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What the teacher lacks in fighting skill she makes up for in spunk.
Navajas25 November 2009
I bought this movie as part of a 12 movie boxed set from the dump bin at the local department store and gave it a try. At first, I wasn't sure if it was one of the many sleazy 70's exploitation flicks featuring explicit sex, rape, and full-frontal nudity, or more reminiscent of the much tamer teensploitation ventures from the 60's. Right around the time the first nipple made its appearance, I realized the former was true.

As the movie opens, we are introduced to two groups of people. First, we have a (short) bus containing the driver, a very young teacher, Miss Tenny, and four female students, all heading out to Los Angeles through the desert for an educational field trip of some sort that is never fully elaborated upon. Second, we meet two brothers who are either on the run from the law or have been recently released from prison (again, no further elaboration), who have had the misfortune to wind up with motorcycle problems. The brothers, Pete and Al, are visited on the side of the road by nice guy motorcyclist Jay, who decides to stop and help them out, then join them to make a trio. As it turns out, they're heading the same direction as the bus full of hotties, and they all end up fueling up at the same gas station. It is, at this point, that we see the nature of the three bikers--Jay is the nice guy, and Pete would like to be, but Al, his brother, is completely f**ked in the head. We learn this after Al intensely crushes a handful of stamps then kills the gas station attendant by lowering a car on the poor old man.

Shortly after the encounter between the two groups, the bus breaks down and Marvin, the bus driver, has no idea how to fix the problem. While doing this, the four students have a fun little conversation about sex, which leads to a rough and dirty cat-fight between the easy girl and the Bible-banger. The three bikers then encounter the bus again, and seem about halfway willing to assist--although crazy Al starts showing his true colors to the teacher while flirting with Bobbie, the feisty and logical slut of the group. While Miss Tenny would prefer to have the three leave and never come back, Pete and Jay, trying to be civil, offer to help the group out and Al, snickering mischievously, agrees. Having precious little choice, the school folks allow the bikers to tow them (yes, three motorcycles are shown towing a short bus), but Al doesn't take the bus to safety. Oh no. They take the bus to isolation, and the mayhem begins.

This flick does have a few extreme situations, including rape and murder, and a bit of female nudity as well. It also has a distinct but thin story to go along with it--although characters aren't well developed and we never do find out the background of either the protagonists or antagonists. This movie is genuinely a product of its own time--I say this because, for example, it does portray the dominance of a group of five women by two men after the male hero, Jay, is incapacitated. I dare say that if this movie were to take place only ten years later, the five women would have knocked Pete out and beaten Al's skull to a bloody pulp. Hell, there was at least one scene when the lone Al was writhing on the floor in existential anguish while three of the young women stood and watched--if only one of them had the fortitude to boot him square in the head, the movie would have been over at that point. Let's face it: modern audiences would never tolerate that sort of weakness being portrayed by characters for no other reason than their gender.

