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Griffith's emotional hysteria dedicated to the plain, simple and selfless women/girls.
True Heart Susie (1919) : Brief Review -

Griffith's emotional hysteria dedicated to the plain, simple and selfless women/girls. D W Griffith broke most of the barricades in cinema world especially the woman's side of the story. One of his Major achievement is, he broke this mindset that A hero of the has to be 'A Male Star'. Undoubtedly, nobody has told the female stories better than him.. whether it is 'Broken Blossoms' (1919) or 'Way Down East' (1920) or 'Orphams Of The Storm' (1921), he told some hard-hitting stories at that time when audience wasn't even ready for such stuff. This, 'True Heart Susie' is another mind-blowing woman oriented banger from him which is dedicated to all the simple, plain and selfless ladies and thier sacrifices. 'You know that powdered kind, men flirt with them but always marry a simple girl', this intertitle was a big heart-breaker, and the emotional binding around the leading lady was simply terrific. I rolled down some tears in the halfway only and then remaining ones in the climax. Susie, a plain young country girl, secretly loves a neighbor boy, william. she believes in him and sacrifices much of her own happiness to promote his own ambitions, all without his knowledge. With Susie's story D W Griffith actually throws a bomb at the men who follow the artificial external beauty, not pure internal beauty of heart. The intertitles are specially designed as such that it remind you the same things again and again. Lillian Gish as Susie left me speechless. Without any doubt, this is one of the gratest performance of her which means one of the greatest for any actress. I almost cried along with her, the way she sobs, blushes and stares, i was just carried away by her. Overall, a highly sentimental drama which is a Must See for the performances and the kindness of the storyline. Griffith gets my salute.

RATING - 8/10*
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Dear Susie, drop the zero (William) and get with a hero (me).
parkermenn29 January 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Lillian Gish aside, I don't know what is so special about this movie. Apparently D.W. Griffith is so prestigious that our class must see one of his movies. From what I've learned about Griffith, he did not do anything completely original or innovative in his films, but he simply took all the innovative ideas and techniques from his time period and combined them. On that note I can't recall anything that struck me as particularly innovative. That is probably because I am a modern viewer and I have already seen anything that may have been cutting edge at the time of the film's making. Maybe the professor could have pointed out some of these things, but I remain clueless.

One technique that is very obvious is the use of tinting to show whether it is daytime or nighttime. Dark blue tint is used for night and a yellowish hue for day and indoor shots.

Lillian Gish, however, did stand out. Even though Griffith kept referring to her as plain and inferred that the other woman was more attractive, I felt the opposite was true. Susie was beautiful and Bettina was ordinary. William was an idiot. Susie deserves better. The credited writer is Marian Freemont. The story is lackluster, but she does a wonderful job with Gish's pious character. Gish does even better executing that character. Her acting is subtle and we can see her emotions clear as day with close up shots. This combination is the only redeeming quality of the film. The viewer cares for Susie and her plight. I suppose Griffith deserves credit as well. Actually I don't know who deserves the most credit. Directors and stars seem to get the publicity and the writer is seen as an afterthought. Maybe it's all about teamwork. Who knows? Meow!
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Excellent Griffith film
scsu197529 November 2022
Susie is in love with William Jenkins, although he doesn't seem to notice. When William decides he wants to go to college, Susie sells the family cow and sends the money to William, making him believe it is from another benefactor. When William finishes college, he returns and takes up the position of minister. Susie believes she will marry William, but he takes up with a girl named Bettina and eventually marries her. Bettina is no good. Yet, Susie does nothing to break them up, and even lies to protect Bettina. Will William finally learn the truth about his wife, and will Susie finally land him?

This is a solid film, helped along tremendously by the fine performances turned in by Gish and Harron. The pair had previously teamed together in several Griffith films, and this is another opportunity for the two to shine. Gish is lovely, Harron very handsome as the boy with no clue.

Griffith uses the same trick he used in earlier films, making Harron age later in the movie by giving him a moustache. It is hackneyed, but it works. The close-ups of Gish are remarkable. In one scene, she keeps opening and closing her eyes when she spies William and Bettina together, not wanting to see what happens, but still curious enough to take a slight peek.

Clarine Seymour, as Bettina, is also very good. For Harron and Seymour, they each had only two films left in their careers before their premature deaths.
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Timeless masterpiece
Kalaman7 June 2002
"True Heart Susie" is one of my top five or four favorite silent films -a timeless masterpiece of simple beauty and innocence. Set in small rural town in America, it is about a simple and devoted young woman "True Heart Susie" (Lillian Gish, in what is perhaps her finest performance) who makes painful sacrifices to promote her next door neighbor and ignorant love William Jenkins (Robert Harron) to college. This is D.W. Griffith at his peak. There isn't a scene in the this marvellously lyrical film that never attains emotional beauty and resonance. It may not have the technical invention and epic sprawl of "Birth of a Nation" or "Intolerance" or "Way Down East" but it remains one of the most honest and beautiful films I have ever seen.

