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A Slightly Different Variation on the Standard Theme
Uriah4314 September 2017
This film begins with an evil Pharaoh named "Amenhotep" (Paul Naschy) who tortures and kills innocent people for his wicked amusement. In addition to that his favorite concubine "Amarna" (Rina Ottolina) takes equal pleasure in his wanton acts of cruelty as well. Eventually, however, this catches up to them as Amarna is stabbed to death while Amenhotep is given a rare poison which doesn't kill him but leaves him in a paralyzed state which--combined with a certain mummification ritual--entombs him for life in his sarcophagus. And then one day a British archaeological expedition led by man named "Professor Nathan Stern" (Jack Taylor) finds his tomb and excavates the sarcophagus to the British Museum of Natural History in London where Amenhotep is revived by a greedy sycophant named "Assad Bey" (also played by Paul Naschy) and his beautiful assistant "Zanufer" (Helga Line). Unfortunately, this isn't enough for Amenhotep as he then offers power and wealth to the two if they agree to do whatever he orders. To that end they are sent out to capture and kill young women so that Amenhotep can drink their blood in order to attain eternal life. Now rather than reveal any more I will just say that this film didn't follow the standard plot for a "Mummy film" in that the mummy was a pharaoh rather than the high priest. Likewise, the mummy didn't follow the orders of whoever revived him but gave them instead. Be that as it may, although it wasn't quite as good as some of the Hammer films it was okay for the most part with Helga Line and Maria Silva (as "Abigail") certainly adding to the scenery with their beauty and charm. Average.
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Antics with Paul Naschy's gruesome Spanish mummy
Leofwine_draca30 August 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Paul Naschy's take on the story of the mummy is a disappointingly plodding film which rehashes all of the old mummy clichés used to death in the 1940s and adds nothing new to the proceedings apart from extra lashings of gore. Actually, I think this was the goriest mummy movie around until DAWN OF THE MUMMY came along, but don't be fooled into thinking this is some bloody gruesome gore fest - the violence is limited to a few throat-slashings, a head-squashing, a brief impaling and a surprisingly violent interlude when Naschy's mummy mutilates the faces of a number of dead girls by bashing them apart with his powerful fist.

The expected Egyptian flashback is used to open the film, where we see Naschy sitting on this throne amid some cheap unconvincing sets while pretty girls are tortured and killed for his amusement. It isn't long before Naschy is bumped off by his scary-looking High Priest and his body mummified. After a brief (and very dark) tomb-opening sequence, the film shifts to London where the mummy is displayed in a museum. Egyptian priest Assad Bey (also played by Naschy, I guess he couldn't bear to be under wraps for a whole movie) uses the blood of three virginal girls to bring the mummy back to life and a string of gore murders commences.

The film looks to be very cheaply-made, with lots of poor editing and disconcerting camera angles which don't work. It's also badly dubbed and has really annoying tinny screams for the ladies. Director Carlos Aured displays little professionalism in his work and is a far cry from Leon Klimovsky, who directed some of Naschy's best movies in my opinion. He fails to create much interest in the proceedings and only minimum Gothic atmosphere in the scenes where the mummy prowls around the dark vaults and sewers of London.

The film's hero is played by Jack Taylor, a genre regular whose roots go back to three of the bizarre Neutron films in the early '60s, which were Mexican wrestling/superhero combinations. Taylor isn't exactly what I would term a quality actor, but he had enough experience of these sort of things to know what to do, thus making for an adequate heroic lead. However, the focus on the film is Naschy in both of his roles, so as usual he becomes a kind of anti-hero in the film. Maria Silva and Helga Line are familiar faces but fail to add much to their roles of the victimised women.

