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Doesn't add up
jellopuke7 April 2020
1 part zombie punk movie, one part spoof, one part surf b roll footage. Despite a few inspired scenes, overall it's not great and doesn't really add up to much. Borderline Airplane-ish but in the end, it's trying too hard with lame jokes. Chief Boyardee... ugh.
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Quinoa19846 August 2018
First of all there is NO Surf 1, in case you were wondering.

Surf II, which involves kind of sort of (which means BARELY) a story involving a "high school" dweeb who looks 30 getting payback on all those surfing nimrods for giving him some new body parts via slipping a drink or I dunno, doesn't hang together so much as it ambles from set piece to set piece and most of it doesn't work. And yet...

How was this not a Troma movie? (Come to think of it, Poultrygeist had a slightly similar gimmick except in a fast food joint instead of the beach). But then again they wouldn't have paid for the Beach Boys and Voodoo Radio. This is really really really really really really really really... Really dumb.

But it has its moments of complete odd weirdness amid the bad comedy and good god when it gets gross, it actually is extremely gross (a particular scene where one of the Buzz cola zombies and one of the fat guys are in a Marion in Raiders duel involving... Whatever is on the beach is perhaps the grossest scene ive ever seen and heard; it's an audio-visual nightmare, though you almost cant look away until you... Can).

Two highlights: the synced up families talking in split screen, and an autopsy that is a blatant but funny Jaws rip-off.


Oh, and Cleavon Little does make things always a littke better though.
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Surf II (1983)
jonahstewartvaughan26 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Vinegar Syndrome Cuts Marathon #7

Surf II (1983)

(6/10): Surf II is a parody of many of the teen sports/sex comedies that were popular at the time of its release but it didn't really hit its mark too well and has since been dubbed a cult classic.

It follows a group of teenagers who are big on surfing and how this new "Buzz Cola" is affecting the youth as it leads up to the local surfing competition. We find that this cola is causing the teens to become more aggressive,primal & overall stupid and it's being sold by our two lead characters fathers but really is being supplied to them by a vengeful nerd who had his cola laced with something that ruined his future goals.

It's a comedy straight up but I do really wish I found it more funny as it's clear that they put a lot of effort into it in every other aspect.

First, the soundtrack is great, lots of tunes to bop along to that fit the theme of the movie perfectly and it has a lot of Beach Boys.

The sets are great, specifically the lab where the nerd works as it's filled with tons of crazy, colourful and wacky contraptions that fit the over exaggerated tone very well and provides a good contrast to the more ordinary look of everything outside of the lab.

Finally the costumes are pretty damn good, again I point out in specific but this time with the surfer punks as they look like they came out of a Misfits concert all in black leather with facepaint and big hair with tears in their clothes, it looks great.

I also noticed something that a lot of 2000s kids would notice if they ever watch this, the vengeful nerd or Menlo Schwartzer as he is called is played by the same guy who voiced the Know-It-All in The Polar Express, yeah that surprised me.

However, again the biggest fault is that for a comedy, I just didn't find it all too funny, there's some moments that get me even one laugh out loud moment but it mostly just didn't work for me. I do gotta give it credit for the rest of the attributes that went into it as I was very impressed with those.

Take this with a grain of salt because I heard that this one is a divisive entry into the VS catalog as some love it and some find it boring.
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Can You Relate?
jsftrey14 January 2003
This is one of the best stupid movies ever! Up there with Moving Violations and Detective School Dropouts (and my new favorite Dude Where's My Car). I loved the dual breakfast scene. And the Daddy-O greeting that Cleavon got whenever he entered the room. I think I'll have some Buzz Cola right now!
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Oh My God
metalface10125 September 2005
Awful, awful, awful......I don't know which is better, watching this trash or a Pauly Shore movie. Maybe neither? It's been a long time since I've seen this movie, but I do remember how bad it was. Not funny, no plot, just a complete waste of time. The movie budget was probably about $17.00. Eddie Deezen is always a good comic relief in most movies he's in and I do remember Linda Kerridge was nice eye candy during her 15 minutes of fame, but I would rather have my fingernails pulled out than have to sit thru viewing Surf II again. I always enjoy watching a good "bad" movie but the powers that be couldn't even get THAT right.Thank God there was never a Surf I or Surf III.
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"Surf II"... audience - 0.
Mister-68 January 2000
A parody of surfing movies, is that right?

