The Alien Dead (1980) Poster

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Starting point for prolific schlockster Fred Olen Ray.
capkronos21 May 2003
Warning: Spoilers
A meteor crashes in a Florida swamp and kills a pontoon boat full of pot-smoking teenagers, they return as zombies and attack a small town. Lots of silly murders follow: The first death has a zombie pushing a girl down, then she's dead. An mean old woman and her henpecked husband get pitchforked and eaten. A scene that reminded me of ZOMBIE LAKE has a voyeur cop watching a topless blonde skinny dipper for what seems like an hour before she gets killed. Another guy is ripped apart and eaten. And so and so on, until the uninspired end.

This is Ray's earliest feature available on video (according to the IMDB, he also made the unreleased BRAIN LEECHES back in 1977) and it pretty much sets the tone for the bulk of his later work, containing some gore, some silly comedy, some T&A and a name-value guest star from the past(in this case former FLASH GORDON star Buster Crabbe) to help sell it to a distributor. It was made around the Rock Springs/Orlando Florida area.

Score: 2 out of 10
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Swamp zombies!
Aaron137525 May 2004
Warning: Spoilers
Warning, if you watch this film, be prepared for an ending so abrupt that the deceleration may cause whiplash! If ye is brave enough to watch this film, be prepared for a totally unsatisfying ending where absolutely nothing is resolved other than the sheriff still has no clue what is going on and the deputy for reasons that are lost on me, still is alive swinging his club around like a goof. Also, the makeup on the zombies makes the makeup in Hell of the Living Dead look Oscar worthy, but at the same time, the makeup on the zombies in Zombie Lake make the ones in this one look Oscar worthy, so while not good, not that bad either. There are some good kills and you get to witness the most realistic response ever put to film of what your dog would do if you were to be mortally wounded!

The story, gators have become missing in the swamp and it takes nearly to the end for things to come together as we finally witness the most redneck houseboat party ever. A party where the interior was clearly not that of a houseboat, but rather a living room! A meteorite strikes and we get zombies in the swamp, not so much alien dead though. I would think something with alien in the title would do a bit more than stumble around like zombies and just eat people. It is up to a reporter, the female Shawn Michaels, her dad and the game warden to stop the alien undead and they fail, only taking out maybe two of the things...

The makeup as I said is not top notch at all, but nor is it bottom of the barrel. Italian low budget zombie films tend to do better, but French ones do worse! Good gore here and there, but an overall cheap look to the film which is not surprising considering the 12,000 budget. No actors of note with the exception of Buster Krabbe who is not well known, but was in a lot of serials and such.

So, not that good of a film, but kind of a fun watch as it is just so unintentionally funny. I was not laughing at the deputy's lame attempts at adding humor, but was laughing at that dog and when Shawn's dad died with the lamest death scream ever! The zombies are on the very inconsistent side as they take hails of bullets and other things, but one of them is taking with a wire pick comb. The ending is the absolute worst thing about this film though as in a zombie movie it is okay to depict the zombies triumphing, but you do not leave the heroes floating down the stream while the sheriff and his deputy who have been no use make a joke!
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Horror flick that is...horrible.
michaelRokeefe15 November 2008
Warning: Spoilers
ALIEN DEAD falls in that category of movies so damn bad they are almost funny. This piece of tripe isn't even good enough to be mistaken for a B-movie. However it is worth gathering a few friends and a bucket of cold brews and have a laugh. The acting is simply put...dumb. Set in the swamps of Florida, it is a hoot to listen to the atrocious Southern accents attempted by people who have probably never been south of Cincinnati.