Naschy's performance as priest Assad Bey is a fairly typical suave one from the actor, no better or worse than all this others. He does, however, make for an unusual barrel-chested mummy, one of the most agile I've seen in the movies. Thankfully, the mummy make up is actually pretty good and convincing for the film, which helps it considerably and makes it work watching. The unintentionally funny ending is pretty impressive, as Bey and the mummy are trapped in a building on fire and both go up in flames; the mummy's agonised groans are hilarious to listen to because they're extremely over-the-top! The ending also throws in a hideously burnt corpse and a female corpse shrivelling (due to being kissed by the mummy!) for good gruesome measure. Despite being one of the worst Naschy films I've seen, THE MUMMY'S REVENGE does pass the time painlessly in an uninspiring way, but I was expecting a lot more from the Spanish Master of Horror.
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A VERY RARE and interesting Paul Naschy effort...
bfan839 March 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Along with THE PEOPLE WHO OWN THE DARK and VENGEANCE OF THE ZOMBIES, this is another interesting effort in Paul Naschy's catalog. In the beginning, he plays a homicidal Pharoah during ancient Egypt, who along with his equally sick wife, sacrifice virgins in order to obtain immortality. They are put to death for their heinous crimes. His vows revenge. Several thousand years later, his tomb is disturbed by a husband and wife archaeological team. He is soon revived and convinces his blood relative (also played by Naschy) to kill young virgins in order for his ancestor to return to life, in the flesh. A colleague of Naschy's and his wife soon discover something isn't right and they begin their own investigation, which leads to a pretty neat showdown with the mummy.

At times, the violence is very effective, mostly consisting of gruesome throat slashing. The only real "let-downs" are the poorly dubbed growling of the mummy. It sounds like he is in mid-orgasm. Instead of the moments being tense, I found myself laughing at the horrible dubbing. The only other "let-down" is it is quite obvious that all the gore scenes were horribly cut down. Hopefully one day, THE MUMMY'S REVENGE will see an uncut DVD release. This film deserves to be re-discovered. Once again, Paul Naschy turns in a good dual-role performance. He shows that he is quite capable of playing other characters besides Waldemar Daninsky.

THE MUMMY'S REVENGE is quite difficult to track down. It's been out-of-print for many years, and seems to have virtually disappeared off the face of the planet. However,, and both carry it in bootleg editions. The quality is far from great, but for any fan of Spanish horror, or any self-respecting fan of Paul Naschy, it's definitely worth the search. Seek it out.
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An abundance of gore but little else...
tropico_sunsplash1 August 2006
Warning: Spoilers
It became very apparent to me from the beginning that this low budget horror film catered to an audience that liked to watch gorgeous women being cut, tortured, bled to death, and civilians of both sexes getting their skulls crushed. Unlike most films of this nature, there wasn't an abundance of sex, which would have upped the shock to morbid desire rating a notch or two. But nevertheless, the graphic highlight of this film is a painstakingly detailed 3 to 4 minutes of four young damsels in distress having their throats slashed open by Naschy and Helga.

The blood flows freely in this scene, after a brief period of hyperventilation by the victims as their heads are being pulled to one side so their jugulars can be slit. Then come the guttural screams as red crimson flows down the front of their chests and expire while they are still chained to the wall. This is more repulsive then horrifying, since their near lifeless bodies don't convulse, and the whole incident is just one big mess.

Add to this mixture a lame resurrection scene, a few crushed skulls and the demise of the mummy by fire no less, and what you have is a flick that should have died in flames like the mummy. The shocking attempt at gore in this one can't make up for the weak storyline. Don't watch this one after dinner, especially if it's spaghetti smothered in red sauce.
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Blood of the maidens.
HumanoidOfFlesh6 January 2015
Carlos Aured's "The Mummy's Revenge" stars Paul Naschy in three roles as a an Egyptian professor and villain Assad Bay,his ancestor the pharaoh Amenhotep and the mummy.Amenhotep is portrayed as a sadistic tyrant who enjoys torturing and murdering young women for his pleasure.The mummy played by Naschy is one hell of a strong creature that can talk,run and climb.There are some gory moments in "La Venganza de la Momia" including skulls crushing and ceremonial throat slashings,but the film lacks sleaze and nudity of many other Spanish horror movies from 70's.The ladies in "The Mummy's Revenge" are stunning(Helga Liné and Rina Ottolina).The sets in ancient Egypt and nineteenth century London are very stylish and nice to look at.7 sacrificed maidens out of 10.
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Decent Naschy
Michael_Elliott7 March 2008
Vengeance of the Mummy, The (1973)

