29 April 2024
As a long-time admirer of Janella's works, I was eagerly anticipating her performance in Under Parallel Skies. And she did not disappoint. Having followed her career since her early days in Be Careful with My Heart to The Killer Bride and Mallari, I've always recognized her great potential. But in this film, she truly surpassed all expectations. She showed a level of maturity and skill that made me admire her even more. From Iris' infectious energy to her moments of quiet introspection, Janella portrayed Iris with a sense of complexity that makes her relatably human. Her role in this film is a testament to her versatility as an actress. While most of us know her for her fierce roles, she showed us a new side of her that is refreshing to see.

Aside from that, I saw her grow both as an actress and a person throughout the course of this film. It's clear that she has not only honed her craft but also developed a deeper understanding of herself as an artist. I have to say that I have a new found respect for her. More so after watching this film, it is true what people say-she is and has always been one of the industry's most promising actresses.

Meanwhile, as an avid fan of Win, it's only fitting that I share my thoughts on his latest work. Now, I'll try to be as unbiased as possible, but let's face it, my admiration for him runs deep.

From the moment Win graced the screen in this movie, he effortlessly exceeded my already high expectations. It's become somewhat of a thing for him to outshine himself in every acting project, and this film was no exception. In fact, I could say that this is his best acting performance throughout the years.

What I've always admired most about Win is his ability to truly internalize his characters. Whether he's portraying a bubbly persona, which seems to come naturally to him given his infectious real-life personality, or exuding a certain charm that makes hearts flutter, Win always delivers with authenticity.

One aspect of Win's acting prowess that I believe deserves a special mention, especially in this movie, is his mastery of microexpressions. Watching him on the big screen where his film shots are magnified, I couldn't help but notice how he flawlessly executed these subtle nuances that added depth and realism to his character.

And let's talk about Win's English proficiency in the film. While some may have expected a more polished delivery, I found his fluency and clear diction to be refreshingly authentic. It perfectly captured how relationships between individuals from different cultures work, where language barriers are part of the journey, making it beautifully imperfect in its own right.

There's one part of the film where Win truly shined for me. His acting left me spellbound. Every emotion was heartfelt, every word resonated, to the point I cried-making it my most favorite part of the film. With that acting performance, it's no question that he is a rising star of today's generation.
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