The vaguest guess at a plot would be a meteor landing in a Florida swamp that kills all the fish and gators, but gives rise to a group of mutant young people that are disfigured and have an uncontrollable appetite for human flesh. Hillbilly hell complete with bluegrass music. The cast is led by 73 year old veteran actor Buster Crabbe and unashamedly: Ray Roberts, Dennis Underwood, Linda Lewis, George Kelsey and Norman Riggins.
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25th Anniversary!
kzintichmee9 August 2005
I saw this in Sun Coast, billed as the 25th Anniversary Edition. I saw Buster Crabbe's name and thought, "How bad can it be?". It is hilariously bad. My buddy who is a cono...conisue...knows a lot about zombie movies laughed just when it was supposed to be "serious". Good grade Z stuff. I sent Fred Olen Ray a thank you email. The DVD is worth it for the picture of Miss Kim in the website space in the special features. The guy that plays the idiotic deputy said in the interview(!) that he ended up with 300k. Not too shabby considering this movie only cost 12k. The chick on the cover looks kind of like Linda Blair from The Exorcist. Some nice looking babes in this, with some half decent t&a. Good for fans of low grade horror and I know you are out there.
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Unfortunately this movie is not rare enough
andybob-319 February 2007
Here's another 80's gem from the king of cheese director Fred Olen Ray, in which one suspects the most costly item in its production was having the artwork made for its rental box. A meteor strikes a house boat deep in the swamp killing everyone aboard, but soon thereafter they come back to "life" as poorly made-up living corpses to munch on the living, whom for the most part just stand there and let them do it.

The script, editing, acting and makeup effects are breath taking in how awful they are, yet its way too long and tedious to be unintentionally funny, life is too short to waste it watching a film like this. Only note worthy thing is that former "Flash Gordon" Buster Crabbe almost ended his career like a dying scream doing this one, fortunately it can at least be said that this wasn't his last film.

1 out of 10, even fans of movies like "Plan 9 from Outer Space" will be appalled by this one, avoid it at all costs.
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Hilariously bad and cheap zombie flick.
HumanoidOfFlesh21 July 2007
The premise of "Alien Dead" is that a space-born disease infected a bunch of bayou rednecks and after they finished up all the alligators they start eating the locals.Fred Olen Ray's "Alien Dead" is so bad that it quickly becomes hilarious.The acting is utterly terrible,only veteran actor Buster Crabbe can act.The makeup consists of Halloween masks for the male zombies and the women are mostly leggy hot blonds with white and black face paint.There is also a decent amount of gore including some cannibalistic feasts.I have seen plenty of awful zombie flicks including "The Chilling","Zombie Lake" or "Zombie Brigade" and I must say that "Alien Dead" is at least watchable,if you are in the right mood.That's why I give it 5 out of 10.
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"That was before strange things started occurring in this sleepy little town…and now things will never be the same again."
Backlash0072 May 2004
The Alien Dead is another strong candidate for "worst movie EVER." Fred Olen Ray is, without a doubt, the worst director working today. I can't believe this guy is still making movies. This is one of his first genre offerings and a terrible, terrible movie. Where to begin? The lighting, or lack thereof, is an appropriate starting point I suppose. You can't see anything that's going on in this flick. It's awful. The lighting guy (assuming there was one) should be shot. Next stop: inane dialogue. What in the hell was up with the brainless dialogue and the delivery of said brainless dialogue? It's pathetic at best. And the music...nevermind. Just stay away from this one. I am now dumber after witnessing the dreaded terror of the Alien Dead.
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Okay ...
kchowdry26 December 2021
If you ever happen to see this ...and some do (i did ) its not bad ...probably a lot better and more interesting than the latest garbage about black superheroes or quentin Tarantino masturbation fantasy ... it retained a modicum of interest for run time and had a few memorable scenes ...writing this about 3 weeks after seeing it .. Buster crabbe (flash gordon from 30s serials ) was in it ..but to be honest i didnt know and didnt recognise the guy ...all in all there are worse ways to spend an hour and a half of your life ...has that mid 70s/early 80s appeal that is hard to define ..i enjoyed it ..
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Worst Fred Olen Ray movie, EVER!!!!!
lordzedd-328 July 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I got to admit, I'm a big of Fred Olen Ray, love him to death and most of his movies. So I don't blame him for the train wreck of the Alien Dead, I blame the co-writer Martin Nicholas who must have saved his life in 'Nam or something for Fred to keep working with him. He's a terrible writer and not a great actor. Anyway, I think I know Buster Crabbe died, he died of shame after watching ALIEN DEAD. That's right shame, this isn't grade Z, it's ZZ--. Here's why, one, they never showed the meteor that caused all this. Two, some of the zombies looked more like aliens rather then rotting humans and the one that did look human didn't look like they were under water for very long which means the Sheriff isn't doing his job right. The girls are pretty but that's not enough. It all ends up in a very weak climax that doesn't make any sense to me or any one with half of brain. THE BLACK HOLE
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Hey Cletus, pretend to grab that chick by the neck but reach for her boob! Huh! Hu-huh!
Coventry8 February 2010
Ah, zombies and hillbillies! Can you think of a better recipe for fantastically awful B-movie entertainment? "The Alien Dead" is a true winner! It's a truly horrendous 70's no-budgeter with a seemingly improvised script, more inexperienced redneck actors than you can wave a stick at and painfully inept dialogs that nearly make your ears hurt. This debut feature of legendary bad film maker Fred Olen Ray (if you don't count the half-long "Brain Leeches" and "Demented Death Farm Massacre" for which he just shot some additional footage) is set in a little Louisianan swamp town where some really strange occurrences are taking place. Following the crash-landing of a meteor, all the alligators suddenly vanished mysteriously and a local drunk fisherman keeps claiming his wife got dragged into the water by "something". Then, swiftly, "The Alien Dead" turns into a zombies-on-the-rampage flick! Can you actually believe that the zombies ran out of alligators to eat, so they switched to villagers instead?!? First there's one zombie attacking a lone girl. Then there's a bunch of zombies devouring a stereotypical elderly couple (she chases her husband with a frying pan, for crying out loud) and finally there's a whole army of zombies chasing two sole survivors. Oh, and did you know that zombies use pitchforks? They do!