Well, first off, the surf/beach movies were already a parody unto themselves. And the hardest thing to do is make fun of a genre that has already skewered itself pretty well right at the beginning. Any series of movies that boast the talents of Frankie Avalon, Annette Funicello, Harvey Lembeck and Buster Keaton is not exactly Oscar territory.

In fact, "Surf II" goes the goofball route early on with its tale of zombified surfers eating garbage and making the beach a totally uncool experience for all, dude. And though there's no Frankie and Annette here, this one DOES have Ruth Buzzi, Lyle Waggoner (as "Chief Boyardie" - excuse me, just got up off the floor from laughing so hard), Terry Kiser (years before dying on the beach in "Weekend at Bernie's") and Carol Wayne, Johnny Carson's Tea Time Movie Lady (ROWWWRRR!).

But all the kudos go to our main man, the tower of power, too sweet to be sour... Mr. Eddie Deezen, ladies and germs! Let's face it, HE IS THE MAN! And anyone who disagrees is obviously not familiar with his formidable body of work. He is a riot, and far and away the funniest thing in this whole mess. In fact, he is the only worthy part of "Surf II".

He also has the best line - "How would YOU like to be the only guy at the beach with t*ts?!"

Watch it in context and it's even funnier.

Come to think of it, the funniest part yet about "Surf II" was... there was never a "Surf I". Of course, that's '80s humor for you.

Two stars for "Surf II", mainly for the Deez Man. As for the rest... WIPEOUT!
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Buzz is the cola that we drink -- come and get it!
robbie-18415 January 2007
Warning: Spoilers
We saw this on HBO back in 1984, as high school juniors, one night while high on acid. It blew our minds. I taped it (in crappy 6-hour VHS mode) and still have that copy. I must have seen this thing about a hundred times.

Evil nerd genius Menlo Schwartzer is out to get revenge upon the handsome buff surfer boys. He dwells in a crazy sci-fi laboratory beneath the waves out at the surfer beach. Late at night, pot-smoking surfer boys get sucked down, and are forced-fed Buzz Cola, turning them into punk rock surfing zombies.

Turns out Buzz Cola is made out of toxic sludge, but has addictive qualities. Two of the surfer boy's fathers manufacture the stuff, and sell it wholesale to Menlo, can you relate?... There's a great scene when one of the kids drinks it, and goes nuts slam dancing around his bedroom to thrash music, nobody can get him under control.

There's a hot young love interest, who was once really ugly and nerdy, but Menlo transformed her into a blond bombshell. She likes the surfer boys because they're cute, but Menlo forces her to act as a lure, part of his insidious plot for revenge. You find out why Menlo seeks revenge at the end of the film, and that's a very funny plot twist.

This movie makes fun of school, surfers, punks, parents, and the 1980s in general. My favorite part is the Buzz Cola advertising jingle, which you hear at the very beginning before the film actually starts. That song ditty is actually more stupid and obnoxious than the whole rest of the movie put together.
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A horribly stupid, witless and annoying would-be send-up of both 60's "Beach Party" pictures and cheesy 70's drive-in horror schlock
Woodyanders23 October 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Here's a list of hideously dreadful celluloid boo-boos which act as dead giveaways that spell out the painfully obvious fact that this stinkweed picture reeks more intensely than a damp ten pound bag full of week old horse manure. Let's call this depressingly dismal list "How Not To Make A Tongue-in-Cheek Parody."

1) Let the no-brainer plot -- vengeful nerdy brainiac Menlo Schwartzer (arch geek actor Eddie Deezen at his most intolerably spastic) transforms the local chowderhead surfer dudes into white-faced, spiky-haired, black leather-clad garbage-devouring punk zombies by making them drink a dangerously noxious soda -- mindlessly meander all over the place without ever acquiring any focus or momentum.