This flick isn't for everyone, but when it comes to cinematic sleaze, there's always going to be an audience. For those expecting something along the lines of Wes Craven's THE LAST HOUSE ON THE LEFT, prepare to be disappointed, as TRIP WITH THE TEACHER isn't nearly as extreme. Overall, it's really a minor entry into the exploitation genre. It's worth watching if part of a cheap boxed set, but I honestly could not see hunting this down.
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The Teacher and her lovely luscious pets!
Coventry21 July 2008
1.7 out of 10 is a ridiculously low rating, even for a miserable and long-forgotten 70's exploitation flick, but here in the case of "Trip with the Teacher" I'm tempted to think it is better this way. For you see, such a low grade automatically discourages random viewers to check it out whilst avid and fanatic cult purchasers might find it an extra motivation to track down a copy. And this really is such a film that should only and exclusively be seen by admirers of gritty and low-key exploitation. People – you know who you are – who couldn't get enough of the shocking impact of such films as "Last House on the Left" and "I Spit on your Grave", but simultaneously also people with a high level of tolerance for errors in continuity, amateurish acting performances and copious amounts of gratuitous sleaze. The violence and sheer nastiness in "Trip with the Teacher" is totally uncompromising (raping a teacher in front of her petrified pupils, pushing a girl's face in the mud until she chokes …) but the whole thing is never as truly disturbing as it aims to be because of the inept production values. The devoted teacher Miss Tenny is out on a summery field trip in the desert (oh yeah, loads of stuff to sightsee there) with four of her sexiest and lewd students and one friendly old chap behind the wheel. Their ramshackle bus breaks down in the middle of a godforsaken place and the sexy posse quickly becomes the target of interest of a trio of bikers. One of them is actually a good guy and only just joined the two siblings who have far more malignant intentions regarding the poor and defenseless stranded girls. Especially Al is a deranged and nihilistic psychopath, and when he kills the bus driver, he pulls his scared brother Pete into a scheme to terrorize, humiliate, rape and eventually kill the teacher and her girls. Zalman King, future creator of the soft-core erotic TV-show "Red Shoe Diaries", is undeniably the main attraction of this film. His appearance and villainous performance is shamelessly based on David Hess' legendary pervert character in the aforementioned "Last House on the Left", but King is nevertheless an effectively menacing and unpredictable bastard. He continuously raises the impression of being high on drugs even though we never see him take any and he spends most of his screen time just staring at his young preys with diabolical eyes. Obviously, "Trip with the Teacher" is largely devoid of suspense and substance and quite stuffed with improbabilities and flaws. The tagline states "How far should a teacher go to protect her students?" but, in reality, Miss Tenny actually does very little to protect them! She sits around motionless when the bikers attempt to sexually assault her scarcely dressed pupils and she's even directly responsible for the death of one of them. The most innocent of them all, I may add. The girls also react very unnaturally to some of the shocking events and, if you ask me, they let several chances to escape go by. But now I'm just splitting heirs, of course, as logic and intellect is the absolute last thing you should expect in a trashy Grindhouse feature. Most importantly, "Trip with the Teacher" is a genuine 70's exploitation effort with a grainy atmosphere and provocative sleaze. The film has a prototypic (and thus terrific) exploitation soundtrack, with tunes that get repeated over and over and over again, and loads of depressingly remote outdoor filming locations. If you like to consider yourself a fan of smut, you can't afford to miss out on this.
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The mild bunch.
Zeegrade5 April 2009
Trip with the Teacher is standard exploitation fare that just doesn't fully embrace what it is supposed be, namely, exploitive. The premise has the right formula of sleazy ingredients: Miss Tenny and her group of gorgeous twenty-something women exploring remote desert vistas are joined in their travels by three wayward bikers and are soon stranded somewhere in the desert. After the mentally unstable Al, played by Zalman King in all his face contorting madness, runs down the bus driver in one of his many fits of rage he talks his laid back and seemingly stoned brother Pete into eliminating any witnesses. Unfortunately for them the brothers rode along with good samaritan Jay who attempts to protect the utterly useless women from these two buffoons. Of course Jay manages to screw that up leaving the lovely ladies to fend for themselves by cowering in corners of a dilapidated shack. This is what drove me insane. The women constantly outnumbered their captors and could have easily escaped if they all weren't so helpless. What would be more satisfying than watching a bunch of half-naked tormented women tearing these guys to death? It's an exploitation movie! Exploit! Zalman King with his humongous bug-eyed sunglasses is more annoying than terrifying as his bouts of madness consist of a mess of hair, nose, and giggling. The only redeeming quality of this film is the beautiful women in various states of undress. I was particularly enamored with the bad girl portrayed by the stunning Dina Ousley. With her yellow short-shorts she is definitely the hottest thing in the desert. Trip with the teacher does capture the feel of the early seventies southern California hippie biker culture well. Sadly, after you watch it once you will have no desire to see it again.
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A teacher's devotion
lost-in-limbo28 March 2008
You should know what you're going to get from this low-cost midnight drive-in schlock that represents the sleaze and sadism in a decade of scuzzy low-brow exploitation. It gets all the ticks of being raw, gritty and sordid. Yes, it's rough around the edges and director Earl Barton's minimal handling makes sure it works to its strengths, and surprisingly strikes up a bit of tension, and unease. However it couldn't escape that cheesy daftness, which loomed largely by its repetitively funky and racy music score. It was quite an unusual one though, which doesn't always fit in. The shallow story is plain and simple, if a little meandering from time to time and few senseless occurrences are hard to believe. I don't know how many opportunities arose to escape, or do something, but everyone seemed happy to sit and watch. While the obvious script starts off awkwardly and melodramatic, it then gains control and builds tension. Sure it isn't first-rate, but it holds your interest and includes a surprise or two. Performances are workable enough. Zalman King terrifically chews it up as the menacingly neurotic loon biker, that along with his brother (played placidly by Robert Porter) go onto terrorise a small group of teenage school girls (Cathy Worthington, Dina Ousley, Susie Russell and Jill Voight pull off their parts), teacher (a fiery Brenda Fogarty), and a fellow biker (a fine Robert Gribbin) in the forlorn California desert. Due to the relaxed pacing, it gives you time to soak up the situation and the harshly captured bare-desert backdrop that complements the bare-knuckle survival tag. Then it pulls out the punches, and ups the notch. Some of the action scenes are over-the-top, and corny but amusing. The cruel violence is sexually scathing, and nasty. While we see little flesh, the leering camera-work focuses on the scummy side of things, and can get up within the action.