There are some fantastic supportive characters in this piece of junk, like a deputy with a fetish of waving his whacking bat around and a sheriff in desperate need of some anger management. He also refuses to investigate the swamp because there are too many mosquitoes. Excuse me? You're really working in the wrong district if you're afraid of mosquitoes, pal! There are numerous little examples to illustrate the average IQ of the local swamp rednecks. The more incidents we have with zombies attacking people in the lake, for example, the more dim-witted town members aimlessly decide to spend their free time there. There's a blond girl who goes to the absolute most remote spot in the Bayou all by herself to have a skinny dip. And because everybody loves boobs, this exact same ritual is repeated twice in a span of nearly twenty minutes (albeit with a brunette the second time). The zombie attacks are filmed in slow-motion to increase the dramatic effect, I suppose, and they actually look more like a bunch of retarded rednecks fondling a victim on the ground. Characters that were previously devoured by zombies re- appear later in the film and cheerfully get killed again! The make up effects are gory but hilariously fake, with cups full of blood spurting out of people's mouths and chests. But what I found the most hilarious little detail to spot was how all the male swamp zombies immediately grab for the female victims' breasts! It's obvious that these yokel extras wanted to make some additional personal benefit! There's one really good sequences in the film as well (I'm not kidding really), namely when the investigators go and visit the psychiatric clinic to interrogate the first person to claim there was something not quite kosher with the swamp. That scene even has suspense and a surprise twist. And, no, I'm really not kidding! At the end of "The Alien Dead" absolutely nothing is solved. The town still is – and probably always will – be infested with zombies! But who cares, right? Let's go to the bar and listen to some banjo music…