2) Make sure nothing remotely clever, inspired or interesting is done with the would-be spoofy premise, a dumb, lumbering attempt at sending up both dippy 60's "Beach Party" features and cheesy 70's drive-in horror schlock which suffers from a terminal case of the major league stupids.

3) Pepper the numbskull dialogue with horribly dated "hip" slang ("I was totally tubed") and rusty-eared groan-inducing profanity ("You guys are so full of s**t that your eyes are all brown").

4) Shamefully waste a stellar cast by saddling them not only with shoddy, sub-par material to fight a hopelessly uphill battle with, but also with obnoxious characters to annoyingly overplay: the gorgeous Linda Kerridge as Deezen's hot honey girlfriend, Lyle Waggoner as the blundering killjoy police chief, Ruth Buzzi and Carol Wayne as ditsy moms, Terry Kiser and Biff Manard as comparably fatuous fathers, Cleavon Little as a doltish high school principal, Eric Stoltz and Tom Villard as vapid surfers, and the luscious Corinne Bohrer and the adorable Lucinda Dooling as airhead valley chicks.

5) Similarly squander a first-rate soundtrack loaded with both top-drawer 80's New Wave bands (Oingo Boingo, Wall of Voodoo, the Circle Jerks) and awesome 60's surf-rock nuggets (the Beach Boys, the Ventures, the Chantays, even the great Dick Dale).

6) Have the gratingly idiotic humor center on such dubiously "amusing" topics as eating seaweed, transvestitism, jiggling bare breasts, two fat blimps ravenously noshing on submarine sandwiches covered with seagull poop, frogs racing in slow motion to the rousing "Chariots of Fire" theme, and much, much worse.

7) Direct the film with no faint residual traces of style, wit, energy or ingenuity whatsoever, and the net result of this flagrant misuse of the camera will be a monumental cinematic stiff of unbearably epic el zilcho proportions.
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A must see film, one of the few that captured the momentum of the 80's
flash-10819 March 2001
I remember going into a little cinema in Texas to see this film, I wasn't expecting much... What I saw was a dead-on parody of life in the 80's. This is one of the great films of the 80's. There is a great tribute to this film in The Simpsons if you notice Homer always drinks Buzz Cola at the nuclear plant. Surf II has a strange intensity that is lacking in most films of today, too bad its not available on video or DVD. I highly recommend you track this one down, it will be well worth it.
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A lost classic
BandSAboutMovies13 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
If it wasn't for the book Teen Movie Hell, I would have never discovered this film. I feel like my life is infinitely better for watching this, a movie that surprised me every single step of the way with how out there it was willing to be. Every time I thought that it had reached the limit, it climbed over, under and above it.

The movie starts with these words:

"Long ago in "The Good Old Days", surfers ruled. It was bitchin'! That was before the threat of chemical pollution, nuclear waste and the horror of Buzzz Cola.

Menlo Schwartzer was a high school genius who hated surfers. He invented a weird soft drink, involved local businessmen and set out to rule the coast. He nearly succeeded. This is the story of Buzzz Cola and Menlo's revenge."

This is a movie that is willing to be every genre. It's a parody, a teen movie, a slasher, a zombie movie and more. It's all about Menlo, played by Eddie Deezen. A practical joke went wrong - an 80's slasher trope if I ever heard of one - and he's now putting chemicals into Buzzz Cola that turns drinkers into zombie punks that eat garbage. Yet even though he's angry at the world, he still has a girlfriend named Sparkle (the beyond beautiful Linda Kerridge from Fade to Black).

After several of their friends become zombies, surfers Chuck (Eric Stoltz) and Bob try to fix things, along with their weird science teacher, all so they can do the big surf contest.