A work of art you don't want to miss.
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Up until the very contrived ending, I had really enjoyed this film.
planktonrules24 May 2010
It's rare that the ending of a film can undo so much of the rest of the movie, but "True Heart Susie" by D.W. Griffith is one of those films. It's really a shame, as the movie had been quite good up until that point and had a lot to recommend it.

The film begins with Lillian Gish wanting to help her sweetheart (Robert Harron) get the money for college. When a rich guy meets Harron and promises to one day help him (but doesn't), Gish decides she'll be his benefactor--secretly giving him money he assumes is from this rich man. Using the money Gish obtained by selling her farm animals, Harron is able to work on campus and earn enough to get his education. When he returns, he's now an ordained minister and appears ready to settle down in his home town. However, he still doesn't know that Gish helped him. She assumes they'll one day marry, but he never has popped the question.

When a flirty lady bent on marriage arrives in town, Gish's subtle and lady-like ways are no match. Even though it's obvious to the viewers that this new lady is a tramp (as you see her doing lots of evil things behind Harron's back), the guy never realizes his new girlfriend is just plain bad. Now you'd think that Gish would lay it on the line and just tell him that she paid for his education as well as her love for him, but she doesn't. Perhaps she only wants him if he wants her--perhaps this is just a plot device! Either way, Gish is simply beautiful and sweet in the film and it's hard to imagine Harron marrying the tramp...but he does.

The marriage soon turns out to be a huge mistake, as the new wife really could care less about being married or any aspect of domesticity. Harron, though, is easily manipulated and time after time, his cheating, no-good, scumtastic wife breaks her marriage vows--partying with old friends, kissing other men and just being a skank.

Now up until this part, I'd liked the film. It had nice production values and very nice acting. I thought Griffith had done himself proud. Then, however, bad writing really sunk the film. First, when Gish sees that the new wife is a cheat, she does NOT tell Harron. This is odd, but perhaps understandable. However, when the cheating wife is caught out in the rain (as she'd sneaked out to go partying), Gish actually agrees to help the wife hide her actions. Why?! This made no sense. Second, and this was dumb, Gish didn't tell Harron a thing. Third, and this was just awful, the cheating wife gets sick and dies as a result of her being out in the rain!! This is the sort of death that can only happen in movies and just seemed to come from no where. Fourth, after the awful wife dies, Gish STILL doesn't say anything to Harron!!! However, you know that somehow it will all work out--and the entire last 10 minutes of the film is a mess--and it's a shame, as the rest of it was lovely.
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A Chick-Flick Ahead of It's Time
FightinTexasAggies12 May 2010
Warning: Spoilers
D.W. Griffith's True Heart Susie, is an overall interesting movie. I believe it was the first of the many "chick-flick" genre movies that are seen today. The story of Susie is one that seems to be very sad. Throughout watching this film, I felt very bad for her. She portrays the life of the cliché; you want the man of your dreams but are never able to attain him because he only sees you as just a friend.

The man, whom Susie is after in this film, I believe, was the perfect choice for his role. Griffith did a great job casting. The woman whom he casted to be the lying seductress, was very convincing in her role as well. In the end, Susie gets the man whom she has loved and admired all along. Looking at this film in the perspective of this day in age, I question why Griffith made a film with a story line is so cliché. But then I remember just how long ago this film was made, 1919, and it becomes clear to me that it shows just how ahead of his time Griffith was.
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True Heart Susie
Keltxangel4 May 2010
I really enjoyed True Heart Susie, it was an interesting movie that kept my attention the whole time and had me rooting for Susie from beginning to end. In the beginning, I thought it would be a simple love story between Susie and her neighbor, but then the story unravels into a "will they or won't they" kind of a story. My favorite part of the movie is when Susie convinces her aunt that they should sell their cow so that the neighbor can go off to college. It was humbling to see that she sent him the money without ever really telling him that she did it, even when he came over to excitingly tell her that some mysterious person sent him a check with enough money to go to college. As the film goes on, I started to feel sorry for Susie because it seemed like she was a genuine girl who was in love with someone that didn't really even notice her. I feel like a lot of people could identify with her and that is why the film may have become so popular.
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a lovely old fashioned film
fred3f10 January 2006
First, let's understand what kind of film this is. It is a movie about old fashioned values and the people who held them. You will not see much action, sex or blood in this film. It is silent, not of the best quality (it is old) and in black and white. However, if none of that bothers you particularly, you will find that it is a sincere film, exciting in its own way, and one that rings deep and true in a way that films seldom do.