** (out of 4)

Spanish horror film has Paul Naschy playing three roles including a mummy who returns to life after 1000 years to seek vengeance and regain his long lost love. Sadly I had to view this in a poor quality, P&S, English dubbed bootleg so hopefully someone will release a legit, good copy. The film was simply decent but it's hard to judge without seeing it in its true form. Jack Taylor co-stars and steals the show but Naschy is okay in his duel human parts. His turn as the mummy isn't a total success but it's an interesting performance. The American dub has the mummy constantly moaning, sounding like he's in a porno so this gave off some unintentional laughs. The violence level is quite high with several throat slashings and head crushings.
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Helga Line!
christopher-underwood2 February 2013
I don't really want to be too harsh on this film because it did have its moments, a cast of lovelies and a London location. Also, surely anyone watching a Paul Naschy knows pretty much what to expect. Average acting, wooden sets, predictable storyline... and yet it is likable enough. Far too many short and unnecessary scenes that far from taking the story forward simply slow it down and people like Helga Line, great though she is, could have been so much more profitably employed had she been given more of the action. But then, this is a Paul Naschy film and wouldn't have that distinctive feel to it if it were any other way and he certainly has his fans.
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He only came back to meet Paul McCartney!
Bezenby14 June 2018
Are all the plots of Mummy films the same? It seems like that to me. Even those Brendan Fraser ones has the mummy being some evil guy murdered for being a dick then being reanimated only to look for the reincarnation of his lover and enabler. This one, like that one, and Voodoo Black Exorcist, has that plot.

Paul Naschy is the jerk Pharoh who thought that murdering loads of women for a laugh was a long-term career move, so when his side-kick murders him and his missus he vows revenge, which he doesn't get as by the time his ancestor gets him resurrected the guy who killed him is long dead. Nevertheless, it's strange that the daughter of the guy who arranged to have him dug up looks a lot like that chick who was involved in all that blood drinking.

Yeah, the plot's boring and crappy but the execution of said plot is not, despite Jack Taylor being the bland hero. This is because Naschy knows what horror fans want, so the mummy cuts a swathe through London's cops and anyone else who gets in his way, including some security guard who gets his head crushed for his trouble.

It's business as usual to be honest, but if you like Paul Naschy films, you'll like this one. He doesn't put a foot wrong and even has a random bit of gore when the mummy goes around smashing his victim's heads like they are over ripe melons.
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THE MUMMY'S REVENGE (Carlos Aured, 1973) **
Bunuel197628 January 2011
Somewhat atypical Mummy movie which, however, does not escape the deadly dullness that characterizes this subgenre – even if the monster himself is able to speak and his attacks are particularly vicious (a man's head is crushed, another's is thrown into a fire, and a succession of women have their faces slashed)!

Paul Naschy plays a dual role as a mummified sadistic Pharaoh revived – to exact the usual curse (on just a handful of archeologists, a sure sign of the film's low-budget: another is its borrowing for the underscoring of one scene of the main theme from Mario Bava's THE WHIP AND THE BODY [1963], while the rest emerges as reasonably rousing) – by his present-day (and just as mean-spirited) ancestor. Aiding him is "Euro-Cult" favorite Helga Line' (this is already the third film of hers in my current marathon) – but, apparently, the Mummy has other plans for her, no matter that she is obviously not a virgin! – and, again par for the course, is the fact that a young woman involved with the archeologists is a dead-ringer for the Mummy's long-lost love!! Perhaps the film's most effective moment is the suspense built during a scene in which she is drawn to the Mummy's hiding-place while visiting Naschy's house, with her instinctive passage eventually obstructed in the nick of time by Line''s appearance at the top of the stairs.

Jess Franco regular Jack Taylor is the hero (as already mentioned, hilariously, he turns up for a showdown with the villains flanked solely by his female companion, which ultimately sees the two Naschys shrieking in pain after being set on fire!) – his previous collaboration with the nominal star in DR. JEKYLL VS. THE WEREWOLF (1971) was an altogether more satisfying venture. Though this is the Spanish (and, thus, chaste) version of the film, it features the atrocious (and noise-riddled) English-dubbing – which did not help my involvement any!; at least, though, the correct aspect ratio (i.e. widescreen) was maintained.
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Smash That Face!
gavin694225 February 2015
Paul Naschy has a duel role as Amenhotep/Assad Bey, an ancient Egyptian mummified Pharaoh, and the high priest who brought him back to life. In order For Amenhotep to achieve immortality, Assad Bey has to kidnap nubile young virgins in Victorian London for blood sacrifices.

This film was supposedly released in both a cut version (for Spain and Mexico) and an uncut international version, but the uncut version apparently no longer exists. What it would have included is a mystery, as it is hard to imagine anything more gruesome than the "face-smashing" scene. Was there really more gore? Or was it nudity?