There are plenty of fun spot the actor moments: Tom Villard (Popcorn, High School U.S.A.); Corinne Bohrer, who is pretty much a teen movie all-star with appearances in Zapped!, Joysticks, Revenge of the Nerds IV: Nerds in Love and the fourth Police Academy movie); Cleavon Little from Blazing Saddles as the principal; 70's heartthrob Lyle Waggoner as police chief Boyardie; Ron "Horseshack" Panillo as Inspector Underwear; America's first ska band The Untouchables and an early Brinke Stevens appearance.

The parents in this film are played by an all-star cast. And by that, I mean all-star in my world of 70's TV and exploitation adoration. Chuck's parents are played by Morgan Paull (the only person I know to be in both Mitchell and Blade Runner) and Laugh-In's Ruth Buzzi. Bob's mom is played by Brandis Kemp from Fridays and Biff Manard from the first two Trancers movies. And Jocko's folks are Terry Kiser, Bernie himself from Weekend at Bernie's, and The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson model/actress Carol Wayne.

Ironically, Wayne would die from accidental drowning after an argument with companion David E. Durston. It gets weirder. Durston was also present when Diane Linkletter jumped out of a window, a suicide that her father, TV star Art Linkletter blamed on LSD. Want to go one step stranger? Durston is also the director of I Drink Your Blood.

Writer/director Randall Badat came up with this movie after suffering a surf injury where the board went into his butt cheek. While enjoying heavy doses of painkillers, he came up with a movie that he called "Frankie and Annette Go to Hell." He wrote the film in two days, saying, "We set out to make the most brain-dead movie of all time. In that regard, I believe we succeeded." His agent told him that it was, "the worst piece of CENSORED."

He still made his movie, permitting actors free reign with their characters and dialogue. And somehow, he was able to get cinematograph Alex Phillips, Jr. (Bring Me the Head of Alfredo Garcia, Demonoid, Fade to Black, The Devil's Rain!), composer Peter Bernstein (who worked on both Hot Dog...The Motion Picture and Hamburger the Movie) and make up artist Greg Cannom (who won the Academy Award for Best Makeup and Hairstyling for 2018's Vice; pretty good for a guy who did effects for this movie and Dr. Alien).

In Destroy All Movies!!! The Complete Guide to Punks on Film, Badat says that, "The target audience loved it. Their parents hated it. My family hated it. People that I was doing other business with hated it. I remember going to meetings and people would find out that I'd done this movie and that was it".

This is a movie that can have slasher-esque sequences mixed with cops blowing up buildings and barely harming the heroes, along with a sequence where a punk is dissected and a Dick Dale record is found inside his stomach, like something out of Jaws. It's pretty much the dumbest and smartest movie you've ever seen, often at the same time.

It also has a soundtrack that features the expected - The Beach Boys, The Ventures and Dick Dale - with bands like Oingo Boingo (Danny Elfman was briefly involved in producing the soundtrack) and The Circle Jerks.

If you haven't seen Surf II, you don't need to see the previous film. It desn't exist. If you find that funny, then you're on the right wavelength for this movie.
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Another GREAT forgotten film from the self-indulgent 80's.
gein13 October 2002
I've just returned (literally) from seeing Surf II at Olympia, Washington's All-Freakin' Night Film Festival (10/12/02). It was the last movie shown in a series of five that started at 12:00 midnight. Now, I don't know if it was the fact that the movie began at 9:00am and my sleep-deprived brain was more susceptible to a `lower' comedy plane, but Hell, you sit in a theater for ten straight hours and you'll start wondering why Ron Palillo has been repeatedly snubbed at Oscar time for the `Life-time Achievement Award.'

I know this is a cliché, but Surf II is one of those films that needs be seen to be believed. It would be grossly unfair to rate this film with anything less than a 10. A 10 for the shear audacity the filmmakers had when concocting this masterpiece and a 10 for the fact that you will never, never, never see this kind of film being made for movie theaters ever again. Ever!

