Towed in a Hole (1932) Poster

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Two idiots for the price of one.
mark.waltz29 October 2016
Warning: Spoilers
God help both marine life and others out on the open seas when Laurel and Hardy buy a fishing boat "to cut out the middle man". This is the one that starts off with Ollie singing "Fresh fish!" as Stanley blows sour notes on his horn. Ollie gets the bright ideas to buy the boat then fill it up with water to see where the leaks are. The hilarity continues with them having a water fight, then their efforts to fix the leaks just get them into more cold water. Stanley gets bored after Oliver puts him in the "brig", and creates more hysterical havoc. Heading away from the darker themes of marital dispute, this is the two at their funniest, often with eye widening moments that make you want to say, "Oh no he didn't!" I rank this among their top five best shorts.
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Bid to achieve vertical integration is a disaster for these fishmongers
weezeralfalfa7 November 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The boys are slowly riding down the road, smelling of the fish in the back of their car. They seem happy and confident as door to door fishmongers. Ollie is beaming as he sings his come hither greeting, while Stan blows his horn to seal their identity. But, a dark cloud is on the horizon in the form of Stan's proposal that they eliminate the middleman and catch the fish as well as sell them, to make a higher profit. But, they neglect to consider the cost of a boat, the fact that they are inexperienced boatmen and fisherman, the fact that some of their fish are probably caught exclusively in other waters, and, most relevant to this film, they are clumsy at renovating an old boat. They have no fear that the task of finding and fixing up an old boat will destroy their tranquil lives. They find such a boat at Joe's Junk Yard, run by a clean-shaven Billy Gilbert, as Joe, who claims that the boat just needs a few holes plugged to make it seaworthy. Strangely, they keep the boat where it lay during their renovation, perhaps because they have no other place to put it.........Initially, Ollie concentrates on giving it a fresh coat of paint, and, of course, gets half of it on himself, especially his face. Stan fills the boat with water to locate the holes. But , strangely, the holes don't leak water until Ollie starts looking for them. They engage in a water fight or 2, using buckets and hoses. Soon, Stan has a very black eye. The other eye will also be blackened after he commits a couple more blunders, like sawing a cut through the main mast when Ollie is on a ladder, painting the mast. Of course, he takes quite a tumble.........When they think they have fixed up the boat well enough, they hitch the trailer to their car, to take it for a trial run. Unfortunately, this trial never happens. I will leave you to see what happens to close out the film.......You can see the film at YouTube : colorized or B&W.
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Fresh F-i-i-i-sh!
JoeytheBrit6 February 2010
Warning: Spoilers
This classic Laurel & Hardy short was always turning up on TV when I was s kid, but it was so funny that I never got fed up with it. Returning to the film after a break of probably thirty years it's pleasing to see the film hasn't lost any of its ability to make us laugh.

At the start of the film, Stan and Ollie are a success for once. They have their own business selling fish to housewives. They drive around the suburbs, Ollie declaring their wares in that clear Southern singing voice of his while Stan blows on his horn. Stan's bright idea of buying a boat to catch their own fish so that they can cut out the middle-man gets mangled beyond comprehension when Ollie asks him to repeat it, but nonetheless Ollie knows exactly what he means. Together, they buy an old boat and set about making it seaworthy.