Never mind the miserable rating I've given this movie. It's a must-see!
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So, Zombies are aliens?
space_hog18 November 1999
Oh man, I just got roped into watching this movie AGAIN, and I must say it was quite a ride. This movie is worth seeing for some strange reason, even though it is too bad for MST3K to touch. There is some fabulous dialogue, especially the first scene. The "special" effects are to die for. And let's not forget that crazy music we have come to love. The audio is, well, really horrible but quite amusing. Check out the scene where they use a chainsaw sound file in place of a motorboat engine. It is quite amazing. Cap it all off with one of the most legendary endings in any movie and you have yourself a blockbuster film. Seriously, you and your friends should all get together and watch this movie. It would be a good idea to bring all of the beer in the world though, because watching the Alien Dead sober just doesn't do it justice. If you do take the Alien Dead challenge, you will be talking about your experience for years to come. I DARE YOU TO WATCH THIS MOVIE!!!
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pretty good bad zombie movie
frezericks27 June 2006
if you like crappy zombie movies like "zombie lake" or "zombie death house" or "revenge of the dead" then you're an idiot because those movies suck. this movie is one of those movies, but much much better. there's a good amount off zombies and gore, and it doesn't stay boring for very long. oh, and there's nudity. which is always good.

now i'm not saying this movie is on par with "dawn of the dead" or "zombi 2" or any zombie movies of that caliber, but it's a fun watch and good if you love zombies.

so if you want a crappy zombie movie with lots of gore and some boobies, don't get "zombie lake" or the other movies i mentioned at the top, get this one. worth the watch.
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polysicsarebest14 August 2004
I always heard that this was the absolute worst zombie movie of all time, but I'd much rather watch this than Zombie Nightmare, Revenge of the Dead, or Children Shouldn't Play with Dead Things... definitely. You could do a lot worse than watching this movie, which actually has some pretty fun moments. I mean, people that this film was made for will probably find it appealing no matter what anyone says about it; anyone that is looking for a serious horror movie in here probably doesn't realize that the title of the movie is "ALIEN DEAD", which makes ME laugh quite a bit. Eh.

This film, which was made for $12,000 (and they used every penny of it), is about a meteor crashing and turning rednecks into zombies. The film suffers from a really grainy look and features horrible sound (which may have been cleaned up for the recent DVD release.. whoopty doo). The editing is quite awful; there are a few times when they cut to another scene while someone is talking (kind of like near the end of Invasion of the Blood Farmers when the cop is talking and picks up the phone and says "F..." and then it cuts to a scene of a guy driving -- what?!).

The story is terrible, the "effects" are terrible. A person will get killed, but the camera cuts away really quickly and then shows the aftermath of blood being in a big hole in a woman's chest. Or another woman will get stabbed with a pitchfork, but you won't see it actually enter the woman -- you'll just see the pitchfork sticking out of her back. It's quite laughably bad, but at least they tried to give some gore, with some of the zombies chomping on entrails. The musical score is cheesy but good; however, they actually use real country songs to add "ambience" to the redneck surroundings, which is hilariously awful.

When it was over, I can safely say I wasn't bored and I distinctly remember enjoying myself throughout the whole thing. However, it's kind of hard to write a really detailed review for this, as this flick is pretty much unmemorable when it's all said and done.
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tell someone you hate about this movie
doom-of-our-time22 June 2005
I often assume that given enough booze and die hard awful movies watchers like myself, anything can be enjoyed. I'll tell you a tale of a time long ago (last summer actually) when i was a young naive fool who was still grabbing up terrible movies by random hoping for a gem or at least to have a good laugh with the friends. And then i found alien dead, Karma, divine retribution, whatever the cause we rented this terrible film. It was the first time we had to repeatedly fast forward through a movie praying for a quick end and with no hope in sight. The movie had very little to do with aliens and less to do with the dead. It was so poorly done and taken so seriously. It hurt me, in my heart, my soul even. I'm less of a human being now and i wish to be that innocent young man again who believed anything could be good. Damn you Alien dead, damn you.
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Alien Dead (1980)
stevencraigvankooten13 April 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Not much blood or boobs. The Florida swamps are becoming infested by zombies that have, apparently, come from some sort of extraterrestrial shenanigans. It's up to the locals to stop or at least escape the terror. - - - Pretty much a reworking of "Attack of the Giant Leeches" that doesn't quite get over the hump from backyard production to amateur film. Fred Olen Ray, always liked him, tries hard and delivers some amusing scenes (the opening conversation is very Ed Wood-ian)and manages to keep the action going for the short running time. Still, the movie is too full of boring exposition and the action gets repetitive very quickly. There's entertainment to be had, I suppose, but it has the most value as a curious piece of Fred Olen Ray history. Not recommended.