That bad… not that bad. Definitely nothing special though, but the intensely bold theatrical turn of King makes it worth-a-peek.
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slow and campy
trashgang6 June 2011
This was a mediocre grindhouse flick for me. If it wasn't for the fame of Zalman King I guess you wouldn't have seen it that much. Zalman became famous in the eighties for producing erotic flicks. Most of the actresses played in grindhouse flicks but Cathy Worthington was the one who made it into the scene even appearing in Dallas, Jill Voight was seen in Friday The 13th Part 2. As I said, grindhouse and of that kind with the bad bikers in it. We had so many in it but due Zalman this do stands out because Zalman really carries this flick. It is a bit slow and campy sometimes, just watch the tow scene with the bus. The quality of the movie itself was really bad, even on DVD, a lot of scratches, bad sound and hiss. It really takes you 45 minutes before the girls are getting a bad trip with their teacher after their bus broke down and the bikers come in handy. Of course as a grindhouse there is a bit of nudity but not to mention. Not really my cup but a must have due the well known reasons explained earlier.
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These gals have very poor survival skills.
Aaron137526 October 2009
This movie starts out reminding me of the even more awful film "Manos: the Hands of Fate" as you see a vehicle driving through the countryside. The vehicle in question is a bus and yes I do believe it is the short bus because everyone in it is incredibly stupid from the teacher, to the students, and even the bus driver. And speaking of stupid, one dude comes across two brothers, one of whom has a bad wheel on his motorcycle. The guy proceeds to offer his assistance, no harm there, but then he keeps on driving with them like they have been friends forever and they all proceed to stalk the girls on the bus. The girls are very cute and have that 70's natural look I love, in fact all the girls look like the cuties from the porn film "Little Girls Blue". Though none of them were actually in that film. The bus eventually breaks down and the one of the brothers really shows his colors to the teacher, the dude who was helping, and the girls and they still let themselves be towed into the middle of nowhere. I am not sure if the helpful guy would have even minded the crazy guy dropping a car on some old dude in the gas station if he had seen it. Pretty soon the crazy guy and his brother hold the others hostage even though there are two of them and six of the others. The idiots had ample times where the crazy guy would just fall to the ground having a fit and they would just watch. At one point the one girl could have smashed the other brother with a bottle, but did not. In the end this film was rather boring, needed more nudity not the violent stuff, but maybe a scene with the girls taking their tops off to skinny dip. Virtually no blood, which is kind of strange considering I got this in a twelve pack of movies called Gorehouse legends. I would say it is nice to look at the pretty 70's girls and the crazy guy's performance as it is well done. Other than that you are not missing much.
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Desperate Hour and Twenty Minutes.
rmax30482328 February 2010
Warning: Spoilers
The teacher is taking her five teen-aged girls on a field trip to Case Grande in Chihuahua, Mexico. Well, actually, they never make it to Mexico. The bus breaks down in the middle of nowhere and the driver can't fix it. However, three motorcyclists come along and, though they can't fix it either, they are willing to hitch their hogs to the bus and tow it to a gas station.

They don't. They tow it down a dusty dirt road to a dilapidated wooden cabin where they hold the teacher and her brood captives.

One of the cyclists is an okay dude, having just met the other two on the road. You can tell he's a good guy because he's the only one who wears a safety helmet and doesn't take swigs out of a bottle of hootch. He's aghast when they arrive at the cabin. The bus driver objects as well and is promptly run over and killed.

The two bad motorcyclists tie up the good one and walk around menacing the terrified teacher and the nubile girls. The chief bad guy, Zalman King, does nothing but sneer. And that's understandable. King's features are such that his default expression is a sneer. Even when he smiles he sneers. And when he actually TRIES to sneer -- well, just look out, that's all. The guy has a nose on him that beats any other nose in the animal kingdom, a fleshy, drooping protrusion that must have been a horror in itself on the giant drive-in screen. He adds to the effect by wearing a pair of giant wraparound sunglasses tilted upward distally so that he resembles an alien "Gray".

Both the bad guys are just out of the slams, and they really are bad, but King is the badder of the two. He gets even worse, if that's possible, when he tries to act. He has these terrific disabling headaches like Cody Jarett. (Kids, you'll have to look that up.) Or maybe Julius Caesar. (You may have to look that up too.) But what does it matter if he can't act? Nobody can act. And the director can't direct, and the sound sounds like mush, and the photographic images are those of an 8 mm. Brownie home movie camera.

Here's a sample of the dialog. The good motorcyclist is commiserating over the bus driver's death with one of the girls.

Motorcyclist: "Just be glad it wasn't you."

Girl: "What do you mean by that?"

The girls at least are cute in their diverse ways. Some of them wear skirts so short that one wishes for a time machine. That succulent blond has a magnificent gluteal sulcus. I felt kind of sorry for the brunette with the barrettes in her hair, the one with the narrow shoulders and innocently pinched features. She looks really scared. And then Big Bad Al has to chase her down in the woods, shove her unblemished face into the sand, and smother her without even disrobing her like he did with the teacher.

What a skank! But he gets his in the end. The teacher that he raped, pillaged, and debauched gets him from behind and manages to shove an iron pole through his abdomen, back to front, and the director gives Al a full minute of sneering while trying to look agonized, gargling with pain, and slowly stumbling around with his pole sticking through him, before falling to the ground, rolling his head to the side, and being still. This indicates that he's dead.

I hardly noticed it. The whole movie was in that condition from the beginning. It would have been of more interest had the tour reached Casa Grande and the director had given us a travelogue of the Mesoamerican community and its historic inhabitants. Did you know that the Aztecs had a kind of currency? They used cocoa beans.
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A gritty exploitation movie that deserves a higher rating.
BA_Harrison29 October 2007
Stranded during a bus tour of the remote California countryside, a feisty teacher and her small group of sexy teenage students become the terrified targets of two nasty bikers who are intent on rape and murder.