The acting is particularly good. One reviewer here said to watch it for the stars, and that is certainly a good reason to watch it. Bobby Harron, does a wonderful job of playing a sincere and naive young man who is fooled by a week and superficial woman. He has an extremely sensitive face and when you look at him you seem to be able to see into his very soul.

Lillian Gish plays the shy, plain and simple girl who loves him. In her scenes with Harron, they had a chemistry which fills the screen. She starts out as plain girl, but about half way through the film she starts to look pretty. It is a gradual transformation and she pulls it off remarkably well, gradually accenting her better features and holding her body more gracefully. She also seems to grow as a person in the film. She starts out as an awkward child living in a fantasy world where she imagines that she is loved more than she actually is. As the film progresses, she learns to face reality, to learn how to look pretty and act gracefully without changing who she is. None of this is accomplished in any great dramatic way. It is accomplished the way these things are often done in real life, quietly, by small incidents which are important to the person but not that important to anyone else. But when these incidents occur, you see a slight physical change on the surface, but somehow she also shows you a dramatic change deep inside her whole being. How she accomplishes this is a mystery to me and one of the miracles of acting.

At one time Lillian remarked that "Virgins are the hardest roles to play. those dear little girls - to make them interesting takes great vitality, but a fallen woman or a vamp!-75 per cent of your work is already done." Lilian played all three, virgins, vamps and fallen women - and played them well. Here she plays perhaps her most difficult virgin. A girl who has nothing extraordinary to distinguish her except her quiet love for Robert. Well, remarkably enough, she makes the role interesting and sympathetic. I don't know an actress today who could do it.

As good a Lilian is, she nearly has the film stolen from her by Clarine Seymour who plays the the "vamp" in this film. Well, perhaps 75% of her work is already done, but she supplies the other 25% with great enthusiasm. She never makes the mistake of making her character hateful. That would make the character too one dimensional. She shows us, instead, a charming woman who is too week to resist temptation and too cowardly to tell the truth. Thus, she ruins her own life and nearly all the lives around her. You hate her for her weakness but you love her for her charm and beauty. She walks that tightrope between charm and evil perfectly.

Aside from the acting there are other things to like about this forgotten gem. The camera work by Bitzer is almost beyond belief, when you consider when it was done. He could create moods with the camera that make you think he was inside the actors thoughts.

Let us also remember the director. Griffith was a director that worked in concepts. In a film like this, where he was using his best actors and crew, he would not tell them how to play it. He would give them the concept he wanted and let them create it. If he didn't like what they did, he would go over it again and they would try again. By doing this he filled the set with the atmosphere of the film and everyone was attune to it. This shows in the film and the way the tension builds between characters as their lives play out. A palpable universe is created here.

If what Lillian said about virgins is true, the same can be said about a film that tries to portray simple, honest values. The film succeeds in doing this very well. If you enjoy this kind of film then I would seek this one out, it is really remarkable.

When I first wrote this comment, there were no commercially available copies of this film on DVD. Since then it has been issued in an excellent version. Highly recommended for film buffs and people who appreciate real things.
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iquine1 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
(Flash Review)

Love in the 19-teens was a different world. Normal lil' Susie has a glimmer in her eye for her neighbor William. They go out for soda and ice cream a few times and she is thinking this is my future husband. William is boneheaded with the ladies. He is afraid to move in for the kiss and is easily wooed away from Susie by other ladies while out with Susie. Susie does a lot of nice things for William, without him knowing, thus he never fully understands her true feelings. Will William get his act together or will he make a move for a girl of 'paint and powder' as they describe a non-genuine lady in that era? Cute little romantic tale from 1919. Emotions told well without words.
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Minor Griffith?
boblipton16 January 2003
True, there are no big set pieces. We don't see Richard Barthelmess leaping from ice floe to ice floe, we don't see the Little Colonel ramming a Confederate battle flag down a cannon's mouth. What we see are faces: a small boy watching a church elder eat ice cream; Robert Harron, exultant at getting a scholarship; and, of course, Lilian Gish. She walks funny. Her outfits are ridiculous and True Heart Susie is, let's face it, not very bright, but she feels deeply and we feel with her.

What more, really, can you ask for in a movie? You get beautifully composed pictures, a fluid story, fine acting.... two years later Henry King would tread the same ground with TOL'ABLE David and produce a masterpiece that is not as funny and warm as this.