Regardless, this is a pretty good film overall with some decent makeup effects and the gore already mentioned. Tracking down a copy seems to be a challenge, and it has never had a proper DVD release so far as I am aware. Jack Taylor also appears, and it would be great to get an audio commentary from him before it is too late.
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A Mummy Film like many others
jadflack-2213022 July 2017
Another unimpressive Paul Naschy Spanish horror film, this is pretty much like most other Mummy films, dull and predictable.The Mummy for me , is the least interesting of the Horror " Icons"and easily the best Mummy film is Hammer's 1959version with Christopher Lee playing the creature as it should be, strong, relentless and menacing.The Naschy film has some unconvincing gore effects,has low production values, but to be fair the print i saw was good for what it is.Paul Naschy has the double role of playing the Mummy and a mysterious Egyptian as Karloff did over 40 years before him and more convincingly. Fair.
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Pretty Good Spanish Mummy Movie
Steve_Nyland27 December 2004
Warning: Spoilers
This is another highly recommended entry in the series of Gothic Horror movies from Spain made by their premier star, the traditionally lycanthropic Paul Naschy, who wrote the film under his pen name/alter ego, Jacinto Molina. Director Carlos Aured, who had previously worked with Naschy on his epic Eurohorror outing HORROR RISES FROM THE TOMB, returned to direct MUMMY'S REVENGE, along with HORROR RISES' female star, the incredibly sexy Helga Liné, with the great Jack Taylor in the heroic lead and wonderful supporting performances by familiar Spanish/cult horror faces like Eduardo Calvo, Fernando Sanchez Polack, Luis Dávila, and Eurobabes María Silva & Celia Cruz.

THE PLOT: An evil, despotic and bloodthirsty Egyptian Pharoh Amen Ho-Tep (Naschy in his usual dual role mode) is disrupted from his orgies of torture & human sacrifice by palace intrigue and winds up encased in a sarcophagus for 800 years, his body immobilized by a poison but his evil brain just itching for a distant ancestor (Naschy again, with help from Ms. Liné) to revive his mummified body so he can seek a generalized revenge against basically everything. His tomb is discovered by Taylor & Ms. Silva, and the fun begins when Naschy & Helga start chaining up the virgins and slitting their throats to create some sort of rejuvenate concoction to get the mummy (Naschy again) up and about to roam the sewers of Victorian era London in search of people who's heads need crushing. Between brutal murders they collect virgins to sacrifice in order to perform a blasphemous rite to resurrect the Pharoh's favorite concubine as well (embodied in the film's present time by an actress named Riva Otolina, for whom this film is her only credited performance).

Meanwhile, back at the Egyptian artifacts museum, Jack Taylor gets to look thoughtful with a full beard and eventually deciphers an ancient manuscript outlining Amen Ho-Tep's plans to have himself and his concubine restored to eternal existence and decides to do something about it, all of which culminates in another wonderful on screen death by Naschy that is tinged by tragedy and self sacrifice by his modern day self.

If all of this sounds rather familiar to folks who have seen a Naschy or three congratulations -- THE MUMMY'S REVENGE is a classic Jack Molina scripted "Soap Opera Horror" installment with a mummy instead of a werewolf, but story elements common to other popular efforts by Naschy/Molina portraying gruesome ceremonial killings that also require the female victims to be tortured, ancestral vengeance from beyond the grave, a love story of some sort or another figuring into the mix, the death of everyone in the film who has sexual relations on screen other than Naschy, a couple of good "Monster in the House" suspense sequences, and LOTS of atmospheric shots of mouldering catacombs, elegantly designed interior sets with altars, chaining racks, manacles & long ceremonial knives for the bloodletting. There is even a hint of potentially lesbian content between Riva Otolina & Helga that sadly goes underdeveloped, last minute oaths from the condemned that they will rise again to seek vengeance, the deaths of caretakers & transient nondescript types who always seem to end up dying horribly in Naschy's films, and other etcetera's that make up what I like to call The Paul Naschy Effect.

As such, for those with a taste for The Naschy Effect, THE MUMMY'S REVENGE is a must-see title. Not only to see him garbed up as the mummy (Naschy has played all of the Universal classic monsters in his films, other than maybe the Creature from the BLACK LAGOON movies) but to see how he re-defined the Mummy Movie conventions to fit his own storytelling agenda. The film was shot in gorgeous color and has that certain special something about Spanish 1970's horror that is so unique & hard to put into words. And even casual viewers who may not be devotees of Spanish horror & Naschy's work will find this an enjoyable viewing experience worthy of 2nd, 3rd & 4th looks. And by then, you're officially hooked.