Whilst Trip With the Teacher might not be the all-out sleaze-fest that the above short synopsis suggests, there is still enough gratuitous nudity (from most of the girls), well handled action, and nasty violence to ensure that fans of low-to-no-budget 70s exploitation flicks should not be too disappointed.

Director Earl Barton certainly keeps things moving along at a brisk pace with his no-nonsense direction, and the cast all put in solid performances for this kind of fare, with Zalman King (future producer of soft-core porn) being particularly memorable as the more unhinged of the two bad-guys. His portrayal of deadly nut-job Al brings to mind David Hess's Krug from The Last House on the Left: a cold, heartless killer whose capacity for cruelty knows no bounds. As the film progresses he goes from merely menacing (in his bug-eye wraparound shades), to total psychotic lunatic—complete with facial ticks, incoherent rambling, and uncontrollable outbursts of violence.

Pete (Robert Porter), Al's brother, isn't quite such a reprehensible fellow, but he just can't say no to his degenerate sibling. So when Al starts to rape and kill, good ol' Pete joins in, rather than upset his li'l bro'.

Fortunately for the trapped teenagers and their teacher, a third biker, Jay (who joined the brothers on the road after helping them fix a tyre), turns out to be a nice guy, and risks his life to save them from their plight.

As I write, Trip With The Teacher has an IMDb rating of 1.4, which is a downright tragedy. The film might be nasty, cheap and sometimes plain silly (the reappearance of a character who is presumed dead is particularly daft), but it's always entertaining. Don't watch this film expecting slick visuals and Oscar winning acting; enjoy it for what it is—a raw piece of 'drive-in' style 'trash'.

6.5 out of 10, rounded up to 7 for IMDb.
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Never Mind a B Movie, This Is a C Movie
TheExpatriate70011 May 2010
Trip with the Teacher is an amusingly inept exploitation movie which fails to build up any real sense of tension or suspense. Marred by a bad script and a terrible performance from Zalman King, this film succeeds more as comedy than thriller.

The film follows the travails of a teacher and her students, who for some reason are dressed like streetwalkers, as they get stuck in the middle of the desert when their bus breaks down. Unfortunately for them, a group of bikers show up, one helpful, the others less so.

The main problem with this film, other than its obvious plot, is the performance of Zalman King as the main sadistic biker. King overacts like his life depends on it, with the end result that he comes off more as a comic figure than a menacing villain. It does not help that his character appears to be narcoleptic, fall asleep just as he's starting to get imposing. His evil brother is an equally unimposing drunk.

There are a few scenes where the film manages to generate some menace, with a rather graphic rape scene being the most obvious. Brenda Fogarty, who plays the teacher, gives a worthwhile performance; it's a pity that all of her other work appears to have been in soft core pornography. Still, it doesn't redeem the whole package.

I got this film as part of a multi-DVD "drive in pack" at less than a dollar a film. This film wasn't even worth that.
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Classic Drive-Thru Fun
socrates411 April 2019
TRIP WITH THE TEACHER is a great killer thriller from the golden days of the drive-thru. Back when story wasn't as important as action, motorcycles, and making out with your best gal in the back seat of your pop's T-Bird!

And this movie has it all. It's even got some great acting, in particular from the wonderful Zalman King, who plays the nuanced lead bad guy absolutely perfectly, and who delivers some of the best lines ever uttered in front of a camera. The music is great too. Recommend.
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Future sleaze director Zalman King is the standout psycho in this cheese-fest
OldAle125 July 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Zalman King is known today, if he's known at all, as the purveyor (producer-writer-director) of sleazy softcore smut like Red Shoe Diaries - in the early-mid 90s a "Zalman King" film definitely had some meaning in the straight-to-video market, I can tell you.

But in the 70s, Zalman King was a struggling actor doing guest shots on network TV series, and appearing in cheesy low-budget exploitation films like Trip With Teacher. Here he's Al, very tall and hook-nosed but otherwise a near dead-ringer for Bono (well, for Bono 15 years later), a creepy and mentally deranged biker who with his more sane but no less unpleasant brother Pete (Robert Porter) is stuck by the side of the road at the beginning of the flick. The brothers have bike problems, but they're soon bailed out by nice-guy motorcyclist Jay (Robert Gribbin) who gets Pete's bike going well enough to get them to the next service station.

Along the way the three bikers come upon a school bus with several young women - coy waving and less-coy glances from the 2 brothers for a bit, then all stop at the gas station. I think you might be able to guess where this is headed....if it were made 10-15 years later you'd expect a bloody horror film, but back in these pre-Friday the 13th and Halloween days it's just going to be the two creepy guys trying to have their way with the cute girls and get rid of nice-guy Jay and bus driver Marvin (Jack Driscoll). It's all rather long and tedious - bus breaks down, bikers tow it to near a deserted shack, get rid of driver, seemingly get rid of Jay....and all fairly stupid and silly (how dumb are the girls, Jay and the driver that they don't see that the brothers are sickos? and sickos without any weapons apart from one switchblade...but overpowering them would have been too easy and we wouldn't have a movie and an excuse for some nude scenes) until the kind of cool ending as Jay comes back seemingly from the dead and shows that he's a Real Man after all.

