I said, the film defines improbable to extremely unlikely. It's a revenge fantasy of truly baroque extremes and frankly enjoyable on that level. In the Death Wish world, there is no moral ambiguity. There are good decent people and then there are street scum. Here, the street scum harass, maim and kill the decent and the police are oddly helpless. Even though the criminals are dressed so garishly and distinctively from the characters who are good and decent, no one seems able to obtain any evidence against them. So, the only solution is just to shoot them dead. It's nice that the criminals in these films are all unredeemable psychopaths who dress quite distinctively so even a child could kill them with a clear conscience(as a few do in one of the many disturbing scenes at the end during the big shoot-out). In sum, not total trash, not really good, fascistic in a really simple-minded way (for a more complex pro-fascistic perspective, I recommend viewing the Depression political fantasy film, Gabriel over the White House, from 1933) that doesn't go beyond offering shooting street scum like turkeys as a way to solve crime but undeniably exciting.
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Soul Grinding Fun!!!
coldshitaction19 July 2001
Oh my word!! I have never seen a film so lacking in any kind of moral judgement or consideration for anything other than the death of the scum! Michael Winner here makes a valid observation of human desires in displaying a gung-ho troth world of deep and damaged execution. Not only does he spoon feed us with utter hell on earth seen through the face of the moustached Bronson, but he also shows us the spoon he's feeding us with and says "look at what your watching now look at your self and ask the question: Are you enjoying this?" And even though you'll tell yourself NO IT CAN'T BE!!!! You'll know that deep down inside you'll's a masterpiece
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FlashCallahan3 February 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Paul Kersey, the vigilante, returns to New York to visit a friend. But when he arrives he finds his friend dead, and the police enter and find him standing over the body holding a gun.

At the station a police lieutenant recognises him as the vigilante, and releases to go after the gang that killed his friend, who are led by the deadly Manny Fraker.

So Kersey moves into his friend's apartment and along with his friend's friend, Bennett, they try to get the gang and help the neighbours who are being plagued by Fraker and his gang...

Kersey has to be the most unluckiest man in the world. Whenever he meets a woman, they buy it. he's so unlucky that he's now used to it, and forgets about the whole thing in the next scene.

Which is what most characters do in the film. Whenever something bad happens to them, within minutes they are back to their normal selfs and not giving a hoot.

Which is why i love this film. I t has no meaning whatsoever, apart from the fact for Winner to make another movie where we see Bronson running around like a man half his age killing hoodlums.

But the people in this town are actually enjoying the fact that since Kersey has appeared, violence has gone up. In fact, during the long action packed finale, you can see townsfolk smiling at the carnage and whooping Kersey on.

But like I said, any film where it shows you a man load a gun with three bullets and then fire five, is okay by me.

This film knows it's not serious, and by a company such a Cannon. You know what to expect.

Dead people who still scream when falling. Bronson missing the first shot almost every time. the funniest stunt wig in the movie.

And you know that the rocket launcher bought from the shop will be saved for the chief bad guy.

Exceptional eighties cheese.
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"Death wish" or "Police academy" ?
Maziun13 July 2013
There is some really good and professional music by Jimmy Page (from Led Zeppelin)in here. It's probably the best thing in the whole movie. "Death wish 2" was OK , but this is a disaster.

Look , I can enjoy a stupid and cheesy action movie from time to time . "Tango and Cash" , "Commando " , "Cobra" and few others . The have some kind of charm . The whole stupidity and cheese in those movies looks natural and doesn't annoy me. Hell , I think I love them for that . Unfortunately , "Death wish 3" is a sequel to great and serious action movie.

This movie feels like "Police Academy " trying to be a serious movie ! The problem with punks terrorizing calm and good people is a rather serious one. I doubt that anyone who saw this movie really took it seriously. I mean come on. The bad guys look like they came from "Police academy" ! Compare them to the punks from first two movies and tell me you don't see a difference.

Bad acting from almost everyone (maybe except Bronson and Ed Lauter – the inspector). Unbelievable , forced , pointless and purely instrumental love story . Cheap humor. Lame script. Unexciting action scenes. OK , I guess I've enjoyed the final battle with all the punks , but mainly because it was so over the top.

Too bad that such sequels make people forget what a great movie first " Death wish " was. I give it 2/10.
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