If you've watched more than a couple of Laurel & Hardy films you know full well that Stan and Ollie's new boat is never going to leave Joe's Junk Yard in one piece, it's just a matter of how the boys will manage to destroy it. This one contains some classic scenes, including Stan timidly peering at Ollie through the cracks between the boat's woodwork and then attempting to saw himself free when he traps his neck between the boat's mast and a wall. For all the boys hard work, the inevitable happens – but at least Stan's horn is left intact
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Absolutely Priceless
RussianPantyHog23 April 2004
Warning: Spoilers
(Contains SPOILERS) I wish Stan & Ollie could've lived to see how much their work is appreciated, even after all these years. I watched "Towed In A Hole" today with a Russian friend who'd (amazingly) never heard of L&H - and she laughed her head off! The plot of this episode is devilishly simple, yet brilliantly executed as only Laurel & Hardy could do it. They have a small (very small) business selling fish, until Stan suggests they could double their profits by catching the fish they sell. All they need to do is buy an old boat and 'do it up'. I guess anyone even vaguely familiar with the genius of Stan and Ollie can guess what happens :) There are 2 specific scenes which are SO outstanding they carry Towed In A Hole into the premier league of Laurel & Hardy's output. The first is Oliver Hardy singing a public commercial for their 'business' in the old "negro spiritual" style. The second (and this is one of the finest things they ever did) involves Stan locked in the boat's cabin and trapping his head between the bottom of the mast and the hull. In panic he grabs a saw and starts sawing through it. meanwhile, Ollie is on a ladder at the top of the mast painting it. Hardy hears the sawing and his 'puzzled' expression, just before the inevitable " Oh-Ooohh-CRASH!" is the essence of what has made them icons of comedy for 3/4 of a century. Wonderful!
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Cinema's greatest comic actors at their absolute peak
david-bartlett28 June 2006
Every single detail and frame of this film is a work of art. With only Laurel and Hardy in the cast, it is the most beautiful 18 minutes you could ever wish to spend watching a movie. Every gag, every nuance, every movement, every moment is timed and placed beautifully. I can only wonder if Stan and Babe had any idea when they were making this masterpiece quite what they were achieving... Is it possible to recognise timeless perfection in the midst of the process without spoiling the result? Whatever, this film could almost bring tears to the eyes it is so charming, so satisfying, so quietly side-splitting, and such a magnificent example of screen comedy at its best. Nothing comes better than this. Ever.
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Another Good Idea gone to Fine Mess
redryan6425 February 2015
THE SELF SUFFICIENCY of the L & H team is presented here in the best example possible. The slow and deliberate method of working a gag to its maximum was very handily put to good use in these shorts. Whereas most all other comedians opted for an array of fast paced comic situations, being rapidly dispatched at sometimes break-neck pace, L & H worked each slowly and deliberately doing their own reactions to whatever. (As a true antithesis to this Hal Roach/Leo Mc Carey style, see some of comedian Larry Semon's silent screen work.)_

ANOTHER SINGULARLY UNIQUE feature of this short subject is that it is all Stan & Ollie. Other than the brief appearance of Billy Gilbert at the beginning, the boys have this one all to themselves. They play out their shtick against the backdrop of their seagoing reclamation project. The now familiar routines of Laurel messing up Hardy's work, Hardy's reaction, stare at the camera and his slow burn are meticulously combined with Laurel's crying to great effect.

ALONG WITH SUCH other titles as ME AND MY PAL. OUR WIFE and THE MUSIC BOX, we have what we like to call "quintessential Laurel & Hardy".

AS IS THE norm, all is lost in the end; bu we know that there will be other moments to come.
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Something fishy
Horst_In_Translation11 September 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This is not a comment on this film's quality though. It's another decent Laurel and Hardy short film that runs for 20 minutes. In here the boys sell fish, but get the idea to catch it as well in order to save money. So what do you need? That's right: a boat. And if you imagine the chaos that may ensue if these two gentlemen try to build their own boat, you imagine exactly what is happening in this one here. The two protagonists are around the age of 40 and this was already made during the sound era. However, it is still in black-and-white as almost all films were over 80 years ago. The humor is nice and it seems Laurel suffers even more than he usually does in this one here. All in all, I would say that this is not among the duo's best and not among their worst either. A solid watch and George Marshall did a good job directing here given the fact that he has not really worked with the legendary Stan and Ollie a lot. Thumbs up for this one.
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"United we stand...."
Prichards1234515 November 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Ollie's dignified speech, appealing to Stan's common humanity after a hilarious water fight (in which Ollie is constantly hosed down) is just wonderful. And then after shaking Stan's hand he slips on a bar of soap and plummets into a muddy pool. And of course, you just know it's going to happen. That's what makes it so hilarious!