The `plot' revolves around two surfers' fathers who go into business together peddling a soft drink (Buzz Cola) to their surfer sons' surfer friends. The soda, invented by a nefarious revenge-driven nerd (played brilliantly by Eddie Deezen), causes the young surfers to become garbage-consuming zombies with a punk rock fashion sense (dyed mohawks, ripped up wetsuits held together by safety pins and far too much make-up).

Between the zombie `action' sequences, is much archival surfing footage (ala Bruce Brown) with 60's surf and 80's new wave music provided for your listening pleasure. There is also a hilarious above-the-waste nude scene involving two young hotties (one played by Brinke Stevens) that are trying to gain the attention of their surf-obsessed dates who are so involved in their surf reminiscences that they don't even notice the two beautiful half-naked girls.

Should you see this film if you get a chance? Well, let's break it down: If you were born before 1950 and remember who MacCarthy (ventriloquist dummy included) was, no! If you were born after 1975 and most of your `movie going' experience took place in front of a cathode ray, NO! But, if you're old enough to still get excited by the two words, `Dale Bozzio', then you are in, my friend. You are in!
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A most bitch'en slice of celluloid from the New Wave side of the early 80's
owmyheadhurts11 April 2006
On behalf of the previous comment I must state-that I can only wish I was fortunate enough to see this film in theaters when it opened in 84, being that i was only 5 at the time, and don't believe it played in the 'god forsaken South, at least not in Arkansas. I'm sure it wasn't a possibility for my viewing pleasure.

Guess what, I hate big budget films, save the Bond epics, and I love B movies, mostly the ones from the 80's- if you want a hardcore piece of hilarity this film is it.

By the by, Eddie Deezen is a geek Hero if they're ever was one, and I rather liked Eric Stolts as a surfer dude. Last but not least a totally radical soundtrack. Stray Cats, Oingo Boingo, and the Circle Jerks all on one album-this rules!
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If you like rare, and awesomely weird
thomasbrandyn6 January 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I haven't seen his movie since the early eighties when I rented it. I remember dudes drinking motor oil, eating garbage and fish carcases off the beach. My favorite scene is when these two surfer buddies are too enthralled with their surfing stories to notice both of their girlfriends have unclothed, they finally notice and comment in a Spicolli manner, "You guys are nude," then they go right back to their surf discussion. It's got nerds, surfers, zombies, hot-ties, weirdos, garbage eating, motor oil drinking, and a beauty named Crystal or sum-thin like that. The only thing bad about this movie is I can't find it anywhere. My guess is that it never went to the DVD format due to it's obscurity. So if anyone reading this can get a copy of this baby, do so.
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I love this movie!
BigJase21 February 2003
I enjoyed watching this movie so much in the 80's. It is a perfect blend of satire and kitsch that I truly miss in today's movies. The "revelation" at the end by Menlo was priceless (and shocking, Deezen). If anyone knows where I can locate a copy of this on VHS or DVD, I'd love to own it!! Such a shame that it's out-of-print!!
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My Turkey Day review of a Golden Goose Egg of a movie.
Idiot-Deluxe24 November 2016
Eddie Deezen you magnificent bastard! Hollywood never did come close to fully utilizing this remarkably nerdy actors full potential or talent, nor his singular screen presence. But rest assured it's with the epic comedy "Surf 2" from 1983 that they came their closest, as it is easily Eddie's best movie and a real treasure for Deezen fans and all fan's of 80's cornball cinema. Every single aspect of this ridiculous, somewhat scatter-brained comedy is distinctively and unmistakably 80's in nature and it's ONLY in the 80's when movies like Surf 2 were made. As some other reviewers have stated, this charming slice of celluloid boasts a "strange intensity" that few other comedies possess (film snobs would say that that's a good thing, but boo-hoo to them!) and they'd be correct as this movie, for the most part, is fast paced and riotous from the get go. "Coke-fueled madness from the 80's" is yet another amusing quote, which is probably accurate when speaking of the rampant lunacy that is Surf 2!