But THE MUMMY'S REVENGE is actually a curious entry in Naschyalia for a couple of reasons. Like DRACULA'S GREAT LOVE he never reprised his mummy character in another film of it's own, but unlike that also wonderful movie THE MUMMY'S REVENGE was apparently shot without the "nude" or uncovered takes he usually had made for export from Spain (which did not permit frontal nudity in 1973) where such content would help to ensure a healthier box office showing.

There are two surviving versions of THE MUMMY'S REVENGE, a fullframe English version that runs 91 minutes and a widescreen Spanish version amounting to about 97 minutes of screen time: Six additional minutes, most of it dialog or transitional scenes, plus an extra virgin on the racks at the beginning. But no "nude" or uncovered version has ever been described nor even hinted at via the usual film release/promotional accouterments like lobby cards or publicity stills depicting bared breasts. They may simply have not had the budget to make an export version, and for what it's worth I think this is still a fine movie without boobs, and more accessible for first time viewers than the ultra-heavy HORROR RISES FROM THE TOMB, which is not for all tastes in the truest use of that expression.

THE MUMMY'S REVENGE is more of just a good old fashioned monster movie, flavored by the Spanish atmosphere & tragedy element, with some nice gory head-smushing scenes that will delight fans of that kind of stuff. I prefer the scenes with Helga Liné's "Zennifer" dolled up in a HIGHLY sexalicious Egyptian harlot costume, reserved only for the sacrificial ceremonies & related footage. With a body like hers they could have trotted her out in a garbage bags with holes poked out for her arms & head and it would still be a riveting sight.
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Paul Naschy goes Hammer... kinda
Poppysma4 January 2022
... but unlike The Mummy (1959) or The Curse from the Mummy's Tomb, La Venganza de la Momia looks like all Naschy movies - flatly shot, cheaply made and clumsily staged, especially the Egyptian prologue. In Victorian London, some of the costumes and sets look better, though, and the story has nice feel of pulp Gothic. The cult favourite Helga Line as the villainess has screen presence sadly missed these days.
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Is this the mummy that was stolen?
lastliberal6 November 2010
Even as they bury Amenhotep (Paul Naschy), his mind is alive and plotting revenge.

Professor Stern (Jack Taylor) finds him thousands of years later. Little does he know what is in store for him.

Naschy shows up again in current time from Egypt with Rina Ottolina, and they set out to bring Amenhotep and his concubine back to life.

There are lots of throat slashings and crushed skulls along the way.

Unfortunately, it would not be interesting to anyone who is not a Paul Naschy aficionado. There just wasn't that much excitement to sustain anyone else.
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BA_Harrison16 June 2021
I've never been a huge fan of mummy movies, finding the dusty, bandage-clad monster rather boring instead of spine-chilling. I hoped that director Carlos Aured's attempt, featuring Spanish horror legend Paul Naschy and Euro-babe Helga Line, would convince me otherwise: at the very least, I expected lashings of bright red gore, and some nudity from the film's tasty totty. Sadly, I came away disappointed. Admittedly, there is a modicum of splatter - the grisly highlight being the mummy smashing the heads of two women with his hands, reducing their faces to a pulp - but most of the deaths are relatively tame, and the women remain clothed throughout.

Perhaps if the plot had offered up something other than by-the-numbers mummy shenanigans, I might have been a tad more entertained, but it's business as usual for the crumbly creature (despite Naschy's mummy having a little more spring in his step than usual, leading a couple of cops on a merry chase into the sewers): in Ancient Egypt, pharaoh Amenhotep (Naschy) is entombed alive for being a very naughty boy; centuries later, his sarcophagus is discovered by British archaeologists, led by Prof. Nathan Stern (Jack Taylor), and transported to the UK. In London, Amenhotep's disciples Assad Bey (also Naschy) and Zanufer (Line) revive the mummy using the blood of three young virgins, but need seven more victims for their master to attain immortality.

The potential was definitely there for a gory, exploitative take on the classic Universal monster - both Naschy and Aured have delivered bloodier and sexier movies - but at the end of the day, Revenge of the Mummy is a wasted opportunity that is almost as dreary as those that have shambled before it.
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The Spanish Mummy
liodavix11 February 2019
A correct and estimable horror film starring Paul Naschy embodying nothing less than the Mummy.