* out of 4
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Incredibly bad
grantss30 June 2022
No matter how low you set your expectations for this it will be worse than that. Shlocky, cheesy, predictable horror film with stupendously bad production values and very poor acting.

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Far from the worst thing I have ever seen.
Boba_Fett113813 April 2010
Of course this is quite a bad movie but it also was far from the worst thing I have ever seen. The movie was at least entertaining to watch throughout.

You have simply some bad movies and then you have some bad movies that are so bad to watch that they actually become good and fun to watch. This is foremost the case with this movie. It basically has a non-existent story and the movie has a very amateur like look and feeling to it. The acting is horrible, the dialogs are laughable but the movie does never bore and is actually quite fun to watch. And let me tell you, this really isn't the case with all the movies within this genre.

Don't pay too much attention to this movie its title, it's really a zombie-flick in essence. There is nothing too original about this movie or its concept and it's obvious that Fred Olen Ray watched a lot of other well known genre movies to use as a source for his 'inspiration'. But it has basically everything in that that a zombie-movie lover wants from the genre. There is some blood and gore, though it's nothing too impressive looking but how could it really with the budget these guys had to work with.

It was quite fun to still see Buster Crabbe in this. He once played Tarzan, Flash Gordon and Buck Rogers, so back in his days he was quite the star. A lot of actors from those old days however ended up in movies like this, no matter how talented or big they were once.

This is basically what a movie would look like if a bunch of friends who had a couple of beers say, why don't we go and make a zombie-flick? Nothing about this movie truly impresses and it's a weak movie in basically every aspect but you'll nevertheless have fun watching it.

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Boring and Slow
MWilley13 November 2001
A tedious, snail-paced film. No action, little plot, and a horde of camera-mugging zombie extras in awful makeup. The audio track is fuzzy enough that the actors could be quoting Shakespeare and we'd never know it. To be fair, one of the guys I watched this with did have a positive review: "The framing is OK, and there haven't been any boom mikes or lighting guys in the shot. Yet."
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I can't believe!
kikuchiyo-120 April 2005
Do you think that "Hell of the Living Dead" is the worst zombie flick ever made? Or maybe "Zombie Lake"? Or "Oasis of the Zombies"? Well, if you think like this then I say: watch "Alien Dead" and you'll change your mind. It is not another low budget film, it is another low budget crap without one thing worth of watching. Do you want gore? There is no gore in this film; instead you can see scene where some old guy lies covered with leaves and you must believe that half of his body has been eaten. Action is slow and level of direction makes H.G. Lewis looking like Orson Welles. Finally, I can't believe that this crap was released on DVD but it really was. Funny is world we live in.
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you know it from its videotape cover art
108YearsOld16 March 2021
I came to give it a 1/10, judging by the videotape cover art
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Brain-numbingly atrocious no-budget zombie abomination
Woodyanders16 January 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I must admit that I have this strange grudging respect for the ridiculously prolific and chronically ham-fisted schlock movie master Fred Olen Ray. Sure, a majority of Fred's flicks are total crap, but I still admire the tireless, albeit hopeless Mr. Ray for trying again and again and again to produce a halfway decent picture. I honestly think Fred gives his proverbial all to any given Grade Z dreckfest that he labors on; the key problem is Fred's so-called "all" doesn't amount to diddly squat quality wise. Still, like I said before, at least the guy tries.

"The Alien Dead" was Fred's second disastrously woebegone foray into pure cinematic sludge right after the still unreleased "The Brain Leeches" and it's probably one of the all-time worst pieces of witless'n'worthless celluloid swill Fred has ever regurgitated upon a hapless, unsuspecting public. the banal, no big freakin' deal plot copiously rips off both "Night of the Living Dead" and "Shock Waves": A fallen meteorite causes a bunch of bayou bumpkins to plumb mutate into ferocious, rot-faced, amphibious cannibalistic zombies who attack and devour lots of totally deserving hillbilly dorks and dorkettes in a heretofore sleepy and uneventful Florida swamp hamlet. Useless backwater sheriff Buster Crabbe (who looks amazingly trim and fit in his unfortunate final filmic fling) basically just takes up space and acts dumber than a tree stump. It's up to both snoopy newspaper reporter Ray Roberts and earnest game warden Mike Bonavia to save the day.