The weakest of the three films on the "Drive-in Cult Classics" box set that I've seen so far, but worth it for the cool ending and for King's deranged and freaky portrayal of Al, with one of the creepiest snickering laughs I've ever heard.
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A satisfyingly sleazy sliver of vintage 70's drive-in exploitation trash
Woodyanders7 September 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Totally bonkers psycho Alan (Zalman King in robust, divinely unhinged and uninhibited gonzo form) and his more mellow, but still quite lethal brother Peter (a sedately sinister Robert Porter) are a pair of odious, malefic, resolutely vile and unwholesome degenerate biker louts who gleefully torment, terrorize, manhandle, degrade and generally flat-out grossly mistreat a prissy school teacher (plucky, comely brunette Brenda Fogarty) and her bus load of four nubile strumpet teenage girl students (Susie Russell, Cathy Worthington, Jill Voight and Dina Ousley, all sublimely delectable fair maidens who are just ripe with adolescent purity and ingenuousness) in a remote area of the California desert.

That's it for the admittedly skimpy plot and frankly who cares about some fancy-schmancy story, for what this really base and repulsive vintage 70's drive-in sleaze lacks in style and substance (plenty, man), it more than compensates for with a winning abundance of ferociously foul-minded hardcore grindhouse cinema sliminess. We've got blunt direction by Earl Barton, grainy cinematography by Erwin Jay Barer, and a get-down funky syncopated score by Igo Kantor. Moreover, we also got rape, gratuitous nudity, a thrilling motorcycle chase that's followed by an equally exciting foot chase, a truly mean misogynistic bent, a few fiercely protracted murder set pieces, a marvelously vicious last reel onslaught of mass killing and destruction, and absolutely no redeeming artistic quality to ground the assorted trashy activities in any slight semblance of unwanted pretense or needless gravity.

Best of all, it's considerably enlivened and made essential viewing by the incomparable Zalman King's frenzied, overwrought, explosively insane and unrestrained scenery-gulping histrionics. With his unsightly mass of curly, unwashed greasy hair, soiled dirt-stained blue jeans, irritating wheezing, deranged cackle, nasal, slurred mumble-grumble voice, enormous wrap-around black shades, fixed, unblinking baleful stare, crazed facial expressions (King contorts his sweaty puss into a hilariously pained grimace whenever he bags somebody), scraggly five day beard, getting wackier by the minute slow burn intensity, and hysterically out of it live-wire mugging, King could pass for either David Hess' severely dysfunctional sociopathic near twin brother or a twitchy heroin addict who's in dire need of an immediate fix. An exquisitely gnarly'n'nasty nugget.
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A trip worth taking, despite the low nudity quotient
fertilecelluloid26 September 2008
Warning: Spoilers
"Trip With The Teacher" won me over with some intelligent writing and strong performances. A bunch of high school seniors (in short skirts) and their teacher are taking a trip through the desert in a yellow school bus. When the bus breaks down, three bikers pull up to help themselves to the girls. One of the bikers is kind-hearted, but the other two, led by the totally schizo Zalman King, are definitely not interested in getting the bus back on the road. A threatening cloud of rape hangs over the situation as the nasty bikers allow their primal urges to run rampant. Looking and sounding like a porno movie, this fine piece of exploitation didn't push the envelope as far as I wanted it to (which is all the way), but it did stay focused on delivering the essentials. The nudity quotient is surprisingly low, as is the sexual violence, but the menacing mood compensates somewhat for the conservative choices of director Earl Barton. Thankfully, some of the girls do strip down to their cotton panties in one scene where they are attempting to create a diversion, so we do get an ounce of titillation. King, looking like a young Marjoe Gortner, rules the desert with his unhinged, troubled, psycho performance. The other actors fall into the good enough category. This would have made a great XXX-rated roughie along the lines of the Japanese "White Rose Campus -- Then, Everybody Gets Raped", but it is what it is, and that ain't half bad.
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Another sleazy 70's flick, and thats about it Warning: Spoilers
"A chilling experience in terror as a group of female students and their pretty teacher are ambushed, while on a field trip, by a sadistic killer and his brother, forcing the women to learn a lesson in survival." Well, not quite. It's really just about a bunch of horny female students who go on a field trip with their teacher, sounds exciting doesn't it? While on this "trip" they run into some perverted motorcycle hippie-rapists, who the girls get all turned on by.

I'm not even going to bother going into detail why this film is so bad, you're just going to have to watch it for yourself or read a different review. I don't recommend this flick for anyone, it's a whole hour and thirty one minutes you will never get back. Trip With the Teacher is not an underrated film, if anything it's an overrated one.
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29 Years Later and I Still Remember This One! Drive-In Flick
dobahoke2 November 2002
The horror! Cheesy, campy film that dared to show more than the "normal" drive-in theater experience. Scary for a young woman to watch, especially if she's a high schooler or a teacher taking a group of girls on a school field trip.
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Why not to ride a broken down bus in the desert
Wouldyabelieve4 December 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Another movie released as part of the Drive-In Cult Classics Collection. This movie involves 2 brothers motorcycling through the southwest who come upon a bus load of girls on a summer trip with a teacher. At the outset, one of the brothers name Pete (Robert Porter) seems somewhat normal. His brother Al (Zalman King), however, is somewhat crazy and apparently had already spent some time in prison. They ride with a third biker Jay (Robert Gribbin) who had stopped to help Pete fix a flat.