Surf 2 is a strange and scatter-brained comedic hybrid, being both a "beach movie" as well as a "mad scientist movie" and that's the part where Eddie Deezen comes in, he's an evil, vengeful "wizard" named Menlo Schwartzer, who wants his revenge against the local surfers. So what else is there to do other than to concoct "Buzzz Cola" which is central to this movies.... plot, if you're comfortable using such a word when describing the wildly zany shenanigans of Surf 2. To further his plan, Menlo uses (as a surfer-boy bait) a lovely young blonde hottie (Australian actress Linda Kerridge) to lure them into his madness, Menlo's Madness - which happens to be under the sea. "Given the evidence I think even eggplant could've figured that one out".

Some may be surprised by the R-rating that this utterly harmless and feather-weight comedy tote's. That's no doubt due to it's heavy T & A factor, because throughout this film there are numerous shots of hot topless beach beauties frolicking about the beach, plus there are a few F-Bombs dropped here and there and some other naughty words. I suppose it isn't suitable for viewers under the age of 12 - but if your kids are any older than that... please.

Blaring throughout it's duration is a loud and boisterous soundtrack that's a combination of Dick Dale, The Beach Boys, Oingo Boingo and many other artists, mostly from the early 80's if I'm not mistaken. The movies carefully picked tunes only serve to enhance the vibe of this cornball movie, in the form of a perpetual undercurrent of sleaze and tastelessness - not at all unlike what the soundtrack for "The Wraith" (see review) does for that movie; but one things for sure, in both cases their loud n' rockin' soundtracks really do quicken the pace of these movies - both of which are gems of the 80's.

And another thing, if you like the comedy "Joysticks" (an even better movie!) released just months earlier, then you should love Surf 2 as well, as their both VERY much cut from the same cloth, right down to the casting, because in at least a few cases it's the SAME cast.

Yep Surf 2, a movie of absolute pure-nonsense, simply rules if you just turn off your brain when watching it, because big fun is to be had - if you will let yourself.

To re-cap: This is definitely Eddie Deezen's best work, as the evil-nerd-wizard "Menlo Scwartzer" - the proud inventor/wunderkind of Buzzz Cola!

Surf 2 = A-Rate Cinematic Cheese. (Oh and just to be clear, there is no Surf 1 or Surf 3, so don't bother).
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Classic 80s silly parody.
el_nickster5 May 2005
This is a completely ridiculous film. It kept me in stitches constantly with its off-the-wall plot devices. The overall theme is that slick yuppies are trying to take over the beach, which is the domain of scruffy surfers. By the way, that was kind of the theme of the whole decade. Anyway, their plan is to use an evil brand of soda to transform surfers into mutant surf punks, who will (somehow) fall under the yuppies' control. The zombies are hilarious, spastically breaking bottles over their own heads and eating seaweed washed up on the beach. The scruffy heroes are hilarious in their scruffiness (they have a dog who is trained to snatch bikinis from bathing beauties). The yuppies are hilarious in their slickness (they are all addicted to breath spray).

Like a lot of fun movies, you are not going to walk away from this one intellectually enriched. If you like campy, silly films, they don't get much better than "Surf II."
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Totally Awesome
djrustyredenbacher2 August 2006
This movie is so awesome. A true Cinemax classic.

I remember falling into this movie as a freshman in high-school. Many a night was spent giggling myself silly in the basement. I'm pretty sure that my memory of the film is actually better than the film itself, but it truly does rank with my favorite comedies of all-time. Menlo Schwartzer might be one of the best villains ever. (Whatever happened to that guy? His Jerry Lewis schtick was spot-on.)