Minor Griffith? If so, there are few major directors besides Griffith.
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The Beginning of the End.
kbunck7 February 2011
Warning: Spoilers
The second that William married Bettina I knew she'd have to die. I'm not being melodramatic just truthful this movie was made and takes place in the early 20th century; no one got divorced back then, the only way that marriage was going to break up was for either William or Bettina to die. I only hoped for Susie's sake that it would be Bettina. Although, with the careless fashion that William treated her love and sacrifices it might have been better for Susie, if William was the one to die. Susie believed that her happiness was directly related to William, this displays the mindset of the time that women need men to be happy, and is proved as the movies "happy ending" has Susie marrying William, and though it is no longer the mindset of the American public that a women needs a man to be happy, it is still a myth perpetrated by Hollywood as most films still contain this classic "happy ending". If William had died and was out of the picture Susie might have been able to live her life for herself, instead of for William. Throughout the movie every action Susie makes is directly related to William. Whether she's selling her cow to send him to school, or protecting his wife, all her choices are made with William in mind. We never see what Susie wants, besides of course, her desire to marry Williams, which might just have stemmed from a childhood crush; that would have passed if she had not made it her life goal to make sure William got everything he wanted. We learn very little about Bettina except that she's selfish and thinks only of herself, a direct opposite to Susie, who cares only for William and her Aunt. This comparison between Bettina and Susie is alluded to several times throughout the movie, each time with Susie coming out on top. I believe the director did this to keep us from bonding with Bettina, so we would not care when she died and resent Susie her happiness. All in all not a bad movie, pay special attention to the title cards they're hilarious.
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Just Plain Susie versus The Paint and Powder Brigade
movingpicturegal21 September 2007
Charming and sentimental soap opera introduced as "The Story of a Plain Girl". Well, Susie (the so-called "plain girl", played by Lillian Gish) and William (Robert Harron) are two country teens who seem to be best pals having a small little romance as she walks home from school with him and he carves their initials on a tree - seems sweet, right? But then again, she pretty much trails behind him as they walk (like his shadow) and he pretty much pulls away as they start to kiss (bashful or just not interested - it's hard to tell). He dreams of going to college, she secretly sells her cow and other goods (after all, she "must" marry a smart man) and sends him the money under the guise that it is from a "philanthropist" they previously met in town. He comes back grown-up, with mustache - she secretly writes of plans to marry him in her diary and keeps it a secret about who his real benefactor was. But - enter one flirty Bettina: she believes in paint, powder, tight skirts, and silk stockings. Young William, now ready for marriage, unbelievably asks surprised Bettina to become his wife. Oh dear, poor Susie. But it doesn't exactly work out the way he hopes!