The trio of bikers meet up with the bus which has broken down in the desert. Al only has one thing on his mind and that is scoring with the girls. We know he has already killed a garage mechanic. Miss Tenny (Brenda Gogarty) is the teacher traveling with the girls and feels it is her responsibility to protect them as Al gets aggressive. When the bus driver tries to stop Al from harassing the girls, Al and Pete chase him down on their motorcycles and kill him. Al quickly realizes that he can't leave any witnesses around.

Al (who later did some writing, directing and producing for the Red Shoes Diaries), carries the movie as we try to anticipate his next move. But overall, the movie is slow moving with two of the girls not really saying much throughout the movie. Even Pete is disappointing as he gets drunk and just sits around. At the end, Jay tries to be a hero but he needs the help of Miss Tenny to finish off their tormentors.
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Okay For A Cheap Thrill
swinggold27 January 2011
Ever since Quentin Tarantino and Robert Rodriguez produced and directed Death Proof and Planet of Terror, respectively, my interest in grindhouse and drive in movies has been ignited. I never knew much about these types of movies other than that they were pretty lame compared to big budget movies with high paid lead actors. My parents and aunts and uncles used to tell me stories about how these types of exploitation movies and theatrical outings were popular social gatherings on the weekends.

I got "Trip with the Teacher" as part of a box set of 100 movies at a clearance sale of a department store. This movie starred a bunch of unknowns who either did very little after this, were featured in mostly the occasional TV series or had professional acting careers early on before this. Only the lead villain went on to any kind of stardom as an executive producer.

Miss Tenny and her four female students are riding on a small school bus on a field trip to the desert to see some Indian ruins. While stopping for gas, they encounter three bikers, friendly Jay, Pete and his mysterious brother, Al. When their bus breaks down further down the road, the bikers stop to oversee the situation. While Jay wants to help, the sinister and psychotic Al has other plans for the young nubile women.

From what I've already seen of these types of movies, this is a typical biker-dominates- women sexploitation movie. The girls are all cute and showing plenty of legs in shorts and skirts. But the story is pretty thin and isn't even as interesting as the average late 60s biker movies or any of the Billy Jack or William Smith movies that explored similar themes. It's just average drive-in flick that gets teens hot enough to fog up the windows of their cars a little then throws in a little showdown at the end.

Lead baddie, Zalman King, went on to executive produce the popular cable series, "Red Shoe Diaries". Guess he's always had a thing for sexual themes, be it soft erotica or sexploitation.
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Not Since the movie Creeping Terror...
robertmfreeman4 February 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Let me assure you, I love watching bad movies, especially sleazy bad movies. As a pseudo-intellectual movie snob, nothing's more fun than 'slumming it' after watching a Coen brothers masterpiece.

All that said, I can't enjoy this movie. It's not the graphic nature of the film, as the psychotic maniac 'Al' is hilarious in his attempts to appear menacing, especially while wearing his HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE sunglasses. He's equal parts funny and sleazy, making him a modern day 'Mack the Knife'.

So why can I only give the movie a 5/10? Because with the sole exception of 'Creeping Terror', there has never been a movie where the victims in the film did less to save themselves. It goes beyond cowering in fear, and even stupidity. Hell, even the female equivalents of Forrest Gump would've known enough to all run away simultaneously in opposite directions.

It doesn't matter if the villains are fully distracted, completely stoned, unarmed, or even asleep, the women in the film literally do nothing to escape. Hell, the villains didn't even tie them up! The villains don't even have guns or anything, so if every girl grabbed a large wooden stick, that'd pretty much be it for the bad guys.

If you want to see a movie where a group of young women hang around, slightly bored, patiently waiting to each be raped and killed, then this is the movie for you.

As for me, it's no surprise that the movie fails to be good, but it's shocking that it even fails as sleaze.
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a true-blue Grindhouse flick, and a good one, no more no less
Quinoa19841 January 2009
Watch Trip with the Teacher with a big, whiskey-soaked grain of salt: it's a grindhouse flick, not really a drive-in flick as advertised with its most recent DVD release. Earl Barton knew what he was doing, he was shooting a story that is filled with lots of real good vs evil characters (with maybe one that at one point is kind of gray-area), where good is good and pure and innocent and evil is just flat out f***ing deranged. Even the print on the recent DVD release compliments the picture: it's scratchy, faded, there's a few frames here and there that are just missing or cut out of a scene of dialog or action. It's not meant to be some great movie, but for what it's worth it's a lot of fun and it also takes its sadistic characters as seriously as possible.