In this case the story revolves around a cruel and sadistic Pharaoh who along with his queen enjoys executing innocent young people. But the fun ends when a priest decides to end forever the diabolic couple, stabbing her and burying him alive, but not before swearing eternal revenge.

After the centuries, the once powerful pharaoh, will return from the underworld in the heart of London, now become a monstrous mummy, unleashing his fury on those who have the bad luck to cross his path.

The film has a more than acceptable technical section, both in photography and decorated giving it an aspect of a film of the Hammer, really could pass without problems by a movie of the legendary British producer. The film is also really set in the British capital which is a very positive point.

As much the interpretations of the North American resident in Spain Jack Taylor as the one of Paul Naschy rayan to a good level without forgetting like no, to the feminine beauties that appear in all production of Spanish Fantanterror that boasts.

A decent and acceptable horror movie that without being a wonder is entertaining and well done.
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Paul Naschy's interpretation of The Mummy has absolutely no redeeming features
kevinolzak11 January 2023
1973's "The Mummy's Revenge" (La Venganza de la Momia) was the last of four collaborations between actor Paul Naschy and director Carlos Aured (following "Horror Rises from the Tomb," "House of Psychotic Women," and "Curse of the Devil"). For a screenwriter known for cluttering his scripts with a great deal of incident and multiple monsters, this is a remarkably linear treatment that manages to play out in such a prosaic, detached manner that it comes off as deadly dull with its long winded dialogues of classic mummy lore. Considering his long standing admiration for the fabled Universal monsters, it's quite a surprise that their most romantic creation, the 3000 year old lover wrapped up in his love for a forbidden princess, should be Naschy's least admirable, Pharaoh Amenhotep a deplorable tyrant who indulges in torture out of sheer pleasure, his faithful concubine Amarna (Rina Ottolina) joining him in rituals of cannibalism and bloodshed. Only a single priest braves the wrath of Amon-Ra by serving poison to the wicked Pharaoh, consigned to a deathless existence alone in his tomb until it is unearthed by Prof. Nathan Stern (Jack Taylor) and his companion Abigail (Maria Silva), to the delight of wheelchair-bound Sir Douglas Carter (Eduardo Calvo), whose daughter Helen (also Rina Ottolina) is an exact reincarnation of Amarna. Already one can see where this narrative is going, bogged down by endless discussions about Egyptian lore, with Naschy's Assad Bey the modern descendant of Amenhotep, eager to steal the mummy from a turn of the century London museum and revive his bandaged ancestor, aided by his own beautiful assistant, Zanufer (Helga Line, "Horror Rises from the Tomb"). The blood of three virgins is required to accomplish the feat, another impressive makeup job that makes Naschy look truly imposing and deadly though unable to speak, his voice conveyed by telepathy. This Mummy also seeks to reunite with his beloved like Boris Karloff before him, but remains bad tempered and unsatisfied as he crushes the skulls of the women provided by Assad Bey, a series of inevitable kidnappings where male victims are either stabbed or skewered. Once he learns of Helen's identity, it's not long before she becomes a willing captive upon the altar awaiting the blood ritual that will completely restore the lost Amarna, with Stern, Abigail, and the slow witted police hot on the trail. The multitude of bloodletting and bone crushing gore cannot offset the drawn out, predictable narrative, a genuinely frightening Mummy without a trace of sympathy, and no supporting characters to root for (surprisingly, the only survivors are the despoilers of the Pharaoh's tomb). Perhaps the strain of portraying so many revered monsters in such a short time had taken its toll on Naschy, who completely misses the inherent romanticism of The Mummy, reduced in stature to just a simple killing machine with absolutely no redeeming features, his Assad Bey too preoccupied with the prospect of eternal life to enjoy canoodling with the breathtaking Helga Line, who never lacked passion in the roles she played.
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A Spanish Take On The Mummy Legend
Theo Robertson5 May 2015
There's something about Mummy horror films . Or rather there's something missing about Mummy horror films . They're not really ingrained in to the cinematic memory in the way that films featuring werewolves , vampires , or the Frankenstein monster have . One can perhaps understand this when giving it a little thought . The Mummy narrative usually revolves around some ancient Egyptian being mummified then several thousand years later he's resurrected and just as this is happening his previous mistress just happens to be reincarnated and Mr Mummyman goes to track her down . As bad as in the implausible coincidences might be there is something also about a Mummy that works to its disadvantage - the monster itself shuffles about in an unlikely manner negating much its potential menace