This is a really sweet and entertaining film - I like it a bunch. Lillian Gish is quite a bit too pretty to really seem realistic as "plain", but they manage to braid and slick down her hair in the earlier scenes, and with her shuffling along and the like, it almost works - and she's great in the part, of course. The character of Bettina is not really in the vein of "evil vamp" or anything like that - she's really just an immature young girl who likes to party and flirt and just isn't ready to settle down with a house and husband yet. Clarine Seymour, who plays Bettina, is really excellent in this film - she completely brings her character to life and even manages to make what appears to be a man-stealing home-wrecker into a sympathetic character. It is hard to forget while watching this film, the early deaths of two of the stars here, Harron and Seymour, in only a year's time. The art direction and camera-work nicely captures the rural setting and youthful faces of the stars. The Kino DVD of this film features a clear, tinted print that looks great - the music is a nicely done score by the Mont Alto orchestra featuring contemporary tunes, which completely suits this film. An emotional, absorbing, and at all times enjoyable silent film.
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DW Griffith and Susie
azuremorningsky10 May 2010
Warning: Spoilers
True Heart Susie is a film directed by DW Griffith in 1919. True heart Susie is about a young girl (Susie) who has her sights set on her childhood friend and next door neighbor, a young man who goes to the same school as her. Susie is a shy girl and is not able to tell the boy right out that she likes him so instead Susie does everything she can to help the boy anonymously. For example, Susie sells her cow in order to send the boy money to go to college. Susie's plan backfires and the boy is married off to an unfaithful wife and its up to Susie to get the boy of her dreams back. Susie was a good film and had several truly shining moments, the humor was quaint and the plot was slow at times but the movie kept me interested all the way through. While this is a good film and DW Griffith is considered one of the premier directors of his time, I am cautious to recommend many of his other films and would discourage anyone from seeing his film Birth of a Nation. Unless you seriously entertain thoughts of white supremacy being a valid viewpoint you will be offended by this film, which is quite vocal in its support of the KKK.
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Lillian Gish and Robert Harron
drednm16 April 2005
Both major stars in 1919, this bucolic tale by D.W. Griffith was old-fashioned even when it was made, but its simple charms and top stars make it worth a look. The girl loves the boy, helps him thru college without his knowledge, but he marries another. But because she has a true heart, she prevails. Gish has a few nice scenes, and Harron is good as the confused boy. Clarine Seymour is good as the bad girl (powder and paint!). Not much action but the scenes carry you along and Gish is watchable in anything. Harron was exceptional in Intolerance a few years earlier, and died soon after this film (gun shot wounds)as did Clarine Seymour--both in 1920!. Kate Bruce, Loyola O'Connor, and Carold Dempster co-star.
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True Heart Susie
carolinecuny3 April 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I enjoyed True Heart Susie. Despite some slightly outdated points of view, like the fact that Susie just waits around for a man and gives everything she has to be with him, and the fact that Bettina is scandalous for dancing, all in all it was a pretty sweet story. It was sad how William would never kiss Susie, although he had no problem kissing her Aunt. I also found it peculiar that the only way William could end it with Bettina was that she had to die. Even though he suspected her of foul play and was starting to discover that he really loved Susie, to end it with her would have been scandalous. Now days in a movie, he would probably discover her in the act of cheating and divorce her. One of the most interesting things about this movie to me was the title cards. I didn't realize this until after the movie was over and we were discussing it in class the next day but an explanation for the title cards being the way they were was that they were describing the characters from their own perspectives. So when it calls Susie plain, that is because that is how Susie sees herself. Another example of this was when the title describes Bettina as "a little unfaithful." During the movie I was a little confused by this, because the whole movie had been portraying Bettina as an evil harlot, and then all of the sudden she is just "a little unfaithful." The explanation that the title card is her image of herself makes a lot more sense. An other part of the movie that I found funny, was the cooking scene when Bettina overcooks the meat that looks disgusting, and Susie makes the amazing meal. That is the beginning of when William begins to develop feelings for Susie.
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Sweet Heart Susie
wadih_ws30 April 2011
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D.W. Griffith's True Heart Susie was a masterpiece in the silent era; it's a love story between a boy and a girl who grow up together. Like most cases in life a girl loves a boy, but that boy doesn't know or pay attention to it. This film is no different from that. As well as another girl who tries to steal the guy away, sounds pretty close to our life today. But one difference, the girl wont say anything about how she feels about him and the other girl succeeds for the most part on stealing him from her. But from the start of this film she believes in him such as how most women today believe in their husband or boyfriend, but True Heart Susie shows why she has True Heart in her name when she sacrifices much of her own happiness to help him succeed in what he wants. This film was filmed with some scenes that are more normal back then, but are outrageously funny now a day. But this film was easy to keep track of and is a great film and I enjoyed it fully. I even wondered while watching this, if they could possibly remake this film with sound and more modern. This film has a lot of potential of being great, but there are some minor adjustments it needs, but I'm sure because the lack of technology back then that's what caused it. This film has a lot of similarities to the world we live in today other than a few things. Such as a girl falling for a boy who didn't now about how she felt and ends up falling for another. But D.W. Griffith had some key components in this film that would make it successful, he knew what the audiences' wanted and he gave it to them.
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True Heart Susie
jrmontalvo38 May 2011
Warning: Spoilers
D.W. Griffith was a Silent films era genius, this man created masterpieces. In this film, it is a love story between a little boy and little girl, who grow up together, this love story has a little of a spin to it. Most love stories it takes a little for them to both realize they love each other and for them to end up together. Well in True Heart Susie, Susie is in love with William who has no clue that she has those feelings for him, although she makes it as obvious as possible for him to actually understand her feelings he still does not understand. Well William tries going to college, but doesn't have the funding to be able to get into college, Susie finds out this information and sales her beloved cow that was passed to her from her mother as she died, this cow had great meaning to Susie but she sold it to get money for William to be able to go to college. William gets into college and moves away, when he returns from college he has finally been educated, but when William returns from his college life he comes back with a new women he is married to named Betty Hopkins who is only marrying him for his money and has affairs with him behind his back. Susie catches Betty, but loves William so much she can't tell him and therefore keeps her mouth shut, until one night Betty lies to William and leaves the house to go party. She didn't realize she lost her house key and was locked out in the rain and nasty weather for hours until she went to Susie's later on she would catch pneumonia. After Betty passes away Susie's aunt finally explains everything to William who then marries Susie. The way this movie catches you isn't only through the love story drams, but how you can follow Susie's emotions like you can almost feel what she is feeling, that is what makes True Heart Susie Significant silent film.
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Watch it for the Stars
overseer-326 December 2003
A rare chance to see Robert "Bobby" Harron perform on film. Most of his silent films have been lost. He died tragically, at the height of his popularity, at only 27 years of age. He was a handsome young fellow who definitely makes an impression in this film. Lillian Gish's character is almost too long-suffering to be believed, but somehow she makes it work through little flashes of humor and tenderness. My favorite scene: she takes the minister's wife into bed with her to save her from being locked out of her home on a frigid, cold, rainy night. As the wife sleeps, Lillian (in love with the husband herself), clenches her hand into a fist, and for a moment considers pummeling her rival, but instead the pure love of her heart wins out, and she reaches out for the sleeping wife and hugs her close, caressing her.