Spectacularly shoddy and ramshackle, this agonizingly abysmal clinker represents an ungodly apotheosis of incredibly pitiful cinematic crumminess. We've got fumbling, clueless direction from the always dependably dreadful Mr. Ray (who also cameos as a doomed hick hunter). Then there's a sorry cast of washed-up has-beens and understandably obscure never-wheres who couldn't act their way out of a moldy wet paper bag. The choppy editing, lousy cinematography (the frequent excruciatingly slow fade-outs are especially crude while the strenuously drawn out slow-motion zombie attack is downright sad to behold), poor, scratchy, badly synced sound, lame, phony minimalistic make-up f/x, and comparably dismal (extremely less than) special f/x (the crashing meteorite resembles a large orange flair) are uniformly pathetic. Several cornball, intensely unlistenable country-and-western songs whine away on the soundtrack and a watery, off-key, annoyingly droning score likewise inflicts a massive headache on the luckless viewer. The really horrible campy dialogue, equally terrible and faltering attempts at deliberately dumb humor, and a wholly insufferable bunch of obnoxiously stupid redneck characters further diminish any entertainment value this turkey might have possessed. Keep your eyes peeled for an astonishingly obvious continuity gaffe involving a three-pronged pitchfork which magically sprouts an extra fourth prong after an old lady zombie gets impaled on it. Of course, there's plentiful, but weak gore (a dog snacks on a bisected corpse, zoms graphically nosh on limbs and entrails, victims spit up mouthfuls of blood as they're being snacked on, that sort of lame, humdrum nonsense) and even a little sprinkling of gratuitous female nudity courtesy of a skinny-dipping chick who gets assaulted by a zombie while swimming topless in a lake. In short, Fred Olen Ray's singularly screwy, cheerfully slipshod, and blatantly cruddy film-making anti-style is richly apparent in this early masterwork. In fact, if hideously maladroit cinematic offal was indeed a kind of warped, deviant and degenerate quasi-art form, then this smokin' stinkeroonie would be its proudly putrid platonic essence.
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Oh no Fred Olen Ray - avoid at all costs!
GradeZ15 February 1999
A meteorite lands in hick country turning the residents of a houseboat into blood-thirsty zombies who terrorize the locals. One of the worst movies I have ever seen with some atrocious production values (including hazy sound, often unfocused photography, and absolutely no close ups). You know, it's really too bad the original Flash Gordon (Buster Crabbe) has to appear in this trash late in his previously heroic career. Don't let the title lead you to believe that it's a cross between Alien and Night of the Living Dead. Avoid this turkey at all costs.
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truly a hidden gem
daviscutioner6 May 2022
Dont come into this one thinking its the godfather of zombie movies, it isnt. But is it fun XD. It really doesnt get much better than this, its a goofy plot, horrible acting, and the effects are laughable. But for whatever reason i am utterly obsessed with this film. The zombies in this one are just hilarious, give it a watch. Its garbage but the best kind ;) and shoutout to the soundtrack btw, the bluegrass rules!
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A laudable first-time effort for Ray
CJ-6116 May 1999
Fred Olen Ray's first (completed) film is workmanlike, if a bit predictable, and of course displays his twin hallmarks, gratuitous nudity and gratuitous violence. You don't expect art from Ray, but you have to admire his determination to make films, at least.
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Comedy and horror don't go together
james1-494-8268574 November 2019
When I saw horror and comedy in the same description my expectations were severely tapered I don't want to be laughing if I'm trying to be scared. Comedy does not belong in horror movies. That basically means the movie is goofy and I'm not a goofy kind of guy.
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