That said I was curios as to the Spanish would spin out the legend of the Mummy and to be honest there's nothing radical on show . Perhaps the best comparison would be with a Hammer horror film and this Spanish language movie does give a nod towards the British studio by having the story set at the turn of the century in London . That said there are numerous goofs where you don't have to look very closely at the cityscape to notice there's modern buildings on the skyline but at least it's obviously filmed in its setting and we're not subjected to the usual stock footage . It also contains the Hammer mind-set that foreigners are not to be trusted which gives Paul Naschy to opportunity to shine as the villain which he does quite well . One stark difference between this and a Hammer film though is that of the violence is a bit more explicit and the titular Mummy seems to have an unhealthy obsession with squashing heads ! Don't say you weren't warned
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Paul Naschy's malevolent mummy is not one you would ever talk back to!
Weirdling_Wolf15 June 2021
The prolific monster-maker, Paul Naschy digs a little deeper into his terror tomb and thrillingly exhumes another macabre horror masterpiece! The Mummy is gruesomely revivified by, Paul Naschy's inimitable Iberian intensity. Naschy renews his fright-making collaboration with talented director, Carlos Aured. Mining malefic Egyptian Gold, the horror fan is exposed to the unholy underworld of diabolically despotic people slaying Pharaoh Amonhotep and his celestially beautiful, no less cruel concubine Amarna! Their brutally bloodthirsty reign of evil is brought to an equally gruesome end by conspiring high priest Am-sha! This is merely the grim prelude of the Pharaoh's vengeance! His putrescence, inhuman strength, and morbid desire to harvest a living body for soul of his beloved Amarna,grantees that Paul Naschy's malevolent mummy is not one you would ever talk back to!

Paul Naschy's great passion for historical horror figures is vividly expressed in, Carlos Aured's colourful depiction of the dark mysticism of ancient Egyptian mythology. 'La Venganza De La Momia' is a horrifically entertaining, full-blooded Hammer House of Horror-style shocker with another majestically menacing performance from muscular character actor Naschy! This exemplary horror film has the additional luster of luminous euro-cult starlet, Helga Line, whose jaw-dropping beauty makes a sublime counterbalance to Naschy's brawny malevolence! In addition to the staggeringly sanguineous kills, one of the more remarkable aspects to,Carlos Aured's Mummy rampage is the evocative score by talented composer, Alfonso Santisteban.
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The Mummy's Curse
BandSAboutMovies29 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Directed by Carlos Aured (Blue Eyes of the Broken Doll) and written by its star, Paul Naschy, La venganza de la momia is exactly what I wanted it to be.

Pharaoh Amenhotep (Naschy) and his lover Amarna (Rina Ottolina) have become beyond depraved, torturing and murdering anyone they want to defile. Anchaff (Fernando Sí¡nchez Polack), a priest who wants to make things more moral, drugs him and buries him alive. He isn't mummified, so his soul and corpse won't cross over and he will be unable to kill anyone else.

Nathan Stark (Jack Taylor) and his wife Abigail (Maria Silva) find his tomb and bring his sarcophagus to London so that it can be looked at by Sir Douglas Carter (Eduardo Calvo). What they don't know is that they're followed by Assad Bey (Naschy) and Senofed (Helga Liné), two followers of the pharaoh who want to use the blood of women to bring back their ruler. Also: Carter's daughter Helen (Ottoline) looks like Amarna, so she will be given her soul so that Amenhotep can murder and rule.

This movie looks gorgeous and Naschy takes from Universal and Hammer while making a movie filled with gorgeous ladies and lots of murder. I wish that he'd made just as many of these movies as his El Hombre Lobo films. The mummy itself is frightening and it just plain works.

This was part of the Nightmare Theater package, as well as Death Smiles On a Murderer, Marta, Maniac Mansion, Night of the Sorcerers, Fury of the Wolfman, Hatchet for the Honeymoon, Horror Rises from the Tomb, Dear Dead Delilah, Doomwatch, Bell from Hell, Witches Mountain and The Witch).

I can't even imagine just turning on the TV and this movie playing. Chiller Theater knew how to make people happy.
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