Watch "True Heart Susie" to see its stars shine. The story is simple, but it will capture your attention immediately and give you a chance to see yet another classy silent film with heart.
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True Heart Susie
butler-britney4 May 2010
Warning: Spoilers
True Heart Susie (D.W. Griffith, US 1919, 87 min.) was such an entertaining film. This film is definitely one of the few silent films I have seen that I could really sympathize with characters. Lillie Gish plays Susie who is in love with the young man William Jenkins, played by Robert Harron. William Jenkins is blind of Susie's intentions because he is focusing on academics and eventually he becomes infatuated with a rather fast woman, Bettina played by Clarine Seymour.

Lillie Gish's acting really impressed me. A few times her facial expressions and reaction such as in jealousy were so hilarious. With those few exceptions I really identified with her character. The ideas of conflicting times really interested me. I felt the character William represented much of society. The idea of society getting swept up in the new and fun is one that would eventually get much attention. The country was being introduced to shorter dresses, parties, and an emphasis on materials, which would be represented by Bettina, a flapper girl of the modern times.

In a way I also identified with Clarine Seymour's character Bettina. The idea of freedom, parties, and a lack of responsibility seem extremely attractive to me, especially as a college student. Yet as the story unfolds the audience can't help but identify with the old-fashion Susie. Bettina proves to be unfaithful and lack any adherence to commitment, where as Susie waited loyally for William until the end.

I wonder if Griffith intended for these representations. Whether they were intended or something accidentally, Griffith's work is beautifully shot, well structured, and an overall entertaining film.
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The Height of Sentimentality
wes-connors15 December 2007
Lillian Gish (as True Heart Susie) is an ordinary country girl; she is in love with typical "boy-next-door" Robert Harron (as William Roberts). The film begins with a series of seemingly silly, sentimental, and hopelessly old-fashioned observations about the relationships between men and women like "True Heart Susie" and "William Roberts". Director D.W. Griffith astutely notes, "Of course they don't know what poor simple idiots they are -- and, we, who have never been so foolish, an hardly hope to understand…"

You can tell, early on, that minister-to-be Harron is not really interested, romantically, in Gish. Harron prefers the "kind" of woman later idealized by Clarine Seymour (as Bettina). Ms. Seymour leads a fine supporting cast, as the painted and partying "other woman". Gish tries "power and stockings", but it is not in her character. When she accidentally chances upon Harron and Seymour kissing, Gish realizes circumstances are beyond her control, and Harron is lost to her -- this is followed by an incredible close-up of Gish, which defies description.

With "True Heart Susie", director Griffith and company achieve "non-epic" perfection. In its own way, the film is as "epic" as the director's "Intolerance" (1916). Ms. Gish and Mr. Harron are superb, as usual; though they are young adults, they are thoroughly convincing as opening-scene schoolchildren. The performances are almost outerworldly; especially, after Harron expresses discontent, and Gish reacts. Gish's reactions are particularly amazing; in fact, this may be her most supreme silent-era achievement, besting her own performance in the recently released "Broken Blossoms" (1919). If "Best Actress" awards were given out in 1919, Lillian Gish's "True Heart Susie" might have won over her own lead performance in "Broken Blossoms".

Truly classic.

********** True Heart Susie (6/1/19) D.W. Griffith ~ Lillian Gish, Robert Harron, Clarine Seymour, Loyola O'Connor
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You can't turn a milliner into a homemaker
CoolReviewBro28 January 2011
Warning: Spoilers
In line with The Supremes and Phil Collins, this film shows that indeed, one can't hurry love. In True Heart Susie you will witness an awkward love triangle filled with jealousy, confusion, foolishness, deceit, and a yearning for love that burns, burns, and burns Miss Susie's pure, one track heart. While the aforementioned description may seem like something along the lines of Fatal Attraction, True Heart Susie is not that kind of "romantic thriller." While other critics may chastise this reviewer's characterization of True Heart Susie as a "romantic thriller," it is indeed that.

