Star Trek: Enterprise: Cold Station 12 (2004)
Season 4, Episode 5
Reprehensible Premise
23 April 2024
A few ENT episodes have felt atavistic on this rewatch. This one calls back to debates about genetic engineering, abortion, and stem cell research that this show has delved into before. Unfortunately it handles them with the intelligence of a rabid dog. There are hamfisted attempts to comment on the 'grey' area of genetic research, but only enough to let us know that in the end it was good that bioconservatism won out. In an age where this sort of technology is possible, but laws threaten to prevent its use in cases where it could be medically helpful, this episode lands like a wet fart.

Let me be clear: this episode doesn't so much say that CRISPR-type tech, used with the intent of creating a super-race, is bad bad. It does seem to say that attempting to cure genetic disorders is bad. There is something repugnant about this future.
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