This is the boat-fixing up short; apart from a brief appearance by Billy Gilbert this is Stan and Ollie slowly building sight gag on sight gag in that unique way of theirs, until it's just irresistible. I'm still giggling over the sight of Stan tied to a barrel with two black eyes to keep him out of mischief, and immediately on being freed sending the boat to complete destruction with his first suggestion! What a brilliant comic actor Hardy was. Never been beaten. And Stan of course, a gag-creating genius. Their chemistry, timing and sheer invention has never been bettered.

This is a truly great short, and it's not alone in the L & H canon for being so that's for sure!
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Comic Genius
atlasmb16 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This 21-minute short clearly reveals what makes Laurel and Hardy funny. Its simplicity, with little plot, reveals the genius of their comic talents. We expect pratfalls and their trademark tit-for-tat battles. Here, they slow things down and we also see Stan---bored while confined to the hold of the boat---trying to entertain himself. It's a sequence of simple ideas that illuminates the essence of their humor. Stan plays tic-tac-toe, he draws pictures on the wall, and he somehow manages to get his head trapped.

As well as any film they made, this one illustrates why we love these two characters. And I love the bit where Stan peaks at Ollie from various angles around and through the boat; it's so simple and so funny.
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A Boat Is A Hole In The Ocean You Pour Money Into
boblipton28 December 2020
Laurel and Hardy have a business plan: instead of buying fish and selling it, they'll catch the fish themselves and cut out the middleman. Unfortunately, the people who are going to execute this idea are Stan and Ollie.

It's my favorite short by Laurel and Hardy. There are others just as good, but this is just them. Except for a brief appearance by Billy Gilbert (maybe seconds) to sell them a boat, it's all the Boys and the boat they are trying to recondition, right next to a big mud puddle. The inevitability of disaster is delicious, and the gags are, as usual, great.
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From Retail Fish To Wholesale Fish, so they think
bkoganbing12 January 2011
Towed In A Hole finds Laurel and Hardy seeking to expand their business horizons. When we first meet them they are selling retail fish from the back of their truck, fish caught by other people. Of course Stan gets the idea that they should get a boat and start catching their own fish to sell and become wholesalers. But what do these guys know from boats or fishing.

They buy a used boat that's a fix-it-up from Billy Gilbert who saw them coming a mile away. Then the rest of the film is spent in their futile attempts to repair this beached craft. After that it's the usual antics.

Best scene for me was Stan getting his head caught between the inside wall of the boat and the mast. What to do but saw the mast to get his head out. Good thing he had around a saw that he had been trying to make music on a few minutes earlier.

Problem was that while Stan was below Ollie was on top of the mast doing some repair there. When Stan finishes solving his problem the results are disaster for Ollie.

Directing these shenanigans for Hal Roach is George Marshall who would in a few years start turning out a whole series of some great comedy films.

Towed In A Hole also gives us some idea of Ollie's singing voice which was quite good. He doesn't sing, but right at the beginning he's hawking those fish in good voice in which he occasionally slips into the southern speech of his native Georgia.

Nice short subject for Stan and Ollie's legion of fans world wide.
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Just the two of them!
alexanderdavies-9938230 July 2017
"Towed in the Hole" is mainly a two man film, in that Laurel and Hardy are about the only people in the film. Billy Gilbert makes a brief appearance as the man who sells Stan and Ollie a boat after they decide to go into business for themselves. The idea is that Stan and Ollie need to re- paint and repair their newly acquired property. It is easier said than done with these two! At one stage, the usual bickering begins to turn a bit nasty but as the fans know, Stan and Ollie ALWAYS stick together in the end. Another comedy masterpiece.
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One Of The Weaker Shorts
Theo Robertson23 April 2004
I`m probably risking a Fatwa against me but I found TOWED IN THE HOLE to be one of the weaker shorts by Stan and Ollie and I`m slightly surprised that it has an average rating of 8.3