Susie's love for William puts an entirely unique and personal touch to the idea of a romantic film so much so that Susie's emotionally intense close-ups may even elicit the viewer to recall their own personal moments of unrequited love, romantic frustration, and blossoming passion (thus making this movie a "romantic thriller" for its sometimes "too close to home" personal feel. Indeed, no other scene in the film is as powerful as when Susie witnesses that her beloved William has engaged her rival Bettina (a capricious, party loving, insincere, and unfaithful milliner from Chicago with the dress and appearance akin to a 1920s flapper indulgent in the decadence of the nightlife). Upon the realization that her love has chosen the wrong woman, poor Susie sulks in gut-wrenching despair so powerful that Susie hunches as her stomach recoils in emotional exhaustion. Any person who has witnessed an unrequited love in the embrace of another knows this feeling and Susie aptly displays the true emotions of a hopeless romantic frustrated with the cold reality that can be "love."

As awful as all this may sound, know that the story does end in a somewhat positive regard as William is enlightened to Susie's endearing support and Bettina's unfaithfulness. While you won't regard this movie as the "BEST ROMANTIC MOVIE OF ALL TIME" you will indeed respect the film for it's simplicity, personal feel, charm, and coy wit. It is indeed one of D.W. Griffith's finest films.
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Sentimental Impressions
Cineanalyst27 November 2009
This is a gem among the smaller productions from D.W. Griffith's oeuvre. It's similar to "A Romance of Happy Valley", also a coming-of-age romance set in the countryside, which Griffith made with the same costars and released earlier in 1919. Griffith often turned to rural romance and such sentimental melodramas for his films. In this one, Lillian Gish is again self-sacrificing, pitiful and supposedly plain in appearance, while Robert Harron goes to the city to make good--this time to college to become his hometown's preacher. Gish and Harron had these roles down pat, and their translations from awkward teenagers to adulthood is especially impressive here, accomplished with costume changes and a mustache for Harron, but mostly just by their convincing performances. The film doesn't specifically address how much time the narrative covers, but it seems to be years, so there is considerable character development. In addition to Gish and Harron, Clarine Seymour is good in the part of a flapper, who steals Harron away from Gish.

Thanks to the quality Image Entertainment / Film Preservation Associates release, G.W. Bitzer's lovely photography is now more apparent. One slight criticism here that I have is the odd use of soft focus in a few places, such as in a couple long shots and for one close-up of Harron, which blur his image; otherwise, it's a fine technique, which Bitzer and camera operator Karl Brown had learned from Hendrik Sartov in making "Broken Blossoms", another Griffith-Gish film made and released earlier in 1919 (clearly, 1919 was a great year for this team artistically). Similarly, the film's pace and editing are commendable, including interloping the various paths of the characters and one particularly good match cut where Gish walks from her field cut to her walking in her house. Yet, some of the editing appears jumpy in places, although some of that could be due to missing frames, and there's a brief continuity error during the shot where Seymour is trying to get inside her house during a rainstorm--the door is locked, yet we briefly see her push the door open. Such slight sloppiness in film-making doesn't distract much, though. Title cards are a bit too much here, in frequency and storytelling (e.g. why call the characters idiots?), something that's a problem in other Griffith films, too. To finish my listing on the technical aspects of "True Heart Susie", it also features a well-constructed rainstorm, which seems to be an early and good example of one created artificially, with heavy rain, lightning effects and good continuity.