Here's the premise: a bus of schoolgirls lead by Miss Tenny to seek out some mountains or something (who cares really, it's just some place in the middle of the desert) are harassed, gingerly at first and then not-so-much, by a couple of greasy bikers (Zalman King as one of them, distinctive with his alien-sized sunglasses) who catch them at a weak spot- their bus breaks down and need a lift. They're taken to a cabin even more in the middle of nowhere, and various rape and murder is then set as the bikers' task. As with other movies of this ilk, not just exploitation in general but more specifically with bikers, there's one good biker in the trio who tries to save the women from certain destruction. But it won't be that easy... in fact, for a large chunk of the running time, Trip with the Teacher is almost as sadistic in nature as Last House on the Left.

Except, in the case of the film-making, it's a lot more skillful and entertaining, with dialog that sounds so trashy you'd hope it was ripped out of text books of high-schoolers (there's one line from a girl about being raised by the bible that's a riot). And there's also Zalman King, who plays one of the sickest, most deliciously wicked and insane villains of the 70s. Strange that a man who is touted for his work on soft-core porn could actually pull out a convincing performance: it's at first seemingly hammed-up, but it's really vicious in that way that's memorable. The rest of the acting ranges from decent to forgettable (two of the girls barely utter a word of dialog for the bulk of the time spent at the cabin), but why carp? Anyone watching Trip with the Teacher is watching it for one thing above all else: skillfully directed trash.

It's better than it has any right to be, but that goes without saying that it knows what it is: this is like one of the rare good pieces of movie-lore that inspired Tarantino and Rodriguez with their pictures: it's unrepentant in its conventions and split of black-and-white, and it's played out to its full extent.
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A Number of Slow Scenes
Uriah4331 October 2014
This movie begins with 4 young high school girls and their teacher named "Miss Tenney" (Brenda Fogerty) traveling in a school bus on a camping trip to an isolated part of California. On the way, they encounter 3 motorcyclists who become interested in them. One of the young men named "Jay" (Robert Gribbin) is a decent fellow but the other two, "Al" (Zalman King) and "Pete" (Robert Porter) are hardened criminals who have recently gotten out of prison, and the sight of these females brings out the worst in them. So, when the school bus breaks down in the middle of nowhere, they seize the opportunity with great relish. Now, rather than disclose any more of the movie and risk spoiling it for those who haven't seen it, I will just say this film came with several others in a 2-dvd set called "Drive-In Cult Classics" and I was hoping to find at least one or two good movies in the whole bunch. Unfortunately, this wasn't one of them. Not only were there a number of slow scenes, but some of the others were completely ridiculous as well--especially the ending. In any case, while I have certainly seen much worse films in my time, I thought this one might have potential. I was wrong. Accordingly, I rate it as below average.
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Not as bad as you think...
chet1910 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Yes, the girls didn't play their cards right all the time, but they also didn't always behave like squeamish weaklings either Bobbie has a great plan to distract Zalman King, sort of pretending to like him so he'd be distracted. Then later, she distracted the other brother so her classmate could untie the good guy. Pretty smart stuff there, and I like characters like that instead of just screaming. The teacher also picked up a weapon and struck the final blow. She wasn't just a spectator; she was the ultimate hero. Good stuff.
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Drive In Backup Feature
kirbylee70-599-5261797 December 2017
Warning: Spoilers
The heyday of the drive in began with low budget horror flicks and eventually morphed into low budget T&A movies. The films almost always took on some form of profession from student nurses to cheerleaders to teachers. Surprisingly while the titles may have made it seem that those in these chosen professions had the loosest of morals the films themselves actually were a bit more twisted. Yes, the characters were placed in definite misogynistic settings but they were also the most independent women on the planet. In the end while bad things happened they came out stronger, more self-aware and better off than their male counterparts.

All of that can be seen in TRIP WITH THE TEACHER. The name itself sounds like a low grade porn flick but it is far from it. The movie features a teacher on a field trip with a group of female students. Their destination is the desert area of the southwest. Side by side with their adventure is a motorcyclist who teams up with two other young bikers, brothers, one of which has a flat. What he doesn't realize is that one of them tends to lean towards anti-social psychopathic tendencies.

Their paths cross as they pass the bus and the girls flirt with them. When both end up at the next gas station they chat, the girls flirt some more and then head out on their way. Al (Zalman King), the psycho brother, kills the station attendant who was giving them a hard time without telling the other two, and their on their way.

The girl's bus breaks down and the cyclists offer to help them. At least they claim to. Instead they kill the driver, assault the girls and eventually rape the teacher who offers herself up if they'll leave the girls alone. The third biker isn't part of this and is attacked by the brothers and left for dead. Now if only the girls can find a way to escape.

The movie features everything that those drive in movies looked for. We have sexy young girls, none of which looks under 25 even though they're playing teens. We have psycho bikers because hey, all bikers must be psychos right? Well with the exception of the one riding the old style motorcycle. We have a secluded location which works out great since the budget is miniscule at best. And the end result involves a form of revenge which was a classic plot device in these films.