Oh, to be young and stupid again. (I know better than to rank this a "9", but I really do love this movie. The average viewer would probably give it a "3", maybe a "4".) It is one of my truly guilty pleasures, along with "Beer" (another Cinemax discovery), "Bad Lieutenant", and "Showgirls". I'm actively searching for this movie on DVD, as my VHS tape of it is completely worn-out.
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EL BUNCHO4 April 2002
This is what a Frankie and Annette movie would have been like if everyone involved had been huffing bags full of airplane glue. The jokes are only (barely) funny if you're totally zooted (you know what I mean!), the performances suck and Eric Stoltz should be forever ashamed, but how can you totally hate a film whose John Belushi knockoff character is named "Johnny Bighead?" His mom is even named Mrs.Bighead! He even runs around screaming the wannabe-catch phrase " Ah Bau Bauu!!!" Oh, and the soundtrack is really, REALLY '80's, including a version of Oingo Boingo's "Only A Lad" that I've never heard anywhere else. And don't drink the BUZZ Cola!
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best 80's comedy guaranteed.
frnk_cntly8 February 2007
first off , why isn't this on DVD? it really should be, especially if you consider he fact that joysticks is now available on DVD. this movie really is an instant party as well as a non-pharmacutical cure for groans etc. i first saw this flick on hbo, when i was eight, didn't see it again till i was 15 and found it in a video store, i rented it over a hundred times and eventually wore their copy out. i now own 3 copies on VHS, with no vcr. this should tell you something about me and the movie. basically we're both insane. the movie is full of great 80's players, and really great music, everything from oingo-boingo to the stray cats to the circle jerks. if your starting up a DVD company, or you already have one do yourself & the rest of the cinephile community a favor & release this film! if you've never seen this film by all means check it out, you'll never fully recover.the only other truly 80's lost on DVD classic i can compare my love for this film to is student bodies. now repeat after me -- "buzz is the cola that we drink, we must have it, come and get it-buzz!"-- quit reading and watch the movie!- f.c.
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Surf II: The long unanticipated sequel to the non-existent Surf I
Lebowskidoo30 August 2016
An 80's version of a 60's beach movie, only now with plenty of bare breasts and lots of added 80's movie touches.

Eddie Deezen, king of the nerds, plays a nerd (natch) who seeks revenge on the surfers who played a practical joke on him. He creates a cola that turns them into zombies. Movies have been made with less plot than that before.

Eric Stoltz plays one of the lead surfers, this is just before he made the big time. He is the most pale surfer I've ever seen in a movie or in reality.

I looked for this movie for many years and finally found it. It's most clever bit is the title and the tag line, "The end of the trilogy," since there was never a Surf I, and certainly no Surf III.

If you're a fan of wacky, anything goes comedies like I am, you will enjoy this for what it is: brain candy. Part of the fun came from watching it in 2016 and not the 80's, lots of nostalgic things to like here also.
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Probably the best movie of the 80's, if not ever.
Madrachod4 July 2004
I can't understand why those of you here that poo-poo "Surf II" DO poo-poo "Surf II". I saw it on HBO in the mid '80's shortly after it came out. I've ALWAYS thought it was a BRILLIANT movie! Very funny! And more stars than you can shake a stick at.

Most of the bad comments here tend to focus on all sorts of technical stuff and it detracts from the fun of the movie. Just sit back and watch the damn thing! Stop nitpicking! It's not SUPPOSED to be "Gone With The Wind". One of you said, "turn off your brain and enjoy!", (or something like that). I think you should turn ON your brain. There are so many "hidden" references and jokes in this it makes it fun to watch every time you see it, because you catch on to things you missed the previous viewing. The same thing happens to me everytime I watch The Monkees' film, "Head", or Patrick McGoohan's t.v. show, "The Prisoner", or when I listen to a Firesign Theatre record. It makes the movie fresh everytime you watch it.

There IS a plot line and the movie DOESN'T fizzle towards the end. For me, it's right up there with movies like, "Back To The Beach", "Hardware Wars", "Airplane" and the other Zucker Brothers/Kentucky Fried Theatre movies.

One of my fave scenes in "Surf II" is the garbage eating contest between Johnny Bighead and one of the punk zombies. That, and Johnny taking a chainsaw to the roof of a pink Cadillac as his mother, Mrs. Bighead, asks, "Johnny, which car are you taking?" Johnny says, "The convertible." Mrs. Bighead, still in her bathrobe and curlers, steps outside and says, "What convertible??!!", as Johnny and throws his brother, Little Bighead, into the back seat and drives off to the beach, "Bau Bau!!".