I don`t know why I find it one of the weaker shorts . Maybe it`s something to do with a lack of plot development ? The plot can be summed up with " Stan and Ollie try to renovate a boat " , there that`s it , that`s the entire plot so there`s no place for the story really to go with the entire short being carried by slightly sadistic slapstick which of course the boys excell at , but a lack of a supporting cast doesn`t really help much either

Entertaining enough as we see the usual routine of Oliver prat falling and Stan turning to camera and shrugging his shoulders but far from classic L&H. Six out of ten
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Very funny short – a favourite of mine
bob the moo8 July 2003
Laurel and Hardy are travelling fishmongers, selling door to door on the street. Laurel has the idea to cut out the middle man and catch the fish themselves – hence turning pure profit on every fish they sell. They buy an old boat and begin to do it up – with predictable consequences.

From the opening conversation where Hardy asks Laurel to repeat his sensible and good idea and Laurel proceeds to muddle himself (`if we catch the fish, the people wouldn't have to pay and….') I was sold on this short film. The action follows this banter with a fantastic mix of physical humour and the good old double take stuff they do so well. Here the two (styles) really compliment each other – the highlight being when Laurel causes Hardy to become covered in paint and there is an eternity of looks, double takes and pauses before he asks `why did you put that stuff on your face'!

The stuff around the boat is all good and both men do really good work with their looks and their bodies. Hardy shows his class while leaning on the mast of the boat, hears sawing, looks to camera, looks down towards the sound, looks to camera then goes!

Overall this short has everything in it that I love about Laurel and Hardy and should be immediately seen by anyone who is wondering what all the fuss is about!
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excellent Laurel and Hardy fare
planktonrules21 February 2006
This film is highly reminiscent of another Laurel and Hardy short, HELP MATES. They both concern this clumsy and dopey duo trying to fix something. In HELP MATES, it was home repair and here it is fixing up an old sailboat. In fact, now that I think about it, it's pretty much the same film all over again with only some minor differences. This, though, is not that bad, as regardless it is still very entertaining and funny. I particularly liked the paintbrush goatee that Ollie is sporting late in the movie after a mishap. And the ending, is pretty much as you'd expect--a total disaster. This is pure Laurel and Hardy and, like their best material, NOT set to music or a contrived plot--just simple stupidness--the way Laurel and Hardy are meant to be seen.
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"For the first time in our lives we're a success!"
richardchatten24 June 2018
Never was seeing two such decent hard-working fellows lose their entire livelihood such a pleasure to watch. The inventiveness and ingenuity never lets up for a moment.

I saw it today for the first time on a big screen, and was struck too by the freshness lent the film - as with many of their earlier films, like 'Hog Wild' - by being filmed out of doors. After the prologue shot near the intersection of Madison Avenue and Culver Boulevard in Culver City (already familiar from several of their silent shorts), the action relocates to Joe's Junk Yard ("Anything from a Needle to a Battleship Bought Sold and Exchanged"); where the boys curiously start their renovation there & then rather than taking it with them to do up somewhere else.