"True Heart Susie" is one of Griffith's better films; it treads familiar territory, but is better constructed and developed narratively and technically. Its real genius, however, is the acting, which makes this one especially sentimentally affecting. Gish is exceptionally brilliant; it seems that any film she's in will be worth watching at least just for her part.
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True Heart Susie Summary and Opinion
eksrox-40-90228628 April 2011
Warning: Spoilers
True Heart Susie is one of the most beautifully crafted early silent films. It does not put so much emphasis on the story, but rather the formation of the characters. The story begins with Susie being obviously infatuated with a young man named William Jenkins, but he is clueless to her deep feelings. She keeps her love for him discreet while she pays for his college tuition. He leaves town leaving Susie upset. When he returns, William marries another woman named Betty Hopkins. Betty is high maintenance and mean, and after awhile becomes very difficult for William to live with. William is a very clueless guy and is portrayed as an innocent boy whose intentions are not to hurt anybody. But Susie becomes totally heartbroken. The film focuses on Susie's up-close facial expressions. This was the first time in film that the up close shots were really utilized for film. Small non-verbals were a key to telling not just the story, but rather the emotion of Susie's one-sided romance. An example of this is when Susie kicks up her foot out of disappointment when she is walking with William. Also, when she is overhearing people talk and she is outside the door, the camera zooms in on her face, and she gives a series of very descriptive quick facial movements that indicate surprise, distress, and disappointment. After many days of being love sick and agonizing over her lost love, Susie's aunt can no longer take her pain and decided to help Susie. She tells William how Susie paid for his education and how she has loved him for a long time. William becomes so overwhelmed with emotion; he then takes her in his arms and promises her forever.
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Lillian Gish's performance was fabulous
cocomariev9 May 2011
"True Heart Susie" was one of my favorite silent films that I watched during my class. This cute love story follows the lives of William and Susie. By the end of the film I found myself loving Lillian Gish's character (Susie). She sacrifices a lot in order to win William's heart over. I thought that Lillian Gish did a fabulous job throughout the entire movie. In the beginning of the film, Susie (Lillian Gish) tried to kiss William (Robert Harron) in a number of scenes and both characters did a wonderful job at creating awkward moments. I thought they did a fabulous job at making the audience feel uncomfortable as we watched Susie repeatedly getting denied by William. Griffith did a wonderful job at capturing Susie's emotion throughout the movie. The close up shots that were taken really enhanced emotion throughout the film and I found myself feeling genuinely sorry for her. During the movie, we hope and expect that Susie and William end up together, but when William meets Betty our prediction of the movie changes. The movie ends rather dramatically and unexpectedly which I favored because we always assume that endings are happy. This was the only silent film that I have watched where I felt connected to one of the characters. Lillian Gish did such a good job at grabbing the audiences attention through her facial expressions that I found myself hating Betty and feeling extremely sad when her and William got married. I don't think Griffith could have chosen a better actress to play Susie. I would definitely recommend watching this movie just to see Gish's performance. Griffith did a fabulous job at making this a sweet yet unexpected love story that captured my attention fabulously. If you're going to watch a silent film, I would definitely say that this is the one to watch!
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Heartfelt honesty
TheLittleSongbird25 May 2020
Silent films have fascinated me for quite some time now and there are some truly fine ones, some revolutionary technically or in terms of subject. Not all are great and one can see why a few, with one notable example, are notorious. The best of DW Griffith's work is among the best, and Griffith gets more interesting as a director the more that has been seen of his (short and feature films). We also have Griffith regular Lillian Gish, among the greatest silent film actresses, in the lead role.

'True Heart Susie' is worthy of more attention but it is lovely to see others here fond of it as well. As far as Griffith films go, it is towards the top. It isn't one of his most important or revolutionary, and it is not one of the most influential silent films out there, but for sheer charm, elegant simplicity and emotion 'True Heart Susie' fits the bill more than excellently. In its own way, to me it is a wonderful film and one of my standout recent film viewings and that's meant in the best of ways.

It is a lovely looking film, just love the intimacy of the camera work that was also very accomodating to the actors (especially Gish) and how varied the atmosphere created is. The editing is also remarkably fluid and succinct. Griffith's direction is understated but never dull, it's been more unique in other films of his but you can still tell that there is a solid master of his craft here.

Furthermore, the story is beautifully handled. It's slight but this is a case of slight never mattering, with some other films it does matter but is dependent on how everything else is executed and how the rest of the story fares otherwise. Because the story in 'True Heart Susie' grabs from the get go and is always involving. It also is immensely charming and has a big heart that allows for some subtly poignant moments. Also thought that the characters were interesting and easy to relate to, amazing considering that on paper they do sound very one-dimensional (even the name of the titular character is a give away) and ones that one can get frustrated by.

Not the case surprisingly here. It is not easy making virtuous characters and vampish ones complex. It is easy for the former to be very passive and lacking in personality and it is also easy to make the latter annoying and overdone. Remarkably 'True Heart Susie' avoids both, as the titular character is easy to root for and Bettina provides some welcome levity.

Gish's role fits her and her acting style like the smoothest pair of gloves, she was a very beguiling actress and so easy to be touched by and this is another performance of hers that is deeply felt and charming. Clarine Seymour is a real scene stealer and is very amusing yet never overacts. It is easy to overlook Robert Harron, with a not as interesting character but actually he gives a very sensitive and nuanced turn that doesn't feel bland at all. Love the well balanced chemistry between him and Gish.

Overall, wonderful. 10/10
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