Contrary to what one reviewer here said, there was only one or two shots of naked breasts. Neither shot lasted more than a few seconds.

What got me interested in seeing the film in the first place was when Carol Wayne (who died shortly after the film was made) was a guest on the Tonight Show plugging the movie and said to Johnny Carson, "'Surf II' is the third part of a trilogy to which there is no first part". Aha! A Lewis Carroll style advertisement! Twisted logic! My favourite kind! (-;

So, please, kids, go see this movie if you EVER have the chance, and would somebody PLEASE release it on video or DVD already???? I've been looking for a copy ever since I first saw it on HBO. So far, all I've been able to get is a video someone copied for me from HBO 18 years ago, but it has lots of t.v. ghosts all through it (he was picking up signals from other channels at the same time), so it's almost unwatchable, especially during the night or dark scenes. )-:

Enjoy!! Oh, and Ron Palillo played the part of Inspector Underwear, not "Lt. Underwear".
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Buzz Cola Rules
tmusselman-118 February 2007
Paraphrasing from Mark Twain's foreword in the book Huckleberry Finn, "Anyone trying to find a Plot in this, will be Hung. Anyone trying to find a moral will be shot." This movie is meant to be enjoyed and not Figured out.

Surf 2, the end of the Trilogy was always playing at my house. This is one of my favorite movies. I like listening to this movie even if I am not in the room. I used to watch this movie and then play it again.

I compare this movie to Cheech and Chong and Fast Times at Ridgemont High.

I love this movie because of the dialog. Every line makes me laugh.

Everything that is said is really silly. It's a slap stick kind of humor. I was 14 when this movie came out. So I could relate to being a teenager, partying, girls, and just being silly.

Some of my favorite lines are

"One time I was surfing this 50 foot tidal wave, and what appears beside me?" "I don't know? What?" "What you mean you don't know? You were there beside me." "I know, but I love to hear you tell it."

"What's that noise?" "It's the beach. never mind" "It's a Great White."

I could go on and on, but this is one of the best Unknown movies.

If you like this, be sure to watch "The Search for One Eye Jimmy"
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At its time of release there was no Surf I, or for that matter Surf III.
frankjames8 March 2001
This movie has to be seen to believed. I do not know the reason behind making this movie. It really seems to have been written as they were going along. If it is ever on TV tape it (chances are it will only be shown when sane or sober people are already asleep). I do not want to mislead anyone but it truly is one of the weirder movies from the early 80's.
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One-of-a-kind! Don't miss this movie.
rarer-28 July 1999
One of the most underrated sleepers to come out of the 1980's involves a plot by Menlo Schwartzer (played by Eddie Deezen) to feed Buzz® Cola (a potent new beverage) to all the surfers and turn them into garbage-consuming zombies.

I'd rather not give away the whole awesome story, but it's pretty clever, a one-of-a-kind gross-out comedy with an excellent new wave/punk rock soundtrack. With some veteran favorites like Ruth Buzzi and Cleavon Little.

When this came out, the world was not quite ready for such a strange and wacky picture. That's rather unfortunate, as most of the people that would have appreciated it probably never will get to see it. It's far too wonderfully appalling to be shown on TV. Go figure.
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Totally bonkers!
dworldeater28 May 2023
Surf 2 is a 80's comedy gone completely insane in this truly unhinged film. Buzz Cola turns teen punkers into mutant zombies., Eric Stoltze (fresh out of Fast Times In Ridgemond High) leads a nice cast and group of surfers that parties hard and goes against the status quo to save the beach from corporate takeover against the youth on the west coast. Surf 2 is complete with tons of titties,insane antics and a classic punk soundtrack.. Movies this over the top and outrageous are extinct in this era. There is a surf contest and lots of pure 80's havoc and chaos until the movie ends. Punks in this period are not portrayed in the most positive light. But Surf 2 gets a pass as this is wild and crazy entertainment of the highest order. This is completely hilarious and cocaine induced insanity that won't have you care that there is no Surf I.
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