These scenes were shot in November 1932 on Hal Roach's ranch, the Arnaz ranch (about a mile from the Hal Roach Studio in Culver City) beyond which the land - long since built over - can be seen sloping away towards Robertson Boulevard, along which cars and pedestrians are visible throughout the film making their way oblivious that they're being preserved for all time as part of one of the jewels of screen comedy.
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Laurel & Hawdie
ksf-216 April 2020
Towed in a Hole...a pun on the saying "Toad in a Hole", which is really a dish in england. and has its own web page on ... this is a shortie by laurel & hardy. also guest Billy Gilbert, whose nose and sneeze and over the top acting was featured in a bunch of Abbott & Costello vehicles. Laurel & Hardy decide they should become fishermen, and visit Joe at the junkyard (Gilbert). the usual laurel and hardy antics, pratfalls, gags, and revenge, as they try to fix up the boat to go fishing. Directed by George Marshall, who had a long career, but only directed two Laurel & Hardy films. it's good, although if you've seen one, you've seen them all, compared to today's choices available. kinda fun. shows on various cable channels here and there.
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Another Stan Laurel Idea Explained and Badly Repeated
Hitchcoc15 January 2017
Can it get any better than this. Stan has a great idea. Instead of working for "the Man," they should get a boat and fish themselves, thereby accruing all the profits. Since they have little money, it means buying a piece of junk boat and fixing it up. Actually, their ideas are sound and at times their skills aren't bad...but when it comes to coordination and execution, they are totally lost. As soon as they are finished trying to destroy the boat before getting it launched, things seem ship shape, if you will. But it isn't long before their mutual efforts begin to clash. Of course, as is usually the case, poor Ollie gets the worst of it. He is crunched, glued, painted, and abused. Yes, he did make the mistake of listening to his friend whose track record is anything but solid. I think the fact that their hearts are always in the right place is what made these guys so endearing. They never meant to be nasty to each other. Circumstances just didn't go their way. This effort, with really just them on the screen, except for a short scene with Billy Gilbert, shows them at their absolute best.
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Laurel & Hardy builds a ship of pre-code comedy that sails all the way in their regular form.
Towed In a Hole (1932) : Brief Review -

Laurel & Hardy builds a ship of pre-code comedy that sails all the way in their regular form. 30s was the best decade for Pre-code comedies, especially the first half of the decade. Early 30s saw many great comedies in talkies era and few silent films also found a Praise. Laurel & Hardy did a lot of shorts than feature films, that's one thing which always makes me sad. Because they were almost a decade late for short comedies. Buster Keaton, Charlie Chaplin and Harold Lloys started working in feature in early 20s only so obviously Laurel & Hardy's short in 30s was late. Anyways, everyone had different work mode and identity so let's not compare these comedy legends but yes, the same film in early 20s would have felt much better. Towed In A Hole is a trademark Laurel & Hardy story- A Fine idea going into mess. Although they are successful fishmongers, Stan convinces Ollie that they should become fishermen too - but making a boat seaworthy is not an easy task. Actually, it's bombed down already in the first scene when Stan mentions the idea but later makes sense when they start working on a leaking Ship. The situations are perfect and unintentional. It has got that sense of storyline which doesn't need over-the-top theories in comedy genre. That one thing has always remained just the same in every Laurel & Hardy film. Stan Laurel is little cheesy here but extremely innocent. Couple of times i felt sorry for him despite knowing that he's the one who is creating this mess. Oliver on the other side is smarter compared to Stan but not enough to make things right even if they are simple. Although I found this one less funny than many other L & H films i have seen, i must admit that director George Marshall has done an excellent job. He brought the conviction, he kept it engaging and that's the best any other director could have done with this story. Overall, another Nice comedy by master duo.

RATING - 6.5/10*

By - #samthebestest.
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Laurel & Hardy try to fix a boat in Towed in a Hole
tavm7 April 2023
While Stan & Ollie are successful fish salesmen, Stan suggests they can be even more profitable if they catch their own fish instead of buying them. So they buy a boat named Ruth (after Stan's about-to-be-second-wife) and work on it, with disastrous results, of course! Great slapstick sequences abound with Hardy, of course, getting the brunt of it. This was the last of their three films directed by George Marshall who left Hal Roach Studios after general manager Henry Ginsberg fired him over production delays. He later helmed classic films starring W. C. Fields, Bob Hope, and Martin & Lewis with a couple of solo Jerry Lewis pictures after that team split up. So as we leave Stan & Ollie attempting to go to sea, we'll next see Bud Abbott & Lou Costello at sea in In the Navy.
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Technical aspects greatly overshadow comedic ones
StevePulaski23 September 2014
Towed in a Hole concerns fish salesman Laurel and Hardy, as they drive around in their vehicle, aimless as ever, trying to see if they can sell any fish to make a profit. Laurel, after mustering up more thought than he may have ever in his life, suggests they catch their own fish, rather than splitting the profits with a middle-man who catches the fish for them. Hardy likes the idea, so the two buy a ratty boat from a junkyard and, predictably, problems ensue from the get-go, such as the condition of the boat along with the eventual task of getting it on the water.