The movie looks much like it would have on the large whitewashed screens of the drive in with little attention paid to focus or a decent film stock that would have provided a better picture. But these movies weren't made as art. They were quickly written, quickly shot no budget films that made back more than their investment playing from one end of the country to another. This one is a bit less than most which makes me think it was the second half of a double bill along the way.

The acting is high school level at best. Like I said, no one seems to fit the age that they are portraying. King always seemed to play characters like this one so his showing up here allows the audience to know right off the start he's the bad guy. His is the only character that really stands out here seeming like a method actor looking for some method to play the part.

With all that being said this is another of the films saved by Vinegar Syndrome. No, this isn't CITIZEN KANE in that it deserves major restoration and placed in a locked vault. But the movie itself depicts the type of film being made when it was released, a style of film made specifically for drive ins. The film company behind it, Crown International Pictures, was a company that made tons of movies for drive ins. They may not have been the best of the best but their history deserves to be preserved.

Vinegar Syndrome is presenting the film in the best way possible with plenty of extras on hand. To begin with the film is a 2k restoration from a 16mm original camera negative. There is a commentary track with director Earl Barton, actress Cathy Worthington and actress Dina Ousley, TAKING THE TRIP a video with actress Brenda Fogarty who plays the teacher, multiple TV spots, a still gallery and reversible cover artwork.

If you're a fan of drive in or grindhouse films then this is yet another film to add to your collection.
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The low IMDb rating is a disgrace
stevenfallonnyc22 June 2008
I simply cannot believe "Trip with the Teacher" at this writing, is a 1.7 here at the IMDb.

The plot is thin but is tailor-made for a sleazy film: a small group of teenage girls on a field trip with their (sexy) teacher encounter three bikers - one good guy, one very bad guy, and the bad guy's bad brother (who sometimes seems to have a conscience). The bus stalls out in the desert, and the bikers have their way with the girls, especially the real sadistic biker, a nut case named Al (Zalman King). Violence, rape, and other assorted mayhem proceed.

"Trip with the Teacher" is a decent watch from start to finish, but the highlight, easily, is the fantastic performance of Zalman King as the sadistic Al, who constantly gives great crazy looks, makes odd noises, and sometimes has huge fits when he isn't being low-key and "cool." Before watching this film, the only thing I have ever seen Zalman King in, is the great TV-movie "Like Normal People" where he plays a nice, sensitive guy fighting for the rights of two retarded people to marry. So seeing him in such a drastically different role here was a jolt, but he does a fantastic job. He obviously is having fun, but it sure not to overact it too far. King's performance really makes this flick.

His relationship with his brother, Pete, is interesting as it seems that Pete goes along with the bad stuff simply to keep Al happy. He has moments when he seems to possibly change his ways, but always sticks with Al. This, despite that Al gives indications that he'd waste Pete too if Pete lets him down. The film doesn't go too far into their relationship which is too bad, it would have given the movie a little extra bit of interest.

"Trip with the Teacher" is a fantastic piece of early 70's sleaze that has a few lulls but for the most part, moves along nicely and is quite tense and suspenseful. The girls are all very pretty and sexy, having that classic "70's sexy high-schooler" look. The teacher is very sexy herself and looks like a 70's porno star. The guys do a good job, even the old man at the gas station who doesn't take Al's nonsense (he regrets it though!).

This is definitely a good viewing, but again, why the low rating? There are countless films much, much worse than this. Sleaze fans will not want to miss this one, made during an era when little film gems like this came and went, and were able to be made and put out in the first place.
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A Terrifying Film of Murder, Rape and Insanity
gavin694227 October 2010
A group of female students and their teacher (Brenda Fogarty) are traveling through the desert by bus. After the bus breaks down, they are stranded with three bikers, one of whom is a vicious killer. Is there a limit to what immoral beasts will do to teenage girls?

The movie answers the age-old question: can three motorcycles tow a school bus? I don't want to ruin the suspense, but the answer is actually yes, apparently.

The film comes off as a cross between "Easy Rider" and "Last House on the Left". There's clearly a Krug (Al, played by Zalman King) and a Junior (Jay Andrews, played by Robert Gribbin) here, but of course, now they have motorcycles!

The girls are dressed a bit skimpy, flirt a bit too much, and whatnot. Especially Bobbie (Dina Ousley), the girl in the yellow short shorts. I don't want to say they brought their situation on themselves, but they did not make it any easier. The thugs were teased and taunted to the breaking point.
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Z in zzzzzzz.....
dolly_the_ye-ye_bird27 December 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Took me two viewings to see this film in its entirety. First time, I fell asleep less than halfway through. It's a mighty slow starter, folks. Once it does get going though, well, it's not much better. The premise is alright I suppose, for a B horror. Quite typical, really. Bad hippies/ex cons/psychotics on bikes terrorizing people for the hell of it. The acting was suitably bad, the victims were obligingly stupid and helpless. It was predictable as can be from the quiet girl getting killed to the third biker crashing but miraculously recovering in the end to save the day. Actually, it's a pretty standard B movie, which I'm normally a fan of. But I still can't give it higher than a 3/10, mainly because of the needlessly disturbing content and the rape scenes. Even a good movie has a hard time justifying those, and this ain't no good movie.
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