This particular Laurel and Hardy short is noteworthy for two key reasons. For one, it has an ingenuous little special effect in the beginning, so serene and quick you may have missed it. It occurs when Hardy throws a bucket at Laurel, who narrowly misses it before the bucket bounces back and whacks Hardy in the face. One can see the primitive video effects employed so that the bucket could "miss" Laurel before hitting Hardy. The other noteworthy element is watching drama unfold in one particular claustrophobic space, which begs to be kept a secret until the short is actually watched. The claustrophobia in the film isn't a very high level, but it provides for notable variety for a duo that stuck to basic shot/setting structure for their shorts.

Other than the previous elements, little noteworthy humor comes out of Towed in a Hole, and when it does, it's derivative of the very shorts Laurel and Hardy have already done and done better. This is the first time where I've seen true technical aspects and footnotes take away from the humor in a comedy short but, in that case, it's just another thing to make Towed in a Hole notable for all reasons that aren't in the comedic department.

Starring: Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy. Directed by: George Marshall.
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something's fishy
lee_eisenberg16 October 2018
The inimitable comic duo decides to work as fishermen, only to have a lot of trouble simply fixing up the boat! It's a safe bet that Laurel and Hardy had a lot of fun filming "Towed in a Hole", especially the end. What's particularly interesting about this one is that aside from an appearance by Billy Gilbert early on, it stars only Stan and Ollie, both doing their usual set of stuff.

Really fun.

PS: Billy Gilbert played Herring in "The Great Dictator".
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There are a couple of basic ways to check vessels for leaks . . .
oscaralbert11 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
. . . and the World of Cinema has covered both of these rudimentary methods of assessing a boat's sea-worthiness. Perhaps the most famous of these two safety drills is what old salts refer to as "the TITANIC method." A TITANIC testing trial involves cramming a couple thousand folks onto a spanking new ship comprised of thin, brittle metal plates held together by questionable rivets. Next, you run this liner pictured on your champagne bottle labels at full speed through the largest field of ice bergs you can find. IF you make it across the Atlantic in one piece, you've passed The TITANIC Challenge. "Stan & Ollie" demonstrate the other major mode of gaining confidence that your junk is "ship-shape" during TOWED IN A HOLE. While your sloop is in dry dock (preferably propped up on land), fill it with water. If the acreage surrounding your hull is not significantly irrigated, you're good to go across the bounding main. (However, many experienced mariners recommend pumping the wet stuff OUT of your water-tight brig BEFORE attempting to move it, as each gallon of water weighs roughly eight pounds.)
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Silly but also very funny
dwf4 August 1999
This is probably my all time fav. L&H short. right from the start with the call of 'Fresh Fish' (toot), this is a 'hoot'. As always, Stan has an idea this time expressed as only Stan can. 'If we had a boat .....'. The bit that makes me howl is when Olly is painting the rudder and Stan is scrubbing the deck and finds the tiller in the way. The pause before 'what did you put that stuff on your face for' is agony!. As for Stan's method of getting his head out from behind the mast... See this one now.
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My personal favourite of their work
markphilo7 September 2018
This short had everything that is L & H.

The whole episode is just about them. No other real cast. So pure interaction of their characters. It had all their trademark gaffs and oddities and just built itself up throughout to the ultimate calamity climax.

Beautifully timed comedy at the top of their game.

Been a pleasure laughing at you lads!
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